I had asked in the comments a few days ago if anyone had a site where you could check your voter registration without entering your email. I wanted to post on FB and I knew I had some folks who would be reluctant to give their email, knowing they’d be inundated with donation and other requests.
Turns out the League of Women Voters have just such a site.
Love the personalized election guide from @vote411 and @lwv! #lwv #VOTE #2020election #ThursdayThoughts https://t.co/7j1sIJnnCE
— Holly Bodner (@bodner_h) February 13, 2020
From Vote411.org you can register to vote, check your voter registration and see what’s on your ballot, with signing up for unwanted emails.
Share far and wide!
Here’s a big puppy trying and succeeding to fit into the smallest place possible (my spot, btw).
Open thread
That sleeping pose hurts my back just to see it, but as long as he’s comfy… ?
My county board of elections website doesn’t require an email, fyi.
zhena gogolia
I guess I’ll need to check if I’m registered so I can vote down ticket.
TaMara (HFG)
@debbie: that’s really not going to help my FB friends now, is it. ?
He amazes me how he sleeps. sometimes he’ll curl up into the tiniest ball of black fur, and then other times, he’s on his back, stretched the length of the couch. legs stretched up into the air, looking much like a deceased cockroach. Tongue hanging out. He a goof.
TaMara (HFG)
Calling all Far Side Fans, Gary Larson’s comics are now up on his website, with different panels featured every day. Far Side Comic Strip daily dose here
I’m off to walk the dogs in the rain before it turns to snow.
?Big dog on a little couch?
joel hanes
We need to tell the Democratic Party that in future years, the primary debates must be conducted by The League of Women Voters (if the LoWV will consent to do so.)
(I’ve recently been informed that the League ran the Presidential debates, but when the Dems and the GOP combined forces to tell the League that they must stop including third-party candidates, the League said “we will not do that”, and that’s how the media bobbleheads got the gig instead)
Dorothy A. Winsor
Honest to god, I thought this was a joke. But no.
California has an official site that uses your ID or license number and will allow you to check registration, register, change party membership and check status of your mail-in ballot. I just used it to confirm that my ballot was received back at the county office after I voted.
@Jinchi: MA similar–no need to give your email address.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
What is that old joke? Academic politics are so vicious because the stakes are so small.
The “academic novel” is a genre, so this could turn out all right. Sandra Oh is a good sign.
Georgia is the same. You just input your county, name, and birth date and they’ll tell you if you’re registered and give you the status of an absentee ballot application. Plus you can get a pdf of your ballot, I like to print it out and take some time to figure out who I’m voting for in the local elections before I go to the polls. https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do
I believe the quote is: The lower the stakes, the worse the politics. The stakes are lowest in academia.
I work in academia and I’d say this is spot on, and in my experience the humanities are the worst.
@Jinchi: Florida doesn’t need email, either,
Sweet pup!
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Thanks, I’ve passed this to my sister who was chair of a university English department. Her stories are hilarious and she says that she can’t talk about the best ones.
TaMara (HFG)
I guess I wasn’t clear – I wanted a generic site anyone could use to check their voter registration. Since I have FB contacts all over the country. I’m sure everyone’s county has a way to check voter registration, but that was not my issue. I was doing a generic GOTV, so everyone could check.
Since people are getting purged regularly I think it’s important to remind friends and family to check regularly.
Beautiful ginormous puppy!
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I don’t understand the significance of that tweet, or your reaction. What am I missing?
@Jinchi: @currants:
I believe the goal was to find a reputable site that would work for anyone, regardless of what state they live in.
edit: never mind. I see that TaMara chimed in at #16.
Well that was easy. List of candidates and q & a from every candidate on my ballot.
Dammit. Now I have that “I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my bones” song from Love Actually in my head.
Alaska Reader
Debates were a lot more issue based when League of Women Voters ran them. It’s almost as if baiting candidates for attacks is good for network ratings, while LWV just wanted voters to be informed.
The political parties dumped the League of Women Voters.
The political parties wanted to controlled the debates and ended up getting played by the networks. Or maybe the parties think that there is an advantage in doling out dumbed down debates.
The media is not nearly as powerful as some people want to believe.