… Small wonder he occasionally “forgets” minor details of his many, many important jobs in the Squatter-in-Chief’s administration. Such as sending out invitations and RSVPs for the ‘business conference’ intended to bring peace to the Middle East…
The Palestinians aren't coming, Egypt and Jordan haven't RSVPed, and now it turns out Israel hasn't been formally invited to the conference in Bahrain that's supposed to happen in two weeks. https://t.co/7mPHDSE5ye
— Gregg Carlstrom (@glcarlstrom) June 10, 2019
… Or mentioning the petty sums — I mean, a mere $90 million, that’s chump change! — from “opaque offshore entities” on his financial disclosure forms…
New: Company part-owned by Jared Kushner has received $90m from unknown foreign investors via an offshore vehicle since Kushner entered the White House https://t.co/475oBijfxP
— Jon Swaine (@jonswaine) June 10, 2019
That would require some introspection on his part, which would be a first. He's transactional with everyone, yet genuinely believes that when powerful people come courting him, it's because they think he's smart and they respect him. So he doesn't see that he's being manipulated. https://t.co/jrE6dJoo10
— Elizabeth Spiers (@espiers) June 10, 2019
In light of the news about foreign funding for Cadre, a company in which Kushner holds a massive financial interest, now seems like a good time to re-up this tweet pointing out that Kushner's lawyer claims Kushner is subject to an ethics agreement . . . that you have never seen. https://t.co/zWknY3HlPl
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) June 11, 2019
Or whether he’d go to the trouble of informing the FBI if hostile foreign agents were to attempt to bribe him (again)…
Jared Kushner unsure whether he'd alert FBI if Russians request another meeting – Axios https://t.co/IsD53K4rNp
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) June 3, 2019
How fortunate (for us Democrats & other sane people) that Jared intends to play an important role in his father-in-law’s “reelection” campaign!
… Amid policy missteps and at the risk of frustrating President Trump, Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, has set his sights on what he has described to people as a new problem in need of his attention: fund-raising for Mr. Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign.
Specifically, Mr. Kushner has cast a disapproving eye on the fund-raising apparatus run primarily by the Republican National Committee, and its chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel, whose close relationship with Mr. Trump is said to irk him. At a dinner he organized last month in the White House residence, Mr. Kushner brought together Ms. McDaniel; Brad Parscale, the campaign manager; and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who ran Mr. Trump’s fund-raising in 2016, along with a group of big donors like Stephen A. Schwarzman, the chief executive of the Blackstone Group, to discuss the fund-raising strategy for 2020.
But there was no broad agreement among the people there that the campaign is having any trouble raising money from large donors, as Mr. Kushner suggested…
Despite criticism and defeats, Mr. Kushner has always showed complete confidence in his own problem-solving abilities, in part, associates said, because of the role he played as a behind-the-scenes strategist on Mr. Trump’s winning 2016 campaign. And while many of his colleagues have resented his position, Mr. Kushner’s allies say that he has not been afraid to take on some of the most difficult issues confronting the White House and that he is someone whom Mr. Trump continues to rely on and trust.
Those allies say that Mr. Kushner has described himself as the real force behind the 2020 re-election campaign.
Mr. Kushner speaks every day to Mr. Parscale and, according to White House officials, his headliner appearance at the Republican National Committee’s spring donor retreat at Mar-a-Lago was meant to underscore the large role that Mr. Kushner would assume in planning, coordinating and becoming a public face of the campaign…
Because pissing off pep like Parscale, Mnuchin, and the GOP’s biggest moneybags couldn’t possibly rebound to the detriment the Oval Office Occupant…
“Jared is one of these guys who has fallen up in his life every time… I think the guy you see in this interview is the real Jared. He’s not that competent, he’s terrified of his father-in-law, yet he is the Secretary of everything” – @TheRickWilson w/ @NicolleDWallace pic.twitter.com/32LLkZYYo8
— Deadline White House (@DeadlineWH) June 3, 2019
The curve for Unqualified White Men is REAL.
Totally Jared.
I hear the Saudi’s are going around telling everybody about the new weapons the administration is “selling” them. According to some they keep saying “We got them at Jared’s.”
ETA: It’s not that he isn’t “that competent” it’s that he isn’t competent at all.
Poor guy. Ronna Romney McDaniel changed her name to please Trump. Jared can’t change his name to Trump because he’d consider it unmanly. So unfair!
Failsons really are going to kill us all.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
And so many of them pretend it isn’t. Infuriating.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
if Jared ever appears before a public hearing, I want one Dem to ask : “are you a baseball fan Mr Kushner? So you understand the meaning of the old saying, born on third base and thinks he hit a triple?” and then just move on to substantive questions
It’s every fucking day with this criminal outfit. Never-ending blatant greed and cruelty. How much the character of a president matters has never been more clear. People responsible for these acts have to be punished or it will only get worse.
Dorothy A. Winsor
The country is not here to “grow” Jared into anything.
Jared Kushner sincerely believes that he is the product of a meritocracy.
Explains a lot about how things got be where they are in U.S. national politics.
Dear Jared,
Cutting a check is not the answer to everything.
West of the Rockies
Is Jared qualified for his multiple posts? Is Sanders the best choice for hers? How about Ben Carson? Ricky Perry, Ivanka, Omarosa, Pruitt, Chao? Anyone connected to Trump is an unqualified loser.
Al Z.
What a toady
I was going to ask how any of this could be legal or ethical, but the underlying Guardian story shows how Young Jared’s branch of the Trump crime family deftly tries to evade disclosure rules while racking up millions.
And America’s Princess, Ivanka, also knows how to play the game.
Occurred to me the other day that Kim Jong Un is evidently very expert on the subject of just what sort of flattery narcissist authoritarians will respond to. Same goes for Kushner– he’s expert in those few things that he actually needs to know. That said, it’s likely that Kushner doesn’t have Kim’s level of self-awareness.
@japa21: I had a friend who defined competence as “knowing what you’re good at and what you’re bad at, and being able to apply that knowledge appropriately.” He also opined that you need to be good at *something* – but continued with how, if you really know what you’re good at and what you’re not good at, you are good at self-awareness.
I thought that was a perfect definition, which really summed up what I thought of as competence. I also agree: Kushner is not competent, but then, neither is the GOP as a whole. They’re more concerned with getting Republicans into jobs, than in making sure those jobs are actually getting done well. By that standard, Kusher’s brilliant – he’s a GOP toady, able to be a Republican in charge of lots of different things.
And this is the type of people that Trump would give immigration preference to.
@West of the Rockies:
In terms of relevant business and government experience, Chao was perhaps the only reasonably qualified person in Trump’s cabinet, but of course she and her husband are both corrupt AF, so some might call her overqualified.
What will be high comedy is after Trump is defeated in 2020 and he is facing trials for his many poor choices, we all know Jared will sing like an opera star in order to keep his ass out of prison. It will be gloriously ugly.
I’m sure there are no potential issues with the current Secretary of the Treasury raising money for the reelection campaign, amirite!
@PapuJones: With this bunch he’s more than likely cutting a check from the Treasury to the campaign, and writing another one to himself for a job well done.