Illinois, Florida, and Arizona. Biden has a BIG early lead in Florida – 61% to 23% for Bernie, according to the New York Times.
Have at it!
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Illinois, Florida, and Arizona. Biden has a BIG early lead in Florida – 61% to 23% for Bernie, according to the New York Times.
Have at it!
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MSNBC just called Florida for Biden.
Officially, Bartow (FL) Public Library will close for thirty days due to the current Coronavirus crisis. We will attempt to provide various online resources through our databases and those of Polk County Library Cooperative. We will make arrangement regarding materials currently checked out so that no fines shall accrue during these days.
Bernie will never drop out.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
thanks Cheryl
Illinois non-college whites going two-to-one for Biden after having gone two-to-one for Bernie against HRC. It’s almost as if…
ETA: Kornacki warning that exit polls less reliable than usual since they’ve gone from on-the-ground to phone polling
I am still hoping they called Florida for Gore.
Kornacki shaved his arms?
Y’all catching the free Dropkick Murphys concert from Boston? Livestreaming here.
Listen to them and watch the election results without sound.
Projection CNN: Joe Biden winner in Florida. Illinois too early to call. Biden has won 17 states, and I’m betting by the end of the night it’ll be 19
James E Powell
I’m right there with you. Forever angry.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Moderate white guy > socialist white guy > woman.
@lamh36: Wait, 2.25 million in the middle of a pandemic? Holy shit.
Oldest county in America…Bernie polling at 9%…wow. Also those same older voters Bernie comm folks were trying to scare…voted in large numbers, but they voted early and absentee. So the Bernie comm scare tactic backfired!!!
What tactic?
@lamh36: Yet. another data point for implementing vote by mail.
@MisterForkbeard: early voting/absentee voting in bigger than the in person voting and high turnout from last time
Telling older people not to vote because it was “scary”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I think exit polls should be jettisoned immediately. Personal agendas have destroyed reliability. Unless the pollster can poke voters with a cattle prod to ensure they’re giving honest answers, there’s really no point to them anymore.
Oh that’s gonna backfire.
@Baud: He will run in 2024 too.
Rachel, ever the Bernier apologist, tried to say voter turn out was low? Kornacki corrected her and said nope, turnout was higher than 2016 due to the large number of folks who voted absentee/early
I know what this line means, but my stress levels must be getting to me because I just about had a heart attack reading it because I had to read it twice to figure out that Sanders had 23%. I was worried all day that the calls for people to stay home were going to play havoc with voting, so apparently my brain wanted one last jump-scare.
I hope the DNC declares that there will be no more debates. Why should the party give Bernie free advertising for no good reason?
Biden has collected more than 50% of the 1991 delegates needed as of now.
At some point soon, Biden just starts to ignore him and go into general election mode. Treat him like Tulsi who is apparently still in the race. Let the surrogates start mocking Bernie subtly. Bernie can keep running all he wants, but if Biden is ignoring him and talking like the presumptive nominee it is going to get old really soon. Bernie only gets attention if we give him attention. Otherwise he becomes Tulsi or Deval Patrick.
Cook reports calling Illinois for Biden, but no nets yet
To be fair, President Biden will have been worse than Trump.
Isn’t there anyone in Sanders’ camp with the guts to be Eddie Futch and throw in the towel? It’s meaningless now and all it does is expose an old man with a record of honorable public service to health risks and ridicule and hatred. I have never supported Sanders, I know he would be a terrible President and a disastrous general election candidate, but he deserves better than what he’s headed for.
Me too. Shift to GE mode. Too much happening to worry about Bernie. We saw on Super Tuesday that the majority of our people know what to do.
FOX is projecting Biden in Illinois.
@Elizabelle: Fuckin-A! Just like being home again. Thanks!
A sad, weak attempt at apology. Biden’s lead appears to be too great for “low turnout” to be a factor.
@Baud: Bernie comm online and across social media were trying to claim Biden camp was telling folks to vote in jeopardy of their health. Saying Biden was should have told folks not to vote or something.
But guess what…in person voting may be lower, but the absentee/early voting in surpassing 2016 levels including total turnout!
It backfired. The older voters just voted early and absentee. Guess who DIDN’T…young voters. Instead, many of them came for the spring break, but NOT to vote.
@lamh36: We must be watching different shows. I saw Maddow ask if turn out was low because of corona virus issues not because she’s a Sanders supporter.
it was a perfectly valid question. The same issue will come up with IL, and I bet turnout there is lower because no vote by mail.
@PaulWartenberg: You are far from alone in that!
At least his winning the ideological primary.
Thank you. I’d never heard of him; interesting career.
At the end of the results today, the primary should be concluded by the DNC (public safety). Yeah, shouts of “rigged” etc, will blare from the usual suspects, but fuck them (and they would have claimed such regardless). Time to gear up and move forward. Bernie has his platform of influence and continuing on “just in case something happens to Biden” is a fucked up philosophy.
No more debates, no more acknowledgement of Sanders, let him bray and howl into the background noise. It would be nice (and still possible) if Bernie does this himself, but, yeah, that won’t happen. Bernie can not-quietly go back to being a not-Democrat for the next three years
Mo Salad
Time for Joe to dangle one last big ass carrot to Bernie. Then, if Bernie doesn’t drop out in the next 24 hours, Joe (or a surrogate) starts accusing Bernie of risking thousands of lives by extending campaign activities and voting past tonight on a hopeless vanity run.
Sanders schooled in the lesson that in Florida votes are not Castro convertible.
@JMG: Beats me. Sanders is more of an ideologue than a politician. You combine that with the way a presidential run with mass rallies can twist a candidate’s brain & I don’t know what it’ll take to get him to step aside.
@pattonbt: Each state has to pick its own delegates for the convention. Every primary must play out.
Sister Golden Bear
@Baud: “It’s only a flesh wound”….
@Marcopolo: Maddow has consistently erred on the side of spin for Sanders, even when the numbers don’t show it.
She did the same last Super Tuesday with Black voters, and Lawrence O’Donnell told her about a poll of Black voters, the only one done in the field primarily on Black voters, and it showed that almost the same numbers that Biden got in the poll, he also got in those states large Black voter populations.
Her go to is to err on the spin side for Sanders. She not as bad as Chris Hayes or Kornacki can be, but she has done it consistently
@Mo Salad:
Won’t happen, but I’d like to see Warren say something, or endorse Biden.
Bernie and Liz = Calvin and Hobbes. Calvin wished for a rocket ship. Hobbes wished for a sandwich. Hobbes got his wish.
Has either party started contingency planning for the nominating conventions yet? I’m trying to imagine how they’d look without the thousands of delegates shouting, the dozens of speeches by top party officials, and the hundreds of journalists trying to find something new to say.
Actually, it’s a pretty good look…
@lamh36: Rachel has been backing Warren above anyone this cycle.
Mo Salad
@planetjanet: One remaining candidate, far fewer players, a/k/a vectors at this point.
@Marcopolo: moving his senate chair to the men’s room?
A Ghost to Most
@lamh36: Her go-to is to talk too much. I got tired of her 20 minute windups. Cut to the chase already.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: you’d unleash all the motherfucking snakes on motherfucking twitter
@lamh36: I don’t see how that’s spin for Sanders. A lot of us now look at black voters as the key to Democratic victory. High black vote for Biden is good spin for Democrats, not an excuse for Bernie.
Tribune headline:
@A Ghost to Most:
Martin likes her 20 minute windups because it helps Ms Martin, not a follower of politics, understand this stuff.
@Martin: Correct, once it became evident that Warren was not viable, and round the time MSNBC memo about going easier on Bernie was reported, many of the more pro-Bernie spin became more prominent.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
by my read she’s less Bernie-sympathetic than O’Donnell, who’s just a weird dude in a lot of ways.
I wonder if they’ll drag Michael Moore out of whatever bunker of emo he’s been in since Michigan
Repeatedly getting crushed is hurting Bernie’s own cause. It gets harder and harder to argue that his positions should be included if they are being rejected so heavily primary after primary. He should get out now while there is still some validity to arguing Biden needs to take more of his planks (like Biden agreeing to take Warren’s bankruptcy reforms).
If he keeps going and after 2016, no, he won’t deserve better.
@Marcopolo: Illinois has vote by mail.
Aren’t we supposed to treat Bernie and his supporters like little lambs until Warren decides to endorse someone, or something like that?
ETA: Putin didn’t get his money’s worth in his attempt to prop Bernie up.
@L85NJGT: Guess I missed when IL started doing vote by mail. I thought they were still like MO where you can request an absentee or vote early absentee but you need to give a reason.
Anyone from IL on tonight? is the vote by mail change a result of Pritzker becoming Governor in 2018?
Anyway, I’m not getting bogged down a rabbit hole over Maddow criticism…I understand for some she’s a sacred cow though so…moving on.
Biden beating Bernie by over 400,000 votes in Florida right now! Wow!
They could do all kinds of things virtually. A lot of the virtual learning online stuff has interactive voting capacities. They could also have small conventions in each state that network in. Lots of creative things they could do. Especially if there is no suspense on who the nominee is so they are really only voting on more minor platform planks and such. TV will still cover all the big speeches even if they are given from studios.
NPR calling Illinois for Biden
@lamh36: I don’t know, Maddow seems to pretty regularly ask the question of how Bernie wins the general if young people don’t actually vote. She’s also brought out the ‘how do you win Florida after the Castro thing’ not just for the primary but also for the general because we have to win Florida.
She seems pretty evenhanded overall now that Warren isn’t her daily interview (which I personally didn’t mind).
@Bex: Another case of me learning things from the blog :).
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Marcopolo: one thing that I don’t get: I read today that ballots have to be post-marked by today? if that’s right, there won’t be a final count by at least a week, I’d imagin
ETA: @Martin: also, I at least compare it to Hayes’ absolute infatuation with Bernie, giving some real assholes a bigger platform than they merit to say things he wants to hear about a campaign that was already over
A Ghost to Most
@Martin: My wife doesn’t follow as close as me, and she thinks Maddow can’t get to the point either. No biggie. Big Bang Theory is on then.
@Marcopolo: I am from IL. I think it must be fairly recent, because I didn’t know we could do that. But it’s available in every county.
@Kent: Dems are looking at doing a virtual convention. One positive…no opportunity for Sanders supporters to be jerks & disrupt things.
I’ve seen people online point out that older voters don’t see Bernie as a nice old grandpa who will take care of them. They see him as a peer, and they’re not impressed.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Well that’s always going to be an issue with VBM. In CA in 2018 they didn’t declare winners in some of the congressional races until three weeks after Election Day—which was actually kind of cool if you were patient.
Yep. Just unplug their motherfucking feeds if they act up. Let them rage-tweet into the ether instead.
@Mnemosyne: man he’s just an SDS punk in a decrepit body
@Mnemosyne: I am not impressed by him either. He is older than my parents but not quite grandparents age.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Bernie has lost 18 consecutive primaries.
He lost 10 on Super Tuesday
He lost 5 last week
He’ll lose 3 tonight.
It’s likely he’ll lose EVERY county in Florida, Illinois, and Arizona. He already lost every county in Michigan, Missouri, and Mississippi.
There’s no path to win the nomination. By prolonging the campaign he is only exposing voters and campaign workers to a deadly virus. How many people will Bernie kill for Socialism.
@WaterGirl: Must have been one of the results of getting the Dem trifecta in 2018. I’m usually aware of what happens in IL cause it’s just across the river but I missed it.
now, let’s all hope Newman ousts Lipinski in the IL-03 primary.
Good point. At some point, Sanders needs to get with the program to defeat Trump, more than he needs to fan his own ego.
totally off-topic but was just listening to my brother-in-law on the phone who is a top investment manager with one of the biggest banks in Europe.
He predicts that this crisis is going to launch the Chinese decade (or Century) just like WW2 launched the American century. China all but has this virus licked. They have almost no new cases and know how to nip any new outbreaks in the bud. He projects that Chinese industry is going to ramp up to light speed very soon and start producing every single thing that North America and Europe can no longer do on account of our quarantines. The container ships are going to start rolling in with everything Chinese. They have enormous production capacity and can build new factories overnight. Once those markets are lost to US and Euro producers they will be tremendously hard to claw back.
Someone else probably jumped in, but IL has pretty extensive early voting. My brother in law voted last week and got it over with.
@Mnemosyne: I can see that, I mean..
Awwwwww awwwwww aaawwwwwww ☹️ fuck ‘im.
Putin is perhaps more focused on throwing up temporary Corvid hospitals. For a population that is having troubling living past 60 in any event, and smokes, like chimneys.
@Marcopolo: Will cross my fingers on that. We would like to oust some folks downstate (central illinois) as well.
So in the relatively low turnout 2016 primary, Sanders still lost handily.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
except that in the deepest heart of BernieWorld, and I suspect in his own mind, losing just proves that he’s right. Something something Establishment something something corporate wing something we’ve won the ideological debate!
@Kent: They can ramp up all they like, but if everyone here and in Europe can’t leave their house, it won’t do much good.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yeah, Hayes has drunk the kool-aid. The TV goes to TCM when he has Michael Moore, who I think is insufferable, on.
Which is too bad cause the live Friday shows he was doing (assume they are over for now) were fun to watch.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I think Bernie’s chief concern is fundraising.
@Marcopolo: Chris was great on the weekends when he had time to let the story develop a bit before he got it.
@WaterGirl: I’m actually afraid the better Biden does the better Lipinski might do.
Fired up! Ready to go!
Now NYT calling Illinois for Biden, nets still calling it too close to call.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: As many as it takes comrade.
AP calling Illinois for Biden
According to MSNBC, turnout seems down in Illinois, which has less early voting. Biden still dominating.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Marcopolo: oh, that race had fallen off my radar today. I wonder when that’ll be called. As I recall is was very close in ’16?
Bernie won’t be speaking tonight.
People are still going to buy shit. and FedEx/UPS are going nuts. People just aren’t going out to spend money. Once the quarantines start to fall, pent-up buying is going to start up fast. Who’s going to have all that stuff ready to sell?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Lipinski eeked our a win over Newman cause there were 4 or 5 candidates running against him & they split the vote.
I don’t think there are that many folks on the ballot today, though Lipinski did recruit at least one other person to run as a progressive.
Bernie thinks NY will turn it around for him.
Also, Propane Jane thinks we could swing Texas to Biden if we play our cards right. Lots of white suburban Trump-haters ready to join hands and go back to something approaching normalcy, allegedly.
I could see that, but in the form of a special shouting pacemaker placed on a stool.
@Kent: We’ll still have high-speed pizza delivery.
(Hat tip to Bruce Sterling, IIRC.)
Our damn 401ks are on fire, if that’s not enough to poison the Trump well, nothing is.
The school year?
@Mnemosyne: I mean I could see that, just to get rid of Chump. But I suspect once they get rid of Trump, they’ll go back to what they know…and that’s GOP.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mnemosyne: no question in my mind Biden broadens the EC path, but I’d rather focus on FL, NC and AZ– maybe IA and OH– than chase TX
ETA: also, has Iowa picked a Dem nominee for the Senate race? That wasn’t part of the caucus process?
I don’t think Maddow is all that big on Bernie herself, but I do think she’s gone overboard in trying to be “fair” to him. The intensity of his online support spooks people who should know better, especially now that it’s clear voters don’t want him.
As I look at the results over all these states, he’s routinely at about 30-33%. It’s remarkably consistent. And as we all know, he can’t catch up to Biden unless there are a bunch of states where he’s double that.
What’s the correct media attitude toward someone with no chance of winning but who enjoys undying devotion from a big fraction of the eventual November electorate? They can’t pretend he’s a serious candidate for the nomination. They can’t ignore him. Treat him like a wise elder? I.e., with grave respect but no questions, ever, about the primary race?
The pizza drones are coming.
@Baud: usually Aug to May
@Kent: Well, I guess that depends on whether we learn from China & start doing temp testing for folks when they go to the grocery store or bank or pharmacy. If we get the testing regimen down people will be able to go out & start participating in more regular shopping at some point.
@Kent: American pizza drones.
As long as he’s criticizing Democrats, fluff him.
@hitchhiker: This. I watch Maddow from time to time and haven’t personally caught her in any egregious Bernie-fluffing. But she is meticulously fair-minded. Which may be it’s own version of slanted if there is no longer any reason to be “fair” or pay real attention to Bernie. It just prolongs the inevitable.
@Kent: Depends on the product, tech products…probably not.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@delk: Even he’s not that dumb. NY is a closed primary that he lost by 16 points. The slaughter will be worse this time because of the absence of the Hillary Haters.
I don’t think there are any American-made drones. DJI is from Shenzhen, China. Well, the big military drones are made by US military contractors like Boeing and Lockheed Martin. But I don’t think pizzas are going to be delivered by predator drones.
Chyron HR
I look forward to him whining that five years wasn’t enough lead time to register his supporters in NY to vote in the primary.
@Kent: You underestimate the severity of our dystopian future.
Yeah, I don’t trust more than a few of them to stay, but I’ll take the help for as long as we can get it. I just wouldn’t build any hopes and dreams on them staying.
The youngsters are loosing their jobs. The oldsters are loosing their retirements. Who’s left to be happy with Trump other than perhaps the fundies who are into plagues. I’m getting facebook posts of highlighted bible verses from some of my fundie relatives.
She does fall for the bullshit paradigm that Warren and Sanders are the ‘progressive wing of the party’. They’re not. Warren’s supporters didn’t go to Sanders when she conceded. Yeah, they’re strongly progressive, but progressive/moderate just is not where any major split in the party goes. The biggest split is ‘eat the rich’ vs ‘get shit done’ and Sanders always owned the former, while the latter hates him.
@hitchhiker: I think this is right.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: So don’t forget those three states we lost in 2018: WI, PA and MI.
John Revolta
@lamh36: That’s interesting about Oklahoma. I wonder if a lot of the Dems there just moved the hell out since ’16?
@Mnemosyne: Never mind my last reply. I see TX turnout doesn’t match OK.
It’s not MY estimates. I’m just relaying the info that there are big money folks who think China is going to come out of this winning big over the long-term. And it makes logical sense. They have almost no new coronavirus cases. If they keep their borders locked down they can almost get back to normal while the rest of use are mired in Trump’s dystopia.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Frankensteinbeck: I’ve been really annoyed in the last couple of months how the definition of “progressive” has been narrowed– here and in the broader discourse– to a few slogans and maximalist policies
ETA @Marcopolo: Yeah, I think Wisconsin might be one of the toughest races in the countr
God bless Ben Walker
I mean, I’m an atheist, so FWIW, but… best wishes to him.
Oklahoma is basically Texas without the big cities or diversity. Not surprising that it is getting redder.
@Kent: Um, my comment was in response to you saying we won’t need predator drones to deliver pizzas. I’m saying maybe we will. /s
@lamh36: I don’t watch MSNBC that much, I only catch it the shows on youtube but the odd times I’ve watched live, I don’t see Rachel as a Bernie supporter or even Bernie curious. I find her even-handed with all the candidates, except maybe Elizebeth Warren. Chris Hayes is the resident Bernie supporter. He doesn’t even hide it.
Mary G
I’m happy that Twitler is only at 93.8% in the Florida Republican primary. Weld has 3.2% and Walsh 2.0% despite having dropped out.
Pretty soon all the Republicans in Congress will be in self quarantine!
@hitchhiker: What’s the correct media attitude toward someone with no chance of winning but who enjoys undying devotion from a big fraction of the eventual November electorate?
Offer him his own show if he’ll withdraw?
I just wanna win. One electoral vote is enough to own the entire executive branch as the GOP has shown us.
But yes, lock down WI, MI, and PA, and then go for NC, AZ, GA, FL and then maybe OH and TX.
Can’t remember who said it But politicians who rely on the youth vote or Texas turning blue are also known as “losers”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m not sure who your thinking of, but that sounds a lot like Rick Wilson
@Kent: Also, what about Africa and South America? I thought I heard about India and China pushing hard into those markets? Production isn’t limited to consumer goods…
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Think you mean Ben Wikler.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Looking at the calendar, this is the last big primary night until April 28.
Puerto Rico has a primary in 12 days. A week later there is a primary in Hawaii and Alaska (and maybe Wyoming). A couple of days later, Wisconsin has their primary.
But the next big night is six weeks away when Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island vote.
Got it!!! Funny. How do you do smilies here?
Tom Levenson
@Ken: Neal Stephenson. Snow Crash. The Deliverator, aka Hiro Protagonist.
@lamh36: What are Congress’ rules for voting? Do they still require physical presence? I’ve seen stories about members having to leave meetings to go to the chamber for a vote.
Hungry Joe
My Bernie Bros relatives have informed me that, once again, the voting was rigged: Nobody is for Biden except the DNC, the corporations, and the Deep State. The voting machines were hacked, the computers that count papers ballots were hacked, the poll workers are stooges.
The COVID-19 pandemic brings good news for George RR Martin fans:
The link in the tweet is to a report in Entertainment Weekly that Martin is isolating at home & writing furiously.
Mary G
I wish I thought Bernie is smart enough to do this.
They are likely to get hit harder than we are by coronavirus. Big festering slums with no ability to socially-distance coupled with completely inadequate public health systems. They will be buying cheap Chinese stuff too as their economies start to recover. And to the extent that we are talking about natural resources, Chinese companies will be buying them up. US companies aren’t going to be nimble enough after the battering they are taking.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Sh*t. Rusty’s take was so rational, and you had to go spoil it with reality. Just gonna go bang my head against the keyboard.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: TX here. Yes. Sad to say, but I don’t think we’re in play until we ungerrymander ourselves.
@Kent: I expect we’ll see the sales of non-essentials decline pretty quick, what with the layoffs of so much retail. I think Covid will be a lead weight for a year – 18 months. Until vaccines are widespread. Car sales in China collapsed, let’s see ours for 2nd quarter.
They have to be physically present. But they can also change their own rules. They aren’t locked into the constitution. The could easily do dial-in voting from their own offices.
@Tom Levenson: Thanks. I often confuse Sterling and Stephenson.
MSNBC finally calling Illinois for Biden.
CNN still clinging to too close to call
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Would it be wrong to hope he shared a dessert with Chuck Grassley? Or Lindsey Graham? asking for a mean friend
@Ken: As of right now they have to be physically present to vote. I’m thinking that will change now, but a lot of MoC are stubborn, technologically illiterate old people so we’ll see.
Per CNN, Sanders and co worry about what happens to their “movement” if he gets out.
Oh please, the movement never was. The movement was an anti-Clinton movement that folks credited to a “Feel the Bern” movement. It was a movement that never really was…
Or decided to stay in, to deny Biden the nomination in exchange for concessions
Mary G
You are right. Completely right. The question is who is going to be poised to take advantage of the recovery around the world? American and Euro companies who will be utterly crippled by this financially? Or state-supported Chinese companies with deeper pockets? We aren’t talking 2020 or 2021 quarterly sales. We are talking about the decade of the 2020s. When car production ramps back up, who’s going to be in the best financial position to re-tool and put new models on the market? GM or Chinese companies using Japanese designs?
WW2 ended in 1945 and it took a few years for Europe and Asia to get back on its feet. But when it did, Pittsburg and Detroit and all the US manufacturing hubs owned the world until at least the 1970s. No one else could catch up except for a few niche high-end products.
See, if they actually went and voted, they would have noticed that the polls have workers from both parties. Which is also the only counter-argument needed for claims of widespread in-person voter fraud.
@NotMax: I see what you did there ?
@John Revolta: I think the storms had a huge impact on voter turnout in Oklahoma.
CNN finally calling Illinois for Biden.
If Biden get Arizona too….that blows up Bernie’s “I’ve got edge with Hispanics” argument.
How’d that work for him in Texas which has more Hispanics than Arizona?
@Ken: All hail the Deliverator.
@Mary G: Newman winning would make the night for me. In normal times I’d probably even go get a pint of ice cream to celebrate.
John Revolta
@Kent: I think this is correct. OTOH, Mrs. Revolta’s first suspicion was some kind of repression, which, having seen pix of their meathead Gov. in a restaurant the other day, I wouldn’t rule out either.
A lot of them are also in the bullseye for coronavirus. They really going to want to be sitting in Senate chambers with young pages and such running about? Once a few of them take ill, shit is going to get real in a hurry.
Bernie demanding primaries is committing murder same as every kid on a crowed beach in Florida is.
Even Rachel said people’s health is up to Bernie.
@lamh36: Somebody tell the egomaniac that if he gets out the torch gets passed to a bunch of really amazing women, who are also younger.
@Hungry Joe:
I would like to see these people in a room with the Trumpers who think that the corona virus is a hoax designed to make Trump look bad.
I doubt it frankly. At least not deliberate. What would be the point? It’s a Dem primary so nothing to be gained. Of course the ordinary GOP impulse to make it harder to vote could be in full force. I just kind of doubt they really give that much of a shit to actually illegally fuck with the vote in a Dem primary.
The general election is a whole different story. But then if it is actually close in OK then were are already in total landslide territory and it wouldn’t matter anyway.
They probably are already in the same basement room in Petrograd.
@Tom Levenson: Still waiting for skateboards with nanobot wheels. And the ability to plaster something on another driver’s car window that lets you text insulting messages to them: priceless.
Mary G
O/T (NBC News) Senate didn’t pass coronavirus bill today because Rand Paul is being an asshole:
Moscow Mitch must be seeing some really bad polls if he wants to accept Nancy’s deal. Good.
Joe is speaking, but FUCK that lighting is horrible. Don’t they have people to do this right? It’s reflecting right off his forehead.
Hungry Joe
@Ken: “… workers from both parties,” you say? That’s what they tell you. That’s what they want you to believe. But those people are stooges … if they’re even people at all. See, the Deep State’s Android Project, begun in 1954 …
Okay, I’m exaggerating. But they really do think that the primaries are rigged, that its all a conspiracy. And they still insist that Biden will turn his delegates over to Bloomberg at the convention.
@Kent: Makes sense. Wonder how ugly that competition will get?
Also wondering how India will fare out of all this. Seems they have a lot of the same issues as far as pop density. And, like us, are saddled with a government of benighted reactionaries.
Mary G
@MisterForkbeard: early voting is more and more of Florida voting every election. I made a point of it this time because of the impending virus disaster. Black churches do it as a group the last Sunday before it ends. I suspect that’s why we didn’t think it matter much if the election went ahead. The majority had already voted.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
from the NYT
Is Darwish Lipinski’s ringer?
There is a hard-headness to the some of the Sanders supporters that is crazy. I made the mistake of watching CNN for a bit and there is a young lady that is there for Justice Dems and it’s kinda sad to see a representation of that hardheadness. The more seasoned folks on the panel have been really nice about it, but she’s absolutely not listening and in fact in being more argumentative to them than they are being to her.
Its frustrating to watch in real time.
My grandmother used to say “a hard head makes for a soft ass’…
@Mary G:
Why is this guy such a Trump stooge? What does it get him?
No Bernie speech tonight? What a sore loser. I’m going to get hammered when he makes his concession speech. It might be better than sex.
Not at all comparable. Europe and Asia were physically devastated, having done their damnedest to destroy each other’s factories. China also can’t retool on the massive scale you’re talking about and maintain its quarantine. Until a vaccine is secured, China is vulnerable to another outbreak at any moment, and might not be able to contain it this time.
John Revolta
@Anya: I forgot about this; had to look it up. While it may have had an effect, the storms were bad elsewhere as well, like TX, VA, and esp. TN, and Dem voting was still way up.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
that’s the form they tend to follow. I think it was SuperTuesday, Chris Hayes had Rob Reiner for Biden, O’Bro Jon Lovett for Unity and Coming Together (even though if you listen to the podcast he’s pretty heavily for Bernie in his heart) and some Bernista who kept interrupting the other guests, talking over them, called Biden senile. She was awful. Hayes did nothing to rein her in. “Where does this reputation for toxicity in the Sanders campaign come from?”
(I would like credit for taking the g out of rein. I was a really good speller till my mid-thirties.)
John Revolta
@Kent: Well if you’re fucking with Dem registration overall it would effect the primary now as well as the election in Nov.
Then again Mrs. Revolta could be said to have a bit of a suspicious nature…………. ;^)
@Kent: whose going to have money to spend? China is going to be competition virus or no but…I would not bet on this idea. Also no they don’t have it “licked”. Not till there is a vaccine.
we need Trump gone and lots of democrats elected. We’ll worry about China after.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: I’m in Rhode Island and the board of elections here has endorsed delaying the primary to June 2. Legislation or executive action would be needed to move it, but I’m guessing that will be coming soon. The next big primary night is probably even further off.
Mary G
@Brachiator: At home it got him assaulted, and I must say I feel more sympathy for his neighbor than I should.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
68.2% of the vote in and Newman is leading Lipinski 46.81 to 44.53
@Elizabelle: I watched it, and loved it! As I put up on FB, I finally got Mrs Fro and Fro Jr to a Dropkicks show. =)
@James E Powell: that was the second chapter of how I was “radicalized”…the first being the Clinton impeachment.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Think it’s Hughes. Lipinski is also appealing to R voters to cross over & vote for him.
Betty Cracker
Fantastic news:
@PsiFighter37: I’d say we’re too angry and bitter about this, but I absolutely will down a shot when Bernie concedes. Onto the general, fuckers. We’re taking the orange asshole down.
@Betty Cracker: yippee!
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Betty Cracker: Good riddance to bad rubbish!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker: Woo hoo!
Some of their politicians say that drinking cow urine will protect you from the virus. So guess.
@Baud: I voted after work. There was so much confusion with the moving of over 200 polling places, overnight, the place I went said they had only seen about 50 people all day – and it was 6:00 p.m. , only one hour before poll closing.
Jay Noble
The argument of “not exposing poll workers and voters” to end the Democratic Primaries is rather disingenous in that most of those primaries have down ballot races and issues that will still need to be voted on.
@Baud: Silly Baud. I mailed my ballot in today, so it won’t get counted until at least tomorrow. Patience grasshopper.
@Kent: seems like there’s something to that…for all its monstrous faults, China is at least not a failed state like the U.S.
@Kent: Europe was bombed to bits. That’s a bit more severe than having screwed around and not invested enough on infrastructure. They also had a pretty high casualty rate in their populations, higher than ours, including their brains. And then, America had a pretty solid financial system rebuilt after the Great Depression. We still have a bunch of this and frankly I don’t think China is as solid in this area. Of course we have been weakening ourselves in this regard so I want to hope we’ll wise up again here. We’ll see.
China is not inevitable.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I remember that one. She was rude and obnoxious. Everyone was trying to be nice and for unity but she kept going negative. I think she lost the audience because they kept applauding Rob Reiner and O’Bro (who is really a Bernie Bro without the toxicity).
@lamh36: Kansas already closed its PK-12 schools for the year.
Frankly, given how the next 60 days are likely to go, I can’t see any of them doing it, but I guess it takes time for the New Reality to set in.
Good time to propose an amendment to the requirements for running for president…and may the list be long, too.
Does anyone besides me think the huge upswing in turnout is because a lot of Republicans have switched party registration and are also voting for Biden? Not as ratfuckers, but as people who are appalled by Trump and want to make sure he’s beaten in November.
when will we hear about AZ?
J R in WV
I thought so earlier in the evening, but then I realized that these primary ballots aren’t just for the presidential races. There are state wide, district, county, and city races being decided on all these primaries.
So, Nope, can’t just cancel the rest of the elections because Bernie has lost to Joe Biden.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Please let Mnunchin NOT have passed it along to Nancy Smash during their recent negotiations. Please.
John Revolta
Mmmphh. I had to look up Illinois’ 3rd district and Goddamn, that is a masterpiece of the Gerrymanderers’ art.
From Associated Press: “Not only did Biden win Latinos in Florida, he got 65% of Puerto Ricans and 56% of Cubans, taking away a pillar of strength from Sanders.”
@Jay Noble: not many in Florida. My county had no other votes. I voted out principle, there were a very few city commissioners up on some city ballots.
@Betty Cracker:
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Great news!
@Frankensteinbeck: China can. That’s what China does. That’s why industry is there – not because of cheap labor, but because if you need a factory next Tuesday, they got you. Their critical skill is speed. What’s more, they still have a vast untapped labor pool that are more than happy to relocate across country and take a mind-numbingly boring factory job.
The opportunity for other nations, which it seems all but apparent we’re going to fail miserably, is that rather than bail out industries that contribute relatively little to the national economy, invest in the industries that give you a strategic benefit. So, we won’t boost the EV market, but we will bail out the shale companies and casinos and cruise lines. Move those jobs into industries with a brighter future, and which provides a strategic benefit.
The problem with that analysis is that it ignores the nature of the Chinese manufacturing establishment. They are, for the most part, contract assemblers who get paid cost plus. The big money inures to the folks who own the IP and the brands. Apple makes far more on every iPhone than Foxconn and all the component suppliers combined.
John Revolta
@CaseyL: One can hope.
@lamh36: I’ll second that! It wold be nice if Joe wins AZ. What is expected in AZ?
TaMara (HFG)
So much truth here:
@WaterGirl: Polls closed a 1/2 hour ago.
Universal vote by mail. Easy enough to do.
James E Powell
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
That would be good news, maybe even great news. Democrats need to be the emphatically pro-choice party.
John Revolta
I’m getting a sinking feeling that Bernie is gonna stay in this thing for at least another six weeks. He’s hooked on the rallies and the adulation just like Trumpf is.
@John Revolta:
Depends on how the money holds up.
@WaterGirl: I believe i read that it can be slow
@TaMara (HFG): I can only imagine how Rose Twitter and Bernie Bros are reacting to this.
@Gvg: It’s not really more severe. It seems that way, but it misses a key point – industrialized nations don’t add infrastructure – they replace it, which means you need to tear it down first – and that’s a lot harder than you think. Nobody misses a road they never had, but they do miss a road they’ve taken to work every day for the last 30 years.
That’s why we can’t do 18,000 miles of high speed rail like China. We need to cut through highways and communities, and eminent domain people’s homes. That wasn’t easy for the Chinese to endure, but they had so much less to tear down to get there than we do. It was all upside.
Look at the argument over single payer. Nobody is arguing that single payer is bad. They’re arguing that tearing down the current system is too risky – the healthcare their union negotiated, the doctor they like, and so on. Building a single payer system isn’t that hard. Tearing down a system that 88% of the US public relies on daily is really fucking hard.
In some ways, having someone else bomb it into dust is much easier. Ask any engineer how much harder a bridge replacement is than a new bridge. An earthquake makes their lives easier because they don’t have to make the case for getting rid of the old bridge, or having to detour for months.
If anyone in SoCal is wondering why they drop bridges and shut down freeways, this is why. It’s massively cheaper and faster to shut down the 405 for a day, drop the bridge completely, route everyone over a different bridge and then bulid as if there was never anything there. Half the cost and half the time than trying to do it while keeping traffic running.
What the bombing does is destroy more critical infrastructure that you need to build first, equipment, talent, etc. But the reason single payer is so common across Europe is whatever system they had before WWII that people probably hated but protected, was eliminated. There was no where to go but up. Nobody was worse off with single payer – it wasn’t possible.
@TaMara (HFG): I’m gonna @ lamh36 with that clip.
What rallies?
And if he keeps holding them, he’s definitely putting people at risk.
James E Powell
If he gets Cubans, isn’t that a major component of Republican victories? Florida Jackals, please advise & enlighten.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The Feb caucus was for the presidency; the primary for down-ticket races is in June. The DNC has been supporting Theresa Greenfield for Joni Ernst’s seat; I’m hoping Mike Franken will be the nominee.
Jay Noble
Ever so slightly unconstitutional
Probably like a bunch of whiny ass, butt hurt, titty baby assholes.
Mary G
@burnspbesq: That’s true, but that’s just a step on the industrialization rung, one that China is steadily moving past. There’s a number of industries now that China is the defacto global leader in both IP and design. They aren’t huge, but they are playing on that stage. One of the most prominent is that China is the global leader on EVs. By a mile. The only EV bus maker in the US is a Chinese subsidiary.
They struggled to meet the reliability, efficiency, and emissions levels of western automakers, and they’re getting there (China has higher fuel mileage standards than the US does – higher even than CARB agreed to with the Obama administration) but they can also simply skip that step and jump to EVs, get in there on the same standing as everyone else, and simply move faster and larger.
I agree that China is not inevitable, but neither is the US, and frankly China is working in an infinitely more strategic manner than the US is.
@John Revolta:
When’s the next rally? Three or four months from now? That might have some bearing on how things shake out.
@James E Powell: Biden got 56% of Cubans who voted in the Democratic primary. That might be 5 of 9.
Then again, I can think of one or two (hundred) Trump policies that might drive Cubans away from him.
@John Revolta: except thanks to Coronovirus prevention guidelines, no rallies!
@mrmoshpotato: Another day ending in ‘y’ then?
@Martin: seen it
@Mary G: Do they not have self-sealing envelopes and stamps in Kansas?
@dmsilev: Waaahhhh!!!!! Numbers are total losers that are rigged against Berrrrnie!!!
Berrrrrnie would’ve won if it weren’t for people voting for Biden! Waaahhhhh!!!!!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@stinger: thanks– from what I’ve seen, Franken is impressive
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I wonder if that hashtag is ironic
mad citizen
@Ken: Wait! What? Cuba is a state now? Miss a day, miss a lot :)
@Mary G: Kansas has a Democratic governor. MASSIVE difference when it comes to things like this.
terry chay
@Rusty: He will not. That’s a good thing as the viable positions have already been included and will be included via Warren.
Time for his (few) voters to learn there are consequences to defying the will of the people by staying in the race. Every primary will be a larger and larger Biden landslide, all
without him having to lift a finger or spend money.
@mad citizen: Cuban Americans living in Florida
Bernie sucked off Fidel’s ghost a few weeks ago.
@mad citizen: Cuban-Americans, in Florida. The original just called them “Cubans”, I was lazy. See how much more work I have made for myself.
As an example of how a nation can jump forward, 12 years after the US occupation of Japan, they launched the Shinkansen. It was the fastest train in the world, and it shocked everyone. The US was behind a country they nuked less than 2 decades before. Europe was behind (the TGV was a response to it), And worse, the US has made zero progress since 1964.
China has faster trains than Japan, and they were adding as many miles to their network each year than Japan has in total.
The Shinkansen was the first step in an industrialization plan that put Japan ahead of the US in by the 80s in almost all categories – electronics, cars, robotics, rail, etc. China is running the same play, but they are much bigger than the US, and they are much more coordinated than even Japan was. One of China’s great weaknesses is that they have almost no oil. They’re going to largely skip that step. Solar industrialization is dominated by China and they share that spot with Germany on wind.
Everyone remember the deindustrialization of the 70s? That wasn’t because of NAFTA, it was because Germany and Japan and a few other nations were just destroying our incredibly outdated industries that we refused to invest in and modernize. Bombing them, in a way, gave them a leg up. They didn’t have to figure out how to decommission their lagging industries – we pounded them flat for them. They took stock of where the future was and they went straight there. Most of the US is still looking backward at supposedly better times.
OT – ?DuckTales! Woo Hoo!?
Did the mayors closed the beaches under their control, while the governor left the state beaches open? Then it’s sort of like irony, but closer to white-hot rage at the idiocy. (At least, it would be if I had posted it.)
And what excuse does the governor of Florida have? Hasn’t he noticed the breakneck pivot Trump made? Doesn’t he watch Fox?
@lamh36: :P
Martin hugs lamh36 because she’s still wonderful.
John Revolta
@L85NJGT: This brings up an interesting point. Last I heard, Bernie had more money than anybody. Like, twice as much. Where does he get it??
It would be irrespectable not to sponsulate.
Well clean sweep then.
John Revolta
@dmsilev: @Ken@lamh36: : Oh, yeah. Pity. Well, but you get my point.
And they’ve just called Arizona for Biden. He swept the board tonight, and good for him.
MSNBC projecting Biden winning Arizona. Apparently Biden is winning Maricopa County!
Plouffe the delegate master calling it done. Now over to see what Bernie does.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh36: Biden won all but one county in Illinois, Champaign County where the U of I is. Per Kornacki, Bernie won it by double digits in 16, by 3 this year.
Slightly OT: Duncan Hunter Jr. got sentenced to 11 months for misappropriation of campaign funds.
Cook rates his district, CA-50, R+11, although Hunter only won it by four points in 2018. Darrell Issa finished first in the primaru.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That’s my county. Ugh.
@John Revolta:
And how much of a service fee is there to convert it from Russki to American?
(Irresponsible not to speculate)
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’ll bet he’ll lose that one too, once all the vote is counted. Right now, only 72% of vote has been counted.
TaMara (HFG)
@Martin: Hey! 6 feet! 6 feet!
But we all love @lamh36, so understand the impulse
@lamh36: Oh good. I hope Bernie uses the pandemic as an excuse to drop out and save face, because he’s doing very badly now. :/
“In the interest of keeping people home during the coronavirus epidemic and to focus our party on the important task of ousting the president who has so greatly failed our nation in this time of crisis, I am immediately suspending my campaign for President of the United States of America. We will begin the important work of electing my good friend Joe Biden to the Presidency, where we can have a wise, competent man to lead this country.”
There! He can take my concession speech, free of charge
John Revolta
@SiubhanDuinne: Lick-type envelope glue is made out of corn. I wouldn’t be surprised if self-stick ANYTHING was illegal in Kansas!
@TaMara (HFG): She’s 2000 miles away, I think I’m good.
@David The Establishment Koch
100% of that county has been reported.
@TaMara (HFG): Right…only virtual hugs and hand shakes…lol.
When I finished my interview, I gave them all virtual handshakes….LOL.
As a bunch of Microbiolgists, we all understood the rules…LOL
@Frankensteinbeck: Of what year?
Miss Bianca
@lamh36: Wonder what’s up with Oklahoma?
The one that’s running right now, or at least will be running new episodes in two weeks. I liked the old one, but the new Duck Tales is incredible. Awe inspiring. The writing, acting, animation, direction, characterization, it’s the most all-around high quality animated series I’ve ever seen. There have been others that I invested in more personally, but in terms of being well made, Duck Tales has them beat. I thought Glittering Goldie was a fountain of pure joy the show could never top until Della Duck showed up.
EDIT – Wait, shouldn’t I be asking you this question? You’re the one who brought it up!
@MisterForkbeard: “I also want to apologize to Hillary Clinton. I’m so sorry for how I ratfucked your campaign in 2016. I should’ve dropped out in May when I didn’t have a chance at the nomination and thrown my full support behind you. I’m sorry for that, and I’m sorry my supporters were such whiny ass titty babies.”
@Frankensteinbeck: Well then…
?New DuckTales! Woo hoo!?
ETA – “year” links to the 80’s DuckTales.
@Betty Cracker: When I lived in Chicago, Lipinski was the scourge my neighbors and I voted against every election. Delighted to see he’s finally history.
@satby: And then you moved to the dark side…
John Revolta
@Miss Bianca: We did that bit, like 100 comments ago. tl,dr; it’s Dems moving out. Mostly.
Happy St. Pat’s BTW! (Such as it is.)
Miss Bianca
@John Revolta: A (virtual) beer with you, sir!
glory b
@Martin: I was watching PBS Niall Ferguson’s show, he had a Chinese professor who said that China graduates approximately 3 million engineers each year, compared to 200,000 in the US.
@Ken: neal stephenson snowcrash
John Revolta
@Miss Bianca: Sláinte, y’all