Leopards, faces, things of that nature. https://t.co/RfSV9NNFX6
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) August 5, 2023
It is a fact universally acknowledged — possibly even by Mrs. Pence — that TFG’s handlers picked ‘Mike Dense’ as their VP candidate because he was too dumb to question any shifty behavior, or to get ideas about trying his own little grifts. This character trait inadvertently served Pence well during the Jan6 insurrection; when surrounded by his Secret Service agents hustling him away from a mob literally calling for his murder, Pence retreated to repeating the rules he’d so painstakingly memorized. He became, for a brief shining moment, the hero we needed, if not the hero we wanted.
Nothing that has happened since that memorable day has been able to shift Pence’s stance, because stupid is also usually stubborn. He knows that he was rewarded for keeping his oath on January 6th; he retains a bedrock certainty that only a Republican should be allowed to be President. Ergo, the previous Repub President having failed a test so simple even Mike Pence could pass it, surely the Official Presidential Backup — Mike Pence — should be rewarded with the 2024 nomination. How can these misguided voters fail to understand what is so clear to Mike Pence?
Ed Kilgore, at NYMag — “Pence Is Finally Embracing His Role As January 6 Spoiler”:
… [Pence] has sought to take partial credit for the alleged accomplishments of the Trump-Pence administration without much discussing its bizarre culmination on January 6. The video with which he launched his candidacy in June did not so much as mention the Capitol riot or even Trump, for that matter. It’s rather like a Hall of Fame player writing an autobiography that doesn’t mention baseball. But since well before his formal announcement, Pence has trudged along the campaign trail earnestly trying to recapture his pre-Trump persona as an extremely orthodox conservative pol with a particularly close relationship to the Christian right.
Unfortunately for the would-be president from Indiana, the MAGA faithful did not for a moment forget his “betrayal” of Trump on January 6, and in the early stages of the 2024 contest, Pence has been in the unenviable position of being both universally known and heartily disliked among Republican voters. A recent New York Times–Siena national survey of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents showed Pence with a favorability ratio of 40 percent favorable to 45 percent unfavorable (by contrast, Trump’s ratio is 75 percent to 21 percent). The same poll showed Pence as the preferred candidate of just 3 percent of GOP voters. And a just-released Times-Siena poll of Iowa, where you’d think Pence would find succor in the state’s large conservative Evangelical population, gave him just 3 percent there as well…
So now this strikingly unsuccessful presidential candidate — who is struggling to join the seven rivals who have already qualified for the first GOP debate later this month — has become one of the stars of the MAGA-despised law-enforcement effort to put Donald Trump behind bars…
Mike Pence thinks it’s strong and appealing to remain open to voting for someone who tried to overthrow the Constitution (which Mike Pence says he values) and take the life of Mike Pence (which Mike Pence presumably values as well.)
— Nicholas Grossman (@NGrossman81) August 6, 2023
Pretty clear that the kicker in this case will come down to a Vice President willing to testify and a President who absolutely won't testify. https://t.co/0v2CZHztoc
— zeddy (@Zeddary) August 6, 2023
he’s obviously going to testify and I don’t really understand why people are dunking on him for saying what boils down to “I am obviously going to testify but they haven’t called me yet” https://t.co/yvMoknV6JI
— post malone ergo propter malone (@PropterMalone) August 7, 2023
There are probably more Republican primary voters who sincerely want to hang Mike Pence (if they could get away with it) than there are ones who want to vote for him. https://t.co/ZgFpPLehms
— Eric Kleefeld (becoming a parody of myself) (@EricKleefeld) August 5, 2023
Why doesn’t he just stare resolutely at his critics in the party?
Thor Heyerdahl
Mike Pence – who finds mayonnaise on Wonderbread too spicy.
Old Man Shadow
Mike Pence loves America and the Constitution so much he will probably vote for a man who will destroy both for president.
Liz Cheney is an evil supervillain, but by God, she’s at least an American evil supervillain.
DougJ wins the internets again.
Oh, and after turning on ESPN, I see we are in the wonderful part of summer where we watch 11-and-12-year-old boys cry a lot in Williamsport, Penn.
The monster they created really is out of control. It would be kind of delicious if it weren’t so terrifying.
If the never trumpers are serious about running a candidate with integrity I’m sad to say Mike Pence is actually their best bet.
@FelonyGovt: Who knew the monster from the Id would be so orange?
Pence is a deeply unsympathetic character. Stupid, rigid, and unyielding in his stupid rigidity. He’s unhappy now, but as Reductress notes, ‘Reaping Is Leading Cause of Distress Among Those Who Sow.’
ETA: Non-Twitter link.
The NYT CONTINUES to pick the absolute worst poster children for their stories. This one…how they are struggling to buy their first house with only $800,000. The poor Dears.😒😒🧐🧐🤔🤔
Mike Pence.
Is he all there? Are the communication bits working? Does he understand English? Is his ego functional?
So many questions – and not one of them deserves/requires an answer.
The coattails he climbed on, for whatever reason, really did not work out well for him. But also he started from such a minimal place that it is to be expected that he’s got nothing.
OT — I am working on a Front Page bit about the Alabama Asswhooping.
It may not be a fun read.
Pence laments events, presents incense.
“The only Republican who’s proven he won’t overthrow the government.”
fixed and all that ;)
@WereBear: That’s both true and deeply disturbing.
Rod Serling starkly laid it out in 1964.
Not a 100% parallel, but close enough to be grossly unsettling.
Hmm. Needs a bit more Austen. How about “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single moronic and corrupt candidate in possession of a nomination must be in want of an even more moronic running mate.”?
@dmsilev: nice
I think it was the Post that had a piece a couple days ago about a former VP running against a former president for their party’s nomination, which has almost never happened in our entire history.
One would think that might get a little more coverage…
One would think they could delve a little more deeply into what that means for the party…
But no, it looks like they’re one and done(!)
The idiocy even gives “original intent” a bad name.
And take reporters off the “Biden is old” beat? Pshaw!
Shorter Pence: “I like the taste of warm piss.”
For some reason I am reminded of a line from Stephen Vincent Benet’s Book of Americans: “And as vice-President he sat, but men are seldom hanged for that”.
@Ruckus: How did Pence catch Manafort’s eye for VP?
That’s always been a puzzle (to me, anyway.)
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Dense recently disclosed his campaign raised a shocking low $1.1 million during the last quarter. He was vice president, a former governor, a congressman and with all those contacts and favors to call in all he could raise was a penitence.
That woke him up to fact he has no chance and will likely drop out before the end of the year due to bankruptcy (like Scott Walker did in 2015 and Tim Pawlenty did in 2011) .
Of course he realizes this is Dump’s fault and finally decided to take him down with him.
Now there’s an updated “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin” metaphor for us all…
Alison Rose
I hate this fucking timeline.
I checked out a Politico article about second quarter fundraising. It showed that DeSantis pulled in $20 million, most of it early in the quarter. I think Trump came in about $17 million.
Pence was 6th with $1.2 million, behind Scott ($5.9 million), Haley ($5.3 million), and Christie ($1.7 million). He really needs to have a good debate.
This reminds me over and over again of driving through the Texas countryside after the 2020 election and seeing all the Trump/Pence banners hanging on the fence lines with Pence cut out.
Chief Oshkosh
Which pretty much sums up conservative Evangelicals. They don’t care about the teachings of Jesus, they’re here for the hate and power. Not that Pence is crowding Jesus any, but Mango Mussolini definitely brings the hate, and certainly appears powerful to the stoopid.
We have also never had a candidate falsely claiming to be the incumbent before.
Trump is seeking a restoration, not an election.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Oddly enough, the 22nd Amendment makes no mention of term limits for Veep, so Pence (conceivably) could slither back in.
Viva BrisVegas
As DeSantis works to make America just like Florida, it’s worth noting that leprosy has now been found to be endemic there.
Those benefits of Floridification just keep on coming.
I watched that video about 10 times yesterday, and I heard there is an 8-minute-long video of the incident posted to Facebook.
”Judge Tanya Chutkan has been assigned extra security detail, reported CNN on Monday.”
“”CNN has observed more security detailed … and deputy US Marshals discussed security plans for the judge on Monday,” the network reported, noting that the U.S. Marshals Service did not respond to press inquiries.”
“Why Biden should replace Harris with Pence to heal a polarized America.” /PunditIdeas
@Geminid: The July 17 Politico article had some good news out of North Carolina. Attorney General Josh Stein raised almost $6 million for his campaign for Governor, and had $8.2 million total after Q2. Republican opponent Lt. Governor Mark Robinson raised $2.2 million and had $3.2 million in the bank.
And in Arizona, Rep. Ruben Gallego outraised Kyrsten Sinema $3.1 million to $1.7 million. Sinema, who has yet to announce an independent run, has $10.8 million in the bank, “almost 3 times” Gallego’s total.
Villago Delenda Est
Not a single one of the MAGAt hecklers of Dense has ever read the Constitution.
Villago Delenda Est
This is called OPSEC, a concept that the MSM is totally unfamiliar with.
Dense has political ambitions, has been/was governor of a conservative state and really, really seems to be able to live with a job that gives him very limited power and yet a possibility of ascending to a very powerful position that he could likely never win at the ballot box. And who else was at all enthused about being second place to ShitForBrains? At the time he was the perfect candidate for the job, useless, quiet, undemanding, willing to be eighth dog in the pack led by the head dog, his majesty ShitForBrains. Not a suck up and of almost zero consequence, who better?
@Villago Delenda Est:
Fair point. It’s sad that they look to Trump, and Fox News, as the source of truth and meaning.
They are hopeless.
Somewhere there’s someone itching to drop this headline:
“Will Joe Biden run on a unity ticket showing true bipartisanship, and nominate former VP Mike Pence as his 2024 running mate?”
@Villago Delenda Est:
Would they understand or believe it if they did?
Andrew Abshier
Dense was the 6th Vice President from Indiana. The most recent two were only slightly smarter than a box of rocks but managed to stumble-bum their way to the right answer on Jan. 6th.
Aww yes, delusion as an electoral concept plus. In a 2 party system the leader of one is going to ask the 4,872,347th entry in the other to help him lead the country. Somehow I just don’t see it.
I’m not sure if this was posted yet, but Trump really is having a really bad no good terrible month.
Grumpy Old Railroader
Evangelical Pro Lifers want to hang Mike Pence
I’d call it Cognitive Dissonance except they think that Hanging Mike Pence IS a pro-life position
@Ruckus: I was going to say they can read but they can’t think.
Trump is entirely venal, but he was correct the other day (or his ghost writers), by slamming Mike as a failed Indiana governor, snatched from pending defeat there to be the understudy for a role he’d never ascend to.
It’s like I’m talking into the void here.
Ivan X
I saw a “Kennedy 2024: Heal The Divide” poster in an office window today.
Apparently, healing the divide means being a Democrat with beliefs only a conspiracy loving Republican could love.
@MisterDancer: Looking forward to a post from you!
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Villago Delenda Est:
Can you blame them, there’s no sex or football in it
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Villago Delenda Est:
They probably called Tommy Lee Jones for comment
zhena gogolia
@NotMax: hahahaha
@Ivan X: A perfect candidate for No Labels! ///
@Ivan X: I smell a move towards a Trump/Kennedy ticket. It’s nothing I would bet on, but I won’t be shocked either.
I have tricked out a Fire 7 tablet as an eReader & some of the typing will be weird.
Had to install an APK app for Scribd but it wasn’t bad. Kindle already installed. What also helped seal the deal was the low price point. Now with dark mode, and screen warmth by sunrise and sunset.
@HumboldtBlue: Add to that: “A federal judge in New York on Monday rejected former President Donald Trump’s counterclaim against former Elle magazine columnist E. Jean Carroll.”
TIFG is on a roll!🤭
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Geminid: I’m sure trump has at least talked about it. His obsession with fame and his stuck-in-amber thinking about so many things, a Kennedy fixation would be right up his alley.
Well, he is a fucking fat-assed salami looking baloney-faced disphit and salami and baloney go well on a roll. So there’s that.
I love this guy’s channel on TikTok.
He is hilarious 😂😂😂
What does God think about the Alabama brawl?
@Thor Heyerdahl:
::snorts:: – think this needs to be a rotating tag.
@Geminid: I can sorta see that possibility. Two old white crazies.
That said – black twitter was AWESOME. Big kudos to the 16 year old kid who jumped into the river and swam across to kick some ass. For once, the white people went to jail.
The hot takes from the community and their joyous commentary was so wonderful to read.
Then there was the part about how he was going to get his ass handed to him in the next gubernatorial election because the Indiana electorate was tired of his dipshittery. Which would have been nearly impossible for an incumbent Republican governor in Indiana, but Pence was going to manage it.
Trump gave him his sole chance at higher office, at the cost of whatever self-respect Pence still possessed at that point.
@rikyrah: https://nypost.com/2023/08/07/teen-hailed-as-black-aquaman-after-swimming-to-dock-workers-aid/
@HumboldtBlue: Blech! Good thing any food that ends in “ony, oni, or ami” doesn’t agree with my digestive system!
@Brachiator: thanks, I think (since I already knew that?)
I was looking at it from Pence’s perspective and thinking that the microphones ought to be in front of his face. Tell the whole country why, if it comes down to you and Donnie on that last GOP debate stage, Mike…why it should be you?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I think Kennedy may also have it in mind.
Ed. So might Steve Bannon.
@Kay: 👍🏻 This day just keeps getting better!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I doubt it but if it came to pass, I have no doubt trumpov would refer to RFK Jr as “my Kennedy”, just like he did with generals, etc.
Florida is lucky in one sense- they still have real newspapers. Rare.
Cheez Whiz
It is the mother of all ironies that Trump picked Pence largely because he believed he was dumb and servile enough to follow orders, but when his big moment came Pence was even dumber than that. It was “unconstitutional” and that was that. Might as well asked him to worship a golden calf. Donald was denied by the Fundamemtalist mind in all its glory.
Haha. The 70s called. They want their movie ideas back.
@Jeffro: Yeah, it seems like a long shot. But in certain ways, a Trump/Kennedy ticket makes sense. Trump is very much about branding, and he might like the idea of attaching the Kennedy brand to his own.
For Kennedy, a campaign for VP would give him a big platform, and a real chance of being President some day.
The backstory on the federal grand jury and bid rigging by the DeSantis Adminisitration is DeSantis took over a small majority AA district and privatized it– he sold the whole public entity off to his crony. The district is no longer owned and run by the AA residents – they’re no longer permitted to govern the public schools their children attend- DeSantis’ low quality hires run the district.
Hoipefully this gets covered outside of Florida. It’s outrageous.
Years ago I had a colleague at work argue that very point. He actually argued that the poor should pay a HIGHER tax rate because it would encourage them to not be poor.
Why yes, he was a devout fundy “Xtian.” How did you guess??
Cheez Whiz
@Danielx: i will always respond to an opportunity to promote the website of the late, great Doghouse Reilly at doghousereilly.blogspot.com which is somehow still up. He has chapter and verse of the Story of Mike Pence and it is fabulous.
I regard reading as a way to get better understanding.
Though when I read something I often don’t take it as absolute truth and see a need to overthrow the government.
TIFG is on a roll!🤭
Downhill and leaving a nasty wake.
Tony Jay
Conservative Christian former Vice President can’t raise funds for a Presidential campaign because his Party’s voters openly hate him for not overthrowing the Constitution and installing a defeated candidate as unelected President-for-Life.
You might think there could be a catchy political story in there that’s easy to write and informs Americans of issues they really need to be thinking about – but apparently every political journalist in the United States disagrees.
After thinking about it for a tenth of a nanosecond, I’m going to come down on the side of them being the ones who are wrong. A used condom semi-inflated by the breath of an elderly dog already half-dead with canine emphysema before the Cartel’s enforcers put three bullets into him for knowing too much about the contents of the wrong bins would be able to write that story, so that’s the level of fail they’re choosing to aspire to.
And yet they’re still a million times better than the UK’s political hacks.
Jesus Christ.
Oh, and, yes,that’s Marco Rubio up to his neck in to this stinking heap of corruption too.
They’re literally robbing school children now.
Pence has self respect?
A measurable amount?
He is a rethuglican politician who was VP to SFB.
That’s self respect?
@Tony Jay: I’m still working thru that visual you’ve inflicted on me.
@Tony Jay:
Money buys strange things.
Yachts worth a lot of millions.
Absolute stupidity.
Bad neighbors.
Rethuglican politicians. (But I repeat my last line)
Now it’s time for something completely adorable. This little pupper, Frannie, loves loves loves her some Mailman Dan, and she is not afraid to show it. Every day.
Probably not. Florida is a small backwater state whose governor has no relevance to national politics.
@Kay: I suspect Rufo is getting some of the boodle.
Old School
There were a number of nicknames circulating today. One I especially liked was Scuba Gooding, Jr.
Tony Jay
In my mind, the dog crawls out of that alleyway and reinvents himself as a raspy, charismatically-scarred character actor in a host of Guatemalan crime-thrillers before achieving national icon status with his surprise Christmas hit ‘Me quitaron el pulmon pero aun respiro tu amor’ and marrying Rhianna.
But that’s because I’m very, very tired.
Put in terms of physics, maybe — maybe — a zeptobarn.
@Old School:
That’s a good one.
@Tony Jay:
RE: Conservative Christian former Vice President can’t raise funds for a Presidential campaign because his Party’s voters openly hate him for not overthrowing the Constitution and installing a defeated candidate as unelected President-for-Life.
The political media do not believe that a coup in the United States would be successful. And so they cover the primary as though it is just another typical political campaign.
ETA. Alternatively, the political media believe that they would not be affected by the installation of an authoritarian regime in the US.
@Tony Jay: Wow. I’m not sure whether I want you to get some sleep, or keep on typing.
@Tony Jay:
Yup – what I was alluding to above. Hard to believe, but no one (not in the GOP, nor the GOP-enabling media) wants to look at this thing squarely, much less call it out.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I would love to see Trump pick RFK, Jr as his VP choice. The Republican leadership would go nuts, but could they stop him? As you and others suggest, picking a Kennedy would make Trump feel as though he had finally conquered every foe that had ever made him feel small. Apart from Obama.
And voter revulsion would result in a landslide victory for the Democrats.
@HumboldtBlue: So sweet!
Our mailman delivered a doggy biscuit to our Sheba every day – even when we didn’t have mail.
One fateful day, Sheba broke leash from the eight year old. Daughter ran home in tears screaming Sheba’s leg is stuck with another dog’s leg and I couldn’t get them unstuck! I’m grabbing car keys and our mailman shows up. He asked daughter if she’s ok and she repeated what happened to Sheba.
He looked at me and said looks like I’ll be leaving a box of biscuits every day.
Yup. 10 puppies lol
Mike Pence’s fly responds to questioning: “I’m surprised he had it in him to hold firm. Seemed pretty soft to me. You gonna eat that?”
@Jeffro: I’ve come to think that if there hadn’t been a riot on J6, and the vote had proceeded with Pence holding the line on the fake electors, the whole episode would have been written off as one of those GQP stunts where they push the envelope just to see if they can. After all, they do it all the time. It usually doesn’t work (threatening default) but sometimes it does (stealing SCOTUS seats). The whole fake electors plot would have been seen as just more hijinks by those Republican scamps.
On the other hand, I wonder if more Rs might have been prepared to vote to accept the fake electors, but chickened out after being terrorized by the mob. It could have focused their minds on what they were actually buying into.
Talk about learning about the birds and the bees at an early age!
Same here! LOL!
Judge Chutkan isn’t fooling around. Shortly after the government filed its response to the defense reply, the Court ordered both sides to agree on a date and time, no later than Friday the 11th for a hearing on the protective order.
The Marshals have just beefed up the judge’s security team with additional personnel.
@Tony Jay: We need to find you a publisher.
@LAO: I’m falling in love with Judge Chutkan!
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: was it pittance you were going for, Spunky?
movieLifetime movie: The Passion of The PenceHumboldtBlue
Lifetime movie: The Passion of The Pence
The second film in the trilogy — The Passion of Pence: The Yawning.
Anne Laurie
I, too, miss Doghouse Riley every time Mike Pence is mentioned.
On the other hand, the last several years of national politics would’ve killed the poor man, if he weren’t already past being annoyed!
Paul in KY
@rikyrah: How can you ever get anything above a hovel for 800 grand?!?!? Oh, the humanity…