Good for her:
Elizabeth Warren is turning down a Fox News town hall and calling the network "a hate for profit racket that gives a megaphone to racists and conspiracists."
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) May 14, 2019
I get why Democratic presidential primary candidates appear on Fox: It burnishes their bipartisan bona fides and can generate a lot of positive press from a Beltway media that is determined to uphold Fox News’ legitimacy as a “sister organization,” as Jake Tapper once called it.
But while preening hacks like Tapper may coo over the alleged bravery of Dems who appear on the TrumpCo propaganda outlet, in my book, Warren’s is the more courageous approach. She’s standing up for something more important than a momentary bump in the polls or both-sidesy hack approval; she’s standing up for the truth, which is that Fox News is a white grievance/racism distribution network that has done incalculable damage to America. Warren, quoted in HuffPo:
“A Democratic town hall gives the Fox News sales team a way to tell potential sponsors it’s safe to buy ads on Fox ― no harm to their brand or reputation (spoiler: it’s not),” she said. “I won’t ask millions of Democratic primary voters to tune into an outlet that profits from racism and hate in order to see our candidates ― especially when Fox will make even more money adding our valuable audience to their ratings numbers.”
So far, Sanders and Klobuchar have done a Fox News town hall, and Gillibrand and Buttigieg have scheduled one. Castro is said to be “in the process of scheduling one,” and Booker, O’Rourke and Harris are considering it.
Again, it might work out for those individual candidates as a campaign strategy, but appearing on Fox News undermines the larger and ongoing project of documenting the network’s relentless bias and discrediting it as a legitimate news source outside wingnut circles. People like Jane Mayer have done great work to that end, and when Democratic presidential candidates appear on Fox News, they undermine that work. That’s not brave. It’s selfish.
Joe Falco
Good on Warren refusing to give TrumpTV legitimacy. She impresses day by day.
I love Warren. I think she’ll be Biden’s main challenger once the debates start and voters get to compare her directly to the competition. She’s principled and direct.
Time and time again, Liz W shows that she understands who we are fighting and what the stakes are.
This is not a normal time, or a normal campaign. This is a fight for the salvation of the American republic and the ideal of self-governance. The costs of losing will be atrocious.
Biden will never get it. I hope she cleans the floor with him during debates.
Mike in DC
She’s making the right call. My guess is that some of the candidates trying to get on Fox will now cancel.
OT: RIP Tim Conway. He was 85.
Dorothy A. Winsor
It’s amazing how appealing truth and courage are. I’d forgotten. Warren makes it look simple.
The more I see and hear of Warren, the more I want her as our President. Who woulda thought – a politician with whom familiarity breeds more respect? (Forgive the undoubtedly dicey grammar)
I worry that too much of the electorate isn’t interested in recognizing the seriousness of where we are or fighting the way we’re going to need to fight for Warren’s approach to have much success, even though it’s very right.
And it isn’t going to accomplish much if she’s the only one making that kind of principled stand. I hope she can shame some of more wobbly members of the party into coming down on the right side of this.
It’s not quite a deal breaker to me for Dem candidates to appear on faux news, but it rates pretty close to the top. It depend on how they handled it on a yes or no. If they handled it properly it quite likely wouldn’t garner them any votes from the other side and if they thought they could be centrists or worse appease the faux audience, I’d know that. And that’s good information.
@Eolirin: It isn’t going to accomplish much? You mean, apart from giving Warren the anti-Fox lane to the nomination all to herself?
Doug R
“I’ve done 57 media avails and 131 interviews, taking over 1,100 questions from press just since January. Fox News is welcome to come to my events just like any other outlet. But a Fox News town hall adds money to the hate-for-profit machine. To which I say: hard pass.”
PS: This shows the brilliance of appearing in WV first, she’s not afraid of Fox viewers.
@smintheus: That’s almost certainly too small a lane to matter. And it isolates her and makes her come across as shrill to people who aren’t paying closer attention. Being all alone on an extreme position, even if it’s a righteous one, hurts you.
And she’s that way on a lot of issues already. It hasn’t been helping her polling any, so far.
To be clear, she’s right to take this stance. I just hope she’s also lobbying and applying pressure behind the scenes to her fellow candidates, because they need a more united front on this.
Slightly OT, but I want to know how the Tribe of Jackals reads this piece from back in Dec 2016. It’s about the nature of the diehards who will never turn away from trump, i.e., the Fox News audience that Warren is not pretending are open to rational argument.
I just read it for the first time, and it seems to have held up mighty well.
I read it to mean that there’s nothing Warren might do or say that would get through to the gang of total retaliation seekers. She’s the embodiment of what they’re happy to destroy.
Liz showed Bernie how it’s properly done. Of course though, Elizabeth is an actual Democrat. Bernie? Not so much…..
@Eolirin: Do you know how to properly spell TROLL? I’m sorry. That is harsh. Let us just agree that I don’t agree with some of what you have posted.
One more reason to not support Gillibrand. We knew she was selfish, now we know for sure she’s stupid.
Doug R
Please explain how not appearing on Fox “news” hurts her.
Fox “news” is a cable network which only appears with other channels on cable or satellite. People who only watch Fox “news” have made a choice already, she’s not helping their narrative.
Warren will, however talk DIRECTLY to Fox viewers in the heart of trump country.
This action is worth another donation..
well done, Senator.
Politicians should go where voters are. I also agree that Fox News, Sinclair and other biased outlets need to be identified and called out.
Fuck em. We do the right thing because its the right thing to do.
You misspelled atrocities.
good for her. why ask democratic voters to tune in to a network that day in and day out pukes out eliminationist rhetoric aimed squarely at them?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I would have first told them I might appear if they paid enough into my campaign funds.
Hassan Ali (@hassankanu) Tweeted:
BREAKING: The federal labor board has just released an opinion saying Uber employees are contractors, not legal employees, i.e. they’re not entitled to union membership, can’t file complaints if Uber retaliates for organizing, etc.
@Doug R:
I guess a hard pass does not mean you had a hard time deciding to pass on it. I was never sure.
@TenguPhule: I’m talking about the primary voters here, though I realize that may have been unclear. They are “us”.
And I thought I was pretty clear that I don’t think she’s doing something wrong here? I’m saying there’s more downside than up if there isn’t broader support amongst other dems. Fox News is an existential threat to our democracy. It can’t be Warren out on her own over this or we’re fucked.
Warren is right on this. I’m sorry my two top picks — O’Rourke and Booker — are considering it. They shouldn’t. I was glad that O’Rourke gave a spirited defense of Ilhan Omar and the unacceptability of hate in our political discourse on the View in front of Megan McCain today. Wish the camera had switched to her at that moment. I would have liked to see her expression.
Get a load of the Kathleen Parker bilgewater that inexplicably appeared in my local paper today.
After perusing and rejecting the declared Dem women, here’s her takeaway.
We could discuss those “southern manners” I suppose, but why not actually get into her ghoulish record as an elected official? Too hard?
Kathy has not been afflicted by whatever bug got to JenRubes.
Biden WROTE the crime bill that essentially exploded mass incarceration. It took him 30 years to apologize for degrading Anita Hill. He doesn’t believe in legalizing marijuana, and thinks it’s a gateway drug. But yes, let’s continue with the Kamala Harris is a cop trope
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) May 14, 2019
I found the article thought provoking, but disagree with much of it.
This reminds me of comments like, “Trump and the GOP just want to upset liberals.” No, Trump wants to hurt people, and his supporters hate people.
And this ..
Are reporters really a part of the elite? I know that some want to be. I guess this is true to a large extent, but is not really relevant to Trump’s design to isolate and denigrate media that fails to be subservient while he elevates extreme right wing media. There is a larger, authoritarian anti-democratic effort that Trump is pushing hard that requires as push-back than revisiting Hunter Thompson.
There’s a shocker. Uber continues to have it boff ways and still loses money every month.
@kindness: I realized that what I was saying needed further clarification and added more to that post, if you were responding to it before I did that. I don’t think I’m being particularly unreasonable here.
There may well be a point where her positions are more mainstream to the party, and I certainly hope that happens, because I broadly agree with most of what she’s pushing for, but you don’t really get credit for going first, except as a footnote after the fact. And I really wish it wasn’t like that, it’s intensely depressing.
I will vote for whom ever wins the Democratic Party’s nomination in 2020 (unless it is Jill Stein) though.
So Wapo is now reporting that the reason Trump fired so many people at DHS is because “mass arrests of families” was a bridge too far for his appointees.
I did nazi that coming.
Not Tulsi is my only requirement from our candidate.
Civil War or Exile is preferable.
I repeat, Fuck em.
If they’re not paying attention by now and want to vote in the primaries with feefees hurt because Warren isn’t giving Fox news the time of day, then they have no business in the primaries and need to just shut up and vote for the Democrat in the general.
already more than enough in the extract. no desire for any more.
A real Indian?
Must be horse-shit day. Another day ending in Y under the Republicans. How the fuck do you declare that these workers have no right to union membership?
@rikyrah: And it also means federal wage protection doesn’t apply.
Betty Cracker
@Eolirin: It’s called leadership, but as you noted, it doesn’t always pay off.
Weird, a new nym espousing a seemingly thoughtful contrarian opinion to a popular and long overdue action by a leading a Democrat …
Yes, inasmuch as they shape public opinion. They may be working for the little guy, but the result of their work is to become a position of authority, which means that authority can be abused – and often it does.
I mean, there’s a lot of variations on the term ‘elite’ in use. But I think the best application is this one:
“a group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much power or influence”
Journalists exercise influence from their position. That’s why we view Fox News the way we do. It’s not as direct as a captain of industry or a lawmaker, but it’s still powerful.
Eolirin doesn’t comment often, but has been around for a while. I recognise the nym.
I think there’s a lot of truth in that quote. Most of the anger and racism of trump’s base is directed at the elites for giving free stuff to minorities and immigrants at their expense. Obviously it’s BS, but that’s the perception.
In fact, you could all Trump the affirmative action President. Both because he benefited from white affirmative action (any white guy is better than a woman or minority), and because he tapped into the anger over it.
Apropos of the previous thread as well:
I think everyone is avoiding the implications of this. If I, with reasonable data scientist chops, could see the mail in/early vote data from Florida, even if I couldn’t change it, I could use that information in a very powerful way. Campaigns are asymmetric exercises. They can’t be everywhere, so they need to pick where to go and what to focus on. Polling is important because it helps to guess the answers to those questions, but polling can only approximate who might be voting, and how they might be voting. If you can see that in realtime, you can make key decisions that your competitor cannot. You can tip an election with that information.
The best guard to election fraud is to do what Canada does – count all of the ballots in the open all at the same time. You overwhelm the ability to counter that exercise because you don’t know what you need to do or where you need to do it. When Florida reported early in 2000, it made it clear where to focus. No lawyers were wasted in Utah. All the political energy in the world descended on Broward County, and they got crushed by it. Being able to see early vote information wasn’t as powerful as being able to change votes, but it was damn close to as useful.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sebastian: Jesus Fucking Christ, not every new person is a troll. Not every person who expresses an opinion that does not match yours is a troll.
First, by labeling them as independent contractors instead of employees. Because the legal argument is that Uber doesn’t directly supervise them and doesn’t withhold income taxes from their payments. It’s a shitty business model but its still legal.
@trollhattan: Uber’s end game is autonomous vehicles. Always has been. Having human drivers is simply a temporary situation until they can get there. Doesn’t make it right, but we need to be clear on the plan.
Lee Hartmann
Go Liz!
Trump tower not popular with wealthy NY’ers. Surprise!
nearly 5% of of total profit means much less than 5% of total rental income, so not really enough to care about. I think that is the least of the emoluments complaint.- or not at all part of one.
@rp: People should watch Brexit on HBO. It’s pretty good at tapping into this.
@catclub: Trump Tower was mostly occupied by organized crime individuals. Not a great address when your building is full of Secret Service all the time.
Fair enough.
Omnes Omnibus
@rp: Let’s not twist definitions so that they lose all meaning. Affirmative action exists to counter longstanding bias and other impediments that people of color and women face in academia and the workplace.
@Omnes Omnibus:
whatever you say, vlad. how’s the weather in st. petersburg, comrade?
that about right?
Betty Cracker
@Martin: Great points. Also, I don’t trust DeSantis as far as I could throw a Buick, so the assurance that it “had no effect” on vote totals doesn’t mean shit to me. It’s interesting that he didn’t say which counties were involved. Republicans from Trump to Scott to DeSantis were squealing like scalded ferrets during the Broward recount in 2018.
We are all so fucked.
James E Powell
Maybe not so much back in the day, but in the 21st century reporters who want to keep their jobs must behave and talk like the elites. They must repeat the elites’ narratives and adopt the elites’ worldview as if there were no other. They must kiss ass on the elites when asked to do so. And they must disparage and ridicule those who the elites dislike.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Brachiator: The whole point of the Hells Angles is they are bunch of luzers wanting scare everyone, so banding together as a gang does that. They curbed stomped Hunter because ten on one Hunter couldn’t fight back. That’s Trumpism.
Graham must have raped, killed and eaten a child. That’s the only crime I can think of horrific enough to enable Russia to bend him this far over into backing Trump over his fellow Republicans.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Not sure why you single me out for what seems to be the opinion of several folks here but that’s ok.
The second posts added some color and I would generally agree with it but not on this issue. It’s long overdue to call out the right wing propaganda network and stop pretending they are news organizations in good faith and not propaganda outlets.
EW is a fighter. She gets my money and my vote.
RUMINT says sperm fetish.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@TenguPhule: My dad was watching Front Line and he said they were interviewing a Chines trade official who said “This will all turn out well if our’ leaders act wisely” and then Front Line cut to Trump acting like an idiot. As you said, we’re fucked.
If your sister happens to be Rhoda Penmark. //
Omnes Omnibus
@chopper: I am in Vladivostok, silly Amer – oops, you ignore what I type before, da?
So all three Trump appointees are intending to use the CIA and the DOJ to investigate…the people who were investigating Trump’s Russian ties.
Move the clocks closer to midnight, folks.
BS indeed. Some college professor or reporter is in ‘the elite’, but Donald Trump and Sheldon Adelson are not. Neither is FOX news.
funny that.
Crab Bucket labor policy. Instead of “Union workers have a good situation, how do I get that?” It is “Union workers have a good situation, they don’t deserve those privileges if I don’t have them.”
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@TenguPhule: Or Trump’s National Enquirer bud has something on Graham. Remember how the NI tried to blackmail Bezos into making the Washington Post back off? Since it would be irresponsible not to speculate I am going to call it pictures of Graham with an underage latino male. Southern social conservative and all that.
Gelfling 545
The goose cam from my daughters law school introduces Ruth Bader Gooseberg.
@James E Powell: this really isnt true, and frankly some of the rhetoric on here is dangerously close to the “enemy of the people” trumptalk about journalists. the field is diverse, full of reporters and writers who don’t state their opinions and those who relentlessly do, those that are hacks, those that are great investigators and everything in between. please stop with these lazy, broad brush criticisms. if you think reporters as a whole are this shitty, it’s actually just you telling on yourself and your own choice of a shitty new diet.
la caterina
This made my day. I was a fan back when she was Professor Warren. Good on her for telling the truth.
@TenguPhule: Ooof. Is this like the fifth investigation into the investigation underway? My nerves are shot. Wish I had a dog to calm me down.
So this happened at the court hearing over the House subpoenas.
@TenguPhule: I think that investigation will publish about as much as Trump’s election cheating commision – The one that was investigating 5Million votes by illegal aliens – bupkis.
@tobie: First one involving the CIA and National Intelligence as the investigators. Both of which of course are now run by Trump’s appointees.
JFC Biden. Go home, pretend that you were drunk.
Thanks for post. Good time for me to make another contribution to Warren.
@Martin: Did that talk about the “elephant graph”? that also goes a long way towards explaining Brexit and Trump.
@Omnes Omnibus: I don’t follow.
@TenguPhule: Republicans were rather uncooperative before Trump. What special skill with Republicans does Joe possess that Obama lacked?
@TenguPhule: Wow, just…
I’d really like to know what color the sky is on his planet.
So now I have to figure out which one is lying.
White skin. //
Someone needs to pound the story of the scorpion and the frog crossing the river into Biden’s noggin.
@NotMax: or the farmer and the viper.
I think Biden is seriously misreading the Zeitgeist and when he makes statements like this during debates it will be the end of his run.
Roger Moore
I assume that’s a dig at Kamala Harris.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sebastian: Why did I single you out? Because yours was the comment that annoyed the fuck out of me this time.
If it makes you feel any better, you can go ahead and assume that my comment is also intended for everyone else who does it as well.
@Sebastian: lol, the delusion of some BJ commenters. It’s too much sometimes. You’d think the concrete poll numbers would have taught yall a clear lesson. But you continue to think your narrowly selected internet experiences are representative of the electorate.
Either way, Biden demonstrates all the symptoms of Tweety Syndrome.
Omnes Omnibus
@rp: Suggesting that any white man, let alone Trump, is benefiting from affirmative action is twisting that term beyond any rational meaning. The term you should have been looking for is white privilege.
Makes one wonder whether a President Warren might go where Obama merely hinted at, dropping Fox from the press corpse? That prospect alone will get them to double down on smearing her during the remainder of this campaign. Can’t be having that gravy train of hate threatened now, can we?
(Numbers and more info are at the link (goes to arstechnica). Which candidates so far are talking about the corporate tax cuts? )
Any word on the case involving his accountants?
Roger Moore
All of them, Katie.
joel hanes
This decision by Warren prompted me to finally set up a modest monthly contribution to her campaign.
I hope Harris follows suit.
Damned shame that some of the other candidates were sol willing to step in shit.
This would be the appeal by Trump against the House subpoenas on his accounting records.
Saddam Hussein ending for Trump it is then.
Found at another blog
Steve in the ATL
@Aleta: I was chatting with some CWA local presidents in Michigan a few weeks ago and they were LIVID about this. I told them I was too!
For those who follow my posts religiously (get professional help if that’s the case!), I mentioned a union president who was all in for Andrew Yang in the D primary. He’s one of those guys I was talking to about this.
Steve watching the Nile flow by in the cool evening temperature of 89F
MERRICK PHUCKING GARLAND is the only response needed for this bullshyt
@Roger Moore:
I read it as a dig at Elizabeth Warren. But who the fuck even knows what Parker is going on about. Your take is probably more accurate.
@James E Powell:
Can’t much improve on cokane’s response at message #70
I would just add that reporters are not just free agents. Good, honest reporters have always worked for good, honest publishers. Instead of applying a broad brush, you have to support the ones that do good work.
@Steve in the ATL:
Remember that the crocodiles there have been taught that humans are not to be feared, but to be eaten.
@germy: Yeah. Obama thought that ‘the fever would break for the GOP’ and they would cooperate…
a little.
yeah, right. He may have finally learned. Why hasn’t Biden?
This one made me smile.
And who knows, it might actually work out as he predicts.
Just One More Canuck
@Roger Moore: or Elizabeth Warren
‘should Iran attack American forces’ and ‘accelerate work on nuclear weapons’ are actually two VERY different things.
But John Bolton is probably happy to conflate the two.
Understood (Uberstood?). They’re also a whole lot further away from autonomous vehicles being allowed on the streets unfettered than they think, and will continue hemorrhaging money. Heckova business model, Brownie.
@rikyrah: so where is 2520’s defined? I can probably guess it is not quite 88’s but leaning that way.
James E Powell
Frankly I said nothing like enemy of the people. I said servant of & spokesperson for the elites. I will stand by that.
Sure, there are some exceptions. But they are neither numerous enough nor influential enough to have much impact on what people believe or “know” about our governments.
The 25th and 20th letters of the alphabet.
@Omnes Omnibus: Fair enough
Pragmatic Obots (@PragmaticObot) Tweeted:
Be wary of clout chasing kneegrows that always claim to speak for poor black people and now bashing older black people all so they can get on a cable news panel.
@Roger Moore:
Nah, she’s not even being that nuanced. She’s doing Trump while pretending to be not Trump. I need a shower.
“Ill take ‘infamy’ for five-hundred, Alec, and a double martini.”
@Roger Moore:
Probably. And an attempt to praise Nikki Haley, whose parents emigrated from Amritsar District, Punjab, India.
But what irritates the shit out of me is that Kathleen Parker’s racist presumption in believing that she can define who is or is not an “authentic” Indian. These pathetic ass wipes have an obsession with nonwhite ethnicity even as they moan about Democrats being the party of identity politics.
Steve in the ATL
@TenguPhule: nice try, but there are no crocs this far up the Nile. Their chance to eat me was back in Cairo!
Some Nazis were more squeamish then others.
Tenar Arha
As a target of Sleeping Giants & other collective attempts to hold advertisers accountable for their own stated values & their choices to advertise on Fox News &/ the Fox network, the failure of certain Democrats to uphold this aim feels very much like crossing a picket line.
Though there’s no explicit principle against crossing a “protest line” as such, this is an example of individual politicians failing to properly support collective action. The ones’ “considering” town halls, well maybe they could still be convinced that going on Fox isn’t helping, especially if we all throw Warren a few more bucks today or tomorrow.
@catclub: @rikyrah: Urban Dictionary is your friend. Letters of the alphabet — 25 is “Y”, 20 is “T”. Pronounce them separately.
@Omnes Omnibus:
All good, I probably shouldn’t have said that. I still stand by my statement that every time a Democratic frontrunner does something that seriously changes the narrative we get swamped with Eyorees or with trolls.
I will just do what got me through the midterms: I donate every time this happens.
See ya all in the trenches, folks. It’s crunch time.
@Steve in the ATL:
Hah, jokes on you! You probably think you’re safe from the landsharks too.
Tenar Arha
@catclub: I think the most hilarious part is the one the writer didn’t mention. The hassle of living or working there will never entirely end until he’s gone. Bc if he moves back there after the WH, the Secret Service will still have to enforce some kind of perimeter.
@TenguPhule: Candygram!
“Missus Heflefaurvanummenblirgle?”
Okie dokie, glad we cleared that up. Now I can sleep!
@trollhattan: Putin should get the Peace Prize for this one.
@trollhattan: I saw a news piece about the kerfluffle yesterday evening. It didn’t have much hard original reporting and facts on what evidence there is that the purported Iranian ‘provocations’ are bogus. It did say that our European allies are telling US, Israel and Saudi Arabia to knock off the crap (my paraphrase), and that if we wanted to wade into dangerous military action and global economic disruption on flimsy pretexts we were on our own. So, that is not a good sign that things are on the up and up, IMHO.
Trump has convinced himself that stupid trade war scares are juicing the economy, or one of his flunkies told him that. But, maybe that is not stupid enough for Trump and he thinks sky rocketing oil prices and a serious war scare in the Persian Gulf will do the trick.
Because they are cowards?
@germy: Well, let’s dig up Nixon’s moldering corpse and install him in the Oval Office, ASAP!!
“Outside of the improvement, they’ll never know the difference”
@trollhattan: “Plumber.”
@rp: No, it’s not a documentary. Benedryl Punkinpatch stars as Dominic Cummings, who led the Brexit Leave campaign. What the film is pretty decent at teasing out is how there’s a sizable class of people that feel fucked over. Maybe they deserve it, maybe not. Maybe they could have avoided their fate, maybe not. But if you can tap into that feeling of being fucked over, you can turn elections on it.
Dominic doesn’t really directly feed the immigrants are fucking you over narrative, he leaves that to Nigel Farange and others, and mostly just looks the other way when it happens. Dominic role is to surface these people, figure out how to talk to them, and give them a voice and reap the rewards when others use their vulnerability to fuck them over in new ways.
Essentially, it asserts that these people aren’t racists, but they’re so beaten down that they’re vulnerable to the message of racists, particularly when the racists are the only ones actually talking to them. There are moments when the Stay campaign is desperately trying to reason with voters, and failing, because the pent up emotion of being fucked over leaves them unreceptive to reason. Their emotions need to be validated and defused first, and they realize they’re about 5 years too late to starting on that work.
It’s not so much a condemnation of the right at the end, but of modern politics in general and its inability to solve big problems leaving millions of voters so pissed off that they end up supporting crazy things in a desperate bid for something to change. Unfortunately, some systems can’t be repaired, they can only be torn down and replaced.
Millard Filmore
Are landsharks an offshoot of gully cats? Linus Van Pelt says gully cats ‘liked to bite people on the arm so they couldn’t play tennis since tennis rackets were made with “gully cat gut”‘
@Gravenstone: “I’m not a crook, and definitely not a reanimated corpse!”
But her emails!!!
Even if they get their self driving cars, there is no guarantee that they’ll be the company which ends up being the ultimate market leader. Where’s their infrastructure to support a fleet of self driving cars? Plus with all the debt they have, the most likely outcome is Uber ends up being purchased for their name at some point.
J R in WV
Eolirin commented as far back as 2014, once, 2015 twice, 2016. But only 32 hits on Google, and at least some of those were people responding to Eolirin’s comments. So not that new, but almost certainly a troll…
That name appears on a lot of gaming sites, also too, assuming it’s the same person is a reach.
@trollhattan: ” Uber continues to have it boff ways and still loses money every month. ”
I remember hearing a news blurb a few weeks before the IPO, that Uber refused to predict when, or even if, it would ever turn a profit.
Interesting business model indeed.
OMG. Scott Dworkin tweeted that Lindsay Graham is going to introduce a bill to allow trump to detain refuge children from 20 to 100 days. Graham is a monster run amok.
This looks like a double bind against the the stay campaign.
First it says that only the racists are talking to them, but next it says the stay campaign IS talking to them, but just not in the right way.
@rp: ” you could all Trump the affirmative action President. ”
Affirmative action for already filthy rich people. Trump sure isn’t doing his voting base any favors. Trump is testing the strategy of grinding the faces of the working class and poor whites into the ground and then shifting blame to minorities and whatever ‘enemies of the people’ he can think of. Not sure how well that will work when Trump and Trumpsters are not even trying to hide it, even bragging about it sometimes.
I think HRC was right that half of Trumpsters don’t care, and they’re fine with having their faces ground, and even dying, for the sake of the various forms of bigotry being approved from on high. But only need to peel off a few of the other group who will notice that they were flagrantly and joyfully betrayed, and Trump and Trumpsters will lose big in 2020.
@bemused: Why would one worry about this. It does not sound like it will get any hearing in the House.
Likewise for Trump’s plan to try to buy off the farmers hurt by tariffs with more government aid. Where will that come from?
Graham is an auto accident waiting to happen.
Mike in NC
In 2008 Senator Joe Biden appeared on some FOX “News” program where the blonde read quotes from Marx and Lenin and she wanted to know if he agreed with them. FOX doesn’t do subtle and will play that same mind game with any Democratic candidate who isn’t careful.
@trollhattan: Nikki Haley and Kathleen Parker can go fuck themselves.
I have very little faith in the steadfastness of ‘our European Allies’ after watching how well they supported the 2015 Iran deal by building a banking system independent of the US and its whims. [It is required if businesses are to actually deal with Iran and not be subject to US sanctions run through our control of the dollar system.] It is a hard thing to do, but is sure looks like it would be useful. Instead, crickets.
I agree with this decision.
“Oh oh, I never thought the leopards would eat my face!”
House should tell the Senate to suck it when it comes to the next Farm Bill.
The Baud campaign promises that it is unfit for television.
Chyron HR
Maybe those little brats shouldn’t have rigged the primary against our lord and savior Bernie Sanders. #BernieorDie
J R in WV
Pretty sure it’s illegal for the CIA to be active inside the USA, past routine things like hiring people, maintaining the HQ, etc.
But as part of an investigation? Nope… not legal. Not that Gina cares about the law!!!
Uh huh
The picture of a majestic revolution. It’s a groundbreaking image of equality – STEPHEN GLOVER celebrates the Royals’ glorious ability to adapt, but suggests to the ferociously private parents: tread carefully on tradition
PUBLISHED: 17:16 EDT, 10 May 2019 | UPDATED: 02:50 EDT, 13 May 2019
@catclub: I believe a “hard pass” is “I’ve elected to pass, and that answer is not going to change”.
@Baud: I’m not sure I agree with it, but it is defensible, and I don’t think will hurt Warren, if she can get exposure on other outlets. I’m supporting Warren right now, so what is good for her campaign is most important thing in my mind.
I absolutely support Democrats in refusing to let Fox News run a debate. Not so sure about complete boycott of appearances on the network. I think appearing on a Fox News produced townhall is kind of like a risky experiment.
BTW I looked for the Baud 2020! public access channel town hall, but couldn’t find it.
I’m not avoiding it. I never believed the muthaphucka won in the first place.
Tell them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
Another Scott
I get e-mail…
Um, why??
Believe it is on the Esperanto channel.
Every. Fucking. Word. True.
@jl: I think a civil war may erupt in the Democratic field. Yasher Ali has reported on his twitter feed that a “rival campaign” sent him video of Warren on FOX News last year. My hunch based on nothing but my gut is that the the name of the rival campaign rhymes with “gander.”
Miss Bianca
@TenguPhule: Why the FUQ these white guy Democrats from Western states don’t RUN FOR THE FUCKING SENATE instead of President is beyond me. Looking at you, Bullock, Bennet, Hickenlooper.
To paraphrase a Chicago musician I once heard, “One of these days I’m gonna write a book. And I’m gonna call it, “Democrats Shoot Themselves in the Foot More Than Any Other Kind of Person.””
Or something like that.
@germy: Oh, Solomon, from your mouth to God’s ear!
Uber has One Crazy Thing that truly works in our metroplex–Jump bikes and scooters. While not big a fan of the more-recent scooters, the Jump bikes are so popular their use count exceeds Uber car rides here and folks use them in lieu of car rides, which has a very good influence on downtown traffic, especially nights and weekends. One stand taking up the equivalent of a parking spot holds something like a dozen bikes.
They do show up in some weird places, though.
No but Graham even proposing this makes my head explode.
@Another Scott:
Does she maybe want to revisit the whole Frank Zappa thing? This is officially my first typing of Tipper Gore since their dye-vorce. There, I’m done.
I don’t understand why any Democrat would appear on Fox.
ANY of them, Presidential candidate or not.
Just like I don’t understand why any Black person appears on Fox.
@Geeno: agreed. except what about an easy pass? – that was an easy decision and therefore will not be revisited, also.
a hard pass: I had a hard time making this decision
an easy pass: I had no problem making this decision
see also: sanction and sanction We are imposing trade sanctions against Cuba. I agree with him and will sanction his choices.
Why does it have to be either/or….why not BOTH Harris and Warren?
They plan to skim money collected from the tariffs for it.
@Another Scott:
You had the winning ticket in the raffle.
The loser gets to go to two receptions.
@bemused: so you and Queen Victoria… are not amused.
Diamond and Silk are attention whores.
Democrats need to hammer that Trump is raising taxes – the tariffs- and spending it on his favorite special interest voters farmers.
@Miss Bianca:
I blame Donald Trump for making it look easy for mediocre white men to get elected.
Every fucking cable news service: “Some say Republicans are rasing taxes, others say Democrats are punishing farmers by making China not buy their products. We examine BOTH SIDES of the issue.”
I’d rather the Rs in the Senate are told to fuck themselves with their bootstraps.
I seed what you did there.
@Roger Moore: Actually, I think it is a barb against Warren. BTW this real Indian, born in India thinks Nikki Haley should pound sand.
@germy: Bonus points if the dog is gay and can speak cat.
Omnes Omnibus
@catclub: Hard v. Soft, not hard v. easy.
What grudge do you have against sand?
But enough about Lindsay Graham.
@catclub: I think the “hardness” is the “firmness” of the answer. That’s why it’s a hard pass.
Belligerent assholes have never amused me.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@schrodingers_cat: Meoooow!
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Going on Fox doesn’t help anyway. Look at what happened to Wilmer – his numbers tanked after the appearance.
“Fox News likes to tout the “hard news” side of its operation, setting up a false distinction between its right-wing prime-time hosts and the members of its news team as a defense against those who flag the propaganda, lies, conspiracy theories, and bigotry that pervade the network. But a Media Matters investigation found that the “news side” isn’t as inoculated as the network claims. We looked at Fox News and Fox Business programming for the first four months of 2019, and we documented examples of the “news” division spreading misinformation on air every single day between January 1 and April 30.”
J R in WV
I just hope LIndsay is as unhappy as he looks most of the time now.
zhena gogolia
Haha, love it!
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: I hate it when I’m late to a thread and someone has beaten me to the pedantry.
@Omnes Omnibus:
What about scrambled?
It’s always been easy for mediocre white men to get elected.
Trump would have to work hard to rise to the level of mediocrity.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Actually, I think Wilmer’s numbers tank every time he shows how deeply unprepared and unserious he is to a “new” audience.
And, though I agree entirely with Warren’s decision, she is (oddly enough) probably the candidate who could actually appeal to some of the Fauxites; she explains things well, she has an understanding of middle-class life that comes from a very personal place. If they’d listen to her with open minds, they’d probably love her. But there’s the flaw . .
The Mail is the paper of the right wing establishment. And often blatantly racist. This Glover ass wipe seems to be testing the waters to see how much invective he will be able to hurl at Harry and his family in the future.
I note how he seeks to give himself cover with the false claim that he and others have some responsibility for making sure that tradition is respected.
Fuck ’em
She just moved to the top of my list.
Amir Khalid
Hew to the line of right, as the old political slogan goes, and let the chips fall where they may.
@cckids: Warren is neck and neck with him in this week’s straw poll at Daily Kos. Bernie appears to be stalling.
I can’t…
I can’t…
This….. ABOMINATION ?? ?
@rikyrah: Oh for fuck’s sake!
Some food combinations demand a hard slap.
Demons ? ?
@rikyrah: Peas and Mayo on Pizza. I suppose we should be grateful that broccoli and kale weren’t additional garnishes.
This ^^^
Citizen Alan
I like pizza. I like English peas. I REALLY like mayonnaise. And that pick made me gag.
Needs prunes and rutabaga.
Bill Arnold
I am all for targeted arrests of families. Well, of one family. //
Elizabeth Warren is principaled and direct, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that she’ll get to be President of the United States. The fact that she’s a woman will prevent her from becoming POTUS, because the United States electorate, at large, isn’t ready for a woman president.
Jill Stein stands no chance of becoming the Democratic POTUS nominee. First of all, she’s a woman, and secondly, her viewpoints are too radical.