Hey folks! I got a call from John earlier today checking in on me because I’ve been AFK and he was lonely over here on the blog. Poor John!
About a month ago, shortly after my last post, I went in for an MRI, and they discovered a tumor. They are 99% sure it’s benign, but it’s the size of a grapefruit, and I’m a small person, so it’s been pushing up against my spine and organs causing a ton of pain and spasms. Because I’m in rehearsals, I’m not able to get it removed until July. Between all the health issues I was having, the doctor told me I had to prioritize rest and remove as much stress from my life as I could… hence why I haven’t been around, since crafting posts around the current political issues related to being trans can be very exhausting.
It’s also challenging given my job, which is amazing but wildly stressful. I’m out in Seattle right now directing a really intense and relevant production of Hedwig and the Angry Inch, that also has an all Black cast and music team, which means we’re really approaching the text, music, and characters with tremendous care. We are daily discussing the difficulties of being both Black and trans in America, and creating a show that we hope illuminates this pain while also providing hope. I’m working 10-12 hour days, 6 days a week, so no rest until opening !
On a humorous/ironic note; we literally designed our primary costume to be a an Antifa-inspired drag queen as a joke about how the Right sees trans folks… only for Right Wing blogs to begin using the word TRANTIFA about 2 days ago.
So I’m fine, I’m just doing what the dr told me. Thanks John for calling! I exist! & HAPPY PRIDE.
Aw shit…truly sorry to hear that, especially at a time when you are juggling so much else. Good thoughts incoming.
Joy in FL
I hope all the health issues have a good resolution.
You are doing some creative and good work. I’m glad to have your update.
C Stars
Holy canoli!! The show sounds incredible and the work you are putting into it is so impressive, especially with a big tumor. Please take care of yourself. We need you to exist!
Yikes! Sorry about the tumor, Eddie. I hope the show is a smashing success, and that you can prioritize rest and health care as soon as it’s done.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Great to have you back on the front page, planet eddie! Your show sounds amazing. Take care of yourself! And Happy Pride!
Alison Rose
I’d been wondering about you, and I’m so sorry for the pain and health issues you’re grappling with. I certainly hope you’re able to have the operation soon and that it goes as smoothly as can be expected. Sending you lots of love and support for the health issues and the ~gestures vaguely toward all the bigotry~.
planet eddie
@Alison Rose: thanks! I kept putting off writing why I couldn’t be present here but once I open this show I’ll get back to a regular posting schedule.
The show sounds amazing and challenging–best of luck with it and all the good wishes for best health outcomes.
So sorry to hear about the tumor and pain!
I did just buy my ticket for the show, though. I’ve never seen the production even though, AFAIR, it was developed in Seattle.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to experiencing your version of the work. Glad you stopped by the front page tonight.
Tom Levenson
So sorry to hear of the tumor and its demands on you. The work sounds fantastic—but do listen to your doc!
planet eddie
@BeautifulPlumage: oh fun! I leave right after opening night, but I’m very excited !!
AJ of the Mustard Search and Rescue Team
Happy Pride eddie! Sending you all the healing restful vibes 💖🙏🏻🌈
@planet eddie: the antifa-inspired drag queen sounds amazing!
I hope your leaving so soon means you can get treatment & relief.for the pain.
Happy Pride, eddie!
I wish I could come out and see this production. It sounds amazing!!! Fingers crossed for good outcomes for your health.
Sorry to hear about your troubles, but glad you seem to be in good spirits nonetheless. I was a bit worried the trolls might have gotten to you — we have an unfortunate history of that happening.
Another Scott
Zooks! :-( Sending good thoughts your way for a fantastic production and for a complete and rapid tumor-free future.
Hang in there, and keep us informed.
Best wishes,
Omnes Omnibus
I hope the health issues work out. Also, sounds like an interesting take on Hedwig.
Major Major Major Major
Oh jeez, that’s awful! Hang in there and don’t work yourself into an early grave.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Get in and get that taken care of asap! Best wishes and thoughts to you in dealing with this.
Now go get it taken care of! :)
Fair Economist
Hope the show is a big success and the tumor successfully treated. Thanks for the update and hang in there!
Wishing you lots of happy thoughts and a good outcome, eddie.
All I can say, Eddie, is good luck and that tumor had better be benign.
Are they going to biopsy the tumor or simply wait for the surgery? (If that was discussed upthread, I haven’t seen it — no time right now to read through the other comments.)
All the best for the show and your health.
Citizen Alan
Trantifa. Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
Stay strong, Eddie.
love for Eddie, from up north, missed you.
Take care of yourself, eh.
Wishing you a speedy return to health and a successful show!
planet eddie, pink or regular grapefruit?
Sorry couldn’t resist. It’s not that a tumor is anything to kid about but to me, if I can’t laugh at least a little bit about life and all the crap and foibles, diseases, I’d likely go insane. I’ve had cancer and 9 weeks of daily radiation treatment. I live with a brain aneurysm. My sister just died a week ago, of cancer. I’m the last living member of my family. Only one of us out of 5 has passed of just old age. 2 have gone out from cancer, and one from Alzheimers. Out of 5, 4 have had cancer. That leaves me, now the oldest of all of the kids from mom’s and dad’s families.
I hope for all the best for you, no human should have to go through all of this. But we do. All the rest of it, all the right wing bullshit, all the crap so many have to go through, all the decisions about living the life that works for you, and getting crap for it is bullshit. Just living, wars, hate, demanding that your life agrees with someone else’s idea of it, the rigidity of just being able to breathe in and out, the worrying about some asswipe demanding that your life mets their blueprint rather than your own. I’m ranting of course, because some days it would be nice to just wake up and have a simple day. My sister was gay and won awards for her work and I miss the hell out of her and her friends. Life is way, way too damn short to have to worry about acceptance for not living up to someone else’s bullshit.
Sister Golden Bear
Yikes, so sorry to hear about the tumor. But the show sounds fabulous!
Happy Pride back at ya
And TRANTIFA… I need the t-shirt, now. Maybe I’ll make one for SF Pride’s Trans March.
Finish the show, focus on your health, and get back to us when you are ready. Prayers on the way for your health and a good outcome.
Tony Jay
If you get the tumour out soon and get it registered it stands as good a chance as anyone of getting the MAGOP nomination once Trump gets buried under Indictment Mountain.
Also, too, TRANTIFA is just begging for a line of “I FEEL TRANTIFANTASTIC!” caps and T-Shirts.
Take care of your health, and let your incredible cast share some of the burden. People can’t help you if they don’t know you need help.
Fingers and paws crossed for you here! Your take on Hedwig sounds awesome, I saw it years ago in Chicago before it was well known, and I loved it. Take care of yourself!
All the very best wishes for success with the play and a quick recovery from your surgery. We missed you! Take care of yourself.
Take care of yourself.
There go two miscreants
Good to see your nym again, and very sorry to hear about the health issues. Hoping that you can avoid stress and get it removed ASAP!
Well I guess July is only a few weeks away, but I want to hear about the tumor being gone. Best wishes. I had a probably benign mass found about years ago and it wasn’t, so this makes me antsy. I did find a lot of support though.
Ohio Mom
@Ruckus: My deepest condolences.
Even when my siblings are difficult — sadly, they both have more than their share of personality quirks — I always appreciate that they know my history because they were there for it. There are things they understand that no one else can. There is a certain camaraderie among us.
I hope you find solace and even joy in your memories of your sister.
Ohio Mom
Eddie, good luck with the show and I’m going to take the doctor’s instructions to you as a source of hope. Usually when doctors are very worried, they don’t give you time to do anything else, there is a command appearance at a specialist.
Please continue to update us.
I know you know this but focus on the show and your heath, we’ll be here waiting! Best of luck with both!!!
J R in WV
Best wishes from our hermitage in the hills of W Va!
@J R in WV:
Hey you! Glad to see you posting.
Dorothy A. Winsor
The show sounds great. The constant pain, not so much. Take care.
Relieved to see your nym on a post and very excited about the show. “Trantifa” sounds like a good name for a superhero. Take care of yourself. Good wishes for a terrific opening and for successful treatment to follow.
Thanks for checking in. Happy Pride to you. Wishing you the best with the health stuff and looking forward to when you can post more regularly. Trantifa is hilarious!! So perfect for our ridiculous times :)
Jacqueline Squid Onassis
In 2017, the doctors finally got concerned about the lump in my left breast that I’d been complaining about for over 25 years. By that time the giant lump was either gonna be benign or stage 4 cancer. Thus began the whirlwind of imaging and biopsy that led to the total mastectomy that made me no longer able to deny the need to transition.
I’ve been through something similar and if you ever want to talk about it, just let me know.
Miss Bianca
I wish I could come see your show! Alas, I’m busy in rehearsals myself. Hope your health issues can get straightened out ASAP after you go up.
@Tony Jay: Or TRANTIFABULOUS? Absolutely.
Paul in KY
Best wishes on a speedy recovery from your health problems. Also hope your work out there on Left Coast ends up being a smashing success!
Very late to this thread, but very glad to hear from you! Best wishes for both your health issues and the show.
Good luck with the show! I’m sorry to hear about your health. Wishing you the best both for the show and espescially for your health
Eddie – having known others with a ‘benign’ diagnosis, I wonder….
I saw the Hedwig movie, it was good. But please drop the production and KILL THE TUMOR!
The life of one of our ‘warriors’ is worth more than a year on Broadway.
Yes, I think you and all of us should embrace TRANTIFA — it would be trans against fascism, right? — in the manner of Obamacare (thanks Barack!). Trantifabulous is also marvelous. It’s always hilarious that those who bestow those “insults” can’t see how easily some can be co-opted.
Also wish you the best as you prepare for opening night, and for removing/dealing with the health issue. And may it be benign.
Somebody should be making a documentary of all those discussions as you prepare the show. That sounds equally incredible.
ETA: AFK. Away from keyboard. Live and learn.
Dan B
Good to get an update. It’s clear that a meet-up may not happen. Hang in there!
JFC planet eddie – I’m sorry to have to go all mom on you, BUT – you are NOT indispensable to that show, but you ARE indispensable to your friends and family. NOT ONE of the cast/crew would oppose your getting needed treatment ASAP and ALL would oppose your putting it off “for the sake of the show”. Put your oxygen mask on first so you can help others.
All the love,