That's why he's valedictorian.
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) July 2, 2022
Yes, this actually happened — four years ago.
Don’t know where young Mr. Bowling might be today, but my first thought on seeing this image was: Here is a kid who intends to burn rubber out of Pinesville and never come back… and he’s deliberately made it impossible for himself to back down on that promise, now…
Alison Rose
Yeah, they should’ve known it wasn’t him. Trump wouldn’t fight for a seat at the head of the table, he’d just plop his fat ass in it and say he earned it.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That must have been one awkward silence immediately afterwards. Hope he left and never looked back
@Alison Rose :
Also far too intelligently worded for the Short-Fingered Vulgarian
That is one fine young man!
Poe Larity
linkedin says
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Poe Larity:
Sounds like he’s doing well for himself
Anne Laurie
@Poe Larity: Thanks! Good for young Ben!
Approaching sunset here and looks like dark gray clouds moving in from the south. Digits crossed they unload their saturation and put a damper on the boomies tonight.
The good, young Ben is probably a distant cousin of mine. I have “Bowlings” on both sides of my (twisted) family tree and both are from “that” part of KY.
@Alison Rose : The Kremlin’s orange fascist manbaby would then start telling everyone how he’s tremendous bigly at tables, and big, burly tables have come up to him with tears in their eyes.
@NotMax: Enjoying a fine Midwest thunderstorm here. Though the neighborhood was blowing up earlier.
@NotMax: Good to know that 1:46 am in Ohio is sundown in Hawaii.
Balloon Juice is weird that way.
I have a sister very into Chinese culture. When I call her on the phone I never know if she will answer in Ohio, California or Shanghai. And sometimes she goes to Europe.
Very difficult to maintain the usual courtesies of not calling before 9 am or after 9 pm.
@mrmoshpotato: Nature has really shown those fireworks players what for. The neighborhood shows suddenly stopped like, “Quick, Mom’s home!” around an hour ago.
@mrmoshpotato: I am so old that I remember when thunderstorms rained out every fireworks display throughout the Midwest almost every year.
@mrmoshpotato: that storm was crazy.
@NotMax: It’s been pretty quiet here all weekend, unusual for this neighborhood. Tonight there was a stretch of about 20 minutes with popping and banging, and a few booms, but really not much and we didn’t hear the guy with the cannon.
@sab: In the Seattle area we were told, and later observed, that summer really didn’t start until July 5th, and it rained almost every 4th. This year it rained on the 3rd but the rain held off today. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be a nice spring-like temperature, 77. and partly cloudy.
Amir Khalid
Birthday coming up a week from Sunday. Two words: black SG.
If by “crazy,” you mean “AWESOME!” then yes. ⛈️
On topic, the thought of the words “inspirational quote” coming out of Dump’s resting butthole mouth is hilarious. How were these idiots fooled?
Amir Khalid
There are people who find TFG’s utterances inspiring, I guess, especially for certain values of “inspiring”.
No storm out here in SoCal but we did have about 5-6 hrs of fireworks. People setting of some pretty big ones in their yards and streets. City I live in does not allow sales or supposedly setting them off. But the police department would have to be 5 or more times it’s size to be able to do any thing at all about it.
‘@Amir Khalid
Know what’s in spires? Bats in the belfry.
Pyrotechnics relatively low key this year as of 10:15 p.m. but there’s still a pall of smoky burned sulfur odor in the neighborhood nonetheless.
Um, who is Ben Bowling?
@Jesse: He’s valedictorian, as it states.
Pineville, not Pinesville.
In the pines, in the pines, where the sun don’t ever shine
New Deal democrat
@Poe Larity: He’s also active on Twitter:
As of a few days ago, reminding people to vote in the midterms.
I wish him well in his chosen career as a physician.
I’m kinda perturbed that you couldn’t find some way to turn that tweet into some wordplay on “Bowling’s green massacree” or something like that. I can’t come up with one, but I thought YOU wouldn’t fail me/us.
Jake Gibson
Pineville is Southeastern Kentucky on the border with East Tennessee.
That kid is getting the hell put of there.
Supposed to be a rainy week here in far NE Illinois. It’s been dry—we need it. As for fireworks, they only bothered me because they upset Gaby, but she’s so deaf now that she sleeps right through them. She even slept through lat night’s storm. I hate watching her age, but I also didn’t like her panting and pacing and needing trazodone.
Oh, and yesterday was my birthday. One more year until Medicare.
Happy Birthday, youngster!
@Alison Rose : Or he’d plop his fat ass down wherever it happened to land, and call that spot the head of the table.
@Poe Larity: Looks like the kid is sticking with Kentucky, for now. Good — his home state needs more people like him.
@Amir Khalid: Fingers crossed for ya!
@SFAW: Ditto!
@Kristine: Happy Birthday! Medicare isn’t all that the M4A-ers crack it up to be. Be sure to sign up for everything!
Miss Bianca
That sounds like the mic drop I heard about from way back in the 60s, during the height of the Vietnam War protests, when a class valedictorian picked a quote that talked about disrespectful young people and the need for discipline etc etc, and then when the audience broke into a storm of applause he went on: “Those words were spoken by Adolf Hitler.”
There was a story late in the 2016 campaign when a reporter started checking into TFG and his claimed charity contributions. There was an event for a children’s charity, cancer or something, I don’t recall the specifics. One of the members of the board was unable to attend so there was an empty chair. TFG showed up and just sat in the empty chair with the actual board. He wasn’t a board member and the reporter couldn’t find any record of a contribution to the charity. But he was there for the pictures, which made it look like he was an important contributor.
This year’s speech.
The Lodger
@bjacques: Sounds like a bad place to be stuck.