So, a loser, basically.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) May 7, 2021
One can only wish TFG, and his minions, embrace all the anchors as they flail…
A buried lede here: internal GOP polling in battleground districts shows that Trump's unfavorables exceed his favorables – and that he polls more negatively than Biden, Harris, the COVID stimulus bill, & the jobs/infrastructure package.
— Christopher Federico (@ChrisPolPsych) May 8, 2021
However clear it might be you’re going to fail with the old product, you’ll fail even faster if the existing customers depart before the rebrand finds its legs.
— Julian Sanchez (@normative) May 8, 2021
Sorry, I was unclear: I meant this is a familiar reason businesses sometimes fail. They feel they can’t risk alienating current customers, even if they know the current model is losing money.
— Julian Sanchez (@normative) May 8, 2021
They want the Orange Savior. They can have him
Great job drowning that piece of burnt-ass steak in ketchup before shoving it into your resting-butthole mouth! Bravo!
Sometimes you listen to The Cynics.
This website still loads like molasses.
Lacuna Synecdoche
Julian Sanchez via Anne Laurie @ Top:
So … the GOP is joining the ranks of Kodak, Blockbuster, and Tower Records?
Drawing a blank on who it was asking for a reminder on when arguably the best boxing movie ever, The Set-up, comes around on TCM. This Saturday, the 16th, at noon Eastern time.
Keep an eye open for the clock in the street shots. The elapsed time it takes for the story to unfold is the same as the running length of the film, one of the first uses of ‘real time’ as a device in movies (pre-dates High Noon by three years).
The Pale Scot
Sounds like WKRP S01E02,
We Want Racism…..We Want Racism…….We Want Racism
As is their wont, The Onion nails it.
Experts Say Best Depression Treatment Remains Having Coal-Covered Street Urchins Sing About Dancing Troubles Away
D’oh. This Saturday, the 15th.
(looks for wet noodles for flagellation)
Mike in NC
Rooting here for serious injuries.
Shadow and lights, shade and Rick James.
@HumboldtBlue: That is wild!
Mary G
LA Times has an article today about Republican schisms in Texas between the old Chamber of Commerce business types and the new breed of crazies.
She’s married with three kids and her husband was at the Capitol with them, though without any TFG regalia.
@Lacuna Synecdoche:
It’s far worse than Kodak, Blockbuster and Tower Records.
Those companies actually delivered product that was viable, at least until new came along and replaced it. shitforbrains was never a viable product. He was a disaster of epic proportions. In a list of the 5 worst presidents, he takes all 5 spots. The previous holder of worst, just got salvation and he didn’t deserve that in any way. He got worst ripped from his cold, dead hands, with gusto, bravado, bullshit, racism and a bit of theft. Prior he was the worst by quite a bit, but shitforbrains out did him so badly, in a race for bad, and now he’s not. If anyone could tell him that he lost worst place to shitforbrains, he would be pissed that dipshit, dumb, worthless, fuck of a human being actually made him look good. He did his worst to be the worst and he got snookered. He’s going to have to be dug up and have his trophy for worst ripped out of his cold dead hands. Oh the shame of losing worst. To shitforbrains.
@Ruckus: So as far as TFG goes, I’ll mark you down as “Not a Fan”.
Hahaha! Well put!
Poe Larity
If only TFG had been prescient enough to clone JFK Jrs.
The business analogy isn’t just about TFG, the GOP has been stuck this way through multiple election “post mortems.” They recognize they need to expand their appeal, but that risks losing some of their current base to gain some of the people the base has been encouraged to despise.
The key point is that it could work, but even if it does, there’s no guarantee the people currently in power will still be around to benefit. Taking a hit for the future good is the party isn’t something most politicians are good at, and especially not the IGMFY crowd. So they double and triple down on voter suppression…
@Ruckus: Are you referring to Andrew Jackson?
@opiejeanne: Congratulations on the greenhouse!
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Media spent years telling us he was business man, operating a vast empire. Don’t they feel foolish.
@eclare: Thanks. The walls are up, but only one section of the roof so far, because we are short and old. We hope to be able to get 3 sections up tomorrow, but this would be a lot easier with one more person.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
I mean, how is that list any different from any day of his idiot reign?
The problem, of course, is that the GOP feels it doesn’t really need to care whether people vote for Republicans or not. The new legislation Republican state legislatures are enacting will keep non-GOP faithful from voting AT ALL. And even if the Republican candidate loses, the state legislature can simply declare the vote invalid and install the Republican anyway–all perfectly legal now.
@Redshift: Because they have been selling racism for quite some time, and because they have repeatedly said they should seek a more diverse base (Hispanics they usually mean), the gop would need to prove by actions over some minimum number of years, before most minorities would consider voting for them again. This means that they would first alienate their most racist base voters, and then wait a long while to see any reward. They made it impossible to pull off by waiting this long to change.
They can’t change their policy. Anyone who tries, will lose faster than anyone who stays with the sinking ship current policy.
Some individuals may manage in less racist regions. Specific locals may escape this doom calculation.
@The Pale Scot: …What?
Robert Sneddon
I am reminded somewhat of the story and eventual fate of Big Fido, the ruler of the dogs of the city of Ankh-Morpork in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books.
Big Fido was the undisputed king of the city’s canine population and then he died (and, in the spirit of Ankh-Morpork an entrepreneur found his body, skinned it and turned into leather). The dogs recovered Big Fido’s collar and it became an object of veneration and worship for a couple of years and then they forgot all about him and why they were worshipping this collar thing.
Good one. I like this, too.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Not to mention, it’s all exactly what he did as president.
Uncle Cosmo
Think Buggy Whip International, LLC**. They’ve already got the buggy part down; now the reality-based electorate is primed to whip their flabby arses over and over again with a clue-by-4.
** Lying Liars’ Collective
Splitting Image
@Mary G:
I’d have been surprised by that 20 years or so ago. Having met a fair number of people in the kink scene I can say that I’d be more surprised now if the reactionary assholes in it aren’t a majority. Compared to other subcultures, the kink scene skews older, whiter, wealthier, and closeted. It also seems to be very active on Twitter.
@Ruckus: I hate to ruin a good rant, but W is still alive and painting.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Except all the GOP customers are addicts and will buy what ever shit that has the letter R after it the GOP pushes out.
The better analogy is a business that outsourced everything, including sales and marketing, now the there pro is changing the executive staff is finding out their only skill is collecting a paycheck.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Ruckus: What, no love for James Buchanan who killed 10% of the adult male population by letting the Civil War happen, Woodrow Wilson who killed 2% ith his non-response to the Spanish Flue and Andrew Jackson who crashed the economy while murdering native Americans wholesale? Trump is a bit of failure even at failing.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Splitting Image: Key word is “Dominatrix” as someone whose fantasy is be an assertive personality. as opposed to her clients who very likely are and want some time off, so to say. It’s pretty easy to see someone like that would eat up Trump’s fake Alpha male persona.
Interesting that this is the same branding problem that is killing evangelical christianity. But kind of obvious when you consider it’s the same set of customers.
Andrew Johnson.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Likely they don’t feel foolish.
I’m not saying the others mentioned weren’t bad, they were. BAD. I’m saying that shitforbrains was the worst of the lot. The others mentioned did horrible things. And most of them had some small, not quite so horrible bit.
Name one positive thing that shitforbrains was for or did.
Name one thing he did that wasn’t horrible and wrong.
He was bad because he was a racist. So were the others. He was bad because he didn’t want the actual job, he was in it solely for himself. His stupidity and hate got more people killed than the others. That may be the time but that’s the time he lives in. How many of the others were in it solely to save his sorry ass because of all the crap he’s done his entire life?
How fucked up is it that we can even have a discussion about which asshole has been the worst president and everyone had ample proof that everyone of the examples they give is a valid choice for worst president?
Miss Bianca
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: That was going to be my question.
@Lawrence: Yep…their solution to everything is to double-down, ignore reality and Jeezus harder…
The Pale Scot
Excuse me, I misspoke. I meant