We're going to find so many pins and mugs and shirts with his mugshot on them at estate sales in three to five years and none of us will know if it's because the dead person absolutely loved him or absolutely hated him
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) August 25, 2023
Or — splitting the difference — Lincoln Project shot glasses…
"The Kubrick Stare" is one of director Stanley Kubrick's most recognizable directorial techniques. A method of shot composition where a character stares at the camera with a forward tilt, to convey to the audience that they are at the peak of their derangement pic.twitter.com/qd2XWc3oHU
— Cry-Baby Chloe ?? (@ChloeNumberIII) August 25, 2023
In my 11+ years as a detention aide I've processed a lot of detainees and done a lot of mug shots. The body language in this particular mug shot is from someone who's reluctant to hold up his head in order to show his face on camera. pic.twitter.com/PUmH6bsSvD
— Ragnarok Lobster (@eclecticbrotha) August 25, 2023
Trump abhors the 'rule of thirds.' He has to be dead center and looking straight on in pics.
That's why, paired with White House lighting and his general robber baron aesthetic, every official WH photograph looks like 'The Shining.' pic.twitter.com/r5Curb3zIl
— zeddy (@Zeddary) October 27, 2019
The levels of offensiveness is off the charts! This is high score reset the game type of foolishness
— kevin daniels (@kevinddaniels) August 25, 2023
He might be 8 million years old but you really should not leave one over the plate at 87 mph because he’ll put it in the parking lot https://t.co/O9jq1msgQ2
— Screamer Jim (@HeheWaitWhut) August 25, 2023
Legitimately, be as kind and supportive as possible to every tattoo artist in your life for the next year+ https://t.co/SIBJ9p6K5F
— Nick Farruggia (@nickfarruggia) August 24, 2023
I’m looking forward to when he graduates to the top of the FBi’s Most Wanted list after he flees to a non-extradition country….or Florida.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Baud: That would be peak Meatball from DeSantis if he was trying to protect Trump with some weird states right argument while at the same time running against Trump in the primary.
@Baud: At this point, I think DeSantis would put Trump on the prison bus to Georgia personally. He’s gotta be pissed that 4 time loser is still kicking his ass.
Cannot click through to any of those Xes or Tweets or whatever they’re called now. Every single one gives me a picture of a poodle sitting in a chair, and an “Oops!” message followed by “Here’s a picture of a poodle sitting in a chair for your trouble.” So now I guess Elon is tripling and quadrupling down on his crafty plan to increase X’s audience by absolutely locking out all non-members. Sheer fucking genius.
Why am I up reading this? Cold grey dawn needs to go back to bed.
@SiubhanDuinne: weird, I don’t have an account but clicking a tweet brings up the tweet, no poodles …
I agree with Zeddy.
Framing matters. Some people see a fierce demeanor while others see a big baby who needs to be burped.
@sukabi: Same for me. Very disappointing…no poodles.
I’ve been idly looking at bumper stickers on Amazon tonight. Found one that’s a QR code to “Never Gonna Give You Up”. I think I have to have it.
Love, love, love the Kubrick references. Laughing.
Villago Delenda Est
The Kubrick angle is good, but I still think he practiced Vigo the Carpathian for hours before heading to Atlanta.
Tomorrow’s hearings before Judge Chutkan in DC and Judge Jones in Atlanta are going to be … interesting.
One imagines Trump’s lawyers staring into the depths of a very strong Bloody Mary, mentally drafting motions to withdraw.
@Elizabelle: Me too laughing.
@Burnspbesq: Seems like every argument they have in any direction is a confession of another crime.
ETA And I am strongly on the John Adams side that every defendent whoever and whatever deserves a good solid defense from a good lawyer.
@sab: Lauro wedged himself on a cushion behind the 8 with “aspirational ask.” Don’t know where he can go from there.
Working on an assumption, I imagined his old Jesuit profs throwing up both their hands at that one, then I looked him up: Georgetown/Georgetown.
Viva BrisVegas
I’ll bet that the police at the MLK mugshot didn’t allow him to decide what angle he wanted the photo taken at.
It would have been “look straight at the camera n*****”.
It must be good for Trump to have friends in the police force who will provide him with publicity shots.
Trump’s mugshot would look far better with some black vertical bars in front of it.
@bjacques: that face is fiercely enraged to even be there. The toxic narcissist isn’t able to bend events to his will any longer.
And OMIGOD, they’re now claiming he’s on par with Mandela and MLK and black folks will find his mugshot so relatable that they’ll vote for him?? Beyond contemptable.
@satby: or white folks will excuse their own racism and vote for him a third time.
interesting logic. Trump had a mugshot. Two heroes also had mugshots. Therefore Trump is hero. Mostly it shows how deep down they know this is damaging and they need to grasp at something to mitigate the damage.
Gotta spend at least one night in jail for it to count.
Never happen because DeSantis doesn’t have the balls. Trump might say something mean about him.
@SiubhanDuinne: Maybe Musk just hates you.
Matt McIrvin
I stopped believing in laws of political gravity in 2016. Trump 100% can be elected President even from prison and we need to behave as if that is true.
@Princess: The Foxbots are pushing that delusional twaddle, and we all know they don’t believe the swill they put out. But you’d think their marks would pick up on just how stupid and gullible their chosen media thinks they are. And yet, they never do. Cult.
The comparison is horribly offensive, but I’m OK with it if Trump is also found guilty of conspiring to overthrow the state and sentenced to life imprisonment.
I wore my “It’s like Watergate, but with morons” shirt yesterday at the market. Got several compliments and one person took a picture of it. It stood out in the wall-to-wall Notre Dame apparel.
The Thin Black Duke
@OzarkHillbilly: Muskrat hates everyone who isn’t rich. We’re nothing but product to be consumed.
Ten Bears
I don’t think that’s as impressive a mug-shot as he thinks is an impressive mug-shot
I’ve had better
Speakin’ a which, providing false information to the police is a crime just about everywhere. I’ve been laughing at the clown for a long time, but I’ll laugh harder if putting 6:3 215 on his booking form is what delivers his fat ass to Gitmo and an orange jumpsuit, black bag over his head
@satby: I need to get one of those.
@The Thin Black Duke: Say WHAT???? I thought he looooooved me!
@Ten Bears: I’ve never seen any of my mugshots. Probably look like just another poor dumb fuck who made a mistake and then 3 more to top it off.
The Thin Black Duke
@OzarkHillbilly: “Like a glutton loves his lunch.”
How do you read Robbie Robertson’s
Your name up on the post office wall
Put your arm in ’cause they roll it too small
from “Jawbone”?
OMG, the hamberder spread to welcome the athletes (I forget which ones). The definition of cringe. I’d forgotten the whole thing but it I was appalled that anyone would even think of doing it.
patrick II
Five time looser. Unless you think he won the election.
Uncle Cosmo
Someone pointed out** that the Trumpolini mugshot pose reminded them of this iconic 1941 photo of Winston Churchill by Yousef Karsh. Most commentary sees that shot as exuding massive resolution and determination, but as Karsh himself wrote of the mise-en-scène:
I wonder if somewhere back in his reptilian brain Cheetoh Benito remembered this photo, and modeled his pose after it. I wonder if he thought he was portraying “massive resolution and determination” but simply mistook Churchill’s tobacco-deprived belligerence for it. I wonder if maybe he wanted the belligerence from the gitgo.
(Helzbelz, I wonder if Kubrick detected the belligerence in the Karsh photo and exaggerated it to produce his almost-as-famous multiply-reproduced-with-different-actors pose.)
** Maybe on this very blog. I don’t want to claim credit for any great insight after it had been suggested to me.
No One You Know
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Peak wingnut will be attained if DeSantis had him politely arrested “for his own safety” as royal pretenders often are…