After Dick's Sporting Goods raised the minimum age to buy guns and stopped selling assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines in February, executives braced for a financial hit. But yesterday they learned that sales are up.
— The Trace (@teamtrace) May 31, 2018
I love little cultural differences, like how Americans are super offended by the word c#nt but here in Australia we're super offended by school children being slaughtered with automatic weapons
— thomas violence (@thomas_violence) June 1, 2018
Good thing I set up the ‘Vagina Outrage’ category, all those years ago…
The Samantha Bee controversy reminds us that the death count in Puerto Rico is approximately 70 times higher than the government reported, and that the media and Congress absolutely need to look into it more closely.
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) May 31, 2018
— Woop Ditty Scoop Poop (@Johngcole) June 1, 2018
As this goes viral, thoughts and prayers to the poor people legitimately asking what Samantha Bee has to do with the Puerto Rico death toll.
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) June 1, 2018
"Cable news networks covered Roseanne Barr’s tweet and her show’s cancellation 16 times as much as the deaths of U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico."
— Vera Bergengruen (@VeraMBergen) May 31, 2018
Thousands In Puerto Rico Still Don't Have Electricity. And A New Hurricane Season Is Starting. via @nidhiprakash
— Hayes Brown (@HayesBrown) May 31, 2018
I really don't fucking care what Roseanne said *or* what Sam Bee said at this point. I care that the Prime Minister of Canada is very politely urging us to get our shit together before the world breaks and that the press is (mostly) acting like that's all just another day's work.
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) May 31, 2018
The only issue I have with calling Ivanka a feckless c#nt is that the last time a liberal taught Trump supporters a word was 2 years ago and half of them still have “deplorable” in their Twitter handles.
— OhNoSheTwitnt (@OhNoSheTwitnt) May 31, 2018
Must be time for the Mad Bitcher to jump in with both feet (in his mouth)…
This isn't about whether Samantha Bee CAN say it.
It's about whether she SHOULD say it.
And whether we as a society SHOULD condone it.
— Chris Cillizza (@CillizzaCNN) May 31, 2018
Nah it's about whether the people who've made themselves gatekeepers of the discourse are too dim and unprincipled to understand the issues
— Tom Scocca (@tomscocca) May 31, 2018
Imagine thinking one of the four remaining George Carlin words is a sign of culture in decay and not the child internment camps.
— zeddy (@Zeddary) June 1, 2018
please don't forget that Samantha Bee is good
— priscilla page (@BBW_BFF) June 1, 2018
I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a cunt.
Cunts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.
— Sally Field (@sally_field) May 31, 2018
Was that THE Sally Field? Good on her!
Since the media hasn’t yet apologized to Hillary, I’m not too interested in hearing them preach about double standards.
Old enough to recognize a quagmire when I see it and gingerly tiptoe around the perimeter to get to the other side.
Has anyone noticed that the people loudly opposed to the TPP and NAFTA have gone eerily silent? Are they getting what they want now? An opinion one way or the other would be nice.
Waiting to see which way the weathervane points once it stops madly spinning?
Some good news on the Medicine front:
Good Morning Everyone ? ??
@rikyrah: Good morning.
A true sign of leadership. As president, I promise that you won’t know what my views are until well after I’ve been removed from office.
@rikyrah: Tail wags from Poco from the Charleston, W VA Motel 6. Hoping for the rain to stop so we can get on the road. It’s been a long month, and we miss John Lennon, fearless rescue kitty. Have a great day!
W. VA? Keep a sharp eye out for dive bombing young house finches.
@NotMax: different part of the state. I do have KY to deal with, though. Have a great day. We have our own lift off in 2 mins.
Candidate from Virginia admits that he is a pedophile??
Morning to Poco and the tribe ??
Uh huh
Uh huh??
Central Planning
@rikyrah: he is legitimately crazy. I’m just… SMH.
@rikyrah: In moderation for quoting the article. Let’s try this:
Quite the charmer, he is.
@rikyrah: Still in moderation. 3rd time the charm? let’s break it apart. 2nd paragraph first:
@rikyrah: Success! Let me see how better to fix the first paragraph:
@OzarkHillbilly: He’s running to Hillary’s left!
@rikyrah: I finally figured out how to hold my tongue while typing. Anyway, he is quite the charmer.
Haven’t read it but there’s almost got to be a “God instructed me to run” in there somewhere. Instead of hats, he can hand out wifebeaters.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Baud: Au contraire mon frere
Mr. Smoot-Hawley:
I’m not saying our hair wouldn’t get mussed. 10 to 20 million jobs lost. Tops! Ah, depending on the breaks.
Make America Paleolithic Again!
@OzarkHillbilly: “Child pronto graphy” is a great fix.
Good morning, everyone.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
You know what, I at least respect that he is staking out a position (although it clearly isn’t the din of criticism we heard during the Obama years). He’ll have an opportunity to put his state’s money where his mouth is.
@NotMax: Here’s a whopper:
I can’t imagine why he gave up custody of his daughter.
Oh and this one:
I predict he will someday have a mind opening experience with a baseball bat.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
KThug – Nobel Prize in economics and John Bates Clark Medal recipient. What a loser.
@clay: We like her. We really like her.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
They’re hitting whiskey, too. Sadly, McConnell’s money comes from sources outside Kentucky,.
@Lapassionara: FYWP disagreed. Either that or it doesn’t like speaking of relations between closely relate people. I have yet ANOTHER quote in moderation. He wrote posts with objectionable titles. Let’s see if this one FYWP doesn’t like:
“A Man Should Be Allowed to Choke His Wife to Death as Punishment for Cutting Her Hair Short Without Permission, or Other Acts of Gross Insubordination,”
@Baud: Maple syrup? That market is so tightly controlled I wonder what effect it will really have. Tho, I’ll bet Vermont was doing much better in the wake of the Great Quebec Maple Syrup Heist
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Lots of Republicans are complaining but AFAIK, none are willing to work with Dems to produce the veto-proof majority you need to stop Trump.
Enterprising reporter needs to ascertain if she’s still around and if so, interview his mother.
This seems to be the most successful campaign strategy possible. Allow voters to project what they believe on you 7 never take an actual position. It is how we got stuck with Jesse the boobie Ventura for 4 years, it was a major component in the support of 3 of the last 4 Presidents (Yes, Obama voiced many position but in canvassing & door knocking I found too many people who believed he was the magic negro, he believed whatever they did even when is documented position was different) And really the single campaign tactic of hair furor.
Robert Sneddon
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: No such thing as a Nobel Prize for economics. A group of bankers put forward a nominee for an economics prize each year in honour of Alfred Nobel because he (unaccountably in their eyes) didn’t create such a category in the Nobel Prize awards he bequeathed in his will. They award it independently to the actual Nobel Prizes each year, slipstreaming it and hoping no-one notices the difference. Some of the Nobel descendants would rather they stopped using Nobel’s name as they feel it demeans and devalues the actual Nobel Prizes.
It’s still a prestigious award by bankers who as we all know are honourable and upright pillars of the community, but not a Nobel Prize.
glory b
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: And let’s not forget that Vermont has the highest percentage of African American incarceration in the country.
I just like to throw that out there.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Back in the dark ages when I was studying the dismal science in grad school, I took a course in International Trade and one of the required readings was a journal article by a young hot shot Economist working in the Reagan White House named Krugman.
Go, Sally!
I didn’t realize until now that the word was bleeped out. That only shows how faux this outrage is. And, when thinking of the words that were hurled at Michelle Obama, just how hypocritical.
I’ve noticed. I wish I knew what they thought now.
glory b
Joe Scarborough claims that if any right wing/Repub pundit said anything like what Samantha Bee said about Michelle Obama or the Obama girls, they would have been immediately escorted off the set.
@Robert Sneddon: The Nobel Prize Committee seems to treat it on par with the other prizes.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
We record Sam Bee and watched that episode yesterday. At the end of the show, she promoted a site for donations for, I believe, justice in immigration. I’m trying to remember what it was. But that’s typical of her.
ETA: I think the charity was RAICES (Representation for Unaccompanied Children)
@NotMax: Sadly, no she isn’t. They don’t say how she died but they do say that she got sole custody of their daughter in the divorce. I can’t imagine why.
@glory b: Given that Roseanne said much worse before her show got rebooted, I’m going with pants on fire on that one.
Dolt 45 will make a clean sweep and win every Nobel Prize.
Or at least claim he did.
I met a new organizer for the state party last night. She’s from Virginia and she worked on the last governor’s race there. She’s very nice. She has a chunk of rural counties- four, I think. Her name is Uma. She happened to come to the meeting where they elect officers and two people on the central committee tried to remove the chair, but the person they tried to nominate to replace the chair didn’t show up and he lost his insurgent bid anyway. I have to say I don’t get the not showing up to your own insurgency, especially because I heard about this insurgency last September so they had almost a year to plan it. After the failed insurgency the establishment incumbent (now re-elected) asked me to be on central committee which I have never done- it’s easier for me if I don’t take an official role because then I can do what I want- and I said I would. I have to be elected but they say they have the votes and they seem to- see: failed insurgency. I actually like the insurgent candidate but his not coming to his own coup is pretty consistent with his personality – he doesn’t identify as a Democrat, seems to be keeping his options open there- so I felt they made a bad choice.
97 years go today the first bombs fell on an American city
they bombed a neighborhood with homemade napalm and dynomite.
Bobby Thomson
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: admittedly regrettable.
I hope it destroys them all.
@Kay: Congrats, Kay! Ohio Dems have been doing good lately.
Betty Cracker
I’m taking Badger for his 3rd well puppy visit at the vet’s office this morning. After this, he’ll be cleared to socialize with other dogs, I think.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Robert Sneddon: it’s awarded by swedish academy of science, not bankers.
Bobby Thomson
@glory b:
None of whom served as a presidential advisor. None of whom had the president shake down other countries for business favors. None of whom the president joked about incest with.
This is the Ohio Democratic Party in a nutshell.
Sally Field left out the most important descriptor. USEFUL.
@Robert Sneddon: Nope – not awarded by “bankers.” The honor is awarded by the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel and the Nobel Committee is okay enough with it that they usually include it in their lists of Nobel Prizes that were included in Nobel’s original bequest. The original funding for the Economics Prize did come from a philanthropic donation from the Swedish National Bank but that institution hardly constitutes the rapacious capitalistic “banksters” that you wish to smear and the SNB plays no role in the actual selection of award recipients.
Betty Cracker
Speaking of NAFTA, The Post:
Trudeau says Pence insisted on a five-year sunset clause, which was unacceptable to Canada. Anyone know why Trumpence wants a five-year sunset clause? Seems like that would cause a lot of uncertainty that would discourage investments.
I’d like to see Europe/Canada/Mexico outright state that they are targeting products from red states that voted for Trump.
@Kay: You have my condolences. ;-)
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
Bee posted about unaccompanied minor immigrants because the c-word segment wasn’t about Ivanka Trump. It was about our treatment of children at the border. She used as an insulting contrast the picture Ivanka posted on Memorial Day of herself snuggling with her son. I realize you’d never be able to tell that from the coverage.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@glory b: Drumpf spent years making racist remarks and NBC never canceled his game show.
@Baud: I don’t know about that…
Story on the no Nobel prize for economics was the guy Nobel was told who the economics winner should be the first year and it was someone he hated personally, so he said no economics prize in that category. I was told that the economist was too clearly the best choice.
I see Melania has resurfaced.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
My publisher, Inspired Quill, is open for unagented submissions until July 18. My book isn’t out until September, and I imagine they have the usual small press problems with promotion and sales, but I’ve found them easy to work with so far.
Betty Cracker
@OzarkHillbilly: Has she? Aside from the one tweet that sounds like it was written by Trump?
Bee was brilliant – by using the ‘c’ word, any chance of diverting attention in the main media to focus upon the outrageous large number of deaths in Puerto Rico was instead, defeated. That enable us on the left to focus upon this issue with our echo chamber. Wait, maybe that wasn’t a good idea to use that one word and divert attention from the terrible treatment of children at the border (her major intent) and the new news on the massive number of deaths in PR.
Robert Sneddon
@patroclus: The current name for the Economics prize is “The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel”. Its name has changed over the years but since 1990 or so it’s explicitly been named as a Bank of Sweden award. The prize fund was set up by the Bank of Sweden back in the 1960s. It’s an award by bankers, funded by bankers and going to those economists that bankers approve of, like Hayek and Friedman in the past. It’s not a Nobel Prize.
@glory b: Bullshit…I can remember all kinds of truly horrible stuff said about Chelsea Clinton when she was a preteen, and none of those assholes so much as even apologized.
The crap that was said about the Obama’s was far more vile.
And yes the outrage at Sam Bee calling out Ivanka with a vulgarity is all a distraction so they don’t have to acknowledge the inhumanity of their policies. Same as the outrage over Michelle Wolf’s Smokey eye shot at shs.
@Betty Cracker: I only read the headline. That’s about as much trump news as I can handle these days.
Well, in this case it was the county Party. The ODP organizer was there but this was a county insurgency and a county vote. She doesn’t vote. She’s an employee of the state party. I actually brought in the leader of the rebels- he’s a deputy sheriff. I don’t know what they want. I mean, I know what they want, they want to be in charge, but I’m not sure why – to what end. In this case it would be “in charge again” because that group ran it for a decade prior to 2006.
But… what about the free market??
@Robert Sneddon: Your first three sentences are correct. But you are blatantly inaccurate when you say that the award recipients are determined by “bankers.” They are not. The recipients are determined by the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences usually upon the recommendations of internationally recognized economists, not bankers. I don’t know why you insist on being inaccurate, but you clearly are. Personally, I agree with the view that the Economics award is granted WAY too often – there have been 75 recipients since 1969 – but I’m not going to slime the entire idea of an economics prize just because I disagree with the names of some of the recipients.
Shall repeat this as have had as much Dolt 45 talk as can stomach for now.
Have begun watching Dickensian on Amazon Prime.
It’s a clever conceit – creating Earth-Dickens – and obviously a labor of love but some of the fabric is stretched so far as to become threadbare. Supposedly becomes less of a muddle as it goes along. Fingers crossed that is so.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
I almost feel like this stuff is pre-ordained, though. It always has to be even-steven. If one on the Right goes down one on the Left has to also. They first wanted Bill Maher but then they realized he’s not a liberal and no one cares if he gets fired:
It’s less about the offense and more about the timing. Al Franken was the same thing, IMO.
Ha! Too true.
Also too, someone may have clued them in that ABC canceled “Politically Incorrect” some time back, just as they canceled “Roseanne” now.
@Kay: “Both Sides” can justify almost anything.
@Betty Cracker: Uncertainty only matters when a Democrat is President.
Rush ‘The Entertainer’ called her “The White House Dog”.
@Cermet: Yeah, I think Bee screwed up, badly, using that word. I don’t know why she goes potty-mouth — it does not make what she says one bit better.
Although, without the controversy — people wouldn’t be talking about her show anyway (in the larger sphere).
The fact that the President is a dope still bothers me- still makes me cringe. He talks like the Fox and Friends people. The obsessive repetitive quality of his thinking is just disturbing. He seizes on these idiot ideas and repeats them over and over and over. It’s not even “communication” – it’s like a car horn blatting. Toddlers obsess for a little while but they’re curious so something else grabs their attention and they are interested in other people so you can talk to them and engage them. He doesn’t even have that. Honk, honk, honk. Like a car alarm you can’t shut off. I have come to really loathe the broad, bragging quality of his voice and speech. Honk, honk, honk.
The “grab them by the pussy” President is lecturing Democrats on proper speech this morning. He’s outraged at how crass our discourse has become.
fuck zuck.
@Platonailedit: Facebook owns Instagram.
It was funny on Twitter. “What about Bill Maher?” Oh, sure, fire him, whatever. For a celebrity that’s almost worse than firing.
@Kay: We missed an opportunity, Kay. Our response should have been, “Nooooo! Anybody but Maher!”
Cheryl Rofer
The president* just tweeted that he’s looking forward to the employment numbers, which will be released at 8:30. He is briefed on them on Thursday evening. This is market-moving information. Additionally, he probably told his buddies last night. Which might make one wonder if he also told those buddies in advance of his tariffs.
To add to Kay’s toddler comment,
Dan Drezner has been collecting, in a Twitter thread, examples of people speaking of Trump as a toddler. The thread is now well over 300 tweets.
@Baud: So? Was instagram involved data
leakssale and election manipulation?Elizabelle
Thank you, Kay, for my first laugh of the morning. It is true.
@Platonailedit: Just noting that Zuck will be fine either way.
It’s true. Facebook is unfashionable. Teenagers are just brutal when they abandon a product. The sneering contempt. I don’t think a company can turn it around when it takes hold.
Zuckerberg has more to worry about than the Russians- younger people think his product is for old people.
@rikyrah: Higher gas prices and higher heating electric bills is what he campaigned on.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): Pearl clutching by the left without getting to know the context of malice vs mockery is legendary.
Bee was foolish. In the end it’s advertisers who will decide her fate, not right-wing poutrage. Calling a woman a cunt, juxtaposed with an image of her and her child is incredibly bad optics. So while it’s not the same thing as Roseanne and Ivanka is an objectively a horrible person, it’s not something companies are going to want associated with their brand.
@Cheryl Rofer:
You probably know this but trade with Canada is vital in Ohio. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship and always has been. I;ve always liked that Canadian products and consumers are so important here because Canada (government and private sector) treat their workers better. It’s race to the top, with them leading. They have higher standards than we do.
Mayhaps Mr. Larsen hath a point there, but bassackwards. What we really oughta do is switch to “a system that classifies men as property, initially of their mothers and later of their wives.”
In preparation for this, I have made discreet inquiries of several ladies as to whether they would purchase me, and their views of likely bids.
@Kay: Don’t young people get old?
@Baud: His billions mostly come from the inflated FB market cap. When that balloon is pricked, he won’t be so fine, instagram or not.
The Trump Administration shoulda stuck with demonizing Mexicans. I don’t think demonizing Canadians will have the same effect on the base.
@OzarkHillbilly: Concerning the death of the wife of the Virginia congressional candidate, the HuffPo article says it was suicide. The whole business feels like a huge troll.
But her emails!!!
Not Kay, but yes young people do become old and at that time their version of FaceBook becomes GeezerTome…provided it even lasts that long.
I sort of get it. They have to make themselves distinct. We were choosing between tablets and Chromebooks for the school and they made fun of tablets, some kind of group decision had been made that they were for babies and older people. I thought “oh, no. Tablet makers better worry about that”. There’s no turning it around! These are internal decisions, made by their governing board and irreversible.
glory b
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: That doesn’t fit with his “conservative victim” mindset.
@Kay: Guess we’ll have to build a wall on the northern border was well. I’m sure the Canadians will be as happy to pay for it* as the Mexicans are.
*OTOH, they might want to pay for it to keep the crazy out.
@glory b: We can make a long list of horrible things rightwing pundits have said about Michelle Obama and the Obama girls over the years that Scarborough doesn’t even remember because no one he knows raised any complaints whatsoever. Escorted off the set, my ass.
zhena gogolia
@Betty Cracker:
I demand audio of him growling.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
At this point it serves us right if we get a translucent border wall. Put it around the whole fucking country, even the coastal borders, and then the rest of the world can come view us like the zoo exhibit we are becoming.
I can picture the Canadians walking along the wall pointing and mocking the ridiculous Americans on the other side of the glass.
Why listen to the car manufacturers?
J R in WV
@Robert Sneddon:
You guys seem to be arguing back and forth about easily determined facts, like who awards the prize for economics and what name does it technically have. I typed “swedish prize for economics” into Google, and got this result in the returns. I didn’t click into the data because the answer is in the return from Google:
So the funding did come from a bank, the Swedish Central Bank, so closer to our Federal Reserve than to Wells Fargo! Bankers DO NOT award the prize, the same Royal Swedish Academy that does the other Nobel prize awards does the econ prize.
Mr Sneddon, mostly looks like you lose!!!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
What’s the opposite of a boycott? I feel like going out and buying things from Samantha Bee advertisers whether I need them or not. And telling the advertisers of course.
“Dear advertiser: Do you want to be associated with someone like Samantha Bee? I DAMN WELL HOPE SO!!!”
@Cheryl Rofer:
Good. It’s important for people to not forget just how utterly dumb and incurious and incapable of learning this president* is – to not normalize dementia. That’s on top of the malignant personality, which I think most folks ‘get’ by now.
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: Canada and European/Asian countries are going to hit back hard against the imposition of tariffs by Trump. Trump and his ilk must have forgotten that they can’t insult foreigners and get away with it (unless those foreigners are African or Haitians who can’t afford to hit back).
I’m starting to wonder is the wall isn’t to keep us all in.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
A “buy-in”, maybe? Great idea, though.
On a related note, I think I saw something about Richard Blumenthal suing the president* for violating the Emoluments Clause. Probably not a bad idea to call, email, or send him a postcard w/ an ‘attaboy’.
J R in WV
I remember in the winter of 2016-17 there was a rush of refugees entering Canada in that winter snow, who were completely unequipped or prepared for the winter conditions, who were essentially rescued by Canadian border authorities. They were fleeing the Trump world we now live in. They were wise.
Perhaps we – some of us – could get asylum in the EU because we are fleeing the incredible cartoonish violence being propagated by president* Trump? Does that equate to permanent residential status?
* not really, he stole it!
I keep having to explain to my dad that the grandkids aren’t ignoring his facebook posts, they don’t do facebook at all. It’s tough for him because he only recently figured out that the things he saw on his feed were not actually things people saw when they went to his profile. I used to get calls asking me to tell __ to take xyz off of his page so his retired minister friends wouldn’t see it.
I got him to set up an IG account in March (using a hack so he can access it from his laptop) and now he wonders why he doesn’t get that many likes. I’ve had to remind him that every time I asked him if he wanted to follow an account he responded with ‘I don’t want to have to look at that’. Yes, dad but can you tolerate it? If you don’t follow people, they don’t follow back.
Meanwhile I hear my mom having conversations with Alexa like she is a real person. She even apologized to Alexa the other day.
I get no sympathy from my kids about any of this. They remember when I used to call them tech support.
Steve in the ATL
Those hockey-watching, poutine-eating, long “o”-pronouncing bastards are finally getting what they deserve!
From WaPo, breaking:
There isn’t a norm or standard or protocol or tradition that he isn’t hell-bent on shattering.
@Steve in the ATL: taco trucks on every corner! Curds and gravy o your fries! This madness stops now!
Steve in the ATL
So…accurate information is now “vandalism” and a “disgrace”?
I think their disloyalty is good. It’s a check on these people becoming too powerful. They’ll abandon “Zuck” without a backward glance and there’s not a thing he can do about it. All that money and power and they’re like “aaah, no thanks, we’re doing something else”.
Steve in the ATL
@Peale: just wait until the fusion starts—chipotle back bacon, maple churros, Labatts with a lime wedge….
Robert Sneddon
@J R in WV: The funding for the Economics prize-in-memory-of-Alfred-Nobel continues to come from a bank (the Bank of Sweden), not from the Nobel Foundation which funds the actual Nobel Prizes. The initial comment by someone was that Paul Krugman had won a “Nobel Prize in Economics” which he’s said he hasn’t, in conversation with a mutual friend. Mr. Krugman at least is clear on the matter.
The Bank of Sweden would like people to conflate their prize with the Nobels for their own reasons, whatever they are, by making the awards (cash plus medal), nomination and selection process similar to that of the Nobel Peace Prize which is also is a nominated award, not a juried one like the other Nobels.
@SiubhanDuinne: What did Trump tell his buddies last night after he heard about the jobs number. Someone should follow Hannity’s broker.
@Steve in the ATL:
They actually learn this in 4th grade, which is (maybe officially, I don’t know) the year they learn about Ohio. “Canadians, who we love, BTW, are our largest trading partner” It’s all very lovey-dovey. Our friends to the north! Trump, though, as we know, has no friends, because he’s horrible and ignorant and shallow.
Steve in the ATL
@Kay: so NAFTA is critical to Ohio’s economy. Why is it a red state?
The Other Chuck
@Platonailedit: My local SCA household of 40-ish active members or so used to use Facebook for coordinating events, actually useful stuff. We switched to Slack this year. Still gets most event pictures, but that may change too. When something is posted on FB, it’s often “it’s on facebook, sorry I didn’t see another place to put it”.
So it’s not just the kids, large old organizations are starting to get the picture that some of its members will actively resist using FB as well, and are seeking out alternatives. They’re set to become the next Friendster or MySpace.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Very true. And let’s not forget John McCain telling an unrepeatable joke that was off-the-charts disgusting along several dimensions, involving Chelsea, Janet Reno and Hillary.
@Steve in the ATL:
I think that’s too narrow. I would agree with ” a trade deal is critical to Ohio’s economy”. That’s where the disagreement comes in. It was never “no trade deal” – no one wants that. It was the terms. The whole fight is within that space.
I think free traders hurt themselves because they wouldn’t allow that that was the area of disagreement. Instead they made it into “no trade or our deals”, which was dishonest and politically motivated. They wouldn’t even engage on the real dispute and then, womp, it came back to bite them all at once. Obama did it too. He was reasonable everwhere else, would entertain dissent, but on that he did the same thing they all do- he portrayed it as “my deal or protectionism” and they were (rightfully, in my view) angry about that because it’s dishonest and unresponsive to what are real issues.
Free traders ran the field for so long they got complacent. They refused to even entertain the notion that there could be different terms, and that’s what a negotiation is- it’s terms.
@Steve in the ATL: Probably the same reasons all the other red states are red. Guns, uppity blacks and browns, and precious babies.
@The Other Chuck: Yup, it’s the much worshiped Freemarketz!!! at work. zuck can suck it.
Good morning all….
Because it’s always a good time for kitteh pics, here are Boris and Natasha, fresh off their Unbearable Cuteness of Being tour. They’s all growed up now (physically anyway), but still snooze together sometimes. They no longer fit in the kitty bed in which they appeared in the BJ calendar; actually Boris alone no longer fits completely in the kitty bed. He is twice Natasha’s size, but she is twice as smart as he is so it all evens out.
What Trump’s Pardons Really Do
Lawrence talks with Laurence Tribe about Tribe’s view that Trump’s promised pardon to a right-wing commentator who pleaded guilty to illegal campaign contributions is “an elephant-whistle to Michael Cohen and all who know damning things about Trump” to protect the President- or else.
@Baud: Along with the GG and Snowden apologists. I am afraid its not just the RWNJs that have little common sense.
ETA: The so-called American century has dulled the self preservation instincts of many of our compatriots.
I have a poster that says: “To my kids: Never make fun of having to help me with computer stuff.
I taught you how to use a spoon.”
@danielx: Is Boris the tabby?
But her emails!!!
@Steve in the ATL:
Because liberals say mean things Steve. Liberals say mean things.
@Kay: I don’t understand this comment. The deal has been constantly tinkered with and negotiated at the edges, for example over softwood lumber. It’s never been “the whole enchilada or nothing!”
@Kay: At its best Facebook is a virtual bulletin board. It’s incredibly shallow and if all you want are the videos and pictures, I am sure other applications are way more efficient.
Yep – giant hulking tabby cat with enormous paws.
@danielx: Aww, he is sweet. I too have a giant hulking tabbeh kitteh.
@Elizabelle: I said this in the previous thread, but I’ll say it again: I feel like the people who are complaining about her saying, “cunt”, have literally never watched her show. Seriously, they’ve never watched her show.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): This right here; paraphrasing rikyrah: it’s the damn banana in the tail pipe, and we’re falling for it AGAIN.
There was talk of that after the election. Canada and Mexico would each build a wall and the rest of the world would chip in for a lid. I think we waited too long.
IMO, “free traders” took that attitude. Their general approach was “trade is complicated, so let us experts handle it”. It is complicated, but it affects people’s lives so asking people to just trust that the negotiators were working on their behalf is arrogant. They also never enforced the human rights and labor rights part of the deals. That’s because it’s really hard to enforce- other countries consider trade sanctions akin to an act of war, but they wouldn’t admit that. They wouldn’t tell the public the truth, which is “we’re probably not going to disrupt commerce and foreign policy by actually enforcing the ‘soft” part of these deals”
So they would make these deals with a lot of crowing over the human rights and labor rights portions, and then those would never be enforced, because they are NOT, actually, going to halt trade with Vietnam or whoever over labor rights, and Vietnam knows it. People figured that out.
Free traders did it to themselves, IMO. They no longer felt they had to explain this at all, because in the circles in which they operate free trade was considered an indisputable good, almost no matter the terms.
I think they were shocked by the pushback to TPP, and they shouldn’t have been shocked. It had been building for years but they were so sure of their rightness they wouldn’t even engage on specific terms. The level of shock, to me, indicates the level of isolation- how they weren’t listening to complainst or engaging in a dialogue at all.
Never underestimate the stupid cruelty of Trump’s supporters. They happily turn his enemies into their enemies.
I’ve been living under the tyranny of curds and gravy on fries, also too malt vinegar and salt my whole life. Trust me, this is the kind of oppression we need more of.
Protip: Duck fat gravy is the best.
The Other Chuck
@Barbara: Not as many places with unlimited free storage for pictures though. Most other places have a “photo album” format that’s even less useful, and both snapchat and instagram go too far in the opposite direction for many people’s comfort (and instagram is FB anyway).
The alternatives are there, they’re just not compelling yet. FB is providing plenty of negative incentives though, so something will come up. Turns out even “privacy-schmivacy” Americans still don’t like that “someone reading over my shoulder” feeling.
@MomSense: mmm…malt vinegar and salt…if I hit my diet marks this month, some fish & chips might just be in order on the 30th!
#FriedInspiration! ???
@donnah: Hearty LOL :)
I wonder how many of his cronies Der fuhrer tipped to the unemployment number so they could place their bets when the market opened?
@D58826: “All of them, Katie.”
I don’t have patience with political actors saying “WHERE did this COME from?” 90% of their job is knowing what’s going on with people. If they don’t know a revolt is brewing then they have a problem that is bigger than the revolt. They don’t know what’s going on with the people they represent.
Arizona Republicans are “shocked, shocked!” at the public school teacher uprising. If they didn’t know that was a battle brewing there then they’re arrogant and out of touch. I knew it and I don’t even live in Arizona. They have to know. It’s their job.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: yep, should have made it clear it was one of those rhetorical questions.
Chipping away at bread and circuses until all they believe they need offer is a stale bit of crust and a gimpy tubercular mime comes home to roost.
@Kay: Teachers aren’t really their constituents. Not enough $$$. Teachers don’t have the built in grift funds that “think tanks”, AM radio, corporations, Koch Bros and Faux News (to name a few) provide. It’s not just AZ, but basically Republican held states as a whole that are dismissive of their constituents.
@Patricia Kayden: The shitgibbon is still stuck in the 80s, as with everything. In the 80s the US made up close to 40% of the world economy, and as there were a number of countries, like the Eastern Block, that didn’t participate much in international trade, it was effectively probably about half. You can’t get around that.
These days the US economy makes up closer to 20% of the world economy, and pretty much everyone participates. Not dealing with 20% is an inconvenience.
The US just doesn’t have the leverage they had 30-40 years ago, and the shitheads in the administration are not aware of that.
Stephanie Ruhle, doing a look-in on Morning Joe before her own show at 9:00, went nuts about this. She and one of the panelists (can’t remember who) tied that to speculation about what other tasty tidbits Trump might be leaking to his cronies in his late-night phone calls.
Ruhle worked in finance (hedge funds) for quite a while, so she is somewhat knowledgeable on the stock market.
Good luck Kay, to you and the new organizer.
Yes..the Tulsa race riots. Begun on a lie, of course.
@Betty Cracker:
Good luck to Badger…a picture would be much appreciated :)
@glory b:
Phuck outta here. We got 8 years of receipts of disrespect for FLOTUS and the First Daughters…..
‘We’ are regularly replying with reminders of Puerto Rico. Most of us don’t care whether she said it about Ivanka or not. ‘We’ are not falling for anything. Republicans and the pundits went searching for anything they could to manufacture a ‘Nuh-uh, YOU!’ response, and were so obvious about it that when they failed with Maher, they tried Samantha Bee. We cannot control them, and they will always find something. The world is a big place and if you’re shallow enough, you can find an excuse to back up anything.
I don’t know why people still go to meet with him. At some point, if you’re not a Dolt45 supporter, then your azz has no business being in a room with him.
This woman hasn’t had enough proof since January 20, 2017 to know that she shouldn’t have taken her azz to meet him?
I think you are exaggerating how much he thinks about this. You’re right that he’s stuck in the 80s, and probably has a vague ‘The US has the power to bully the entire rest of the world simultaneously’ outlook that was more justified then. There’s no thought involved beyond knowing he’s a big kid and wanting to take everyone else’s lunch money. I am happy that reports are coming in he’s getting mad that it’s not working. When he gets publicly humiliated with a tactic instead of praised, like military action, he drops it. Hopefully he’ll abandon trade wars before they get fully underway.
EDIT – There will not be a NAFTA renegotiation. He will never negotiate any trade deal, any treaty of any kind. He’ll pull out of some stuff, maybe throw up some damaging tariffs before he realizes he’s been burned, and mostly the US will sit on its ass and ramble gibberish his entire four years.
@Frankensteinbeck: Agreed.
AWEEEEE……too cute :)
The Ancient Randonneur
She lost a child two weeks ago. Her world has been rocked to its very core. As the father of two teenage daughters I can’t even imagine what she is going through right now. I don’t know what I would do if I were in that position. Everyone handles grief in different ways.
Photo storage sites: I’ve been using for a while, does what I need, have had no problems. Opinions of ye other jackals ?
@Steve in the ATL: Ohio is a SWING state. Not like Alabama or Oklahoma – those are red states. Ohio voted for Obama twice and a lot of voter suppression kept it from going to Kerry in 2004
Stuart Frasier
@Robert Sneddon:
You are being disingenuous at best. From Wikipedia:
“The Prize in Economics is not one of the Nobel Prizes, which were endowed by Alfred Nobel in his will. However, the nomination process, selection criteria, and awards presentation of the Prize in Economic Sciences are performed in a manner similar to that of the Nobel Prizes.
Laureates are announced with the Nobel Prize laureates, and receive the award at the same ceremony. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the prize “in accordance with the rules governing the award of the Nobel Prizes instituted through his [Alfred Nobel’s] will,” which stipulate that the prize be awarded annually to “those who … shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind.””
It is not some sneaky attempt at imitating a Nobel Prize. They are announced together and awarded at the same ceremony.
Terry Chay
@Gvg: no. That’s the story of why there is no Nobel in Mathematics—the actual story is kore subtle than yours but close enough. You are making a confusion because a lot of people believe that an economics Nobel prize is just another word for applied mathematics.
The economics Nobel prize was created much later and is administered by a diffeeent body (and country) from the others. I can see how some might see it as not being a “true” Nobel like the others because of this. However, that’s semantically. The reality is such prizes are rare and significant no matter the field.
For reference there is probably only one turkey undeserved Nobel Prize to date, and it was in Chemistry, not Peace or Economics (Prigogene)
Are the shitheads in this maladministration even aware of the last 30-40 yrs? They seem to be trying to live in a distant past. And that past was shit then.
The Other Chuck
@rikyrah: I’d go meet him. To tell him to his face that he belongs in a prison cell for the rest of his misbegotten life.