BREAKING: The US beats the Netherlands 2-0 to win the Women's World Cup. It's the fourth title for the American team.
— CNN (@CNN) July 7, 2019
— Schooley (@Rschooley) July 7, 2019
There is now a deafening "EQUAL PAY" chant thundering through the stadium in Lyon.
— Andrew Keh (@andrewkeh) July 7, 2019
New statement from spokeswoman for the players: "These athletes generate more revenue and garner higher TV ratings but get paid less simply because they are women. It is time for the Federation to correct this disparity once and for all."
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) July 7, 2019
And then, equal pay.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) July 7, 2019
lol imagine being so naive to think the women's national team should be paid as much as the men
the women deserve way more
— Bill Barnwell (@billbarnwell) July 7, 2019
Yeah at this point it's like if the Lakers were out-earned by the Washington Generals.
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) July 7, 2019
Yes! Fourth star. Back to back. Congrats to the record breakers on the @USWNT, an incredible team that’s always pushing themselves—and the rest of us—to be even better. Love this team. #OneNationOneTeam
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) July 7, 2019
If we beat Trump invite this team to the Inauguration. #USWMNT
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) July 7, 2019
Anyone who thinks this is a serious politics tweet should maybe chill out just a teeny tiny bit. (I’m a journalist, I super don’t endorse candidates. :D)
— Dara Lind (@DLind) July 7, 2019
ROFL some Fox producer had to work overtime to find the whitest, most rah-rah-USA sports bar in France for a live shot AND STILL
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) July 7, 2019
Jerzy Russian
So, regarding that last tweet, are we going back to Freedom Fries again? I have a hard time keeping up.
Gotta go with LOLGOP on this – pay them 100 times what the men get.
@Jerzy Russian: Freedom Potato Sticks! – fries are Belgian.
LOL. Touché.
Keith P.
Meanwhile, Trump’s about to give one to Jerry West for signing Kawhi Leonard and Paul George.
Ben Cisco
Congratulations to the USWNT. I agree with the sentiment that they should be invited to the 2021 inauguration of President Harris, along with every other sportsball team that had to deal with or avoid the Persimmon Pustle.
Not the worst idea ever…..
Ben Sasse voted to confirm Acosta.
Is Ben Sasse the person in the senate who is most full of shit? I think he may be.
TS (the original)
I don’t doubt trump was willing the US team to lose. The dogs are not on his side.
Ben Cisco
@Kay: Cruz. Collins. St. Bernard. I say thee nay.
It’s a very close race among all Senate Republicans.
They must have been very close. I wonder if Epstein funded any of the Trump Family scams. They must have been constantly looking to borrow money and Epstein had enough to lend, even on a higher risk Trump scheme. I’m hoping we learn more about this relationship in the coming weeks. How did Trump end up with Acosta? Was that his personal pick for that job or a recommend from one of the (other) low quality hires?
@Ben Cisco:
They’re awful, true, but Sasse actually wrote a sanctimonious, scolding book about ethics and virtue. So I think that gives him a SLIGHT edge in what is admittedly a very competitive field. That puts him over the top in my rankings.
John Revolta
@Kay: Well to be fair there is an awful lot of shit in Nebraska.
Then again now we know there’s at least one Repub senator that didn’t go to any of Epstein’s parties.
Should be interesting to see who else jumps on the bandwagon.
@Kay: He is yet another con man, only in a different way.
Ben Cisco
@Kay: A Bill Bennett for our times, then? In that case I concede the point.
Women’s World Cup: Why France 2019 will go down as Megan Rapinoe’s tournament
Another Scott
@Kay: VanityFair (from 2003):
(Emphasis added.)
It’s Magic!! Or, maybe it’s something else…
I wish someone would make the “Fuck Trump” chant into a ringtone.
I’m sure Trump will say he has no idea who Epstein is, and half of the press will go along with it.
Mr Stagger Lee
@Kay: @Kay: Speaking of Epstein, the Dotard had a protester kicked out of his rally in Duluth for showing a picture of Dotard and Epstein together, tghe crowd was close to lynching that guy.
John Revolta
@Kay: Wonder how long it’ll take before we get “Epstein? I think I met him at a party one time”.
ETA: Scratch “party”. Let’s say “dinner”.
@Kay: He is the worst. He plays the role of a morally upright serious senator who’s above politics. In real life, he is a typical Republican. I can’t stand him.
You all can fight this with me, but I am gonna win!
There’s more. I haven’t even gotten to the book he wrote to scold us about how we don’t like Ben Sasse.
@Another Scott: Any chance Epstein will turn out to be another Bernie Madoff?
Adam L Silverman
@plato: Screw that, pay the men what they’re worth, which is, based on those results, much less than the women.
Also, someone get Alexi Lalas off the human growth hormone before his head starts to generate it’s own weather systems.
Chetan Murthy
@Ken: Oh god, if only. If. Only.
Another one?
He wrote a book about me?
Adam L Silverman
@Mr Stagger Lee:
There’s one of Trump and Epstein where Trump looks young. They must have been close for decades.
That phone contact list is like what you would give to a spouse or family member. Why would Epstein need an emergency contact number for Donald Trump? And the litigant in the Maxwell case worked at Maralago. One of the victims in the criminal case worked there too. Just weird that Donald Trump has so many intersections with these girls and this criminal. There must be lots of overpriced golf clubs in Florida. Why is Trump’s mentioned so much?
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: Epstein worked directly for the then head of Bear-Sterns, who personally handled the President’s brokerage account. The late, and sorely missed, Wayne Barrett reported all of this, several times, years ago.
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: It’s money laundering. Don McGahn’s uncle is involved – he was the casino/mob lawyer the President used in Atlantic City. The Bronfmans and their alcohol companies and distributorships are involved. And all of it ran through the former CEO of Bear-Sterns and then through Epstein.
Adam L Silverman
@Ken: No, it isn’t a ponzi scheme. It is outright money laundering covered by legitimate transactions.
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: The relationship goes back to when the President was in his early 40s. Epstein had just been hired away from the private school where he was teaching, where he’d been hired by AG Barr’s father without either a college degree or a teaching certificate, directly by the head of Bear-Sterns at the time.
Mexico just scored the first goal in the Gold Cup final, 73rd minute.
@Adam L Silverman:
I really got angry when I read the correspondence between the prosecutors and Epstein’s lawyers in the Miami Herald series.
They threw those girls under the bus because they were impressed by all those powerful, big name men. They portrayed those girls as prostitutes. 14 year old girls. Every one of them should lose their jobs. They’re unfit. They served those girls very poorly and they did it because they ass-kiss rich and powerful people, and there’s no reason to think that was limited to this case. The least we can do is get rid of them and make sure none of them work in government again.
Adam L Silverman
@ThresherK: At this point I’m in favor of charging the US men’s national soccer team to actually play on the US men’s national soccer team.
@Adam L Silverman:
Oh, God, because of course he was a teacher. High school?
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: No arguments from me.
Nobody took away Morgan Brian’s phone at the team party today, so we have a very amusing set of videos to enjoy. Party like it’s 1999+20.
Budweiser (IKR?) announced an NWSL sponsorship deal today, which may sound like no big thang but the league has been in dire need of real money for salaries and expansion. Hopefully one of many to come.
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: The Dalton School, an exclusive Manhattan prep school. Had been all girl until 1966, when the headmaster, Donald Barr, Bill Barr’s dad, made it coeducational. Epstein was hired at the age of 20 after having dropped out of both the college at Cooper Union and NYU. He remained there, teaching math and physics, until he was hired directly by Bear Stearns former CEO Alan Greenberg.
I never thought Trump would get caught in international intrigue or anything big, anything with an actual theory or belief system behind it.
I knew it would be sleaze. Some shitty criminal conspiracy with his gross “friends”. I figured the only reason he was consorting with Russians was to borrow or launder money. They of course had bigger ideas, but he’s petty and whatever he gets nailed on will be run of the mill criminal behavior, except, with rich people. They’re just thugs with a lot of money and power. Organized crime. They bust underage trafficking/prostitution operations at truck stops in Toledo. These people are the same, except they have a lot of money and are very well connected.
If Epstein got into money trading early, with his connections to a brokerage, and connections to banking and the manipulation of the LIBOR and currencies, he could have made a lot of grey money for his clients.
Basically FOREX trading on insider info long before Day Traders had access to FOREX.
@Keith P.:
I should probably know who any of these people are, but I haven’t the foggiest. .
@Adam L Silverman:
The incest. The unutterable sleaze.
I knew it wouldn’t be Iran Contra, or the Pentagon Papers, or any kind of ideology or world view or belief system, no matter how wrongheaded. Ordinary thugs, common criminals, but with a shit load of money and power. They’re no different than the men supplying the Toledo truckers with high school freshman, except none of these people go to prison. Yet.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: The real questions are why did either a bunch of wealthy to ultra-wealthy people need to hire Epstein, why did Epstein need to cultivate them, or both?
John Revolta
@Kay: From the article:
Didn’t Trump Models “represent” lots of young Russian girls? Probably just a coincidence.
Adam L Silverman
Make it stop!
Adam L Silverman
@John Revolta: Yes, underage and eastern European/former Soviet states.
Can we speculate about Trump being a pedophile? It would be irresponsible not to, especially given the visual evidence of him and Ivanka cavorting in really creepy-looking photos when she was a teenager.
@Adam L Silverman: Fuck Tom Steyer. If he knew better, he would hire people who actually knew how to spend his money to make climate change happen. What he should be doing is working with Mike Bloomberg on that stuff, not engaging in a vanity run for president that Bloomberg knew would fail / detract from his main focus on the climate.
The DNC needs to raise the debate bar higher, faster, to get people purely out to raise their profile (which is more than half the folks in the race) and focus on serious candidates.
Pedophile. Rapist. Sexual harasser. Tax dodger. Money launderer. Campaign finance abuser. Russian colluder. Treasonous traitor.
Fucking Mueller dropped the balls at so many levels.
@Adam L Silverman: No, Tom. Just no.
@PsiFighter37: We don’t have to speculate, just post signs (as was done to a previous President, in the 90s):
@Adam L Silverman: Epstein has a connection with Barr? When this is all over I’m going to need a shower for about a month to wash off the stink from reading it.
ETA or call the ER to treat an overdose of schadenfreude.
Most definitely. He is the biggest tool imaginable. Another example? He voted AGAINST hurricane relief for Puerto Rico because…..wait for it……..”it wasn’t paid for” and then a year later went to the floor and begged for “not paid for” flood relief for Nebraska. and of course the “it wasn’t paid for” logic never applied to Trump’s Tax Cuts”
This 1,000 times. With every comment I read, this whole mess gets sleazier and more interconnected.
Adam L Silverman
@frosty: Also, Comey’s daughter is one of the SDNY DOJ public corruption unit prosecutors working this case.
Just saw a YouTube ad for French’s mustard.
French’s – Not From France
*le sigh*
@frosty: When this is all over the only untainted political figure in America will be Jimmy Carter. Everyone else will have participated, or covered for someone who did, or covered for someone who covered for someone.
Congrats to the US woman’s futball team!
Trump has decided,, or some of his advisors are telling him, to play nice. Sends out congrats, admits in principle the women should be paid the same as the men, but ‘you have to look at the numbers’.
US women’s soccer games now generate more revenue than men’s—but the players still earn less
So, I guess US team should be paid more than the men?
But FIFA and its flunky org in the US runs the game, and they are miserably corrupt, greedy, and vile, just as much as any US sports league bosses, so I’m not holding my breath.
And the man fundamentalist Christians believe was chosen by God to be president.
Debbie (Aussie)
@Jay: SATSQ- a pedophile.
I’d venture to throw Obama in there, too, because the consequences for him of any scandal would be orders of magnitude more than the average politician. He had more reason to keep his nose clean than anyone.
Carter? Well, Carter was apparently born with a clean nose. :-)
Jimmy and Rosalynn celebrated their 73rd (!) wedding anniversary today.
@Adam L Silverman: You must have missed Sestak, candidate #25, last week.
@chris: No shit, Sestak? The former admiral who lost to a hedge fund trader (Toomey) for PA Senate? Who lost to a cipher establishment D (McGinty) in the Senate primary so Toomey could win again? He can take a Flying F#$k on a rolling donut. I’m done with him.
David Koch
@trollhattan: K.O. gyrating on the table is hawt (photo)
As long as Steyer and Sestak start running in the Democratic primary first, so they can humiliate themselves and destroy their chances at an independent run by making mammoth dinguses of themselves at the debates, they can do what they want. It’s a free country.
Have we taken a poll of how many BJ frontpagesrs and commenters are running, besides Baud 2020! ?
@B.B.A.: Both sides BS?
@David Koch: That’s great! They deserve to celebrate!!!
Adam L Silverman
@chris: I saw the reporting about Sestak.
Adam L Silverman
@David Koch: This is why alcohol consumption is contraindicated when one has a concussion.
We’re all running for President – you too.
David Koch
Ballers have the hottest wags (K.O.) (photo)
David Koch
You know that tear jerking scene at the end of “Reds” at the train station:
mPinoe – Sue Bird (photo)
@mrmoshpotato: Oh shit. Thanks for the info. I gotta go find my mega donors contact list. It’s around here someplace. I think right next to Cole’s mustard jar, wherever I put that. Get myself on Face the Nation subs list for a slow weekend.
@jl: Wherever your mega donors list is, it’s not that mega, and it’s too close to the house and the willow tree.
@David Koch: I’m old enough in blog years to connect “K.O.” with Keith Olbermann, so thanks a lot for that visual.
@David Koch:
One more video. Because party time.
Going to be some world cup hangovers tomo…later today. Y’all earned it, have fun.
The only relevant argument to “equal pay” is revenue generated.
Success isn’t a valid argument compared to other sports – though it is compared to other female soccer players.
And revenue generated isn’t solely based on one team, it’s based on the totality of the sport. There’s just way more money sloshing around for men’s than women’s soccer.
joel hanes
@Adam L Silverman:
+10 XP
+10 HP
+2 Perception
Yeppers. I no longer wonder why Mueller doesn’t want to testify, especially not in public. He knows full well what he should have done and didn’t do. My question is: was he forced, and if so, why did he acquiesce? If so, will he testify to that effect?
Where’s his patriotism? Or is he just simply a typical Republican?
Amir Khalid
There’d be money to pay women footballers on par with men, if corporate sponsors put serious money into the sport and sports media gave it more coverage to help grow the audience. That’s the main prerequisite. Is there an audience for women’s football to justify an influx of corporate money? I think there may be, in the US, given how well-established it is at grassroots level and the success of the USA women’s team. It seems to me that the place to start is with coverage and sponsorship of college and professional women’s football.
John Revolta
@plato: @Emerald: As I recall it, Mueller was given very specific parameters regarding what he was and was not empowered to investigate. It’s not like he had carte blanche, he was hamstrung from the gitgo. He’s a by-the-book guy and not one to go rogue. Furthermore Barr was leaning on him at the end to wrap things up. And let’s bear in mind that we still don’t know very much about what’s actually IN his report.
And he’s going to testify publicly before Congress next week. So………………….
@Adam L Silverman: the most interesting question is how did a boy from a modest upbringing
End up shortly after school mixed up with the Barrs and scoring a teaching position he wasn’t qualified for.
His connections started back then, speculating that it probably involved selling drugs.
Amir Khalid
I’m sitting this one out.
Patricia Kayden
I wonder if the U.S. women’s soccer team will visit the White House. They’d send a strong message by declining Trump’s inevitable invitation.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman:
Oddly enough, Dalton was where Woody Allen’s character in Manhattan was supposed to have found his 16-year-old girlfriend. Yet another funny, funny “joke” between powerful men with a taste for young girls…
Anne Laurie
IIRC correctly (I’m a couple years younger than Epstein, grew up in NYC at around the same time) the 1970s was when Russian Jewish refugees started pouring into the outer boroughs. And there was infinite local backbiting about how many of those ‘religious refugees’ were actually cheap thugs looking for new grifting frontiers. Not so much drugs, back then, but money laundering for the Russian mob and… yup… human trafficking, especially of very young women from the Soviet provinces.
@Anne Laurie: Wouldn’t think a 20 ish yo guy from a modest background would have the enterprises to launder money through…procuring girls, that I can see.
Anne Laurie
A smart young dude with the right NYC connections and no moral compass, on the other hand, would be nicely situated to do the up-front hustling between the rich American dudes with money and the young women in failing Soviet states. The Wall Street guys floating young Trump’s ventures would hardly have the time to hang around low-rent provincial foreign bars, persuading potential ‘models’ that the streets of America could be paved with gold. And once he knows their particular very personal ‘tastes’, persuading those mostly-older dudes that his math skillz would be useful as a ‘hedge fund operator’ would be the obvious career path, yes?
@Anne Laurie: yes, that would make sense…read something in the last day or so that Epstein wanted at some point to “have a modeling agency like Trump’s”… Is this a chicken and egg situation?
@Keith P.: Jerry West has a lifetime of achievements that are far more significant than signing Kawhi and George. That said, I doubt Trump even knows who Kawhi is or knew Jerry was still alive, so the Medal of Freedom is most likely for something West said that was complimentary of Trump.
Eric U.
@mrmoshpotato: Along the same lines, I was on Joe Sestak’s mailing list because of his run for the House. He left the house to run for Senate. I was really happy he took that house seat. His run for Senate didn’t go well. Now he’s running for president. I’m thinking about getting off of his mailing list. Should have stayed in the House
J R in WV
So a republilcan wrote a “a sanctimonious, scolding book about ethics and virtue.” What about David Brooks, who left his wife and his family’s religion to make up to his office assistant, yet still scolds us about morality?
What about that senior Republican guy who turned out to have a massive gambling addiction? Fortunately as rich as Rockefeller, so losing millions at whatever he did to gamble didn’t break him financially, but still, disappeared from public view when his gambling became common knowledge.
What about Sen. Vitter of the diapers and prostitutes, still in office?
That guy who dies in a wet suit with dildoes? Don’t want to look the name up, but a Republican, for sure, of the deep south.
I’m OK with kinky sex, but not the hypocrisy about sex or gambling, or whatever. And David Brooks can DIAF!