Please check Calendar B for your pets – all months are in Calendar B now.
Originally posted on Saturday 12/3 at 10:04 pm. Reposting on Tuesday, 12/6. New comments start at #20.
This is the preview of the design for 2023 Pets of Balloon Juice Calendar B.
Please check the links in the sidebar to see which calendar and which month(s) your pets are in, or just browse through the calendar.
Please check for your pets and make sure that all your pets are there, that the names are right, that we have the right name with the right pet, and that there’s a heart if there should be one, and no heart if there shouldn’t be one.
Clicking on an image opens the image so you can see it more easily. Use the back arrow to get back to the full post.
YOU DEFINITELY WANT TO CHECK BEFORE YOU BUY, BECAUSE ONCE YOU HAVE PLACED THE ORDER, WE CAN’T FIX ANY ISSUES YOU FIND LATER. Well, we can fix them even then, but then you’d have to buy another calendar in order to get the fixed version.
These are really low-resolution for posting on the blog, but the calendar itself is very high resolution.
Calendar B:
Beth has a big obligation this evening and tomorrow, so we can get you the last 6 months 7 months of Calendar B tonight, and the first half of the year will have to wait until Monday.
All feedback on the calendar is welcome!
We posted Calendar A available earlier this evening.
We didn’t quite meet our December 1 goal as the first date to order calendars. :-( But we’re close. Beth had food poisoning (salmonella) and was down for the count for the better part of 5 days, so all things considered, I think we’re doing pretty good!
Okay, this is July – December for Calendar B.
I am shutting down the laptop for the night, but I will check back first thing in the morning.
Thanks for your patience!
Tanga looks smashing! Good night, WG!
Thanks, WaterGirl for all your extraordinary efforts to wrangle us and our pets! Spec and Phoebe look smashing.
C Stars
Tildy’s famous now! Woohoo, looks great!
Gaby looks great.
July – who is Bailey’s hooman?
@mrmoshpotato: jackmac!
Does Bailey look like one of yours?
@WaterGirl: No hounds here. I just love the facial expression.
How do I share photos to BJ’s comments?
What fun! I really enjoy this each year. Thanks so much,
@Jackie: Ooops wrong thread.
They all look adorable😍
Alison Rose
@Anotherlurker: Only front-pagers can. Which is probably for the best.
Alison Rose
Briery looks great! And yes, for anyone peeking behind her, you can see some of my Star Trek TNG and LOTR Funko Pops. As well as a smidge of my, let’s say, extensive book collection. Ahem.
@Anotherlurker: Only front pagers can put photos inside a comment. Everyone else can post a link to a photo that is online somewhere.
Miss Bianca
Hmm, I thought the Iron Horse was supposed to be in November?
Looking good otherwise, though!
@Miss Bianca: Yes, November B.
I see Iron in the top row of November. ??
Looking good!!
Chip the non-sighthound of Sighthound Hall looking good in June.
@MomSense: He is very handsome.
*He being Trouble, the new kitty, in March.
Joy in FL
My three are all there, names correct, and the one who is no longer in this dimension has the heart.
Well done, WaterGirl and Beth. Thank you. It is a pleasure seeing all the animals who have Jackals as their human(s).
Daphne and Chloe are looking good in February. :-)
My sweet Spec. I could look into his lovely eyes, one blue, one brown with a speck of blue… and see the back of his skull. Just nothing there. Only dog I’ve had who thought he could fly..
Thumbs up! Great job!
Looks good!
I’m sorry for responding to this late but I tend to be a night owl so I just saw this post.
My Wallace is on the May page of Calendar B but the picture is cropped in such a way that you can only see half of his face. If that can’t be fixed because of time constraints, I understand but I would like to see more of that Wally Dogg face.
Susan D. Einbinder
Thanks so much for including Zeke (in April), Gloria (in October), and Sadie (in September) – and for people with extremely good eyesight, Sadie is preventing me from looking at the Dog Shaming website in her photo. Kudos to you for so beautifully orchestrating this complicated and time-consuming project of assembling everyone’s submissions – especially when, like me, so many people have black cats!
Happy holidays to everyone.
@SixStringFanatic: Yeah, that doesn’t look intentional. Sometimes when moving photos around, a photo will end up sliding over somehow. I am guessing that’s what happened here; I will check with beth.
Thank you so much. My GF is going to cry a river when she sees Percy and Cece. She loves Percy more than she loves me (I’m certain) and there is not a day that goes by when she doesn’t miss her beloved Cece
When and how can we order?
Scout and Ranger (February) look great. I’m going to be ordering at least three calendars, maybe more.
OK for Bella in August!
Miss Bianca
looking beautiful!
S cerevisiae
Bella and Mikey look great, Mikey looking down with imperial disdain and Bella the goofball standing in her bucket.
It’s Max and Minnie L to R in Feb. Thanks, WaterGirl!
Thank you, Beth and WG; Wallace’s pic looks great. That was, by the way, Wally Dogg’s favorite place to sleep. Good thing he was a little guy.
@SixStringFanatic: As I suspected, Wallace’s pic had inadvertently slid over while beth was moving something else around. Glad you caught it!
@Di: Please check out the new names in Feb B above, which has been updated.
Somehow missed this when it was posted, but I am happy to say the photos of both Oscar and Jeannie are exactly where they should be, and Jeannie has her heart. Thanks!
@CaseyL: oh, good. thanks for letting me know.