After all that, the general public can’t see the tanks. The VIP area also includes some cornhole sets.
— Will Sommer (@willsommer) July 4, 2019
There's a huge perimeter around the Lincoln Memorial, where Trump will actually be speaking, that's closed to all but VIPs and press. See a tiny hump of camo in the distance? That's a tank. Might be wrong, but I think this is as close as most of the general public will get.
— Osita Nwanevu (@OsitaNwanevu) July 4, 2019
Dozens of July 4th attendees have lined up in an attempt to get into the reserved area. But there’s no getting in — it’s just a fence!
— Will Sommer (@willsommer) July 4, 2019
Woodstock for horrible people with crappy music…
— Secure enough not to need a tank on my street (@JimAdamsGeo) July 4, 2019
Everybody's having a great time here at the President's Salute to America
— Osita Nwanevu (@OsitaNwanevu) July 4, 2019
11:30a: NWS has issued a Flood Watch for the greater DC area (green shading on map) until 8pm today, due to the potential for slow-moving storms that could produce torrential rain exceeding 2 inches in a short period of time.
— Capital Weather Gang (@capitalweather) July 4, 2019
Cheryl Rofer
Anonymous At Work
@Johngcole: Keep dancing, fat man! It’s working!
Oh gosh.. looks like Trumpalazoosa is a wash out. So sad, so glad. :D
The best laid plans of mice and
@Anonymous At Work:
Haha! Comment of the day.. we have a winner folks!
Repeating from downstairs.
Marian Anderson and MLK Jr. up there somewhere, pushing the clouds in.
Thank you, Black Mother Nature????
Heh, I can barely react since I’m drugged to the gills (remaining knee replaced on Tuesday), but this is my first smile since I was made symmetrically bionic. Thank you Mother Nature!
Cheryl Rofer
I went to the 4th of July fireworks, some years ago, after it had been drizzling most of the day. We, and everyone watching, got ‘rained’ on with ash and smoke.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Odds on Trump coming to the stage unhinged if/when the rain stops and blaming the Democraps for “raining on his parade”? He has to be pissed.
That last video was perfect. The corny patriotic music playing in the background (don’t get me wrong, it’s a fine bit of composition, but in this context it’s corny. The Trump effect strikes again) while it’s pouring rain
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: It’ll be scrubbed as Sheldon Adelson’s hoveraround can’t traverse the mud into the VIP area. How much you want to bet the President demands the broadcast and cable networks and PBS preempt coverage tonight so he can read his remarks as an address to the Nation from the Oval Office.
In other Open Thread news, we went to see the new Spider-Man film this morning. It’s fun. I especially appreciated that Mary Jane is taller than Peter Parker and no effort is made to disguise it.
Chetan Murthy
The Schaden, she is, how you say? very Freude today!
When a big T-storm w/heavy rain and intense close lightning hit the Festival for the Eno this afternoon in Durham, NC, I couldn’t help wishing similar storms would rain on Trump’s parade. Looks like at least one of my wishes this year came true….
Well, despite our morning roller it’s sunny and 75 here in SoCal, enjoying our first 4th with a Democratic Representative. Neighborhood parade this morning was interrupted but not too badly disrupted by the roller. Ribs are getting smoked, plenty of lemonade on hand from our tree, walk down to the elementary school a block away for our fireworks show after dark. Having a great 4th with nary a tank or bomber in sight, as it should be.
Anonymous At Work
@Nicole: This sums it up so well, I have it in my office.
@Chetan Murthy: I like to say, “Consider my Freude to be thoroughly schadened.”
The Dangerman
@Cheryl Rofer:
I don’t care what Lee Trevino said, can someone make sure Trump brings his 1 Iron. Thanks in advance.
ETA: Not many golfers carry a 1 Iron; one has to be an arrogant fuck to carry the club. Well…
@Chetan Murthy:
This seems worth adding to all the freude.
@trollhattan: Moderation?
I am not moderate.
@oku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Don’t know why
All my tanks cannot stay dry
Stormy weather
@The Dangerman:
The foil hat will help.
When I was in the service, there was always an inclement weather plan for parades, changes of command, etc. I’m sure the stable genius and the top men he surrounds himself with have a plan for this. Right?
If the normal Fourth of July event were rained out, people would laugh or bitch and towel off once they got home. But Donnie the Fool had to make the day about him; so this is all about him.
Everything Trump touches turned to sh*t.
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: You know what you did.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Adam L Silverman
@Wapiti: That there isn’t one tells you everything you need to know about the DOD’s approach to this. Interior technically has the lead. Given Interior is run by a lobbyist, leadership has no idea it needed an inclement weather alternative. And, I’m sure, the DOD didn’t bother to say anything about the need for one.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Punk azz summmabytches??
@Wapiti: And blame Obama.
@Cheryl Rofer:
That reminds me, I saw a comment on BJ earlier about Trump boasting that Russian jets would be overflying the event and taking pictures. Was that real, or just item 1,523 on the list of “well, with anyone else I’d say impossible…”?
@trollhattan: We have a winner! (of the 7/4/2019 Darrwin Award)
Wow, that’s one huuuuuge VIP area.
@Adam L Silverman:
The military equivalent of “working to rule”?
@Luciamia: So spacious… so empty…
Went to a 4th parade in pretty red NE Pa. No MAGA hats, to my surprise. Only “attaboy” was for the Dem candidate for DA (incumbent). Only weird shirt was one with “my first amendment rights come before your feelings” that included an AR-15 illustration. (on a man too old, but not old enough, too be wearing a tank top) One can hope?
Cheryl Rofer
@Ken: It’s probably a misreading of the recent overflights under the Open Skies Treaty. Some of the rightwingers were getting upset that ROOSKI PLANES ARE TAKING PICTURES!
@Adam L. Silverman
“I’ve just signed an Executive Order renumbering all the remaining days of July to the 4th until I get what I want. Enumeration Proclamation! AMERICA demands to hear their FAVORITE PRESIDENT!!!”
Cheryl Rofer
Should be a Great Speech.
@Adam L Silverman:
I’d promise to not do it again but we both know that would be a lie.
I’m half-convinced Trump’s minions will be rewarded for an entire day or standing in tropical heat and humidity and heavy rain with the announcement that Bloaty McBloatface doesn’t want to ride the mile in the rain because his hair won’t look right. And this “delay” is people telling him that would be a REALLY bad idea.
What, they didn’t welcome somebody named Omar Navarro? My shocked face is at the dry cleaners.
Old Dan and Little Amn
Vacay in Outer Banks this week. I haven’t seen this much sun since last year. It’s been 95 each day. Holy fuck. My skin has had 9 months of suck in western NY. If it wasn’t for sun block I couldn’t be outside. I crave the shade.
I like to call it “malicious compliance.”
@Cheryl Rofer: So, Ross and Bolton are going to catch a bus?
SOOO. this fool tried to have a military parade in DC and it’s storming!! BWHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Hope it lasts for the rest of the day!
Join me as I LMBAO
Patricia Kayden
Thank you, Black Jesus, for raining on the Deplorables today. Amen.
That’s so last year. Trump announced it’s now KAGA (K for Keep).
Unfortunately the hats and other swag are still being manufactured in China, and with the tariffs it might be a while before that particular container ship is allowed to leave port.
The national German daily FAZ has an article with the title: Ein Feuerwerk und andere Knallkörper Translation: “A Firework and Other Crackers”.
‘Knallkörper’ has a colloquial meaning similar to ‘crackpot’, although the more common version is ‘Knalltüte’.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Great. And I had thought there couldn’t possibly be a greater waste of money today. //
@MattF: Wait until you see who the new acting Secretaries are.
Circus peanuts dissolve in the rain.
Just sayin’.
@Adam L Silverman:
Carole King won’t stand for that!!!
@Wapiti: That the most infuriating thing for me. As a govt employee, you soon come to realize that most of your job is making sure really boring shit happens with a reliability that causes everyone to take it for granted. Shit like lead not being in your tap water. Behind the scenes there may a ton of things that need to happen for that reliability, but that’s the job, and administrators don’t discount that a job that from the outside looks trivial from the inside might be complicated as fuck, with contingency plans, and backups and who knows what. How much of that sprung into action this morning when our earthquake hit? Most of it we’ll never know.
So I look at everything that Trump does and I see the logistical nightmare which must underly it, and then the people he hires and realize – shit, they have no fucking idea what they’re doing.
No fucking shit it’s billions of dollars! You’re going to print and mail a form to every household in the united states within a fairly narrow period of time, followed by an in person visit potentially to every one of those homes. You’re basically building a one-time use postal service. How is this not obvious to anyone who has spent even 30 minutes working in government? Government isn’t necessarily inefficient – it’s just fucking huge because the country is fucking huge.
One reason why I shouldn’t be president is that I’d want to email every US resident every morning with a note that itemized all the things government did for them the day before that they didn’t notice. In appreciation of you paying your taxes, we delivered clean drinking water, we provided a road for you to get to work, we have signs and rules that were enforced which made your drive safe, we regulated the sale and composition of gasoline so you weren’t sold cheap shit that would break your car, etc. This would go on for countless pages. And people would get it daily.
On that list would not be, I fenced in the Lincoln Memorial for a private party with my friends and forgot to plan for rain.
@lamh36: All hail Thor.
Stuck in moderation.
@The Dangerman:
Did he say that before or after he was struck?
SMH…I’m too cynical to believe this is a real question from a legit voter.
My spidey-sense says it was a plant or something…
Cheryl Rofer
All comments liberated.
Gelfling 545
@NotMax: Hush. We don’t say “stormy” in Donald’s hearing!
I am happy for today’s rain on donnie’s parade. However, I have many friends who are working for the PBS show, Camera Ops. A-2s Production people and others. They are working the real July 4th show. I hope that they all can stay safe and dry.
@Cheryl Rofer:
You shall be greeted appropriately.
John Revolta
@Adam L Silverman: Veeerrrryyyy innnteresting. (RIP: Arte Johnson)
I wondered about this- any decent event planner would’ve had a rain date and would’ve invoked it by this morning if not last night. Now I’m wondering if certain people aren’t laughing their asses off right now.
@SiubhanDuinne: Keepin’ that. I am!
Omar has been getting the Nazi Proud Boys backing for months and was scheduled to be a featured Speaker at the “Freeze Peach” event.
Apparently an ex of Omars was running with the Nazi Proud Boys who were feeding her coke and passing her around.
Omar called them on their “degenerate drug fueled life style”, pulled out and they threatened to kill him.
The Nazi Proud Boys are now calling him a liar and using racial slurs.
@lamh36: Good response by Mayor Pete. Couldn’t help but note he raised almost $25M this quarter and I have a nicer barbecue than he does. That’s not how you win over the white working class.
And that’s how the time machine was invented.
@lamh36: Could be a plant. But wingers really are that stupid, so what’s the difference? Also, can’t object to an opportunity to bring up racism, even if it’s contrived.
@lamh36: I don’t get the Pete B fan club. He is a boring version of Bill Clinton for the twenty first century.
Gelfling 545
@Old Dan and Little Amn: And here in WNY it’s “only” 90!
If only the Tps were paying instead of us.
I’m hoping for gusty updrafts.
T would rather cancel than make his entrance without simultaneous jets to draw applause. I don’t think he will postpone and preempt PBS, because he can’t delay the air display schedule.
It’s far from original (can’t recall where I first came across it), but a nice formulation, I think.
@Aleta: Apparently he wants to give his speech.
@Anonymous at Work:
Fixed link.
Gelfling 545
@OGliberal: Daughter & family vacationing in a cabin somewhere in rural PA. They attended a parade today & saw very little in the way of political overtones. Just the old fashioned 4th of July stuff. Sent us a nice pic of them with Uncle Sam on stilts.
Mike G
NWS has issued a Flood Watch for the greater DC area
If this were an Obama event the bible-thumpers would be proclaiming, “This proves that God hates you.”
Every bit the c-f i expected.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Stormy Daniel’s revenge!
@MattF: I’ve literally had people say “why don’t Blacks Stop Doing X” to me, more than one, for over a decade.
And I’m a Tall Black Guy.
There are a ton of people out there, in the real world, and all over this country, who think race issues started when Obama was elected, and that the Rebels had a point.
@schrodingers_cat: It’s nice having young people running for office that can speak to the concerns of young people.
Cheryl Rofer
I thought it was someone put instant coffee in a microwave and went back in time.
Just saw the greatest comment on Twitter: “So, you’re saying this is the Republican Fyre Festival.”
Uncle Cosmo
@Ken: Satire: Andy Borowitz at the New Yorker.
I’m assuming that the organizers for the real show that was planned months ago have a contingency plan to keep everyone as safe and dry as possible. ?
Trouble with that method is that no matter where you plan to materialize it always ends up being Java.
@Martin: Its more like white male people running for the concerns for other white male people.
zhena gogolia
I’d be happy to have Bill Clinton back for some peace and prosperity.
I was wondering who the 2020 Republican sacrificial lamb was going to be. At least he’ll be slightly more memorable than her last 6 opponents.
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but,…….
Wonder if anybody’s going to explain the fireworks shows to the Concentration Camp kids and adults, and explain it’s not the Military or Drug Gangs coming for them again,……
Probably not.
I think that’s the event that Anotherlurker’s friends are working at. It’s the one that Trump was trying to draw people away from with his competing craptacular.
I vote “no” on the plant. The Midwest is this stupid.
Huh. Well, securing popcorn and rooting for injuries and an asteroid seems in order.
Wouldn’t be a bit surprised to find some of the RWNJ sites blaming Obama for having slyly switched the labels on the weather machine in the White House basement.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Who will be handling Trump’s umbrella for him?
I guess trump is on his way
@Gelfling 545: Two winners in one thread!
@Mnemosyne: right…just another indication of how bad the weather is in the area…and Chump STILL trying to give a speech?
They imagined uninvited hordes splashing through the reflecting pool, so desperate to be near Trump and his borrowed tank that they’d get their shoes and socks all wet.
As a white guy, I’ve always responded by asking< "Why don't white people stop doing X, Y, and Z?"
C-SPAN is the only channel I can find that is showing the Trump shitshow. Even Fox News is running a “special report” on the situation at the southern border.
C-SPAN currently showing crowd shots, Pence glad-handing VIPs, etc., over Sousa-esque “patriotic” music. Notice at the bottom: “President Trump speech at Lincoln Memorial live shortly.”
ETA: Apparently the Sousa-esque music is live, because a song just ended and there was applause.
@NotMax: Bring Ivanka the heads of Wilbur Ross and Neil Jacobs.
Chetan Murthy
@OzarkHillbilly: That fuckwit Charles Murray has started doing the same, blaming poor white folk for their (evidently economic (for those with eyes to see)) troubles.
Once upon a (before-)time I had hoped with this turn of events, poor white folk would join with poor people of color. But yanno, that’s not how it works, and LBJ explained it to us graphically oh-so-many years ago (“he’ll give you his wallet ….”).
PBS live feed has a closeup-only view of the Lincoln Memorial plus between song chants of “USA! USA!”
Not your best work, kiddo.
“You want gems, go to Africa.”
– Groucho
Okay, national anthem. Here we go.
About the only one that would fit his hands is one from one of those tropical drinks.
Next you’ll be telling me about shooting an elephant in your pajamas?
Fox has switched over to live coverage. Here comes Trump to the stage.
“Prepare to deploy Brolly One.”
Down here between Andrews AFB and the Chesapeake Bay I can hear fighter jets of one sort or another going overhead. Looks like they’re going to get a flyby even if the ceiling is 1000′ feet (my guess which is surely wrong).
Go Space Force!
From The Guardian’s live blog:
I wore an Obama tee shirt to walk around DC in and hopefully piss off his people, and staff at the African American history museum saw me and actually let me skip the line and walk right in. Tickets are hard to get. That was a better time than they were having, hopefully
@Spanky: And don’t forget, kids, the Washington Monument is 555 feet high.
Another Scott
@schrodingers_cat: He’s not clicking with me, either.
But we shouldn’t discount feeling of progress that an openly gay politician is getting decent financial support for his run for the presidency. It’s a sign of progress, and fairly rapid progress at that.
Maybe he’ll eventually use his millions to build a stronger Democratic party in Indiana and other red states…
@debbie: Space Force arrives late and tries to slip into its seat unnoticed.
Crowd shots suspiciously tight: 10-15 people across, six-eight rows deep.
News never stops in this stupid timeline,
And shockingly light-skinned. //
He looks like he left some of his hair home.
And capped for lightning protection with a pyramid of what was at the time one of the most esoteric and most expensive of metals – aluminum.
Cheryl Rofer
It’s hard to figure out whether his speechwriters are ignorant or sabotaging him.
Echoes of evil across the ocean.
mad citizen
@Martin: Dang Martin, as a 27 year state employee, I say thank you for this. I always think of “G” as the part of our economy in the “C + I + G” equation. It is large, it’s like the biggest company we have.
Proof: golf is bad for you.
Water based glue.
He’s very bobbly-headed tonight.
@Cheryl Rofer
Waiting for “Had we not bravely prevailed, we’d all be speaking English.”
Here comes the flyover.
@Steeplejack: Ah, they got some USFL cameramen out of retirement for this.
@NotMax: hahaha
Oh, good, Daniel Dale is live-tweeting the speech. Earlier there was no word that he would.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Mr DAW has Trump’s speech on. I’m here to report that it’s really boring.
Chyron HR
I think someone from the Ministry of Truth is in the control room.
I read that fighter jets were supposed to go screaming by as T walked on stage, and that flyovers would continue for an hour. Anything besides AF1 yet?
@Spanky: Belay that. That was just another orbit.
I don’t think I’ll be able to tell when they break for the Mall.
Stealth fighters are loud.
PBS: don’t pan up to the snipers on the roof.
I’ve also got a formation of 6 unidentified conventional fighters. Bet we can figure those out.
And this is the weird thing. Looks like a lone fighter up aroind 12-20kft doing slow figure 8s. Don’t need atc with Andrews 12 miles away.
Supposed to include one of the new helicopters. Not the best conditions for ‘copter flying.
Trump July 4 flyover to show off experimental new Marine One helicopter
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
It is incredibly boring. This speech is a self-avowed tribute to the military, and now it’s clear that Trump is going to go through each service in turn. He just did the Coast Guard, and you could almost hear people starting to snore in the crowd. Tepid applause.
And Trump is not served well by his speechwriters. When he goes for the lyrical heights, it’s all clichés and clangers. Ugh.
Now the Air Force. I’m apologizing to the spirit of my dead father.
At least some of the flyovers are happening. Just had a B-2 stealth bomber and two fighters go over.
Delays at DCA must be staggering.
@Steeplejack: I wonder what the Fox crowd thinks about it.
That’s the Johnson of the Johnson vs. Texas Free Speach win.
Of course he get’s attacked by the Reich’s “Freeze Peach” Nazis.
Okay, here comes the new Marine One helicopter with two Ospreys. Yee-haw!
ETA: LOL. C-SPAN cameras focus on the Ospreys because they look cooker. The helicopter is so high up it looks like every other helicopter since Vietnam.
Cheryl Rofer
@NotMax: I saw one estimate of four hours. There were already weather delays.
That’s what a million in flying costs?
drumpf’s ego is so much bigger than he is. And not in better condition…….
Dorothy A. Winsor
Did you know the Continental Army took over the airports?
Until now, I did not.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@JPL: They’re wondering when they get to chant “Lock her up!”
Trump pauses for what he thinks—or the script says—should be great applause lines, and the audience is slow on the uptake. Not as peppy as “Lock her up!”
Uh-oh. Trump name-checked some (Union) Army victories in the Civil War, and I swear there was a distinct undertone of “Wait, what?” among the MAGAts.
Trump has passed the 45-minute mark. How long, America? How long?
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Who knew…
Dorothy A. Winsor
@JPL: We backed up the TV to be sure, and that’s what he said.
I’m on C-SPAN, just to be on the safe side. Who knows what kind of subliminal shit Fox intercuts into their broadcasts.
@Dorothy A. Winsor
Someone at least had the presence of mind to scratch out “When George Washington spoke from these very steps of the Lincoln Memorial.”
Okay, Trump is wrapping it up. The band is going to play the “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” He’s asking the military leaders to join him on stage.
And the Blue Angels are going overhead! Well, maybe. Camera still focused on everyone rigid on stage. Did the Angels miss their cue? Tsk.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: So are you saying only trump knew… lol
[Director making “stretch it out” signal in control room.]
@Steeplejack: it appears we have a president on drugs who is reciting a 5th grade history report. this is not worth all the tax dollars being spent.
Okay, C-SPAN is now showing some wider crowd shots. Looks like a semi-decent crowd, at least down one side of the reflecting pool. Other side not visible.
Still no Blue Angels. Singers going into slowed-down live-album version of the “Battle Hymn.” Percussion section being told to get ready for extended drum solo.
There’s a lot of hullabaloo that the guy with the burning flag deliberately threw it at one of the police officers, but I can’t quite tell from the video if it was malicious or an ohshitit’sonfiregetitawayfrommeNOW! instinct.
And now the Blue Angels! Just a flyby. No reverse-pike, double-secret aerobatics.
Hey, the speechwriters labored almost a whole half hour copying from Wikipedia.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: He didn’t actually say that, did he?
Oh, shit. Some plummy-voiced bastard is singing “God Bless the USA.”
@CaseyL: “Republican Fyre Festival” is a great way to label the entire government whenever it’s under Republican conteol.
Some other sexy plane just flew over, and the cameras missed all of it except a brief glimpse. MiniTru guy in the control room checking to make sure his Luger has a round chambered.
“And now, if you’ll all turn in your souvenir hymnbook to Let the Eagle Soar….
low-tech cyclist
As a fellow government employee, I enthusiastically applaud this righteous rant.
I am so loving your on the scene reporting. Even better that Daniel Dale’s live tweeting of the speech.
Trump and Melania leaving the stage, with pauses to wave and glad-hand.
Band is finishing with that classic: “Be kind to our web-footed friends / for a duck may be somebody’s mother.”
Has he left yet to return to the WH where he can make his phone calls and tweet uninterrupted. Hate must rule the day.
All American Flags are made in China now. They’re not safe to burn. Cheap nylon, no retardant.
Piccolo solo! Rock on! No lighters or cell-phone lighter apps or being held up in the crowd.
C-SPAN abruptly stops coverage. Unsettling when the director is dragged out of the control room, never to be seen again.
@Steeplejack: So that would be a yes to my comment below yours.
I need a drink. A big drink. Even the housecat needs a drink. But she bravely stayed at her workstation through the whole ordeal.
@Josie: “better than” Aaargh. FYWP won’t let me edit……..again.
@Steeplejack: That’s supposed to be during the fireworks!
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Some day soon one or more of these Proud Boy morons are going to find out that old west saying is true that, “God created men and Sam Colt made them equal!”.
Say what now? Annin still in business.
(Factory where G. H. W. Bush staged a photo op, which even he later admitted was a step too far.)
Fox pundit: “This was a paean to America.” Pronounced “peon.”
They’re getting to work on spackling and repainting Trump’s performance.
I’m off to cleanse myself with My Lottery Dream Home.
To be executed by anti-aircraft guns?
It’s not worth a bucket of warm spit. But then consider the source of all that wealth of……
What does one call the craptactular words that struggle to get free from him?
Or “pee on.”
Dorothy A. Winsor
@sdhays: I think he did. As I say, we listened twice. We could have misinterpreted.
ETA: When he’s reading a speech like that, I’m not sure he even knows what he’s saying because he’s concentrating so hard.
Annin doesn’t do retail sales.
More to the point, I think people intent on burning the flag to make a political point would probably go for the cheapest option, which would be a polyester or nylon version from China. And that shit is WAY more flammable than most people realize.
I got a little carried away. Like when you pass an awful car wreck and can’t not look.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@oatler.: Do they by chance have a shot of the poor schlubs at the corners holding up the cue cards to lead those chants? Because that would not surprise me in the slightest.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Daniel Dale and a bunch of his commenters confirmed it. They think he was trying to say either “ports” or “ramparts.”
That’s what happens when your catalog is automated and not QC’ed by a human.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I thought he only concentrated that hard when sitting on the golden throne with his pants down. Or is he so far gone he forgets to drop trou before…..
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Mnemosyne: You can hear it in the clip in this tweet.
@Steeplejack: Whew. Tough job, thx for the help getting through it.
And the airports’ red glare
The palms bursting in air
Well, Trump doesn’t like dogs, so . . .
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
At one point Trump said one of the services demonstrated its “versa-tal-ity” doing something or the other. So who knows?
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Algorythms on social media have been going Full Nazi for a long time.
Twitter bots suspended an account for posting:
“I killed Franco” followed by an article on the death of Dictator Francisco Franco.
Dozens of articles/investigations have shown that the minimum wage human meat fodder subcontracted by the Billionaire Social Media Companies to uphold their so called anti-hate, anti-ISIL, etc rules;
– arn’t trained on the “rules”,
– arn’t trained on content,
– are held to horrifying quotas,
– are subject to PSTD,
– arn’t vetted for ”radical”views,
– work in unsafe conditions, ( violence, harassment, sexual assault) and filth,
– are often radicalized or desensitized,
– last less than 2 years before they quit, ( destroyed) or are fired for not being able to cope/process the puke funnel fast enough.
Anyone else remember Disney’s adaptation of Ben and Me?
And yet the Border Patrol members Facebook swamp endures.
@NotMax: But of course,
No problem. Thanks!
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
And internet reactionaries think these same mods are “SJWs”. They make stupid memes to that effect
@Steeplejack: I know they’re Marines, but still …
Zuck’s not gonna take it down,
CBP/ICE arn’t gonna take them down,
Cops have the same social media presence,
If there is any pushback, even minor, they will just like the “out” Nazis, move to Discord and Russia’s Telegram.
Capitol Fourth show going ahead (Stamos, Muppets, various and myriad versions of various things but at least the Muppets started with George M Cohan and the National Symphony is there. Noting the crowd in many red white blue costumes, there’s a strange-looking ball cap, white with a red banner up top says (USA-Yay), a lot of folks wearing it but it’s not one of those (eww) things, those things, so at least from here this looks typically amateurish & neutral & benign.
I love that song! Mancini had some great B-sides (i.e., anything not “Pink Panther” or “Peter Gunn”).
Add in all the Military Nazi’s and,……..
No wonder Pizzagate had such legs amongst the RWNJ’s.
It’s always projection,…….
Speaking of Enemies inside the Gates,…..
Annnnnd here’s Zuck,
So much for “inauthentic” accounts being banned.
you mean Baby Elephant Walk?
He also had some clunkers!
Amir Khalid
@OzarkHillbilly: If your Freude (joy) has been thoroughly geschadet(damaged) you won’t be celebrating. Rather, you are feeling Freude because Trump has suffered Schade (damage).
Miss Bianca
@lamh36: Could it be? Could it be? *bounce bounce bounce*
@Amir Khalid
Miss Bianca
@NotMax: That’s one of my favorite books! Disney did an adaptation?
@Miss Bianca
Link I provided above is to the ending of Disney’s 1953 version. Seems the whole thing is available on YouTube as well.
@Steeplejack: I’ll be waiting to see if the F-35 makes it. At one point there were reports it couldn’t fly in the rain, but that may have been because its lightning protection system didn’t work and it was thought to be too dangerous for the pilot.