JeffreyW has been wowing me with his butterfly photos over on our blog. so I had to share.
I tracked down this video because of the telephone car…but the entire video is full of fun classic cars.
I’m still completely tuned out and my energy level is much better. I feel like I’ll better be able to fight for the racist-in-chief’s ouster if I’m not completely overwhelmed by the awfulness of it all.
Yesterday, a full-length mirror fell from the wall and shatter, so I’m assuming I’m doomed anyway.
Respite open thread.
ETA: Bonus ducks because I know what you really want.
Ducks are messy. They can make mud in a drought. Here are three mud-covered quackers. Of course, Penelope is the only one it really shows on.
zhena gogolia
Their feet are so adorable.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
I just bought a Pixel 3a and have been playing with the camera for the last couple of days.
Google Pixel 3a images
The perspective of some of the pics just looks “off”, is it the lens, camera angle, or my misshapen eyeballs? :)
All the ducks are cute as can be, but, I adore Pearl :)
Major Major Major Major
I’m waiting in alleged airport LaGuardia for a flight to Montreal. Wish me luck. Only 35 minutes delayed so far.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
Delays suck! Hope it goes fast for you! A co-worker of mine who’s going to flight school was pissed yesterday. His flight school and planned flight for today is in PA, where the Tangerine Menace is going to be. As a result pretty much all aircraft is grounded.
Did the ducks stop boycotting the duck food?
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: thanks!
And ugh to your friend’s issue ?
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Also, speaking of ducks, down the road from my neighborhood, there’s a house with a largish pond in front where there’s always a bunch of ducks on either side of the road and sometimes they like to cross. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to stop for the little quackers. All kinds too; I’ve seen mallards as well as the white kinds up above.
I’m sure it’s a nightmare for the homeowners to maintain, but hopefully worth it to enjoy the ducks
Monarchs are of course another species that is increasingly threatened by Trump#racist and Mulvaney’s action yesterday render the Endangered Species Act a dead letter. A great day for Matt Tabai to write an article that all the Democratic candidates are disappointing and really no better than Trump; a position that only a rich, white, cis-male could argue.
Sweet, sweet Pearl!!
I took a long hiatus from everything; killed my cable, stayed away from any news, Twitter and here for a couple months. I rode my bikes, worked on kondo-ing my house, read some books and watched some movies. It did me a world of good.
TaMara (HFG)
@PaulWartenberg: I caved. I moved Scout back to the old food because she is not doing as well on the beef food as Bixby is, so now I scatter a few morsels of that into their regular food. They still complain, but at least I know they are eating more of their regular food and not as much dog food now and they are not being completely deprived of their favorite food.
After talking it over with some of my fellow writers, I realized the problem with the book I’ve been slaving over is that, after I made a bunch of plot changes, my main character is a whiny goody two-shoes when the original idea was for her to be a scheming not-so-good girl who gets caught up in her own plot. And she’s so shirty about it that she’s been refusing to talk to me and is wooden on the page.
Now that I know this, I think I’m going to make some notes for myself and set it aside to work on the next project. I may even write her into it as the better person she’ll be after her own story so I can do the other book later as a “prequel.” ?
Mary G
How are the eggshells doing?
Gin & Tonic
@Major Major Major Major: For NYC-MTL, you’re almost better off taking the Amtrak – plus the ride is just beautiful.
@TaMara (HFG):
Not to freak you out, but did you see the recent FDA warning about grain-free dog foods? They name specific brands and formulations as ones to avoid since they seem to be triggering heart problems in dogs:
@Gin & Tonic:
My brother-in-law posted photos of the “autumn leaves” Amtrak that runs between NY and Montreal in the fall. I totally want to do that now.
This just made my day, logging on to BJ to see my buddy Howie’s phone car (which is a spectacle even from the inside while you’re riding in it) on the front page. I’ll have to send him a link to the post, he’ll be happy he’s getting some internet coverage.
Roger Moore
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman):
I suspect the lens is a bit wider than you’re used to, so when you frame things to be the size you like you’re taking the picture from closer than you think. That gives you an unexpected perspective, especially on things that are relatively close to the camera. This is what photographers call “wide angle distortion”, but is really about the position of the camera rather than an optical distortion per se.
Major Major Major Major
@Gin & Tonic:
I did look into this, but at 11 hours vs an 80-minute flight, it just wasn’t what I wanted to do.
TaMara (HFG)
@Mnemosyne: And cats! I don’t do grain free, I bought one bag, and the change in dog coats was dramatic. I believe my diabetic cat died from heart failure because the food the vet put him on was high in pea protein. :-(
Do your ducks lay fertile eggs? Would you allow a hatching?
TaMara (HFG)
@williamc: I loved the two interviews I saw with him. He seems like a great guy!!
TaMara (HFG)
@kindness: We don’t have a drake. And also, domestic ducks suck at brooding, so even fertilized, unless I incubated them, they wouldn’t survive.
Oh, and I did I mention: I DON’T NEED ANY MORE DUCKS. LOL :-)
@Roger Moore:
Poked around and learned the 3A has the same camera as the 3, and this photo tips article ought to apply. The phone itself sounds like a bargain in this era of $1k+ models.
I like Penelope’s name. She is just too much duck for one syllable.
That is all.
Do you ever look at your cute ducks and think of their ancient collateral ancestors, the duck-billed dinosaurs?
BC in Illinois
I came across, in the University City Library, a 1956 reprint of a 1924 edition of
You can get the text on Wikisource, (a little different from the text I had). It’s more readable with more illustrations.
All of which is my background to say that the original Goody Two Shoes was not a whiner. She was consistently — unremittingly, indefatigability, insufferably — cheerful (along with being helpful, wise, and otherwise good). She was also kind to animals. She was, in every way, some adult’s idea of what kind of uplifting story ought to be told to children, especially poor children, on how they might better themselves.
What children thought can be found in how they used the name “Goody Two Shoes.”
O. Felix Culpa
@TaMara (HFG): You are a good duck and doggie mama!
Major Major Major Major
@Major Major Major Major: looks like I’m only taking off an hour late!
There used to be a great Micro Car Museum close too here but they closed.
Gin & Tonic
@Major Major Major Major: So that “80 minute” flight will end up taking how long, door to door?
If he wrote this, then he is a clown that should be dismissed.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
@Roger Moore:
Bah, I guess I’m just more critical now that I have a phone with a decent camera. ? ?
My Nokia 6.1 has a slower f2.0 27mm equivalent lens than the f1.8 28mm equivalent lens the Pixel 3a has, and after looking critically at pictures taken with the Nokia, I noticed the same effect.
I suppose that I’m just used to a 50mm equivalent lens on a DSLR.
The one thing that’s good about the Pixel is the optical and electronic image stabilization.
I have hand tremors and sometimes pics from the Nokia with slow shutter speeds were blurry.
The Pixel doesn’t have that problem.
Thanks, Tamara. Love the cars. And the ducks.
Took Bert for a walk the other day and stopped to visit a couple of really old fiends. Nova Scotia rocks! Bert failed to provide scale (squirrel!) but the tree on the right is about 16 inches in diameter.
Check out the Mieneke Muffler car
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Mnemosyne: I do not think of myself as a writer and yet I keep dabbling in it. There was an idea that came to me years ago that wanted to be a play, and over the last few weeks I actually spent money for an intensive writing workshop to develop it further.
There was a lot of character exploration in that workshop, putting your characters in different situations or asking them questions or just letting them rant. And I found that really worked for me, to write scenes which I had no plan for including, which often had the totally wrong style, just to hear from the characters. I plan to keep doing these “off topic” studies and not worrying about the main play yet.
Weird thing is, no matter how odd the scene was (one had everybody talking like film noir) my fellow writers all kind of thought it fit and could be included. I don’t know about that, but they all have lines and emotions that can be mined.
As I said, I’m not a real writer. So maybe things aren’t actually done this way. But it works for me.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: You’re writing, so you’re a real writer.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
In your “Holy Fuck” moment today, the bloated orange mediocrity is
1) Retweeting large numbers of tweets from O’Keefe and Project Veritas; and
2) Demonstrating that he has neither understanding of nor any real plan or leverage regarding Hong Kong.
Oh, and once more, our Great Financial Minds are adding adding gilt circus rides to the giant overvalued casino that is the stock market because there is a momentary pause in Twitler’s Tariffs. Slide halted, the cigars and Veuve Cliquot can be passed around.
Bunches of those kids are going to be disappeared or dead.
Sadly, there is no Vienna Beefmobile
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Mnemosyne: Blech. I hate it when that happens.
Steve in the ATL
To be fair to rich, white, cis-males, very few are arguing that position.
Every time I read that I think of this
Old Dan and Little Ann
I had this great dream last night that PBO and Michelle came over to visit my wife and I. We were chatting it up like old friends. I kept thinking about the best time to ask for a picture since no one would possibly believe me.
@Old Dan and Little Ann: That sounds nice. I had a dream where I was trying to rescue two kids living in Trump’s building and Trump was tagging along, insisting that everything was fine. He then laid down and took a shit in his pants, just like a baby, complete with face clenched in effort. I wish I was making this up.
@Old Dan and Little Ann: Pics or it didn’t happen.
@Steve in the ATL:
I was just making a cup of tea when it occurred to me that I have not seen one Monarch butterfly this summer. That’s a first and not a good one.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@debit: Worked for DoD before retiring. The wall in the director’s wing had official photos of the chain of command. I tried to avoid walking down that hall and seeing That Face. But every time I did, I thought how his “I am a serious person” face always looked exactly like he was taking a dump.
What I’m saying is that it’s probably no accident your brain went there.
@TaMara (HFG): He is and as weird and cool as a dude driving a phone car around should be! I didn’t realize he was in the video that was posted, I just sent him the link to this post, hopefully he checks it out!
@chris: We had several years where I didn’t see any Monarchs, but the last few years they’ve returned.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: One can hope, I guess, but there never were many here anyway.
I have questions..
Did he do this all in one sitting?
Do you use different needles?
How long did this take?
The attention to detail is amazing ??
Lonzo Ball got Steve Butcher, the greatest tattoo artist on earth, to do this “Black Excellence” sleeve.
— Andrew Smith写真家 (@DruProductions) August 12, 2019
@williamC: So. many. blindspots. ?
Betty Cracker
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Yep. Just saw these two tweets:
LOL! He saw it on Fox. Also:
The poverty of Trump’s imagination is boundless.
@mrmoshpotato: Honestly, I’ve only ever been driven inside of it in the desert, at Burning Man, where you can only drive 5mph, so didn’t think about it from a safe-driving perspective. I do remember us both commenting, 4 years ago now I think, that only people of a certain age would even conceive of a phone looking like that. If you weren’t born yet or had the wits to be conscious of “stuff” by 1991, this phone type was pretty much over by then. My grandma had one in her house in Georgia until 2005 when it finally fell to pieces.
No more religious exemptions from tax. These assholes have way too much money then is good for them.
Steve in the ATL
@raven: I was flipping channels last night and caught a minute of your reality show “Raven’s Home” . The Home showed none of the architectural details you have posted here, and Raven looked much younger, blacker, and more female than you. Very disappointing!
Repeating a couple things, as they fit better in a true freewheeling thread.
2. A detente of sorts has been reached for now.
@Betty Cracker: The HongKong developments, and Kashmir (Schodinger’s cat, a lonely BJ turns its eye to you)
and huge fucking deals that are being ignored in the US. I cannot understand it.
TaMara (HFG)
@rikyrah: That. Was. Amazing.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@TenguPhule: As much as I have been disgusted by the evangelical support for evil, I was even more disgusted to hear how saying “goddamn” is what sent them to the fainting couches.
Really, “Christians”? You think bad language is a sin in a way that destroying families, sending refugees back to die, and top to bottom cruelty is not? What exactly are you using for a Bible?
@rikyrah: Me, too. Pearl just has that sparkly energy.
Those phones aren’t indestructible? You could clock someone with the receiver and go on with your conversation!
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I
Same thing happened with Nixon and his support with these groups after the tapes came out and he turned out to be a potty mouth.
@Major Major Major Major
An hour late from LaGuardia is on time these days.
Was in the terminal there so long last week that can tell you with pinpoint accuracy where every burned out light bulb in the place is. Then even LaGuardia gave up and the airline rebooked me on a flight from Newark (to which, at my own expense, had to make my way, with little time left to spare to do so based on take-off time for that flight). True to form, that plane at Newark ended up boarding 5 hours late. For amusement (theirs) had to trek to 4 different gates over those 5 hours, as the departures board kept changing. The last was a real doozy, being 70-some gates removed (and in an entirely different wing of the terminal) from where the board had last told me to cool my heels.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Old Testament.
Nixon didn’t deliver enough Federal Judges to meet quota.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Steve in the ATL: I actually clicked on that!
@TenguPhule: Yup, none of that Hippy Jesus.
Steve in the ATL
@Dorothy A. Winsor: sucker!
Yes, hello, 911? I’d like to report a murder.
For those in the back seats, Godwin’s Law is named after Mike Godwin. Because he created it. This is up there with the guy who told David Simon to watch The Wire to learn something about Baltimore, or the guy who mansplained The Handmaid’s Tale to Margaret Atwood.
@TenguPhule: No, it actually was the language that he used on the tapes. Explative Deleted was a pretty famous joke at the time.
In the house to this day is the fire engine red Western Electric dial phone I ended up buying from Bell the first week they gave in and began offering their equipment for purchase instead of the universal rental only policy in place since dinosaurs roamed the planet. Works as well as the day it was built, too.
I know Wall Street is dumber then I am because the traders actually believe Trump is not going to fuck them over on China tariffs.
Major Major Major Major
@Gin & Tonic:
Less than an eleven-hour train ride, not including the time to get to and from the train station which is at least another hour, or customs. Door to door it took me six and a half hours. I do hope you don’t think this is a novel observation/question.
@(((CassandraLeo))): Comparing Mike Godwin to Hitler seems more like suicide.
ETA: Pfft The Wire! Simon should watch The Deuce!
“Well, I see you’ve killed your argument and yourself there.”
@NotMax: Is that in your collection of old phones? I mean what would you connect it to?
@Major Major Major Major: Mythbusters tested they myth “Diving is faster than flying if less than 400 miles”, turned out “Plausible”. The flyer arrived 8 minutes earlier than the drivers.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I remember a Top Gear where they tested driving across Japan vs taking a train. Train was the big winner for the bulk of the journey, but the finish line was a little out of the way, so they tied.
Roger Moore
My worst delay experience was at SFO, where I wound up being delayed something like 8 hours. I still can’t figure out how the San Francisco airport of all places can be shut down by fog.
@NotMax: I’m not surprised. They were built like tanks and had two functions.
“A software update broke my ‘phone’!”
Same plug as any phone today. Plug it into the phone wall box (or now, into the phone modem as I switched service from the phone company some time back) if want to use it. Handy to keep around as back-up if/when the more modern unit goes kablooey.
@NotMax: There is a new Martin Clunes sitcom called “Warren”. He’s a jerkoff driving school dude (sort of a Curb Your Enthusiasm” and he has dial up to save money and he truns it off at night to save more!
@NotMax: Phone, plug? Confused.
Also (you may want to be sitting down first to hear this, kiddies) you could actually hear and understand the voice on the other end.
@NotMax: How much does a landline cost these days?
Planning the Trans Canadian from Vancouver to Montreal then Amtrak td DC to see the Wall, Smithsonian and the African American Museum
@NotMax: I’m sorry. You’re breaking up being across half of the country and half of an ocean. What was that?
Gin & Tonic
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Diving 400 miles would leave you with one problem…
@Ruckus: Make sure you catch the Einstein Sculpture. It’s not far from the Wall. You going for Veterans Day?
Mike in NC
@(((CassandraLeo))): On the plane ride back to the states on Sunday night, I had several terrible movies to chose from to keep me occupied. One was called “The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then Bigfoot” starring veteran actor Sam Elliot. It was actually as bad as the title implies.
@NotMax: I don’t have a problem with that, except my landlord. She sounds like she lives under the sea.
@Gin & Tonic: Superbends!
@Gin & Tonic: The drivers did stop for gas and food(and I’m sure something else).
Here ya go.
@mrmoshpotato: That’s a fair point. “Suicide by cop”, I believe, is the term commonly used for such occurrences. I believe this would qualify my dude for a Darwin Award, would it not?
I still need to watch The Deuce. Next time I have HBO!
@Mike in NC: That sounds entertainingly bad. Was Sam Elliot at least good in it?
Ceterum censeo factionem Republicanam esse delendam.
Mike in NC
My old headphones from Radio Shack (remember them?) are on their last legs. I need to find a new set so that I can watch late night TV while the wife is asleep in the next room. Might be close to a Best Buy tomorrow to see what they offer.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
Touch-tone Western Electric phones are nearly indestructible.
The Model 500 Dial Western Electric phones are indestructible.
When my Grandmother passed away in 1976, my Mother inherited her house complete with a dark green model 500 in an alcove in the kitchen and a model 1500 touch-tone in the master bedroom.
Mom said that the phone in the kitchen dated from the late 1950’s and the one in the bedroom was put in after my Grandfather died in 1966. I remember this because we replaced the still working model 500 with a cordless phone in the late 1980’s, and I was the one to wire in the modular jack.
I still remember our old phone number (XXX) 476-1833 20 years after I moved out when Mom died.
Agreed. To be a writer, you write. And rewrite, and rewrite, and rewrite, and……..
Dan B
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Netflix’s series ‘The Family” has a good explanation of the right wing Christian philosophy that draws them to the most evil people in the world. It really boils down to the concept that access to power gives you the opportunity to save the world.
When said bye-bye to the phone company minimum was 23 bucks and change per month. Now through my ISP it is 13 bucks (was originally 10). Only drawback in service is that if the power goes out, so does the phone as the modem needs power.
@mrmoshpotato: landline attached to AT&T internet cost $45/month
landline attached to sprint internet costs $10/month. We are switching.
I do not know about a landline that is still POTS – I also noticed someone telling about turning off the landline at night.
landline with metered service was available at least until about 2000 – maybe later. Cannot remember the price, but we saved money picking that versus unmetered.
@Steve in the ATL:
So you mean the pictures of “him” protesting or actually in uniform are fake? Some days here you never know…..
@Steve in the ATL:
depending on your taste.
zhena gogolia
@Mike in NC:
I’m looking forward to your pictures (I hope I’m getting the right person!).
Actually doing shitty things isn’t a problem, talking about someone else doing that, using specific language is a problem. Good to know that they have priorities. Sad that said priorities are totally fucked up, but still, they have them.
A Ghost To Most
The Constitution states that Congress shall make no law respecting religion. It doesn’t say anything about disrespecting religion.
Sister Golden Bear
@Major Major Major Major: My sympathies.
If it’s any consolation, it could be worse. Next week I have to go back to Thailand for some touch up work, and since I’d never been to Hong Kong, I figured it was a good opportunity to do connecting flight there and do a two-day visit during the layover. Now, I’m just hoping I’ll make it to clinic in time.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
If you’re putting words on the page, you’re a writer. Congratulations, it’s official! ?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I think the conclusion I came to with the input of my writer friends is that I’m going to make some notes about how the heroine should be and then move on to a different project rather than continuing to try and crack this one. I do have a bunch of other novel ideas, so it’s not like I have to cling to this one because the well is empty.
@TaMara (HFG):
Our cats get the Blue Buffalo grain-free, and it seems okay. I’m a little nervous now that they’ve gone large-scale, though, because that’s when companies start cutting corners and pets start getting sick. ?
But I figure that since they’re obligate carnivores (unlike dogs) it’s probably best to reduce their non-meat diet.
@BC in Illinois:
Interesting! Since kids stay pretty much the same over generations, I’m not surprised that kids of the 1920s would roll their eyes at Goody Two-Shoes.
I am officially jealous. I hear that the National Museum of the American Indian has the best food of all of the DC museums, and a good collection as well.
At one time the seasonally open outdoor cafe at the Hirshhorn Museum in the Smithsonian was a definite culinary bright spot, and rarely crowded.
@Roger Moore:
Once was delayed at SFO due to the xray scanner operator told her supervisor that she thought she’d seen a knife in a bag about 15 minutes earlier. Entire terminal including loaded planes had to exit and go through security. Twice. Wasn’t much of a pain in the ass until after the second xray scan the hand search lady screamed out, “His bag is full of cash!” I did have the back gate receipts, about $30,000. from an event, not all that unusual. BTW you can tell who’s thinking of relieving you of that by the look on their faces. That was a fun flight.
@NotMax: I moved my 94 year old dad to a nursing home and it was impossible to get ATT to stop deducting telephone rent from his checking account for his 3 old telephones (1965) until we sold the house and the neighbor demolished it. $13.44 out of the account every month like clockwork. After we sold the house I had to go to ATT with a POA to get the service shut off, so ATT stopped billing and deducting. Now some other entity is billing but they can’t do a direct withdrawal. Nowwhere to turn the old phones in. They still worked.
Actually planning this for after I retire about 18 months away.
@Mike in NC:
When I get home I’ll look up my headphones and let you know what they are. Sound amazing, not that expensive at all. Think they were a BB purchase.
VoIP’ll do that do ya.
Thanks for telling me….
I’m gonna be switching too…
Mike in NC
@zhena gogolia: I’ve transferred all 400+ photos to my PC and will start to edit them tomorrow. Hopefully a few decent ones will get posted by Alain. Very hard to get good pictures while riding in a tour coach. Sometimes there were dedicated stops (i.e., the Beatles sculpture in Liverpool) but often not.
Pearl and Co., look great. The butterfly pics -especially the Monarch fills my heart. I had a biopsy last week and just got the mostly good news. A tumor, but not malignant. Surgery date pending. My right breast looks waffle stomped, but not out to kill me.
@rikyrah: ack! spectrum, not sprint, sorry.
@NotMax: The Palisades Cafe is at the Sculpture Garden of the National Gallery of Art, across the mall from the Hirschorn. Still great. The cafeteria at the National Museum of the American Indian is phenomenal.
J R in WV
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
NO, I’m with debit, if you’re writing, you’re a writer.
My mom wrote mystery novels late at night, after we kids went to bed, while waiting for dad to get home from work at 2 or 3 am. They are all gone now, I know not where.
But what if they were good? She would be known to mystery readers for years to come!
J R in WV
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Actually that brand of “Christians” doesn’t read the Bible, they just believe whatever nonsense the minister tells them to. He doesn’t read it either, he preaches what the higher ranking preachers tell him to.
J R in WV
Have to admit that is some real art… would be great art if done with brushes on canvas, to be done with needles on skin, maximal art!
J R in WV
We have real, copper to copper POTS phone service, unlimited nation-wide for a very modest amount… Started as Chesapeake Bell –> Verizon –> Frontier $77 monthly!!
Not cheap but less than our Verizon cell service, which does not work at home, for geographic reasons, called mountains. .
Works during a power outage. Can be noisy after rain. Repairs are free.
Amir Khalid
@Mike in NC:
Have you considered Bluetooth headphones? You won’t have to worry about a long-enough wire with those.
Mary Ellen Sandahl
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: That’s actually his “I’m a mean, ruthless SOB and you’d better not think of f*cking with me” face, which I’m sure he learned from Daddy and various Made family friends in Queens, and which he’s been using as a shield for his monumental insecurity and fear for decades. There are magaizine photos of him doing it from the 80s, but I bet he was doing it in military school. Maybe grade school.
Mary Ellen Sandahl
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I think a lot of people who weren’t evangelicals were turned off by the Nixon tapes too. For one thing, he wasn’t just potty-mouthed, he said “fuck” a lot, and for another that kind of cursing and obscene language was much, much less common and acceptable in everyday white middle class life then than it is now. I remember the kerfuffle over the language in the play Glengarry Glen Ross — tho it was pointed out at the time that all-male environments tend to up the obscenity quotient. But though I’m sure many people knew that, they were taken aback to hear a president doing it, and doing it a lot.