Night two of the CNN debate debacle.
Open thread!
by Adam L Silverman| 263 Comments
This post is in: America, Domestic Politics, Election 2020, Healthcare, Open Threads, Politics
Night two of the CNN debate debacle.
Open thread!
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It’s not the “kid” that’s the issue, it’s the “go easy on me” when Biden’s camp have already articulated they plan to go hard on Kamala Harris and her health plan.
It comes off as disingenous.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Biden is bringing the shouting.
zhena gogolia
I think it was meant to rattle her, and it did.
@lamh36: Yeah, Biden keeps hitting Kamala on her plans cost.
Ohio Mom
There it is, the first “marlarky.”
Mary G
@Ohio Mom: Drink!
@Baud: I have liked Biden so much the last few years. I just wish to hell he hadn’t run. Truly upsets me. I suspect Obama has feelings about this too.
@Baud: Yes, but will he bring the finger wagging? Hmm…
Open season on Kamala.
Biden’s gonna put Ins execs (that flooded America with opioids) in jail.
That one is gonna be forgotten, I’m sure.
C’mon Uncle Joe what about the Bankers?
Omnes Omnibus
@zhena gogolia: I’m sorry, but if that rattles her, it is best that we know now.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: Time!
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Time! Also, TIME!
@Omnes Omnibus: The gal got rattled. . .
That healthcare segment was a mess…smh.
I hope after the break Harris and Biden not take the bait that CNN is dangling in front of them to create tension.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: he’s an old white man so she probably thought he had a gun
Adam L Silverman
@Quinerly: We have to move on, next commenter.
I don’t get why people think the candidates aren’t going to have a substantive debate.
@lamh36: Absolutely. None of this helps us.
A civil uprising can’t possibly be any worse then this.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: We have to move on in the interests of time.
Skruggs rides again
TPM has its live feed up. Interesting. It notes that Twitter is saying Harris seems “wobbly.”
I wouldn’t go that far, but she does seem a bit off her game. (and she’s my first choice)
More hecklers.
What the fuck? Do they only get 60 seconds each? Just turned it on and they cut off Kamala Harris abruptly. .
And which judges does he think are going to cooperate with his cunning plan?
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: Harris is much better now on immigration. Passionate and to the point.
@opiejeanne: yes
She’s less strong than she was last time.
What are they yelling?
The DNC has a lot to answer for.
TS (the original)
@Omnes Omnibus: As we found with Hillary, it is extremely difficult for women to come back against the put downs by men – without they are attacked for how they take it, how they cope, why not accept it and move on.
He did it as a put down & it is nearly impossible to come back at him. I am not a Biden fan – guess that it obvious. He has achieved virtually nothing in politics other than support republican ideas. I think Obama chose him as VP thinking he could bring some republicans to the party (Senate friendships and all that) – and in that Biden was a spectacular fail.
@Raven: I wanted to hear the rest of what she was saying, but they’re letting Biden talk and talk.
Biden is kind of a malfunctioning robot tonight.
Adam L Silverman
@Quinerly: I don’t see her off her game. What I’m watching, and admittedly I’m about 20 minutes behind watching from the DVR, is she’s somewhere between frustrated and pissed with both the format and her fellow candidates.
Adam L Silverman
@opiejeanne: I’m sorry, but in the interests of time, we need to go to the next commenter. Thank you for your comment.
@Baud: I find it troubling. I was watching. Then switched to just listening. Really noticeable when just listening.
zhena gogolia
@Adam L Silverman:
We’re all going to gang up and beat you to a pulp!
And now they cut off Castro.
@Adam L Silverman:
Aren’t we all.
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: Randori time!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
The last thread was begging for a shiny ass joke
Everyone has a bad debate.
Omnes Omnibus
@TS (the original): Well, to be honest, I don’t think she was rattled. The healthcare segment was a shit show. No one really came out of it well except Booker,
@Adam L Silverman: that’s what I see too. Frustration. Why are we so stuck in maintaining the status quo (ante?)
Booker is good tonight.
Four times is not only enemy action, but political malpractice.
/eyes CNN
@zhena gogolia: Haha!
@Baud: I just said that to the Immp. He likes Yang and thinks he’s doing well too.
Yang is so right here
Change is scary.
Oh! My governor! Go Jay!
@Omnes Omnibus: Agreed. These questions and the incitement to fight are awful.
@Baud: I think he is too. His head is shinier than Tulsi’s chest. I am told that could be a plus. ?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
At this point I’d take Bender over Biden.
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: Auditioning for VP?
So…how’s it going? It seems like Uncle Joe decided to bring a gun (or at least something bigger than a knife) to the fight tonight.
Oh, Tulsi. Your first sentence just jumped the tracks.
Booker keeps increasing in my estimation tonight.
Haha. Booker brings the shithole.
@PsiFighter37: A machete.
haha! I like Booker.
I like Williamson more than Gabbard
@Baud: That and the, “You bring up Obama more than anyone else!” Had to laugh at that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
almost simultaneous tweets– I guess Trende is guessing about video being better than audio for Biden? but “probably” to “definitely” makes no sense
Ohio Mom
Booker again boils everything down.
Mary G
Barack Obama! Drink!
@Steve in the ATL: wrong thread for discussing shiny objects?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Biden has been inconsistent. He’s had high and low moments.
As someone said…Harris should just sit back and let Booker et al…lay into Biden…
@FelonyGovt: I’m impressed too. I was annoyed with him about the charter schools issue but that’s trivial compared to what’s at stake right now.
Mary G
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Sean Trende is a RWNJ who pretends to be an objective numbers cruncher, c which colors a lot of his perception.
@lamh36: He’s doing a great job of pushing back against both Biden and the stupid divisive questions from the moderators.
Ella in New Mexico
I’m sorry to be the grumpy butt here, but I have found these 10-person debates with their ridiculous time limits and interruptions to be this close to useless. We really should have come up with a more creative way to give them more time to talk in depth, or to genuinely interact.
No one is doing any better or worse than what my expectations are for them–I’ve only seen reinforcement of the headlines I’ve read or heard elsewhere, not insight into the candidate’s thinking.
They all need to resume doing the personal campaigning stuff and wait for the fall to see who is more than 1%.
@Mary G: But my liver never recovered from the first debate ?
@Immanentize: I just tuned in so I missed Marianne. I am concerned about the quality of crystals we will have access to if she becomes president.
@Ella in New Mexico:
Tonight is shaping up to be as forgettable as last night’s was.
Gabbard commercial playing: did you forgot I served? Here’s a 30 sec clip to remind you.
West of the Rockies
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
First Adam came for the jackals…
@Immanentize: Well so what..
@Leto: I’m glad I’m not really drinking every time Obama is mentioned or invoked. I’d be blotto by now.
Thank her for her service already.
Adam L Silverman
@Ella in New Mexico: Thank you for that response, but we’re moving to the next topic and please, with your next comment, try to answer the question.
More seriously, you are absolutely right.
zhena gogolia
What was Booker responding to when he told Biden he mentioned Obama more than anyone else?
Adam L Silverman
@West of the Rockies: I have a list. It is long.//
Jim, Foolish Literalist
are they really going after Obama? Do any of them really imagine a campaign without him stumping for them? Not that I think he would hold back, but they’re just creating bad media for themselves
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
I agree with both of you, and I know from experience that women have a fine line to walk to express entirely appropriate frustration without being accused of shrill bitchy overreaction. With a suggestion that it’s rooted in PMS in one cohort and menopause in another.
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: Biden saying Obama, a verb, I was Vice President. Or something.
We will ALL have crystals to use for underarm deodorant.
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: There’s more of us than there is of you.
@zhena gogolia:
Di Blasio wanted Biden to talk about his advice to Obama about deportations.
zhena gogolia
I gather that Harris hasn’t gotten a word in for a while.
Matt McIrvin
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: A big chunk of the Twitter Left actively hates Obama. Don’t read them as much as I used to but they’re probably getting excited.
Booker really is outstanding.
Booker going after Biden on crime bill. Biden responding but I give the round to Booker.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: They’re not going after Obama, they’re just pointing out that Biden is simultaneously claiming credit for some things Obama did while distancing himself from other things.
@Baud: As soon as I try, she interrupts me and says, “Did you know I served?”
Booker bringing out Kool-Aid jokes!
Ella in New Mexico
Ok…I take some of my grumping back. Cory Booker is on fire!
zhena gogolia
Is this just the Cory Booker show? They’re not asking anyone else anything?
@Immanentize: But will we have access to the fancy imported ones that are obviously superior to the domestic crystals.
I think Inslee is having a good debate, but I don’t think he’ll get much of a bounce.
@opiejeanne: @Immanentize: I think you guys are forgetting the essential oils that must be used to purify those crystals. Will she have access to those oils?
To hear Biden talk about drug law reform is a laugh and a half.
Steve in the ATL
@Gin & Tonic: yeah, but Adam is like Andre the Giant in “The Princess Bride”
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: I am Legion.
Biden trying hard to take out Booker and Harris but they got landmines all around the VP and he’s running into every one like Sideshow Bob and the rakes.
Kudos to Booker and others for calling out Biden on his bullshit answers.
@zhena gogolia: They startled Gillibrand when they called on her before the break. She was clearly not ready to answer the question. They’re creating a Biden show where everyone else is an extra. I want to hear Harris.
Mary G
Cory Booker FTW with the Kool-Aid.
“I passed a background check.”
I think Biden is very weak tonight.
Are they cutting Biden off similarly?
Surprised no one hit Castro for his shot at Biden for flip flpping on the Crime Bill when he literally just defended his own flip flop on immigration.
@Gin & Tonic: Yeah, but have you seen the size of his neck?
Sadly, only if you buy her new book, “Dark Psychic Hate and Loving the Leader”
@Adam L Silverman: You end the world, so must be stopped? Also, do you currently have a time traveler?
They are. Biden actually shuts up too.
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: We must prevent a strategic jojoba oil gap!
@Baud: Jay’s a good guy but I don’t want our Favorite Son to be president. I am happy that he’s in the debates because his issue is climate change, and I want him to ignore the questions from the moderators and just pound away at climate change.
Busing. Jeez.
Adam L Silverman
@Steve in the ATL: Hello Lady!
A Ghost To Most
@Adam L Silverman: Send bachelors.
Oh, my!
More on the busing – rather than letting Kamala talk about criminal justice.
Cheryl Rofer
This is a better debate than last night’s.
She got back to it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Immanentize: Yes, Zamfir is better than Yanni.
Adam L Silverman
@japa21: I don’t actually have a neck. My head just tapers gently into my shoulders.//
I have a friend who is a defense attorney in Berkeley and she fucking hates Harris.
Booker is looking like the winner to me so far. I have always liked him.
Ohio Mom
@Cheryl Rofer: For one thing, no Bernie.
He adds to the atmosphere by being absent.
Biden’s a defense attorney.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: He is the Brute Squad?
Turned it on and watched that exchange on racial profiling. Turned it right back off. Biden and Booker were literally talking right past each other and not answering either one’s question. Perhaps in my middle age, I am now understanding why so many people get so turned off by politics.
I also think it really hurts Democrats that Tapper & co. are spending time on this instead of kitchen-table issues. It’s also a problem because the media views these to be priority issues for Democrats, when in reality they are not priority issues for the majority of the population (blunt but true).
@Cheryl Rofer:
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: Need to know.
@debbie: No, they’re letting him ramble.
Oh wait, they finally just did cut him off. Kamala’s doing very well and I can hear the ragged edge of rage after her comments to Biden now.
Betty Cracker
This debate sucks. Last night was far more enlightening, despite the crappy format.
Lotta ‘let’s you people’ fight questions.
And still with the custom questions for each candidate. Which I think is dishonest, corrupt and irritating since we have to listen to the moderators babble. Candidates should be able to answer the same question.
Tapper can’t stand up to the concentrated force of Kamala Harris impassioned speech.
J R in WV
@Adam L Silverman:
Can ANYONE tell me what kind of milk is churned to produce Shea Butter? Is that what is used to make Booker’s head shine?
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: You may want to get your eyes checked.
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: That is not really saying much.
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho:
Don’t leave out hysteria!
@Betty Cracker:
Interesting. I find the opposite.
Betty Cracker
@Cheryl Rofer: Could not disagree more.
I suspect Kamela and Joe will never be friends.
Tulsi is sweaty. in High Def. Kamala is cool.
That is all.
Mary G
Biden is flailing. Booker is the winner.
J R in WV
Don’t you mean Biden WAS a defense attorney? Cause that was a long, long time ago, and didn’t work out well for him.
Adam L Silverman
@J R in WV: It is actually rendered down essence of people named Shea.
Gabbard: “Your reign as AG…” she’s a queen now? Weak ass attack, Russian asset.
Good on Bennet.
Adam L Silverman
@SRW1: I suspect by the fourth or fifth debate she’s simply going to hit him with a podium.
zhena gogolia
What did he do? (Great spelling, by the way.)
@J R in WV:
He just mentioned it again.
This is consistent with his previous presidential runs.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Did you turn 30, Whippersnapper?
These debates are pretty bad, a crab pot. That’s why I’m opposed to the “DNC sanctioned climate debate”, just a bunch of people who generally agree trying to score points off each other, from the same “DNC debate” obsession cranks that brought us these clusterfucks.
Have the LCV host fora, broadcast them on-line, have Chris Hayes host them with a couple other reporters and/or climate experts, not this horseshit-flinging circle
@Adam L Silverman: I’ve seen pictures. Your description is rather accurate.
@zhena gogolia:
Said everyone should vote against Trump because of his racism.
Good. Don’t put up with that shit, Kamala!
Miss Bianca
@SRW1: You mean no Biden/Harris – or Harris/Biden – ticket is in the cards? Oh, say it ain’t so, Joe!
@Betty Cracker: I agree. Lot of is moderators fault. Thought Tapper would be less insufferable.
I think with time limits the moderators steering debate into murky details of legislators, DA’s etc. histories is not productive, just leads to conflicting claims, and accusations. But get some reality show drama and maybe some fat gotcha’s. Moderators should quit editorializing so much. Sure, Trump is a racist, but moderator in debate shouldn’t be putting that into the premise of a question.
Let the League of Women Voters run them again.
That’s IMHO.
@misterpuff: Tulsi dredged up the “Kamala is a cop!” thing. It’s annoying.
zhena gogolia
That doesn’t sound very good. Why should everyone vote Trump?
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I may resemble that remark.
@zhena gogolia:
Against Trump. I’ll try to fix.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Seems like this crew fell for the “let’s you and him fight” bait more than last night’s, IMO. Maybe because last night everyone was able to unite in hatred of Delaney?
zhena gogolia
Oh, thanks.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yes, that happened a while ago. Not news. Thanks for playing, though.
And yes, these debates suck, but at least when you had Hillary v. Obama or Hillary v. Bernie, there was some meaningful meat and bones around it. Having 10 people shouting on stage is a joke and not even worth paying serious attention to, IMO, especially when the majority of folks on stage command the MoE in support.
Adam L Silverman
@misterpuff: The problem is she should have had them do the same pancake makeup on the top of her chest as on her neck and face. Without it, she looks like she oiled her chest.
Gin & Tonic
@japa21: Years ago I was on a domestic flight somewhere in the former Soviet Union on what seemed like a badly-maintained WWII-era prop plane where about half the passengers were guys in leather jackets with shaved heads and physiques kind of like Adam’s. My seat back didn’t hold position, and there was some odd chemical smell. In retrospect, I’m proud I didn’t wet my pants.
@Miss Bianca: I don’t think Tulsi will be the other half of Harris’s ticket either.
What imagery
Did the moderators try to steer the debate into the racial justice issue the way they did just to get another big moment like they did in the last debate? They just got murky accusations and claims and counter accusation and counter claims.
I think Lemon, like Tapper is editorializing too much, but fewer contrived premises for the questions, and he doesn’t babble so long as Tapper.
@Betty Cracker:
There are annoying parts, but I find it more substantive and less shouty. The moderator interruptions also seem less glaring.
Neither debate will mean much though.
Gin & Tonic
@Steve in the ATL: I once found myself about 3-4 stools away from Andre at a bar in LGA. Dude was large.
In America, terrific doesn’t mean terrible, Mr. Inslee.
@Baud: The silent strength of Baud 2020! is impressive tonight.
@jl: Minor step up from when he was breathlessly reporting on the missing Malaysia Airlines plane for God knows how long. Don Lemon sucks, always has and always will. The bar for competence has been put through the fucking core of the Earth the past 3 years.
Adam L Silverman
@japa21: Actually my massage therapist was actually, finally, able to create a little space. But I do have an 18 inch neck.
@Gin & Tonic: I’m not sure I would have had your fortitude. But then I have always been a coward.
You notice they’re all too scared to attack me.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I like the idea of having beat reporters asking questions related to their beat as opposed to these celebrity anchors. I’d also do away with opening and closing statements and for God’s sake get rid of this fucking live audience.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Yang’s anti-tie? why isn’t he leading with this? I am now part of the Yang Gang, and I will not be moved.
Ehhh if people are going to hit Biden for his past in the Senate, Harris’s time as AG is fair game- I mean actually putting people in jail goes a bit beyond passing a bill along with the Congressional Black Caucus
Ella in New Mexico
b-boy bouiebaisse@jbouie
these debates are a case study in why you don’t cede a critical aspect of the nomination process to people who just want to create drama
7:28 PM · Jul 31, 2019 Twitter for iPhone
@Adam L Silverman: Yup, but the split screen showed the desperation of her attacks on Kamala and was reinforced by the makeup fail = flopsweat.
Another Scott
We’re watching [t]ennis, and I’m reading here and elsewhere. Wonkette’s live blog is pretty good.
Yeah, my reaction has been who knew Lemon is a thousand times smarter and savvier than Tapper? I sure as shit didn’t but it’s true.
Gin & Tonic
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Isn’t he also anti-circumcision? I wonder if there’s a link there.
Eh don’t see how it’s that much different than hitting Biden on the Crime Bill
Miss Bianca
So, the only way I’ve been able to bear following this debate debacle is through y’all’s comments here. Do I understand correctly that the moderators instead of, in fact, moderating, are editorializing to their heart’s content on irrelevant bullshit, then stringently cutting off the actual participants when they try to answer the questions they finally get around to asking? And that they are not, contrary to all best practice, asking the same questions of each candidate?
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: I do not have a shaved head.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: If Adam can find ties, Yang has no excuse.
Inskeep (sp?). is bringing up stuff others aren’t. I really like him. Mental health etc. Everyone is agreeing with him so he obviously has no shot.
KH is more than holding her own and is showing the steel that makes her the most dangerous candidate to Trump. Still my fav.
On substance, Booker is really bringing it. He should be considered inner circle after this. Biden is Toast; his day has come and gone, and the avuncular charm don’t dot the I’s of the current political scene.
My two pfennigs.
@hilts: Using beat reporters is a good idea. Regardless of their problems in the past, Tapper has been really irritating tonight. I think others are dong better.
Good zinger from Gillibramd.
zhena gogolia
@Miss Bianca:
They certainly don’t ask the same questions of every person. And they virtually say, “Okay, you, attack him/her!”
Good for Gillibrand “we’re going to Clorox the Oval Office”
@hilts: That’s what they did in the previous debate, which gave us Chuck Todd, lately known for his Rick Scott interview.
Can we all agree we intensely dislike de Blasio?
Omnes Omnibus
@zhena gogolia: This whole thing is a shit show. And I am calling it now. Booker won.
@FelonyGovt: I liked that too. Plus, branding! Not generic bleach.
I think what’s missing from this debate is good humor. Booker just had a moment but in general, everyone seems stresses.
@Quinerly: Yes, and so do all the New Yorkers I know.
Booker is kicking ass tonight. Wow.
Mary G
Despite the best efforts of the moderators, many of them have come up with good, thoughful points about different topics.*
* Tulsi and Uncle Joe excepted.
@Omnes Omnibus:
@geg6: Do we know if he’s made the next debate? He should be there.
@Baud: I’m liking Gillibrand better tonight when I watch her, opposed to just listening.
@Quinerly: Bill de Blah needs to go do… something. Like be mayor of NYC.
zhena gogolia
Sigh. I was hoping Harris would really break away from the pack tonight.
@japa21: So tempted to link to a picture of a Sontaran from Dr. Who…
Gillibrand is still on the stage?
She will have to Clorox the Oval Office because Drumpf will probably spontaneously explode if he loses to a woman and it will be messy in there.
I think she does ok in debates. She probably won’t go anywhere though.
@geg6: I don’t watch these celeb news actors enough to know who usually does a better job than the others or is smarter. But Tapper has been obnoxious tonight.
I think Bash (right?) >= Lemon >> Tapper tonight, at least in terms of straight questions and giving the candidates time to talk.
Edit: another overly elaborate question from Tapper that goes on forever.
I think he’s just about there or already is. He had really impressed me tonight. More than anyone on either night.
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: My dad knew Andre. My dad was a very large man. My dad looked tiny next to Andre.
@FelonyGovt: I think (without checking) that he’s on the bubble for qualifying. Hope he makes the cut.
Adam L Silverman
New debate open thread is up.
@zhena gogolia:
Sounds like you want a coronation.
@Gin & Tonic:
“Sleep well, my friend, and dream of large women.”
zhena gogolia
Tapper is always a self-satisfied obnoxious ass.
@Socraticsilence: It was a series of half-truths.
@zhena gogolia: me too. She was not as strong as I thought she would be. Booker won.
zhena gogolia
@zhena gogolia:
I think she had a really bad night. Could be wrong but I don’t think so.
@Leto: Probably wears clip-on ties.
Adam L Silverman
@geg6: It’s the glasses.
I don’t think it was really bad. Just not to people’s expectations.
@Catatonia: Inslee. Jay Inslee. Governor of Washington.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@opiejeanne: Oh, snap!
Omnes Omnibus
Booker is slaying.
Despite her other issues, Gillibrand might be a good advocate for the eventual nominee.
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: Not my favorite form of sartorial expression, but often necessary in my line of work.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Countdown to a racist tweet about Booker in 5 … 4 …
John S.
I have to agree with others. Booker is totally bringing it tonight.
Omnes Omnibus
@BR: No fucking way. She can seem sane for short periods of time, but the crazy eventually bubbles to the surface.
Adam L Silverman
@oatler.: The really worst part of that interview was both Scott’s anti-factual comparison to Vietnam veterans and the fact that Todd didn’t know enough to push back, not that he ever would. What made Rick Scott’s comments so completely wretched was him explicitly stating that Cummings criticisms of BP officers, based on what Cummings has seen in the IG reports and other documents he’s seen as part of running the Oversight Committee, is the way returning Vietnam vets were treated. What we’ve got here is inaccurate American mythology masquerading as a historical comparison. All of the documented evidence that historians and sociologists have put together clearly indicates that 1) there is not one documented case of returning Vietnam veterans being spat upon and 2) almost everyone who gave them trouble for their service were either veterans from World War II or supporters of the war. In regard to the former, the myth of spat upon Vietnam veterans, especially by hippie (left wing) women, this is a recycle of the same reports that emerged from most of the losing states in World War I regarding how returning Soldiers were treated. It was also part of the creation of the Dolchstosslegende in Germany and these other states that contributed to the rise of fascism and extremist, racist nationalism between WW I and WW II. In regard the latter, the mythology is a strategy of disinformation, to change the discussion from the fact that veterans of earlier and more successful wars, specifically World War II, as well as non veterans who supported the war without question, were the ones making life unpleasant for the returning veterans because they were losing and, therefore, had somehow betrayed the Republic and earlier generations of veterans. This was especially problematic as generational support among veterans is often one of the key support networks for those returning from war. In this case, that support network was, instead, a network of abuse and degradation. Interestingly, most of the better histories about the aftermath of World War I show a similar dynamic in the losing states. Almost all of our documentation regarding interactions between returning Vietnam vets and hippies or the left indicate that members of those groups went out of their way to try to reach out to them and provide assistance.
So not only is Scott a disgusting lickspittle, he’s simply ignorant of actual mid to late 20th century history.
@Adam L Silverman: Just remembered this picture of Shaq and Simone Biles. She’s 4’10” and wearing heels.
@OldDave: I was thinking the same thing.
Doug R
And Booker mentions Russian interference.
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: Booker also reminds me that I should never shave my head.
Adam L Silverman
@OldDave: I am not a potato dwarf, thank you very much!
Adam L Silverman
@opiejeanne: Nope, just extra long ones.
Adam L Silverman
@chris: One of the women he dated:
@Adam L Silverman: Choices are limited when you’re over seven(!) feet.
@Miss Bianca:
Jake Tapper asked Inslee why Washington’s public option didn’t save families “enough” money. The moderators standards for the healthcare options Americans DON’T have are very, very high. Inslee’s attempt didn’t save “enough”, as opposed to saving …nothing. Nothing is apparently better.
Adam L Silverman
@chris: Death by reverse snu snu!
If I had my way, only print journalists would serve as debate moderators. To me, the term “broadcast journalist” is an oxymoron. Broadcast journalists are simply actors impersonating real journalists. Phil K. Dick once wrote a story in which a tv anchor delivered the news dressed up as a clown, I think he was prescient because to me virtually all cable news hosts are fucking clowns.
joel hanes
@zhena gogolia:
We’re all going to gang up and beat you to a pulp!
It takes a village.
Adam L Silverman
@hilts: I want to see Charlie Pierce moderate one of these!
@Adam L Silverman: Do you have a source for this? My uncle knows military people from Harvard Kennedy school who had told him of first and experience if spittle, hippies, Vietnam nam. We go back and forth on things because we love talking to each other. I’d love to include this topic next time we meet up.
@hilts: That’s a good idea. Could we also toss in Rick Perlstein to your wish list? Historian and author. He was on the Diane rehm radio show once and told one of the other, republican, guests that the republican was lying. He wasn’t rude about it but wanted to challenge him on it. Rehm shut that down because it violated cocktail party Bon-vivant rules. Was never asked back on her show.