I’ve got quite a backlog, don’t know if I’ll get to all of them.
From truegster in Austin, Texas. Anywhere with shade was crowded.
From Gretchen in Kansas City, Missouri. “I think maybe 1-2000 people. I couldn’t get a crowd picture because there were some people in the sun by the stage, but many people scattered in the shade under the trees. It was 95 degrees and very humid. We had to leave early because my friend got heat exhaustion and we had to repair to the AC in the national WWI museum nearby.”
From Kelly. “Lovely Hi 70s protest weather in Salem OR. Here’s a pic of me at my first ever protest march at 62 years old”
From Eponymous in Flagstaff, Arizona. “I couldn’t attend the Denver rally due to previous plans for AZ. So – this was closest, and it looked like at least 300 people were there.”
From Schlemazel in Minneapolis (not all the photos he sent). “It was nearly 90 but the downpours predicted have been delayed. We waited in the park & this is the crowd.”
These dancers lead the march
This is about mid march. We went down & joined them but I really could not get a decent picture after. Minneapolis is too flat! No clue how many people but many more than I expected
From Dan B in Seattle. 10,000 people at SeaTac Detention Center. Dozens more demonstrations statewide with several topping 1,000 folks.
One crowd pic shows a small portion of the crowd. We could not see to the edge either in front of us or behind us.
There were also some friendly “minders” on the roof of the detention center. The crowd yelled “shame, shame, shame” politely…
Still more to come!
Love the photo
Just got a stern look of disapproval from the missus for wishing a plane crash on the Russian national soccer team.
Great photos! Thanks for posting them, Cheryl and thanks to everyone who went to a protest.
Thanks, All. (And especially Cheryl for the collation!)
P.S. I am not a crank, but the NYMs! (Please.)
Tom Levenson
I hope someone has Boston pictures. I was there, but, in a more or less unique omission for me, left the house w/out my phone. (or a camera).
Amir Khalid
About 19 months ago, a plane crash killed a minor Brazilian football club’s entire first-team squad, its coaches, and most of its admin staff, en route to the club’s first major cup final. The whole world of football was in mourning for weeks.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
But, wait, I don’t get this. Where was all the rioting? Where were all the burning cars? Where were all the people beating up conservatives? I keep hearing how violent and crazy liberals are, but I didn’t hear about any arrests or mayhem or wanton destruction. What’s the deal here? Surely conservatives wouldn’t lie about something like this, would they? Would they?
@Haroldo: YES! PLEASE can some front pager contact Alain and ask him to tell us what’s going on. A front page post letting us know where things stand would be much appreciated. The disappearing nyms — they seem to vanish after 30 minutes of not commenting — is really frustrating. Half the frustration is not knowing if this is the permanent state of affairs or if it’ll be fixed next week or we have to wait for next month’s patch or whatever.
I recommend this read about civility at Political Orphans.
Oh and I’ve gone from the garden thread to here with my nym and email intact.
zhena gogolia
You guys restore my faith in America.
The banner made of baby onesies really hits my heart.
What great crowds!
@zhena gogolia: It is super-inspiring to see everyone’s photos. Helps me feel less alone.
Now, if only I could feel confident that it will matter……
Couldn’t march (for obvious reasons), appreciate all who did in brutal heat and with terribly short notice.
Keep this enthusiasm and we will whip their asses in November.
OT: I wish Democrats would campaign to increase the number of people in the House. The last major reappointment was in 1911. I think it would increase urban, Democratic represesentation and correct the issue of the popular vote loser winning the Presdiency
Also, please fix the site. Commenting is physically hard.. there is a lag between when I type and when words appear on the screen
Stop it!
Doom and gloom and giving up is the one way we can lose in November.
You know better. Let’s get working.
Steve in the ATL
This is awesome!
@efgoldman: Can we get a “fuckem”?
Great photos. And as another poster noted, no threats or boneheads carrying weapons.
And also it’s great that voter registration was a part of some of the protests.
Erin in Flagstaff
I was at the one in Flagstaff. We gather on the City Hall lawn for protests, and sign holders gather along Route 66 to wave to the cars slowing down for traffic lights. Lots of drivers honked horns in agreement at these signs.
Suzanne might think it was directed at her.
@efgoldman: Oh gosh, not my intent. I was talking about “we will whip their asses in November”…
From USA Today, by Laura Peña. “Peña is a former assistant chief counsel at ICE and served as a senior adviser in the State Department during the Obama administration. A Harlingen, Texas native, she starts next month as a visiting attorney with the Texas Civil Rights Project.”
Somewhere in the last week I saw a step by step documentation of what Sessions has been doing to take control of immigration authority. Deliberate, calculated, and chilling.
@Erin in Flagstaff: Salem police blocked traffic for our march round downtown. I saw only one hostile motorist amongst the folks stuck in traffic. A couple dozen very polite Salem and Oregon State Police were on hand.
Just got an email from a friend who is a Trump fan — still, apparently, though I’ve mostly been careful about stepping around the issue since before the election, when she informed me “I just love Donald Trump.” In the interest of maintaining a 40+ year friendship, and yes, I do occasionally ask myself why I try. — in response to one I had sent yesterday in which I mentioned the “Reunite the Families” rally I had just attended. (Cleveland. It was … disappointing.) She responded that “Children have been separated from their families as they are now since 2009 and no one spoke up. I can’t tell if this is genuine caring or just trying to make Trump look bad.”
I am so angry. A) like Trump needs my help to look bad, B) that she blithely conflates detention under the obama administration with the current horror under Trump, C) that “genuine caring or just trying to make Trump look bad” is a pretty casual slap directly across my face and challenge to my motivations.
She’s a lifelong Republican, and when (before the election) I sent her my laundry list of concerns, issues I thought would suffer under a Trump administration (medical insurance, Social Security and Medicare, equal rights, infrastructure, environmental protection, etc) she responded that she supported all those things, but there’s just too many people trying to come into our country and we don’t have the money for them. She’s seen “lots of illegals” living in her old neighborhood and running it down. So, single issue/anti-immigration voter. “I agree those things are important, but ACK, brown people!” is what I heard. And she doesn’t engage on anything we disagree on — just drops her opinion and walks away. Ignores any attempted follow-up. (I asked her how she knew the people she was complaining about were illegal. Crickets.
Now this. I guess it’s nothing new, maybe i’ve just finally had enough. Hope somebody here can help me with my reaction to this. Overreaction? Ignore it? I can’t just keep eating candy bars to tamp down my anger.
There was this weird, small contingent of anti-abortion fucks in Chicago. I don’t know if their point was “You should care about all babies!!!!1!1!!1″ or if they were just trying to take advantage of there being such a big crowd, but they were the type with the nasty bloody picture signs. The hell with those guys.
RE: Now, if only I could feel confident that it will matter……
I hear you. I was out and about running errands yesterday. Taking the train I saw a couple of people coming from protests, carrying their signs and still feeling energized.
And coming home on the train, someone had put a simple message in white letters above their backyard fence.
It just said “PERSIST.”
There are quite a few obstacles in our path, but I think we will get there. On to November!
Tenar Arha
@Tom Levenson: I deliberately took a movie & dinner break after the march, but I tweeted a bunch of the signs I took pictures of late last night (you can see them *at*datenar)
Caring about the well being of others makes Trump look bad.
He only looks good, if you do not care about others
@Erin in Flagstaff: hi, Erin, it was great to see so many people in Flagstaff, and all the horns honking. I was in Sedona to visit my mom, who is in assisted living, and was really hoping a protest would get scheduled in Flag.
@Tom Levenson:
I never take pictures when I go to things, even just family gatherings. I’m always into what I’m doing and forget! Thus no Pittsburgh march pics from me! But it was a good crowd despite the heat. I estimate about 2,000.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
That’s someone who cares more about her beliefs than whether they are true or not. My mother is like that in a way. She doesn’t question herself on wider issues like that and wants to live in her own bubble. Too many people think that way and its maddening. Why was the Cleveland rally disappointing, btw.
Yeah, this is getting fucking absurd.
More excellent photos, well done.
My headache turned into a migraine yesterday so I had to cancel my marching plans. Today is a quiet day for me – still feel on the edge of a headache.
Love seeing all the photos today!
@Amir Khalid: I know, I was just being pissy after Spain blew it. Mini-me was rooting for Russia and it irritates me when he roots against my pick.
Plus also fuck Russia in general.
But I did take back the plane crash comment.
If that person is going to drop opinions on you, you can certainly drop facts on them.
The number of undocumented people coming here has been declining and it is just not true that we spend tons of money on them. The Trump policy is cruel and malicious, and often targets people who have been living here for decades, living middle class lives, holding down good jobs and paying taxes.
It’s also a fact that Trump has been persecuting non-white people. The administration does not go after people have overstayed their visas. And he has not gone after employers.
From USA Today
zhena gogolia
Dump her. There are lots of nice people in the world to make friends with.
Unfortunately some people are just not reachable. No matter what your angle is.
I look at it this way, we want people to be able to have a normal life. To be able to have a shot at resolving the problems that confront most of us all the time, and some of us, all the time. We know that not everyone is going to live to 90 and be healthy up to their last day. We know that not everyone is going to be wealthy and never need or want. We know that some will be wealthy and always want anyway. We know that many will hate for no discernible reason. We try to change that or at least mitigate the harm from that.
Others see that they should be special, that they should have everything, all the possibilities, while others should not. And they will be steadfast in their inability to see that they could be the out party at some point. They don’t want equality, to them that lessens their position, their possibilities. They are zero sum people. The earth has X amount of something, and they should get all of it. They never learned to share as kids or they learned that for them to share meant that they had to give up. Rather than sharing equal portions, one day they got some and the next someone else did and so on. Sharing to them means losing their deserved portion or place. One of this countries worst histories is that while the slave owners got everything, the free got crumbs and the slaves got jack. And the owners made sure that everyone knew their place. It perpetuated the concept of slavery and zero sum, such that while slavery was abolished long ago the concept that made it work has stayed as part of the fabric of much of our society.
Major Major Major Major
@Yarrow: There was a front-page post (plus thread) addressing it Friday. The expiring-nym issue is due to the cookie now having a one-hour expiration, which will need to be fixed. It is not desired site behavior.
The persist sign, was that on the gold line? Big letters, can’t miss it?
If so that’s been up since Nov 2016.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
It’s a bad argument that Trump worshippers make. It’s like they can’t imagine that it’s possible (for the sake of argument, let’s assume previous admins separated children in the same manner) to think that it was wrong when Obama and Bush did it too. Trump is in charge now and he’s ultimately responsible for this mess. Bringing up “But Obama!” doesn’t automatically win the argument.
Anyone watching?
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: Not a great turnout (I couldn’t hazard a guess on crowd size, but it was small), and a slew of speakers, only a couple of whom were really able to connect with the crowd. A sympathetic crowd eager to be connected with, I’d have said, but it didn’t seem to happen. One unfortunate young man (17) reported on seeing his father taken away (the ICE raid on a northeastern Ohio nursery), at great length, with the probably predictable result that the crowd, which had been standing in 90+ degree heat for an hour and a half at that point and seeing yet more speakers waiting on the platform, started drifting away until the drift became a steady stream. A scheduled 3-hr rally ended in less than 2 hours. People wanted to be engaged, and they weren’t.
but that was from my vantage point. One woman commented afterwards that it was the first rally she’d ever been to, so she thought it was fine. So there is that.
@Suzanne I have to say that the rally in Cincinnati raised my spirits considerably. We didn’t march or chant and there were few but very powerful speakers, all of whom were very young people. Young people also organized the event very well (emcee pointed out rest rooms, medical tent, and where Cincinnati Water Works was providing free cups of water) and manned most of the information booths, at which I learned about all of the organizations in the city who support immigrants. I also attended a “teach-in”
conducted by an experienced immigration lawyer. I learned so much about concrete steps I can take locally to help immigrants. I’ve decided I’m focusing efforts on what’s happening in Cincinnati while donating to the groups in Texas as I can. We have a large Guatemalan population right in my neighborhood so I’m motivated to want to help my next door neighbors. The children I’ve encountered are so adorable, bright and polite.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
I’d guess it was the heat that kept people away and made them leave for the most part. As for your friend, I’d suggest forgetting about her. She’s not worth it and can’t be reached. She doesn’t even seem to want to reconsider her beliefs, as you suggested
@Brachiator: A group of young people manned a voting registration booth at Cincinnati.
I never even saw a policeman, though I’m sure they were around because they heavily patrol OTR (Over The Rhine, a downtown neighborhood).
The organizers kept a low profile and didn’t heavily publicize the event, which. I learned about from Ohio Mom. I think they wanted to forestall counter protests.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
” He did it too” does’t generally work for our kids, does it?
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
RE: It’s a bad argument that Trump worshippers make.
Yep. Of course, the easy reply would be to say, “Well, Trump tries to undo everything that Obama did, so Trump should be reuniting families.”
But this is phony “both sides did it” stuff to falsely suggest that separating families goes back to Bush and Obama, so Trump was just following the law.
So again, Trump supporters who talk this crap just don’t want to look honestly at what Trump is doing.
Sadly, I recently overhead a guy embrace the cruelty: “they are not citizens, so Trump can do whatever he needs to do to keep them out of the country.”
Teddys Person
I love the sign in the last picture. In other news, Hopes Hicks is being discussed by VSP as Dolt45’s next chief of staff.
It’s right up there with “if Johnnie’s mother let him jump off a cliff….”
@gene108: @@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: @Brachiator: @zhena gogolia: @Ruckus: Thanks for your replies. Helps to have your input.
The “ACK…brown people” vibe would pretty much do it for me.
Depends on what else you get from this relationship, I guess?
Exactly !
Cut her loose. Tell her why. I know some people who I thought were fundamentally decent people, who I would hesitate to cut out of my life. But as time has gone on, I have realized that there is no reasoning with Trump supporters. They are either fundamentally not decent people — in which case you don’t want to have anything to do with them — or they are people who do not want to examine why they are supporting monstrous policies. If they are continuing to support those monstrous policies at this stage of the game, with so much evidence, nothing you say to them is going to change their mind. If they do change their minds, it’s going to be some situation that breaks through to them. You can only hasten that possibility by showing them that what they’re doing is not acceptable by cutting them loose. Will that change their minds right now? Probably not, but it might be one more bit of evidence that what they’re doing is not right, not acceptable, and won’t be tolerated in the long run. Either way, they’re not worth your energy right now.
Yep. I didn’t mean to suggest that it was a recent sign, only that the message continues to resonate. I think there is or used to be a “resistance” sign on the other side.
The persist sign is pretty clean. I wonder if it is regularly maintained.
@Brachiator: MAGAs, use persist in opposition to all the Resist nyms on Twitter.
@MagdaInBlack: great observation. Shouldn’t need to have it pointed out to me. I did at one time mention to her that “I was raised in Detroit” isn’t a free pass for bigotry, but as you can imagine that went nowhere.
@BRyan: I think it’s OK to do what’s better for your health.
If you want to answer, you can try skipping over her opinions to just say no to her facts. (The ones that come Fox and the bots.) I think keeping it very simple is good.
Laura Pena, a former ICE lawyer who’s resigned, wrote in USA Today about some differences between Obama policy and Trump policy. But others have refuted the “Obama started it” fake news in simpler terms.
If she “just loves him” (the reality star effect IMO), anything you say will be rejected, so just think of throwing a seed of doubt at her. Just one simple alternative fact. There’s a lot of weeds so it probably won’t take, unless something happens in her future to increase its odds. You changing her mind can’t be the goal because that way leads to madness.
@BRyan: If you break it off from her, tell her that she lied to you and that’s why she’s no longer your friend.
I’ve been involved in immigration issues for decades, and we’ve piped up whenever injustices appeared. Just because she ignored it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. And she has the gall to exaggerate and make things up out of whole cloth to dismiss what’s going on right now. The bottom line is that SHE IS STILL SUPPORTING FAMILIES GETTING RIPPED APART.
@Brachiator: Yeah. Trump supporers are dishonest ginks. And, no, he can’t do whatever he wants. 14th Amendment. “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
It is just a matter of how you look at it. You all know I am naturally a pessimist but there is a real upside to that. I always assume we are going to lose and the only cure is to work harder. If I quit the first time a seemingly impossible roadblock had been put in front of me I would have been dead 60 year ago. I assumed it would never get better and my only option was to work twice as hard to make it as good as it could be, So, expect dirty tricks, expect the worst & then get down to winning in spite of it.
Also, set expectations correctly. One failure of the Obama administration (not BHOs fault) was that a lot of people assumed he was the magic negro would would make everything right. He tried to warn people that it was up to them but instead they sat back and waited for the miracles to roll in. When they didn’t they blamed him and the Democrats. Even if we were to take back the House & Senate, impeach everyone of those bastards and Nancy Pelosi became POTUS in May we are so far in the hole it will take a generation of hard work to see daylight again. But that doesn’t mean give up, it means don’t expect miracles and never quit working
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Is there a grain of truth to this or is it just bullshit made from whole cloth?
Seriously? How he would he like having the Gestapo turned on him? If I ever heard someone say that in my presence I would suggest that they’re the ones who should be deported. They would inevitably come back with “but I’m a citizen!”.
That’s where you’re wrong kiddo. You see, under an autocratic government, which Trump and the GOP are taking us to, anybody for any reason at any time can be abused by the state. So go ahead, show your birth certificate or photo ID, it won’t matter to a government that doesn’t believe in due process or human rights. They’ll rip it up and make it so you never existed in the first place if you cause enough trouble and piss off the wrong person.
Now THAT makes sense.
@jacy: thanks. I guess I know you’re right. I’ve just resisted giving up on the friendship. Relationships should be based on what is rather than recall of what was, I guess. But the old line about “easy to make new friends, hard to make old ones” stops me from giving up easily.
They were in Minneapolis too. Despite my better judgement I quoted the bible to them & got called the devil. Fuck em with a flaming blow torch
Interesting. Based on the neighborhood where this sign is placed, I guess you could read it either way.
AS if facts matter to a Trumper
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Nope it doesn’t. Sad that some adults can’t see through it.
I’ve noticed that it seems to stay that way. Maybe there is some respect for reality in that neighborhood. But I’d bet that yes someone is keeping it up.
And name/info is gone again. I did read the notice after the checkmark and it does say, save, for the next time I comment. And as long as I comment within the 30 minute window, it does! So there is a time limit on being a smartass. Damn, that’s going to make life difficult.
They just hate that.
” Satan can quote scripture for his own purposes” cuts both ways ?
P.S. I have no edit function.
(Kinda like real life)
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
Maybe their bodies grew up but their minds didn’t.
Unfortunately this happens a lot.
A lot of these folks haven’t put any new ideas in their heads since high school, if they did then.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
RE: Is there a grain of truth to this or is it just bullshit made from whole cloth?
It’s nonsense. I provided a link in an earlier post. Can’t repost it because my mobile browser is acting up.
RE: Seriously? How he would he like having the Gestapo turned on him?
Increasingly, Trump supporters feel secure that good white Republicans will never feel the pain. Or, if they do so, it is only because of their own failure to trust in their Dear Leader Trump. This is the line that Trump took with Harley Davidson, and which Trump supporters eagerly endorse.
The only thing that has surprised me about Trump’s authoritarian populism is how vehemently his supporters willingly embrace it. Democracy is its own worst enemy when the people themselves throw it away.
Does your friend not know anyone who is a naturalized citizen or a green card holder? Many people only respond to injustice if it affects them, their family, or their friends. Then they understand the threat that is posed by these authoritarian tactics. Most of us avoid policical/religiois discussions with friends/family members that we know who do not share our beliefs. We do not want to jeopordize the relationship. In my opinion,however, this country is reaching a crisis point, and we need to learn strategies to reach across the divide. I hope you can find words that she will hear.
@Lalophobia: missed that group. there was one counter-protester that we heckled. I embarrassed my teenage daughter with my shouted profanity at him.
No we don’t. A fool’s errand, they are lost to us for at least a generation. They are not persuadable.
There are way more of us than of them, IF WE GET OFF OUR ASSES AND VOTE
My simple rule at this point is that if you still support Trump, you are a stone cold racist and you are not worthy of my time or effort.
RE: AS if facts matter to a Trumper.
As we head into November, I think it is worth fighting back with the truth, especially on social media. This is because a lot of Trump people wall themselves off from traditional media. Fox News and Sinclair Broadcast Group are intensifying their lies and propaganda, and Trump is blatantly lying more in his Tweets.
And Trump true believers and maybe Russians are posting more malicious lies to try to “help” Trump.
I’ve noticed Snopes and over sites branding more stuff as outright falsehood.
The truth, and honest alternative opinions, may not change many minds, but it might change a few.
Also, I don’t think we should yield media space to propagandists.
No one says just give up, and you haven’t. You seem to have given it the old college try, on more than one occasion. Maybe you are trying more than hard enough but the other person isn’t. Being persistent isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but at some point, you will want to cut your losses. Only you can make that decision as to when.
I have a friend I’ve had for 45 yrs. Ex marine, he has a temper, gets rather excited at certain things. And he’s not exactly a model liberal because of that. But he and I agree on all major political points and I’m damn liberal. But we also have a history of helping each other out at times of need. We offered he and his wife to stay in our house when theirs burned down after the Northridge earthquake and we were only marginally better off than them at that point. We had no power or water. We have risked our lives together motorcycle racing. He’s taken me to the VA a few times when I needed a driver because of a procedure I was getting. We connect on a few levels. And I’ve had thoughts in the past of, is this friendship worth it. And yes it is. Some days it’s work and some days it’s a hoot. But it’s always interesting.
And that’s my real advice, is it worth it to you, is the effort you make worth it? Only you can answer that.
@efgoldman: That is Stacey Abrams’ strategy. Saw her on Seth Meyers’ show, very impressive. He asked her why she chose that strategy. Her one word answer: math.
Never hurts to try but the core of the Trumpanistas are authoritarian narcissists. They love big daddy and their group. Facts are irrelevant as Colbert pointed out at the WHCD – what was it now, 16 years ago?
Considering the neighborhood and when the sign was put up, I’d say that no, it’s not an either or proposition. This one is on our side. It’s maintained with pride. The other side would maintain theirs with hate, if they maintained it at all. It’s a noticeable difference.
@BRyan: I was in a sililiar situation and I sympathize with you.
I gave up on the friendship. I realized that trumpet’s attitudes and values are opposed to all that I hold dear. I realized that people who support trump would think nothing of people like me starving because of damage to Social Security. I realized that they have no problem with new wars and bone-headed economic policies. Any person who believes in trickle down theories of economics, reflected in the trump tax scam is a deluded person who has no empathy.
I realized that my former trump friend was against anything that I hold valuable. His morals are selective and nasty. Him and I have nothing in common . When I was in dire financial straits, he never responded to my request for modest assistance. BTW, he is a genuine millioniare. On the other hand, I have financially assisted family, friends and strangers, when help has been requested.
We decided to live our lives in different directions.
This is just how I delt with ending a friendship. I am fine that he is out of my life.
How you proceed is up to you. I wish you luck in dealing with this very stressful situation.
@Amir Khalid: I was a high school football player in West Virginia at the time of the Marshall plane crash. In later years came to know people who were on the team, including Red Dawson, who recruited some of my teammates. So stern look justified.
Last year I went to my 50th HS reunion. You expect people to discuss that time, that is after all why we went. But I noticed something and that is, for the people that HS was their high point, they had nothing else to discuss. Most of the people I knew and would still want to know today, went on from there, HS was a starting point, not an ending one.
@Haroldo: When you said ” but the NYM’s” I thought of the Mets, NY’s lovable losers of baseball. Hey it could be worse. At least we’re not the Mets!
Tenar Arha
@BRyan: I had to ghost an old friend after the election. Because of other things going on, I didn’t have the emotional energy at the time to confront her about “What the h*ck do you mean when you say ‘I think he’s right.’ & ‘I don’t want to talk about politics.’”
I didn’t push her, or explain what I was doing. I just stopped talking to her. With those two statements, she gave me no way to either continue discussing the subject while obliterating every ounce of respect I had for her.
It sounds like you’ve reached this same point as I did, after continuing to talk to your friend. Basically at this point, isn’t she expecting you to pretend to be someone else to remain her friend anyway?
Plus, I don’t know if you’ve relatives or friends who’ll be hurt by this administration’s policies. But if you’ve brought that up to her, then she’s still ignoring all of that & your feelings. This means she’s really not a friend. It’s more than valid to point out that she’s writing off your colleagues, or your friends, & or your family, & to tell her you don’t want to associate with her anymore. Maybe it’s the only method left to you to cause her to reconsider in the future, & recall to her just how truly awful she’s being right now, as you walk away.
Good luck whatever level between continuing to engage, to ghosting, to that final talk you choose.
RE: Never hurts to try but the core of the Trumpanistas are authoritarian narcissists.
I’ve also found that some people simply do not follow the news or politics, and simply do not know the facts. This is true of some liberals and conservatives. This is not to say that all Trump supporters will change their minds, but who knows.
Also, some people don’t realize that Sinclair Broadcast Group properties are propaganda.
There used to be an all news radio station in the Los Angeles market, KFWB. Famous for being all news. One morning, I heard a news story that was clearly biased and factually wrong. I went online and saw that the station had been sold. But I don’t know how many people were still going by the station’s previous reputation. I think they have since changed format, maybe ceased broadcasting.
Lastly, I find that there are people who naturally lend authority figures credibility, and also presume that authority is benign or has their best interest in mind, especially if the authority is white and conservative. These people can be moved, but it takes a lot to move them.
Some of these people give Trump the benefit of the doubt simply because he is president. But he might go too far, even for those who automatically love authority.
@BRyan: You respond to her and tell her that the duration of the time that it has been happening does not make it right. Republicans are trying to make excuses to morally excuse the unjust or blame injustice on someone else. Do not let them do this! Remind them what is morally correct.
@Major Major Major Major: This Friday, June 29th? I went through all the posts on that day and didn’t see one from Alain except for the On the Road post. I didn’t see any other post that looked like it was addressing IT issues.
If you’re talking about the post on June 28th (Thursday), in that post Alain said the nyms should be saving now. They still aren’t. There were additional comments following that about how they timed out, but no update from Alain as to whether or not that specific issue was being addressed.
Here’s a nasty little footnote to history
For some reason, Ivanka came to mind as I read this obit.
From WaPo
Jeez, now everyone is beating the Mets
J R in WV
That doesn’t describe a friend, it describes someone who used to be a friend, and now is just rubbing your face in her despite. Perhaps you should send her back now?
I know it’s hard. I have a brother and a couple of cousins I just don’t do politics or current events with.
The cousins have long been mental cases, one in fact was brain injured by a falling rock on a heavy construction site. My bro has always been right wing, no excuses, moved to Texas because he likes it there. So we speak twice a year on our birthdays. Sad.
It had become such a sad experience for me to go to those, that I just don’t. I have so little to say to anyone, even the ones who share my veiws, because the “soil is so thin”……there is no depth or thought. They care in that it makes them sad…now lets talk about my grandkids.
And thats the good ones.
The Trump-volk I am done with. There is no soil, its a barren wasteland.