Trapped Lurker, who is lurking no more, decided that maybe it was time to get a kitty. In her own words, earlier this week:
I’ve been lurking & spending time on BJ since Cole lost his mustard, but never commented before.
I’m utterly obsessed all of a sudden—BJ effect? I’ve been lurking happily since forever—I clearly remember the lost mustard and nearly died laughing (caused raised eyebrows at work). I remember when he brought Lily home, too. Now I suddenly feel quite connected to you guys.
I * really* appreciate this place and am glad you guys are here!
So here comes a new adventure. Going to the shelter tonight to meet a young tuxedo cat. If I come home with her tonight, I’ll post photos. And maybe ask for advice from all you more experienced cat owners.
From Trapped Lurker last night:
One of the nicest things of all in this adventure is that my daughter decided it’s worth risking my and pop-pop’s health (he has some co-morbidities; I’m just old). And has decided to mask up and bring my 8-year-old granddaughter along so they can both help me make this important decision. I will get to SEE them!
The white & black cat I was describing this morning had already been adopted, but I saw her & she seemed awfully shy anyway.
They had a young blue-grey male that was very sociable and outgoing, relaxed and friendly with all four of us.
So he’s the one, but he still needs to be fixed, so I can’t get him for another week or so. That gives me time to get things set up—l need everything for a cat. Lots of fun afterwards over dinner (at a restaurant! With family! Outside!) brainstorming boy cat names with my kid and grandkids.
The photos my daughter took don’t really do his color justice—he’s a lovely soft blue-grey.
Welcome Trapped Lurker, and welcome little one! It’s a boy!
Just look at those eyes!
This little boy could use a name, so if you have any thoughts, share them in the comments.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
The naming of cats is a difficult matter
It’s not just one of your holiday games
Salty Sam
“Ol’ Blue”, of course.
ETA- I’m fond of giving dog names to cats…
A very beautiful cat.
I’d wait a week or two to name him, get to know him, and find one that really suits his personality.
“Kitty” is usually good, if only because it’s what you’ll be saying anyway. The cat will of course learn to come when it hears the can-opener or the refrigerator door.
pacem appellant
Let the grandkiddies pick the name. It’ll be a fun ridiculous and name and likely perfect. My 2¢.
That is a handsome, happy boy, with a thousand-yard stare. Congratulations on being accepted as his family (I think that’s how it works). I must need more coffee because I can only come up with Harold.
Also, too, welcome!
I have no idea on names, but he looks like a sweet cat and I hope you enjoy many happy years together!
@pacem appellant:
Neighbors of a friend had a golden retriever named by a two-year old, which is how he came known as Flavor.
Aoi. Japanese for blue.
@Salty Sam:
I’ve never actually done it, but I’ve always thought it would be fun to name cats “Rover, “Fido,” and “Sport.”
Beautiful color, but those eyes!
Beautiful cat.
Hes a beauty. I usually let them name themselves. It will come after they get to know you =-)
Trapped Lurker
@pacem appellant: grandkids suggested “Oliver Russell Grimby Morris,” his shelter name being Russell. Also “Claw-dius” (for the Roman emperor, suitably customized— older granddaughter is a classics major about to depart for her junior year at Boston university, another whole source of stress & fear….) also a bunch or literary and scientist names.
Tom Levenson
well I’ve sworn that my next cat is going to be called “Shut UP”–‘coz that’s what I seem to say to Tikka most often, and I might as well eliminate any intermediary confusion.
So that one’s taken.
Oz is good. Not for the wizard, but Ozymandias. That handsome beast has all the “look on my works, ye mighty, and despair” attitude one could want.
@Mathguy: I endorse this approach. Sometimes it takes a while to discover the cat’s true name. I tried 3-4 names before I realized that Teddy was and always had been Teddy.
Tom Levenson
@SiubhanDuinne: My son is about to adopt a cat, and he swears he’s going to call it “Champ”–which makes my skin crawl, which is why he has only grown more determined.
Most cats, if you really pay attention, will let you know their names after a week or so. It’s important not to rush things.
Euphemisms, euphemisms…
(also, congrats on the lovely kitty)
@pacem appellant:
Are you saying that the name should be “2 cents”? :)
‘Hey everyone, this is my 2 cents!” :D
Grayson is my suggestion. But I also like having the kids name him. Kids can often get to the soul of the cat when it comes to names.
Blue-grey naturally invites associations with the Civil War.
Slim from MA
If you adopt a cat that mostly lays around, just occasionally gets up to eat or cough up a hairball then “Cole” would be a great name.
Sloane Ranger
He’s beautiful and those eyes! Give it a while before you decide on a name. It’ll come to you.
@Tom Levenson:
My maternal grandmother — an exceedingly dignified and regal woman*, with marcelled white hair, a ramrod spine, and a pouter-pigeon bosom — was known to her five grandchildren and every child in Oak Park** as “Butch.” So I shouldn’t worry too much about A Cat Named “Champ.”
*Her obituary began “Helen Cannon — Mrs. Cannon to her friends — died….”
**For years, she was the children’s clothing buyer for what was at the time Oak Park’s only locally-owned department store. Kids, and their mothers, knew her.
Congratulations! What a handsome boy. Look at that “I’m lovin’ me gettin’ this lovin’ ” face. I agree with those who say don’t rush the naming thing. Try out a few and see what fits best after some acquaintance. I’d just always choose something with a positive vibe, because they do seem to take on the personality. I had one named after a mischievous sprite, which seemed cute at the time; but that cat really turned into a challenge.
What I know so far about naming cats.
Whatever name we give them usually evolves with time and aquaintance. Current example here is Tiny Kitty who arrived in the back garden in March. She comes running to the song of Tikky Tikky Tikky Toes.
Always call them by their name and never kittykittykitty when they are learning to come to you. (usually for gushy fud) It reduces the risk of losing them to catnappers.
Congratulations on a lovely day and a delightful future prospect.
Trapped Lurker
that’s a cool idea—a civil war name. Have to mull that one over. Joshua Chamberlain Cat. Ulysses S Cat. William Tecumseh Cat. Hmmm
That second photo has the look of an aware and confident Egyptian god while the first reassures us he’s a friendly one (or at least one pleased and willing to accept obeisance).
@Trapped Lurker:
How about “Graymalkin”?
TaMara (HFG)
He looks like in person, he’s Gabe’s coloring. Difficult to get in photos, but just the softest lavender grey.
I’m no help with names. But can’t wait to hear what you decide. Congratulations!!
@Tom Levenson:
I’m stealing this if I ever get a cat.
Chief Oshkosh
The cat’s almost blue, so obviously should be named Elvis.
Yup, thats my approach.
My puffy grey as a kitten looked like a pile of ashes.
I dubbed him Ash.
That kitty is much more tabby under the blue gray. Beautiful but I got nothing.
If you’re a DS9 fan, he looks vaguely Cardassian, so maybe Gul Dukat or Dukat the Cat. (And you can call him Duke).
I must admit needing to look up “marcelled.”
She sounds quite the character, and “Mrs. Cannon to her friends” speaks volumes.
@Salty Sam:
“Betcha five dollars he’s a good cat, too.”
Dogs, cats, and Byrds
ETA Our six month old (primarily) Russian Blue was named Ash before we took him in. So, formally, Ash he remains. However, he’s known primarily as Li’l Guy.
@Chacal Charles Calthrop:
Love that poem. It speaks truth.
Oh my, he’s lovely! Louis, pronounced the French way. I don’t know why, it just came to mind when I saw him.
Ours cat’s names evolve from first impression to final name over time. One indoor, three indoor/ outdoor and one full time outside cat. Most are rescues from a local mama cat that is a prolific breeder and escape artist, the outdoor cat is a massive feral manx that has adopted us and has zero interest in being indoors.
Matt Smith
Welcome out of lurking mode! Your cat’s so gorgeous, he makes me wish I had one.
Beautiful boy. What intense orange eyes! What a lovely silvery coat! I love the way he leans into petting.
The Civil War name possibilities look great.
And I just realised I never said, but whatever his name is, he’s a beautiful cat!
@trollhattan: Ha! I was thinking ‘I recognize that’ !
Flappers had marcelled hair.
I agree with T. S. Eliot. The cat knows his real name. If you live with him a few days or weeks and listen carefully, maybe he will give you a hint. Gorgeous kitty – have fun.
She’s been dead for 35 years, and I still laugh whenever I think of that line. So perfect.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Trapped Lurker: Claw-dius is brilliant!
I was thinking Glaucous for similar reasons (it’s a blue-grey colour).
Maybe something Norse…
Trapped Lurker
Thanks, all for your welcome & for all the great ideas. I’m headed out to the pet store to start getting the stuff I will need, but will keep all this in mind as I figure out what his name is. In a couple of weeks, once I have him home for a few days, and have picked (discovered?) his name, I’ll take a few more pictures & ask WaterGirl to post an update.
First thing that popped into my mind when i saw the little dude was Zeus.
Trapper John?
Names come intuitively. Not to worry on finding the right name. Children have a knack for pegging a name to the essence of the animal. Our old favorite (now long gone) was named by #4 son as “Dusty” as he was an outdoorsman and loved to roll in the dirt before bringing it in on him. Although our family has a tradition of second and even third names. “Dusty” had two alternate names “Eatamus Alottamus” and “Begger Boy.”
Beautiful kitteh.
Ivan. He looks like an Ivan.
Kirk Spencer
My cats have always wound up naming themselves. Monster and Chaos an Mischief and Mama and Boots and…
And every single one belonged, as I to them.
Welcome to the family of those owned by cats.
Blue Steel.
@Trapped Lurker: My mother was a cat lady way back when we were growing up – before it was a recognized syndrome. She named the cats Cindy (black cat), Samantha (calico), Sam’s off-spring Cinnamon (red and white) and Pepper (black and white)… you get the idea. When my sister and I got involved they were: Titus Andronicus (a very odd grey cat) and Maximilian Sebastian Cabot (stray manx), Obake (Japanese spirit – for a furtive, yet very vocal, Siamese)
Perhaps Gandalf the Gray
ETA: Shakes fist at BlueNC
Welcome, Trapped Lurker and new kitty!
Gray tabbies are wonderful, loving cats. I had a lady gray tabby who was also imperious (goes without saying), adventurous, and fearless.
I agree on letting his personality manifest before giving him a forever name. Though I have to say, something about those eyes, I like “Samuel” (inevitably to be shortened to Sam or Sammy).
Congrats on the kitty – and on the night out with the fam!
Roscoe. Just cause that name came to mind and I like it.
Delurking to name a cat
He looks like an Alan to me.
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
I hope one of these will be fitting.
@danielx: The Terrible? :P
Although now I am thinking of Russian names. Like Sasha. Or Boris. I actually kind of like Boris.
Or to play off Ivan: Gus. For Virgil Ivan “Gus” Grissom. Or Griss. This is why I would be a terrible cat owner.
“Good Trouble”
I love his face. Good choice!
And sometimes you need to get to know them and the right name will pop up.
@LightCastle: Nice. Spell it the Greek way: Glaukos. That makes it an actual name.
Auntie Anne
Love the new kitty! No name suggestions because they always tell you their own names. I rather like Clawdius, but he’ll let you know if it’s the right name.
Betty Cracker
He’s gorgeous, and if he were mine, I’d probably go with “Loki” or “Fuzzbutt.” But I expect your kids/grandkids will have final say on the name. :)
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@SiubhanDuinne: I’m glad I got a chance to post a link before anyone else did….
I had a very inquisitive & adventurous cat named Coco and we used to joke she believed her name was “no coco” because she always heard it in the context of “no Coco don’t do that” & “no Coco get down from there “ etc. She once tried to get onto a table laid for Thanksgiving by trying, in turn, to get on each chair set around the table….
Mary G
@Trapped Lurker: Happy you decided to delurk and congratulations on your beautiful new boy! Maybe Claude short for Claw-dius? Or Shadow. Or Carlos. No idea why; like everyone else said he will let you know his name. They don’t really care, as long as there are scritches and treats.
Amir Khalid
I agree. Give it time, get to know the cat. A fitting name will come to you soon enough.
Don’t name him anything trademarked if you intend to use pet names as passwords. My stepson names cats after Transformers. We have StarScream ( a tuxedo with Siamese ancestry) and Megatron (Meg for short.)
What a beauty. Call him Colonel, Grey Poupon. (after the mustard of course.) The grandchildren should have some ideas better than mine.
Congratulations on your beautiful new family member.
Names? He looks like a Milo or Silky. Can’t wait to hear what you or he decides!
Salty Sam
@SiubhanDuinne: best cat I ever had was named Buddy. He was actually a dog personality in a tuxedo cat’s body. I could whistle for him and he’d come a’runnin’!
Gorgeous kitty!
KayInMD (formerly Kay (not the front-pager))
@Trapped Lurker: He’s Gorgeous! He looks like a cat we had years ago, named Lomschivak, which was our phonetic spelling of a Czech word my husband claimed means ‘headache,’ and is also the name of an aerobatic flight maneuver. I was going to suggest it, because it’s kind of fun. But honestly, he looks just like a Russell to me. I almost always change a cat’s name, but sometimes the shelter got it just right.
I’m reading the comments and that are some wonderful ideas for such a beautiful cat.
Make it simple. He’s a Male so name him Thomas the cat
@Salty Sam: My husband’s cat Mouf does that! He’s a domestic longhair ( miniature maine coon) and yes we saw the Lion King.
@BlueNC: Gandolph the Gray!
edit: someone beat me to it.
Russe (pronounced Roose) is what I would go with.
We have a Boris, who is an enormous brown tabby. We got him and his adoptive sister as kittens at the same time. Her name (naturally) is Natasha.
Fitz. It just fits.
@nwerner: I love that one!
@Tom Levenson: In that vein, I think I will name my next pup “You’re Not Helping!” because that’s a all-too frequent phrase at my house.
Another inspired choice. So many good ones in this thread.
@Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.): Huh. I thought we were supposed to be offering helpful suggestions.
Or bag of lettuce being opened…
No? Maybe that’s just my biggest orange tub of … fur.
@pacem appellant: My grandparents made that mistake with my sister and I. Poor cat ended up as “Noname”.
One cannot have but one cat named Louis, as they must come in pairs: “Louis-Louis”
@Trapped Lurker: Depends on the level of property destruction he exhibits once home. Any tendency towards razing, and Sherman is your man.
O/T Suck it, stupid Devin Nunes and your stupid lawyer.
Thin-skinned people are advised to not get into politics.
Salty Sam
@Sab: I think it must be a “boy and his dog” thing. Buddy was “my” cat, partial to me at the exclusion of everyone else in the family. And although cats are nice enough, I’m much more of a dog lover, hence my belief that he was a dog’s personality in a cat’s body.
Does that make him trans?
oh, and I’ve posted several times here without congratulating Trapped Lurker on her beautiful new family member- he is a very handsome fellow, no matter what name he ends up with. Congrats! And welcome from out of the shadows…
Mo MacArbie
I get Harper, for whatever reason. Or, on the Civil War theme, Kilrain.
Alway like seeing people adopt out pets from shelters. Congrats. I got a new pup late this spring. One of my dogs was long in tooth and I had to put him down in May. It was sad and terrible but the right thing to do to honor him, his life and his place in the family. And after about a month it was time to get a new one as my remaining pup was lost being alone.
With covid though out here in CA it isn’t what it used to be. You can’t just walk into the pound any more and look. Now you have to make an appointment for a specific dog (you can see the critters on line) and even then you can’t touch or interact with the pup that day. Only see them through a glass door. Then once you’ve agreed to take them and paid the fees you still have to wait for them to neuter them and give them all their shots. I didn’t get to actually lay hands on the guy for until 10 days later when at my next appointment they let me sit in a room and interact. I took him of course. He’s an adorable mutt. My other dog has never liked children of any variety so isn’t all that thrilled with the new addition but is tolerating him. I’ve had him for about 2 months now and while he has adapted to the house and the routines my cats and my other pup still wonder why I hate them so and brought a 4 month old puppy home. They’ll live. It’s all good.
Salty Sam
@Danielx: When my first wife moved in with me ages ago, she arrived with a brother/sister pair named Boris and Natasha. I threatened to rename our next one “Fearless Leader”.
@Trapped Lurker: What a great-looking cat. Looks + friendly + he appears smart, in a thinking way … I love all that combined in one cat. I was moved by your story of time passing w/o a cat after your house’s previous animals. This cat has lucked out. A joy to read about and see his picture—thanks!!!
Pace Mr Lehrer, who is still with us:
One cat deserves the credit/
One cat deserves the blame.
suggested by Merlinus Ambrosius, Chaser of Small Objects While Trilling a Melodious Trill
What a lovely sweet boy you’re going to have.
@Trapped Lurker: Those are great! My pets have all been named after things my kids were either reading or watching obsessively. Hence, we had Vulpix (Pomeranian), Gryffindor, Olivander, and Hermione (cat siblings).
I named a kitten after a friend’s son. What neither of us knew at the time is the personality came with the name. Gus the cat is very similar in temperament to Gus the human. My friend has not stopped apologizing ;)
I concur with those saying you shouldn’t rush into a name. It will be revealed.
Chat Noir
Cats are magic. I have had cats for 21 years now and they are THE BEST.
I prefer people names for pets. This little guy looks like he could be Sherman.
Silvio, or Sly for short.
Hm. An unpeople name like Ashes? A people name like Winston? A initials name like PK (for pretty kitty)?
I named my last dog Bud for Buddy. I did this when I first met him and when I got him home I thought maybe I erred because he was as aloof as I’d ever seen any animal. 2 or 3 weeks later I woke up in the middle of the night with him snuggling up to me and every minute after that, unless he was eating he was my best bud. So he was Bud all along, just took him some time to get used to me.
Whatever name seems right, likely will be. And cats never come when they hear their name anyway, only the sound of food being opened and put into their dish. You may own a dog but cats always own you.
My choice is Cole.
Catherine D.
@WaterGirl: My dog thought his last name was Move Dammit.
Manfred Mann.
Not sure why that name came to mind, but that’s what I thought when I looked at the cat.
Congratulations on the new kitty! He’ll be a joy no matter what you name him.
“Louis-Louis” is inspired because when you call kitteh, you can just sing. (“Now where you gonna go now”)?!
@Ruckus: My friend who picked up his family from LA and moved back to his farm here brought his kids over yesterday. I asked the younger one, “you know why we call her Little Bit”?? “Because she’s little”!
@Ruckus: Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.
That is a beautiful cat. He looks like a “Cole” to me. But you and your family will come up with the right name.
I would consider if you would actually use a 5-syllable name, or whether a 1- or 2-syllable name would be better.
If you are given to shortening/nicknaming the people in your life, that might play into the choice. Some names work better for that than others. Douglas > Doug > Dougie > Doogie > Big D > Mister D > The D Man, whereas Gandalf and Silky (to pick two) seem harder to nicknameize.
@Salty Sam: Yes, a boy and his dog I think. Mouf looks a lot like Cole’s Steve.
My guy is StarScream ( I wanted to call him Stilts.) He follows me almost everywhere and sits by the front door when I am gone, but it would never cross his mind to come when I call.
@JCJ: *fist-bumps* JCJ
…or BB King (short for Blue Boy who is a blues great).
Isn’t that what I said? He asked sheepishly……..
Gin & Tonic
Just had lunch – good multi-grain bread, toasted, with a couple of thick slices of a fresh beefsteak tomato right off the vine, and a liberal application of (Duke’s) mayo. Fuck the haters. This was close to nirvana.
Patricia Kayden
Cuddles. He looks cuddly.
Why do you call her that?
Just trying to get in on the fun……. How old is the younger kid? Sometimes that explains the questions. Me, I’m 71. Not sure I’m that much of a kid any more but damn if being one isn’t often much more fun that being an adult. There are perks to adulthood though……
My son named one of our dogs “Flippy” when he was about 4yo. We lived in Colombia at the time and it turns out he had a little friend in playschool named Felipe and that’s how Flippy got her name.
@Trapped Lurker:
Two of my cats were named for emperors – Julius and Hadrian. When I got my first female kitten, I named her for Livia, the wife of Augustus and mother of Tiberius because I so completely adored the character from Robert Grave’s books and the BBC Masterpiece Theater series. My Livia was not as spiky or murderous as the Roman Empress goddess (I want to be a goddess!). She was as fiercely loyal though. I miss her with all my heart!
@Kineslaw: “(a name) will be revealed. ” I always like it when I do that. Sometimes hard to wait for the name, but interesting how a name arises.
Then there’s also the ability cats have to make a ready-given name their own, somehow adjusting it to fit.
zhena gogolia
Haha, by the time I saw this it already had 124 comments. BJ “catnip,” so to speak.
What a gorgeous kitty and what fun you are going to have with him! Any name will be perfect.
Right? Endless fun (except when you’re mad at said Louis, then it’s “you better go now”).
Is the cat talkative? If so you will hear an utterance that will give you some ideas.
If you are enthusiastic about BLM then he has a good name in George (although I think Floyd is a cooler cat name).
He looks like he has a fantastic fur coat. Pale coloration and seems like he will be a big boy, so Cole is a good fit.
I totally approve.
@Ruckus: He’s about six. It is incredible how these two kids have taken to living on a farm way out in the sticks after growing up the in Valley. The older one (9) is harvesting bamboo and selling it while pop cultivated an incredible crop of maters, corn, okra, peas and other delights. He was an accomplished organic farmer before he moved to LA where he was a masseuse to stars and pro athletes. Dude is flexible.
@Catherine D.
From the 1938 screwball comedy Merrily We Live:
(youngest daughter introduces the family’s pair of Great Danes to a newcomer) His name is “Get Off the Rug.” His is “You, too!”
A friend has always wanted to have a cat named The Onus, so that he could say to family or visitors, “The Onus is on you”. Whatever you choose, it’s a beautiful cat.
Extreme long-term lurker here, also. Trapped Lurker brought me out of my shell.
OT: The kid who got suspended for showing a picture of packed hallways in a school?
The actual best solution may be to get suspended while everyone else in school comes down with covid.
I just saw — reinstated.
zhena gogolia
That was my beloved tuxedo cat’s name. Named after Louis Sullivan.
Thank you for the smile: love that movie! What other “screwball comedies” do you like?
My partner thought our cat didn’t like him, believed the answer was for him to name a kitten. He named the little guy Sharkey, after It’s Sharkey’s Day and Sharkey’s Night.
The name belonged to Sharkey the (BIG) cat through and through. He played the piano at night and had all of my heart.
Oh, so very many. The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek is an enduring favorite.
How about you?
@Galento: That’s a great name. Ha.
Oh my. So many comments already. If you see this, here’s my opinion on cat stuff:
World’s Best litter (almost odorless! Made of earth friendly corn)
Don’t flush it though. Bad for sewers/septic. Use a Cat Genie.
Cat hammock for the win.
Whatever food you decide on, make it gluten free. You’ll have less vomiting.
Good luck!!!!!!!
Friends of ours named their cat “dammit”
@Jude: I’m sure she will come back to this thread after she runs all her errands, getting ready for the new addition to the family.
How could she not? :-)
@tybee: That won’t work with multiple cats. //
@Trapped Lurker:
Clawdius is a great name!
welcome to your new life as a Servant of Cat.
Along those lines, a friend of mine named his tabby cat “Spot.”
As for the blue-gray kitty, I’d name him “Ulysses.” But then may all-time favorite cat was “Cat 9 From Outer Space,” so my advice may not be particularly sound.
Gray Kincaid
Although often mine tell me their formal names- there are always several variations and middle and last names…
Silver Lining.
Trapped Lurker
@Galento: back from my cat-equipment extravaganza. Welcome. This place is endlessly entertaining, ne’s pas?
@TaMara (HFG): Need moar photos of Gabe please – the most beautiful cat except for the one that owns me …
Friends named their cat Deogey (sp: D O G) and their dog Seeatey.
@tokyokie: I did name our black and white cat Spot because she had spots, including a very cute round black one on her chin. Within a week she was renamed Megatron, and within a day I shortened that to Meg.
Most of our pets have several names, only one of which is official ( i.e. on file with the vet.)
Kitty is so pretty! I have no ideas on names. Most of my cats had human names except for 2%, who was white with black spots; my husband said he looked like a dairy cow, so 2% it was!
When we inherited my uncle’s dog Prince we tried to change his name to Phil. He just wasn’t having it. On the other hand Delilah also answers to Lulubear and Lilabear. But she is a dog.
At my house, my kitty is too dignified to be called anything other than her name, Cleo. My pups, however, have several names. Koda will come to her actual name, to Koko or to Cocoa Puffs. Lovey will come to her actual name, to Squidgy or to Squidget. Squidgy suits her..let’s call it..voluptuous figure but very small stature.
Trapped Lurker
What a lovely time I’ve had, dreaming up names and imagining serving as cat-staff soon. Thank you all. So many ideas for names, and so many new ways to think about names. So much nicer than thinking about the idiocy that has become our politics…
Plain Dave
Miles. He looks plenty cool enough.
If he turns out to be the regal type, you could call him Earl Grey.
Congratulations! He’s beautiful! The main thing that I recommend is making him an indoor-only kitty. It’s safest; outdoor cats have a much shorter lifespan than indoor cats. Mine have lived to 17 and 18 before. There are lots and lots of things that you can do and toys you can buy that will keep him stimulated and satisfy his hunting instinct. Other people have probably already mentioned this, but one thing that all my cats have loved is a cat tree. I’ve had better luck with the plush kind rather than carpet, and if it can be positioned near a window, he’ll love it. Wayfair has the best selection and the best prices that I’ve seen. Good luck with your new furbaby!
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
Welcome TL! I’m late to the naming party, but he looks like an Oscar to me. Although I like the Earl Grey suggestion too, if his personality fits. He’s a beautiful cat. Good work! And I second the suggestion of being an indoor kitty and getting him a cat tree. Being indoors will save his life, and also the lives of many small animals he would hunt outside (birds, most importantly)
I would recommend Feline Pine (non-clumping) for cat litter. Something in the pine neutralizes the ammonia in cat urine and there is no smell. (!!) Plus because it is just compressed pine sawdust pellets which break down into sawdust again you can use it for mulch outside on trees and rose bushes (with value-added nitrogen from the urine ), rather than having nuclear waste you just have to throw away, which is what you get with most (esp. clumping) cat litters.
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan): I personally very much like both of those.
Nigel is a lovely name for a gentleman tabby cat, or one who can is capable of dailing it up to 11, or both. Congrats on your new addition and company.
zhena gogolia
Cat 9 from Outer Space is a great name.
zhena gogolia
With my first cat, a large black male, I tried to get cute and call him Бегемот (pronounced beegeeMOHT), the human-sized black cat from The Master and Margarita, but after one trip to the vet he became Buddy.
Cat name suggestions for that particular cat:
1) Stannis
2) Shu (Egyptian god of air)
3) Magni (Norse god of courage)
4) Maximon (Mayan god of travelers)
@Sis: Yes to cat trees. Meg lives on hers, even when other cats interlope. The others like the one by the front door. Both have good outdoor views. Also too tables in front of windows are extremely popular.
I am kind of militant about indoor cats. Outdoor cats might be happy ( or not) for the 2 to 5 years they survive. That used to be my cat timeline. My youngest cat is eight and the oldest is eleven. The two oldest lived semiferal for the first year. If I open a door in front of them they will hide under the couch or in the basement. My cat adopted from my dad was angry about not going out for a few months, but he got over it. He is blind now. Last time I took him out on a harness ( he hates) he was horrified. Lots of big raptors cawing overhead. Cats are predators but they are also often prey. They are tiny little guys in the scheme of things. Foxes, dogs, coyotes are all bigger. Also, some birds.
Totally agree. My Cleo practically lives on hers.
I had friends who named their cats Hey,You! and Who?Me?
Another friend had a cat that thought he was a dog. Crazy John.
This one looks like a Buster to me.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Sab: The names? Thanks.
Trapped Lurker
@Sis: sab: I actually had to promise the shelter in writing that he would be an indoor cat (and that I would never have him declawed). They are militant about it—otherwise I couldn’t have had him.
thanks for the tip on feline pine litter—being able to use it as compost outside would be quite an advantage.
Also about cat trees. I plan to wait a bit before getting one, to see how he behaves, but I just got a litter box, clay litter to start (shelter said that’s what he’s used to & I could introduce different litter type after he’s comfortable here), a scratching post, a few toys, and food & water dishes. Now I wait. Thanks again, everyone. !
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan): Other commenter suggested Oscar and Earl Grey (or Earl Gray).
He is such an interesting colored cat. Orange and gray tabby, with the orange eyes.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Sab: I missed the other Oscar suggestion, but loved the Earl Grey (if it fits). Gandalf is also good (again if it fits).
I’m getting militant about indoor cats too. All my life I had had indoor-outdoor cats (with a cat door) and it generally worked out well for the cats – they had a whole life outside where they could be cats – but that ended when we moved from one place in the country where things had gone well for the cats to another place, where there was one or more predators, and we proceeded to lose an unconscionable number of cats in two years. (We kept trying, and getting new cats; we run to 2-3 cats normally).They would just disappear, leaving perhaps a tuft of fur, although one guy did make it inside after being attacked and we nursed him through his massive bite abscess. At first, I made excuses (cat was too light colored, too old, etc.) and then we finally came to the end of our emotional rope and locked the cat door. No losses since. It’s definitely easier if they never go out and don’t know what they are missing.
And no cat killing of local birds, lizards, snakes, etc. Yes!! Cats are really a terrible, alien addition to predators outside and devastating to ground feeding and nesting birds, plus any fledglings still learning how to fly. I saw a nature show last night on songbirds and they said over 80% of the birds they see who have had cat interactions die, even with antibiotics, etc. I adore cats but they are a plague on all the other animals who want to live around our place.
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan): Precovid19 I went on a Cuyahoga Valley Scenic rail train trip. Actually I went on several. They were so much fun.
Docent said, pointing out the eagles nest, that when one fell down during a big storm, there were 18 cat collars. And that was just the cats wearing collars. Wide world isn’t friendly for cats. They ned to stay home and eat cat food.
My park doesn’t have eagles but it has coyotes. Bigger than cats. Necessary for critter control. Keep your amateur cats at home.
Shadow. I had a Korat named Shadow Dancer, She followed me everywhere like a shadow.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
I had a cat named Spot.
This lovely boy looks like an Azul to me.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Patricia Kayden: The first kitten I ever named was named “Cuddly”. I was 7 :-)
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Sab: we put in a critter cam to see what could possibly be eating the cats and we definitely have coyotes and a bobcat, not to mention large owls and Raptors. So yeah, they are inside now.
cat trees: every cat loves them, except never mine. As a rule, your cat will love every tenth item you buy for it. So, keep to a budget.
Sloane Peterson's knee therapist
Trapped Lurker. I’ve had 6, now 7 cats over 40 years. 3 males and 4 females. Loved all of them. I was very fond of all 3 male cats, they were funny, affectionate and always entertaining, however, none of them lasted longer than 4 years. I don’t know what kind of living arrangement you have but if your new boy is going to be a house cat, that’s probably best for him. I live in a very rural area, lots of acreage with lots of predators. My male cats, all neutered, liked to roam. That’s how I lost them. All my female cats lived to ripe old ages and my present female, the Puss, (age unknown) I hope will do the same. Females tend to stay closer to the house and living area and that made a big difference
So, if your new boy – and here I agree with those who have said to wait for awhile and his name will just happen – is going to be in a non-predator burb or urban area you and he will find lots of things to share in common. Male cats ARE fun! Count on that. Good luck to both of you in your lives together.
Perhaps Mr. Peabody? Then you can get a kitten and name it “Sherman.”
On a side note – some cats like heights, others stay on the ground. If this kitty’s a climber, a cat tree is ideal. Otherwise, try the cat furniture with hiding holes- cats love to hide.
@RepubAnon: I do think he’s going to be gentlemanly, and he’s clearly a snuggler. If I’m right, Mr. Peabody would be perfect.
@Trapped Lurker:
If you bought a typical little tray for litter, consider buying another. The best I’ve ever seen and amazingly cheap — what we use at the shelter where I volunteer — are mortar mixing trays that you can buy at Home Depot (and I’m sure Lowe’s and elsewhere). They are large and the bottoms curve up nicely at both ends making scooping extra easy. With tax where I live — <$6. The only reason not to buy one is if you don't have the space. Also, if you ever get a second cat, these trays are easily large enough to accommodate two cats.
They are right about transitioning your cat to another litter, but please do consider switching from an expansive clay based litter. At our shelter we use World's Best Cat Litter (I've always hated the name), which is 100% corn. What does a cat do when it exits a little tray? Often it licks its paws. Would you want expansive clay going into your intestinal tract? I've been using WBCL at home for almost 20 years and personally I wouldn't switch unless I had a cat that was allergic to corn. Other "natural" litters are also better (IMO) than those that are clay based. They often cost more, but hey your cat is a living being.
Good luck with your beautiful new critter.
Trapped Lurker
@TriassicSands: I will definitely switch to a natural litter as soon as he’s comfortable here. The woman at Petco was very helpful & told me all about various litter choices and how to make the switch gradually.
I live in a wooded suburb (Maryland side of DC) near a large reservoir, so we have plenty of predators—i saw an eastern coyote wandering leisurely through my back yard once, and I’ve seen foxes across the street. Can’t be too many coyotes, though, because there’s definitely a deer population explosion. There are large red hawks that nest nearby & keep the rabbit population down. He will definitely be an indoor cat. Mulling over the name still—lots of lovely ideas. I’ll wait as you guys have suggested & chose a name when he’s home and we can get to know him.
ETA: this has been a lovely afternoon. I want especially to thank WaterGirl for suggesting that I post about the new cat and for making it so easy to de-lurk after all these years!
@Trapped Lurker: Sounds great! Thanks for sharing this – it really is so nice to read about something happy. Can’t wait for the updates and pics of your guy in his new forever home!!!
@geg6: Mine do, too. And they aren’t super active – they just enjoy lounging around on it.
@Sab: So true! We have coyotes and lots of hawks around, so I even try to stay alert when I walk my small dog (he’s ten pounds soaking wet with a major Napoleon complex). He’s always on a leash, but I stay watchful just in case.
Trapped Lurker
My new kitty had his surgery today and I will be picking him up from the shelter tomorrow afternoon. All the equipment is in place—feels like it did getting ready for a new baby… waiting patiently to get him home and begin getting to know him …waiting…
also rejoicing that Biden picked Kamala!