As promised, a Lily update from the doctor yesterday:
“Miss Lily looks very good- she is continuing to gain back weight and other than her platelet count being too high, her labwork looks good. We will drop back on her prednisone and continue to wean this down every other week.”
For those of you wondering, her WBC count was 18.3, NEUT 16.6, HCT 29.2, and her platelet count was near a million. As far as her weight, she was 7.76 KG (17.11 lbs), which is just 2 shy of where she was for most of her life.
On to the birds- it was overcast all day and I could not really get a good picture without the flash, so here you go:
There’s just no room in that nest anymore. And here is a bonus picture of Thurston, relaxing on his preferred roost. I don’t even bother to fix the curtains and the pillow anymore because he just opens them and flattens the pillow to his liking:
And that’s all on the pet front.
Afore I fergits, a Happy Manhattanhenge to all.
That’s such good news about the lovely Miss Lily. I have no idea what those numbers signify, but if the vet’s happy and you’re happy and Lily is regaining weight and energy, then I’m happy. You know she cherishes every second she spends in your company, JGC.
Thurston is cute. Boidies is cute. From earlier threads, I know that Rosie and Steve are cute. Happy.
It wasn’t an event back when I lived there, but still, it was pretty cool.
Hello, Thurston, you handsome boy! Thanks for the pupdate, Mr. Cole.
Hello, Thurston, you handsome boy! Thanks for the pupdate, Mr. Cole.
(This would have been comment #2 on this thread if FF worked like it did before the most recent update. Now trying Safari.)
Those boidlets are beginning to really resemble a manifestation of Pratchett’s Dragon Dimension.
I love that the doctors call her “Miss Lily.” Of course they do! Did she get a new bow yesterday? She’s so cute in her bows.
Those birds are going to be trying out the Cole Bird Slide 3000 pretty soon.
NPR had a piece about Manhattanhenge on “Morning Edition” today. But they said it was clouded out last night, and the forecast was for clouds again tonight at sundown.
I lived in NYC for several years in the late 1960s, but I don’t remember ever hearing or knowing about this phenomenon until just a few years ago, when I’d been gone for decades. Looks cool.
Thanks for the update on Lily?
Thurston is cute?
The babies get bigger by the day?
Astonishing how birds went overnight to all feathers. They’ll be flying the coop soon.
Yay, Lily!!
And you be you, Thurston. Possession is 9/10th of the doggo law.
I’ve sifted through the comments sections of your baby bird posts several times trying to see if anyone has posted what kind of birds they are.
And so far have come up empty.
Can someone let me what kind of birds they are?
House finches.
You do realise, I hope, that this is deliberate and part of Nature’s Grand Scheme.
Omnes Omnibus
@jharp: Baby birds.
@MazeDancer: That was my thought also. A nest of feathers.
Thank you for the Lily and Baby Bird update.
We had some sad bird news yesterday. There was a crow with a broken wing in my neighbor’s yard yesterday late afternoon. None of the bird rescues were available. One of them told us how we could try to move the crow to a box to keep it safe overnight but the crow was much too upset to let us help it. It was gone early this morning so guessing a predator got it. Poor thing. S/he was so beautiful.
@SiubhanDuinne – @debbie
Never heard it specifically referred to when was there either. The name is really clunky. “Applehenge” would roll off the tongue with more ease. (Pommehenge, while rhyme-y, is too French, I suppose.)
@NotMax: @NotMax: Sad but crows are themselves major predators. He/she reaped what he/she sowed.
Ohio Mom
@NotMax: I spent my first 18 years in NYC and I feel a little cheated that Manhattanhenge was not a thing when I could have seen it easily. I still go back to visit once a year or so but the timing is always determined by other forces — bar mitzvahs, funerals, school vacations… Rats!
So happy for you and Lily, just more good news!
[Putting on my Doug! hat]
Rudie’s got fail...
Here’s hoping there was a copy of “1984” tucked under his arm at the time he said this.
So sorry a crow you know got hurt.
But if there are no feathers on the ground, maybe crow found a way to go elsewhere and heal.
And crows are really smart. They recognize people they like. They live by the sword, as in roadkill and small prey. So dying by the sword might make sense to them.
Joy in FL
I love the pet updates, and am so glad Miss Lily is doing well.
@NotMax: That can’t happen in LA, the downtown streets are at a 37 degree angle off north(Spanish street layout).
@SiubhanDuinne: I”m pretty sure in the next few days there will be fewer peeps there, they’re about ready to leave.
Yay Lily!♥️♥️♥️♥️
Thurston makes me LOL like Lovey does. They are so alike in so many ways.
Those birds change day by day. It’s really incredible to see.
Crows are beautiful and very smart. But the poor thing was probably in pain, so probably the kindest thing Nature could do was to dispatch it quickly and allow it to nourish another creature. Nature is ruthless and efficient that way.
Yup. Why they invented the phrases “flying the coop” and “empty nesters.”
It really does make sense to me that the nest is the size it is. Obviously it varies from species to species, but I imagine millions of years of evolutionary experimentation went into the size of the nest, the number of eggs/chicks, the rate of growth, and the intersection of their size and ability to fly with the nest just getting too damn small and cramped.
Yes, the baby birds are almost ready to go, they look pretty fully feathered out. It’s amazing how fast they change from tiny naked things to recognizable birds.
The anticipated rain from Alberto finally made it here. Cooler temps but humidity you could cut with a knife. I’ve decided I just need to find a cooler climate country ?
The Furbaby Bulletins always welcome. Lily: you go grlll!
That poor plant is getting a tad over fertilized if you see what I mean. After the kids have fledged, you should run water through that planter and dilute it some.
I couldn’t do it because my cats are murderous creatures when it comes to babies of any other critter. We won’t discuss their karma. It’d be sad.
Definitely recommend against tapering off the prednisone. The immunosuppressive effects from the drug are playing a role in keeping Lymphoma at bay.
The vet is likely trying to save you some money (not worth it), and it shouldn’t matter for her to stay on (besides a few extra lbs) unless she has some secondary conditions that need a very robust immune system.
I’m privately wondering whether Obama is actively working behind the scenes to undermine that nest!
But I hope Cole can find the will power to keep away from it in any case.
Thanks for pet update and pix.
Actually, this is one of the best photos I’ve seen of the birds–much more detail visible. Why don’t you like it, John?
Mary G
Happy to see Lily still making progress. She looks wonderful.
Well, at least those birds aren’t gonna get cold, the way they’re packed in there.
” Well, at least those birds aren’t gonna get cold, the way they’re packed in there. ”
Shhh… Cole will rig up an air conditioner for them.
Miss Bianca
@trollhattan: “I laugh when I’m sad.”
Been really humid here in Maryland too the last few days. Like trying to breath pudding.
Happy to see the comfy Thurston picture! Plus birds looking like birds. They will be flying soon. The house finches at my feeder already have young ones following them around begging constantly to be fed.
@SiubhanDuinne: What you said.
Thurston displays a strange ‘thinking’ expression in that pic.
I request an update on that.
Nice to see Thurston getting some screen time. He’s kind of like the supporting cast of Cole&Co.
karen marie
We need more than one of these posts a day. I would argue that we need at least one for every three political posts. (I’d like it to be a one to one ratio but …) My blood pressure goes through the roof every time I try to read or listen to what’s going on. John’s updates on his gang are delightful reprieve. Thank you, Mr. Cole.