Earlier today The Associated Press reported that a settlement had been reached in ONE OF THE lawsuits in south Florida involving Jeffrey Epstein. The headline and the wording of the tweets breaking the news were bad:
A last-minute settlement has been reached in Florida in a long-running lawsuit involving Jeffrey Epstein, a politically-connected financier accused of sexually abusing dozens of teenage girls.https://t.co/imny7anAKt
— The Associated Press (@AP) December 4, 2018
Here’s what’s in the actual AP reporting (emphasis mine):
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — A last-minute settlement was reached Tuesday in a long-running Florida lawsuit involving a politically connected financier accused of sexually abusing dozens of teenage girls, clearing the way for the victims’ lawyers to try to unravel a once-secret agreement that prevented federal criminal prosecution of the financier.
The non-prosecution agreement protecting Jeffrey Epstein was negotiated a decade ago by prosecutors in the South Florida U.S. attorney’s office, which was then run by current Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta. It is the subject of a separate federal lawsuit in Florida filed by victims who say the deal trampled their rights to be heard.
“That injustice needs to be addressed and will be addressed,” said attorney Jack Scarola, who represents fellow lawyer Bradley Edwards in the lawsuit settled Tuesday. “There is no justification for the broad scope of immunity that was granted.”
Epstein, 65, pleaded guilty in 2008 to two state charges after reaching the non-prosecution deal with Acosta’s office while under investigation for sexually abusing dozens of teenage girls. He served 13 months in jail, was required to reach financial settlements with many of the victims and registered as a convicted sex offender.
But Epstein could have faced a possible life sentence if federal prosecutors had pursued a draft 57-page indictment that was never filed. Now, Scarola and Edwards say that possibility still exists, and the victims — some of whom were only 13 or 14 when they were molested — may yet get their day in federal court amid a national #metoo movement that seeks to hold sexual harassers and abusers to account.
“They’re willing to talk. They want to share their stories,” Edwards said.
None of the victims was in court Tuesday and it wasn’t clear if any would be available immediately for interviews.
The settlement reached Tuesday involved a lawsuit Epstein filed against Edwards almost a decade ago. Edwards filed a counterclaim, contending that Epstein sued him maliciously, trying to harm Edwards’ reputation and derail his work with Epstein’s own abuse victims.
The final paragraph is where they buried the lede, as the saying goes. The lawsuit settled this morning IS NOT the Federal lawsuit seeking to set aside the Federal non-prosecution agreement that current Labor Secretary Alex Acosta negotiated and agreed to when he was a US Attorney in south Florida in 2008. The lawsuit settled this morning was between Epstein and one of the attorneys representing Epstein’s victims. It is important to highlight all this, because, as usual, everyone read the tweets and the headline and started jumping to the wrong conclusions on social media. Including people that are normally very good at not doing these things. For instance, the normally reliable Dr. Kendzior:
Once again, none of Epstein's victims will be able to testify, and information about this horrifying and important case will be withheld from the public. https://t.co/vQcDe8cv7y
— Sarah Kendzior (@sarahkendzior) December 4, 2018
I’m not trying to knock Dr. Kendzior here, she’s just the most well known of the people I’ve seen so far who bit on the AP’s inaccurate headline and tweets. Everyone is busy, everyone is overwhelmed right now with the holidays, with getting by day be day, with the fact that it’s winter, with trying not to let the insanity emanating from DC and many state capitols, as well as from abroad, overtake their daily lives. So not having time to read the article is understandable. What isn’t, and what is also not forgivable, is that our news sources, including some of the best ones, seem to have gotten into a pattern of writing inaccurate and deceptive headlines and then tweeting them out to announce their reporting in a way that further compounds the inaccuracy. It is bad enough that there are hostile foreign state and, and in some cases both foreign and domestic, non-state actors conducting ongoing information and psychological warfare, having legitimate, credible sources of news doing the same thing because they can’t get their acts together makes the hostile state and non-state actors jobs easier.
Despite, or, perhaps, because of this morning’s settlement, Epstein’s crimes and the despicable story about how he was allowed to escape proper accountability for his crimes is not going away. The Miami Herald isn’t going to let this story go. And a lot of people’s foul, stinky laundry is going to get aired out in public. And the disingenuous stories they’ve been telling to cover their own misdeeds aren’t going to hold up when this happens.
Open thread!
Sanguine Situation
Just lolling at the “normally reliable” Sarah Kendzior. She’s just this side of Louise Mensch on the reliability/over-reaction continuum, IMHO. YMMV.
An effort doomed to fail as Fatberg has decided that his economic genius WILL NOT BE DENIED!!!
I didnt follow the story at the time. Were there problems with the case that could have justified Acosta’s decision to accept a NPA, or is this just a case of rich-white-guy immunity?
So last night in the ABC news story about the Florida woman who disappeared in Costa Rica the narrator repeatedly referred to “island authorities.” Apparently there’s no difference between Puerto Rico and Costa Rica.
I’m bringing up what seems off topic because I’m learning not to expect much from our failed media.
Other than Trump, is there anyone grosser or more loathsome than Dershowitz? I’m not amazed people no longer invite him to fancy parties- I’m amazed anyone ever did.
It’s just this fucking rogues gallery- Trump and Dershowitz and Guiliani and Stone and the rest. Repulsive- and they’re constantly in the news. The leering old man thing- ugh.
@Butch: Thete is so much wrong with that. Where do you start?
Steve Bannon?
Dick Cheney?
@Kay: “They’re not sending their best…”
Adam L Silverman
@Burnspbesq: No there were not. What is unclear is whether, because of Epstein’s deep pockets and political connections, whether Acosta was promised something in the future, was threatened because of the likelihood that prosecuting Epstein would lead to accusations, and potential prosecutions, against other elites and notables – political ones from both parties, celebrity, financial/business, etc, or a combination of the two. At the time that Acosta made the deal with Epstein the FBI was still actually investigating promising leads and had already identified at least 30 victims across the US and was working to validate a potential 20 or so others. And they hadn’t even started the international side of the investigation.
It appears that Epstein was running one of the largest underage teenage girl sex rings in history. And he was allowed to skate on almost all of it.
Rich White Guy with shit ton of Republican connections in the Federal government.
From the Miami Herald reporting, Epstein’s lawyers basically bullied the U.S. Attorney’s office into accepting things on their terms. I know Alan Dershowitz was on the defense team. Forget who else, but it was a lot of high powered, expensive, lawyers.
Edit: Ken Starr was also part of the defense team. When Epstein realized he was being prosecuted by Republicans, he decided to hire lawyers, who are well connected in Republican circles.
A Ghost To Most
Another distraction, another corrupt R.
Bigger fish to fry. Arrestivus is coming.
Adam L Silverman
@Sanguine Situation: She’s solid and reliable in the areas of her expertise. She’s also hyperbolic all too often. But the latter doesn’t invalidate her deep knowledge of the development and formation of authoritarianism.
Adam L Silverman
@Butch: Apparently you’ve missed the merger: The United Rica of Corta and Puerto. It’s like when Egypt and Syria decided to become one country back in the 1960s.
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: Dershowitz, of course, is not actually accurately relating what happened when that suit against him was dismissed. Not that Dershowitz inaccurately relating something will come as a surprise. The young woman never actually retracted her claim, nor did her attorneys do so for her. Nor has the young woman’s claim ever actually been litigated or adjudicated. And Dershowitz’s insurance company had to make a payout over the whole thing. Here’s a couple of links for you:
Acosta (accost her?) came to his conclusion after a penetrating analysis.
@Adam L Silverman:
I thought that was Iraq and Syria
Boo. //
Adam L Silverman
@gene108: At one point Egypt and Syria did the same thing. It was called the United Arab Republic. It was not united, it was not a republic. It was Arab.
National Republican Congressional Committee says it was hacked during this year’s election cycle
C Stars
@Kay: The GWB Was A Wonderful Man And The World Is So Much Poorer For His Passing thing was just overwhelming. Newspapers spent days and days eulogizing him…a one-term president who didn’t do that much and whose son nearly destroyed our country in his nepotistically-accessed position. I mean, I’m sure GWB was a fun grandad and his socks were cool and all, but does that merit the nonstop keening and wailing?
To your point: Do you suppose the mourning was in fact for the passing of this generation–these white men, these war “heroes,” these guys who for no very convincing reason in particular other than being rich and white and men, were bequeathed the task of being in charge of everything? Not that there weren’t some good men among them, but lets face it: most of them look more like Epstein and Giuliani than Carter and (arguably) GWB. I feel sure a certain segment of society is mourning not GWB’s death in particular, but the fading of that system that simply granted the rich white dudes all the trust and adoration, no questions asked. A “simpler time.”
And some of these same folks, in their dotage, are allowing themselves to be deluded into thinking Dear Tweeter will bring all that back somehow…
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: Breaking news: as I wrote about here in DEC of 2017 it was also hacked during the 2016 election too!
@Adam L. Silverman
Or the little known Dr. Seuss book on Mideast politico-geography, One Yemen, Two Yemens, Red Yemen, Blue Yemen.
List needs moar Ken Starr.
Somebody needs to put me in charge of booking at one of the main news outlets. I have very specific changes to make and will back them with termination for any who do not follow them. This enabling simply needs to stop, as the typical viewer has no clue how badly they’re being bamboozled. .
I will not eat green eggs with Ham, I will not eat them Salaam.
@C Stars:
There’s always a misty eyed bout of nostalgia when a president dies, for that “simpler time” and lost youth, etc. I get it. But this “last moderate Republican” crap is a direct product of the Overton Window being shoved right off the house. Yeah, he seems great compared to the new normal. Now what does that tell us about the new normal?
C Stars
..AAAAANd by GWB I mean of course GHWB, or Bush senior, or whatever we’re supposed to call him.
Talk about fake news!!
Even has a jingle: “Buy, Yemen.”
C Stars
Exactly!! Why hasn’t anyone written that article yet?
Cheryl Rofer
Some of us are also trying to decipher what the administration means in its statement about withdrawal from the INF Treaty. It looks like there will be 60 days in which Pompeo puffs about his expectations that Russia will return to compliance, without any substantive discussions, and Trump tries to pretend that nothing is happening.
@trollhattan: I too am getting pretty sick of the hagiographies. And isn’t the current climate change denial on part of Rs the echo of their inaction during the AIDS epidemic?
Also appointing Thomas to the Supreme Court.
I was little more than a child during Bush I, but these two things stand out for me.
Which brings me to an unmistakable conclusion that most of our media is Republican.
NPR, Vichy Times, PBS for the high brow Rs,who fancy themselves to be upper crust, educated and genteel.
Fox News, Brietbart, Alex Jones for the low brow Rs.
Abscond to thine room.
I read yesterday about this separate lawsuit that Epstein had the chutzpah to bring against Bradley Edwards. Suing the main lawyer for the other side is a clear sign of desperation.
@Adam L Silverman: when (IF) the deal blows up I expect there will be a whole bunch of very prominent wealthy people who are going to “vacation” in a non-extradition venue. That’s the only reason like that gets made…
Question: Is it a good idea to try to read up on this particular horror? I’ve read a bit, but I’m unsure whether there is much reason to try to know more about Epstein and what he did. I know there’s a Trump angle, but that’s hardly surprising– there’s always a Trump angle.
@Adam L Silverman:
Adam, thanks for keeping this story up. It really shows how deep the rot has gotten in the New American Aristocracy.
Verily and forthwith (for it is a nice room, as rooms go).
Adam L Silverman
@MattF: Read the Miami Herald’s expose from last week. I’ve got a guest post lined up on it once the attorney whose going to right it gets a few minutes to do so.
Anyone know what time the Flynn report is supposed to drop today?
Why not? Sara Kendzior is a pathological liar who is either totally amoral, unhinged, or both.
I mean …… She got lost on her way to MSNBC and reacted by publicly accusing them of trying to lure her into an abandoned building for the purposes of abducting her.
Jeffrey Epstein is a pretty obvious contender. I’d even put him ahead of Trump.
Yes and no. Knowing the details on what happened to the sex slaves, is a no. It’s as bad or worse than you can imagine.
Knowing how they were procured, controlled, moved, rented out, and the whom’s who ran the ring, managed the ring, used the services of the ring, ignored the existence of the ring, or helped cover it up, yes.
Knowing about all the coverups, secret bargains, deals to make it all go quiet and who/whom was involved, another yes.
Cheap Jim
@TenguPhule: How about, “I will not eat them; ham’s haram.”?
I will not eat them; they’re haram.
ETA: @Cheap Jim — mediocre minds are stuck in the same rut, as one of my old roommates used to say. :D
Somewhat OT. After briefing from CIA head, Senators say Saudi Crown Prince is guilty as hell.
Jay C
I’d probably go with the “rich-white-guy” scenario, especially as it seems to be case of “rich white guy with possible dirt on other r-w-g’s”
According to Michelle Goldberg in the New York Times, not only did Epstein effectively skate on a raft of serious charges, he was able to serve his minimal (13 months) sentence in pretty much relative comfort. The title question of Ms. Goldberg’s column says it all:
Why Does Alex Acosta Still Have a Job?
I can tell you from personal experience, that even back when newspapers and other news outlets had fully staffed copy desks, they were constantly botching their coverage of legal matters. Unless they’d been to law school, the reporters and editors didn’t have the sophistication to correctly describe a court’s holding, or distinguish holding from dictum. But now those copy desks are minimally staffed, and the reporters are young and largely inexperienced. You get what you pay for, and in the newspaper business, they don’t want to pay for much.
As each outrage unfolds I keep hoping each one will have a bit of the old California Prop 187 effect. Seems like the Wisconsin Republican election stealing bills might do the job there. In general I’ve found my fellow citizens tolerance of this crap disappointing, but I’m happier if I stay optimistic.
I will not eat green eggs and ham, I will not eat them with Salman.
I will not eat them with awe, I will not cut them with a bone saw.
patrick II
@Adam L Silverman:
Wow. Pedophile insurance. It must be expensive. I know technically it is an anti-defamation case, but when you are a pedophile it is useful to intimidate an accuser with insurance company’s money.
Gin & Tonic
@Sanguine Situation: Thanks for coming and sharing your opinion, Nym I’ve Never Seen Before.
J R in WV
Yeah, Egypt was with Libya, right next door…
Wait until we get a “misty eyed bout of nostalgia” and decide that Trump wasn’t so bad after all, during the seventh year of Pence’s presidency.
Trump’s saving grace is that he doesn’t truly give a shit about any of us. He doesn’t care what we do, or whether we live or die, as long as we don’t get in his way, and he can make lots of money. OTOH President Pence would be far worse; he loves us, and he would want to save us.
Gin & Tonic
@btomdarga: Wow, two completely brand-new nyms coming here to disparage Kendzior. How’s the weather in Yekaterinburg today? Or is it St. Petersburg?
Mary G
There is a baby in the house and my cats are horrified.
I had the Miami Herald story open in a tab for a couple of days and could not bring myself to read it.
Desks are long gone, it’s more like copy TV tables now.
Jay C
And another question: anyone else having problems with the site today? I tried to put a link to the NYT in my #47, but when I clicked the “link” button, the link box dropped down, but zipped back up away every time I tried to Paste the link address. And then I couldn’t insert text in the Comment Box and had to kill B-J and reload .
He most certainly does. If only because its easier to make money off of us if we’re dead.
It’s a feature, not a bug.
@Jay C
Site has been a live action demonstration of entropy in action lately.
@Jay C:
Not entirely O/T, why does Cyrus Vance Jr. still have a job? I guess it’s that “rich-white-guy immunity” thing, coupled with big fat donations to obtain the best justice money can buy:
Because I read pretty much any true crime book, I’d read about Epstein a couple of years ago here. It seemed pretty detailed to me and I’m tracking these stories now because of it.
@Jay C: It got stuck on three comments, even though the heading said there were about 50. I had to open the thread about a dozen times to finally see comments.
Agree he does not one shit give about any of us but he nevertheless wants, badly wants us to praise him, loudly and endlessly. He eats that shit up, just watch any of his rallies. And then there’s the round-the-table cabinet praise-the-leader circles. That’s some Mussolini-level “leading.”.
Manhattan has a very odd residence demographic.
Jay C
Yeah, you’re right: I should do a bit more proofreading.
Whatever the problems with the site, I’m sure they’re not amenable to Second Amendment Solutions…
I hope.
Thurgood Marshall, the first AA Supreme Court justice and legendary civil rights attorney, was stepping down and it would have been bad optics to replace him with a white guy. And Thomas was the only AA they had groomed to be a possible SCOTUS nominee.
It was utterly cynical nominating Thomas.
The Moar You Know
@TenguPhule: I will not eat green eggs with Ham, because that combo is haram.
-Fixed for Islamic dietary issues
The Moar You Know
@Adam L Silverman: I did. Bring a barf bag and a crate of tissues. I’m a hardened sack of crap with a deep understanding of how awful people are, but if a tenth of what’s alleged there is true that Epstein motherfucker is an inhuman monster who needs to be executed in public.
Daniel Jacobson (@Dan_F_Jacobson) Tweeted:
The NC GOP is trying to rush through a law that would REQUIRE every county elections board in NC to be chaired by a Republican in election years. These guys just can’t stop trying to rig elections.
The NC GOP is trying to rush through a law that would REQUIRE every county elections board in NC to be chaired by a Republican in election years. These guys just can’t stop trying to rig elections.
— Daniel Jacobson (@Dan_F_Jacobson) December 4, 2018
@Jay C: the blog has picked up on its readers’ hate for FTFNYT?
C Stars
@Mary G: I couldn’t read it either. But I’m sure I’ll experience the trauma nevertheless when nothing is done and these disgusting monsters walk away “Scott Free” in a few months. Money fixes everything. Poor women and girls are disposable.
As per lawyer talking heads on MSNBC, they can electronically file, so sometime between now and Midnight.
Mentioned earlier that the R Congress has kicked the shutdown can down the road to December 21st.
Admit surprise they haven’t (yet) timed a shutdown to take place on January 3rd.
The Moar You Know
@Gin & Tonic: What’s sad is not only do I expect this kind of obvious bullshit nowadays, but I don’t even pay that much attention to it anymore. In short, I assume manipulation and go on my way.
@A Ghost To Most:
@Mary G:
You’re not doing enough baby-proofing if babies are still getting in.
It’s important to go to (and credit) the tweets of the reporter who’s been writing the story, Julie Brown for the Miami Herald. https://mobile.twitter.com/jkbjournalist
I get that your post is about criticizing the coverage. That starts with Curt Anderson, the AP writer who rushed to put out a headline and their story. (The details of the story seem to have appeared during the next 40-50 minutes after the AP tweet, as you can see in the development of Brown’s twitter posts and her story.)
How about criticizing Curt Anderson by name and at least linking Julie Brown’s name to highlight her good reporting by contrast.
@The Moar You Know: What gets me is that they think they may actually have any influence here or change anybody’s thinking. They obviously don’t recognize the high intelligence level or quality of critical thinking that the jackals have. They must think we are all at Fox viewers level.
The AOL discs of the 2010s.
I’ve actually been wondering who writes the headlines now that the copy staffs have been decimated. I’m beginning to suspect it may be the story’s editors, not the copy staff, which potentially creates some issues if the editor is trying to downplay the story.
And I’m guessing the heds that get tweeted out are written in haste by website interns who skim the first graf of the story.
Depends on if their wish to punish Federal Workers on Christmas Eve wins or not.
Hey, don’t knock free drink coasters.
Cheap random word algorthims.
I'll be Frank
Is it bad headlining or is it good clickbaiting? I kind of like crappy headlines, it makes it very easy to know who actually reads the articles and who just reads the headline.
@japa21: Hey, come on! It’s a job, 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week. They troll where the boss tells them to. Don’t expect a lot of initiative from the trolls in a troll factory.
Cat toys and sun-catchers, also too.
Corner Stone
I had a dream last night that a crow had somehow got in my house and was cawing at me from the kitchen, but I could never find where exactly it was. Now I’m going room by room making sure no damned babies found their way in somehow while I was asleep.
J R in WV
No longer intimately connected to The AP, but I would still be shocked if the actual reporter has anything to do with headlines — now tweets could be their fault, or could be a “digital” reporter/editor regurgitating the story in tiny bites, not necessarily accurately.
Reporters have never had anything to do with headlines, typically. Blame headline writers for that. Unnamed errors with computers.
@C Stars:
The story is definitely worth reading because the initial one that Adam linked to spells out the political corruption very clearly.
Another factor seems to have been that the feds wanted Epstein to testify against Bear Stearns after the 2008 crash, so they may have allowed Epstein to cover up his child sex ring so they could convict a couple of banksters. Prosecuting financial crimes was more important than sex crimes.
@japa21: If der trumpen can’t manage any quality hires, why should his backers? So long as the minions hit [post] they’re (theoretically) paid. There may — in utter fairness — be volunteers who are low-rent for love or because it’s their superpower.
It’s a gross misunderstanding of the dental plan, which states they are fully covered for bridge work.
@TenguPhule: I already got Christmas Eve off. All the shutdown will do is save me eight hours. Then I do the withholding trick when the backpay hits and roll in it for a bit.
Pictures or it didn’t … never mind.
@NotMax: Oh jeez….
I don’t mean to sound Gruff ….
J R in WV
I just noticed that in your opening sentence for this piece you badly mispelled the name of the entity you are writing about:
The name of the news group is The Associated Press. Not the Associate Press. \
Just FYI.
@Gin & Tonic: Well, I’m not a new nym but I’m not a fan because I find Kendzior a real downer. I come away from reading her Twitter feed or her articles feeling much worse about everything. To me it seems like she wants people to feel down about what they can do. My term for that type of person is “doom merchant.” I find that approach to be unhelpful to my health and also to my energy and enthusiasm for getting involved and potentially making a difference, let alone just tackling my daily life. I can’t speak to her accuracy except to say if someone regularly forecasts the worst things to happen then they’ll be wrong sometimes.
@J R in WV:
That’s why I’m wondering who writes the headlines these days. Traditionally it was the copy staff, but they’ve all been replaced by spell check. So whose job is it now?
I did a quick Google and it looks like the New York Times got rid of their stand-alone copy desk with 100+ copy editors last year and instead have about 50 editors who are responsible for assignments, copy editing, and fact checking. That explains a lot about their current dysfunction.
Here’s something fun:
Stay classy, Cabinet secretaries!
@J R in WV: spelling is correct, capitalization is off. Although if they keep writing misleading headlines they will have earned their demotion from The to the.
@Ruviana: Question; Has James Patterson written other true crime? I don’t follow the field closely anymore and was wondering if he did it regularly, or if this case just pissed him off especially.
Gin & Tonic
@J R in WV: Pretty embarrassing when you misspell the word “misspelled” when criticizing someone for a misspelling. Please surrender your pedantry license before close of business today.
@Gin & Tonic: Thank you, I was just about to remark on Sarah K’s fanbois. They must have some kind of search running all the time.
Speakin’ of rooms to where what one must now repair… :-P
I wish. It shows he had plenty of money for intimidation of the other side.
@rikyrah: and the Airing of Subpoenas?
@Jay: Umm, it happened in 2007-8 and is only now coming to more complete light.
So technically, it was worse then, than now.
A Ghost To Most
@chris: BorisInPutinland still keeping up on BJ? Fuck you, Vlad.
@Gin & Tonic: Heh:
Afaict, the point that some women made on twitter — about this settlement preventing possible victim testimony — isn’t wrong.
There’s still a chance that will happen (and there are also hopes for Epstein’s imprisonment if there’s a ruling to undo the plea deal b/cause of the Crime Victims’ Rights Act).
But that case hasn’t been heard, so we don’t know what will happen.
The current JD, its opposition to victim’s rights, and US treatment of women in court haven’t gone away; that’s the emotion I read behind tweets like Mimi Rocah’s, Sarah Kenzidor’s and many others’.
The Miami H story opens with the same focus on the victims.
West of the Rockies
Is there a burgeoning drumbeat for Acosta’s head (or job anyway)? I’m not really hearing it. Zinke is foul, but Acosta is perhaps more vile still.
Barry Manilow?
I write the headlines that the whole world reads
i write ’em punchy for the clicks they bring
Matching them with story I barely try
I write the heds, I write the heds
I no longer know who writes the headlines, and many of the people who actually work at a newspaper may not know, either. At the newspaper where I was last employed, the copy-editing function has been moved to another state. Travesties like that are now common at newspapers, as the publishers have decided that accuracy is a luxury they no longer can afford.
My take is Epstien’s Legal Team completely caved.
– a public apology,
– no NDA,
– unstated amount of compensation to Edwards and the two victims he represents.
This was a form of “lawfare”, “paper terrorism”, a “fake” libel case against the girl’s Lawyer.
Rather than try to get testimony and evidence quashed, supressed, burying the testimony in a “sealed court”, or other legal maneuvers,
They caved.
And civil suits against Epstien, the FDLE, Miami Dade and Acosta and the current AG’s office are still going forward.
Sadly, justice for many, is a long lengthy process, not a 45 minute Law and Order Episode.
Cheryl Rofer
Lots of trolls today on the Twitters too.
@Cheryl Rofer: Probably means something is about to break.
@catclub: It’s just such a long shot that it’s hard to see that you would try it unless you had run out of other tactics. On the other hand, it does lend credence to the whispers and even some of the statements made by Acosta that make it sound like he gave up and let Epstein off with basically no punishment because Epstein successfully intimidated him (which of course Epstein and his lawyers denied).
@Yarrow: I could use a little breaking news right now.
@Barbara: That theory is possible if Acosta thought he might lose a high profile case. He was concerned about his future.
@Yarrow: Not new either, and I un-subscribed from Kendzior’s Twitter for the “doom and gloom,” plus finding her findings to push the boundaries of provable/researched commentary,
She said some really powerful and important stuff post-election. I wonder if it’s just she’s a victim of the concept that you have to stay relevant.
Yep. That’s why I’m currently working as a secretary who does occasional proofreading and copy editing at my job and not in journalism. At least it’s steadier work. ?♀️
@Cheryl Rofer:
I think it may be the Epstein thing. Not only is Trump chin-deep in the shit, it’s an international case that will be embarrassing to elites in many countries that are our allies (or “allies”). So the trolls are sent forth to try and muddy the waters.
Dorothy A. Winsor
The Dow closed down 800.
TS (the original)
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Congratulations to tariff-man.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I luckily have some years for that to be repaired before I retire…. But, bad news indeed.
Acosta knew that Epstein had been having sex with multiple underage girls. Acosta knew that Epstein had been using girls to recruit other girls, and that he’d been introducing girls as young as 14 to prostitution, at least with himself as the main paying customer. Acosta knew that the FBi had three dozen young women ready to testify … with the likelihood of as many as a hundred more.
Acosta knew all that.
And he negotiated a deal through which Epstein took a plea to a single count of soliciting an underage female, got 18 months of easy time in a county jail that allowed him to leave 6 days a week for 12 hrs a day, unsupervised, and was required to register as a sex offender. Acosta approved the decision to keep all of this secret from the victims.
Epstein’s deal extended to everyone associated with him, too. Under that deal, nobody associated with the case could be prosecuted. Not the men Epstein “shared” some of these girls with. Not the adult women who helped arrange the “massages.”
I read today that Epstein still believes he did nothing wrong! The girls came willingly, and they got paid! He thinks he’s a more intellectual Hugh Hefner who just happens to have a taste for young flesh. No harm, no foul, go away Puritans!
These kids were in 10th grade.
@Mnemosyne: Ultimately there is sex trafficking of underage girls (mostly but some boys) involving Russia and many rich and well-connected people around the globe. That there’s even a possibility it’s being made public let alone prosecuted is probably what kicked off the trolls today. And yeah, Pizzagate = projection.
@Woodrow/Asim: Similar. I read her post election and found her commentary powerful and helpful as I got my bearings. Not long after that I started finding her very doom and gloom, as you said, and pretty much quit reading anything from her.
I’m not one to stop people from expressing themselves when they’re down since I’ve been there myself as well as having had plenty of WASF moments, but I do find that relentless doomsaying is wearing. It saps morale and may keep people from doing what they can to make things change. I know it’s a tactic used by people who do not the US to recover. Keep the populace demoralized. That may not be what SK is doing but the result is the same, for me at least. I don’t find her commentary insights outweigh the negative.
Current actual, above-the-fold BBC headline.
Imagining a World Service presenter saying those exact words gives them a little extra oomph.
@JPL: It pisses me off that people like Acosta would avoid a high profile loss out of careerism. But what Acosta told the Senate confirmation committee is that he and his staff and their family members were subject to intimidation tactics. Which is still not an excuse, if anything, it’s a reason to get even nastier. I mean, do you think Janet Reno would have rolled over like Acosta did?
P.S. Acosta’s on the record testimony about his intimidation should be front and center in getting that deal superseded.
@hitchhiker: When there are 18 year old high school students who get harsher sentences for having sex with their minor girlfriends, there is simply NO REASON to ever cut a deal with someone like Epstein.
Corner Stone
@Yarrow: IMO, that’s a misreading of Kendzior and her work product. But everyone needs to manage their own self-care however best.
@trollhattan: and, everything MBS touches turns to shit. Crazy, Shit Midas. Who does that sound like?
@hitchhiker: one could deduce from that that Acosta was either 1) paid handsomely to make that deal (personal benefit) or 2) was ‘persuaded’ to make the deal because of compromising material on him that would be embarrassing.
Or a combination of both.
Relatedly: Alan Dershowitz ‘very proud’ of deal that got billionaire serial child molester Jeffrey Epstein one year in jail
Think he’s happy he didn’t get exposed, although he seems to like exposing himself per story this summer on his naked beach trolling.
@Mnemosyne: And I’m a nurse. (Didn’t have a lot of j-school credits that were applicable.)
How Trump appointees curbed a consumer protection agency loathed by the GOP
Whenever I hear how Trump isn’t doing much damage, relatively speaking, I just SMH.
@sukabi: Based on the stories coming out, he did get exposed. He also committed statutory rape.
@J R in WV: Yeah, I understand that. I’m sure he didn’t write the headline; I meant to imply he’s part of the AP machinery trying to rush their headline and story ‘into print.’ Brown’s tweets (which started before AP’s) were measured and she developed the full details over the next hour. My point was that part of the confusion caused by how Curt Anderson first wrote his story was due to his and AP’s rush. Adam rightly wrote about how poorly the story was written, mentioning Kenzidor by name for emphasizing the injustice of the ongoing suppression of information, but not Anderson.
The really enraging thing is that Epstein’s lawyers used the fact that some of the girls were unable to escape sex work and/or got involved in drugs as proof that they were “bad girls” and none of it was Epstein’s fault. HE LURED THEM INTO THAT WORLD AND THEN BLAMED THEM FOR BEING UNABLE TO COPE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES. That was his defense! And Acosta signed off on it!
@ruemara: there’s never just one.
IANAL, but I’m pretty sure that participating in an international child prostitution ring should involve a few more charges than just statutory rape. I mean, it would if it wasn’t goddamned Republicans running the fucking investigation and court case.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I”m tired of winning.
@sukabi: Dershowitz proud? It says everything that he was in charge of the effort to ruin young victims if they testified and use the unproven information to threaten them and force the prosecutors into the deal. No credibility, no character, and I hope this story ends in his ruination.
Florida Man–“I’m also a sheriff” edition.
@hitchhiker: I don’t know what Acosta’s motivation was in giving Epstein a slap on the wrist, but given that he has only failed upward, and is now Secretary of Labor (and just what are his qualifications for that?), and was being considered for AG until Miami Herald story dropped last week, one might conclude that he was rewarded for letting some very big fish off the hook.
@TenguPhule: Monumental Disaster at the Department of the Interior.
The next Democratic administration is going to have a time rooting out all the MAGAts.
@Adam L Silverman: Not even arab. Egyptians are not Arabs.
@Mnemosyne: As well as Dershowitz searching for dirt about their alcohol use to discredit them (which Epstein and Co. gave them along with drugs).
Adam L Silverman
@J R in WV: Thanks, I’ve fixed it. I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: She is depressing. And she’s hyperbolic at times in her being depressing. But in her specific areas of expertise, the development of authoritarianism, she knows her stuff.
Adam L Silverman
@pluky: Egyptians are Arabs.
@Adam L Silverman: @Yarrow: I agree about SK. Also, there is too much self promotion in her Twitter feed. Like 3/4 of the things she retweets is other people saying how wonderful she is.
@Adam L Silverman: Yes, she’s is good in her area of expertise. I have read her work and give her credit for knowing her stuff. Post 2016 election she also was helpful for me, at least, to have a framework for what was happening. I just couldn’t keep up with her after that. Too much of a downer. I still check in with her Twitter feed off and on but when I do I end up feeling down so it doesn’t do much for me.
@Jay: You’re right, it’s good they caved, and it wasn’t a defeat. But I also understand why it’s important to keep a focus on the suppression of information.
I think some activists are doing that not because they misunderstood today’s case but because it’s still possible that information will be suppressed.
About that likelihood I don’t know either way, but I trust their insistence on the importance of that framing. The wider issue being the attention to what frequently happens in court when victims are not white or are victims of sex crimes or when police/military/powerful men are accused.
@Adam L Silverman: Not genetically.
Also makes me want to break things when I read that his Hispanic house”boy” got 12 years in prison for trying to blackmail Epstein with the names in his black book.
Epstein’s rights must be protected at all costs, and b/c he’s a hedgefund manager who routinely turns away any potential customers who don’t have at least $1 Billion to play with, “all costs” is very big money indeed. The tales of his generosity in funding science and the arts are no doubt true … but it’s just play money to him.
In any case, it’s obvious that some very important people wanted him to get out of this unscathed. I hope we find who and why.
@Yarrow: Probably because, at least from a cursory reading, she treats the rise of authoritarianianiam as a ratchet. It can only go one way. She is very knowledgeable regarding the conditions that lead to it and the actions authoritarians take but it’s seems as if she focuses on them in a way that leaves the impression that there is nothing that can be done. That counterweights aren’t rea ll or just don’t count. And this may just boil down to a stylistic choice but I don’t find it pleasant to spend much time with and start to have the impression of someone that’s a little too enamored with the (quite good) model they’ve constructed.
@Barbara: Only 38 Senators voted not to confirm him. They all heard the same excuses.
Steve in the ATL
@C Stars:
Bush the Elected
Epstein was very smart in how he spread his money and favors around, because it means that a LOT of people will be tainted if he goes down. IIRC, he loaned his personal jet to Bill Clinton a few times. AFAIK, Clinton has not been implicated in the prostitution stuff (unlike Trump), but you KNOW that the FTFNYT and the rest of the MSM will insist that Bill is a child molester because he used Epstein’s plane.
This is how big criminals get away with big shit — they make sure that as many people as possible are implicated or at least acquainted with them so they can threaten to ruin their reputations even if they weren’t involved in the crimes.
Dev Null
I’m more tipsy than I would have predicted after two glasses of wine, but …
… point 1: thanks for this, Adam.
I had previously read the AP headline …
… and I had missed the grafs you highlight here.
A /bunch/ of us (technical terminology, like “done busted”) on my mailing lists are following the Epstein-Acosta story … in horror.
FWIW, I’ve forwarded your post to my lists.
point 2: You said that, as a front-pager, you won’t post on eg nukular matters because they’re not within your immediate domain of expertise …
… but apparently you will – as a front-pager – post on underage sex ring matters?!?
What exactly is your front-pager-capable experience in underage sexy-time matters?
What are you hiding from us?!?
Physician, heal thyself.
[paws that refreshes]
I’m joking, of course. [dryly]
But sauce for the emptywheel is sauce for the silverman, amirite?
(For anyone who might be puzzled: this is a follow-up to my previous emptywheel-centric posts in which I said I wouldn’t discuss Adam’s take on emptywheel again.
I lied.
Sue me.)
The Lodger
@Dev Null: Geez, Dev, you sound almost… poleaxed.
@Adam L Silverman: Bill Clinton’s name has come up again in some reports on this story. What’s the truth on his alleged (by some) involvement with Epstein’s activities?
Amir Khalid
What do you mean by not genetically Arab?
Thanks, Adam. I must admit I only saw the headline and it ruined my day. I am glad there’s still a possibility these women will get their day in country and the pervert collective will face justice.
Adam L Silverman
@schrodingers_cat: If I both had a twitter feed and had people saying how wonderful I am, that’s all I’d tweet.
Adam L Silverman
@Dev Null:
Actually this is an excellent point. Which is why I’ve now made four or five comments, including in this post itself, that I have lined up a female attorney who specializes in defending clients in Federal cases to do a guest post on this as soon as she gets the time away from her trial schedule to do the post. I am, as a criminologist, competent enough to speak about the criminogenic aspects of Epstein’s behavior, however, given the Miami Herald expose, and the questions that it raises about how the criminal justice system malfunctioned in this case, I am not comfortable writing a post about what happened and what the victims attorneys are trying to make happen to get them some justice. I’m also uncomfortable writing about this because I’m not sure that even a technical post on this should be written by a guy, which is why I reached out to a female attorney.
Adam L Silverman
@Ladyraxterinok: I don’t know. I know Epstein loaned him the use of his private plane several times, but beyond that I’ve just seen innuendo and rumor regarding the connection between Clinton and Epstein. Moreover, my understanding, as a professional criminologist, of sexual deviancy, is that given Clinton’s well documented preferences in female companionship, there is no evidence he is interested in underage, teenage young women. The youngest woman he can be verifiably connected to is Monica Lewinsky, who was in her 20s when they had their affair. All the other women he has been both credibly and not credibly connected to where in their 30s through 40s.
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: It doesn’t mean anything. Egyptians are predominantly Semites, just as other Arabs from the Maghreb and the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant. Modern Egyptians also incorporate ethnic descent from what is now Sudan, as well as from ancient Greece and Rome during the Ptolemaic period. However, the standard definition for who is an Arab in the modern world is someone who is a native speaker of Arabic. Which is why their are Arabs who are Christian (Syriacs, Chaldeans, Copts, Maronites, etc), Arabs who are Jews (what we refer to as Mizrahi Jews), and Arabs who are from synchretic religions such as the Druze and Yazidis. The one thing they all have in common is that they are native Arabic speakers.
@Mnemosyne: Makes sense about how he used BClinton. Had seen his name often mentioned when charges about Epstein are reported.
Thanks for pointing out this aspect of the stories.
@Mnemosyne: Thanks for ponting this out.
@Mnemosyne: Thaks for pointing this out.
I’m not the expert that Adam is, but IIRC it’s pretty common for people who are engaged in criminal conspiracies to try and implicate innocent (or at least uninvolved) people in the crimes and then threaten to “reveal” their involvement if the person doesn’t cover for them. Sort of like when a drug dealer makes a prospective distributor sniff the cocaine before they sell it to them to make sure they can’t go to cops later on and turn them in.
@Amir Khalid: I’m guessing he means that they are not descended from the people indigenous to the Arabian peninsula.
Dev Null
@Adam L Silverman:
Perhaps it’s the wine, but it seems to me that, after 160-odd responses to your front-page post, a defense that rests on “I’ve commented in previous posts” is less than compelling.
My take. YMMV.
(If posts were threaded, well … mebbe… but posts aren’t threaded.)
“professional” carries a lot of freight, here.
I am too am a “professional”, at least in the sense that I have a ticket and have worked in the STEM sector. I have been a Federal contractor. I taught a network security course, despite having /zero/ formal tickets in the area. (Most of my students hated me, Truth In Adverting, but whatevs.)
WTF? This is relevant to your post or my gloss in exactly what way?!
May I put my cards on the table? I am an middle-of-the-road Dem, leaning a bit left. I supported Hussein Nobummah in preference to HRC in 2008. I supported HRC in preference to Trump (duh).
In 2018 I have contributed to Dem candidates to the tune of nearly tithing. I have written postcards. Yeah, I should have done more. So should we all.
Sue me.
(Part the First. I will post Part the Second tomorrow when I am not as angry and am perhaps less inebriated.)
Dev Null
@The Lodger: inebriated.
Would appreciate details.
@Dev Null:
Dude. You realize that you just accused Adam of being a pedophile, right? Re-read what you just said, and realize that any jokiness that you intended did NOT come across.
Adam is not a lawyer, so he’s asked a lawyer friend to write a post about the legal issues.
He is a criminologist, so he feels comfortable discussing the type of person who commits these kinds of crimes. Bill Clinton’s known sexual history does not point to him being a pedophile.
Maybe log off until you sober up a little?
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah it makes for boring reading though.
Dev Null
@The Lodger: Still inebriated, but …
… what does “poleaxed” mean in this context?
Not what I thought the word meant, apparently.
Dev Null
Perhaps you missed the emptywheel exchange, in which Adam asserted that the only peeps who are qualified to post about a topic are those who have a ticket in the specialized topic area? Which emptywheel does not have, apparently. [dryly]
[ROFL] point to what I said about William Jefferson Clinton. Please! /snark
I have no objection to Adam posting about sexual deviancy …
… as long as he tolerates the rest of us posting in like fashion.
I give Adam credit for being intellectually honest, hence my critique of his post / comments. I figure that peeps who are intellectually honest will self-correct, or – in the event that they feel that critiques are unjustified – will explain why the critique is wrong. That is, after all, what expert means: someone who understands the problem space so well that he’r’she can explain misunderstandings to others.
If I thought otherwise I wouldn’t bother to contradict Adam.
That’s one way of dealing with comments with which you disagree. [dryly]
EDIT: Adam gets my point, whether or not you get my point.
@Dev Null:
So a criminologist — someone who studies and analyzes criminal behavior — is not qualified to discuss criminal behavior because … ?
Do you also think that a climatologist is not qualified to talk about global warming because all s/he does is study climate science?
I have a question.
These are from the Tuesday night reporting about the Epstein settlement:
Why assume that this writer either didn’t read or misunderstood the article, and was taken in by a headline?
Why is this hyperbolic? (Depressing, of course.)
The assumption that the writer was “too busy to read” but retweeted w/o reading (which a good journalist or writer doesn’t do), could come off as condescending if it’s not valid. It’s possible she knows more about the Epstein case than we do. (Since she’s written about it. And since justice on the streets and in court is one thing she writes about, and violence against women and blacks is another.)
I think the way to criticize Kenzidor or Wheeler is to choose something they write and argue against it.
I’m not familiar with most of their work (I read K during Ferguson), so can’t speak to their overall accuracy.
But I’d like to read a discussion about what they say, not how or whether they should say it.