You’ve probably seen something about this story already, if only out of the corner of your eye. It’s the ‘Reader added context’ that makes this tweet perfection… not to mention the number of replies (19.5 thousand and counting), most of them mocking:
This meal just cost me $78 at Newark Airport. This is why Americans think the economy is terrible.
— David Brooks (@nytdavidbrooks) September 21, 2023
You’d think by now, BoBo (he’s only 62! I could’ve sworn he was older than me, but I guess he’s one of those guys who was born age 40, and already wearing a button-down shirt) would’ve know better than to use social media after the first scotch, but…
David Brooks deciding 2 triples in to get into the price takes game and thinking he is super smart by saying meal and including the drink, lmao
— vocational politics appreciation account (@Convolutedname) September 21, 2023
This meal cost me $78 at Newark Airport. This is why Americans think the economy is terrible.
— derek guy (@dieworkwear) September 21, 2023
Jamele Bouie *also* writes for the NYTimes…
The Guardian was one of many major outlets to cover this saga (which I guess qualifies Brooks’ debacle as an international disgrace):
… Brooks posted his complaint on Wednesday. As of Friday morning, he had not posted again…
As of 9pm EST Friday, still no updates — possibly Wife #2 is keeping him away from the liquor cabinet?
If David Brooks had just tweeted "spent way too much money on whiskey at the airport" everyone would have been like "amen brother, been there, most relatable thing you've ever said in fact"
— Leigh Beadon (@leighbeadon) September 21, 2023
Capitalism remains undefeated
— Jeremy Horpedahl ????? (@jmhorp) September 22, 2023
The New Republic:
… Americans don’t think the economy is terrible because of inflated prices at the airport. But they might be swayed by commentators like Brooks who alternate between touting how great American capitalism is and cherry-picking details from their own upper-class lifestyle as proof that we’re nearing the end.
Airport food is expensive—but it’s not that expensive. Maybe Brooks could use this opportunity to pivot into speculative fiction, but in the meantime, if he ever wants to comment on economic news, he may want to lay off the whiskey first.
Some of the better clapbacks I’ve seen:
1) How many ?? did he have? Because the cheeseburger deluxe doesn’t cost that much.
2) Newark Airport has sneaky good restaurants.
3) Give his column to someone deserving please.
— Greg Olear (@gregolear) September 21, 2023
This meal just cost me $78 at Newark Airport. This is why Americans think the economy is terrible.
— ??????????Hollaria Briden, Esq. & Ally (@HollyBriden) September 21, 2023
(bar bill: $66. food bill: $12. tip: $0 N Y Times expense account)
— Joyce Carol Oates (@JoyceCarolOates) September 21, 2023
Biden is failing in the polls because of how expensive it has become to drink an airport double bourbon that's aged long enough to do porn
— Gas Stove Prayer Warrior (@canderaid) September 21, 2023
i'm happy that this food looks awful
— Jean-Michel Connard ?? (@torriangray) September 21, 2023
And the stomach-turning winner, h/t Satby…
These nachos just cost me $78 at Newark Airport. This is why Americans think the economy is terrible.
— John has the NebraskaBlues (@sun_dawg1) September 21, 2023
Brooks maaay just possibly be angling for a new job, one better aligned with his talents:
Jim, Foolish Literalist
how long has it been since David Brooks got this much attention?
What is that … thing that the wieners are sticking out of? It looks like maybe it’s (supposed to be) edible.
The Derek Guy tweet actually made me lol.
Wait, he’s only 62?? I though he was at least 80. Gad, I’m older that David Brooks.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@bbleh: I’m guessing some kind of Spaghetti-O gelatin mold
Edited for accuracy verisimilitude.
I’m really kind of shocked to discover he’s only a year older than me. He’s been doing the cranky gasbag bit for so long, I figured he had to be born circa early to mid-1950’s, at least
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: yeah like aspic or something? And I suppose you’d eat it cold? Ew.
Only other thing I could think of was like a pincushion made out of strangely printed fabric.
So D Brooks is a drunk as well as over-paid liar … and got caught red-handed at both.
Well, it’s on-brand for the GOP (hello Boebert!)
The real question is why the NYT management has propped him up for decades. To what purpose?
The Salad Bar Savonarola has been mockable since last century, all the way back to his time as a protege of Buckley at National review.
Omnes Omnibus
Spaghetti-Os in aspic.
So, Brooks likes whiskey that’s “old enough to do pron”? Would that be Barely Legal pron, or MILF? Asking for a friend.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cliosfanboy: @Phylllis: I think he might have be a contemporary of Another Scott at U of C.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: Ok, but why??
Alison Rose
Anytime Brooks’ name comes up within earshot of my mom, she loves to tell the story of when she found out a coworker at the nonprofit my parents worked for my whole life (until they retired) had met Brooks at some fundraiser a few years earlier. Mom asked what he was like in person. Now, this coworker was a very kind-natured person, and she’d never heard him say anything mean or bad about anyone.
His answer: “Oh, he was a total asshole. I spent the rest of the evening trying not to talk to him again.”
Sounds about right.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: It’s not actually illegal. It should be. Sure. But it’s not.
Mentally he’s 6 years, 2 months old.
He wishes he had the maturity of a 26 yr old, let alone a 62 yr old.
At least he’s not alone in being a, let’s see what’s that word, oh yes asswipe.
Again repeating Atrios on these people: why don’t they just STFU, GTFO, take their bags of money, and go enjoy life in Tuscany? Instead of exposing themselves as gormless assholes regularly…
Villago Delenda Est
@NotMax: That explains so much. Buckley was a stone racist and wasn’t afraid to hide it when he first founded National Socialist Review.
Throwing “seem” in there just means he’s still oblivious to something that’s blindingly obvious to the rest of us.
First time I read that as “old enough to do
pronporn ”. Hey, it’s a right winger after all.Another Scott
@Cliosfanboy: @Phylllis:
Bobo and I are both from the same graduation class at Chicago. I never knew him or had classes with him, AFAIK.
Good for Oates about mentioning an expense account. I had the same thought.
Finally, he’s a really weird eater based on that picture. He takes the vegetables out of the burger, slathers it with ketchup, and then nibbles on the edges. Who does that??
oops, wrong thread
That thing he wrote about Elmo Sunk — is that for real? Holy mackerel, what a tool.
Brooks was probably *born* with male pattern baldness, graying hair and an insincere earnest look on his face. So I’m not surprised people are shocked he’s not 75. He’s seemed that old for 20 years now.
It dumbfounds me endlessly that he’s managed to keep his “the conservative that liberal NYT/PBS consumers find insightful” grift going for this long. He’s been an insufferable liar, fake and charlatan (kindest words I can think of to describe this waste of organic matter) the whole fucking time.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: IIRC, Another Scott has two U’s of C on his CV.
Tony G
Whatever the New York Times is paying David Brooks, his product is way overpriced. They could get better columns by paying minimum wage to a middle school kid.
Villago Delenda Est
@Turgidson: His colleagues don’t call him out because they’re every bit as guilty as he is of this buffoonery.
@Another Scott: When were you there?
Tony G
@RSA: show me the way to the next airport whiskey bar …
@Cliosfanboy: Christ, yeah – I figured somebody who keeps such a tight asshole had at least 10 years on me. And I’m 72.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Krugman, Bouie, Goldberg, and Blow are probably driven batty by not being contractually allowed to dismantle his verbal diarrhea.
Is that a Spaghetti-O ring filled with hot dogs? Seriously, what the fuck is that?
Chetan Murthy
[deleted b/c superfluous]
@Another Scott: Sounds suspiciously like somebody who was a previous occupant of the White House.
karen marie
If Musk wants to “save the world,” I recommend he set up a booth, charge people $1 to slap his fucking face, and donate the proceeds.
This guy famously has way more respect than he deserves. All he had to do was not X that ridiculous X.
karen marie
@ColoradoGuy: Don’t leave NPR out. They get a lot of credit for that gasbag’s ability to piss in the public pool.
@karen marie
“Do you accept quatloos?”
@karen marie: Don’t forget PBS SnoozeHour.
Another Scott
@narya: Class of ’83.
College seniors often have inflated opinions of themselves, but …
thanks, I’ll be seeing that Spaghetti-O bundt cake with the raw hot dogs sticking out of it IN MY NIGHTMARES
(hopefully just for tonight, but still!!!)
Ohio Mom
There are a number of NYT columnist for whom I jump straight to the Reader’s Picks comments: Brooks, Douthat, Friedman, Peter Coy (when he allows comments). There might be one of two more who aren’t coming to mind.
I enjoy very much seeing their ideas and opinions ripped to shreds.
I, too, am gobsmacked Brooks is only 62.
I watched him on a news show a few years ago – can’t remember which one, which network – and he creeped me out big time. Just the way he spoke, that medium-timbre almost-monotone, oleaginous drone, totally made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I kept thinking, “This is how a child lurer talks.”
Total disclosure: I read, and loved, “Bobos in Paradise” soon after it came out. That was the first time I’d ever heard of David Brooks. Made me tend to give him the benefit of the doubt for way too long.
@Tony G:
However he got there, he needs to leave like, yesterday.
Term limits for tv pundits and op-ed gasbags, who’s with me???
Some shit is, like, stupid expensive, tho. I just took SuzMom for her first post-surgery outing to the movies, and brought Spawn the Younger. I bought the tickets, two adults and a child, and that was nearly $40. Then SuzMom bought a pretzel, a drink, and a slushy for Spawn, and that was almost $30. I don’t think the economy is terrible by any stretch, but I do think that crony capitalism sucks.
David Brooks is still an asshole, tho. LAWL.
Anne Laurie
Post-WWII, pre-‘The Sixties’, there was a marketing fad for designing ‘Inventive New Things You Can Do with Processed Foods to Inspire Your Next Neighborhood Get-Together!!!’
Basically, an unholy / uneasy nexus of We need to get women out of the workplace and back in the kitchen and How the fvk are we gonna sell canned pasta in ketchup without actually saying ‘what to give your kids when you just don’t *care* any more?
Undiagnosed PTSD in WWII vets who came home to start nuclear families in their nice new suburban neighborhoods are, IMO, an underrated factor in all the current histories of post-war America. Sure, the rest of the world was full of damaged losers, but *we* were winners, right?
@Another Scott: Ah, okay. I just discovered that that tool is YOUNGER than I am, which . . . is depressing.
I was there for grad school from 86 to 93, so we didn’t overlap; I didn’t have a lot of interaction w/ undergrads except when I taught a couple of quarters. Given that, among other things, I was an Oberlin undergrad, UC was . . . a challenge. (Oberlin’s official motto is “learning and labor,” but I’ve always contended its unofficial motto is “work hard, do good, play hard.”)
Odie Hugh Manatee
No shit… after reading that, I wonder if Bobo has washed the taste of Musk’s ball sack out of his mouth yet.
@mrmoshpotato: yep
@Turgidson: but we do have Driftglass for that, and he does a fine job.
Ohio Mom
@Anne Laurie: Oh yes, undiagnosed PSTD, that describes 99% of the fathers in my neighborhood growing up.
@bbleh: aspics. There’s an entire subculture dedicated to gross aspics online.
Chetan Murthy
@TeezySkeezy: Erik Loomis over at LG&M used to make a habit of finding interesting “X and Y in Jello” pics+recipes from history. Like mayo/shrimp/pineapple jello.
Alison Rose
Do any of y’all ever just look over at your sleeping pet and almost squeal out loud over how cute they are?
Please just say yes so I don’t feel like too much of a dork.
Omnes Omnibus
@Alison Rose: No.
@Ohio Mom: The movie Best Years of Our Lives really demonstrated that years before PTSD was commonly used. All three of the vets profiled in the movie struggled to adjust. Great movie.
@Alison Rose:
I have insomnia occasionally. When I look at my softly snoring dog, I feel jealous. Sometimes I think she naps to mock me.
Alison Rose
@Omnes Omnibus: Meanie.
indeed. If I won a $1B powerball jackpot, first thing I’d do is buy a nationally circulated newspaper and put driftglass in charge of it and writing as many op-eds as possible.
Anne Laurie
And they eventually gifted PTSD to many of their wives, and more than a few of their kids!
(Thus, in many cases, leading to the ‘youth rebellion’ of the 1960s… )
Alison Rose
@eclare: SAME. I can’t recall the last time I slept solidly through the night, so every day I feel sluggish and tired, but if I try to nap, that just makes it worse. And then there’s my cat, snoozing away whenever she pleases with zero problems.
karen marie
@mrmoshpotato: Yeah, them too.
What a fool. I was surprised to learn that he is only 62 years old. He talks like he is still blue ribbon debate winner from Asshole High School, 1910. I am surprised that he didn’t say- do you know who I am? He should step aside. It is idiotic to let this guy embarrass himself. He already has bags full of money. He should do something else. He has turned into a doddering old idiot, right before our eyes. Me, I drink my whiskey at home.
Tony G
@NotMax: Huh. So Brooks used to work at National Review, that racist, fascist piece of garbage. Somehow, I’m not surprised.
@Chetan Murthy: Thank you! I was trying to remember where I first got introduced to aspic pics and that was it!
And, yes, if you tell someone verbally that you look at gross aspics online, you should def clarify what you mean.
@satby: I need to find that on some streaming service and watch it again. The bombardier in the nose of the B-17s that are going to be scrapped …
The Spaghetti-Os in aspic is making my culinary side stabby…
@Cliosfanboy: Scary thought for me too. And then I think about the people I’ve listened to.
Tony G
@Jeffro: Absolutely. Many of the columnists at the “liberal” New York Times are worse than worthless though; Bobo is not alone. Jamelle Bouie, Charles Blow and, of course, the evil Krugman monster are good. The rest? Either mediocre or terrible. I think that the problem with the New York Times is the their target readership is arrogant rich people who consider themselves to be too refined to read the New York Post. Maybe the Times has always been that way, I don’t know, but it certainly has been that way for the past few decades.
@Yutsano: the better to skewer Bobo with.
In case anyone’s dying for the recipe for a Spaghetti-Os ring.
Speaking of gelatin, 11 Strangest Discontinued Jell-O Flavors That Are The Worst. Can definitely remember seeing the celery flavor on store shelves. Although would take issue with #6; unflavored gelatin has a myriad of uses.
And if hankering for more retro cuisine, Bologna Cake.
Tony G
@Anne Laurie: That sounds about right. The parents of my (Boomer) generation had grown up in poverty during the Great Depression and, in most cases, the men had gone through one kind of hell or another during World War Two. A damaged generation at a time when showing any sign of weakness was unacceptable. Drink and smoke until you finally drop dead. The Boomers, of course, were equally screwed up, but in a different way.
Why are we (BJ) giving Brooks attention? We should be shunning him and giving more attention to Biden being the First President to join the picket line!
Sigh Linky fail above. Fix.
Bologna Cake.
Is anybody else gagging on the racist, sexist ‘White Man’s Burden’ overtones in that paean to Musk?
EDIT – Still gagging. Isn’t this one of the foundations of Brooks’ schtick, though? Hail the pinnacle of creation, the Mediocre White Man? May he who inherited his wealth forever fail upwards?
@Alison Rose:
Get checked for sleep apnea. I had to stop using the machine for unrelated health reasons, but briefly I tasted restful sleep and it was a divine beauty.
I think unflavored Jello was still the 90% sugar, 10% gelatin powder mix.
Speaking of word games, anybody besides this geezer recall Sark?
Mike in NC
What an asshole but we all knew that.
He has had a lot of help. Before COVID, I sometimes would be driving home when the local public classical radio station would broadcast the Snooze Hour and I’d occasionally get caught listening to “Shields and Brooks”. Brooks was smooth and could say things that were reasonable or sounded reasonable and then fold in his whoppers while Mark Shields’ jowls would still be flapping.
Mark Shields couldn’t answer a damn question directly to save his life. I remember one time the topic was something Trump was doing and fucking Mark Shields took 2 whole minutes making a stammering, uninteresting ode to John McCain – who had nothing to do with the topic and wasn’t especially “in the news” either – and only started to find his point when it was time to move on. Sometimes, Brooks would be the one making decent points while Mark just got confused (and stared wistfully, I imagine since I was listening on the radio, into space thinking of John Fucking McCain).
I finally just turned off the radio if I heard they were coming on.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jackie: speaking of which, this is a great ad (twitter link). I love it when they sucker-punch the righties like this,
Shields and Yarnell would have been far more entertaining.
#76 – wrong thread.
Let’s not overgild the lily. Canned Vienna sausages, not hot dogs.
Chetan Murthy
@NotMax: first time I tried Vienna sausages on a Boy Scout camping trip, the next morning I threw them all up. Never ate them again.
@Anne Laurie:
See The Gallery of Regrettable Food, by James Lileks, or, better—worse—just Google “regrettable food” and click the “Images” tab. Be forewarned.
OT so apparently Empty Greene called Biden an “old fart” in a tweet in response to Biden’s announcement of a new Office of Gun Safety. What a paragon of class, dignity and delicacy she is.
When you’re prepping for a colonoscopy, gelatin is one of the few things that you can eat. Except it can’t be red, because it stains the inside of the colon. There are very few flavors that aren’t a shade of red or orange, especially in the sugar-free range. Likely only to have lime on the shelves.
Which reminds me of an appointment next week. I guess I should start stocking up.
Oh, no no no! It was not. In circumstances that would take too long to explain, I once happened upon what I didn’t realize was unflavored gelatin with food coloring to make it look like lemon jello. Trust me, it did not contain any sugar.
Bomber junkyard.
Years ago, Brooks highlighted one of my papers in his ‘science roundups’ columns. He described the results accurately, but completely flipped my interpretation in the Discussion section. When I wrote him to tell him about his misinterpreting (heck, presenting the opposite interpretation), he responded that his perspective was more interesting. Since then, I’ve taken all ‘science reporting’ with a grain of salt.
Alison Rose
@FelonyGovt: Sounds like someone’s jealous of Boebert stealing the “most embarrassing sack of shit” spotlight
Alison Rose
@Frankensteinbeck: It’s not sleep apnea, it’s a side effect of my medication, plus I have always been a very light sleeper so even faint noises can wake me up.
Citizen Alan
@Chetan Murthy: Vienna (pronounced “vi-EE-na”) sausages are one of those foods that most people love when they’re very little kids. And then, most of them wake up one day and realize they taste revolting.
I’ve had a tab open in my browser for a couple of days, now is a good a time as any to post this:
San Leandro is a suburb of Oakland, BTW. You wonder what the guy had planned.
The Best Years of Our Lives is currently available on Prime, Kanoply, Plex and Freevee. Great movie! Won seven Oscars, including best picture.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Ooooh! What a GREAT AD!
I approve this message!
@Steeplejack: It’s hard to watch that and think about the guys trying to dig a B17 out from under the ice in Greenland and salvage it. The bomber was crushed but they restored one of the eight P38s on the flight: Glacier Gal.
@FelonyGovt: Saw that. I hope it throughly backfires on her ass. Speaking about decorum…
I don’t think those are Vienna sausages, which have distinctive flat ends, not rounded at all. Don’t nobody ask me how I know.
@Citizen Alan:
You nailed the Southern pronunciation. 👍
Chetan Murthy
@Citizen Alan: huh, in north texas, it was “vee-eh-nee” with just a bit of “ah” in that middle syllable. Or maybe more precisely, a but of a nasal drawl on that middle syllable.
I love the P-38 Lightning. As a kid I made all of those Revell and Aurora airplane kits. Sniffed a lot of glue (inadvertently). I always had trouble with the decals.
Pearls Before Swine comic – Can you vote if…
Great belly laugh.
Autumn equinox coming up at 2:50 a.m. EDT. Coltrane, “Equinox.”
Someone needs to wake up the Sun. Yes, I want the Sun to be woke.
“Decorum”, or rather “lack of decorum,” is easily understood. It means “When they are so uncouth as to behave the way I do. Except it’s OK if I’m the one doing it.”
Wasn’t David Brooks the guy who thought Applebees had salad bars?
I don’t know if he believed it, but he wrote a piece as if they did have them.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Omnes Omnibus:
I believe it. 😉
Chief Oshkosh
@ColoradoGuy: I know a lot of liberals who think he’s fine. I have never, ever understood it. They think he’s some kind of even-keel conservative-sort-of dweebish nice guy. I think it’s because they just can’t admit to themselves that their beloved Times is a dumpster fire when it comes to political reporting and commentary.
Hell, even if he was to the left of AOC, I’d still wonder WTF they see in the guy. He is a deadly dull writer with a below average intellect. He’s smarmy, lazy, and fuzzy-headed. He’s paste if paste was entirely useless. As a color, he aspires to beige. As a sound, he’s somewhere between a refrigerator hum and a rolling slowly across a very even wooden floor.
I would wish upon him that he step on a rake, but that would be too exciting.
Also too, another thing David Brooks is apparently unaware of, is that financially struggling families don’t eat out at airport restaurants or elsewhere. I can feed a whole family at home for what a restaurant meal for one person costs. The reason is there is a whole restaurant staff that also needs to earn their living. Restaurant eating is kind of a luxury.
Sorry. I just looked up his segment defending his tweet on Snooze Hour and it pissed me off again. If restaurant meals were less expensive then ordinary Americans would be better off? No!
@Turgidson: I seem to recall Krugman getting damn close once within the last year or so.
A great scene from a great movie. Thanks.
@Chief Oshkosh:
I think it’s because his entire purpose is to be a “reasonable conservative,” to allow liberals to have the comfortable idea that most people on the other side are like him, and the crazies are an aberration. Particularly people who are mostly liberal in their beliefs but don’t really get involved in politics.
Personally, I’ve always found him insufferable and wrongheaded, but apparently just speaking/writing in a reasonable tone is all it takes to convince some people you’re okay. (Look at George Will, for example.)
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Actions speak louder than words:
Leisure activities – BOOOMING
People have disposable income and they’re happy.
Greetings from Newark!
Can say nothing about food at airport, but if you get hungry here, several Brazilian barbecue places in the Ironbound will feed you to repletion at quite reasonable price.
Running around thru day yesterday (Friday). Started out warm and sunny, by midafternoon, clouds had rolled in, temp dropped ten degrees, felt like fall.
At University Hospital for eye exam, including being ‘practice patient’ for resident. Prescript for new glasses, vision otherwise OK.
Happy Equinox, everyone !
Refer you to the recipe video above at #70.
@Anne Laurie:
It’s all over popular media down to the early 60s, one reason I’ve come to find it fascinating. There’s another story to be told about the big marketing push to force all that to the background, starting in the late 50s, despite those traumatized people still largely walking around.
@Ohio Mom: Does Bret “Bedbug” Stephens make your cut? Because he’d complete the Voltron of Suck.
Except in Oakland. Admittedly a special case, involving an owner knows nothing about baseball, and seems to view it primarily as a mechanism for extorting government underwriting of his real estate deals.
Autumn in New York, the fractured version.
Well, they have to hire some “conservative” columnists, and the pool is generally horrendous. As bad as Brooks is, the Post outdoes the Times with their right wing columnists — Marc Thiessen, Hugh Hewitt, Henry Olsen, et al. Thiessen must be the worst columnist this side of Qanon.
Or they could hire some of the WaPo columnists who make Brooks look like a combination of Socrates, Plato, Hume, Locke, and John Stuart Mill all rolled into one.
Apparently, the Post did a nationwide search to find the absolute worst, dumbest, most offensive “conservative” columnists and hired them. I think the main criterion for the Times was, in a way, inoffensiveness. They may not have succeeded, but they are way ahead of the Post.
@Ohio Mom:
You left out David French, a member of the Federalist Society, who writes columns defending Clarence Thomas.
They’re not columnists, they’re calumnists.
@wjca: Mayhaps is time to start the “Bring the A’s Back to Philly !” movement ? ;-)
Just finished reading the James H. Jones Alfred Kinsey biography, where swimming against the right-wing tide in the early Fifties broke him. Alfred Kinsey apparently never realized the sheer weight and scale of the reactionary forces of that period, and that telling the truth would only energize his numerous enemies.
One factor was the rage of the Republican party at being out of power for twenty straight years … they were determined to get all those pointy-headed FDR intellectuals out of government for good, and that hatred of intellectuals has became a permanent feature of the party. The destruction of Kinsey was merely collateral damage, while demonization of LGBTQ people would be a reliable vote-getter for the GOP for the next sixty years.
I grew up in Japan and Hong Kong, and was shocked when I finally came Stateside in 1966 what a fraud Bill Buckley was. I went to a pretty decent British school in Hong Kong, and quickly realized Buckley’s public persona nothing more than using obsolete Victorian three-dollar words to disguise quasi-fascist concepts and make them respectable to the mainstream TV audience.
His intellectual pretensions enraged me … he was the most prominent fraud in the country (alongside Billy Graham), and astoundingly, had a massive public platform for his bigotry, racism, and xenophobia. He was the high-class precursor to Rush Limbaugh, who aimed at a lower middle class demographic, while Buckley’s sophistry was pitched to the average reader of TIME magazine.
D Brooks is the low-dollar successor to Buckley, without the Victorian nostalgia or three-dollar wordsmithing. He’s a walking, talking TIME magazine editorial from the Fifties, which I guess appeals to a certain class of NYT reader.
@mrmoshpotato: I think we made that in Home Ec., circa 1962.
The ingredients in the picture in the tweet at the top of this post are clearly not the same as those in the recipe video. I guess they didn’t follow the recipe exactly.
Betty Cracker
@ColoradoGuy: The Kinsey biography sounds fascinating. You’re right about the vicious fraud Buckley. His malign influence lives on, in Brooks as you noted and in people like Samuel Alito and Ron DeSantis. Vanity Fair had an interesting piece a while back connecting those dots in higher education.
I met Buckley when he was a speaker at the University of Florida in the late 80s and I was a student. I had a work-study job at the performing arts center and was tasked with showing him the facility and fetching snacks.
He was as awful as you’d imagine — a leering, desiccated hyena who radiated condescension like heat from a Ben Franklin stove. If I’d possessed the wit back then to understand how destructive and evil his life’s work was, I’d have spit in his tea.
I’m glad people had a good time making fun of this idiot, but I’m also pleased some people recognize that, as ham-fisted as it was, it was an attempt at anti-Biden propaganda.
To compete with the Post’s Alexandra Petri, the NYT should fire Brooks and replace him with Betty Cracker.
@Betty Cracker: if you’ve never seen his debate with James Baldwin at Cambridge University, watch it sometime. From 1965; and his malign influence still lives on in conservative circles, though they’ve dropped the affectation of intellect to better pander to their anti-intellectual audience.
@Baud: I endorse this idea!
The British school in Hong Kong, King George the Fifth, gave me the benefit of a University-level education in English and History, so I was ahead of the game when I arrived Stateside in 1996. I was shocked by the heavily slanted news reporting about Vietnam (in Hong Kong it was obvious to all the war was a disaster and unwinnable by 1966) and this self-appointed expert on TV who was a crypto-Nazi hiding behind vocabulary most Americans didn’t understand. To me, he spoke thinly disguised Nazi filth … basically Lord Haw Haw hiding behind obscure Victorian language.
I was astonished he was allowed to broadcast … in most countries Nazi language is banned from the air, for very good reasons. It took Gore Vidal to finally rip the mask off this fraud and call him to his face that he was a crypto-Nazi, which anyone familiar with fascism could see as plain as day.
In Hong Kong, I met several people who had endured years of Japanese prison camps during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong. The Japanese were vile beyond description. I also met people who narrowly escaped Mao’s slaughter of middle-class business owners in the early Fifties, which was cruder and more brutal, but not as perverted and deranged as the Japanese Imperial Army and the terrifying Kempetai secret police (who made the SS seem mild and civilized).
It was quite an education for an impressionable 16-year-old, and removed any illusions what fascism or Maoism were really like. And then I see this damnable Nazi speak with his fake cultured accent … an American pretending to sound upper-class English … on public TV, with his own TV show! Nazi Hour, in full NTSC color! And the pundits nodding along, too ignorant of recent history to realize the full horror of what he was actually saying.
I think the fake accent grated most of all. Hell, after five years of Hong Kong, I had a more authentic posh accent than this TV fraud from Yale.
@ColoradoGuy: I was born exactly 10 years and 10 days after VE day; and grew up surrounded by men and women who served, including immigrants who had been in various resistance groups (my mom’s friend Neddy was in the Dutch resistance, a friend’s dad fought with the free French in Africa before the U.S. entered the war). WWII and its horrors weren’t ancient history, it was recent and affected us still. I’m sure many even older jackals have similar memories. The fifties were so warped by people so traumatized and eager to forget, like conservatives today who also want to go “back” to that time that is, and was, imaginary.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Ha! I’d take that gig if they’d let me work remotely from the swamp! Speaking of which, there’s something that sounds large stomping around in the yard in the dark, and it’s driving the dogs nuts. I can’t locate it with my flashlight from inside. It sounds like a bear but is probably a puny little possum.
@satby: I’ve seen clips here and there but never the whole thing. Will check it out — thanks!
Anyone that’s experienced Nazi or Japanese fascism, or Maoism, or Eastern European Communism, will never forget. Americans cannot conceive just how twisted and perverted these systems were.
Which is why Democrats should avoid the word “Socialism”. There are millions of immigrants, or descendants of immigrants, who have terrible memories of these systems in Latin America or Eastern Europe.
Betty Cracker
@ColoradoGuy: Florida Repubs relentlessly use the word “socialism” as a cudgel, and it apparently resonates with some immigrant/immigrant descendant communities here who have helped keep the GOP in power here for decades. While I try to be mindful of what they or their families experienced in corrupt “socialist” hellholes and sympathize with their suffering, I believe as citizens and voters they have an obligation to educate themselves on American politics and understand that word in the U.S. context. AOC calling herself a “democratic socialist” doesn’t mean she wants a Fidel Castro-style authoritarian state. FL Repubs who call Joe Biden or Barack Obama socialists are lying sacks of shit.
Most Democrats do. But good luck with the young people who think it’s edgy and accurately describes Western Europe’s political systems.
@Tony G: now that song is in my head!
ETA: not that that’s a bad thing 😏
@Tony G:
It would be hard to come up with a better example than Brooks that being a columnist for a major paper is the equivalent of being tenured. Hell, these days even being tenured isn’t as secure anymore as Brooks’ perch seems to be.
If the FTFNYT had any integrity at all, they’d put him out to pasture. There have to be thousands of people in this country who could fill that spot with genuine intelligence and insight. Millions who could fill it with more of both than Brooks provides.
David Brooks is a week younger than Barack Obama, but comes across as about a generation older.
@Betty Cracker: Do you have flagstones in your yard? Someone toldme about hearing a bunch of “thumps” one night. When he looked in the morning he found that a bear had flipped a bunch of flagstones over, hunting up grubs.
Betty Cracker
@Geminid: Yikes! We don’t have flagstones — the sound was more like crashing through the vegetation. It was probably just a possum or armadillo. Maybe a deer. I’ve never seen a bear back here, but I know they are around. Our bears aren’t nearly as scary as bears out west and up north, but I wouldn’t want my yappy dogs to run onto one!
ETA: Badger the Boston has the good sense to hang back and keep quiet, but Pete the Frenchton bristles up and growls like a mastiff. He thinks he’s a bad ass. He weighs 25 lbs.
@ColoradoGuy: Virginia Rep. Abigail Spanberger, after eking out her 2020 reelection by 4,000 votes:
That was kind of a funny election. Spanberger was one of 20 Democrats who’d been endorsed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Her opponent was endorsed by the Club for Growth. At their debate, Spanberger and Nick Freitas flatly disagreed on every issue except support for rural broadband.
Government funding of rural broadband is clearly a form of Socialism, but around here politicians are like, “Mom, Apple Pie, and Broadband.”
@Betty Cracker: I guess Badger believes in the saying:
Dogs can’t see size. Their own or other animals.
@Baud: Yes, dogs do not see size. Their own, other animals, or vet bills.
Spake the middle-aged bimbo.
It’s fun to mock what a pompous ass Brooks is, but Stonekettle’s point should not go unnoticed among all the whimsy — Brooks was being dishonest; the funny part is he didn’t consider how easily his dishonesty would be busted.
If memory serves me correctly, Paul Krugman commented several times that NYT policy forbade him from pointing out when Brooks was misleading the paper’s readers.
I am far, far from those regimes, but I have read enough history to be horrified. If you count famines, and you should if they’re ideology-caused, Mao killed more people than anyone in history. It’s not even close. Never learned a damn thing from it, either.
And the Japanese in WW2 were a nightmare. The rape and murder are evil but in a conventional way. Stuff like propaganda to convince Okinawans to commit mass suicide when the Allies freed the island is a bizarre, deranged level of racism.
@Alison Rose: Absolutely. (For Toby, it usually means he’s upside down.)
I’m pretty sure they’re sliced olives, and that is some Mormon potluck special there lol
@bbleh: I know, it’s disgusting and stomach-turning. That image should come with a trigger warning.
@Cliosfanboy: Well, he used to like MILF porn whiskey, but then in his late 50s his tastes changed and he settled on barely legal, doesn’t know deli meats porn
Miss Bianca
@Cliosfanboy: Yeah, this guy is only 2 years older than me? I thought he had to be in his 70s at least – seems like he’s been trying to scold us all away from Moral Hazard for centuries.
@Alison Rose: I don’t think Omnes has a pet.
Miss Bianca
@CaseyL: I tried reading Bobos in Paradise about, oh, 10 or 12 years ago – couldn’t finish it.
And that’s the last time I’ve ever willingly tried to read anything by David Brooks.
Miss Bianca
@Citizen Alan:
Kind of like creamed corn.
@Citizen Alan: The country store near me has Vienna sausages in 5 different flavors including Jalapeño. I’d still call this place a food desert though.
Uncle Cosmo
I saw his photos & thought, Huh – so 62 is the new 80? I’m in my mid-70s, not particularly careful of what I ingest or how much I exercise, and I look younger than BoBo**!
** FTR, he may be BoBo but he ought to be BoZo, as in clown.
@ColoradoGuy: Dead thread, but too rich to pass by. Just now reading this interesting comment I happened to be listening to this from the soundtrack of Lust, Caution, which takes place in the period 1938-42 in Japanese-occupied Hong Kong and Shanghai. Playacting indeed.
Bill Arnold
Reasonably good odds that Brooks was trying to pull a NYT Pitchbot tweet (the ones with the template about expensive eateries/bar prices) after a couple of drinks at an airport, and failed.
A Next Level failure, if so.
Pink Tie
This won’t count as political or journalistic analysis, since it’s mostly been said, but…
Can you IMAGINE having to sit right next to Bobo on a flight after he’s sucked down all that whiskey?! I feel ill just thinking about it.
@Phylllis: I was born in ‘56 and I have it on good authority that I’m not that big a gasbag
Why not? It would let us all say: “See, sometimes we want to turn back the clock a century, too!” ;-)
Reactionaries at BJ. Who’d a thought it?
Just here to say… fcking Bobo.
Tried reading that book before I knew what a wanker Bobo was and is and, nope, could not do it. Eyes rebelled. Brain farted. Shutdown, shutdown.
Villago Delenda Est
@satby: Fascists always want to return to a “golden age” that never existed. MAGA is predicated on it.
I’m so glad you all are still discussing the fatuous (and possibly alcoholic) Bobo Brooks.
We won’t hear about it for a while, but his bosses at the FTF NY Times may not be laughing at this one. It was pulling back the curtain. They are (with their political reporting and too many of their columnists) one big Oz.
Citizen Alan
@Redshift: I am reminded of how the writers of star trek seem to believe that the word “logical” meant “speaks in a monotone voice” to judge by all the absolute nonsense various Vulcans spouted out over the years to which everyone else just nodded sagely.
Citizen Alan
@ColoradoGuy: which is why the GOP is so eager to replicate them.
Citizen Alan
Honestly, we would have hard-core Scandinavian-style Socialism today in America if LBJ had been willing to limit the benefits of it to whites.
You guys have had some great comments and links. John Coltrane. The Best Years of our Lives.
@Another Scott: Someone with colon polyps. The fried fatty red meat and liquor diet. Ketchup doesn’t count as a vegetable.
When not if.