Michael Harriot (last seen here discussing the forgotten history of Andrew Johnson’s impeachment), deduces that was the date Donald Trump imagines when he talks about making America great again…
Hola, there is your unroll: Thread by @michaelharriot: When @realDonaldTrump says "Make America Great Again" a lot of people wonder what he's… https://t.co/c9BKZT0yj5. Have a good day. ?
— Thread Reader App (@threadreaderapp) January 8, 2020
(Click on the link above to read the whole thing in post format)
But early on the morning of May 17, 1954, America was rounding up immigrants in the biggest deportation in history, Jim Crow was taking his last breath and the NRA was gaining a hero
If you're Donald Trump, THAT is when America was Great. Has to be
That's just science
— michaelharriot (@michaelharriot) January 8, 2020
The story calls for a collaboration with Stephen King. Yikes. Humans are horrible.
— JGrannis (@redsister9) January 8, 2020
Great research! Also, on that day, DT was 7 years old which is when he stopped maturing. https://t.co/cuUYVQ8s0h pic.twitter.com/opfWlGnvQn
— Mary Fleischli (@MFleischli) January 8, 2020
Bill Arnold
That was a fun thread. (Saw it earlier.)
Itching to try it out on a MAGA person. (Well, the question at least.)
Watching lsu/clemson game. Crowd actually cheered the Orange menace. Gross.
@Bill Arnold: it’s just science
Roger Moore
I think she’s giving Trump too much credit. I think he stopped maturing when he was still a toddler.
@Quantumman: He and Melanie were on the fucking field! I just want to watch football, and he continues to assault me.
James E Powell
High on the list of Great Failures from 2016 is not forcing Trump and Republicans to answer the questions: When was America great? What year are you trying to take us back to?
Anybody who has read the disturbing book Slavery by Another Name might be surprised that there is a 21st century version of that system still functioning in Mississippi
He’s always been pretty clear that the good old days were back when police could openly beat protesters and traitors were executed.
May 17, 1954 is also just about 2 months before Elvis recorded That’s Alright at Sun studio, and people couldn’t tell what race he was. A year later, Chuck Berry came along with a hopped up hillbilly song called Maybellene, and everyone though it was by a white guy. Rock and roll helped ruin Trump’s great America. He probably only liked disco because it went well with sex and cocaine.
John Revolta
@lgerard: Jesus Christ. All I can say is, don’t read that article if you don’t wanna get your murderous rage on so early in the week.
Alabama’s gotten me so upset
Tennessee made me lose my rest
And everybody knows about Mississippi goddam…
The great thing about 5/54 was that that was about the time that Sam Rayburn began crafting the election strategy that ended up with the Democrats controlling Congress for the next 40 years. Which led to the civil rights acts, the environmental laws, the educational acts and all of the Great Society stuff.
@patroclus: Balance in the Force?
Did they?!
Felanius Kootea
@Immanentize: Not any more. His heart can’t take it.
It always seemed the 50’s were the “good old days” for Reagan, and they’ve been rewinding further over time.
By the time W was in, it was the 20’s (pre-New Deal).
When Romney ran he was waxing on about the 1890’s (Trusts!).
Trump started in the 1850’s (slavery) and has gone back to the 1760’s (monarchy).
They’re all nuts.
Amir Khalid
They’re not very fond of each other. It’s been a while since they last did.
@Immanentize: Hahaha…go LSU!
@eclare: Avalune asked why Melania was wearing a trash bag. Trashy people, trashy dress.
@Leto: Always. The hand holding was weird.
Amir Khalid
There was a recent FLOTUS who knew how to dress well but not extravagantly, unlike this one who dresses extravagantly but not well.
@eclare: I am so embarrassed by my Texans statement yesterday Wait! No! I am so embarrassed by the Texans!!
@Immanentize: That was unreal. Hey, join me in cheering the Titans. Old school smash mouth football.
@James E Powell:
I just finished watching the second season of Handmaid’s Tale. Gilead is the American catastrophe Trump is taking us toward, not saving us from.
@eclare: of course, Titans = Astrodome.
Geography and ticket pricing explain the Trump reception.
The Clemson campus is built on John C . Calhoun’s plantation.
The price for a ticket to Monday’s College Football National Championship Game on the secondary market is the second highest of all time, according to TickPick. The average ticket price stands at $1,631.81.
@eclare: It’s disgusting he tried to make the National Championship about him. Classless. The Orange Turd stunk up the whole place.
This shit stain on humanity thinks he stopped maturing at the age of 6?!
I mean, yes. But shouldn’t that maybe have been worth covering Chuckles Todd and the rest of you assholes who screamed about Hillary’s (insert bullshit scandal here)?
“We could be handing over the Executive branch to a 6-year-old come November. Meh.”
She’s right. That is the strangest material.
@Immanentize: Go ahead, join the Texan’s in their humiliating, historic beating. Go KC! ??
The best people. George Nader, remember him? On his way to prison on child porn charges.
@Amir Khalid: Perfect.
@Quantumman: “Fuck it, Jake. It’s Louisiana.”
@chris: The best at being the scum of society.
@Duane: Waaah!
@patroclus: Somebody upthread probably already said this, but wasn’t Brown V Board of Education decided May 17, 1954?
@sab: Everyday afterwards has been a torture for the Trumps.
Figures so strange, no God design’d,
To be a part of Humane kind:
But wanton Nature, void of Rest,
Moulded the brittle Clay in Jest.
It’s in the linked thread.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
not watching football but Lawrence O’Donnell just called Michael Bennet a “presidential candidate” and I kinda feel like he should be called for taunting
zhena gogolia
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Every time I express some regret that Bennet didn’t do better, my husband says, “He hasn’t dropped out yet.”
@oldgold: its a college football game between teams from Louisiana and South Carolina. Of course they cheered Trump. Except for the players, the stadium is filled with southern bigots.
Ol Nat
What was the tax rate for the highest earners then? He missed that part. )-:
@Ol Nat: FYI
91% nominal tax rate on earnings over $300,000. Ahhh, the ’50s
So that lets us narrow thing down further, to early spring 1954 when all was possible for honest hardworking [white] Americans, right before Brown landed and changed everything. For Trump, the Spring of 1954 before Brown is all very much like Faulker’s moment before Pickett’s charge at Gettysburg when all was lost:
“Let me tell you
how it will be
that’s one for you
nineteen for me
’cause I’m the taxman”
Yup, good times.
@Quantumman: Well, it’s a crowd from SC and LA. You were expecting something different? This is hardcore MAGAland if ever there was oe.
That is an excellent thread from Michael Harriot. And FUCK TRUMP!
@Kent: Faulkner was wrong. Rayburn was the son of a Confederate cavalry man and yet, he got the wartime FEPC appropriations through in 1944 and 1945, he did a patronage deal with Joe Martin to get the House Rules Committee to allow the Civil Rights bill get through in 1956, he convinced LBJ to make civil rights a priority in 1957 (and thereafter), he pointedly refused to endorse the Southern Manifesto, the acts he facilitated created the Civil Rights division of the DOJ and created the Civil Rights Commission and implemented voting rights marshalls, he packed the Rules Committee in 1961 and, perhaps most importantly, he authored or facilitated ALL of the various commerce-related statutes which allowed the expansion of the Commerce Clause which form the constitutional basis for all of the Civil Rights statutes. It was his decision which moved the DC Voting Rights Amendment through the Congress. He was a Union man who could quote Daniel Webster’s speech verbatim and who believed that Texas has been in the Union since Appomatox. He met with MLK and Coretta when that was highly unpopular to plan strategy and he was the sole author of the 1935 Motor Carrier Act upon which Boynton v. Virginia was decided (1960, which, despite the impact of Brown, was described by John Lewis as of “earthshaking importance”) and which triggered the Freedom Rides.
very good read! a noted wypipologist.
@trollhattan: So you were rich as hell in the 50s? ?
@Kent: looks like four brigade commanders.
@oldgold: Wow, that pretty much says it all: the former plantation owners go to the stadium to watch the former slaves play a sporting game while they sip their gin tonics or whatever SC white folks drink.
@trollhattan: Boo hoo. It is George’s whiniest. And I like George best.
Or maybe Rayburn outgrew his 14-year-old self.
@patroclus: wow.
@patroclus: Great post. I didn’t know about Rayburn’s liberal history in these subjects. Thanks.
@patroclus: Did not know all this about Rayburn and I lived in TX for a decade. I do know a shitload of stuff in Texas is named after him. Which automatically makes one assume he was more retrograde. Because Texas after all. What happened to all the good Texan politicians?
James E Powell
I’d vote for “Sue Me Sue You Blues”
@prostratedragon: Perhaps. He went on a long journey on civil rights. He voted against every single civil rights bill (anti-lynching; anti-poll tax) as a younger Congressman and was very lucky that Speakers don’t vote when the ’57 and ’60 Acts passed and when the DC Voting Rights Act was presented to the states (perhaps relevant when criticizing Biden’s 20-year ago votes). He pointedly refused to answer civil rights-related questions from reporters for decades; his reputation was one of a moderate segregationist. Only savvy insiders knew his real views. Even now…
@James E Powell: not a song of cosmic enlightenment.
@patroclus: No wonder the Rayburn house office building has not been renamed. The Republicans think he was on their side and the Democrats read history.
@CarolPW: Indeed. In the “seminal” 1954 campaign, which laid the basis for 40 years of a Democratic House majority, he personally campaigned on tax cuts and being smarter and better about anti-communism than McCarthy (while allowing individual members of Congress to campaign on liberal stuff if they wanted). He “attacked” Ike as inept and as a “good man, wrong job” kind of guy.
@CarolPW: hee hee!
Another Scott
@patroclus: Comments like these are gems. Thank you.
Post more often!
@Roger Moore:
He was still a toddler when he was 7.
Most people just can’t believe anyone would still be one at 7, that they never matured past that.
But science says that everyone matures at a different rate, it’s just that his rate is so slow that he hasn’t managed in 73 yrs. Might be a new record.
I’m wondering if the color of a lot of the players skin is why so many don’t care about the physical damage football causes?
I know a lot of people like the athleticism of football but I know a player, 9 yrs in the NFL has a superbowl ring and multiple medical problems that make me sound like the healthiest person in the world. I’ve met others no better off. The ones I’ve met have seemingly not minded because they got a decent life out of it. I just don’t see it, but then I’m not them.
joel hanes
If this blog had upvotes, that comment about Rayburn would have earned all of them.
W. Kiernan
Here’s a fact about child development. Whenever a child prematurely stops growing up emotionally at a certain age, that’s the precise age at which the child realized that his parents hated him, and he stopped growing up in despair.
For a long time I’ve thought Donald Trump clearly displays all the symptoms you’d expect in an adult who was a severely abused child. Why is he so fucked in the head? It’s all due to that filthy child-abusing Klan pig Fred Trump.