Not sure why #FJBiden is trending other than to say FABULOUS Joe! Keep on winning Mr. President! We appreciate you. ????#FreshResists
— Ashley is PRO-Choice ?? ?????????????????? (@KuckelmanAshley) August 24, 2022
In keeping with my campaign promise, my Administration is announcing a plan to give working and middle class families breathing room as they prepare to resume federal student loan payments in January 2023.
I'll have more details this afternoon.
— President Biden (@POTUS) August 24, 2022
For Chuck Schumer, today's student debt relief announcement capped two-plus years of lobbying Joe Biden on the issue.
"The fact that the president has done this means that opens the door to do more as well," Schumer said.
— Congress Minutes (@politicongress) August 24, 2022
Nearly 90% of the benefits of the Biden Administration’s student loan debt relief will go to borrowers earning less than $75,000.
Meanwhile, 85% of the benefits of Congressional Republicans’ tax cut went to taxpayers earning more than $75,000.
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) August 24, 2022
That’s a big deal.
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) August 24, 2022
President Biden signed the Public Safety Officer Support Act of 2022 this week, which extends benefits to families of first responders who die by suicide. @MacFarlaneNews has the details.
— CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) August 20, 2022
We have a NEW head of Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle. She has 25 yrs experience, and was part of Joe's VP detail. ????????????
— GeorgiaPeach OG Biden Babe ?????? (@ChrisFromGA68) August 24, 2022
Fox News’ Peter Doocy: "How much advance notice did you have of the FBI's plan to search Mar-a-Lago?"
President Biden: “I didn’t have any advance notice. None, zero, not one single bit.”
— The Recount (@therecount) August 24, 2022
I am really pleased about the new head of the Secret Service. (I wanted to abbreviate that, but calling it by its initials is…. not a good look.) Seriously, though…. the fact that even the SecServ (see what I did there?) is full of TFG minions proves that the yoots are on to something with ACAB.
“Yeah? Riiiight…. Sure you didn’t.”
Anyone know which Republicans voted against this?
@Suzanne:I’m not fluent in acronym, ACAB?
17 Republicans in the house voted against it.
Greene (GA)
Hice (GA)
Higgins (LA)
All Cops are Bad
“All cops are bastards,” I think.
All Cops are Bastards. #ACAB
BIg cheers for the new head of SecServ ( ty Suzanne) Hope she does some serious housecleaning.
I hope she brings back Major. That dog knew something was up.
@OzarkHillbilly: Not clear on what you are saying here. I am sure that there have been discussions between Garland and President Biden regarding whether Trump is immune from search/arrest in the past.
I imagine that Garland would have been told that no one is above the law and to carry out your job to enforce the laws of this country. I am also sure that Biden would emphasize that no further “approvals” or notification would be required.
I think Joe is pretty smart that way.
That’s one way to find out who the abusers are.
germy shoemangler
@Baud: LOL !S he can use him as the traitor- detector 😉
Next up, some parents want other kids hit, so we’re giving them that option too.
@Baud: @Steeplejack: @gene108:
Thanx. Kids these days, who can keep up?
I think OH’s use of quotation marks indicated a hypothetical MAGA skeptic.
@germy shoemangler: Jeezuz. I think I just went full ACAB.
I’m still trying to figure out “TFW” from last night’s thread.
@germy shoemangler:
Raoul Paste
@OzarkHillbilly: “Parents who want their children hit…..”
@OzarkHillbilly: “All Cops Are Bastards”.
Didn’t read last night’s thread, but it generally means “that feeling when” or something similar.
germy shoemangler
I’m enjoying this “rare insults” account:
It was used as a noun. Not sure what it means.
“ALL” is just plain dumb.
@Steeplejack: “That Feeling When”.
Alexandra Petri’s new column this morning hits the mark. A few snippets:
@germy shoemangler: Wow.
Good Morning, Everyone😊😊😊
Good morning.
@NorthLeft: I am relating what every FOX viewer has running thru their heads. Whatever Joe Biden says or doesn’t say, Fucker Carlson has the narrative set in their heads.
That shouldn’t take too long. There’s not much there but this inchoate fart cloud of resentment and grievance and envy.
@Steeplejack: Me too.
Suburu Dianne to the rescue!
TFW = temporary foreign workers
FYI, my head is full of an inchoate fart cloud of resentment and grievance and envy, plus a shit ton of song lyrics and useless trivia that I hope might help me on Jeopardy one day.
I don’t think Tucker actually sets the narratives. You started hearing the Christian Intellectuals talking about Great Replacement, Losing The West, Orban, National Conservatism, and CRT months before Carlson mentioned it. Those were the people who got him the interview Orban.
The entire thing is a self propelling machine where all these people keep feeding into each other. But Fox isn’t the origination, it all starts in churches and christian publications. Tucker can amplify it but he’s not the driver.
I’m glad they brought in a new head of the SecServ. I knew a bunch of them when I lived in KPort (even went to weddings and baby showers) and let’s just say there was a lot of cheating while they were on the road. They also looked the other way when HW was traveling. Didn’t seem smart to me from a security perspective.
Tony Jay
Which is then immediately followed by the realisation that this proves – proves, I tell you – that not even the lawless Kommissars of the Federal Bureau of Ideology (heh, indeedy) trust Simple Joe with important national security information about illegal home-invasions aimed at political opponents. Open your eyes, sheeple!
I answered in that thread. Temporary Foreign Worker(s).
ETA: Baud got there!
@Baud: Also news stories:
Teacher suspended for refusing to strike children
“She obviously didn’t grow up around here,” one parent commented.
Yeah, no. That wasn’t the context.
@MagdaInBlack: It’s not noticed enough that since W began his militarization of the police, their crime-solving stats went down.
They find policing the CITIZENS more important than actually solving crimes…
Good morning. 🙏
Children should be treated gently, like muffin batter. That’s how to get the best results.
Also, how one gets the best flavor.
My pleasure.
Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!)
So has the crazification factor only really gone up 1%?
From the new Franklin & Marshall College Poll of PA voters*
Question: ” Regardless of how you plan to vote, Which Candidate for U.S. Senate do you think is best described by the following statements? Do you think Fetterman or Oz:
Best understands the concerns of Pennsylvanians? Fetterman=52%, Oz=28% , Don’t know=21%
*manually transcribed from the dead tree version of the Reading Eagle newspaper by me. online is paywalled
Probably buried somewhere on the F&M Poll twitter or their website.
@OzarkHillbilly: The problem is, many people think other people’s kids who are the problem should be paddled, not their kids! I’m glad most schools don’t do that anymore, but not surprised a school in my neck of the woods would do this.
My dad had a paddle when he was a school principal and superintendent; it was pretty rare for him to use it. My favorite story of his was when he suspended one male high school student. He called the student’s dad to tell him his son had been suspended and why, and the father said “I’ll take care of that”. Evidently the kid who thought he was getting a 3-day vacation had to pick rocks on a field for the three days he was suspended! My dad thought that was hilarious. I suspect the student behaved better after that.
Petri is exactly correct – how dare we move on. Bring back the 90% marginal tax rate, right now! It’s not fair that all those people suffered, skimped and saved all those years to pay their higher taxes, just so that these modern layabouts can pay NOTHING, well, almost nothing, in tax.
Regarding TFG and what’s going on with him. It’s worth remembering.
Reality Winner got a 63-month sentence for stealing ONE classified document.
And that wasn’t after months of polite requests to return it, with no legal reprisals.
Also too, “the liberal” Glenn Greenwald was just fine with that.
With sprinkles!
(known as ‘jimmies’ here in The Biggest Little)
@OzarkHillbilly: They wanted TFG to use the DOJ and FBI as his own personal police force to get revenge on his enemies, so they can’t imagine that other presidents didn’t do that too. To them it’s natural that Biden would order the DOJ to raid TFG’s home. Of course, he didn’t, but they’ll never believe that.
@Steeplejack: We clearly need a larger alphabet, so we don’t have the same TLA being an acronym for several different things!
@Cacti: I wish Democrats would point out more that literally anyone else who had the documents TFG had in his house would be under arrest already! This is a crime that people can understand easily, use that!
What’s a TLA?
Three letter acronym.
Biden is trending because he is old and we only just now noticed.
Also too he has a POC woman as VP and we didn’t notice during the actual electon.
@eversor: Many on the liberal side don’t understand just how powerfully pervasive the church is in the lives of the right wing base. These people believe in literal fairy tales and that they’re step soldiers in a holy war. They are very used to being told what to believe and how to behave and now those churches are ALL about rw politics and HATING Dems . IMHO we need to go after the churches and reinvigorate the wall between church and state if we ever want lasting power. The evangelicals are largely ignorant and not-very-bright people but they are tenacious. I of course have no real suggestions that wouldn’t prompt a ferocious backlash but this a real and growing problem we can’t ignore.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@OzarkHillbilly: Holy cow. I assume someone consulted the standards for what counts as abuse: ie, anything that leaves a bruise?
@Soprano2: Same here!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: That’s exactly what the survey means.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I never thought the leopards would hit my children.
@sab: I don’t have a link handy, but the NYT wrote an article today about the surge in women voter registrations.
They were careful not to attribute it to Republicans wanting to strip their rights away, and even included a caveat that some could be MAGA women, rejoicing at their new broodmare status.
These fucking people.
@Baud: My children are wimps. I thought they could beat those leopards. I thought that was what they were learning in their charter school.
This, also, will be noticed. There’s only so much a style section can do.
I don’t think they are ignorant, at least not politically. I learned that DeSantis signed Florida’s new restrictive abortion law prohibiting abortion after 15 weeks. One would think that would piss off the “life begins as conception and everything afterwords is murder” crowd. But it appears they are comfortable with murder because supporting DeSantis works to their political advantage. They know what they are doing.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: When it comes to these people, I would assume nothing.
Glen’s incompetence got her sent to jail.
The usual suspects.
I think you meant FMIWAJ.
@gene108: Greenwald might not have been incompetent but rather, competent in service to Russia.
This kind of fits: Candide overture, played by some very busy people under Leonard Bernstein, whose birthday is today.
I was talking to my friend yesterday. She state that she hoped Biden didn’t run again, because he’s too old, but she also doesn’t see anyone else in the Democratic Party as being a good candidate. She did say she would vote for Liz Cheyney if she ran. I didn’t say anything, because it is a couple of years away and I’ll work on her when the time comes, but boy that worried me.
Note: I’m 69 and she’s 76, so we both know old. The difference is I see what Biden has done and think he can keep on doing it, if he wants to, and she just sees him as old. This will be a problem when 2024 comes around, because I doubt she is the only one.
Quick check in. I want to thank you all for your kind words of support yesterday. Crisis for my Mom has passed for the moment. Doctor thinks it might have been an “absence seizure” — (whatever the hell that is gotta look it up). She is on her way back to assisted care.
My mother had a non-malignant brain tumor operation in 1964 and again in ’76. That thing triggered a seizure disorder that has been handled primarily with phenobarbital — an old fashioned downer. They have been trying newer (and better) meds, but she has such a barbiturate addiction (from 50+ years of use) that tinkering with her meds is, well, upsetting to her system. And because of her age, they won’t give her the benzos most people get when getting off Barbies. Getting old not only sucks, it is way complicated.
Fabulous? Danceable?
Potato dance? Yes!
@Percysowner: Normies.
@Immanentize: Glad to hear things are less dire.
@Immanentize: I had no idea you were such a youngster.
Yes getting old sucks. Glad your mom is still with you.
Thanks for the update. Sending healing thoughts to your mom.
😹 I didn’t want to have to explain it later.
My mother’s birthday, too! She was always inordinately proud of that fact that she was precisely one year older than Lenny. Happy birthday to both, much loved, much missed.
@WereBear: “Children should be treated gently, like muffin batter. That’s how to get the best results.”
Battered children. Sounds like a key plank in Conservatives’ platform.
germy shoemangler
Gin & Tonic
@Immanentize: Glad things are getting better. Sorry about being a pedant yesterday.
FLA, not TLA, but whenever I see FTFY, I always have to stop and figure out which string of words makes more sense in context. Same with LGM.
Truly disgusting.
Before my parents sent me off to a Jesuit high school*, I attended public school for grades 1-8. There were a number of psychopathic sadists masquerading as teachers/coaches who carried paddles around with them because they liked to use them and have them available as a threat. Always males, and they enjoyed beating kids until they were bruised – the more the better. Been a few decades and I can’t remember all my teachers from back then but I remember those bastards, and I wasn’t even one of their victims.
*Ruining my life or so I thought at the time. An all male high school? And nobody knew anything about psychopathic sexual predator Jesuits at the time, although I was pretty sure some of them were psychopathic.
Mike E
@raven: agreed, though “bad apples” doesn’t come close to describing how a pervasive/persistent toxic culture has taken hold in many departments across the country. Hard to overcome imo
So glad your mom is doing better and heading back to more familiar surroundings.
@germy shoemangler: That first sentence kind of hides the reason for the anger. They should have ended with “while law enforcement waited outside.”
Paul in KY
@Percysowner: If she’d vote for Liz, then she’s a Repub of some flavour.
Paul in KY
@germy shoemangler: It’s about fucking time.
@Tony Jay: Forgive me for asking, but will we be treated to another diatribe/analysis of UK politics soon, or are you waiting until the (checks Google… Jesus) 0.38% of the UK population that’s allowed to vote chooses the next Prime Minister?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Immanentize: I’m glad she’s doing better. “Nonresponsive” sounded bad.
@Immanentize: Good news.
Sally Field’s mother (Maggie Mahoney/Margaret Field) coming up on Perry Mason from 1959.
@Baud: Leave him be. He has a new home that loves him.
@Immanentize: Good to hear that.
Gin & Tonic
Russia’s Ministry of Education says the percentage of the population that believes the Sun revolves around the Earth is growing.
@raven: Also, “Some Cops Are Bad” has a better acronym.
Meanwhile in Florida, the most recent summer training provided to teachers told them that the ‘wall’ was a myth and they need to stop teaching it. :/
@Gin & Tonic: A natural effect of Russian political pundits talking like the Sun revolves around Putin.
Front pagees need to keep up. ACAB is not in the lexicon.
@Paul in KY:
She canvassed for Obama and voted for Hillary, so not Republican. She’s more uniformed. She sees the defense of democracy, not the other Cheney votes. Now she is a fairly conservative Democrat, but she has been on the right side for most of her life. If Cheney runs, we will have to really press on the ways in which she is Republican on everything that isn’t Trump.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Percysowner: She sounds like a couple I know. I was shocked when they said they’d vote for Cheney. They don’t really know anything about her except what they’ve seen in the hearings.
I’m glad she is going back to her familiar surroundings. Hope she continues to feel better.
Omnes Omnibus
It fits with what Biden said before the election about restoring the independence of the DOJ. I believe him. He wanted to restore independence and he appointed a stickler for propriety.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yes, I know. But RWNJs will never believe that.
@Steeplejack: I could probably do at least a Master’s Thesis on how regional television stations shaped young minds over a few decades.
There were different kid’s shows, horror movie hosts, late night weird things. The stuff our local UHF station cobbled together on the cheap with local talent was a great thing to experience that the Internet has brought back.
Only now it self-sorts by inclination, not the brute force of living in geographic range.
zhena gogolia
@Dorothy A. Winsor: She comes off so well in the hearings. It only makes me even more furious that “her” Wyoming people would vote for that idiot Hageman instead of her, when her policies ARE the ones they want. The only thing she did wrong was fail to worship their god-king. That said, anyone who’s not a wingnut who thinks they want to vote for her is not thinking straight.
zhena gogolia
@WereBear: We had Gregory Graves and Shock Theater!
@Gin & Tonic: Geocentrism forever!
@Danielx: The teachers at the schools I went to weren’t carrying paddles around, but that didn’t stop them from using them. And it seemed like all the schools had a monster “Board of Education” in the principal’s office.
It was usually the boys that would get paddled (raises hand) – I don’t remember ever seeing a girl get paddled, with one exception when the whole class got paddled for honoring 6th-grade omerta.
@Raoul Paste: This is exactly the phrase that caught my attention, too. How would you like to be the kid whose parent is all “yeah, hit my kid”?
@zhena gogolia: I had Dr. Pall Bearer. He lectured at my college on communication. Charming fellow.
Omnes Omnibus
@prostratedragon: It is also Elvis Costello’s birthday. A little live gem.
Tony Jay
It’s been more or less impossible to work up any enthusiasm for reporting on the tediously interminable inevitability of the Tory leadership ‘race’. Once it came down to A Brown Man vs Anything Other Than A Brown Man, it was always going to be AOTABM, so yes, the empty-headed puff of talcum powder calling itself Liz Truss is going to be the next Prime Minister of the UK.
Other than that, the coverage has just been a series of uninteresting vignettes where Truss says something mind-blowingly stupid and offensive to appeal to the hyper-radicalised Tory membership and then Sunak – who belatedly learned that even the appearance of credibility was a strong negative when performing for this rabid audience – tries (and fails) to one-up her by rubbing shit all over his face and prancing around the stage ritually castrating otters with his teeth.
I’m sure that once Flobby finally gets bored of his constant post-booting holiday lifestyle and normal service is resumed I’ll be getting incensed on a regular basis, but for now it’s just sad, and grey and boring.
A bit like the current Labour Party.
Omnes Omnibus
@Immanentize: I am sure that’s a bit of a relief.
@DougL: IMHO we need to go after the churches and reinvigorate the wall between church and state if we ever want lasting power.
The 30 Years War, fought over religion, ended in 1648. Something between 4 and 8 million soldiers and civilians had died. When the US Constitution/BOR was written in 1787, the founders knew they didn’t want that again.
They were 129 years from the 30 Years War. Closer than we are to the end of the Civil War, 157 years.
We need to reinvigorate the separation of church and state not for power, but to preserve the Union.
A variant I’ve heard is “Assigned Cop at Birth”, used for those who grew up in a multigenerational tradition. “My pappy was a cop, and my grandpappy before him…”
I got a “swat”, what we called corporal punishment back in junior high school, because I happened to be in the line of fire when one student threw something at another. I managed to knock whatever it was away, but all three of us were paddled, and not gently! I am opposed, as were my parents.
Also, I missed most of the thread devoted to student aid loan relief, but there was some confusion about whether it would affect pre or post grad students. NPR tells me it will cover both, so I think that’s a bit of good news.
Finally, today’s the day Judge Reinhart is supposed to rule on any retractions to the T***p affidavit. (Wait, was it today or tomorrow? I’m sleepy.)
@OzarkHillbilly: Former teacher here. Using violence to control children is wrong. Corporal punishment was allowed in my district; I can remember it being used rarely although that is too much. Most parents in the district did not want anybody hitting their children, and before the principal administered a “spanking” the parents had to be notified. Still wrong.
What caught my eye was that parents preferred someone beating their child over suspension. This affirms what I knew when teaching – some parents wanted the school to do all the discipline, parents didn’t want to do the hard part of parenting. They want the teachers to be the bad guy, not them.
I’m reminded of a single mom of a student; her daughter was a slim young lady, and tough as nails. Tough in that one day in the hall, a bully grabbed at her, thinking she was a weak little gal, and that gal practically shoved him into a locker. Hard. He backed off. I saw the whole thing and had to keep from laughing – the kid she shoved was an asshole in class. I am ashamed, though, when he later was being an asshole in class, I reminded him that a little bitty slip of a girl bested him – he shut his pie hole damn quick. It was wrong of me to do that, but it felt good.
Anyway, this same girl got caught smoking in the restroom. Principal offered to give her in school suspension instead of regular suspension. The mom said nope, send her home, I’ll take over. Mom told me that daughter wasn’t going to have fun on her day out – instead Mom had daughter load and stack firewood all day while Mom sat on the truck tailgate and supervised. No beating required, and I’d say the girl would have preferred to be in school!
@Paul in KY: There are a lot of Independents out there, and many incline to vote for Democrats. That’s what this lady sounds like to me.
Miss Bianca
@Baud: @sab: Wait, where’s Major? Don’t tell me he was sent to a farm upstate? I hadn’t heard that. : (
Dorothy A. Winsor
To me, when you hit kids, you teach them that violence is the way to get what you want.
@Soprano2: @Quiltingfool: I imagine both of those sets of parents also gave the kids the speech about “If you get expelled or drop out, this is the kind of work you’ll be doing for the rest of your life, so you might as well get used to it.”
Miss Bianca
@zhena gogolia:
Sir Graves Ghastly!
And The Ghoul!
The Republicans would never nominate her. A black man became president and then they failed to vote him out. The base has had the fuck enough of even pretending to be reasonable. They’re living in the evangelical white supremacist’s image of the apocalypse, where men can become women, a black man can beat them in the most important contest in their world, they get laughed at when they justify themselves by saying Jesus told them to do it… the list goes on. Oh, and miscegenation is everywhere on television and treated as normal. That one horrifies them. Being reasonable and obeying the system put them in this abusive bigot’s Hell.
@zhena gogolia:
Her crime was failing to wage Total War, and that has been an unforgivable offense since Obama was elected. It could be Jeb! Bush and voting with the Democrats to punish him for anything would be an unforgivable offense.
zhena gogolia
@Miss Bianca: I think he just stays in Delaware.
Miss Bianca
@Quiltingfool: I still have flashbacks to the paddlings that happened in my suburban public elementary school back in the 70s. Usually always boys, and the same boys. Nowadays I can look back and see that these boys likely had some learning difficulty or disability that was interfering with their ability to concentrate in class, so they would act up. They weren’t bad kids by any means.
And I agree that what the “paddling vs suspension” means is that these parents don’t want to have to deal with disciplining their own kids. They want the school to raise their children for them.
Greetings from Noo Yawk.
First time viewing/using BJ on a phone. I don’t rightly see how y’all do it on a regular basis.
Good morning everyone, quick question about the student loan debt relief program: is the $125k annual figure based on one’s *federal* taxable income?
@NotMax: Glad you had a safe trip.
You’ll get used to visiting Balloon Juice on a phone. At least, I did. I’ve never done otherwise.
True. So much “local color” programming disappeared with the spread of corporate ownership and the advent of the Internet.
Perry Mason is a check-in habit a few times a week with me. A calming fantasy of a world where justice prevails. MeTV at 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. ET on weekdays. Yes, I know I can stream it, but that’s not the same.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Miss Bianca: They also don’t want to have to figure out what to do with their kids if they’re suspended and have to stay home. School is their babysitter.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@NotMax: Are you jet lagged?
That caught my eye too, tho I had a different thought. I figured it might be because if the kid was sent home, the parent would lose a few days of work. shrug
Glad you arrived safely! Presumably.
News from COVID. Our oldest finally got COVID this past weekend. I told him to ask his doctor for Paxlovid but the doctor refused due the meds he was on. He is vaxxed and boosted so he is getting through the week okay. But the news about Paxlovid is that it doesn’t really work for those under 65. Link
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Not any more fuzzy than usual. :)
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@Percysowner: Like Baud said, sounds like a “normie”.
Normies are so frustrating, because you think they care about the results of politics, and therefore would gain an excellent understanding of how politics works. But they either don’t know or don’t care, and are overly influenced by the BS media narratives that are out there.
It’s like the appliance salesperson who is talking up all the various features of the different models, and the customer only cares about getting the color they like.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
It’s a genuine concern if you’re living paycheck to paycheck, like so many families. Sucks that US employers aren’t required to provide more time off for family matters.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Scout211: A friend here told me that her doctor said most of the covid cases she sees in older people are mild, so she just gives them whatever she gives for colds.
That was encouraging in a way
Dorothy A. Winsor
@NotMax: You’re up at odd hours anyway, as far as I can tell.
BTW, site looks pretty good on Firefox Focus browser for phone.
Clearing my “good takes” cache . . .
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Link to his knock-off social media bleat. “Even though I am innocent as a person can be…” I’m a bit surprised he didn’t capitalize innocent
@soapdish: I would think it is based on your Federal tax returns. Link
But here is some information that may help.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
and looking at Filipowski’s feed:
In the same post-2016 panic in which they hired Hugh Hewitt and Peggy Noonan, and rumor had it they wanted to fire Joy Reid, Chris Hayes and Lawrence O’Donnell, MS/NBC hired Megyn Kelly, and in a matter of months had to pay her tens of millions to go away. Then Nicolle Wallace became their second biggest star based on her raw hatred of Donald trump.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Charter member of Nite Owls R Us.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
As I said the other day, quite apart from the question of media biases, it’s pretty clear that the media is becoming more and more unprofessional.
@Immanentize: Glad to hear your mom is doing better.
@Steeplejack: Perry Mason: fantasy world where they have a full trial at the arraignment, with all the witnesses in the room.
You are kidding – aren’t you?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: I don’t know what they’re paying her at Sirius, but I can’t imagine between her years at Fox, the NBC buy off and I can’t imagine she hasn’t ground out a book or two for Regnery, she doesn’t have millions in the bank, but this looks like she really, really misses the sweet dopamine that comes with having a camera pointed at you.
Miss Bianca
@OzarkHillbilly: Yeah, well, there’s that element, too. American working life just sucks.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I would guess that if Fauci got a congressional subpoena, he’d honor it without being threatened by Kelly. He’s not afraid of answering questions and has the advantage of not having committed a crime.
That is what TikTok is for.
Or if that doesn’t work out, a maximum security prison.
@Percysowner: A friend of ours said something similar recently and it really disappointed me. She was coming from a position of “why do we still get stuck with an old, white man.” Which I get. I’m a big believer in representation and want more women, PoC, LGBTQ people etc. in positions of power. I supported Kamala, Gillibrand and Warren early on in the 2020 Primary. But I also think her logic comes dangerously close to completely disregarding all experience, knowledge and achievement in an effort to make Identity the ONLY factor. Biden has done some truly great things. Way more than I thought he would. And he’s the only candidate we know that can beat Trump, because he’s already done so. I think the institutional knowledge that Biden has from his years in the Senate and as VP were his biggest asset in 2020 (just as they were for Hillary in 2016) and still are now. Wanting to toss aside Biden after all he’s done just seems really foolish unless 1.) Biden wants to step aside or 2.) there’s somebody younger, a woman, PoC etc., who is an even better candidate who can definitely beat Trump in 2024. As much as I love VP Harris, I don’t really see anyone who has a better chance than Biden in 2024. And that election is just too damn important to take any chances, imo, when we will likely again need record turnout on our side.
Fwiw, our friend is very progressive but only slightly more politically-engaged than a Normie. Anyways, I suspect this Old Biden narrative is being pushed by Russia but it’s sad how many people on our side are already taking the bait.
Don’t bother me with facts!
And one of the witnesses confesses to being the real killer, clearing Mason’s client.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
As Twitter commenters mentioned, Fauci has been testifying on and off for three years.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Yes, of course. But right-wing personalities need to stomp their feet to show that they are tough and made it happen.
@Steeplejack: You sound like my husband!
@Immanentize: I’m glad to hear this.
There can be a pretty large difference between 69 and 76. Between 2015 and 2017 I had 20 people I knew pass away. Only one was older than me and he was 1 yr older. I was 66-68 yrs old during that 2 yr period. Yes there are a lot of people who live decades longer but there are also a lot that don’t, for a variety of reasons. A lot of people don’t take good enough care of themselves. A lot have health issues over and above normal. One’s perspective can change as well, you have to want to live and be healthy and even that doesn’t always work. But without that perspective it rarely does.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I would guess he’d come before a Congressional committee and testify with just an invitation — no subpoena necessary — as he’s done many, many times in the past. But the Republicans are more than capable of starting out by issuing a subpoena just because they can. Dick-waving.
😹 And it’s not like Law and Order and the other current shows are much better; they’ve just updated and streamlined the tropes for our sophisticated, “meta” age.
@germy shoemangler: well, that was a timesuck. LOL.
@Steeplejack: My world isn’t like Law and Order. My city’s cops shot random young motorists to smithereens, and refuse for a full year to charge a neighbor who is terrorizing a young black woman. They finally had to charge him when he shot her and her aunt, disabling both.
@Bostondreams: Well, “Dark Side of the Moon” was a better album.
@zhena gogolia: “Shock Theater” with Doctor Creep…
Another Scott
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I got paddled once in middle school. I was messing around at the lunch table with a friend and an empty 1/2 pint milk carton ended up flying down the table a few spots, wholly unintentionally. Someone ratted me out, and my friend and I got whacked.
2-3 teachers took us down to a different room, the paddle was brought out, and we each got 3 whacks, I think. I kept protesting that it was an accident and we weren’t doing anything warranting such treatment. The friend took his hits like it was no big deal. I was so shocked and upset and humiliated that I was crying when I walked back into the lunchroom.
Not a good day.
I had one of the teachers for a class a year or so later. (He was memorable because he was in a wheelchair.) I don’t know if he recalled the incident – he probably was good about not showing his cards – but I remember it pretty viscerally nearly 50 years later.
So, yeah, not a fan of corporal punishment. There are better ways to get a student to pay attention to proper behavior.
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon: I was thinking the same thing. Maybe both parents work and can’t take off work without losing pay, or even getting fired.
@Immanentize: WHEW! Big sigh of relief! I hope all goes as well as can be, and you have much more time with her!
Hillary and Chelsea’s tv series Gutsy (AppleTV) looks really good.
@UncleEbeneezer: I would point out how many women and POC he has in his cabinet, and how many he has appointed as judges to the federal bench. It’s not all about the president being a woman or POC.
@Immanentize: Whew, very glad to hear your Mom is back at her assisted care facility.
Getting old is very complicated, when new conditions jostle alongside established chronic ones and make treatment an exercise in tiptoeing through minefields. My Mom is, thank goodness, doing great for her age. Her sister, who was always the most vigorous, most active, of the two, is the one now having a lot of physical issues (she has Reynauds and possibly RA) – and the constant pain is also affecting her mental state.
@Another Scott: IMHO things like spanking are the lazy person’s way of doing discipline. It’s meant to humiliate and frighten the student so that they don’t do it again. Having to think of more creative ways to punish students is seen as “soft” by way too many people. That kid my dad sent home declined three swats with a paddle. I bet he was wishing he’d taken those on the second day he had to pick up rocks all day!!
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon: My friend Stephanie could be called a “normy.” She pays little attention to politics and would watch a mediocre sports broadcast before she’d watch excellent political programming. She does catch radio news on her commute.
But Stephanie votes every election and always votes Democratic. She’s just a very shrewd person who can tell the good guys from the assholes without spending a lot of time studying the matter.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I remember reading an article about corporal punishment many years ago. A vice principal said he just wasn’t gonna do it any more after a teacher sent a first grader to his office. He said (from distant memory) the notion of a six-foot, two-hundred-pound white man beating a six-year-old Black girl with a wooden board sickened him. The strongest advocate for keeping corporate punishment in that school was the special education teacher. That just about made me cry.
Paul in KY
@Percysowner: Sounds good! Your mission is to make sure she votes for Joe!
@Soprano2: This friend in particular, likes Biden and started with “don’t get me wrong, he’s doing a great job…” so I don’t think she’s really strongly in favor of someone else (she will happily vote for him in 2024), but it just showed how fast this sort of Biden Is Too Old sentiment is spreading which is not surprising but still scary.
It’s also worth mentioning that this was part of a conversation that largely revolved around the problem lack of women in positions of power in the art/museum world (and in the world in general). So the context is crucial.
Paul in KY
@Geminid: Probably the way it is.
Paul in KY
@Steeplejack: Batty Hattie from Cincinnati & The Cool Ghoul! Another era that was…
I just finished going over this morning’s WaPo and am (but probably shouldn’t be) astounded at the number of people writing that Student Loan debt forgiveness is going to doom the Democratic Party’s election hopes. All their reasonings are bile filled jealousy and selfishness that Republicans would use. Now I have to figure most the comments to that extent were bots or Russian, so a lot of them got Ignore Used so I’d never have to read their whiny asses again.
@Steeplejack: You may want to check
or even
(Disclosure: Eric Raymond is a longtime friend of mine – despite our political differences.)
@Another Scott: I taught in public middle schools for 25 years and even ran a classroom for students with behavioral problems. Never needed to resort to physical punishment. It wasn’t always easy, but winning over trust takes time and patience.
The Lodger
@prostratedragon: It was written in a difficult time.
Jesus, it was a joke! FOAD. Do you understand that?
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@SiubhanDuinne: I know in this context (and site) that LGM means “lawyers, guns, and money”, but my first reaction is always “little green men”, which I learned years ago in an intro to astronomy class.
something fabulous
Poop. Got to the thread too late for the obligatory:
“You rang?”
But since it *is* obligatory…
First week of 7th grade we had PE. We’d just had play time before that. Watched the PE teacher pick up the kid next to me by a hand around his throat under his chin so he didn’t have to bend down to yell at the kid. Kid’s feet off the ground but just at the right height to do some serious damage. I was thinking, I wonder what would happen to me if he picked me up and I gave him a swift toe in the junk. Cause I’m pretty sure that if I did or didn’t do that, one of my parents would. I never had to find out.