Trump losses today: Obama delivers a healing address sure to make people miss competent leadership; Marine general eviscerates his former boss.
Trump wins today: a ball-chucker from a perpetually choking franchise loves the flag; a guy actually named Cotton wants more killin'.— Slava Malamud (@SlavaMalamud) June 4, 2020
Reporter on CNN notes that White House is currently being guarded by prison guards from Texas. Which seems to be somewhat appropriate.
— ian2 (@ianinamerica) June 3, 2020
Yeaaahhh they're not going to back him in a coup.
— Tentin Quarantino (@agraybee) June 2, 2020
Folks. The blocks around 1600 Penn Ave are the most monitored in the world. On top of that, a thousand iPhones are rolling. Don’t you think if rioters were throwing bricks—if the crowd was violent—we’d see footage?
That’s why, instead, we’ve got a semantic debate over “tear gas”
— Tim Alberta (@TimAlberta) June 3, 2020
Hmmmm yes this bunker is made out of bunker
— Human capital laughing stock (@TheSneerReview) June 3, 2020
When you do a photo op designed to show you're in control, it's probably a bad sign if you find yourself insisting afterward that you weren't the guy giving orders.
— Jesse Walker (@notjessewalker) June 3, 2020
Speaking of aging tropes…
'where are our people?!?!? The Bikers for Trump, vets, 2A, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, weapons-talented school teachers, incels, mugs, pugs, Dougs, con men, muggers, hornswagglers, bushwhackers, ALTRIGHTS, train robbers, redditors, asskickers, shitkickers and Methodists!!!!'
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) June 3, 2020
Trump is really giving off some last days in the furherbunker vibes. And he has an actual bunker.
— Tentin Quarantino (@agraybee) June 2, 2020
It has come to my attention that some of you are concerned that this vessel is taking on water and we lack sufficient lifeboats, but panic is how the iceberg wins.
— Starfish Who Had Fun For An Hour (@IRHotTakes) June 2, 2020
Also, pushed aside by the other horrible news does any have links to thoughts on the Rod Rosenstein testimony? Because according to a certain president’s twitter feed it showed the entire Russia investigation was invalid and a hoax.
Also the testimony from the fired IG investigating Pompeo?
I think it would have been good humor if Zeddy had changed his nym/nom to “That’s ZEDLEY” for that tweet.
One of many stories from Tuesday was that Yvette Harrell won the republican nomination for the NM 2nd congressional district seat held by Xochitl Torres-Small (D-Las Cruces). A rematch; Torres-Small beat Harrell by 3,000 votes in 2018. The republicans will pour a lot of money into this race, and consider it a must-win.
Dorothy A. Winsor
We made our bi-weekly grocery run. In about 15 minutes, my building is going to record me reading Chapter 1 of The Wysman to run on the internal TV station. So I’m having a busier morning than I’ve grown used to.
Also an apologetic reminder, the ebook of THE WIND READER is on sale for $.99 until its sequel THE WYSMAN comes out on 6/27. Street kids, magic, adventure, and a dog! I think there are people here who have read the damn thing, but there may be a few I missed!
@SFAW: ‘Our people’ are in the Senate.
Mike J
The Godwin tweet from the other day goes along with the 2nd to last tweet above:
mad citizen
Sarah Cooper “How to Bible”:
How can anyone watch this and know the guy is not a total BS artist. And after a lifetime of it, notice how quickly he launches into the BS after the first question.
“Trump is really giving off some last days in the furherbunker vibes.” It’s ironic that the “other side” has been in the streets after being in quarantine for 2-3 months. I expect trump to hold a rally or two soon, as long as he can be assured his people will show up. Still think he might well take the Nixon helicopter ride into the sunset this summer, though. He won’t go through with an ignominious defeat.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: No apologies, necessary! I’ve been meaning to buy your book and appreciated the reminder! (For some reason I’m just whipping through my reading backlog lately.)
@mad citizen:
I showed that one to my youngest and he really laughed. The question about old testament/new testament “ah- both. I like both” made him guffaw. He’s been sad since the stay at home order and I am ridiculously grateful to Cooper for making him laugh.
I don’t know why Trump’s supporters don’t see that he’s a big, bragging lying fraud. It is impossible to not see.
@Kay: Partly because they only listen to right wing media, and partly because they subconsciously know what “seeing” will lead to.
They know but don’t care.
Sloane Ranger
@mad citizen: No. You need for Trump to stay President through to the election. Pence can probably impersonate a normal person for long enough to persuade Republican voters who were going to hold their noses and vote Biden or just sit this one out to get back on the elephant.
To save your country, you need as big a blow out as you can get!
Enjoy this: C-Span: press conference re Robert E. Lee’s monument coming down in Richmond, VA.
Mayor Levar Stoney speaking now. “Richmond is no longer the capitol of the Confederacy.”
Governor Ralph Northam up next, I believe.
Just saw that police unions are “breaking” with Biden. As of they were every with him.
It really points to how politically brave it was for Biden to say what he did.
@mad citizen:
FSM willing, he’ll be defeated by a significant margin (both numbers and Electoral College), whereupon he will screech about vote rigging and voter fraud and all the other usual lies and attempts at distraction. It’s not inconceivable that he’d then try to take some sort of fuckery — maybe have troops deployed? WTF knows? I wouldn’t be surprised — but whether that fuckery will succeed at some/any level is an interesting thought exercise.
Or maybe the “adults in the room” will convince him not to try any fuckery. And maybe I’ll win PowerBall tonight
ETA: In case it wasn’t clear: I believe the Murderer-in-Chief would/will never resign.
“White House is currently being guarded by prison guards” — fine, break him in gradually. Then his post-presidency incarceration won’t seem so very different.
@Capri: Doesn’t seems like much of a loss politically.
Our neighbor has been located.
Mike in NC
@Elizabelle: All of the participation trophies should be trucked to Merde-A-Lago to decorate the links. It’s been 12 years since we left NoVA and haven’t really kept abreast of the movement to rename schools and streets that originally honored traitors. Does anybody know if Jefferson Davis Highway (Route 1) still exists?
Northam’s speech is really good. It gives the actual history of why the statue went up in the first place, in 1890. And a long quote from RE Lee himself. He did not personally believe in monuments to a lost cause.
Ironic. Monument belongs to the state, because it was assumed that Virginia would keep it up forever. Whereas: that is the one reason it can come down first. Only Confederate monument under state ownership.
“In Virginia, we no longer preach a false history … about state’s rights … in 2020 we can no longer celebrate a system that was based on the buying and selling of human beings..”
@raven: Good morning. What was up with the neighbor?
Northam says removal asap, but — obviously — does not say precisely when. It will go into storage.
Remember that FTNYT anonymous op-ed about how “We’re the Adults in the Room, Don’t Worry!”, followed by the same person/people publishing a book last year on the same topic? Oh halcyon days!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Yes, Trump will dump it on Pence to avoid that,
Enhanced Voting Techniques
They’ve been conditioned for years to excuse that from their leaders and only accept information from Right wing sources that reinforce their movement’s narrative.
And she is ok?
@raven: Glad to hear. And her big dog too?
The President and his employees lie all the time- that’s a given- but what I hope someone is looking out is how they so easily get so many other people to lie for them.
I don’t think we knew that going in. We knew he would be horrible and the people he hired would be low quality, but I didn’t anticipate how many others they would corrupt. It’s really disappointing.
@Geminid: Regarding Yvette Harrell, the Republican candidate for New Mexico CD-02, never forget that her first campaign manager in 2018 fled the state upon learning a warrant had been issued for his arrest for: 1) domestic violence (standard Republican) and 2) sexual slavery (???!!!). Just like her idol Trump, only the best hires.
James E Powell
Every day, in word and deed, he expresses his hatred and scorn for the rest of us. And he does it with more sincerity and passion than any Republican president before him. That’s really all his supporters ever wanted.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I’ve pre-ordered a couple of copies of THE WYSMAN paperback, one for my teenaged great-niece who finished The Wind Reader and promptly asked for more! (The other is for me. We are both waiting on tenterhooks!)
I love your marketing strategy of reading on TV!
James E Powell
Will this be a tight race this time?
@James E Powell:
I know that’s a popular theory on our side, but I don’t really buy it. I say that because I read Trump twitter. What they consistently do is invent a better person and call that person they invented “Donald Trump”. They have all these stories- how he assisted after 9/11, how he stopped the motorcade to comfort a grieving widow, how Mueller wasn’t investigating Trump but was instead working with Trump to investigate the “deep state”. It’s all bullshit but it is important enough to them that he be good that they have invented this whole fantasy world where he is good.
I think it might be true of far Right “movement” people, the grifters and political operatives, the celebrities on the Right, but the Trump masses support is a different group of people.
(Un)fortunately, I don’t. Probably just as well.
I remember the Bushies talking about being the “adults in the room” after the SCOTUS installed W. It would seem that the ones proclaiming it the most are the ones doing it the least.
@James E Powell: Yes, New Mexico CD-02 will be tight. Xochitl Torres Small (incumbent Democrat) is terrific; any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.
@SFAW: I think T* has little to no short-term memory. I think he greets each day with only the vaguest memory of what he did or said the day before, and can deny/deflect/lie without effort as yesterday to a great extend doesn’t exist for him.
So the question becomes, who are T*’s handlers? Who are the ones “helping” him track from day to day, putting memories in his head and words in his mouth?
Let me emphasize that I’m not saying T* is an innocent puppet. Far from: he’s a traitor, a criminal, a piece of garbage masquerading as human. But I do also think he’s being handled – as an asset, as a source of power/funds, as a megaphone. Willingly, to be sure; eagerly, even. But still “handled.”
Biden is 31 delegates short of the nomination, with 52 left from Tuesday to be awarded. Does he secure it before the Georgia primary on Tuesday?
2:1 delegate count split, so Sanders is slightly ahead of his 29% of the raw vote. Hindsight is 20/20, but it would have taken a Sorkinesque level of fiction for him to secure a path to the nomination.
Another Scott
@Kay: +1 The BBC was interviewing some outside-the-beltway, “heartland”, GOP operative woman yesterday. She was saying that Donnie was working hard and trying to keep everyone safe, but the Democrats were refusing his help and making everything worse because they’re so hateful. It’s just so sad that such a good man is being thwarted by such bad, bad people…
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I’m going to be your hype-man for a minute.
I bought this a week or so when it went on sale. Took me a few days to start it, but I liked it so much I finished the whole thing in about a day and a half. I accomplished this by staying up way too late to read it.
It’s good. Buy it. The sequel comes out later this month.
You may now return to regularly scheduled jackaling.
@Kay: They keep pointing to the episode in the Bible of how the King of Babylon ended up helping the Jews out of the Babyonian exile, which is to say, as evidence that it’s possible to harness evil to do good.
mad citizen
@Sloane Ranger: There is a major flaw here, which is “Pence can probably impersonate a normal person for long enough”. I seriously don’t think he can. I’m a lifelong Hoosier. Pence is a nice man, but policy-wise is really frightening with the religious beliefs, etc. But more overwhelmingly, he is the dimmest of the dim bulbs in the bunch, the elevator doesn’t go to the top floor. He can read a teleprompter and all, but he cannot extemporaneously speak intelligently on virtually anything. I think that will be a major drawback this time (and hopefully going forward). He would not be able to mount anything in a couple of months–he will look like a totally feckless lickspittle due to his fawning over trump.
Shorter: The stank covers him, and he’s really stupid.
Apparently she spent the night in a ravine and has some cuts and bruises.
The great pyrenees is still on the loose.They located Bella!
@Mike J: Qouted tweet: Daniel Dale:
They could still all be lying.
Oh, they know it. They just think it owns the libs because we care about the country and would prefer a dignified, experienced leader as president. It’s all a huge joke to them.
James E Powell
Are you sure that’s safe? I’m concerned for your mental & emotional well-being.
I don’t follow any RW sources, so I guess I missed that. What I hear from Trumpsters in my Ohio family is whatever FOX said that day.
@James E Powell: probably, but this year may be bad year for all Republicans. NM 2nd has been Republican most of the past decades. One wrinkle may be the collapse in oil prices. It’s a relatively poor area, and the Permian oil boom brought some prosperity to the south eastern corner. But now Harrell can’t accuse accuse the Democrats of threatening to crush the oil industry because it’s already been crushed. I bet the wind and solar jobs that Governor Lujan Grisham’s clean power legislation will bring are looking better and better. Torres-Small is on the right side on that issue. But I live in Virginia and can only follow from a distance. A NM jackal could give more insight.
Haven’t been following Rethug political tactics much, have you? They will lie about, and/or misrepresent ANYTHING.
@Barbara: They’re referring to the Persian emperor Cyrus, who overthrew the Babylonians and permitted the exiled Jews there to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. The problem is, Cyrus was regarded as a wise and benevolent ruler who showed the Jews favor, not some buffoonish assclown whom God used despite his evil incompetence to benefit the Jews.
Great news. How distressing for everyone, including Bella.
@jonas: So basically, it was the Iranians who saved the Jews. LMAO. I wish I could be on the TV to point that out to one of these fools.
@SFAW: It was the one by “anonymous.” The one by someone in the Executive Offices that assured us that, don’t worry, the staff has Trump under control.
Ask in a later thread if you’d like a link.
Lindsey Graham has an official reply about Mattis’ anti-Trump statement yesterday:
“It is so fashionable” to blame Trump.
Yeah! Everyone’s blaming Trump for things! Maybe pointing that out isn’t a great strategy, pointing out that Trump gets blamed for a lot of things that he did. Because he did them. And that’s why he gets the responsibility.
The buck stops with Democrats, I guess.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Good. That was scary.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@arrieve: The backlog on my kindle has grown out of control. I think I need an intervention. I hope you like the book.
@stinger: I’m really pleased about your niece asking for more. I so seldom hear about readers who aren’t my friends. Management here offered to record the reading without my even suggesting it. They know they’ve got some bored, locked-down residents and want content. They’ll put it on their YouTube channel too so I can send the link to my publisher and put it on my social media. So really they’re being very generous.
@MisterForkbeard: You may be my favorite jackal!
Thanks, but not really. Despite what I said to Leto, I now vaguely remember it being printed.
Fuck all of them, the cowards.
I saw Biden’s internet ad yesterday – very good. It was mostly excerpts from his Monday address engendering hope (“I will not sow hate or division, I will be a president for all”), contrasted with the dark/violent images of Charlottesville and the Trumps walk in the park/standing in front of the church. I must say – it gives a new meaning to ‘massive fail’ when your PR stunt shows up the next day in your opponents 60sec attack add.
This may have been noted somewhere else, but: according to the Boston Glob, Traitor Rosenstein now says he regrets approving surveillance of some Trump campaign official. [I assume that means Carter Page, but I’ll be dipped in shit if I give the Glob clicks.]
Fucking fascist traitors, all of them.
Yea, I wasn’t aware that she was having “confusion issues”. I’d see them in the Hardware Store for the Saturday morning dog visit but, besides Bella not liking other dogs, everything seemed fine. I’ve known them for 30+ years and always really liked them. Gotta hope for the best.
glory b
@Barbara: That’s a misreading of the Bible. He wasn’t evil, he was not Jewish, that’s all.
@Mike in NC: Route 1 will never die, but Fairfax Cty is gentrifying it, thus making housing in that low-ish-income area nearly unaffordable to the locals (hospital, retail, the usual). That portion of Rte 1 called Jefferson Davis Highway is no longer such in Arlington, but is now Richmond Highway, and I’m not sure whether Alexandria has followed suit but likely it will this year. We have two Early Streets and a Taney Avenue to go. But that statue, now. That one of the Confederate soldier, plopped for 131 years in the middle of an intersection in Old Town, owned by the UDC (I shall not spell them out), that has been the focus of efforts to get rid subsumed in an abstract debate about state v local power and autonomy, as so often happens? Well, those girls finally and at last got the drift, thus instead of getting rid of it in August, it’s just been pulled this week. The pedestal remains in the intersection, so the traffic problem isn’t quite over. Baby steps.
joel hanes
@mad citizen:
Pence is a nice man
He is not a nice man.
@Mike in NC: It does. I drove on it two weeks ago in Prince William County, increasingly blue, and was surprised to still see it named that way.
A black man was afraid to walk in his gentrified community. So 75 neighbors walked with him.
Another Scott
@TomatoQueen: I haven’t been that far up on the Mt. Vernon Parkway/Washington Street in a while. “Appomattox” being taken down is great news!! It looks like it happened on June 2.
Baby steps indeed. But in the right direction!
And this contradiction between Cyrus and T makes a difference to Evangelicals how??
They just watch and believe Stephen Strang of Charisma magazine, Mark Taylor of Liberty U film fame, Rabbi Cohn, JimBakker—and they KNOW Trump is like Cyrus chosen by God to lead America, God’s chosen people, back to him. Ie, away from abortion and homosexuality
@mad citizen:
I reached a similar conclusion yesterday. Because cheating can only help on the margins, if his deficit in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin is well outside the polls’ margins of error (which it seems to be already), there is no way he can win re-election. His narcissism will not allow him to suffer the worst loss by an incumbent president since Herbert Hoover, so, a couple of weeks before the election, he’ll resign. He’ll then claim voter fraud and fake news and whatever conspiracy theories Alex Jones is spewing. It would, of course be disastrous for the GOP, but he doesn’t care about the health of the Republican Party any more than he cares about the health of American citizens. Yeah, it’s the most chickenshit move he could make, and above all else, der Trumpenführer is a chickenshit.
J R in WV
We donated to her last cycle, and now again for this cycle!! Thanks for reminding me about her race.
Trump seems to have pinned his hopes on a “V shaped” economic rebound. Kind of like Hitler and his V weapons. That’s not going to happen, but it may be September before he accepts that. Then he might throw in the towel and cite physical medical problems. He looks like he has plenty. I see him through a lot of animus, but factoring that in he still looks like shit. So he might not make it to September. But I’m still assuming that it’s the American people who are going to have to drive the stake into trump’s heart. On Nov. 3.
Methodists? WTF?!
Anne Laurie
Long-dead thread, but Zed’s riffing on a routine by the villian in BLAZING SADDLES. A long list of obvious miscreants, topped by … and Methodists!