Of all the documentaries you all listed, I watched none of them. I did make a list, though, and I am going through and finding out what streaming service they are all on. Some will never be viewed- I have a tough time with disturbing things (although for some reason, true crime podcasts and the like do not fall under “disturbing.”). Last night I was watching a Yellowstone documentary, and a baby elk survived being hunted by a grizzly bear then thirty seconds later they showed it crossing a stream, getting pulled away by the current and drowning while the mother just stood there with a look like “well so that just happened” and then went on with her life. I had to tap out I was so distraught.
I did watch the Documentary Now! mockumentary of Werner Herzog, and it was a hoot. You could tell Skarsgard was having a hard time now laughing at points.
Currently watching Season 1 of Warrior on Max.
Is this an open thread? If not, I apologize. I posted earlier on probably dead thread. John, feel free to delete.
Politico: “McCarthy and his leadership team returned to Washington this week planning to tee up the GOP’s biggest must-pass bills of the year, only to slam into a wall of resistance from familiar antagonists on the right. The speaker’s first problem is urgent: A small band of ultraconservatives, mainly in the House Freedom Caucus, has turned a routine Pentagon policy bill into a major headache for party leaders as they press for contentious votes on abortion, LGBTQ troops and affirmative action.”
“That drama isn’t over yet, with the right’s ever-growing slate of demands increasingly likely to delay final votes on the bill until next week, and its ultimate passage still a question mark. But conservatives are plotting other problems to come for McCarthy, who has precious little floor time left and an entire government to try to fund before current cash expires on Sept. 30.”
“Some right-flank Republicans are now holding up McCarthy’s plan to pass a heap of spending bills this month, even creating an abortion-related holdup on the usually less-controversial bill that funds the Department of Veterans Affairs and military personnel.”
justwatch.com is a website that tells you where a film is streaming (or otherwise available). Type in a film title, and it will tell you where you can stream it for free, rent it, or purchase it digitally.
St. Elsewhere.
Debuted over 40 years ago?😲😲
A young Denzel🤗🤗
Wyatt Salamanca
Speaking of documentaries, see Gravitas FREE DOCUMENTARIES
Gravitas DOCUMENTARIES covers Music, Sports, True Crime, LBGTQIA+, Black History, Historical Military events, Environmental and Social issues, Pop Culture, and more!
Ovid has a great collection of documentaries that you can browse here
Here’s the link for a 7-day free trial with Ovid
I have to admit, even the small amount of push back that these GOP tools are getting from the media is quite disconcerting for them. They seem to be quite unprepared for even what would appear to be routine rational questions that do not follow the Faux News narrative.
I really enjoy it when this happens as you can see the panic flash across their faces as their happy place and comfy framing is ever so tapped out of focus.
For you, John. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=666020242231762&id=100064713757237&set=a.601803588653428&eav=AfYLC8-pLb8z3acC0X9zRVaHDSs9j9Yq4VfXgWzi_xO7_jckuvJJPdIheYFai81pmd8&paipv=0&source=48
(meme about true crime vs actual disturbing things)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Here’s a short documentary for you, a scene from today’s America
If you like Warrior check out Banshee too, if you haven’t already.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Words fail.
@JohnCole: Look what they did for Hank Green.
Long time lurker, rare commenter. I forgot to add my documentary, “My Octopus Teacher “. I think it’s on Netflix. Wonderful, incredibly moving, unforgettable.
Because CREAM is in the BJ Dictionary, I’ll re-up my recommendation of
Wu-Tang Clan: Of Mics and Men
Available on Prime and Showtime but the first of the four episodes can be watched here:
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Unreal. The neighbor where the cat went to is the one who could call the cops, not the other way around lol
Sister Inspired Revolver of Freedom
Not a docu series but kind of, The Investigation is based on a a True Crime story called “The Submarine Case” in Denmark. It covers the 6 months of investigation that was required to put the murderer of Kim Wall away for life. Now, this is a Danish production so you better be okay with subtitles. It has none of the bells & whistles you get from some American shows. It has a touch of scandi noir & takes its own sweet time getting to where it wants you go. But the acting is excellent, I fell in love with the female investigator, & the lead was pretty good too. Step by step, you see the grit & determination of this group to get justice for Kim Wall & her parents. Another pair of excellent actors who’s deep grief is a driving force for all that unfolds. Yeah, I really, really liked it. Anyway, it’s on HBO in Canada & Netflix also an actual documentary on it called Into The Deep which I haven’t seen yet. Just my 0.02¢.
Sister Inspired Revolver of Freedom
Not a docu series but kind of, The Investigation is based on a a True Crime story called “The Submarine Case” in Denmark. It covers the 6 months of investigation that was required to put the murderer of Kim Wall away for life. Now, this is a Danish production so you better be okay with subtitles. It has none of the bells & whistles you get from some American shows. It has a touch of scandi noir & takes its own sweet time getting to where it wants you go. But the acting is excellent, I fell in love with the female investigator, & the lead was pretty good too. Step by step, you see the grit & determination of this group to get justice for Kim Wall & her parents. Another pair of excellent actors who’s deep grief is a driving force for all that unfolds. Yeah, I really, really liked it. Anyway, it’s on HBO in Canada & Netflix also has an actual documentary on it called Into The Deep which I haven’t seen yet. Just my 0.02¢. Edit to add it’s probably on MAX in the US.
I watch over a period of time:
The one I am current viewing is the Fall of Carthage. It’s 3 hours and 39 minutes long.
There are other on this site that aren’t as long.
John, I’m like you with disturbing things in documentaries. I stopped watching Making a Murderer because they kept describing his animal abuse. I thought I’d share a website I recently discovered that helps me a lot. It’s doesthedogdie.com and users post when there is animal abuse or other sorts of triggering events in a tv show or film. The event is described so you can judge whether you are OK with watching it. It means some spoilers are posted in that regard but it’s worth the trade off to me.
Netflix has a fantastic 4-part documentary on the unabomber: Unabomber In His Own Words. I didn’t think it would be interesting, to be honest, but we watched all 4 episodes in one sitting. The fascist murderer is the least interesting part of his own story.
@rikyrah: I never watched that show, so I didn’t know the excellent Mr. Washington was on it. Sure did recognize a lot of the cast.
Re disturbing content in documentaries, I’m with you, John. I was distraught just reading your description of that scene.
John, I have to agree about seeing stuff like that in really most any movie anymore. I either find it disturbing, or I want to “case manage” (I work in mental health; this is especially troublesome in thrillers or horror movies).
I keep coming back to John Lurie’s Painting With John. Not exactly a documentary, but there is a story to tell of some kind. Just don’t try to figure out what the story is about… Not exactly an intellectual fest; not consciously anyhow. Works on a deeper level somehow. The music is good and watching him paint in watercolor is an astoundingly beautiful thing. Immensely soothing.
I’m with you on the nature documentaries. I’ve decided that I can never visit Yellowstone because if I came across one of those baby bison that had been rejected by its mother and herd, I’d wind up trying to pass it off as an overgrown dog in my Atlanta suburb. “What?! So if a dog weighs more than a couple of tons, suddenly you’re all judgmental? You could stand to lose a couple of pounds yourself. So there, and stop talking about my dog.”
Missed earlier post. I recommend both Andy Goldsworthy documentaries you can find on Tubi or YouTube – Rivers and Tides and Leaning Into the Wind. Both are relaxing and edifying and enlightening.