Donald Trump again repeated a lie at his Wisconsin rally. It’s a lie that has been around a very, very long time, the form even longer. Paint your opposition as being capable of an atrocity that no decent person would tolerate. That makes it easier to ostracize them, jail them, go to war against them.
This particular lie was used to promote World War I, the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s, and two wars against Saddam Hussein.
Babies and young children, as the most vulnerable of humans with lives ahead of them, are fodder for lies that play on deep emotions. To say someone kills babies is one of the most explosive accusations it is possible to make.
Trump takes his story from a mangling of a doctor’s statement about the heartbreak of delivering a baby that cannot live because it lacks major organs – lungs, parts of the brain or heart. That story has been told in major newspapers by mothers who have experienced a pregnancy with a severely deformed fetus. A nurse who has dealt with such tragedies describes them in this Twitter thread.
Yes, this lie has been around a very long time. It is related to the blood libel, the accusation that Jews drink the blood of children.
The New York Times says “President Trump revived an inaccurate refrain” in referring to Trump’s lie. But it’s worse than that. And it ties in with the antisemitism that Trump encourages, except this time it’s against every human who can imagine the feelings involved in a pregnancy that will result only in a dead baby, through natural causes.
Thanks to the commenters on an earlier Balloon Juice thread for pointing out how many times this attack has been used before.
Cross-posted to Nuclear Diner.
This kind of rhetoric caused a woman who was carrying an nonviable fetus to die due to Ireland’s archaic abortion laws. She literally died on the operating table because the doctors would not remove the dead or dying fetus. This kind of shit is going to get women killed and the shitgibbon does not care.
But Joe Biden wasn’t as nice to Anita Hill as he could have or should have been, so both sides!
As Democrats we need to crush Trump and the GOP, and the purity ponies need to get out of the way. My top three choices for the Dem ticket are Harris, Warren, and Biden, in that order. I’ll be happy with any of the others as well. We need to build up our party, not tear it down.
If you listened to the entire Northam interview, it was clear that he was talking about non viable babies, but even Brian Stelter allowed some right wing jerk for The Atlantic to say it was viable babies. It sickened me then and it sickens me that he hasn’t found it necessary to correct it on twitter. We are all talking about apologies, well as the host he owes everyone an apology for not correcting the lie.
Necessary to keep escalating to stoke the fires of hatred. Drinking the blood of Christian babies coming up on the rail.
@NotMax: The blood libel isn’t just for us Yids anymore.
I’m sure this bullshit has gotten women killed.
I don’t think that Trump gives a rat’s ass about babies, or even abortion. And he certainly doesn’t care about the truth. But he knows how to excite his supporters.
The sad, sick thing is that evangelicals will take this as further proof that Trump has been sent by God.
Sam Bee covered the media’s inability to plainly say the problem, and instead use dumb phrases like, “Racially insensitive” instead. As long as the media continues to cover these people as good faith actors, we’re going to have these issues.
Sam Bee’s Not a White House Correspondents’ Dinner: Racism is Racist
The weirdest claim I’ve seen was by a Republican in South Carolina who swore that healthy babies were being drowned in saline solution that burned their skin off.
Anyone who has the faintest clue what saline solution is (you know, the stuff you put in your eyes?) knows how bizarre the claim is, but forced birthers ate it up, because they need to believe that abortion is worse than separating families or letting people die after natural disasters. If they stop believing that abortion is the worst crime ever, then they have to confront the fact that they’ve been making shitty moral choices for decades based on a mistaken belief.
People get charged with murder for more tenuous connections to homicides than this. If they’re not rich* and white, that is.
*(Not that Trump is)
Guess this dude should avoid the ocean.
Bush 1 claimed that Republican Guard troops new bayoneting babies in incubators in Kuwait during the run up.
Remember that every accusation by Trump is a confession.
And shudder.
Betty Cracker
“Revived an inaccurate refrain” — Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ. I’d take the red pen to that craven sentence as follows:
Guess I’m not NYT timber…
i don’t think we’re going to survive another 18 months of this shit.
Miss Bianca
Back when I used to work for Planned Parenthood (sometime in the last century), we saw this coming. Police coming to your door to arrest you for your miscarriage? Yeah, people, we are just about there.
Words cannot express the contempt I feel for Donald Trump and his shithole followers.
I’m pretty sure the white part of Trump is just the bleach trying cover his natural orange hue.
Trump is, of course, being horrible. We are so used to that by now.
But I have a hard time understanding how going full wingnut on abortion is going to be a winning strategy for him in 2020. The public opinion needle has barely budged on abortion in the past 40 years. Kevin Drum has written about his recently in his usual graph-heavy way. It is a pretty narrow segment of the population that goes all-in on the abortion issue and none of them are remotely getable by Dems anyway.
I’d honestly rather see him going full crazy on abortion than sounding sensible on things like jobs and infrastructure or some such. Make him as unpalatable as possible for the educated middle age women who vote in this country and decide elections.
Going all-in on the abortion issue in 2020 is sort of analogous to going all caravan 24/7 like he did in the runup to the 2018 midterms. It is pure unadulterated premeditated evil. And people get hurt. But I’m not sure it will actually sway votes. To the contrary.
@Miss Bianca:
More like summary executions, arrests require too much paperwork.
Speak for yourself.
Not used to it, not accepting it as the new normal.
@JPL: Agreed.
I just hope more and more people like Sir Cole can shout about how the GOP has become the party of taking away the rights of the parents of a dying baby.
People who would even consider voting R mostly don’t listen to my POV anyhow.
I try to show compassion to people I don’t like. It is not showing compassion to wish these people agonizing decisions in their future, to hope they have crowds outside calling them murderers as they have to make choices about, say, their elderly relative on life support. No it’s a revenge fantasy, and I do not want the world to get to that state, but I hate this ancient lie and I hate the people dusting it off to circulate again.
O. Felix Culpa
@TenguPhule: Stop it. Didn’t miss your violent fantasies at all when you were away. Just stop.
That “full crazy” has already gotten people killed in the past and puts a new target on the back of every doctor, nurse, patient, and clinic escort at clinics all over the country.
He’s not trying to move the public, he’s trying to nudge the Forced Birth Violence Brigades, the ones who stalk and harass, attack and murder abortion providers and volunteers at the clinics into more aggressive action.
And I can’t say he won’t succeed.
This is horrifying and upsetting for so many reasons but I think we need to be very clear that Trump is telling this story to incite violence. He is trying to get people killed. I was a patient at the Brookline Planned Parenthood in 1990. Four years later 2 people were killed by an anti-abortion terrorist. How many abortion providers have been killed? How many clinics have been closed? How many women and girls have had to carry pregnancies to term because of a lack of funds or patent notification?
Meanwhile children suffer with food insecurity. Children go without adequate nutrition, childcare, and health and dental care. Children go to failing schools, get ripped from their parents at our borders, are trafficked, and suffer in poverty. I just read a jeopardy order for a client who is now in state custody because she had untreated lice and scabies infections that left her anemic and with a secondary blood infection. Obviously her hygiene was so bad that she also was the brunt of horrible teasing by classmates. The lice were the size of flies! Her mom is a drug addict who cannot get inpatient treatment. This is just one of the many stories in an average week.
All this is to say that these fetus fetishist Republicans don’t care one bit about babies and children after they are born. They do not care about human beings. They do not care if they get people killed. They do not care if women and children suffer. They do not care about quality of life. They do not care. I’ve fucking had it.
Trump is just the latest in a long line of fucking psychopathic Republicans. I want them disgraced. I want them all shunned.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Who knew conservatives were Tenctonese?
His remarks were beyond hateful, but as stupid as I am, I don’t see how this connects to blood libel.
Trump is gloating in front of his base. He doesn’t have to do shit about jobs or infrastructure. As long as the economy purrs along, even modestly, he’s got that part of the argument sewn up.
Why are you talking about the public opinion needle. GOP dominated states are outlawing abortion and trying to put out bait for the Supreme Court. And Trump, again gloating, is pissing his pants over the prospect of putting a couple of more justices on the Supreme Court and filling the lower courts with rancid conservatives.
Trump is too vain, too stupid, too overconfident to even pretend to pivot toward the middle, even though dumb ass pundits keep fucking that particular chicken about political strategy. Trump is daring Democratic voters to vote him out of office. We should grant him his wish.
As I keep saying, they think they’ve found a loophole in the Bible: “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me.”
They think that by defending the “least” that they can identify and ONLY that “least,” they can ignore every other admonition to take care of the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, the elderly, etc.
They think that they’ve found the cheat code that will get them into Heaven. Sure, they let people die because they couldn’t afford food or medical care, but they defended the “least” and that gives them a free pass for everything else they empowered.
I’m not disagreeing with you. I’m agreeing with you. I think what he is doing is WAY beyond the pale. I just don’t understand how inciting a new wave of abortion-related violence is going to help the GOP brand going into 2020.
@O. Felix Culpa: So I’m supposed to pretend that the escalating violence and increasing failure of due process of law aren’t happening? Trump is trying to get people killed and rest of the Republicans in the House and Senate are only a few steps behind. Their base is being pumped up again and again that the rest of us aren’t real Americans, that women are intentionally murdering babies. Do you really think its going to stop at just arrests?
People can be stampeded into doing a lot of awfully stupid things once they’re afraid enough.
Really stupid things.
Falsely accusing people of murdering babies and children has been a historic go-to for violent purges of certain classes of people.
Sometimes I fantasize doubling down on that level of ridiculous with a twice as ridiculous “Of course. Everyone knows the skin must be removed, or the meat won’t turn out right.” Or some version of “Babies make great snax!”
I wish Dems would be more civil.
Ohio just passed a law forbidding abortion after six weeks, based on some bullshit artist’s bullshit that a fetus was viable at six weeks. Forget the minor detail that it will be several more months before the fetus develops lungs.
Shunning is too kind. All that maters to them is power. I want them thrown out. Every single one.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
– Voltaire
@debbie: Ironically Kansas of all places stood up for Abortion rights at the state level.
O. Felix Culpa
@TenguPhule: You are supposed to stop indulging in – or subjecting us to your ghoulish snuff fantasies. Seriously, get help. See MomSense at #26 if you can’t see the difference between a compassionate, realistic assessment of the dangers and what you wrote.
@ruemara: Watch out for anyone who drinks sour milk.
@Miss Bianca: one of my very dear colleagues teaches constitutional law, and I suggested he write a final exam in which the President ordered DHS to create a rule requiring all States to require doctors to report patient miscarriages to DHS or risk all Federal funding for health services in the state in which the doctor practices. He looked aghast and chucked a little. I asked, couldn’t the President do that? Then he looked kind of ill.
A non mouse
I am a GYN who has done a handful of late 2nd/early 3rd trimester abortions in Ohio (chew on the implications there). It is a painful, honorable, emotionally difficult decision. These women and doctors are being vilified, and it will end violently. My husband and I do have that in the back of our minds…getting louder each day.
It is an honor as a physician to midwife these couples from expectant parents to grieving parents. I have also delivered very wanted pregnancies carried to term despite a lethal prenatal diagnosis. Neonatal hospice is real and valuable.
Fuck Trump. Fuck the GOP. Fuck the KKKhristian right. I hate them.
@O. Felix Culpa:
What’s the opposite of “missed it?” It’s not really “didn’t miss it “. It was more like so “thankful for the non-violent respite” for me. Ah well, I guess all good things do come to an end.
@O. Felix Culpa:
I don’t think this means what you seem to think this means.
@Brachiator: Trump’s latest polling was announced just a couple weeks before his evil infanticide lie was made. His approval is stuck in the negatives. WI would be critical to his electoral map. 42/54 on the ‘who would you vote for’ is also rough, even if several percent of the probablys are lying to pollsters out of shame.
There was a story about how his tariffs are stomping Wisconsin dairy farmers, too. I don’t know if the farmers will change their votes, they seem like prime single-issue abortion voters, but there is definitely a narrative that can be set up over the next year about the GOP and their loyalty to a man who is an economic idiot and wealth-hoarder.
So, blood libel seems about right for a dangerously desperate man.
@A non mouse: You’re a hero. Stay safe!
O. Felix Culpa
@Immanentize: Thank you. I appreciate your humane comments more than I can say.
That the Republicans package their cruelty in a pretty, Christian bow is the ultimate fucking blasphemy.
At six weeks, most women don’t even know they are pregnant. I’ve had three babies and two miscarriages (that I know about) and I have no qualms about saying that we are talking about a collection of cells. It’s just not a baby at six weeks. Shunning is way too kind but I don’t have much worse in my arsenal. There are times I truly wish I believed in hell.
WASHINGTON ― Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who endured months of criticism from President Donald Trump after appointing Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate the Trump campaign and Russian interference in the 2016 election, will step aside next month after a lengthy career at the Justice Department.
Rosenstein, in a resignation letter effective May 11 that the Justice Department released Monday, told Trump he was grateful for the “courtesy and humor” he said the president often displayed in personal conversations and highlighted his work on the Trump administration’s priorities.
@A non mouse: Holding you in light and thanking you for your courage and strength.
At bottom, the blood libel is that Jews kill innocents (Xians) without remorse (to sip their blood). Saying women give birth to living babies, then decide whether to kill it, are certainly tapping into the same Xian belief that abortion participants are (as) bad (as Jews) in their thread of indiscriminate murder of innocent babies for entirely selfish purposes. It’s not much of a leap for me to see.
Time for a little more WI voter suppression, then? A shame Scotty Walker isn’t at the helm now.
@Miss Bianca:
What I’d like to see in all the punish the baby aborting whore laws is an amendment that acknowledges babies require a man and woman to be produced, and the father of the child will also be found as guilty as the whore aborting mother and will face the same punishment.
I think that would change some folks stance on making abortion a crime.
@noncarborundum: Everyone is allowed an occasional drink.
@MomSense: I’m coming to Maine to sit next to you! I’ll even bring snacks.
A non mouse
Thanks, but not really. I just believe in caring for the patient & listening to her wishes.
I’ve got so many leftovers from my Orthodox Easter celebration yesterday. Me cooking for forty guests is really like food for 80. I even ended up with many bottles of wine. You don’t need to bring snacks. Just come on over!
Of course, I thought you were going to again bring up God’s Loophole again.
Mike in NC
Fat Bastard knows how to toss chunks of bloody red meat to his cult, especially the religious fanatics.
Yes, I have been indoctrinated in blood libel since I was in the cradle (and you thought Sunday School was for fun!). Not saying one is worse than the other, only that they are very different.
@A non mouse:
Thank you for what you do and watch your back.
@A non mouse:
Respect. I salute you.
really it’s more ‘using the blood in making their bread’. which makes even less sense. why the hell would i want to eat blood bread?
All these morons who don’t believe neonatal medical science need to throw out any prescription drugs they take.
@A non mouse:
You’re a hero. All respect and love to you.
Iron deficiency? //
Have you ever seen matzoh? It’s as white as white can get!
Cheryl Rofer
I know this is a heavy post. The media have been dancing around what Trump said, though, and I thought someone should say it plainly and clearly.
@Mike in NC:
that’s what this next year is going to be. trump tossing more red meat than a seasick tiger.
see it? i’m still pooping it out from pesach.
@debbie: But old memes must adapt to new circumstances! I know this happens in the white supremacist dark spaces and I seriously believe this is how Stephen Miller works on Trump. Push an ancient idea that speaks to different constituents.
@chopper: Pumpernickel, dude!
@Cheryl Rofer:
And thank you for doing so. We have to name it.
so that’s where ‘the scarlet pumpernickel’ comes from.
Miss Bianca
@A non mouse: thank you for your words amd your service to these women. I will never forgive the God-botherers and their enablers for politicizing these issues and putting doctors, patients and clinic staff in fear for their lives and sanity.
@O. Felix Culpa: Thank you. Having a rough patch entirely beyond my control — or anyone’s right now, science tells me. That really made me feel better.
@O. Felix Culpa:
the irony of TP’s usual bloodthirstiness in a thread like this.
@chopper: “Vanity, thy name is Woman. To coin a phrase.”
@debbie: PS. That must have been one serious devil’s cradle.
Go to Sleep Little Baby ((Emily Lou Harris)
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Immanentize: As I said in the earlier thread: I fully expect the next step in this insane, evil, appalling neonatal-murder-plot garbage will be that the doctors supposedly doing it are Jewish.
@chopper: I’d like to know how its bloodthirstiness when anti-abortionists have already done those acts and I state the obvious. Please enlighten me as where exactly the fantasies are in the words I actually wrote. Where is the snuff?
@chopper: ouch. Hurts so good.
ETA,. I mean that is NotMax worthy.
Roger Moore
I don’t know if it’s going to be helpful, but it’s part and parcel of his usual approach to politics. For him, it’s all about firing up the base, not about trying to win over the uncommitted. I assume some of this is about his personal need for affirmation- he gives the audience cheer lines because he lives for the cheers- but it fits perfectly with the basic Republican approach of focusing primarily on rallying the base.
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: “They circumcise them, and then they kill them.”
@MomSense: I will join you for a virtual couch sit and dream about your food (have I told you I’m shallow?)
@Mike in NC: I think HandMaga Haberman would refer to it as “connecting with his base”.
Thanks! I love Gillian Welsh.
@chopper: I gather you weren’t raised Catholic?
@Cheryl Rofer: Thank you, Cheryl, for speaking the truth here.
Brutal, but needed to be said. Thank you, Cheryl.
Is TP an actual person? I’d always assumed bot because of the insane posting rate + inflammatory content, but I guess people are reacting as if he/she/it is real. Luckily, filtered pie is delicious!
Bill Arnold
Another twist is that the day D.J. Trump delivered those remarks, earlier that same day a self-described anti-Semitic Christian Supremacist shooter (the Chabad of Poway shooter) invoked real blood libel in their manifesto: “you are not forgotten Simon of Trent”. (I won’t quote more and be warned a google search will turn up lots of anti-Semitic material.) Also recall that there have been RW accusations of the sale of aborted fetuses to medical researchers, which is analogous to the evil ritual usages that the blood libel stories tell. It’s a conceptual analogue of blood libel; it drives (or is intended to drive) similar emotional responses.
And Rod Rosenstein just resigned. Effective May 11.
I love Gillian Welch, too. In a fitting coincidence for this post, our local Planned Parenthood held a fundraiser that was a benefit concert with local groups playing Gillian Welch Dave Rawlings music. My kid did time’s a revelator
I can’t act to surprised that a group of people that believe in immaculate conception, virgin birth, walking on water, and raising the dead, are so able to believe in FAKE news. It goes with the territory.
O’Rourke releases the lengthiest policy statement of any candidate to date — it’s on climate change — and I’ve seen nary a word about it here or on dKos. Weird. Anyhow…I find it to be impressive in its scope and detail. I chuckled when I saw this tweet from Topher Spiro:
think you meant “too”
Bill Arnold
@Cheryl Rofer:
Thank you Cheryl for doing this. The first link to the general technique was a good touch.
Your kid is cool. This summer, shit allowing, I want to come up and see him. My nephew is an amazingly talented singer/songwriter.
Here:. Waiting on s Train
@A non mouse: I know a woman who was forced to have a third trimester abortion in order for her baby to be spared an agonizing death after birth. It was horrible for all to deal with since so few places will consider an abortion that late. She and her husband grieved for a long time for that baby but knew they did the right thing. But she had to be careful who she told since she was worried many would judge her (or worse). She told many people the baby was stillborn.
Thank you for your compassion and kindness to these parents.
TP lives in a Blue state, and presents as male. TP participates in lots of “violence & doom” thinking and writing. When pressed on what TP is actually doing locally to make things better, TP has said that no, it’s impossible for TP to do anything that would make a difference.
It’s a pity. We need all the active helpers we can get. Doomsayers on the sidelines are a dime a dozen… and I feel badly for them, because most people feel less doom-filled after they start helping out.
@Immanentize: oh hugs Imman! Hope it gets better soon.
@LivinginExile: Wrong. A number of the best, most liberal people I know believe exactly that. And live their lives in service to others.
@H.E.Wolf: You left our his teeth-clenched support of Likud separatist policies and general opposition of any Palestinian efforts to make Israel stop it’s decent into an apartheid state.
@Roger Moore:
Yeah this. Then the flying monkey brigade goes out and amplifies it on social media.
That would be wonderful!! I’ll go listen now.
@Immanentize: No, I just think raven is an asshole with his whole “fuck israel” shtick.
Oh is this what we’re calling the deranged snuff fantasies of Palestinians murdering Israelis these days?
@satby: I’ll give the lowdown on a garden thread where everything is otherwise roses.??
@A non mouse: Thank you for your courage in what you do, for helping these families deal with the dashing of their hopes in the most humane and gentle manner possible and at great personal risk. I’m in awe at your strength and commitment to care.
@TenguPhule: I’m sorry, you are conflating me with some voice in your head. That is all.
@Immanentize: Turnabout is fair play.
wait, you’re complaining about deranged snuff fantasies? mr. let’s-have-a-bloodbath-and-invite-grandma?
@Cheryl Rofer: Yes, thank you for addressing this topic. I wish I didn’t know how difficult these situations are, but I sadly do. That’s why Trump talking about this angers me so much.
My Side of Town
your entire posting history is one long squeeze-off to the fantasy of bloody revanchism.
well now that’s some high praise. i just immediately thought of daffy duck for some reason.
@chopper: Apparently not endorsing the eradication of everyone living in Israel by the Palestinians makes me a Likud supporter. Who knew?
I’m just sick of the hypocrisy. The very same people rushing to condemn me suddenly feel offended that I’m reminding them of their own bad behavior.
@chopper: So in other words, nothing.
@chopper: What’s the difference between the two? In either case, I am not worthy!
That’s also 4 weeks before an ectopic pregnancy is detectable (they’re usually not discovered until 10 weeks or later), so women with an ectopic pregnancy that WILL kill both them and the embryo will have to jump through extra hoops to save their own lives, and some of them will die needlessly.
All because forced birthers don’t want to have to face the sad reality that some fetuses develop birth defects that are no one’s fault and mean that they will die before or shortly after birth and there is NOTHING that can be done to
save them.
@Bill Arnold:
Thanks. I can’t imagine just how twisted their beliefs actually are.
Logic is not one of their available options. It is also something they fight against because it goes against all they believe in. Logic, scientific thought, are beyond their concepts. I’m amazed that they can actually count, maths being a logical construct. Maybe that’s why they can only count money, it being the root of evil and all.
What is your definition of a purity pony? I would consider that label for anyone who says they would never, ever, ever vote for nominee X, but I don’t see anyone saying that about Biden. In fact, most of the comments here complaining about Biden include an explicit “I’ll vote for him if he’s the nominee,” which seems like the opposite of purity pony.
People arguing the pros and cons of dem candidates seems like a healthy thing to do in the run up to the primaries.
whatever you say, chief. it sure is nice to know there are plenty of non-evangelical blood-gargling goyem willing to help america cock-block any forward movement at all in this situation.
@MomSense: I want them jailed and penniless after lengthy trials.
@Cheryl Rofer:
He is stoking violence. Somebody is going to be killed .
Bill Arnold
If this is Stephen Miller’s work, then he needs to be excised from American politics. Seriously.
@Immanentize: Nice. Thanks.
J R in WV
I have to say, I’m sure Donald J Trump heard the traditional blood libel often in the home, as a youth, and is now happy to be spreading it around about doctors and mothers.
I’m also sure Stephen Miller, his foremost White House mobocracy leader, enjoys applying the ancient blood libel to non-Jewish victims. Nothing like spreading ancient hate to brand new groups, like OB-Gyn doctors and their patients, moms and wanna be moms.
Of course to Republicans, anyone seeking an abortion is a wild-eyed Radical Democrat, not just a mom with an unhappy pregnancy outcome.
@Kent: All out plan to rile up GOP’ Religious Right base and ensure they vote against the Democrats, ie ‘the Satanic baby-killers.’