Tom Perez, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and all the corrupt DNC superdelegates have spoken: Biden is officially the nominee.
Now’s a good time to give to Biden. I might do one more this week and then one after each debate.
by DougJ| 149 Comments
This post is in: C.R.E.A.M., Political Fundraising
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Roger Moore
Yeah, like there are going to be debates.
I’ll give (again) in a couple weeks.
In the mean time, I’m going deep downballot.
LOL. Reading that made me realize yet again how ridiculous that Wilmer line was 4 years ago – and yet he repeated it again and again and again and again and again in every speech. Technically, of course, they changed the rule this time and superdelegates would have only been allowed to vote if there had been a 2nd (or more) round of ballots. Thankfully, Sanders made a decent speech on Monday and there have no in-convention boos by Wilmerites this time.
@Roger Moore: Maybe one. Given that the degree of suck-up in the White House staff requires a novel axiomatic foundation in order to comprehend it, it’s possible. But after contact with reality? Or even contact with ‘reality’?
Among the many things I liked about last night’s state by state montage roll call, was hearing each state’s Sanders and Biden tallies. Stark contrast (not that MAGAs will see or hear it) from Trump’s tinpot no-opponent-allowed ‘race’ for his party’s nom.
zhena gogolia
Sanders hater that I am, I really enjoyed that. It showed the vibrancy of our party. It was cool.
That always happens, even with the in-person convention. But I did like the montage because it highlighted our diversity, both geographic and demographic.
@RaflW: Thing about the R convention is that it’s going to be all Trump, all the time. Hours and hours of free prime time TV over three days. I do wonder if Pence will be the VP nom.
Nah. Left twitter tells me that it’s not too late for Sanders to unsuspend, guys! The dream lives on!
Stuart Frasier
Possibly dumb question: if one has given the maximum to Biden during the primaries, when is it possible to donate for the general election? Now? After the convention?
We better take the Senate, House and Presidency. The Supreme Court has announced that it will take up the case of “is the ACA unconstitutional in its entirety?” on November 10th. So yeah, it’s going down and they just wanted to shield Trump and the Repubs from the fallout for another 4 years.
Souce SCOTUS puts ObamaCare on the ballot – announces it will hear GOP case to kill Affordable Care Act one week after election
Mary G
Bernie’s exasperated me for years now, but there’s no doubt that the party has moved much farther left than it would’ve without him. That is a very good thing. Thank Dog he isn’t the nominee, though.
Roger Moore
@Stuart Frasier:
I think you could give to his general election campaign quite a while back. When I donated, I think it said something about letting me donate to both the primary and general election campaign.
@Mary G:
We’ve been moving steadily to the left since 2004. I’m not sure his contribution has been worth the cost. But here we are.
Am on a monthly recurring ActBlue contribution to Biden. I am spreading my campaign contributions about evenly between federal & state level races. Am up to 11 MO state house & senate candidates for this cycle. In 2018 I knocked doors for a number of these folks but the pandemic has curbed that activity this year so I am left with throwing money at folks. It’s absolutely assured the Rs will control both houses but we are within 7 house & 2 senate seats of breaking R supermajorities in the MO House & Senate. If somehow Nicole Galloway pulls out a win in the race for MO Gov., that would be huge.
Because circular firing squads are oh so helpful. //
Sheesh. Put a lid on the in-house invective and tantrum trolling, por favor.
@MattF: Yup.* And in classic Lions Eating Your Face strategery, the GOP will blow an opportunity to showcase whatever would pass for new, electable talent in the actual political party, and will have endless grifting Zirconium and Polyester style foolery to accessorize the Trump shopping channel boredom.
*eta: As much as it is fun to speculate about Trump the chaos-maker abandoning Pence, I think that level of bonkers may be outside of what his campaign will tolerate. Yes he’s that idiotic to want it, but Ivanka and Hope are I think keeping him off that ledge.
@Stuart Frasier: You can donate the full amount for both primary & general to a candidate for federal office at any time. It’s the campaign’s responsibility to segregate that money into before & after spending. Of course, this creates issues for folks who donated $5600 to someone like Warren or Sanders who did not make it to the general. I am guessing that campaigns would need to refund this money but am not an expert on campaign finance laws.
Guaranteed. One doesn’t toss a toilet roll while it still has half the paper on it.
Matt McIrvin
@RaflW: The only *reason* we heard that was that Sanders didn’t release his delegates to vote for Biden. So we got a sense of a real race, but most of the actual participants weren’t present.
mad citizen
@Roger Moore: Have had the same thought regarding the debates all year–they won’t happen. Either due to trump not being able, or simply the realization that no one wants them. Biden certainly has nothing to gain, and a COVID reason to opt out is certainly valid, especially given all the WH people that have had the virus.
Also so thankful the D’s collectively came to their senses this year with the competitors dropping out so everyone (except Bernie) could rally around Biden. I can’t imagine what this week would have been like had a candidate not reached the nomination threshold.
Doesn’t more airtime for trump at this point translate into lower “ratings” and lower standing in the polls?
@Marcopolo: I’d assume the money was spent. And that it would be illegal to spend it on anything but the campaigns— in any event, it’s not kept in a pile by the door.
@Matt McIrvin:
That’s what I initially thought, but now I’m not sure this year was any different than prior years. I’m inclined to let this one go.
Biden has a good campaign. Happy to donate.
I so, so appreciate that they aren’t bigmouth egomaniacs. I have had enough of that from Trump to last a lifetime.
@Percysowner: Fuck.
Matt McIrvin
@Percysowner: I wonder how easy it will be to explain to the public that if Democrats actually have the power to pass laws, this becomes a complete non-problem (the language that’s the hook for this trolling argument hasn’t been fixed only because Republicans in Congress don’t want it fixed).
@Matt McIrvin: Whatever the inside baseball reasons, what I liked about it as a person who usually tunes out the shouty, tedious-seeming floor stuff of past conventions, is that it shows a political party strong enough to acknowledge that we have internal policy and candidate differences, but are not (currently) afraid of that.
I think for a lot of people who pay even less attention, it showed respect to the second place finisher. YMMV.
@RaflW: Here’s your Republican rising stars:
Madison Cawthorn Is the Future of the Republican Party (NC)
QAnon Supporter Who Made Bigoted Videos Wins Ga. Primary, Likely Heading To Congress (GA)
Who is Lauren Boebert, the QAnon sympathizer who won a Republican primary? (CO)
And then there is Laura Loomer who won an R primary in FL last night. If you recall from 2016, the folks who walked on the stage and up to the mic in the RNC were a much more diverse group than the delegates filling the seats. That kind of deception is the norm for R conventions but in an on-line world, and with the ascendance of Trumpism, I really don’t know if that will hold true for 2020. But I honestly think you will see appearances by all three of the folks I’ve highlighted above since the party seems to be all in on doubling down on the cray cray.
“Why aren’t more young rising stars being showcased?” seems to be the MSM “hot take” on the Democratic convention so far, as if younger voters only identify with AOC and her cohort or something. It’s totally stupid. Who were Bernie’s biggest fans? (Also, the hot take if they had given major speaking slots to The Squad: “Dems put most polarizing members front and center!”) The Dem message seems to be “remember when the world was normal, you could call the president “leader of the free world,” and it wasn’t raining shit every day? Here’s Bill Clinton with some recollections….” Fine with me.
@NotMax: Did Doug not leave the sarcasm tag off obviously enough?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@different-church-lady: THE ULTIMATE UNFALNKNING!
@Marcopolo: Candidates can apply unspent funds to another federal election campaign. So Sen Warren could take contributions to her Presidential campaign and use them for her Senate re-election campaign.
@Marcopolo: Maybe an ensemble of synchronized flag-humping?
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: It’s not different, really. Hillary Clinton’s delegates stuck with her in the roll call in ’08.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@NotMax: I’d bet against if I had to, but you can never completely discount trump’s belief in what he would see as “great ratings!” Especially if his polling gets worse
@mad citizen
Downhill Donald passing up an offer of hours of his mug showcased on TV? Unpossible.
@Matt McIrvin:
I think everyone remembers this from 2008 rather than the formal vote.
This is going well, really. Harris was a great pick, virtual convention is better and more interesting than the old version, and he’s ahead in polls. Can’t ask for more than that.
Another Scott
As you know, there is no bottom….
(via Popehat)
We have to vote all the monsters out. All of them.
@Kay: Even though I am not an extrovert and don’t overly prize approval by other people, I feel a tremendous sense of relief that both Biden and Harris seem to genuinely like people — they seem to be happy interacting with normal people. Whereas, what seems to unite Trump to his most ardent supporters is shared contempt for others. What escapes me is why his supporters don’t seem to understand that he holds them in contempt as well, although maybe he doesn’t hate them quite as much or for the same reasons as he does immigrants and people of color.
@MattF: Actually, I’d think the campaign accountants would have “segregated accounts” for primary & general funding like when I worked at a Native non-profit in AK and we had umpteen federal, state, and local grants supporting our programs. All of the money was in only a few bank accounts, but the finance department tracked individual grant amount linked to specific grant related spending on their accounting software. It was illegal for us to commingle (a really great word) funds on the spending side.
Watching the State Dem. roll call. Love the NY delegate’s line, “It’s Joe time!”
@Another Scott: I guess it’s just another real estate deal . . .
@Kay: Agreed.
Damn centrists! I’m going full Yeezy, it’s time Amerikkka had it’s first black president
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I wonder if they could use the funds as contributions to other campaigns? That would be a strategic use of the money if you were planning another Presidential run. Obviously BJ has a glaring hole when it comes to campaign finance expertise. Where is our David Anderson for this subject matter? :)
If it was sarcasm, it stratospherically whooshed above this head.
@Matt McIrvin:
I was there and this was a huge deal at the convention. A kind of FAKE huge deal, really, because political media were absolutely egging it on, but you got caught up in even knowing it was mostly bullshit :)
The Ohio delegation complained to a reporter because they all kept interviewing the same disgruntled Clinton delegate over and over. Ok, by “the Ohio Delegation” I mean “me”. But they backed me in their hearts.
@mad citizen: I disagree. Trump has been pushing the ‘Biden is a doddering senile wreck’ projection-as-political-attack for months now, and I think he actually believes it. No way does he pass up an opportunity like a debate. Now, in Planet Reality, Biden is clearly in fine shape so Trump’s calculus might be a bit off, but that’s his problem, not ours.
In regards to the 2020 DNC, the only other thing I want to know is: Where. Are. The. Boats? We need more damned boats. Joe cannot win without the boats. Brinks boats filled with cash backing up to the docks everywhere. We need to win the boat war. It is freaking me out!!!
Q: What do you get when you cross Dick Clark with Frankenstein’s monster?
Matt McIrvin
@Marcopolo: Elvis needs boats! Elvis needs boats!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
Plus it would be a tacit admission that by Dolt 45 that he made a mistake. Not to mention that Pence (and Mother) know where a Noah’s Ark-worth of bodies are buried.
@dmsilev: Also, Trump doesn’t ‘debate’ his opponents in the normal sense— he seeks to dominate and humiliate them. Don’t know how Biden responds to that sort of thing, but I’d assume he’s prepped for it.
Being denied a second term is devastating for Donald Trump. The whole Trump Family really, because they were all dumb enough to take these make-work jobs with Daddy and have no separate identity.
That’s enough incentive for me!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@NotMax: from DougJ i think we can be confident it was snark. But you might see the exact same words posted in utter, indignant sincerity by the guy he brought to the front page
Oh no, what have is a Boat Gap!
@Matt McIrvin: New York passed and when they came back to count New York Hillary called for Obama’s nomination by acclimation.
OT but here is an on the ground report from the Patterson NJ mail facility about sorting machines that have been ripped out and dumped in a parking lot. Having visuals to go with stories is important. Go go go fourth column.
@Another Scott: I’d rather holiday in Puerto Rico than Greenland.
zhena gogolia
Me too. I thought the national security video with McGurk, Hagel, Yovanovitch, et al. was wonderful.
@Kay: Tiffany Trump seems to be doing her level best to keep a low profile far away from her family, and I salute her for that.
For the others, I think an urgent job next January will be an extensive audit of federal contracts and the like; the odds are very good that there is a lot of corrupt fuckery going on that we haven’t heard about yet, and seeing Jared and Ivanka brought up on charges of fraud and graft and so forth would be wonderful.
Setting aside that the whole premise is a lie, you don’t see Joe Biden “pivoting”, do you? No, you do not.
They’re pivoting off racism to …slightly different racism.
Matt McIrvin
@?BillinGlendaleCA: This time the theatrics of the remote roll call prevented them from doing the “call for acclamation” thing. But, yeah, that was an interesting way to balance acknowledging the strong two-person race and showing unity.
@Marcopolo: They can transfer funds to other candidates Federal campaigns, they can’t transfer funds or use them themselves for state or local campaigns.
Opportunity is ripe to get in on the ground floor of the market for Greenland-grown peaches.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Another Scott:
But…. those are 4 million American citizens.
Citizen Alan
Easy. It’s the peasant mindset. They worship the people who they perceive as their feudal lords whose wealth and power is proof they were anointed by God. Just as they bitterly hate anyone who offers them a chance to improve their own status instead of just telling them to blame all their problems on the Turks who’ve taken Jerusalem.
@Marcopolo: Not just boats, boats with Biden Flags!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
“Get me the snotty prep school kid and the booze-addled, gun-nut lawyers who sued their parents when they took too long to die. Something about them I like…”
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: No. no. no. You have to see them the way Trump sees them. They are but mere tenants, and you can always sell the property out from under the tenants.
Can almost hear it now.
“As we didn’t officially receive a salary, technically we were never employed by the government.”
I don’t think far enough ahead to get to prosecutions. I also have zero faith in federal prosecutors, so that goes into my decision not to rely on them. I think they’re too risk averse and careerist to function at this point. I am baffled on why they couldn’t bring more charges in Russiagate. They sure managed to charge those Portland protesters lickety split. Every single one of the protesters should take it to trial, now that we all know our prosecutors are chickenshit.
Just beat and humiliate them. That’s all we can do. I have no control over the rest.
Not if he keeps failing to qualify for ballots. He’s gonna get left holding a bunch of Trump org IOUs.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Brinks boats filled to their bows with cash & brimming with Biden banners for the win. In Milwaukee harbor (does Milwaukee have a harbor on Lake MI?). Those (s)trumpets will never know what swamped them.
@Citizen Alan
“Socage is highly underrated.”
// :)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Wasn’t it ultimately Rosenstein’s decision until it was Barr’s? And that toilet salesman in between? Didn’t they have to sign off on all Mueller’s recommendations, or whatever the legal term is?
@MattF: Read Kathleen Parker’s column this morning (Don’t judge me), and the comments were scathing. She described the convention thus far as maudlin, and that Trump will be upbeat, etc.because he knows how to do TV. ????
Hewitt, of course, claimed Dems have jumped off a ratings cliff–his words. What would be jaw-dropping is a jubilant Republican convention.
If Pence was getting dumped, Trump would be teasing it now to attract attention to himself instead of the DNC, like he did with the SBA pardon. I’m convinced of that, so I don’t think Pence is getting dumped.
*good for one use only.
@Jean: The Post commentariat have very little patience for their conservative columnists. It’s a joy to read the comments section, tempered only by my strong suspicion that the columnists themselves don’t read the comments.
@Marcopolo: Yup, they just send their rent checks to the new owner.
@Jean: I guess the ratings are what matter… [sigh]. I think Hewitt was just parroting a White House talking point without bothering to consider whether it made any sense.
@Mary G:
Fuck ’em. No one says “You shot me, but thanks for driving me halfway to the hospital.” Fuck that pouty, shouty, ratfucking bastard.
There are a lot of arguments you can try to make if you’re unencumbered by facts…
@Marcopolo: I’m not sure I’ve even seen a Biden flag, Obama flags were all over Ohio in 2008 and 2012(they still seem to be there), you could tell them cause they have a big “O” on them.
@Jean: I swear, Kathleen Parker’s only goal is to make sure that she never has to pay for dinner by never saying anything that prevents her from having a dinner invitation every night of the week. I don’t read her any more. She is the opposite of a serious thinker. I actually mind the idiot Hewitt and the other one (name escapes me) because they have never been anything but partisan hacks. Parker pretends to be something else, and she is, but she is dishonest about what that is.
@dmsilev: Totally agree. I tend to skim the column because I know it will be completely opposite of what I think and read the first 30 comments and am calmed down.
Hewitt’s ambulatory, but he’s still cream cheese.
Voters who didn’t vote for St. Bernie rigged the primary against him! WWWAAAAHHHH!!!!!!
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Jacob Wohl and Charlie Kirk get married in a tearful ceremony jointly conducted by Roy Moore and Laura Loomer’s rabbi. After Gohmert rolls out the cake, the couple does their first dance to Ted Nugent playing “Jailbait” live
Pivot accomplished, much joy follows….
I think a Dem boat parade would have to be sailboats, electrics, canoes etc.
Yesterday it was WI knocking Kanye & the Green party off the ballot for prez, today the MT Supreme Court kicked the Green party candidate off the Montana presidential ballot because it was “an illegal plot to skew the ballot for partisan gain.”
So far this year’s ratfucking isn’t going as well as it did in 2016.
@dmsilev: Probably not, but they’re still more pleasant to read than a lot of comment sections.
I commented on Marc Thiessen (who I don’t bother to read), because he was dumb enough to write a column declaring that the Post Office uproar was “as fake as Russiagate” the day the Senate Intelligence Committee report came out.
“Whaddaya mean you didn’t see that copy of Mao’s Little Red Book on Biden’s bookshelf? Bet ya it’s a signed first edition, too.”
Matt McIrvin
@Redshift: The TV ratings are way down from 2016; online views are way up. Of course every Republican is going to stress the dropping TV ratings.
Hmm, maybe if your idea of “upbeat” is the Nuremberg Rally…
I mean, Trump’s idea of “upbeat” (in between descriptions of American carnage) is to insist that the economy was great entirely because of him, until the Chinese virus, which is totally not his fault, and he’ll be able to make it go back to being great once the virus magically disappears.
@dmsilev: I almost never read Theissen, Hewitt and the other guy — Rogers — because I am convinced that at least two of them are employed only as click bait, and at least one of them is just a friend of some WaPo VIP who asked for a favor. I mean, they are paid for the crap they churn out.
@different-church-lady: Horrible thing to say about the late Dick Clark and Frankenstein’s monster!
Specifically, the ratings for the three traditional broadcast networks, between 8 and 9 PM EDT. All that cable and internet stuff doesn’t count.
@Redshift: Yeah, because the 2016 convention was just so upbeat . . . Not.
@Matt McIrvin: Ah, so it’s lying with statistics instead of just straight-up lying?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I am pleased to be able to hook you up with this Boatin for Biden image.
And this one which is, as someone else on the thread suggested, a kayaker.
Prognostication about what the Supreme Court will decide based on politics have a lousy success rate. I doubt it’s going down. Roberts does not want to reverse his own previous decision, and Gorsuch bizarrely enough has integrity – asshole integrity, but integrity – and will decide according to the law, which I doubt seriously supports the GOP.
On the other hand, ditching Pence as VP would be incredibly stupid.
@Roger Moore:
I think Trump wants debates. He’s an idiot and one of his persistent behaviors is that he truly believes he’s a fantastic negotiator. I think he thinks he would win a debate. I think everyone around him knows it would be a disaster and is trying to steer him away. These days, I suspect that what will actually happen is that there will be no debates because Trump’s people will be too incompetent to organize their side.
@NotMax: Rock The Boat Vote! Oh crap, all the Michelob Ultra fell overboard.
Joe Falco
peoplesuperdelegates have spoken, the bastards.”NotMax
Will never happen but would be a hoot if the non-Kool Aid networks refused to air it unless they are presented with written consent by the convention for use of the music to be broadcast.
@Matt McIrvin: I will be kind of fascinated to see the TV vs. streaming ratings for the GOP convention. It would not surprise me if they get way lower streaming because their base is less technologically inclined (and to be completely fair, less likely to live in areas with broadband) and they will probably studiously ignore what that means for their future.
But we’ll have to wait for the actual data to be sure.
Mo Salad
@Matt McIrvin: Elvis, Elvis, Elvis, Elvis, Elvis, Elvis, Elvis needs boats!
This place could use more Mojo, but maybe not the Nixon.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Kathleen Parker once devoted an entire column to a picture of George W Bush driving his old pick-up truck around the Lazy Potemkin Ranch. It demonstrated that he was a Good Man– she might even have capitalized it, it’s been a while. It wasn’t quite Peggy Noonan and Reagan’s shoe on the Freudian scale, but it was an odd column.
@Kay: When did he pivot off the “populism” (read racism)? Did I miss when Dump truly became President? Yo, Van Jones!
The bland leading the blind.
@mrmoshpotato: They must be worried that his laser-like focus on the economy, the pandemic, and the Russian bounties is distracting him from his roots.
OT but Ted Cruz has jumped into the Rubio/Scott/Schmidt Twitter flame war, and had his ass completely handed to him by Schmidt.
Ted Cruz! Also known as “the GOP’s 2016 runner-up”! I almost think having to deal with his 24/7 sneering contemptible eminently punchable face for four years would have been worse than trumpov…and then I think, ‘nah, surely there would have been one or two institutions that Ted wouldn’t have completely fucked up, unlike trumpov’. But ugh what a world!
@NotMax: An interesting twist on “We were only following orders.”
The thing is about this USPS story…
It’s both nationwide AND local.
It’s everywhere, yet, your local camera crew can go find a local facility that has been hurt. They can find local people who haven’t gotten their medicines. They find the local people – the people who ‘ look like me’ who have been affected by this attack on the Post Office.
Fox News and the White House can’t gaslight and pushback against every local community having some story – whether on camera, on the radio, or in the local paper, telling the truth about it.
And local whistleblowers are telling the truth about what’s happening.
Sweet mother of nightmares, that’s like a movie poster for a really bad horror flick.
And now I wonder just how long the word “flick” remains in the lexicon. I haven’t been to a movie theater in more than 15 years and it’s a term directly related to that venue.
I commented that if Little Marco is Vichy French Ted is a straight up Nazi.
@HumboldtBlue: It does cry out for the meme treatment. What was the one used with the Cruz-Fiorina picture – “These human suits itch,” I think?
His primary focus has definitely been whining about how nobody recognizes how great he is lately, there’s barely been any calling Mexicans rapists at all, his implying that the Chinese are evil, dirty disease spreaders has been intermittent, and he has only implied that the rioters coming to destroy your suburban neighborhoods are black. Trump honestly is much less ‘populist’ now than he was 2016. I mean, I give him no credit for it because it’s only because he’s spending so much time whining, but he is.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@different-church-lady: To riff off of Adam last night:
“Where Are They Now? The Eddie Munster Story”
Eddie met his second cousin Grosselda at a family reunion, and it was love at first sight…”
@Barbara: The 2016 RNC was upbeat! All of the shouters’…..errrrr….speakers’ faces were beet red as they lost their fucking minds over Hillary.
(I regret watching any of that shitshow.)
The only reason to dump Dense from the ticket would be to get attention from people who are currently not going to vote for Dump’s re-election. The odds of Dump choosing a VP nominee who would compete with him for attention are essentially zero.
Mike Dense isn’t going anywhere… until January 21.
Aside as momentary respite: No loss of funnytude since first aired.
@rikyrah: Yep. Bless the Flying Spaghetti Monster that the folks in the Trump Administration tend to be imbecilic when it comes to their “nefarious” plots to steal the election. A group of smart authoritarian wanna bees would have waited until October, after voters in a number of states had already started to cast their ballots by mail, to start dismantling the PO. If they’d done that there would not have been time for any kind of a response, and certainly not an effective one.
@NotMax: Google image search for “flick video”. Or as it appears on the signs, “FLICK VIDEO”. Kerning is critical.
@Frankensteinbeck: I think Dump wants TV time, not necessarily debates. The 2016 primaries were a shitshow because of him. “uuuuuuhhh little Marco! You’re a total loser! My hands are enormous and my penis is tremendous! SAD!”
Hillary fucking steamrolled his fat, orange fascist manbaby ass into a disgusting crepe all 3 times, but he showed up for all three yet uttered such brilliant rebuttals such as “No puppet! No puppet! You’re the puppet! You’re the puppet!” and “Wrong!” and “Such a nasty woman.”
The only reason to remove Pence from the ticket would be a personal emotional whim by Trump based on some incredibly petty reason. That’s how Trump works. Odds are good we would not be able to see it coming.
This is wisdom I cannot argue against.
Personally, I don’t think Pence is going anywhere. Pence is too good a Yes Man. It is blatantly why Manafort picked him. Pence does what he’s told and does not ask questions. He parrots the official line, like “Trump is the greatest president in history” with apparent sincerity and without improvisation that might go wrong.
@Ken: Are you being sarcastic? I think you’re being sarcastic!
@Frankensteinbeck: The last I heard Dump is demanding Hannity and friends be the moderators because he needs his safe space with a blanky. Assuming he doesn’t get those demands, I think the odds of him hiding under the bed are fairly high.
It wouldn’t be the first time he ran away from a debate because he was scared of the moderators.
You betcha. In high school, both the newspaper and the yearbook had a stricture against that word appearing in print.
Yeah, that’s something I’ve brought up in previous discussions of this. No matter how great Trump thinks he is, he’s a world class chickenshit coward, and he does not engage in competitions that he does not think are stacked overwhelmingly in his favor. In 2016, he had reason to believe – and was right – that the tone of questions in the debates would be “Hillary Clinton, should you apologize for everyone thinking you’re a criminal?” He does not have that now.
@Jeffro: I know of two podcasters in Springfield, IL who are definitely watching this RWNJ war with glee.
Miss Bianca
@Matt McIrvin: Damn right!! After all, who built Stonehenge?! ELVIS!!
But still there. And he’s always been a whiny manbaby.
Miss Bianca
@Marcopolo: You know, I hope when this is all over, there are some charges – piled on top of other charges, naturally – and huge, HUGE penalties and fees for DeJoy and his assclowns for Destruction of Federal Property. That’s got to be some sort of felony, isn’t it?
@mrmoshpotato: they have a lot of company, glee-wise =)
Someone should get Morgan Freeman or Martin Sheen to narrate an ad, just reading Schmidt’s words while the screen shows nothing but these three incredibly punchable faces in turn.
Ad cost: $0 (ok maybe some coffee for the narrator, whatever) The prospect of winning both of Florida’s and half of Texas’ Senate seats: priceless.
@Miss Bianca:
I’d think this would apply:
18 U.S. Code § 1703.Delay or destruction of mail or newspapers
It’s possible Manafort had other reasons, given the conclusions of the Senate Intelligence committee report.
Sarcastic? Moi?
Another Scott
@Marcopolo: This.
Plus, the major campaigns make this very, very easy by setting up “Joint Fundraising Committees”. E.g.
Hillary had something similar (and certain people said that was Corrupt™). I think Barack had something similar as well.
If you give to a Joint Committee, you’ll have to give a lot before hitting the federal limits. ;-) They’ll divide it up for you. Easy, peasy.
Miss Bianca
@Marcopolo: Yeah, that will do for a start…but I want this guy thrown in jail AND have his entire fortune confiscated and donated to the USPS pension fund. Pour encourager les autres, you understand…
Another Scott
@Marcopolo: Grand Rapids, MI – the Patterson post-office.
Michigan seems to be the front-lines on reporting on this stuff.
Another Scott
@NotMax: Of course, the Anti-Deficiency Act says something about people not being able to work for the Federal Government without being paid.
Eh, laws. Such a quaint concept…
yeah I thought it was pretty obvious
You thought wrong. Still fail to see it.
A debate would show Biden is not the drooling idiot DT’s crowd is trying to make him out to be.