i figure if the Biden campaign did something like this we might be getting 24/7 but what do i know
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) September 28, 2023
… A lot of coverage noted that Trump’s visit wasn’t really “at the strike,” as a number of reports had it, but at a non-union auto parts manufacturer, Drake Enterprises. What’s gotten much less attention is that a substantial number of the “auto workers” and “union members” in the audience appear to have been phonies produced by the Trump campaign…
It's unclear how many auto workers attended Trump's speech.
A person in the crowd with a "union members for Trump" sign acknowledged she wasn't a union member.
A person with an "auto workers for Trump" sign said he wasn't an auto worker. https://t.co/yWziQmqUSG
— Craig Mauger (@CraigDMauger) September 28, 2023
Craig Mauger seems to have been the first reporter to point this out:
… About 400 to 500 Trump supporters were inside a Drake Enterprises facility for the speech. Drake Enterprises employs about 150 people, and the UAW doesn’t represent its workforce. It wasn’t clear how many auto workers were in the crowd for the speech, which was targeted at them.
One individual in the crowd who held a sign that said “union members for Trump,” acknowledged that she wasn’t a union member when approached by a Detroit News reporter after the event. Another person with a sign that read “auto workers for Trump” said he wasn’t an auto worker when asked for an interview. Both people didn’t provide their names…
"The proof is in the pudding. His actions in office went to enrich the very elite few while the working class of America stagnated. This stunt is another ploy to pull the wool over the eyes of the working class. Again!”#StandUpUAW https://t.co/h7Rx6JDcDK
— UAW (@UAW) September 28, 2023
The UAW’s lead negotiator in contract talks with General Motors on Wednesday issued a scathing assessment of former President Donald Trump hours before Trump was due to speak in Detroit.
UAW Vice President for General Motors Mike Booth sent the Detroit Free Press a profanity-laden email about his thoughts on Trump’s trip to Michigan.
“Let me be blunt. Donald Trump is coming off as a pompous (expletive),” Booth said in an email. “Coming to Michigan to speak at a nonunion employer and pretending it has anything to do with our fight at the Big Three is just more verbal diarrhea from the former president.”…
Booth said Trump’s visit to Detroit is disingenuous given his past. In a video about plant closings that the union released Wednesday morning, 2017 footage shows Trump promising autoworkers in Ohio he would save their jobs. But in 2019 GM closed its Lordstown Assembly plant in northeast Ohio, displacing thousands of workers there and helping lead to the union’s 2019 strike against GM.
“Where were his rallies for striking workers when we were on the picket line in 2019? Where are the jobs he promised to return to the U.S. while on the campaign trail in 2015?” Booth said. “The proof is in the pudding. His actions in office went to enrich the very elite few while the working class of America stagnated. This stunt is another ploy to pull the wool over the eyes of the working class. Again!”…
Goes to Michigan. Gives boring speech at non-union facility. Gets in public spat with UAW president. Then dismisses UAW’s efforts to secure fair wages.
“Courting working class voters” seems to be going great. https://t.co/H5ExdqnbRw
— TJ Ducklo (@TDucklo) September 28, 2023
It would be a huge scandal if a Dem did this.
Well, if he’s trying to court them for Biden, I think it is going great.
I’m shocked – shocked, I tell you! – to find out that Donald J. Trump is a total and complete fraud for about the eighteen jillionth time.
And equally shocked, unfortunately, to see how little of that fraudulentness the MSM takes notice of.
@Baud: Add it to the list
Local media like the Detroit News and Detroit Free Press have been really good about pointing out how phony Trump’s visit to Michigan was.
That’s good to hear.
@lowtechcyclist: I’m more shocked that there are actual Americans who apparently hunger for the shit sandwiches Donald Fucking Trump gives them.
The media doesn’t surprise me. They have a self-preservation agenda, which means they want to create drama and excitement where none exists.
Any union member who votes for TFG is a TFI (total fucking idiot).
“Let’s discuss Biden’s shoes.”
Eh, being in a union doesn’t prevent someone from being a bigot, or loving their guns more than anything else.
Anne Laurie, TaMara added this awesome video in the comments of my post, so I am going to return the favor by posting it in your post!
@Baud: Then they deserve to get it good and hard, yes?
ETA: I love when the leopards eat the faces of members of the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party. It’s, like, my favorite thing.
Probably, but irrelevant. Lots of people will free ride on our labor-friendly policies. I just think that voting for Trump doesn’t necessarily make one an idiot. It could just mean they prioritize things that Trump is better on.
We’ve had Orcas taking on yachts, now bacteria and fungus are taking on ferries. Nature is revolting.
zhena gogolia
I’m glad to see the New Yorker is getting pushback for their disgusting ageist and ableist cover. I will be canceling my subscription tomorrow morning when I’m not so tired.
@zhena gogolia:
Didn’t see it. Can you describe what they did?
New York media is the worst. They all have their heads up their asses.
What amazes me is how many Trump supporters are so slow to realize he’s just wrong for the job!
I’m reading Cassidy Hutchinson’s book, and I’ve gotten to the end of the Trump administration after several months of sheer insanity — and she’s feeling guilty! They didn’t staff the President good enough! They let bad counselors get to him. Etc etc. I’m reading along and want to give her a stern shake and say, Girl, you can work your heart out day and night to try to get a rabid weasel to pull a plow, but eventually you have to accept that the weasel is just not the right match for the job! (I think she finally got there.)
Trump being a lying fraud isn’t news, I suppose. It could take a whole minute or even two minutes to research how Trump has dealt with unions in the past, and the results of that research would annoy the editors. Or maybe even the media owners, & who would want to do that?
New Yorker Slammed For Cover Depicting Biden, Trump With Walkers (Pelosi & McConnel also)
A lot of people have trouble taking an honest look at authority figures.
Admittedly, I had some difficulty with it myself when I was less experienced. I tended to blame myself first and was too slow to see people for what they were. But I was never as bad as right wingers.
PATCO, the air traffic controller’s union, endorsed Reagan, so TFIdiocy has a fairly long history in this space.
Thanks. At least they did both sides. Although I only ever recall Trump using a hoverround at that summit once.
Roger Moore
It would be interesting to see just how much the Trump campaign spends on actors to attend his rallies. I know there is a dedicated group of genuine supporters who are to Trump as Deadheads were to the Grateful Dead, but he somehow still feels the need to hire extras with the right look to sit where they’ll get into the news coverage of his events. The man is such a phony.
Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell, too. Link
I think it makes one an idiot. He’s an authoritarian who has been clear about his goal to dismantle our democracy. American democracy is on the line in the 2024 election and anyone who votes for any Republican for any office is an idiot. They are voting to destroy the country.
@Baud: Pelosi and McConnell are also on the cover with walkers
zhena gogolia
@Baud: Also Pelosi and McConnell. It’s disgusting.
Roger Moore
Their cover had an illustration of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, and Donald Trump in a walker race. It was really awful. In addition to everything else, they felt the need to include Pelosi even though she retired from her leadership position in favor of someone younger.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: Trump’s and McConnell’s ages are the least of their deficits.
Deleted. Wrong reply
zhena gogolia
@Scout211: Some might not want to click and give them the impression they’re creating a “conversation.”
I haven’t been happy with the magazine for a while, so this is a good push to get rid of it.
I think Democrats have good things to offer America. The MSM isn’t a fan. The false framing they bring to any issue (re: Trump’s auto union member audience), shows they have their thumb on the scales. Again. They know the framing is a lie yet they purposefully report the framing like it’s real.
The MSM is on Republican’s side and Democrats have to start pointing it out.
I think it elevate the status of morally bad people to call them idiots.
Raoul Paste
OT, but I hope some fruit pager posts, the video of Anthony Blinken playing Muddy Waters.
A friend sent me a text about this, and dammn!
Doc Sardonic
What else would you expect…. The cartoonist Barry Blitt is the same one that drew the Muslim garbed Obama’s complete with Michelle and an ak47 in the Oval Office cover.
You can see the cover here.
@Doc Sardonic:
Dude should be cancelled.
Snarki, child of Loki
Joe (not Joe) the (not) Plumber would have been there at TFG’s event, were he not slightly dead…
…which undoubtedly increased both his honesty and IQ.
Next do Trump, Grim Reaper!
Fuck Tommy Tuberville, even Joe Biden feels it.
You can see the New Yorker cover here without giving them a click.
@Baud: Maybe. But some of them really are dumb. They are not necessarily exclusive categories.
What am I, chopped liver?
Doc Sardonic
@Baud: It appears he and the writer are both early mid 60’s age group edgelord wannabees.
@Roger Moore:
People don’t want to give up their favorite Democratic woman punching bag. It took a while for people to stop obsessing over Hillary after she retired from politics.
@Roger Moore: That’s particularly awful to include Nancy Pelosi. She’s not even in leadership anymore.
@Baud: What makes you think they’ve stopped?
@Raoul Paste:
I’m sure they thought they were being “fair and balanced” by putting two GOP and two Dems in there.
Let’s all just forget that Pelosi was being praised by Republicans last week for how effective she was as speaker and that 80-year-old Joe Biden has enacted some of the most progressive legislation of my lifetime.
At the same time Trump is busy spewing all caps, mad dictator, nonsensical word salad every time he opens his fat gob and McConnell appears to be having petit mal seizures so regularly that his staff is used to it.
Two of these things are not like the others.
I don’t see it as often. Could just be my info bubble.
@HumboldtBlue: Pretty sure TaMara posted it. I saw the “this is worth an embed” but I didn’t take note of someone mentioning it before that. I take it you had called attention to it first?
I knew that New Yorker cover would be a topic here. They should be ashamed of themselves.
I posted it, now I demand a cookie!
@Scout211: These two men (in their mid to late 60’s) must not have taken very good care of themselves. I will be 80 next week, and I have all my ability to think, my hair, my teeth, and plenty of energy. I do not own a walker or a cane, and I put in hours of care of my granddaughters, ages 5 and 8, every week. I don’t ride a bicycle, like President Biden, so he is one up on me on that score, but I walk and lift light weights on a regular basis. That cover is ridiculous.
hells littlest angel
@zhena gogolia:I haven’t been happy with the magazine for a while, so this is a good push to get rid of it.
When they publish good stuff, it’s good. When they publish shit, it’s usually Malcolm Gladwell.
zhena gogolia
@hells littlest angel: Remnick produces a lot of shit too. And he’s the editor. Can’t stand him. I miss Gottlieb. Heck, I even miss Tina Brown. She knew how to do edgy in a somewhat interesting way.
Doc Sardonic
I’m in that age group and own a walker, several canes and a rollator. Took fairly good care of myself but as the saying goes, ain’t necessarily the age, it’s the mileage. My body is paying for the dumb stuff I did in my early years.
Sludge and water in a marine diesel fuel system is basically a daily check you make, before heading out, if you are following safe procedures.
When I had my sailboat, there were two tanks, one was diesel, the other was a heated tank with biodiesel. (Biodiesel turns into sludge when it’s cold out).
Both tanks fed the engine through a clear glass fuel filter, and a clear glass water trap.
The first thing done before starting the engine was check the filters and traps on both feeds, drain and replace as needed.
I would start the engine on diesel, and then switch to biodiesel when the fuel was warm.
Rolling and rearing with a stern wave and wind aft, when running pure diesel tended to have violent adverse effects on those prone to sea sickness. Burning biodiesel on the other hand, just seemed to make the passengers hungry.
hells littlest angel
@WaterGirl: A lefty.
zhena gogolia
@Doc Sardonic: FDR won WWII from a wheelchair.
A non-union member who pretended to be a union member is what we call a scab.
SSDD. Remember the actors slipped fifty bucks to stand at the bottom of the infamous escalator?
technically, no,
but given the Actor’s Strike, should an actor be taking on a paid job at a TFIG’s rallies, or are they just a gig worker?
@Jay: They didn’t find the crew at fault, which seems unusual to me. I assume they found that the crew didn’t deviate from standard procedure. They assure us that the issues have been resolved and it won’t happen again.
The claim that air crept in and the sludge
rose upbroke free and seized themeans of productionpower [of the] steering [mechanism] sounds like a revolt to me.Irishweaver
@Baud: which are?
Bigotry. Guns. Gas stoves.
I am sure it was just a flash strike by under appreciated and overworked molds and bacteria.
Doc Sardonic
@zhena gogolia: Yes he did. One adapts or makes the attempt to adapt to their physical circumstances, our limitations tend to come from the space between our ears.
Almost Retired
Off-topic, but you mentioned sending Kicking Horse Coffee to your friend in Ukraine in a thread a couple days ago. I was in Golden, BC in the Kicking Horse Valley when you posted that. So, naturally, I sought out a cup of Kicking Horse.
I am awake. So very, very awake…. Bought some to take home.
Villago Delenda Est
(insert jpg of Tommy Lee Jones’ shocked face here)
Another Scott
almost as ifa textbook example of pathological lies.‘Billy, look, you just tell them and they believe it. That’s it: you just tell them and they believe. They just do.'”
He’s going to keep doing that until he faces consequences for it.
@Jay: They heard that foreign artificially-invented plastic-eating bacteria were coming over and taking their jobs.
Biden and his team look freakin’ brilliant here at the end of Thursday. Yeah, sure, some in the press let themselves be bamboozled by Trump’s event (and some were in on the con), but I think overall it did not translate well for the “working class diner” obsessed press this time like the same dog-n-pony show would have in the run up to 2016.
Biden did the real deal, not just an airport tarmac speech, or one to a neutral crowd somewhere in Michigan. It set up the contrast perfectly.
@WaterGirl: I would like to see Zelenskyy’s reaction to that performance.
@Almost Retired:
they sell online and ship.
When Covid hit, the Orange killed the coffee machine. So one had to either walk a ways to get a coffee, Tim’s or Mickey D, because Starbucks closed for a while.
I would take 3 thermos of Kicking Horse 454, French Pressed into work every day. Slava stopped by the “hood”, (the place where we repair tools) one day, dying for a coffee, so I poured him some. Made him an addict. Now his entire unit is addicted.
A one kilo bag lasts me a little less than a month now, (drinking less coffee). 24 1 kilo bags lasts Slava and his crew, about a month. I also shipped him 24 stainless steel, insulated “Camping” 2 litre French Presses.
It’s good coffee.
It’s kinda funny. When I was a kid, we drove the Kicking Horse many times, while it was being built, going from Edmonton to Kamloops, (grandparents) even in winter. Some of the trips were scary epic.
They all have their heads up their asses.
And their hands in your pockets – just like the
guythey support – not looking to bring anything, always looking to take everything.Another Scott
@WaterGirl: Well, that was unexpected.
People like SFB, and yes I’d bet good money (yours!) that there are more like him, just not as public and stupid about it.
Canceled my subscription for The New Yorker. It was always in my family’s home. Learned to read at 4 from the captions of the cartoons. No more!
@zhena gogolia:
Both of them have been shit for a very long time and both of them have done a lot of damage to this country and citizens.
I’m reading it too. She strikes me as a sad mixture of maturity, naivete, and misplaced sense of responsibility with a dash of having come up too fast for her own good.
That was right quick.
Sycamore Gap: Boy, 16, arrested after Hadrian’s Wall tree felled
They should be ashamed of themselves.
They were born without any shame whatsoever.
Hell that’s the first question on the job app, 1. Do you have any shame about wealth, wealthy people, disgusting examples of way over spending, burning $100 bills, praising assholes for their wealth, etc?
This is a town about money and having a lot of it.
Has anybody published the recruiting for the
crisisunion actors at this event? How well did the gig pay?Some may have been volunteers, but previous events had been found on things like Craigslist recruiting for people to hold signs for cash
ETA a quick look claims that previous pay for attendance/protests were disinformation campaigns, but I could swear I saw some that were verified.
Well, that New Yorker cover takes me over the edge. Between the subscription going up to $155/year, and most issues being high-class media gossip, there’s not much value there. I only read it for the (superb) nonfiction articles, but they are few and far between. And the invariably downbeat mainstream fiction stories in the back of every issue are not for me … I read mysteries and science fiction, which are NEVER in the New Yorker.
Gee, a white multi millionaire from South Africa doesn’t care about racism at his factory? Who’da known?
zhena gogolia
@ColoradoGuy: The fiction has been pretty horrible, except for the occasional Tessa Hadley story. I’ll just buy her books when they come out.
@zhena gogolia:
Interestingly, this New Yorker cover artist is the same one who did the Barack and Michelle Obama “fist bump” cover that was controversial in the other direction.
Roger Moore
You would think that Musk would at least care about the cost of litigation and fines, even if he doesn’t care about protecting his employees. I predict he starts moving more stuff to Texas, since he won’t have to worry about the Texas AG lifting a finger to do anything about racism.
@Roger Moore: He can move all he likes, but the US EEOC will still be there.
@Another Scott: It was! But really cool.
@Ruckus: I think Ronan Farrow does good work. He is at the New Yorker, I believe.
Or maybe he freelances and just sells a lot of his stuff to the New Yorker?
Alison Rose
@zhena gogolia: OMG I just looked it up. The fuck were they thinking??
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: Yeah, he’s a “contributing writer” — not sure exactly what that means about the difference between him and a staffer, but there is some difference. I have a lot of respect for him and his work. I hope he remains one of the good ones.
Was taken somewhat aback recently while watching an early 1930s British movie when an up and coming social climber invited to a reception at a posh country club is introduced to a wealthy, mustachioed, silver-haired VIP and his sponsor arranges for a golf game.
Up and comer: “I’ll meet you on Saturday, then. 9 a.m.?”
Veddy British VIP, extending a handshake: “Cool.”
@WaterGirl: Follow him on social media. He usually posts links to his work there as well, so you can see his work without giving much support to offending relic media.
Both of these assholes should be slapped. I hope they enjoy the 50 bucks they were paid.
zhena gogolia
@dnfree: I’m not a fan. I don’t want political cartoons on the cover of my magazines. I often have to tear off the cover of the New Yorker because they’re constantly putting Trump’s mug on it. I don’t care if they’re making fun of him, it still gives him oxygen. I’m really looking forward to cancelling my subscription tomorrow.
Another Scott
Meanwhile, … Dan Davies at Substack:
I think there are some modern political parties, and some modern mass-media corporations, that fit in this category. They destroy value and make things much worse.
Opinion polls, also too.
@zhena gogolia:
And Dump’s face is still disgusting even in mocking cartoon form.
@Alison Rose:
A contributing writer is not an employee but does write articles for the publication. 2 jobs ago I worked in a sport sanctioning body which had a monthly magazine and we had full time staff writers and contributing writers. A lot of magazines do this.
It seems like there could be an opportunity here. Find out (which, with these clowns, ought to be possible) where they are recruiting their shills. Offer them an additional $100 to boo him, toss down their signs, and walk out. It would make irresistible video for the MSM.
Not to mention making TIFG apoplectic. And probably get several of his advance team fired, and a bunch of novices brought in to bumble around pretending that OJT is a good approach to campaign staffing.
(R)Ken Buck recently seems to have NFLTG. I don’t think he plans to run for office again, although he hasn’t to my knowledge made any announcement. This is his latest regarding the looming shutdown vs impeachment:
Like I said in an earlier comment, it’s hard to pull off a Muddy Waters tune. He did a good job on the vocals. I also read that he was in a band in college. Of course! Anyone playing at his age started in his teens and twenties, including me and all my musician friends.
Is it just me or does anyone else think Trump can’t drive? A golf cart maybe, but a real car, no.
I believe that under the Former Presidents Act of 1958, unless Secret Service protection has been relinquished, any former president is forbidden to drive on vehicular roads or byways. Such ban may not apply within his or her own property.
Anthony Blinken! Holy shit. Best white guy I have seen do Muddy Waters since Mick Jagger.
I keep thinking about the absolute, gobsmacking stupidity and incompetence necessary for Republicans to keep running their bogus investigations, call their handpicked witnesses, and still those witnesses tell them they’re wrong. How can anybody be that fucking stupid? Maybe the explanation is they believe their own dumbass theories? Drinking the Kool-Aid is a well established trend. Maybe they convince themselves there must be something there, so they just need a friendly witness. Time and again they get pantsed because they believe there must be proof. It seems more likely than they don’t check if their witness will lie for them first.
But that’s how natural selection works. Even if it’s political rather than genetic. If you reward stupidity, you get better and better at stupid. And, manifestly, they have.
@persistentillusion: good idea.
Uncle Cosmo
@WaterGirl: I think you all have confused the content of the ad with its effectiveness.
In my opinion, however laudable are the points that ad attempts to convey, it is NOT “awesome” at all, but one rather poorly made for its purpose. The video jumps from one image to another too abruptly, and the narrator speed-reads the very wordy text. I would guess that half the ad’s viewers would be left scratching their heads wondering what it was all about, and take very little of substance away.
ReBuildUSA (whoever they are) would have gotten their points across far better if whoever they hired to make this had left out a third of the ideas, a third of the images and a third of the voiceover.
Again, JMO, but I don’t think I’m wrong about this. (Otherwise it wouldn’t be my opinion, would it? ;^D)
@Baud: WTH is he better on? Please be expeditious, my family doesn’t live a long time….
Paul in KY
@JoyceH: Excellent analogy! Going to use it myself sometime.
@NotMax: IIRC Trump had a NY drivers license at one point. I know this because during the Girther controversy it came out that his past drivers license listed him at 6’2″ and yet he somehow grew to 6’3″ as he got older. That’s not how it works – my doctor is showing me down 1/2″ over the last decade.
Paul in KY
@Jay: When you’re out in the ocean in a 2 to 4 chop, the last smell you want is diesel. Certainly you know that!
Paul in KY
@NotMax: He’s probably the dude that started ‘cool’.
Paul in KY
@wjca: That does sound like a fine ratfucking opportunity.