It’s a Friday during Lent, which means that basically the goal for my entire day is to have a fish sandwich and not be fucked with. I have frequently stated, only half joking, that my three favorite things in the world are sitting, napping, and not being fucked with. As I age, and in particular during the Trump era, this becomes more the case.
I honestly think that a great deal of the reason Biden has re-emerged as the frontrunner is that there are a lot of people who are basically just sick and tired of the fucking chaos. I’m tired of being yelled at. I’m tired of every fucking time I turn on the god damned television that malignant motherfucker or one of his cronies is either on my screen or being talked about or something awful they have done is being talked about. It’s fucking exhausting.
It’s exhausting not only because he is just so awful and is an energy vampire who just sucks the life out of everyone, it’s exhausting because you have to constantly pay attention to navigate the constant stream of lies and to keep telling yourself “This is not normal.” You can’t let your guard down for a minute with the guy because they are constantly gaslighting. Even on the one in a million times he says something you agree with- “We should not be involved in so many foreign wars” you have to sit and figure out why is he saying this how does he plan to rob the country.
I remember when Obama, hell, even George Bush, that fucking idiot, and you could go an entire week without seeing the President’s fat fucking mug on television being awful. Remember when Obama went on vacation to Hawaii, and other than that idiot Cokie Roberts calling it exotic in a pretty clear dogwhistle, he was actually on vacation and fucked off out of sight for two weeks? My god, were Trump to just fuck off the national stage for a month his poll numbers would go up ten points.
I would not be at all surprised if part of Biden’s surge is a lot of people in the country are to the point that they just want to have a fish sandwich and be left the fuck alone. Yes, decency and making things better would be awesome, but please, can we just stop the torture?
West of the Rockies
A little Howard Beal-esque, but I agree. I don’t think Trump and his moronic cohort can fathom the level of disdain and visceral hatred 51+% of the country feels for him.
Another Scott
So, you’ve made up your mind then, eh? ;-)
“Happy Monday, Everyone! Looking Forward To Another Week Of Infecting Every Aspect Of Your Daily Lives!” By Donald Trump
I think you should aim higher than a fish sandwich.
Dammit, Cole, now I want a fish sandwich.
Need to create a website, marked as parody somewhere, that sold the service of peeing on Trump’s (eventual) grave. Charge a fee, get a humorous certificate of some sort proclaiming that the bearer has pissed on Donald Trump’s grave.
Poe Larity
The root of your problem is you spend too much time in the Twitsphere and not enough time in your blog safe space.
I, too, curse you because like Axel I also want a fish sandwich. :(
hells littlest angel
I’d like to see his poll numbers go much, much higher.
This is kind of why Warren never cleared the hurdles-she has ambitious plans and all A lot of ppl want is a high ball and a hot bath
I have this argument with my fellow Montana dem friend. Most people just want politics to be something they only have to think about every 2 years or so.
I’ve been politically interested all my life and became a political junkie in 2007. (It was also the year I found Balloon Juice, so it may be y’all’s fault.). Still, my semi-obsessive following of the news mostly centered on the election period. Once Obama was elected and re-elected, I could return to a more normal existence.
But since Trump was elected, there is no longer a “semi” to my obsession! I just keep reading and reading and reading any and all articles about what is happening, perhaps in the hope that in something I read there will be a nugget of reassurance that it’s not as bad as it seems. But it always is as bad as it seems.
And while he was far from my first choice, I am on Biden’s bandwagon because I want a return to normalcy. And decency. And competence. Please!
I might even pretend to like him and be sad if he agreed to resign.
Was with you up until the fish sandwich. Should any by some mystic procedure materialize here at least now know to whom they get passed on.
O/T – but I am greatly amused by the sidebar ad currently running from Prevea Health that cleverly ties vasectomy surgery and the NCAA brackets together in advising men to schedule their procedures now in time to enjoy recovery in front of their TVs during the early rounds.
I think the avalanche/tsunami/firehose of bullshit is Trumpite strategy. Any rational person will get so stressed and angry about it that you can’t stop to figure out what to do.
@AxelFoley: @Avalune:
I just had lunch.
I’m right with you both.
Is Biden Catholic? He might be having fish for Lent too.
@Gravenstone: I am not seeing those ads. I feel cheated!
randy khan
I am convinced that there is a real “let’s stop the craziness” component to Biden’s rise, and it even could be that Trump calling him “Sleepy Joe” has helped with that.
Contrast to Sanders, who even if you love all of his policies would demand a ton of your attention – or at least seems that way, since he’s another shouty white guy – and Biden’s appeal might well become even stronger.
@Barbara: I’m getting an ad for ‘Rex Specs’ eyewear for working dogs.
I think the term John is looking for is an Incubus(m) or Succubus(f). I learned it from an old South Park episode. Basically they are creatures (think Wraiths) that suck the life out of you.
What really exasperates me is someone telling me what a shitty and unworthy I am as a liberal. Yea that I only get from BernieBros. Most of whom aren’t actual Democrats to begin with. Damn. But it’s Friday and I’m loving life so….
Also too, I’m in California so it would be a fish taco.
Johnny Gentle (famous crooner)
“I’m here to have a fish sandwich and not be fucked with, and I’m all out of not fucked with.”
@MattF: And I’m getting ads for Bergdorf Goodman.
@randy khan:
Someone has to stand outside McConnell’s window.
Orange Is The New White
Carne asada burrito is my food of choice for contemplation and a quiet existence, but yes. A few years without the bullshit domestic horrorshow would sure be nice.
@Yutsano: Leto is not a fish sandwich kind of person and I’ve cut way back on eating out, so there have been a dearth of fish sandwiches.
Mary G
Remember when people complained about No-Drama-Obama and wanted him to yell more from the bully pulpit?
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
‘Till it’s gone
@WaterGirl: Yes, and I answered and was following the thread. Thank you!
Unless I’m in Florida during grouper season I seldom want a fish sandwich. But now I’m tempted with going to the local pub for fish and chips. With malt vinegar, because that’s the way to eat them. Nom!
@Avalune: I belatedly saw the answer in the other thread, so I came back here and deleted my comment. But you were too fast for me!
@Baud: Biden is Catholic. I would imagine he had ashes on his forehead a week ago Wednesday.
Dan B
Pence is trying to grab the golden ring of “newsworthiness”. At least gere in Seattle he managed to distress an entire group of families wirried about their elderly family members in Ground Zero Nursing Home (Petri Care Arms?). Repeating the mumbked platitudes and easily disproved claims would be grounds for a verbal assault case so I won’t.
At least our senior Senator has introduced a temporary paid leave measure for people who are sick or in quarantine.
And when will someone think about the poor suffering investment class? After the help takes ill? When their charity gala must “reschedule”? /s
I wonder when our wonder-bazillionaires will allow the state to institute emergency temporary tax messures to fund our underfunded health department. And will it be another regressive tax on the lazy disease-carrying poor? At least some voices have pointed out that Seattle’s third largest homeless population in the US is a huge petri dish. I’ll be happier when the conversation is about providing sanitation and good healthcare for their benefit and not about cleaning up the camps. Where do they go? There are 10,000 or more. And who woll pay for food, shelter, concertina wire, and guards? Sealed isolation suits in 100 degree Eastern WA summers? (Don’t tell Yutsano…)
My question is who is thinking and planning five or one hundred steps ahead? Who is coordinating planning among all sectors and communicating with all stakeholders when our CoronaCzar can’t offer any info about elderly family members trapped in a nursing facility?
“Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he’ll disappear all weekend.”
Don’t learn mythology from South Park. Incubus and succubus are specifically demons of seduction, not life-sucking. Energy vampire is a perfectly good term (even if it’s a modern invention, not a classic monster.)
I’ve mentioned this to a number of my more progressive friends as a factor to be aware of, and to take into account. Dismissing it would be costly in the political races.
Wish I could say to them, “I told you so”, but it wouldn’t be welcome….
Betty Cracker
It is utterly exhausting, and I suspect everyone but the deranged MAGA chuds are ready to change the fucking channel already. Honestly, I think we could nominate a dirty sock stuffed with rotten walnuts, and it would win north of 350 EC votes.
Sweet Jesus, just let it end. And pretty please, with sugar on top, let it not only end, but let it end in a humiliating rout that drives Velveeta Voldemort off every channel but Fox News. Forever.
I am sick of his fucking jerk-o-lantern face. I am sick of the odious, spiteful adult sons. I am sick and fucking tired of the scowling wife and the vapid favorite daughter. I am sick of the blank-faced, pallid son-in-law. If any of them had a dog, I’d be sick of their dog, and I fucking LOVE all dogs!
Just fuck off, the lot of them. Forever. Is that so much to ask?
@Avalune: Trying to catch you — are you still coming north?
Betty Cracker
@satby: My husband eats fish and chips that way too (with malt vinegar), and it’s a bone of contention between us. Stinks up the whole damned room! :)
Thank you. Was trying to come up with a not salacious way to emphasize sexy time is a requirement.
Batter fried Cod, tender grilled bun spread with a lemony tartar sauce and splash of malt vinegar, topped with fresh cole slaw would So Hit The Spot right doggone now!
Make America Not Have To Think About The Fitness Of Its Moran President For Five Fucking Minutes 2020.
Might be a tad long for the top of a cap, but still….
@West of the Rockies:
Middle of the Great Lakes
Am listening to Jethro Tull, Locamotive Breath, because otherwise its just three white guys, one of them with too much face makeup. Short Blonde and Stupid is still short bonde and stupid. That is the narrative. Warren will be missed — the relentless attack, $500M of it — all day every day and the electorate bought it. This wasn’t about being President, it was about making sure she was not. Bloomberg got his return on investment and everyone bought it; hook, line and sinker. Motion one by one.
@Avalune: saw your comment on the last thread. Yes, trip will be off. Watergirl will be thrilled.
@kindness: I think the term we need here is shitvampire.
@Betty Cracker: So that’s a maybe?
@laura: Trader Joe’s has pretty good frozen battered Halibut. I might add that to my store list.
@kindness: Problem is that they are Sex Demons. As bad as Trump is, his “hotness” is not a factor.
Now, pardon me while I go vomit a little.
Remember how the Bernie camp around Super Tuesday was all about “the candidate with a plurality of delegates at the convention must be given the nomination, even if they don’t have a majority!”
I didn’t realize until today, via a Kos post referencing an Atlantic article from back in April, that getting 30% and taking that to the convention was part of their strategy all along, and possibly the main plan. (The article does quote named campaign staff on this point.)
My mind just boggles at this. It just ignores how incredibly destructive contested conventions can be, and that we need as many people as possible enthusiastically on board, not grudgingly supporting because “they have no choice.” (Projection ain’t just Trump’s thing, apparently.)
And beyond that, despite how they seem to sincerely believe it’s a clever winning strategy, it is not. Unless multiple candidates stay in the race all the way to the convention even though they have no shot at winning (which only one candidate in recent memory has done), it is not a strategy for winning, it is a strategy for losing and trying to pretend it’s not your fault.
As may true, since he didn’t enter the race until she started talking ‘wealth tax’. But in the end, she took him down as well. So we are spared the potential of our very own oligarch as wannabe dictator. For now at least…
Seems like political malpractice that no one on Team Sanders realized that multiple candidates would drop out once no longer viable, thus robbing him of the split opposition required to continue pulling in those bare pluralities. Granted, I doubt many people expected the field to consolidate as quickly and thoroughly as it did, but his required split field was not going to last long enough to actually pull off that strategy at the convention.
As much as I’m sick of the chaos and vandalism, if we’re lucky enough to get a Democratic president inaugurated next year, it’s going to take me a while to go days without hearing what the president is up to. A lack of news will probably be anxiety inducing for a while due to Trump PTSD.
Oh, absolutely, it’s a well-established authoritarian strategy (though I expect Cheetolini just got it instinctively from being a narcissistic asshole, not by learning it from anywhere.) Bury the people with bullshit so they tune out just to keep their sanity. Provoke learned helplessness.
Zach Heltzel via Twitter:
(Some breadsticks with that fish sandwich, John?)
mali muso
@Immanentize: missed the other thread. Did you decide to cancel the trip? I had to pull eight student trips on Monday that were set to leave today…just too much damn uncertainty. Blah
I had a fish sandwich for lunch today. With onion rings.
It was good. Not even Burger King can fuck up a fish sandwich.
One of the best analogies I’ve seen for the Biden resurgence…
The Democratic primaries: Times Square
The voters: small-town tourists weary after a long day on their feet
Joe Biden: The Olive Garden
He’s comforting, safe, predictable, and not exotic. A return to normalcy is his brand.
Thanks for reminding me how much I miss Wahoo’s, you bastard.
I think Bernie wants to destroy the Democratic party, as it is today, and use the husk and name recognition to launch his socialist revolution.
He is not a team player.
Also, when he and his supporters talk about the “Democratic Establishment”, I so badly want to start running off Democratic Establishment t-shirts, with some sort of cartoon or something on them.
As I have no artistic skill, I am postponing putting this into production.
He’s a businessman. Bullshit is the businessman’s ethos.
@Immanentize: I’m not sure how to feel. Half bummed for you at not being able to go. Half happy for us because we could meet up assuming neither of our states shut down. I mean I don’t know what the big deal is, it will just magically go away next month.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Gravenstone: If they’d made it past Super Tuesday with most of the candidates still in and without the Biden surge, they’d probably have succeeded in getting their 30% and it would be too late to catch them. I heard the Obama bros do this math several times.
“They just want to have a fish sandwich and be left the fuck alone”
Oh this, this, a thousand times this.
And restoring a basic level of competence to routine government functions would be great, too.
Tom Q
@Gravenstone: I’d argue that their main plan was just to get to CA while the field was still splintered. If Sanders had got exactly what he did on Tuesday in CA, but all the others remained under 15%, he’d have emerged with something like a 300 delegate lead — a lead it would have been near-impossible to close, even with subsequent landslide victories for another candidate.
And it almost worked: Biden’s realigning SC win came only three days before the primary. Had Biden had a less-decisive SC win — and had Buttigieg/Klobuchar not reacted so swiftly and stepped down — Sanders’ scenario could have been realized: he’d have largely ensured himself the nomination tactically while utterly failing to win majority support of the party.
zhena gogolia
Biden 2020: When you’re here, you’re family.
Not bad.
Yup. This may have worked against Warren, too. Activists like the “dream big fight hard” message, but a lot of people don’t want to fight hard, they just want broadly popular things to get done.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
@Tom Q:
Yep. And as much as I dislike Bernie, I actually can’t fault him for trying to use the rules to his advantage.
It’s when he pretends the rules are rigged against him that he steps over the line.
Had a fish sandwich earlier this week. Now I want some fish and chips.
Or a pastrami sandwich and fried zucchini strips
@Immanentize: Not thrilled! Disappointed for you guys, but
happy becauserelieved that it’s safer, especially for the Immp.Did you end up asking your doctor for advice yesterday? Was the cruise cancelled? Or did you guys decide not to go?
edit: I see from the previous thread that your doc advised against going. Sometimes being right isn’t all is cracked pu to be. I know how disappointed you are.
Sounds like a dumb strategy to me. What was their plan if Bernie had 30% — and somebody else had 35%?
After he loses again, Bernie and his followers really need to bend the knee. :-)
@Baud: Agree on both points.
30% would be great as a fallback plan, but it makes no sense to me as the actual plan.
@Immanentize: Oh, I’m sorry the trip will be off. :(
The cancer fundraiser cycling thing I was registered to do tomorrow was just cancelled on account of Covid19, too. Fortunately the money raised for rare cancer research will still go to the programs.
And thanks to other comments in this thread, I’m super craving Burger King onion rings right now.
So….who makes the best fish sandwich? Apparently Popeye’s does the best chicken sandwich. I have no idea where to go for the best fish sandwich. I’m pretty sure it’s not McDonalds.
@Kent: Ivar’s.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Has anyone tried the new Impossible Burger at Burger King. It’s made out of soybean, no meat, and it tastes like a real barbecued hamburger. Delicious. You can’t tell the difference in taste and texture.
For Bloomberg it was like knicking his knuckle. Ouch. For actual people she had the guts to go there. $500M? That is what you go to for silencing a person. You are right that he pushed his self around after she got momentum. Billionaire boy club got scardy cat and threw his money all over the place. Call it as it is — demonizing decency. Call it. You don’t lose. Women and children do in this ever-spiraling downward race to the bottom of $500M so this guy can be relevant and the giant orange turnip will keep his place. They are better friends than you think. And you make it so.
He has been pretty clear about this, and his most dedicated supporters always point out the supposed failures of the Democratic Party.
And yet some people want to give him a pass and keep talking about how much they like his “plans.”
I don’t get it.
All he offers is empty sloganeering and wild dreams about how the grassroots are going to transform the country.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: I did, back in September, because I love Impossible Burgers, but I have to say… it was the first time I’d stepped into a Burger King in at least a decade, and probably two decades since I’d had a Whopper and… I was reminded that Whoppers really aren’t all that great.
Though the onion rings did make me happy. And I really do love Impossible Burgers. Just not Impossible Whoppers. I would like McDonald’s to get with it so I could have an Impossible Big Mac.
@Kent: Arby’s is supposed to have a really good one. It’s seasonal but the Wendy’s cod sandwich is pretty good. Burger King is decent. I’m trying to think if I’ve had them anywhere else. It seems a crime to order one at Red Robin.
I could weigh in on the Arby’s offering since I don’t cook on physio nights. I can report my findings later.
@Yutsano: Goddamnit. And NOW I’m craving Arby’s potato cakes. With Horsey Sauce.
@Tom Q: The flaw in Bernie’s plan seems two-fold.
First, at least 1/3 to 1/2 of his 2016 vote was not really actual pro-Bernie support based on his platform and ideas. It was simply anti-Clinton votes. This was probably especially true in all the so-called ‘white working class’ areas like MI and WV where he racked up numbers. A large part of that vote was just working class white guys hating on Clinton, not some working class upswelling in support of M4A and free college. Cole has spoken to this.
Second, they underestimated how fast the other campaigns would collapse. But this was entirely predictable. A real serious campaign has an incredible burn rate in terms of dollars to maintain all the field offices, organization, and media. Once the funding dollars dry up, and that happens almost instantly when the campaign is no longer viable, the end is quickly inevitable. If you are running a fake campaign like Tulsi Gabbard then you can go on forever, because you aren’t really spending money. But a Buttigieg or Warren or Klobuchar can’t lay off 95% of their campaign staff and cancel all their ad buys and still claim to be in the race. It snowballs quickly.
Anyway, fuck them and their ‘revolution’. Sander’s primary objective has always been to demolish the Democratic party and then rebuild it in his image. Winning the presidency or nomination was always ancillary to that larger goal.
Trump’s two-prong stratigery has been attack-undermine-diminish Biden and support Sanders by claiming Dems are “treating him unfairly.” It’s completely reasonable to take this as demonstrating he desperately wants to run against Sanders, which is not an entirely stupid idea. Blind pigs, acorns and such.
Orange Is The New White
@Kent: Brewdog does. By a mile. Problem is, they’re in Scotland.
My local Mexitalian resto lets me bring a pack of my own Mission low carb tortillas, which they use to make all my lunches. I had fish tacos today. If you use low carb tortillas at home, my pro tip is to drop off a pack at your would-be fave lunch spot. (Chains probably have rules against)
I just hope Joe makes a great Veep pick.
joel hanes
Yes, trip will be off.
Good call,.
fuck.. the asshole is on my tv talking about flu deaths. He asked the reporter where she was from and she said CNN and he said fake news. f..kem
joel hanes
it is a strategy for losing and trying to pretend it’s not your fault.
It is a strategy to burn down the existing party.
Which is one of their main goals.
@Orange Is The New White:
Bet I could get a 3/4 empty flight to Glasgow for peanuts right now.
Speaking of odd dreadfellows, Boeing has plenty of time to fix the MAX now, since those planes aren’t in such demand.
For fish sandwiches, best place is Culver’s.
Now he’s moved on to old people die of the common flu also. Time to turn off the tv.
@Nicole: One of my boyfriends during freshman year of college had worked at Arby’s in high school. He got so tired of people asking what was in the special sauce, so one day when some girl asked, he told he the secret ingredient was horse semen.
Funny thing is, I don’t recall the end of the story. I think if he’d been fired I would remember it though.
It seems like a dumb strategy even without that. The entire point of a convention is to have ballots until someone gets a majority. If your strategy is “we’re going to have the most delegates but put no effort into appealing to supporters of anyone else,” that’s not a path to a majority. It is a path to claiming the “Establishment” stole it from you because, surprise, surprise, the people who get elected to serve as delegates for every other candidate are likely to be Democratic Party activists and officials.
I really hate this about them.
They’d kill a good plan, because it didn’t meet their standard for perfection.
Edit: And smear the Democrats in office for failure for not doing what they wanted them to do, with no credit for any progress the Democratic law has made in people’s lives.
Orange Is The New White
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: As I told my wife, it was absolutely indistinguishable from a “real” Whopper. As far as rating it on the burger scale, it’s well below what my local pub can do, hangs with most every fast-food burger (you REALLY can’t tell the difference) save for Five Guys and McDonalds.
Five Guys is slightly better than the Impossible. The Impossible beats the shit out of anything from McDonalds. I don’t know what those fuckers do to their meat, but they really are the utter bottom of the barrel (I think that might be a lot more literal than anyone would hope) for fast food. They should just wholesale replace all of their burgers with Impossibles, their reputation would go through the roof overnight.
Still good fries, though. Sadly, that’s all they have left.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: We’ve been using impossible burger at home in spaghetti sauces, etc. Nobody can tell.
Why put fish in a sandwich? The best accompaniment for fried fish is rice or chappatis. God I wish I was in Mumbai or Goa.
Tim Weston
I wish there were a way to measure the “exhausted vote” because honestly, I’m counting on it.
@Tom Q: I should note, there’s 3.4 million CA votes left to count.
I don’t know how different they may be from the same day votes, but the delegates could swing quite a lot with that many out.
@JPL: Old people are like his main constituency. I know it would take a lot to make them vote for the Democrat, but damn, if some of them might decide it’s too risky to go to one’s polling place on election day to support someone who doesn’t care if they die.
@VeniceRiley: Do two fried eggs with bean salsa and avocado and a bit of tobasco. Some cheese melted on top. Seeded bread, naan, or if experimental then grind up some zucchini and blend it with flax meal, hemp seed and just let it bake with flour, baking soda, baking flour and salt. Coriander is good for getting the stupid orange turnip out of one’s head and then eat it. After that ou are on your own:)
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Keep hearing good things about it. We also have a Fatburger that serve them up.
Not sure about the sodium count. I thought it was higher than in a regular burger.
Oh goody.
@Betty Cracker:
Malt vinegar ROCKS! There’s almost no other use for it, so you gotta hit it hard when the fish and chips roll around!! ;)
@WaterGirl: Maybe he came up with that because he know about the drug Premarin (PREgnant MAre uRINe), which is made from pregnant horse urine.
Mary G
SXSW cancelled.
WaPo saysThe administration may have finally done something right:
Of course, China may not have enough to export.
@David Merry Christmas Koch
If it ain’t meat it ain’t a burger, it’s a patty.
Ah haz spoken.
John, if I could get you a still hothot f sandwich, I would.?
Think a lot of us feel exactly the same. Snuggle in with your crew and take your nap.
@Orange Is The New White:
Impossible whopper is just as good as a whopper problem is that’s a pretty low bar.
If In-and-out can make a vegetarian burger indistinguishable from their meat burgers I’ll swear off meat.
Their path was to use the threat of Trump’s second term to short circuit the delegate lobbying process, with the leverage being to their righteous entitlement as the plurality winner.
In fairness to Bernie and Co (gag) with the huge field we had for so long, it seemed plausible to many that we’d get to the convention, and no one would have more than 25-30% of the delegates.
BUT…you’re absolutely right that it is not a good strategy, nor one that helps the Dems in general. I think Shouty Man just thought he’d show up and shout the loudest about it, and be handed the nomination (as opposed to, say, actually building bridges and winning over the vast majority that are outside his base)
How very…trumpian.
@Mary G:
How very generous of them. Over/under on minutes elapsed before Ivanka gets idea to import Ivanka Trump Brand Surgical and Medical Gowns ™?
She’s a bright bunny: 23 minutes is the over/under.
@WaterGirl: That’s really funny. I probably would have said, “Ew!” and then eaten it anyway because that’s good sauce.
Oh, man, I need to see if Nihilist Arby’s has posted anything recently on Twitter. I love that feed.
@gene108: On the subject of Sanders supporters and how they view the world, Martin Longman has an interesting and alarming piece:
@Orange Is The New White: The only reason to hit a McDonalds, ever, is to grab something super-quickly when there are no other options around. 9 times out of 10, they at least get the speed and accuracy right.
Wendy’s drive-throughs are just uniformly horrible and slow. I don’t know what it is, but they’re frustrating everywhere.
Lessons from Kirkland. Important read.
Takeaway – there was no communication regarding what was happening at Life Care Center. Staff at the facility didn’t know that residents were infected. Paramedics didn’t know. Families didn’t know.
Public health issues are exempt from HIPAA and other privacy policies like FERPA. Organizations absolutely can announce when individuals contract nCoV, by name. It feels wrong and invasive, but it’s necessary. My county is trying to track down people who may have been in contact with a person who tested positive, but they won’t release the name. They’re undermining their own efforts.
Communication is key, and it’s utterly, utterly lacking. Outbreaks require informing people of risks and relying on them to take appropriate measures. If you tell me Steve tested positive, and I had a meeting with Steve, I’ll self quarantine. I’ll also tell you everyone else who was at that meeting and anything else I know about Steves movements, and probably even offer to help notify others. But if you say nothing because you’re afraid to panic people, or because you don’t want to violate Steves privacy, well, I’m just going to spread it.
My leadership fears panicking people. It’s probably too late for that. They fear preventative steps will be seen as overreacting. This is what national leadership does for us. If the President takes that hit, and does something bold, it clears space for lower-level people to act. It no longer feels like an overreaction. It’s no longer me saying ‘you need to act now’ and risking panic.
@Morzer: The young people that he has attracted believe in magical thinking. He is their pied piper.
Actually the best reason to hit McDonalds is when you just want hot coffee. Their drip coffee is about 5x better than Starbucks and 3x cheaper. If I’m out early in the morning, I’ll sometimes swing through for a hot coffee and baked apple pie for breakfast. That’s they only time I ever go to McDonalds.
Tom Q
@Martin: I think general expectation is that, like all across the country Tuesday, the later vote (including mail-ins) is likely to be less Bernie/more Biden than that already counted, so his delegate margin in the state is apt to shrink further. In any case, it’ll not come close to the expectation they had only a week ago.
Push a mild plurality to a contested convention and broker a win there, that gets you to at least a 50-50 chance in November (and better than even if the economy tanks and it just might).
If I were a consultant looking to get hired, I could push that strategy with a straight face.
Mind you, it doesn’t account for alienating a majority of your nominal party, nor that policies that only appealed to the non-moderate activists of the party might not appeal to moderates in the general. But it’s not completely irrational.
Would be a lot more plausible for a charismatic centrist candidate though.
@Morzer: If you’re having trouble getting people to buy into the solution, make the problem bigger.
If you believe socialism is the solution, a vote for Trump makes sense. Need to burn off the overgrowth before you can plant.
@Kent: Egg mcmuffin and coffee is a pretty decent breakfast. That’s what I get at McDonalds.
@Morzer: The real question is how man of these young “Democratic Socialist” dihards live in WI, PA, and MI. I’m guessing not many. And fewer still of them will actually follow through and not vote in the general. Events have a way of overtaking this sort of posturing.
We have always had these sorts of “cranks” out there. They usually only seem to make a real difference when the stakes seem lower or unknown, AND when there is a notable 3rd party on the ballot to vote for in Nader or Stein as is 2000 and 2016. Yes, the stakes were ENORMOUS in 2000 and 2016, but that wasn’t how those races were being portrayed in the media to the inattentive. I doubt we will get any serious stories in 2020 about there being no real difference between Biden and Trump.
And their solution is to stay home? No, I don’t get it
I had a TA when I was in college who was really politically active, along with his wife. He was a Green Party member before it became a total joke (and I know it is still a viable party in some places, just not in Virginia). Anyway, he tried to convince NOW (of which I was a member) to endorse their candidate. NOW, of course, really wanted to to make change and didn’t want to get stuck in a blind alley with non-viable candidates. He went on at length about all the areas we were in agreement on. And yes, I do think it would be good to have a third or fourth or fifth party and more coalition oriented politics, but in the here and now, it just seems like all it does is give power to people who want to take us backwards.
Tom Q
@Morzer: I’ll be perfectly happy if disciples of Sanders work at the grass roots and eventually move the country leftward enough to make some of their lofty goals reachable. There’s a decent chance that happens as US demographics shift — the most loyal GOP voters are old and dying off, and younger Democrats (who dominate the under-30 vote) are substantially more liberal than their elders.
But meantime, defeating Trump is essential to saving basic institutions in the country like the rule of law. The people in this article reek of Susan Sarandon-ism — they know THEY’RE not going to be thrown into camps or targeted for harassment, so they can hold out for their pet issues. (And, while I believe the burden of student loan debt — the highly inflated cost of college — is a significant issue, it is one that predominantly affects white middle-class folk, more than minorities/working class.)
@Martin: Disaster socialism as the response to crony capitalism. Worked well for Lenin – not so much for anyone else.
@Barbara: Their solution is apparently to organize their own leftist party and hand the GOP more wins.
Captain C
Heighten the contradictions, but on someone other than me.
Captain C
“Hold my beer and watch this.” — the FTFNYT political department
@Barbara: it’s ok they are stupid and their numbers are small…
WV Blondie
@Gravenstone: Actually there’s a sports restaurant chain (Buffalo Wild Wings) that actually targets men who have had vasectomies! They have special “jewel stools!”
Fans of Liz Warren (don’t be shy!) might enjoy this piece by Kerry Howley:
@Immanentize: Catching up with the days reading myself; I’m sorry that you and Immp won’t be going on your trip. That really really sucks. I want to be happy that hopefully a fair number of us get a chance to meet up, but at the same time I know how much you two were looking forward to this.
First rounds on me.
Miss Bianca
Dammit Cole, you made *me* go out and get a fish sandwich!
@germy: Mehdi Hassan is a known BS bro. This is guilt by association. Given the number of progeny of well off upper caste Indian Americans supporting the BS campaign I wouldn’t be surprised if BS also has people with Modi connections.
Guys the Russian led smearing of Joe Biden has begun. BS wants to burn the Democratic party to the ground becoming President is secondary.
Amir Khalid
Getting the 737 MAX fixed has become something of a moving target. I’ve been following the matter on some aviation YouTube channels. They keep finding new problems, not just with the MAX itself but also with Boeing.
A bazillion times yes! There’s a reason my TV only comes on for movies and baseball.
I had forgot how determined Putin is to help Trump by pushing Bernie.
A Ghost To Most
Fuck Friday fish frys. That is where all the bible-humpers hang out.
@kjsbrooklyn: Dinner – time to buy some peppers.
West of the Cascades
@Morzer: Thank you for this. I’m working up to “We have always been at war with Eastasia,” to wit, “I have always supported Joe Biden and think he’s an outstanding candidate for the Democratic nomination and I’m excited to support him for President.”
Unless Sanders does well next Tuesday, in which case I will always have supported Sanders and think he’s an outstanding candidate etc.
Eric K
@kjsbrooklyn: yeah, Fish Tacos are a way better option
The Fat Kate Middleton
@Baud: We had lunch with Biden’s wife recently. She said he attends Mass daily.
@schrodingers_cat: Mehdi Hassan works for The Intercept. So he’s likely receiving his bullet points straight from Moscow.
But is that because they are Indians? Or because they are tech-bros?
What a lot of people want is like John, not to worry every minute of every day what this asshole president, who is too stupid to be able to do the very minutest thing without fucking it up and making life far worse for everyone, including himself, is going to do or say next.
It’s exhausting, it’s scary, it’s fucking insane to have to live this way.
And what’s worse is that a far too large segment of the population thinks it’s about time that someone like him got to be president so he could “fix” shit.
Another Scott
That’s just crazy-talk!!1
Thanks for the pointer.
Omnes Omnibus
I just had a fish sandwich.
Another Scott
But all you really need to survive is food, water, and shelter.
What you said. Thank you for saying it. I will miss Elizabeth, but at least the final two choices are decent men- hoping for Joe – and that will have to be enough this time.
@Baud: YES!!
IMHO the problem is ‘simple’ – Pussygrabbin’ Don has been front page news pretty much every day since 2014 or so. Why, pray tell? Does it/he sell papers? Newscasts? Commercials for Depends? I dunno but it sure gets him billion$ of free publicity. Would that any mainstream news source give us a Pussygrabbin’ Don-free week, I for one would tune in! (& I otherwise hate teevee news…)