Peak gaslighting. Posting a video clearly showing that there was no “attack” while insisting Rand Paul was attacked.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) September 1, 2020
BREAKING REPORT: Rand Paul has called to SUBPOENA ANTIFA plane records, hotel records, all travel records & all funding….
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) September 1, 2020
The Little Prince showed up at Trump’s RNC rally speech, because that’s what passes for glitterati must-be-seen-at among the GOP ‘elite’, and he’s been milking the after-reaction from DC natives ever since.
Republicans with media access will claim that Rand Paul was attacked while everyone else with no media access will correctly see that a cop used a bike to push a protester and the protesters pushed back on the cop who wasn’t prepared to follow thru with his assault.
— Goad Gatsby (@GoadGatsby) August 28, 2020
You blocked an anti-lynching bill, you walking bird’s nest.
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) August 29, 2020
I would be super worried for my safety if surrounded by an angry crowd, as likely intended. However, the video does not appear to support Rand Paul’s characterizations, let alone demands for FBI investigation and prosecution.
— EveryoneGetsHatEventually (@Popehat) August 28, 2020
I have a feeling Senator Rand might feel differently tonight about anyone shooting at the government when they have a beef with it.
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) August 29, 2020
FINALLY, he gets to really stretch himself on the important Wingnut Wurlitzer outlets, and not just his dad’s online-newsletter…
Libertarianism is arresting people without cause so you can find out their mailing address.
— Charles ?. Davis (@charliearchy) August 29, 2020
At long last, validation!
He didn’t say this about the Charlottesville horde that marched with swastikas and guns, preached white supremacy, beat people up, fired a gun into a crowd and murdered a woman with a car. But, sure, let’s lock up folks he doesn’t like for rude yelling.
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) August 30, 2020
(If Rand follows the usual Bubble Conserva-Baby arc, he’ll be discovered with one or more sex workers — some caprine — and a small suitcase full of illicit substances by next January at the latest.)
Mary G
I don’t normally approve of violence, but I sympathize with his neighbor.
James E Powell
Nobody accosted the senator or his wife. The cop with the bike used it as a weapon to shove people and get got shoved back. He caused the commotion. Get his name and ask him why he would attack people with the bike.
Senator Libertarian apparently wants people rounded up and interrogated to find out about this interstate organization of paid protesters.
That bullshit is right out of the script from the 60s with the outside agitators.
Aqua Buddha!
BTW, Baylor doesn’t have a swim team. They don’t even have a campus swimming pool much less a natatorium. What they have is a few recreational club swimmers who swim at the YMCA on the other side of town were my daughter used to swim on her youth swim team when we lived in Waco. If Rand Paul was on the “Baylor Swim Team” it meant he did recreational swimming at the local Y and shared lanes with the senior ladies doing water aerobics. Talk about padding your resume
It’s not exactly like down the road in Austin where Big-12 rival UT pumps out Olympic Athletes on a regular basis.
BCHS Class of 1980
You really got my goat there! Had to look that one up.
OK, I’m out of the loop here. What is caprine, besides a mountain goat species and a messenger app? Not even an entry on urbandictionary, which is where I go to try to understand the young folks’ crazy lingo.
@Basilisc: This brings back memories of my time at UW when this happened. For real.
Fresh new clothes….no one who is opposed to them can possibly be well off enough to afford their own clean clothes, they must be poor bums hired to make me look bad….arrogant jerks revealing themselves.
it’s perfectly legitimate for any American citizen to go to our nations capitol and tell our elected representatives that we don’t like something they are doing. Rand Paul has lost the plot. He forgets, he is our servant. He is in Government service.
Chetan Murthy
@Kent: A similar thing happened at Cornell at a frat; my memory was, it was in the early 90s. In that case, it was a nanny-goat.
@Kent: Ah, so Anne really meant the livestock and not some weird new drug. They look pretty friendly.
Libertarians are republicans. The “Reason” website is infested with vermin and spam.
My belief is that Rand “knows” the protesters are from out of town because too many of them are white, and all good Republicans know that DC is an all-Black city. Or he thinks his audience will believe it.
And of course “they were paid to be there” is standard conservative claptrap about protesters, a sincere anti-conservative crowd is unpossible.
Frat boys and livestock go back a long long time! And Rand Paul was a frat boy.
@Kent: Thanks so much for this background –especially about the “swim team,” which I hadn’t heard at all.
Heh yeah. I don’t think the media ever caught that lie. I didn’t either until I re-read it this evening when copying and pasting from the New Yorker. My wife was an attending physician in Waco and an affiliate faculty at Baylor because she had Baylor interns sometimes training under her. She was also a competitive swimmer and would have known if there was a pool hidden somewhere on the Baylor campus. There isn’t. Nearest one is clear across town at the YMCA in south Waco. I spent many hundreds of hours hanging out there while my kids did swim practice. I don’t ever remember any sort of Baylor swimmers. Maybe at best they had some recreational swimmers on the level of intramural soccer.
But he makes it sound like he was a Big-12 swimmer like those down at University of Texas which regularly pumps out NCAA championships and Olympic gold medals. Fucking poser.
@Mary G: Exactly. Although it was Bowling Green – the real place, not the massacre location. Which is obviously nearby “somewhere”… BG has a state Uni, so the town isn’t entirely all wing nuts all the time. Cause even sane ppl who get unsexy graduate degrees have to eat…
I can’t imagine R Paul has made a lot of friends there. For one thing, his great-great-granddad wasn’t born there… Also too, he’s an asshole.
I know a guy who was a NoZe Brother, a few years before Paul I think, but he didn’t get up to antics like that. It was probably before colleges became infested by braying Young Republicans drunk on their ascendancy, like at Rice.
So how do I cash in my AntifaAir Miles?
Well, that’s an interesting and (I feel) welcome development.
UC has always had a sort of branched admissions system. In terms of being UC qualified, there are different pathways, one of which allows for a combination of GPA and test scores. This ruling eliminates that pathway.
Now, every student is evaluated for UC qualification, but that’s very different from selection. About 85% of our students are qualified but my campus only admits about 35%. That selection is a different process, but (normally) requires the student be qualified. There’s really only one pathway there and SATs can be considered in selection, but need not be. Not sure how that gets affected by this.
Right now the SATs expand the qualified pool but don’t necessarily reduce the selection pool – though that varies by campus. SATs often help certain populations – low income asians, for example – Vietnamese, Cambodian, Filipino, etc. tend to be helped by this. But it’s true that disabled students can’t benefit from this, and therefore lose access to a pathway.
UC is opposed to this, but that’s something of a manifest destiny thing – we always want the most tools at our disposal, and we want the freedom to set those tools. I don’t think it’ll cause a ton of objection by the parties that set admissions policy, but it does make it a bit harder to get that balance right as the UC response states. UC wasn’t planning on eliminating standardized testing entirely – rather we were planning on replacing the SAT with something else. If we do that, we’re going to have to be much more careful about how we do it.
Dropping the SAT will almost certainly benefit black and latino students overall, though. It will also favor female students.
Sloane Ranger
Looking at the video, he wasn’t attacked. He was surrounded by protesters exercising their 1st Amendment rights up close and personal. One cop used his bike to clear a path for Paul and his wife, literally got pushback, stumbled and, for a brief moment there was a gap in the defensive wall. Had the crowd wanted to attack Paul they would have surged forward at that point. They didn’t. In fact they clearly held back until the cop was up again.
Anyway, aren’t Libertarians really, really hot on the right of citizens to challenge a government they consider tyrannical by any means necessary?
Finally, how does he know they were out of towners? Even if they were, so what and how does he know where they were staying? And what’s all this about clean clothes? These days most people change their clothes every day. I suspect that Paul is stuck in the 60s where protesters were all “dirty hippies “.
@Kent: Yikes. I thought The New Yorker did diligent fact checking.
@burnspbesq: Thanks. Faith in NYer restored.
@burnspbesq: Club sports barely existed in 1983. The number of schools that had them was in the dozens, where now it’s nearly every institution.
Steeplejack (phone)
Caprine : goat as ovine : sheep.
@Martin: I don’t know, Illinois had club hockey in the 50’s and rugby since 1963.
minstrel michael
Rand’s rant begins: “My feeling is…”
Y’know what, Randroid? Fuck your feelings!
Ella in New Mexico
I’m pretty sure this scenario has already occurred and is part of a portfolio of being held over Randie’s curly little noggin by Russia and/or Saudi Arabia to encourage excessive Orange Bastard Boot-licking…
Enhanced Voting Techniques
That seems a bit to exciting for Paul doesn’t it? I mean when his youthful indiscretion is to kidnap a woman to make take a hit from a bong. More likely Paul got something both far stranger and much more boring going on, like he collects beer coasters or something.
Heywood J.
Hate to wonder just what it would take for Kentuckians to finally decide their senators have embarrassed the state enough. If I lived there (never) I’d write in “Rand Paul’s neighbor” every got-damned time.
Heywood J.
@Sloane Ranger: Too bad they didn’t have paintball guns, since Dear Leader has already decreed that those are no big deal.
First, That’s the new student sport center with the requisite climbing wall, lazy river, and such, and the rest that was built sometime in the past decade, at least 25 years after Rand Paul left Baylor. They don’t have a real pool. It’s maybe a 2 or 3-lane lap pool at best. But they do have a cool lazy river.
From the web site:
I’m a UW grad. If I told you that I was on the UW soccer team would you think I was saying that I played NCAA soccer (which is false) or that I played on a tier-3 intramural club team (which is true)