NEW: Far-right internet provocateur “Baked Alaska” botches his plea deal hearing after declaring himself “innocent.”
Trial now set for March 2023, but he’s got 60 days to change his mind on the plea deal.
— Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) May 11, 2022
Could not happen to a more deserving idiot bigot — here’s the Wikipedia entry for ‘Baked Alaska‘, aka Anthime Joseph “Tim” Gionet.
Hello from Judge Emmet Sullivan's virtual courtroom, where far-right troll Tim Gionet (better known as "Baked Alaska"), will be entering a guilty plea in connection w/ Jan. 6. Gionet livestreamed from the Capitol: "Occupy the Capitol let's go. We ain’t leaving this bitch"
— Zoe Tillman (@ZoeTillman) May 11, 2022
Sullivan is one of the longest serving fed judges in DC and trying to recount all of his major courtroom moments would take a lot more than a tweet. But you may remember him from such notable interrupted hearings as Michael Flynn's postponed sentencing:
— Zoe Tillman (@ZoeTillman) May 11, 2022
Something to consider about Gionet possibly blowing up his plea deal and getting a trial date: That means he spends that much more time on pretrial release subject to court oversight — his online activities have already gotten him in trouble with the court while it's been pending
— Zoe Tillman (@ZoeTillman) May 11, 2022
— Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) May 11, 2022
Sullivan sets a status hearing for July 22, at the end of the 60-day window that Gionet now has to take the plea deal as is or prep for trial in March 2023.
Gionet: "Thank you for the additional time, I appreciate it"
Sullivan: "These things happen, I wasn't born yesterday"— Zoe Tillman (@ZoeTillman) May 11, 2022
Can't help but remember this hilarious self own after Baked Alaska just messed up his own plea deal in federal court
— all concerned parents matter (@People4Words) May 11, 2022
Why did Baked Alaska blow up his plea hearing today? Because God told him to.
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) May 11, 2022
He seems nice.
If Professor Moriarty was the Napoleon of Crime, who’s this guy? Sergeant Schultz?
When that prison door slams shut behind you, Mr. Alaska, you’ll realize you did care all along about that deal.
Here are some other people who believe in “God’s truth.”
No indication of when the first member of that church plans to run for congress.
How about never? Is never too soon?
The GOP finally had its health plan.
dr. bloor
Tracking an amusing thread on Twitter where someone suggested that he has really poor judgment, and that there might be mental health issues underlying his behavior in court that should probably be explored. As if that set him apart from the rest of the loons storming the gates on 1/6.
@Cameron: John Banner’s character Ernst in 36 Hours provides an interesting contrast to his Sgt. Schultz, and shows that he was really quite a good actor.
What a maroon. Just wait until he sees the superseding indictment he’s going to get if he doesn’t come to his senses and take the extremely generous deal that DOJ is holding open for him.
If I were the AUSA on his case, I would have taken the deal off the table instantly. “You fuck with me, I bring the full power of the United States Department of Justice down on your ass.”
And his defense counsel should be looking at some sort of professional discipline for allowing this Idiot to blow off his own toes.
patrick II
He’s banking on Trump pardoning him on Jan 21, 2025.
Roger Moore
Private Snafu.
These fucking people…
I hope this bitch continues punching himself in the dick and gets the book thrown at him.
I hope that for all of these Dump-humping, fascist shitstains who tried to overthrow the government.
@burnspbesq: eh, it’s happened to me. As defense counsel, you prepare your client but then, in front of your very eyes, they pull a stunt like this. In my experience, there is a subset of people that are incapable of pleading guilty. They just can’t do it, even if it’s their best interest to do so.
Anne Laurie
@dr. bloor: Let’s just say… while I’m in favor of decriminalizing marijuana, there is considerable evidence that consistent long-term THC abuse does *not* improve one’s higher executive reasoning functions.
(And you’re right, of course, it might be self-medicating. )
Many probably know this already, but Gionet is a celebrity stoner. That’s what the “Baked” in Baked Alaska is about
Ahh, now I see that his Wikipedia entry covers this.
dr. bloor
@burnspbesq: I agree that Aloi should have been less generous in leaving the deal open. Disagree about disciplining the defense attorney. They can’t be held responsible for not wrangling grandiose idiots like Gionet, and they probably walked him through the allocution a jillion times beforehand trying to prevent what happened.
Villago Delenda Est
This whiny little fascist twit should be tossed into prison and the key forgotten.
@Anne Laurie: Huh?
Shocking video of something good happening in Florida. I know, hard to believe.
Chacal Charles Caltrop
@burnspbesq: if criminal defense counsel were disciplined for every stupid stunt their clients pulled they’d be in front of grievance committee every year. Believe me stupid people don’t stop being stupid just because they’ve been arrested and charged.
Urban Suburbanite
@dr. bloor: I remember some podcaster (I think it was one on the Capitol attack) dug into his past, and how he started out as a wannabe rapper whose friends had to talk him down from a suicide attempt more than once. Then he fucked over those friends to be a livestreaming for edgy fascists.
This idiot gets a 2,500-word entry in Wikipedia, with 65 references. That’s in the same ballpark as each of the 2021 winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, for a random comparison. There’s something wrong with our celebrity culture.
(This isn’t really about your comment–I’d just read his Wikipedia article and was surprised/a bit irritated at how detailed it is.)
@LAO: Amazingly, not the only incredible, good thing reported in Florida today.
@RSA: I saw that. Unbelievable. Truly Amazing. I know for sure that I could not have landed that plane.
S. Cerevisiae
@RSA: That passenger must not have eaten the fish…
dr. bloor
@S. Cerevisiae: I picked the wrong week to delete my “golf clap” gif.
@S. Cerevisiae: no, but he stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Ruckus ??
Sergeant Schultz was your basic enlisted guy. Did what he was told, kept his mouth shut when necessary so as not to end up getting screwed over. Some don’t have the intelligence to accomplish that. In any countries military. I know nothing was as good an answer as it gets, because his “betters” would give him no credit for either completely shutting up or spilling whatever beans he might know.
zhena gogolia
@S. Cerevisiae: Good luck, we’re all counting on you
Mike in NC
The name ‘Anthime Gionet’ has a nice Nazi-ish ring to it.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Why are these pigs getting plea “deals”?
@trollhattan: It would check all the Rethug boxes!
Ruckus ??
I flew a small private plane for about 30 minutes once. The owner was in the left seat the entire time. Land it? No Fucking Way, unless crash landing was an option. There is a reason it takes effort and time to get a pilots license. It isn’t that difficult but it isn’t a 30 minute learning curve. Learning to race motorcycles was easier.
Ruckus ??
@Chacal Charles Caltrop:
Considering how some continue the activities after serving time, being stupid might just be the least of their problems.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: Because plea offers are made in 99.9% of criminal cases. The government lacks, the time, resources and will to try all of these cases. Also, there is also a real risk of that the defendants would be acquitted.
Because that’s how the criminal justice system works. When you are guilty and the prosecution has you dead to rights, you cop a plea. He wasn’t the Oklahoma City Bomber. We don’t have enough judges, prosecutors, and courtrooms to bring every single case to trial.
Mike in NC
@zhena gogolia: Waiting to hear if the passenger’s name is Ted Striker.
@LAO: Good Lord, how brave, and also how alert and quick to react, that first woman was! She’s my new hero.
Now I’ve gotta read about this guy who landed the plane. That sounds pretty amazing.
cluster B antisocial personality type.
The problem stems from their inability to feel certain emotions: guilt, remorse, regret, grief, sorrow, Etc. These people have an innate talent for confounding lie detector tests. Of course everyone’s ability to feel these emotions varies along a spectrum, but for some, it gets in the way of their ability to recognize that they’ve made a mistake.
They always blame others for their fuck ups. It’s never their fault.
Their emotional deficits absolutely stunt their growth into adults because they don’t learn from their mistakes.
Normal people sometimes confuse the issue with stupidity – and yes, sometimes they ARE stupid – but this is not always the case.
Psychopaths, Sociopaths, and Narcissists can be highly intelligent, and learn to hide their emotional deficits, and therefore are able to be VARY effective at manipulating others. You’ll see these types be highly successful in sales, often selling scam products.
@ant: You may be right and I certainly don’t think Baked Alaska is stupid; he’s an asshole for sure, but not stupid, In my experience as a defense attorney for the past 20+ years, i represented a lot of people — who just can’t walk themselves into a jail cell — even when they recognize that they are in fact guilty. And weirdly, when it happens, it always surprises me.
Prison is another place where you will find these types in high numbers. These are the ones on the stupid end of the spectrum.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Ken: Years after my childhood experience with Hogan’s Heroes, I saw the film Stalag 17 from which it was clearly derived.
The Sergeant Schultz in the film looks and sounds a lot like the Schultz of TV, but he’s a very different character. A Nazi pretending to be just a friendly guy, the prisoners’ buddy.
Paul in KY
@LAO: Buddy Hackett managed to land one once…