I am without words to describe what I would like to say about @RandPaul right now…. https://t.co/fugj3OdzUw
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) July 17, 2019
He has but the one: What’s in it for Rand Paul?
So let me get this straight: @RandPaul has no problem voting for billions in tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, but votes against providing health care for 9/11 first responders because he's worried about the debt.
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) July 17, 2019
Rand Paul *and* Mitch McConnell. WHY, Kentucky?
Shot, chaser pic.twitter.com/SjJS7NjuuT
— Grace Segers (@Grace_Segers) July 17, 2019
Why now?…
I’ll just note that if your secret back channel is being reported in Politico before it starts, then it’s not a secret back channel. https://t.co/dZFXpQgLk8
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) July 17, 2019
Big Brothers outing. pic.twitter.com/hKLuru2KC4
— Schooley (@Rschooley) July 15, 2019
??Follow the money pic.twitter.com/gvEYY3wYyQ
— yvette (@LTgoldengurl) July 18, 2019
I’m sure it’s just because Jon Stewart didn’t yell at him for awhile first.
Mike in NC
Stone cold losers!
Paul is nothing but a punk azz bytch??
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Nicole: well, I understand St Stewart eviscerated Rand, so… that’ll show him
at least Our Hipster Broder finally noticed there’s a difference between the two parties
And Paul wouldn’t have done it without the Turtle’s approval???
Ohio Mom
As an expat New Yorker, I was astonished after 9/11 when everyone around me here in Ohio seemed to be claiming my hometown’s tragedy as their own. They’d never shown anything but antipathy to New York before.
Well that act is clearly over, has been for a while actually.
His neighbor should have taken a few more swings with that shovel before walking away…
WaPost by Paul Farhi: CNN has stepped in it again, but good. Exhibit 900 of why I don’t watch that network.
Just a random group of ‘Republicans’? CNN doesn’t tell the whole story about a Trump-loving panel
For shame. I hope CNN comes clean; also that they fire Randy Kaye’s ass.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Chetan Murthy
@Jay: In the replies I found this tweet. And thought to myself: -what-? What does this guy want? Independence? He clearly doesn’t want statehood.
@Ohio Mom:
They stood in solidarity with the idea of New York. The actual city and its actual people, not so much.
Kind of the same way they love America while despising the majority of Americans.
patrick II
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Elizabelle: that whole mess
“now… so to speak”. No record in this account of Kaye pushing back at all.
The… um…. you know… evidence that they don’t have any white friends? wouldn’t a reporter might could ask that?
ETA: As obnoxious as Stewart became after he appointed himself the Bipartisan Celebrity Guardian of 9/11, TDS in its prime would have roasted those trash
The Dangerman
Without my glasses on, when Trump gives his standard “thumbs up” sign at crotch level, my first thoughts are “damn, he’s finally let little Donnie loose and DAMN its…”
@Chetan Murthy:
There has been a movement for Puerto Rician Independence since it was made a US Colony.
In the wake of fiscal/economic strip mining of Puerto Rico since the 1930’s and most recently, the Vampire Capitalism/Crony Capitalism from the mid-80’s on, the Hurricane, and the mining of aid monies, demands for Independence have grown.
As the aftermath of the hurricane has shown many, even a broke, destitute Puerto Rico offers rich opportunities for US “looting”, and so, Puerto Rico will never be granted Statehood, so it’s a dead path.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Those women are so appalling. Shame on CNN for giving them a forum, and disguising that they are an organized group, of sorts, some of whom are frequently interviewed. For “balance.”
ETA: Newsweek link, with the Trumpettes in full idiocy. Randi Kaye does push back but, hey, she set up the segment.
Trump has to be standing on something (Mick Mulvaney?) in that golf picture. Graham and Paul are certainly small men, but are they really that much shorter than their master?
@The Dangerman: That’ll teach ya to wear your glasses.
Can we please fire Kentucky now?
Just sayin’.
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I don’t know about that. Will he actually need the glasses after gouging his eyes out with a melon-baller?^
*I may be going out on a bit of a limb here, but I presume that is the natural response to seeing what he thought he saw.
Villago Delenda Est
A good, long must read at LGM,
@Omnes Omnibus: Point taken, I was thinking as more of protective measure.
They are republicans.
There is only one first. And in the case of republicans it isn’t country. It’s the jackass they see in the mirror every morning. Nothing else, no one else. It’s why they take everything personal, because everything is routed through me, Me, ME, FUCKING ME. Anyone who doesn’t look like them, hate like them, isn’t selfish like them, has an ounce of empathy for their fellow man – gets thrown in the trash because they blur that fucking vision in the mirror every morning. Anyone who has the smallest iota of humanity left makes them look like the shit stains they are.
TS (the original)
@Mandalay: They are standing down a slope – and trump smiling looks even more ghastly than trump scowling
Mai Naem mobile
I think Trumpov is freaking out because of the Epstein stuff. Epstein must have had tapes or something. Probably used it to get money from the Russians. The thing is seeing the clips from his Nazi Rally tonight, even if there’s an Epstein tape with Trumpov in the actual act of doing something his supporters would probably say that 14 year old kid wanted it.
Where’s one of the storied Florida sinkholes when we need it?
On the bright side, an informal poll method I use is cross spectrum Editorial Cartoons.
19:25 new cartoons at The Week are ripping Trump and the Concentration Camps, 4:25 Epstein and Unequal Justice, one, the Democratic Party.
@Jay: If I recall correctly, every referendum in Puerto Rico regarding independence has failed (in the last referendum, which had low turnout, the vast majority apparently wanted statehood.) I understand that this is a complicated subject, and has been exacerbated by Trump treating Puerto Ricans as literal second class citizens, but what makes you think that there is a strong movement for independence? (BTW, way back in the dinosaur days of the 1990s, there was some discussion that the only way DC (extremely Democratic) would be admitted as a state was if Puerto Rico, presumably Republican, would be admitted at the same time, but why PR was assumed to be Republican was unclear to me.)
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
No wonder his neighbors put him in the hospital.
fortunately pelosi will be out front providing leadership via
investigations and hearingssingling out the future of the party for abuse.RobertDSC-Mac Mini
I and a couple of friends play the online portion of Grand Theft Auto 5. We are peaceful players who don’t interfere with other people trying to do their jobs and make money.
Today was different. A player with a username that was a clear supporter of Orange, down to the 45 clan tag, started a job in our server. So my teammates and I attacked him, stole the money from his job, and then killed his character several times before blowing up his vehicles.
We then exited the server laughing. Fuck 45 and anyone who supports him.
@eldorado: Sure, there’s no hearings going on at all, in any committee.
The Choices that have been on offer, are Statehood, Free Association, Current Status.
Never Independence.
Statehood always wins, by a large margin, on as much as 23% registered voter turnout.
And if you think Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina are voter repressed and jerrymandered, you ain’t seen nothin when it comes to Puerto Rico.
Steve in the ATL
Are we playing Jeopardy? I’ll go with “what phrase hasn’t been uttered since 2008?”
@Steve in the ATL: lol
Now we know where the Omar CT Dolt45 threw out came from.
Ali Alexander, Jacob Wohl, and Laura Loomer.
@Steve in the ATL:
It’s an article about not taking a long summer vacation with his family and instead, as a tenured National Security Researcher and Professor, going down to the border with his family and working with existing Orgs to try to do something.
Glad you find that mock worthy.
Didn’t robert reich and his ilk constantly kneecap Obama ‘from the left and hold his feet to the fire’ without actually trying to rally support and improve his legislative goals? Fuck him and his whining now, after having enabled the totus thug, the turtle thug and all other thugs.
Also. Too. Fuck bj’s stackpathcdn crap.
And the pro-impeachment count on the Democratic Party side goes to 95 plus one Independent.
@Jay: It’s probably a bit higher than 95, some voted against the measure because the contents of the articles. Then again, it’s not 218.
Christian family fined after arguing taxes ‘against God’s will’
@Jay: Thanks. Here’s her twitter. (Today she travelled to El Paso, quotes conversations she had with people along the way about child concentration camps.)
Charli Carpenter @charlicarpenter
@plato: “Render unto Caesar…”
Shit, I named my kids wrong.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: and what is pelosi out in front of the media (old or new) selling? hint. it’s not impeachment or hearings or the full scale emergency that trump is merely a symptom of.
@eldorado: Nancy can count.
It’s up by 24 in less than a week.
Overton Window.
218 is what is needed when the Articles of Impeachment come back from the Justice Commitee.
hoo cudda thunk?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: like i said, no leadership.
Thanks, I’ll add it to my twitter.
@Jay: That’s incorrect, you need 218* to refer it to Judiciary.
* That was what happened in both the Nixon and Clinton impeachments, if you are aware of any pertinent rule changes…
@eldorado: So she should publicly get out ahead of her caucus? Ah no.
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Oh yippee, we have firebaggers again.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yup, chasing unicorns.
@Omnes Omnibus: They be tiresome.
@Jay: Here’s her past description of her work, research, teaching up through her first few years at UMass, I think. (Maybe not updated–goes at least to 2011.) https://people.umass.edu/charli/docs/statement.pdf
Small piece of the intro:
We are democrats. We have minds, We are not soul less jackasses. And Nancy Pelosi is a leader, a very good one. But this is politics and not every one agrees with you. We have souls and morals and want him out but that’s not how this works. Impeachment will fail because after the house does all it’s business, it goes to the senate. And it will sit there unanswered or voted down if McConnell knows he has the votes. And if he doesn’t there will never be a vote called and Trump just won and won big. Being a leader means you have to asses the situation and do the best you can. You don’t have to like it, you don’t have to agree with it, but you do the best you can. She is, regardless that you have no balls to wait. And even if she had the votes and could start the impeachment process, it may be the wrong thing to do because it will make some of the burn it down assholes on the right even more pissed off. Make them do things that if you want you are a fucking moron. We are in a fight for our lives and we don’t have the power position. And it isn’t because of Nancy Pelosi. And if you can’t see that, that’s on you, not on the rest of us. We shouldn’t have to suffer because you have no idea how this works or how it doesn’t work. Grow up and learn how this works, and how it doesn’t work. This is a political process and politics is broken in this county. 70+ million people voted for the shit stain sitting in our house. Or at least that was the count.
Just another aside. A leader does not always jump head first into the fire, or run screaming into the line of fire of a machine gun. That is a last resort, not a first response.
Lee and Paul both need to be defenestrated – Pazzi style.
@Ruckus: Thank you, Ruckus. Very well said.
Heywood J.
@Elizabelle: CNN and its sponsors should be boycotted every bit as much as Fox.
@Ruckus: Well said.
@eldorado: The media isn’t giving a full picture of Pelosi. Or AOC. And they prefer to cover the tension, because they can headline it as “fighting.” They’ve made a picture of Pelosi doing very little. They’re after views and comments; they’re shallow that way.
Thank you.
Not my best work but I’m just about done. At this time we have all this “information” floating by, being rammed down our throats, shoveled one cow patty at a time. And it’s all full of bullshit and misinformation and people jump on a the bandwagon ready for who the fuck knows.
I have no idea if this is the beginning of the end of this country or the formation of a better nation. Or neither. But one thing I do know that rushing this process will not work, and will make it worse, quite possibly far worse. I’m tired of those that want to burn it down so we can start it all over, and who the fuck is going to do that? I’m tired of fucking republicans who think that nirvana is right around the corner. It might actually be but it will always be out of reach, because we are humans and we are all flawed. Some are flawed far, far more than their share. Hell some are flawed far more than all of our shares put together. We all have our own issues, some that can be fixed and some that are just life. I got a reprieve about a month ago and really it made/makes little difference in my life. I’m trending old, I’m tired, I can’t retire yet. I’d like to sit on my ass and just enjoy life a bit. Life has told me to fuck myself and that I have no say at all. OK fine, I’ll play along, I’m looking for another 25, just to fuck with life.
But then politics happens with people being actively stupid, and the information is readily available and that is just fucking untenable.
Heywood J.
The question of whether or not to impeach keeps getting discussed as if it’s the flick of a switch, a brief act culminating in a quick result. The process of investigation into whether or not there is even enough evidence to impeach will take months. Why not start that process now? The Mueller report pointed to a number of areas that can be more thoroughly investigated, with subpoenas and letters that cannot just be tossed aside and laughed at, and are bound to turn the tide. Already half the public wants this, and that will only increase once more evidence drops. There is no reason not to begin that investigative process soon, and after tonight’s antics, it should be clear that waiting for next year’s election to sort out the wrongdoing would be a mistake. He just gave you next year’s campaign with another handy three-word chant.
Yeah, they’re already being goaded into violent racist rhetoric. That is only going to increase, regardless of whether or not impeachment proceeds. Either we have a government institution which has the power and the obligation to counter the corruption and criminality of these people, or we don’t. And hell, maybe we don’t after all. But that’s how it’s supposed to work.
No, the count was 62.9 million votes for the shit stain, and 65.8 million votes against. For every booger-eating base idiot he’s managed to rile up, he’s motivated another person against him and everything he stands for. They showed up last November. There was a “blue wave,” it was in all the papers and everything. This was a mandate for action, and in fact there are investigations taking place. So maybe the Democratic leadership just needs to do a better job of marketing their efforts, or learning how to stoke their own base as effectively as the shit stain does his.
The noble integritude of the independent-minded jackass will make a fine epitaph. Because these fuckers are more than happy to cheat and bully their way through this, and bury you with your integrity. I really do hope that Pelosi is as smart and effective as you think she is, but at the very least, she needs to get on offense and drill home the message that this lawless administration will be held accountable. It’s not just Trump, but Barr should be impeached as well. Democratic politicians need to start publicly shaming their Republican “colleagues,” over and over and over again ’til the rube on the street can sing it in three-part harmony — or chant it back at a rally.
i understand how this works. i’ve been on this blog as long as anyone and tut-tuting me about the art of possible isn’t as inspiring a message as you might think. pelosi screwed up here, big time.
Heywood J.
@eldorado: Well, she did clarify that it wasn’t Trump who was racist, you see, just the words in his tweets. So there’s that important distinction. It would take a heart of stone to not be electorally motivated by such nuanced reasoning. Talkin’ ’bout a resolution!
Amir Khalid
The EU has tired of making polite but futile requests that Britain start taking its own political process seriously, and is now exacting that Britain do so.
@Heywood J.:
Because, as Andrew Card told the media back in 2002,
From where I sit, the Mueller hearings next week will be the opening salvo towards impeachment. I fully expect much more on this front in the coming months, but if Pelosi miscalculates about when to pull the trigger, it’s game over. Others on here have said much the same far more eloquently than I just have, but there you go.
@Ruckus: It is enervating. I step away, a lot, because we are in a marathon.
I think there are a lot of bad actors out there, and a lot of attention whores and click bait purveyors. I think a lot of people are nerved out, and scared.
I am also sure that there is a lot going on behind the scenes, with Pelosi and all the House committees.
It’s called reality.
@JWR: Right now, Pelosi doesn’t have the 218 votes needed to send a referral to Judiciary. There may be 125 votes right now.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: And those votes will increase. Patience, grasshoppers. (Not directed at you — I know you are one of the reality-based.)
Lot can happen to put enormous pressure on Trump. The Epstein case has him rattled, and is just getting started. If you’re not a Republican, you have likely noticed a lot of the public corruption that is being unearthed, daily.
I don’t think Trump can stonewall forever on not providing his tax returns. His ties to Russia, directly or indirectly, and shady financiers will come to light.
Lot has to play out.
I’m also old enough to remember the Nixon impeachment. A wise man once said “it was 2 years and change from the break-in at Watergate to Nixon’s resignation”*.
* He also said “Patience Grasshopper”.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Exactly. I just don’t get all the “Impeach. Right. NOW!” people. At some point I’ll be getting far more antsy than I am right now, but I’m all for a slow, very precise rollout on the Impeachment thing.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I think he also said “fuck ’em” ??
@JWR: Yup. Ducks in a row, whites of their eyes, all that. Not just theatrics.
@Elizabelle: Yeah, he said that alot.
Sloane Ranger
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: In the spirit of absolute fairness, Anderson Cooper did ask how she knew the Congresswoman had no white friends immediately after the segment ended.
@The Dangerman: So relieved that I’m not the only person who experienced that stomach turning moment of confusion. So sorry that either one of us had to experience it!
It did seem disturbingly possible upon first glance that the thumb was an entirely different part of his hideous skin suit.
I need brain bleach and pictures of ducks and kittens, stat.
Heywood J.
@JWR: Agree with all of that. But it also seems that if the ball isn’t at least starting to roll by Labor Day, it may also be game over. The monsters are moving more quickly and with more aggression. Think about how things looked six months ago or a year ago versus where we are now.
Another example: nobody knew who Ilhan Omar was a year ago. Six months in office and Fox and Trump have turned her into the 20th hijacker, with her married to her brother to top it all off. (Especially rich coming from a guy who is on video and audio multiple times “joking” about how he’d like to bang his daughter.) I fear for where she’ll be in another year. So I hope Pelosi has something ready to put in motion besides another meaningless resolution. It would be awful for us all to be looking back in July 2020, wishing that something more had been done.
Impeach Barr now. Distribute lists of Fox and CNN sponsors, and put them on blast for boycott. Etc., etc. Fuck these people.
Mercy. If Paul’s trip to Iran is as successful as his trip to Howard Univ, then Iran’s nuke will be completed before he gets back in the USA.
J R in WV
@Sloane Ranger:
She’s got one white friend right in in rural WV, we’ve contributed to her in her run last election and will again for her next run. Putting our money where our mouth is.
Trumpettes indeed, I was using that as a slur for Trump supporters a while back, guess if they’re stupid enough to call themselves that, I’ll have to find a better slur. Damned fools is accurate but not pungent enough…