The other day, I bought blueberries to make Ina Garten’s blueberry ricotta breakfast cake, which featured on a recent episode of “Be My Guest.” But when I started assembling the equipment to make the cake, I couldn’t find my springform pan. I tore this place apart looking for it and have no idea where it went.
I suppose I could have tried making it in a casserole dish or something, but I’m not a particularly talented or experienced baker so was unsure how essential the springform pan is to the outcome. My search for the springform pan yielded a tart pan, so I decided to switch gears and make a blueberry tart. Ta-da!
I wasn’t able to find a blueberry tart recipe that exactly matched the stuff I had on hand, so I ended up cobbling parts of a few recipes together and hoping it works out. It looks pretty good, especially the crust — no dreaded soggy bottom here! We’ll see how it tastes later.
I figure I’ll repurpose the ricotta for baked ziti or lasagna, but at some point, I am going to find that damn springform pan and make a ricotta cake!
Open thread!
Great. Now I’m hungry for blueberry tart.
It looks fantastic and I’m sure will taste great.
Old School
The missing springform pan has joined the mustard in hiding.
Looks fantastic. Including the crust.
Speaking of cobbling things together, you can always make a cobbler with just about any fruit or berry.
Since this is an open thread … and since BC previously mentioned making some delicious jambalaya … does anyone have a favorite jambalaya recipe? Obviously I can look them up online, but we have a lot of food fans here, so I thought I’d ask. (Note: housemate does not eat seafood, so I’ll be making it with chicken and sausage only, more’s the pity.)
Alison Rose
That looks amazing. I don’t like blueberries on their own, but in pastry? Yes. Blueberry muffin, scone, tart, pie, whatever.
Looks scrumptious. Wife’s school was unexpectedly canceled today because of the threat of hurricane flooding (didn’t happen in our county), so made her blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Read on TPM that Clarence says he had to take Harlan Crow’s private jet because of security concerns after the leak of the Dobbs draft. Guess he should have told Sammy about his travel plans.
That looks delicious. My favorite dessert, by far, is warm blueberry pie with vanilla ice cream on top.
We should join forces. I found my springform pan after the last move, but I have lost my bundt pan. Moving is so exasperating. I may have only one left in me, and I’m not even sure about that.
ETA: The tart looks yummy.
Sure Lurkalot
That looks like something an excellent baker would make.
I’m truly an awful baker but I don’t like sweets. Now give me a pile of perfectly cooked French fries…..
That looks so good!
Wow that looks amazing! Except for cornbread, I don’t bake so I am very impressed by that crust. Mary Berry would be proud.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Holy cow, that looks good.
If you’re like me, you will find the springform pan right after you give up looking and buy a replacement.
Blueberries + crust + custard? I don’t see how it could be anything but delicious.
A friend of mine attended a class at a nearby cooking school, and had such a great time she suggested we find a class to take together. The challenge is that I’m diabetic, and so all the pastry baking, bread-making, and candy-making courses are immediately out.
Besides being a diabetic, I’m now steering clear of nearly anything with salmon – which I love, but which in the PNW always means Pacific Salmon, and overfishing wild salmon from Alaska down to Washington has resulted in the local orca populations starving to death. So I also eliminated the classes with a focus on cooking salmon.
Happily, there are still quite a few classes left after my ruthless pruning. I told my friend which ones interested me, and she’s going to pick out which ones interest her, and we’ll see if there are any matches.
Alison Rose
Since it’s an OT: Really appreciated this segment from Chris Hayes about Giuliani being found liable for defaming Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman. He makes it clear, more so than a lot of other reports I’ve seen, that this was racist at its core, and completely despicable, and that any excuses being made for it are equally so.
Mmmmmm. Also brings back fond memories of picking berries at the local U-pick fields & winter morning treats when Mom made blueberry muffins for breakfast.
Your crust looks lovely. Is there a cream or jelly base under the berries?
Looks wonderful.
I love Ina. She’s my cookie sensei.
Betty Cracker
@Maxim: I don’t use a jambalaya recipe per se, but I generally include smoked sausage, a can of fire roasted diced tomatoes, chopped peppers, onion and garlic, paprika, red pepper flakes, cayenne, salt and black pepper — plus rice and water in the correct proportions relative to the amount of other stuff.
Oh that looks so good! I have 5 blueberry bushes so I get many quarts of blueberries fresh, but our season ends in June. I freeze them but there’s never enough, so I do buy them, mostly at Sprouts Market.
This is my current favorite blueberry recipe:
Maritime Blueberry Buckle
It’s super easy and very yummy.
OT – Tony Jay commented in the previous thread I was late to, and, if he sees this, I just want to praise his most recent Bohemian Rhapsody indictment parody. Very fun, thanks for sharing it!
Kemp is telling the mouth breathers to knock it off with the impeachment bullshit.
Chat Noir
@Maxim: I vegan-ize a Paul Prudhomme recipe from a cookbook my husband bought years ago. For me, the key is the spice blend and cooking the rice (I use brown instead of white) for an hour until it’s nice and tender.
I love blueberries. When we were still in elementary school (jr. high and early high school for the oldest kids) our parents would take us to a local blueberry farm outside town to pick blueberries.
To listen to us kids (eight of us), you would have thought we had been sold into slavery, and my mother did not take kindly to the time my second-oldest brother started singing an imitation of a work gang song while we were toiling away in the hot summer sun. I’m pretty sure he earned a slap for that one.
We moaned and whined and grumbled and mumbled for all the what, two hours we filled baskets with blueberries? It’s a family laugh now, and there were few things better than a blueberry pie in February.
Mmmmm, mom’s blueberry buckle was out of this world good.
I would think in your part of the country there would be some good vegetarian classes.
That’s a nice looking tart, and from my point of view, it looks like the optimal use of blueberries.
I think I’d like peaches in the cake …
Betty Cracker
@BeautifulPlumage: I mashed half the blueberries and mixed them with sugar, lemon zest and about a tablespoon or so of lemon juice and a couple of tablespoons of AP flour to make a jelly-like base. Then I sprinkled half the remaining whole blueberries on top of that before baking, then the rest while it cooled. It seems to have set pretty well — I’ll know more when I slice into it later! ;-)
@Delk: Good. It’s a sign he won’t back any shenanigans about going after Willis with that commission they’re setting up to punish DAs who won’t prosecute pot smokers and people aiding in abortions.
Paul in KY
That is one hell of a tart. Yum!!!!!
Alison Rose
@Delk: Good to see! I suppose he’s one of those rare Republicans who might have a single atom of sense in him?
@Alison Rose:
That was good, thanks. What these vicious shits did to these women still stuns me. I can’t imagine. I also want to know what reason Trevian gave a police station to let her walk in there and use it as an interrogation room.
Any way you could post the actual tart, instead of just a picture? I’m sure I’m not the only one who would appreciate it.
Omnes Omnibus
Simple and delish dessert with blueberries: Put them in a bowl. Sprinkle lightly with sugar. Pour cream on them. Eat.
I was eyeing that blueberry ricotta recipe a couple days ago. (I typically read the news on my iPad while peddling a stationary bike. But when the news gets too bleak, I switch to reading recipes… )
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That looks delicious! The crust especially
@Alison Rose: I have to admit that after the events around the insurrection I felt so emotionally burned I just avoided reading or watching anything about it for quite a while afterwards. I was vaguely aware that some election workers had been “harassed,” to use the relatively anodyne term the media prefers to use. It was only recently, however, after the GA indictments that I learned in detail what was actually done to Freeman and Moss. This ghastly event was so much more than harassment.
I was particularly struck by the fact that when she was being harangued in the police station, Freeman was warned that if she didn’t go along with making a false confession, something bad would happen to her and her family 48 hours later. Then, as predicted, 48 hours later a mob appeared at her house to threaten her. It seems to me that this was not a coincidence, but was something that was planned and coordinated with the people trying to intimidate her. I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say that the warning was basically a threat to lynch her.
About 5 years ago, a psychology professor told me that in his experiments with rats, the ones who he fed blueberries did better at cognitive tests than the control rats. Since then, I try to eat blueberries every day. I’m not making this up!
That tart looks amazing! Is there custard under the blueberries? A good fruit tart is about my favorite dessert. I recently learned about a super easy way to make a prebaked tart shell with no rolling or pie weights involved. And it works with vegan butter (I don’t eat dairy). Basically, you boil the butter and water until it starts to brown, then add the flour and press the paste into the pan. Sounds crazy but it works!
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
sacred cow makes the best hamburger.
Karen S.
A friend of mine had a cookbook from the 1950s or possibly the ’60s that had a recipe in it called Blueberry Boy Bait. It was either a cake or cobbler. I can’t recall now. We laughed a lot about that cookbook. There was another recipe called Be Bold with Bananas. I have no idea what that recipe was supposed to make, but, yes, it included bananas. When we want a laugh, we urge each other to “Be Bold with Bananas!” Works every time
That tart looks delicious, by the way.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I use Reddi Wip, basically the same thing. The blueberry taste by itself is too strong.
Omnes Omnibus
@BeautifulPlumage: Have you ever picked wild blueberries? It’s awful They are the size of a bb. It take thousands to make anything. Ugh. Luckily, I have relatives who claim to enjoy it.
Mai Naem mobileI
That’s one tempting looking tart. The Mexican bakeries around here have the little mixed berry tarts but they always have this glaze on top which just spoils the tart.
@Alison Rose: that plus Kemp’s more than fine with letting Willis take trump out for his benefit as well as the country’s.
”If a good thing happens for both good and self-serving reasons…it’s still a good thing.” – B.K.
And he’s right, too.
It should set MAGAworld a-howlin’ 😁
Chief Oshkosh
@Evap: Yep, in general the colorful fruits and veggies and leafy greens contain a lot of antioxidants. These have been shown in many studies to be beneficial to CNS tissue and to function.
YUM. Looks great!
Whenever we could not find something In our home, our long-time standing joke is that the dog took it. Poor Tucker. Blamed for everything!
Betty Cracker
@smith: It’s stunning that a vicious yokel like Kemp is what passes for the voice of reason, but that’s the reality of the Trumpublican Party. If Kemp plays his cards right and Trump blows up and/or goes to jail, the DC hack media, always ready to define deviancy down, will probably decide Kemp is a heroic statesman who simply must occupy the Oval Office to heal America.
Chief Oshkosh
@Omnes Omnibus: Really fresh blueberries can be amazing. Like you, I hate picking them, and like you, I know people who own lots of the bushes and enjoy picking them and sharing them.
Saints walk among us! :)
Alison Rose
@eclare: Yeah!! That still confuses me, honestly.
Alison Rose
@smith: Not hyperbole at all. I can’t imagine the fear these women have been living with, all for just doing their civic duty. It’s horrendous.
Betty Cracker
@Evap: That sounds like a hot water pastry crust, minus the egg. (See #27 for what lies beneath the berries.)
@Omnes Omnibus: I do a more complicated version.
Crumbled graham crackers at the bottom of the bowl, sweetened cottage cheese or yogurt with vanilla on that, blueberries on top with more sugar/sweetener. Mock blueberry cheesecake.
@Betty Cracker: so…is 3 terms enough for President Kemp, or would we need 4 to fully heal as a country?
@Betty Cracker: blueberries all the way down! You need to let us know how it tastes – I’m curious about the topping of baked & unbaked berries.
@Omnes Omnibus
Sour cream or go home.
No access to recipe files while visiting in NY. However the comment reminded me of the best shrimp jambalaya have ever been served. At, of all places, the restaurant inside the Holiday Inn in Emporia, Virginia, circa 1972.
@Mai Naem mobileI: I know! What’s with the glaze?
@Betty Cracker: I didn’t listen to his statement, but AJC notified me by text. The state of GA is doing great economically because of manufacturing that Ossoff and Biden promoted. Kemp publically said he didn’t think federal money should be used to promote electric cars and batteries, but he will sure take credit for for the growth of the industry.
Yup the guy who doesn’t believe in gun control laws and limits a women’s right to control her own body is seen as a moderate.
yeah right.
AJC is the local Atlanta paper btw
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
Your pan is with the mustard. I can’t believe I have to tell you this.
@Maxim: I always go with Justin Wilson, the PBS Cajun chef. Recipes galore on Youtube
@Alison Rose: One other thing I noticed in reading the details: The date on which the mob appeared as planned was Jan 6. Luckily, she had already left the house by then, having been warned by an FBI agent that she was in danger. Otherwise, considering how stoked the MAGA thugs at her house certainly would have been from the events earlier in the day, there is no telling what they might have done.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Sour cream and brown sugar are for strawberries. Don’t you know anything?
@eclare: Whatever reason the police had to allow it, they managed to record the crime, keep the record and provide it to the prosecution. I’m surprised it survived discovery.
@Omnes Omnibus: no, only wild native blackberries – smaller and more flavorful than the invasive Himalayan type. Haven’t look for them in years, though.
I loved the farms, though. The bushes were taller than me and the berries were big and tasty. I much preferred that to the U-pick strawberry farms.
ETA – my fave is the red huckleberry which grew everywhere around here. My first baking project was huckleberry tarts. I also made jam, but the berries are small, too, and take a ton for a batch
Roger Moore
Funny how the story keeps changing. Also, too, what explains all the hospitality he accepted from Crow before the Dobbs decision?
Omnes Omnibus
We have blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries growing wild on our land in northern WI. All are so much better than the farmed versions.
In good news, the GA grand jury report will be released around September 8th.
@Roger Moore: Clarence was just humoring Crow in preparation for the day he would need a secure flight. /s
@JaySinWA: Ruby Freeman refused to meet Kutti anywhere else.
@Omnes Omnibus
Chacun à son goût.
Alison Rose
@Roger Moore: He’s psychic.
I know. It’s all sorts of weird. If I went to our jail, and I said I’m having a problem with my neighbor, can I bring her here and threaten her? I’m pretty sure I would be sitting on my ass in jail.
Antifa’s been after him for years — only Harlan Crow’s kind protection has kept Thomas alive all these years.
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh raspberries.
Or a galette. Get some ready made pie crust if you’re feeling really lazy.
@eclare: It was Ruby Freeman who wanted to meet at the police station. She obviously had a clear sense that these people were not safe.
@Alison Rose: Chris Hayes was great last night. His shows generally are.
Proud Boy member Biggs just sentenced to 17 years. It’s quite a departure, the government was seeking 33 years.
Oh. That makes sense, but it still seems odd the jail would allow it. I really want to know which jail (county/city) this was.
I’ve been making a blueberry crumble lately, using (I think?) a King Arthur recipe. The first time, I cut the sugar by about a third, and I thought it was still too sweet, so the second time I cut it in half in the dry mixture in which the blueberries were tossed and at least a third in the brown sugar/oats/butter topping. There were supposed to be nuts in the topping, too, but I didn’t have any, so I increased the oats and then added some candied lemon pieces I had hanging around. MUCH better with less sugar! I mean, I have a sweet tooth, but too much sugar means you can’t taste the actual fruit. This week I should be getting some peaches in the farm share, and I might just make the same crumble using peaches instead of blueberries. If I’d been smart, I’d have gotten some blueberries, too, and made a blueberry peach crumble . . .
Thanks. Smart.
@Omnes Omnibus: and, for those of us limiting our fats, did you know a little brown sugar mixed with plain, non-fat yogurt tastes almost the same with various berries?
I wanted to know, too, so I just looked it up. It was Cobb County, the same place where they let the conspirators in to mess with the voting mchines.
Alison Rose
@Jackie: I appreciate the analysis he brings to things, and that he is often more forthright than a lot of other white news dudes.
@Omnes Omnibus: nice! I’ve never had wild raspberries, but friends have a bunch of bushes in their garden, so I’ve enjoyed fresh-picked. Are they, like blackberries, smaller with more concentrated flavor?
@eclare: Why wouldn’t they allow the meeting to take place there? Police stations are a safe place for such meetings. I’m pretty sure they were aware of Mrs. Freeman’s situation as Magats had been harassing her and coming to her house at odd hours.
And that’s the beauty of the blueberry, it’s nice and tart, and it just needs a little bit of sugar to shine. I’ve been halving the sugar content in nearly all my baking as well.
Funnily enough, I made a chocolate cake two months ago and the recipe called for shortening and for some reason in my mind (probably because of the bowl I had smoked earlier) “shortening” meant either lard or crisco, not vegetable oil.
So I used lard, and the crust on that chocolate cake was to die for.
@Betty Cracker: This is expert level blueberry filling making! Most people don’t know that trick.
I, too, had a springform pan mysteriously disappear. Never did find it, had to buy a new one. Are there springform pan gremlins running amuck that I was unaware of??
@JPL: Are you familiar with Colton Moore, the State Senator who called for the special session to impeach Ms. Willis? He’s 29 years old and seems very ambitious. Moore’s family owns a trucking company and he describes himself as an “Auctioneer and Cattleman.” That’s one guy I think Marjory Taylor Greene should be watching out for as a potential primary challenger.
@Evap: Control rat diet was 100% Pop Tarts.
Hmmm, if you or Betty need a new one, I’ll happily send you mine. Got it at least 20 years ago and have never once used it.
Omnes Omnibus
OT: Joe Biggs just got sentenced to 17 years.
@smith: I think Coffee County is the one where the voting machines were messed with.
Omnes Omnibus
@LAO: I have been compulsively refreshing that thread all morning. I can finally go to the gym.
I’ve never liked the name, but I’m a fan of blueberry dump cake. One of my cousins served it a few years ago, and I was smitten. My favorite in the genre now is a pumpkin dump cake (with pecans or walnuts as part of the topping).
They’re so easy, and shockingly good.
@smith: Coffee County was where the voting machines hanky panky occurred.
@Geminid: Thanks. I stand corrected.
@Omnes Omnibus: lol. Don’t forget to restart refreshing when you get back. There’s another one this afternoon.
Omnes Omnibus
@BeautifulPlumage: Yes. They are wonderful. I am not allowed to go picking those because I just stand there and eat them instead of putting them in my bucket. YOLO!!!
The blueberries of New Jersey come into season about the middle of July, and when I was a youngster, my family celebrated my birthday by having blueberries and cream for breakfast at the old Vienna Restaurant on the Atlantic City boardwalk (sic transit gloria)
There’s a Spanish firm, Gullón, makes ‘Digestive Classic’ biscuits. Like graham crackers, but less sugar – and cheaper. Mayhaps if Latin neighborhood near you, can find and give them a try.
Happy Labor Day, everyone !
Thanks! I thought the county with the voting machines was Coffee? Some small county. Cobb County is huge
@narya: I’ve been making strawberry rhubarb crumbles the past few years. I too reduce the sugar in both the fruit and the topping, and I think the fruit flavors stand out much better.
A trick I figured out, because sometimes the oats seemed hard after baking (not sure if the full sugar amt would change that?), I drizzle one tbsp of oil on the oats in a little bowl and let rest for a few mins before blending them into the flour & sugar, and reduce the total butter amt by that tbsp. The oats bake up much more tender and nice this way. And there’s a touch less cholesterol (not that I care that much about butterfat – life is short, eat & enjoy!)
I was not aware that Ruby requested this, now that I think about it, with the threats/harassment it makes sense to allow it there. Thanks.
Omnes Omnibus
@LAO: I know. I think Mehta’s sentences set a precendent, and we are unlikely to see anything much higher than 20 years for anyone until we get to the Trumps and Giulianis. I am torn. I think our sentences are too long as a rule and 17 years is a long time, but, if anything deserves the long sentences the US is famous for, these actions do.
The old Crisco commercial with Loretta Lynn. Crisco will do you proud every time.
I thought Ruby Freeman asked that they meet at the police station because she was nervous about meeting a stranger (Trevian Kutti). Dunno why a cop recorded it.
Salty Sam .
When Salty Spouse and I were working our boat south from Maine in 2019, we stopped a few days in Southwest Harbor on Mount Desert Isle. There we discovered “The Common Good Kitchen Cafe” (
It’s an open air, volunteer run, donations only all-you-can-eat cafe, featuring fresh baked popovers, butter, and homemade blueberry jam. Also, really good coffee, oatmeal, cookies, etc. All for whatever donation you felt obliged to make, to support the local food pantry.
I was on a diet at the time to get my blood sugar under control- but diet-be-damned when we discovered this place. We stayed an extra day just so we could go back again. I made a total pig of myself there.
ETA: blood sugar eventually recovered…
Jamie Raskin follows through with his promise to investigate Kushner:
“House Oversight Democrats are calling on committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) to use his subpoena power to investigate the foreign business dealings of Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner — an investigation Comer has been personally stalling for more than a year,” Rolling Stone reports.
“Since Republicans gained control of the House in 2022, Comer has focused the bulk of the Oversight Committee’s work on a sprawling probe into President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden.”
“But earlier this month, Comer himself acknowledged that Kushner had ‘crossed the line of ethics’ in his foreign business dealings, a statement Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) is looking to capitalize on.”
I hope Raskin and fellow Dems hold Comer’s feet to the fire on this.
Roger Moore
One of the interesting things about the situation in Georgia is there aren’t any easy Democratic targets for claims of election fraud. The Governor, Secretary of State, and Legislature are all Republican, which means any attempt to claim systematic election fraud have to accuse Republicans of working to elect Biden. Kemp and Raffensperger, at least, seem to recognize this and want no part of it. They have to stick up for the integrity of the election to defend their own reputations. Raffensperger in particular has an obvious stake in this after Trump’s threats if he didn’t commit election fraud himself. They would much rather blame Trump for losing, especially because they also blame his election fraud claims for throwing the 2020 US Senate elections to the Democrats. That puts them in the position of supporting Willis in her prosecution of Trump and his cronies.
@Omnes Omnibus: I feel similarly, as a nation I believe we over-incarcerate. I’m satisfied with Biggs’ sentence. 17 years in the feds, is a lengthy sentence.
@Roger Moore: I forget who on the intertubes pointed it out, but they noted that police are incompetent liars, even under oath, because they’re so used to being believed no matter what they spew out. Guess Campground Clarence is the same.
Omnes Omnibus
I think we will be in the minority here.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m sure of that. Trying to decide whether I feel like fighting or just ignoring the outrage.
Nothing reveals the similarities between the right and left better than criminal justice issues.
@Omnes Omnibus: I have no problem with a 17 year sentence for Biggs. It seems to have plenty of deterrence value at least.
Alison Rose
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m with you. 17 years is a long time, especially for someone who thinks he’s above the law or whatever.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Should have been at least 17½ years.
Was arraignment-a-thon in GA today? There’s one CNN blurb on my feed.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Now that’s a hill to die on.
How much of that 17 years will he really serve?
Roger Moore
I’m sympathetic with the idea that our criminal justice system overincarcerates, especially when it comes to pre-trial detention. It just sticks in my craw that it seems like it’s always well connected White dudes who benefit first from our moves to reform the system. Does sentencing reform really need to start with the Proud Boys?
@Geminid: Greene is too popular to primary from the right. She does have delusions of grandeur so could run for Senate. Local republicans would just love that, not! Since you don’t have to live in the district to run in it, he could run anywhere, but I’m assuming he wants to stay put. I’ll ask around.
@Sure Lurkalot: French fries have the potential be great, but tater tots are the ultimate expression of fried potatoes. Trader Joe’s frozen hash browns are right up there for DIY.
@Omnes Omnibus: @LAO: I would not have minded a little longer (he’s 39 years old, so would be 56 when he’s out of prison and nearly 60 after the probation that appears to be tacked on the end), but not a whole not more. My understanding is that fed sentences don’t get shortened and that he’ll serve nearly all of that sentence. My real wish for the criminal justice system is that there was more focus on “justice”: this morning I was reading the FYNYT article about the Texas inmates who play D&D, and how the death row inmates don’t get access to any of the educational or other opportunities that other prisoners get, and that is just morally wrong to me. I could go into a whole rant about it, but won’t.
@Delk: 85% as long as he qualifies for good time. (If he misbehaves, than 100%).
ETA: I corrected 80 to 85% because RM is correct.
Roger Moore
Most of it, assuming the sentence holds up on appeal and a future Republican president doesn’t pardon him or commute his sentence. There’s no federal parole, so the main avenue for early release is good behavior. IIRC, that’s can only cut about 15% off the sentence.
It cracks me up that Thomas thinks that ‘camper’ makes him a Man Of The People. Have you SEEN the thing? It’s a behemoth, a palace on wheels.
@p.a.: Lawyer T. Greg Doucette tracks a lot of police lying and other abuse.
Change of plans is perfectly all right, there are very few ways to go wrong with blueberries.
Er, unless you’re the murderer in an Agatha Christie story. I think she used blueberry- or coffee-stained teeth as clues several times.
Then seventeen years is fine with me. I defer to those with expertise. Plus no parole from fed.
Or little time off.
Alison Rose
Lordy. Newcastle gets PSG, AC Milan, and Dortmund in the CL draw. Time to step up our game, lads.
Villago Delenda Est
Betty, it certainly looks pretty darn tasty. Some whipped cream or french vanilla ice cream, some coffee with brandy, and we’re good to go!
@Alison Rose:
That is tough.
Villago Delenda Est
@LAO: I’m not fond of treason, which is what this boils down to.
@Karen S.: Is this the one?
It looks insane.
Brought to you by the “Banana Control Board.”
@JPL: Colton Moore is definitely trying to grab headlines with his call to impeach Willis. He knows it won’t fly.
As far as primarying Greene, that wouldn’t fly now either but he can wait. If the House Republicans get trounced for a few cycles there will be a backlash that Moore might exploit: “Greene supported Kevin McCarthy and look where that got us! It’s time for a true conservative to represent the 14th CD.”
@Alison Rose: This was good. I only wish that he had gone further and noted that this bullshit aimed at Freeman and Moss were not only personal racist attacks, but that questioning the integrity of Black People in the electoral process, is an age old racist practice that goes back to Reconstruction. It’s ALWAYS Black cities/people that are assumed to be cheating (while Trump and other white, Republicans actually ARE trying to cheat). And it is a very widespread tactic that many Republicans have been using to pass bullshit Voter Suppression laws for a decade and they are all complicit.
Old School
Depends on whether Biden wins reelection.
Oh cry me a fucking river you shit stain:
Alison Rose
@UncleEbeneezer: Agreed. I suppose he’s limited by airtime as to how far he can unpack stuff like this, but there is so much undergirding these kinds of acts.
@Roger Moore: I hear you.
@Villago Delenda Est: Cool. Is the implication that I support treason? Or is there some other point you’re trying to make.?
@Karen S.: I looked at Smitten Kitchen’s Boy Bait recipe just yesterday (I’m making her Perfect Blueberry Muffins recipe instead because I have everything on hand).
Mai Naem mobileI
@Roger Moore: Clarence gets a special private plane trip. The rest of us,when there’s a gunman running around, are told to suck it up because freedumb.
@UncleEbeneezer: Hayes is the one show I watch every night. I mentally have very little room for it all, and I find that he usually strikes a good balance between too much detail (cough**Rachel**cough) and just skimming the headlines. I thought he had really good experts on during Covid (esp. Peter Hotez and Fauci)–that’s when I really started making it a point to watch. He’s not mistake-free, of course, but no one is. His podcast is also quite good a lot of the time.
Villago Delenda Est
@LAO: No, that’s not the point I was trying to make, and I apologize for wording it so poorly. The point I was trying to make that 17 years, to me, seems not quite enough for launching a terrorist attack on the Nation’s Capitol.
@Villago Delenda Est: Got it.
@LAO: I agree. She is going to find out that just having a felony conviction on her record is going to make life diffucult for the rest of her life. And 3 years probation is a pain.
@Alison Rose: Totally. I’m sure he knows everything I mentioned because I’ve heard him talk about it in longer interviews.
@narya: Yeah, I know some super-(and extremely performative) Progressives like to shit on him, but I’ve always thought he’s pretty good at what he does. And he’s especially good in longer-form segments.
@Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.): They are making out under the bleachers
@TooTallTom: We always said one of the kids must have moved whatever was missing, but after they moved out stuff still went missing. Go figure.
karen marie
I’ve made this blueberry cake twice now, and it’s very good! Like a pound cake, you want to let it rest a day before eating for the best flavor. It uses greek yogurt. I know eggzackly where my 8″ springform pan is, so I used that both times, but the recipe recommends a 9″ inch cake pan. The 8″ inch pan results in a slightly taller cake. I sprinkled the top with turbinado sugar for a crunchy, sweet crust.
karen marie
@HumboldtBlue: I’m a convert to half butter, half Crisco for pie crusts. Gorgeously flaky. But if you’re making hand pies, you want an all butter crust. So nice!
This fact of life explains why I have two sledgehammers…
@Betty Cracker: Thanks! That crust looks amazing, btw.
@NotMax: That almost defies belief, but I will take your word for it.
@LarryB: Thanks, I will check that out.
That tart looks delicious.
@Josie: I have suddenly got two spring form pans. Such a puzzlement!
@narya: 100% agree. But still love Rachel, too. Her ULTRA podcast was awesome!!
Looks delicious! Write that cobbled-together recipe down before you forget what you cobbled!?
1 tablespoon oil
1/4 pound andouille or other smoked sausage, sliced
2 whole boneless, skinless chicken breast cut into cubes
1 medium onion, chopped
1 small green pepper, cut into strips
1/2 cup thinly sliced celery
1 clove garlic, minced
1 can (14 1/2 oz.) cajun-style stewed tomatoes
1 package (10 oz.) frozen cut okra, thawed
1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauce
2 teaspoons creole seasoning
1 1/2 cups minute premium long grain rice, uncooked
heat oil in large skillet on medium high heat.
add sausage cook and stir until lightly browned.
add chicken, onion, pepper, celery, and garlic
cook and stir until chicken is cooked through
stir in tomatoes, okra, tomato sauce, and seasoning
bring to boil
stir in rice, cover, and remove from heat.
let stand 5 minutes or until liquid is absorbed. stir.
i would recommend adding a little water if you really use minute rice. the first time i made this i used cooked regular rice and it was a very thick soup….
(addendum) we add about one tomato soup can’s worth of additional water, and typically use Hillshire Beef Smoked Sausage, and a red pepper in addition to the green one.