Why does this story end with him walking away? https://t.co/uLY5wSzFOv
— Eric Rauchway (@rauchway) May 15, 2019
Good morning from the Capital Challenge 5k, where the press, lawmakers and judiciary get together for an annual morning run
They've also got jokes pic.twitter.com/vE9Wyye5wE
— Tim Mak (@timkmak) May 15, 2019
Well, at least someone got to read the classified version https://t.co/T866byzD8J
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) May 15, 2019
House Democrats plan marathon public reading of Mueller report https://t.co/c7kFPYmYxO
— Post Politics (@postpolitics) May 14, 2019
Jerzy Russian
Along those same lines, why didn’t he get a knee in the groin?
Barr’s contempt for the rule of law is breathtaking.
Nancy Pelosi’s restraint would be admirable in other circumstances.
But not these.
“nope, but i did bring my budget-writing pen.”
Every goddamned one of them is an asshole, through and through.
Oh, those RWMFs are SO hilarious! Some of their greatest hits:
RWMF: “Did you hear the one about the Democrat lie-beral? He fucking SUCKS!” Crowd: “Har-de-har-har”
RWMF: “Then there was the time I shot a Democrat lie-beral, because he was talking about injustice” Crowd: “Har-de-har-har”
RWMF: “Then there was the time I went up to a Democrat lie-beral, said ‘Look! Over there!’ and when he looked, I kicked him in the nuts” Crowd: “Har-de-har-har”
That’s pretty much their entire repertoire.
I hope they all fucking die painful deaths (he said, unironically). Then I might say “Har-de-har-har”
Major Major Major Major
The heck is this about? The usual distraction technique? Selling more soybeans?
@Major Major Major Major:
Hey, the more the merrier. I hear there’s a Town Clerk in southeast North Dakota (or is it northwest South Dakota?) who’s about to declare, because why not?
Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) Tweeted:
Scoop: Sen. Kamala Harris Will Not Appear On Fox News For A Town Hall https://t.co/GbVP5QFy4y https://twitter.com/yashar/status/1128749790433509377?s=17
Trade wars, plus he’s going to get network security help from a bunch of experts in St. Petersburg, graciously offered to him by his master.
Major Major Major Major
@SFAW: the debates are gonna be wild.
Bad move by Barr. By signaling that handcuffs are the only way Congress can get his attention, he pretty much forces their hand.
Stacey Abrams (@staceyabrams) Tweeted:
I know the men who did this, and they will not respond to reason, morality or economic harm. They will only be swayed by the permanent loss of power. These bills are cropping up across the country, but only Georgia has the film industry as central to the economy. https://twitter.com/staceyabrams/status/1128760959890276352?s=17
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: Canada. Huawei is heavily involved in developing Canada’s next gen wifi network.
I think Barr will come to rue pissing off the Arya Stark of politics.
lurker dean
so fucking soft. fuck. so it’s okay that russia interfered and continues to interfere. it’s okay that the idiot obstructed the investigations. it’s okay that the attorney general lies to congress and okay that he goes after enemies. so glad so many people wasted their time helping dems win the house.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I have to be honest. The other day when I was at work I caught a glimpse at a newspaper headline that was about state abortion bills trying to get a challenge to the Supreme Court and all I could think about was how many women this was all going to ultimately kill. That the federal courts were being stacked by Trump and McConnell and will still be fucked when I’m in my 60s. If social security will even still be around, what society will look like.
My anger started to rise and then I though back to when some old duffer made me count out $5.60 in change using dimes and nickles with a couple of quarters to buy some liquor and a half-gallon of milk. As he walked out, he said “For all you Trump supporters out there”, or something to that effect. It was some stupid rebel call to arms shit.
In the “present”, all I could think was, “You son of a bitch, you stole my future. You have blood on your hands. People have died because of the choice you made 2.5 years ago. All because you couldn’t stand to share the country with those that looked different than you, couldn’t stand to have a woman as president.”
Isn’t that the dreaded regulation? //
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: from what I’ve read, Trump’s anti-Huawei moves are something of a blind pig/truffle situation when it comes to American infosec. What’s your opinion?
@Emma: Nancy Pelosi isn’t Arya the assassin. She is Sansa, who plays by, and understands the rules and conventions and still wins.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I’m in my 60s and have a 14 month old granddaughter. I really worry about her future. Will she even be allowed to take birth control or will every method a woman controls be declared and abortificant, including finding a way to declare the oldie, but goodie, diaphragm? Why do I even ask?
@rikyrah: So all it took was Elizabeth Warren having the GUTS to stand up to Fox and now it’s safe for all the Democratic candidates. Good for her and good for Harris in following her lead.
hells littlest angel
The Attorney General of the United States. What a fucking disgrace.
@hells littlest angel:
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: She is not wrong. But the point of a movie and TV industry boycott is to create the pressure on other powerful interests in Georgia, specifically economically powerful ones, that will then threaten the power of the men who passed the legislation and signed it into law.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: I don’t know, because I have no idea if Coates and Haspell and Wray and whomever is running the NSA right now are briefing him on it.
@Adam L. Silverman
Oh, to be a fly on the wall in the Jane Fonda/Ted Turner household.
BC in Illinois
@Major Major Major Major:
Okay, the announcement for Bill di Blasio, goes on to reference Bill de Blasio.
Crackerjack organization they’ve got there.
zhena gogolia
They got divorced years ago, didn’t they?
Bill Arnold
Adam’s Canada answer is interesting. The usual cynical answer is that the Huawei equipment doesn’t have backdoors that the NSA knows about. Also see Pair of Cisco Bugs, One Unpatched, Affect Millions of Devices (Tara Seals, May 13, 2019)
Or some combination – China is an adversary as anyone who looks at network traffic/IDS logs can tell you, and the NSA feels emasculated without its repertoire of backdoor techniques.. (I tried to just barely avoid the pun there, not entirely successfully.)
@zhena gogolia: Yes. And whatever happened to Ted Turner? I never see him quoted anywhere anymore.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Pennsylvania Poll – Quinnipiac — May 14 (link)
Uncle Joe………39%
Handsome Joe beats Wilmer 24% to 23% in the “very liberal” segment; 46% to 17% in the “somewhat liberal” segment; 44% to 9% in the “moderate” segment; and 44% to 11% among women.
@Adam L Silverman:
It’s also, as I have pointed out elsewhere, irresponsible to ask your female cast and crew to live in Gilead for months on end. No film tax credit is worth the risk to their lives, livelihoods, and freedoms.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@germy: He has Lewy body dementia. He gave an interview a few month back on CBS Sunday (video)
We live in a world where my dog doesn’t even flinch when I yell now. sad
Two headlines:
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Doubtful Ted does squat about it. He’s never done anything about it before.
Adam L Silverman
@Bill Arnold:
Adam L Silverman
@germy: Bison ranching.
Adam L Silverman
@VeniceRiley: Exactly. I’m not sure its safe to vacation there or travel on business. And I say that as a proud Emory grad who loves Atlanta, except for the traffic.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: I had no idea.
So Murdoch will outlive him? What a timeline.
Steve in the ATL
Greetings from the Saudia lounge at the Cairo airport, awaiting our 2 am flight to Paris (it’s after midnight here) Heading home after 9 days in Africa. Highly recommend Egypt to one and all. Except people who get super annoyed by nonstop hassling by cab drivers, carriage drivers, random hangers on, children, old women selling loosies, and so on and so forth. We had such a great time we may come back next year. Also, a shot of Jameson costs $25, so don’t bring your Irish wife.
I assume you guys fixed the government while I’ve been gone?
Steve in the CAI
Because Nancy dots her is and crosses her ts and she does not strike at a king until she knows she will kill him.
Bill Arnold
@Adam L Silverman:
(from the linked article) Interesting, a Five Eyes thing?
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Lewy body is a pretty sucky thing to have
The World Games, which are a part of the Olympic movement for sports not in the regular Olympics, is going to be in Birmingham, Alabama in 2021. That would bring a lot of attention, and normally a lot of tourists, to the host city. I know that most of the legislators who voted for the anti-choice bill are from rural districts, but I wonder if the Governor and the rest of the state have considered the impact this will have.
Adam L Silverman
@Bill Arnold: Right now, for whatever reason Canada is the odd member out regarding Huawei.
This exchange:
Time to disbar Barr!
@Jerzy Russian:
I’d have liked her to give him one of those sideways claps she gave Trump at the SOTU.
@Adam L Silverman: Boycot CNN and coca cola with explicit emails/ letters saying why.
And boycot every entertainer who plays in GA
And pro games–football, golf. And players who go there to compete
@Adam L Silverman:
– Meng Wanzhou extradition case,
– Chinese lawsuits due to the Harper trade deal with China,
– Chinese economic retaliation,
Telus and ABC already use Huawei telecom equiptment and deny there is a security risk.
@Percysowner: Part of me wants all the Democratic candidates to go on FOX and make the case for the impeachment of Trump. It will be the first time any FOX news watcher is exposed to the truth about the Mueller report. I mean that. It may be the only way to break the right-wing news bubble.
Fox would experience technical difficulties where all Democrats saying Trump would be edited to say Hillary instead.
@Steve in the ATL:
Well, we did — but it got hosed during the site redesign.
I blame
Bill ClintonObamaHitlaryColeTenguPhule
@Steve in the ATL:
Sorry, the case of rabies is terminal.
It will have to be put down.
Oh, good.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Oh, no! I hadn’t heard that, and it is a really sucky disease from all I understand. I am so sorry to learn that.
I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that for the first several years I worked for the Canadian Consulate General in Atlanta, our offices were in CNN Center, and Ted Turner lived in the penthouse in CNN South Tower, on the same elevator bank as our offices. So it wasn’t at all unusual to see him during the course of the day. We had occasional glimpses of Jane Fonda as she moved in with him. I remember one February 14th when I was waiting in line at the convenience store in the building and found myself immediately behind Ted. He had evidently remembered, almost too late, that it was Valentine’s Day and he needed to buy Jane a card and a gift. Hilarious to wait patiently while he paid for the Whitman’s Sampler or whatever and then stood at the counter writing a greeting. I don’t in any way claim to have known him, but he was kind of a fixture at that time and place.
I hate to recommend FedEx, even by default, but UPS is HQ’d here too.
Also Chick-Fil-A, but we’re already boycotting them, right?
ETA: And, of course, Home Depot!
Zerlina Maxwell (@ZerlinaMaxwell) Tweeted:
Don’t tell me why you’re doing your Fox News townhall, tell me why you haven’t done one on BET, TVOne, or Telemundo. https://twitter.com/ZerlinaMaxwell/status/1128767471819939841?s=17
Van Buren
@germy: Last line of story is genius.
@Jay: Not up to date, but my understanding was that Huawei is not involved in software for 5G (hardware only); and that at least one of the big Canadian telecom cos doing 5G tests is not working with Huawei. Maybe with Nokia instead? Last summer Ontario papers said that the big co.s that are partnered with Huawei also have other options. Still true?
Still true. 5G is still in the planning stage.
Nokia isn’t a service provider in Canada. They are in Northern Europe, but as a Hardware Provider, they have a vested interest to ban Huawei.
The Big Guys each run their own networks, with overlapping coverage. The Little Guys buy bandwidth off the Big Guys.
The CRTC sets telecom standards in Canada, not CSIS or the CSE.
Mary Ellen Sandahl
@TenguPhule: Realistically speaking, what do you think she should have said and/or done, in that time and place? Hope the thread’s not too dead for you to notice this and reply – I’m definitely curious to know.
@Mary Ellen Sandahl:
“Mr. Barr, anything you say can be used against you in a court of law.”
Amir Khalid
You are aware, aren’t you, that the Speaker of the House has no powers of arrest?
J R in WV
@Amir Khalid:
Well, Yes, but you don’t have to have powers of arrest to inform a miscreant that anything they say can be used against them when they arrive in the appropriate court of law.
No, it won’t. They’ve been told for weeks that Mueller exonerated Trump, for months that the entire investigation was an effort by Democrats who refuse to accept the results of Trump’s election to unlawfully remove him, and for years that liberals lie and cheat about everything. A Democrat airing on Fox to explain the case for impeachment would just confirm all of those to them.
Facts don’t have a magical power to cancel out bullshit.
@J R in WV:
Plus, Speaker Pelosi would want to get one in before the “Court” rules that the arrested need not be Mirandized, if the arresting officer(s) has/have religious objections to doing so, or a “reasonable belief” that the prisoner is guilty.