So there were a couple of mini-meetups in September and October.
September 4 in NYC
Here’s NotMax and Layer8Problem in the harbor.
Rumors that they commandeered the ship above for an afternoon sail were highly exaggerated.
October 8 in Maui
Here we have NotMax, Hkedi [Kang T.Q.] and Sister Golden Bear. (left to right)
No idea who the handsome fellow in the black hat is!
Looks like a good time was had by all!
Open thread.
Both meet-ups look like fun!
I adore NotMax’s T-shirt in the second photo — 0️⃣ Days Without Sarcasm. LOL.
Alison Rose
Seeing these photos is always interesting because it proves how bad my mind is at imagining what people look like. Hope folks had fun!
@SiubhanDuinne: Me, too!
I nearly mentioned it up top and then figured I would let someone in the comments discover it, too.
@Alison Rose: I don’t know, if you had shown me 9 other random photos along with the photo with Sister Golden Bear – and asked me to pick out the one I thought was Sister Golden Bear, I am certain I would have chosen that one!
But generally, yes, I am with you on that.
Invariably get compliments from total strangers when I wear it in public. Found it on Amazon a while back.
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: I don’t know why, but for some reason I pictured her with dark curly hair.
Tony Jay
Well, there’s the next Medium Cool.
“What do you think, based purely upon their online personas, certain Jackals look like?”
@Tony Jay: How do I relate that to culture?
@Alison Rose: What part of Golden Bear did you miss? :-)
It suits you in every particular!
Think Petri dish.
Having seen so many jackals via the Zooms would have to recuse myself.
Tony Jay
Good point.
“What cultural figures or celebrities do you think, based purely upon their online personas, certain Jackals look like?”
For example, I think Baud looks like Matthew McConoughey, but entirely bald and with one artificial limb, hence the no-pants rule.
AM in NC
Love putting the faces to the jackals!
Is anyone up for a meet up in November/December in the Triangle area of NC? I just had ACL surgery so I won’t be up and about for a bit.
I know WaterGirl did a meet-up planning thread, but it got so big I didn’t think we’d be able to cull for possibles.
A comment downstairs asked if anyone saw today’s eclipse, only partial here in Glendale.
NotMax needs to go on tour! 50
shadesstates of gray (beard).Tony Jay
That is a truly magnificent face-pelt.
South Bay, technically Pacific Coast highway just north of Half Moon Bay, this Tuesday, 17 October 2023, 5:30 PM, at La Costanera. Yeah, short notice, crummy time. So it goes. I have a reservation.
@WaterGirl: can get you my email and/or cell number.
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: Well, she’s from California, so I just thought it was related to that. The Golden State, the Bear flag, you know. Also, UC Berkeley is the Golden Bears so maybe she went there :)
Currently sampling the series Harry Wild on Prime. A show which almost works but never quite gets there as an ensemble performance. The saving grace is it stars jane Seymour (the eponymous retired college professor who gets involved in crime solving; although in her early seventies IRL she looks decades younger than her role would first suggest).
@🐾BillinGlendaleCA: Partial (50%) here as well. I had glasses from our 2017 adventure to Wyoming for the total. Very nice!!!
Alison Rose
@Tony Jay: That could be funny, because sometimes people get that way wrong even when the person is right in front of them. I’ve had two people — years apart, different cities, didn’t know each other — tell me I look like Neve Campbell. And I do NOT. Not saying anything negative, she’s very pretty. But like…the only way I resemble her is that we’re both white ladies with dark brown hair. We have different eye colors, different skin tones, different face shape, etc.
I saw a couple of episodes of that somewhere—maybe my local Brit-centric lesser PBS station—and you’re right: it doesn’t quite work. Frustrating to watch, because it’s so close.
zhena gogolia
@Steeplejack: We made it through one episode and about 5 minutes of the next, although I really like her.
@HinTN: Had to find my solar film that I bought about 7 years ago and piece together a solar filter from step-up rings, seemed to work well.
Tony Jay
@Alison Rose:
Yeah, but whatever ‘gait of the features’ it is that Neve Campbell has, that special half-blurred turn of the corner of the mouth that stands out as particularly ‘her’, that’s the bit that reminds them of her when they see you.
Or… have you survived any masked serial killers? It could be that too.
For the record, I always used to get Rik Mayall. Now I get Gerry Adams. Aging is cruel. 😂
Alison Rose
@Tony Jay: Hmm…I mean, I do smirk a good deal, since I’m a sarcastic jerk.
As far as I know, no serial killer survival. I mean, I’m here, but that could just mean that they were so bad at their hustle that I never even knew they were trying.
@Tony Jay: Rik Mayall is pretty much exactly how I’d picture you.
@Alison Rose:
I get Matt Damon all the time and a few Kiefer Southerlands lobbed at me. Which while I get is flattering I don’t look like either of them. Nor do they look alike. Other than being generic dirty blonde haired white guys with busted noses. If I squint or am not wearing my contacts I can sort of see where it comes from. But it’s still a mystery to me.
@zhena gogolia:
Exactly! Rooting for Jane.
@Tony Jay
Hm. Would have pegged you as more of a Derek Jacobi type.
Tony Jay
Give him a silver beard, more chunk, and a bit more caution on the trike-bike and yeah, I suppose that’s me.
Tony Jay
When I shave and take the glasses off. Weak chin, soulful eyes, bitchiness. Oh yes, oh yes indeed.
Love Jacobi. I would pay real cash money for a mini-series with that de-aging thing they do with him and John Hurt playing the Master and the Doctor during the Time War.
@Alison Rose: You may be totally right!
Gin & Tonic
@NotMax: I think you need a companion shirt: “9,999 days without a first-person singular pronoun.”
@Tony Jay: I can see you as Rik Mayal.
NotMax isn’t what I expected. Having seen him I ask myself why not. He looks exactly like he should look.
I am literal minded, so I was expecting Golden Bear to be blonde, not a redhead. Not at all a disappointment, just a surprise.
@Alison Rose: My college roommate’s cousin (overseas Chinese, got to America by way of Phillipines) always thought I looked like Stephanie Powers, which (unfortunately) I do not. She has lovely visible cheekbones and I do not. White girls with long dark hair. I always thought his perceived similarity was hilarious.
Gin & Tonic
@🐾BillinGlendaleCA: Completely overcast with occasional rain here in the East, so no.
@Gin & Tonic: He and MazeDancer will need to share the shirt. Trade off by months? By weeks? 6 months at a time?
@NotMax: I resemble that t-shirt’s remark . . .
Gin & Tonic
@sab: I always thought Golden Bear referred to the alma mater.
Tony Jay
It’s the nostrils. Really expressive.
@Tony Jay: I bet that’s a great pickup line. Back when you were putting yourself out there. //
Sister Golden Bear
@Alison Rose: Yes, I’m a Cal alumna, and yes it’s a reference it’s a reference to our sports teams.
Though I’m more a red head, than Oski-colored.
Looks like a great couple of meetups! Good conversation, I am sure.
I been told, on multiple occasions, that I look like Sandra Bullock. Which, uhhhh, no I don’t, but I’ll take the compliment.
I’ve also been told that I look like Tina Fey, and that one stings a bit more. Not because I don’t think Tina Fay is fantastic (she is), but because people also said the same thing about Sarah Palin, and I don’t like the implication of the transitive property in this instance.
Alison Rose
@sab: I think it’s interesting when you see someone who really DOES look a lot like another person, someone they’re not related to. It’s like after so many people, God ran out of new face ideas and was like “fuck it, you get this one I already used”.
Alison Rose
@Sister Golden Bear: Woohoo, I was kinda right! And hey, I always root for Cal in the Cal-Stanford game, because my dad went there for one year :P
@Gin & Tonic: Yes. Not an alumna so missed that. My alma mater we were Lords and Ladies. I always loved the idea of field hockey or basketball playing Ladies.
Tony Jay
Christ, I wish I’d ever been that cool. 🤣
Matt McIrvin
@Alison Rose: At various times in my life, people have told me I look exactly like Ricky Schroder, Larry Bird, Gary Busey, and Chris Elliott. These people look nothing like each other, and the only thing any of them ever had in common with me was skin color and hair. I had a full head of thick blond hair, like those other guys, then I went bald and grew a beard so then I was Chris Elliott. That’s about the extent of it.
Yep, partial only down here in Clearwater, Fl. About 60%, pretty cool
Matt McIrvin
(You know who I *actually* think I look like? The YouTuber Mat Taylor aka Techmoan, who makes videos about collecting and repairing ancient audio equipment. I’m balder than he is but otherwise we could pass for each other, until we opened our mouths–he’s got a Yorkshire accent.)
@Alison Rose: Back in gradeschool in Florida one of the GE ( NASA people) moms showed me a picture of her niece (in Connecticut) who did look just like me. It was very weird. I am sure over the years we have changed a lot and neither of us look like our young selves, much less each other.
zhena gogolia
I don’t look like any celebrities, but I used to get mistaken for one of my colleagues all the time. We both have gray hair and glasses, otherwise no resemblance whatsoever. Then she dyed her hair reddish-blonde and the problem stopped. My colleagues are so superficial.
@Alison Rose: At various times I’ve been accused of looking like Dave Vanian ( many years ago), Keith Richards, Patrick Swayze, Dennis Leary, and these days (a lot) Jon Bon Jovi. As far as I can tell the only commonality is we all have the same number of eyes.
That and a lot of hair at various stages of our lives
Alison Rose
@kalakal: That is…an interesting group!
Once, back in my goth years, a friend tried to get me to let her tease my hair and make it poofy because she insisted I’d look like Siouxsie Sioux. I knew I wouldn’t and also explained that if you do that to Jewish hair, it’s gonna get out of control real quick.
zhena gogolia
@Suzanne: I never thought Sarah Palin really looked like Tina Fey — she’s not nice enough.
@Alison Rose: The Dave Vanian one has always really puzzled me.*
Ah yes, I worked with a Jewish guy who had that done to his hair, the result was… quite something
*I could never see any of them, but that one really puzzled me
@WaterGirl: I pictured Sister Golden Bear with gorgeous fiery red hair like my friend Abigail has, and there she is!
Beautiful people every one, inside and out.
Kkedi (Tang KQ) for some reason I thought you were Asian.
I am not much into popular culture. I bet I missed some huge blaring tell.
@🐾BillinGlendaleCA: Interesting – here the first bite came out of the top right and progressed down to six o’clock. Nothing on that side at all.
@Mel: After the initial surprise, I am right on board with the actual look.
@sab: Do I look like what you thought I would look like?
Hkedi [Kang T.Q.]
@sab: well I grew up in Hawaii, I’m half way there.
@zhena gogolia: Tina Fey did us all a major disservice by making Sarah Palin look normal and polite, not bitchy schreechy like she was.
@schrodingers_cat: I don’t know what you look like.
Face shape I expected. If I assume big brown eyes behind the sunglasses then you look like I expected. But I am not good at visualizing people.
@Alison Rose: Back in the 80s, I heard Stevie Nicks comparisons a few times, but the only similarities that I could see were that we both had very, VERY bad perms and a fondness for grandma shawls…
@sab: Click my nym. You can see my Twitter avatar.
@sab: I do love red hair, in all its incarnations!
I hate to put up yet another post, so I will post this here in case anyone missed my post from last night with this awesome matrix from someone on Reddit.
@Sister Golden Bear:
I’d always figured your handle was a play off the America song “Sister Golden Hair.” For that reason I also assumed blonde. But red looks good on you!
@Mel: I do too. Didn’t expect it in a Golden Bear.
Just remember, “A looks like B” isn’t an equivalence relation. :-)
Almost Retired
All my life I’ve been told I look like some celebrity or another. And as I age, the celebrity comparisons are becoming progressively less flattering. I’m probably about five years away from being told I look like Wilford Brimley.
@HinTN: Top left of the Sun and then down here, checked my shots. I didn’t get the very start, about a 1/4 covered when I started shooting.
When the (obscure) movie Personal Best came out in 1979, a bunch of people told me I looked just like Muriel Hemingway. Definitely a compliment! Funny, because she plays an Olympic hurdler in the movie and I was a hurdler on my college track team in those days. She is just a few years younger than me, I wonder if we still look alike.
@Suzanne: Tina Fey did well acting Sarah Palin, but she didn’t look that much like her. Both pretty brunettes, but not much similarity except actress Tina Fey got Sarah Palin’s whiny voice down pat.
When I was young and had hair, I got the Patrick Swayze thing, mostly because I had a Roadhouse Mullet.
When I started to have a receding hairline, I went close cropped and added a goatee, I got comparisons to John Malkovitch not just on looks, but also voice.
With greater age now, I don’t get compared to anybody.
@sab: 😺
When I was a teenager, I tried to dye my (bleached) hair red at home.
It turned the most hideous greyish-pink shade – not unlike an old pork chop that that has started to go off…
@Almost Retired:
Funny you mention. I dropped off a lamp for rewiring at a local hardware store this afternoon, and I texted to Mr. Suzanne, “Wilford Brimley just helped me with the lamp”.
I hope he doesn’t have diabeetus.
@Mel: Weird things with red hair dye.
The cosmetic companies are direly afraid of “brassy” so every hair dye look weirdly red. Ginger hair does look brassy. That is the point and that is the color. Brass is a light shade of redish blond. Redheads, light or dark with natural haircolor look brassy not that unnatiral red.
Dan B
@Mel: LOL! Old pork chop. Oh my!
That’s what unsugared Koolaid is for.
@Dan B: I am happy to say that I have never seen an uncooked pork chop start to go gray.
But my mom cooked meat well done, especially pork, so our cooked porch chops always looked gray-white.
@sab: And then people with olive complexions, like me, invariably end up with hair dyes and cosmetics that are too cool and pink.
@schrodingers_cat: You look kind of like a “badass,”
I should not have been surprised.
@Hkedi [Kang T.Q.]: Hawaiian cat, perhaps? Crossed with Kang The (Q)onqueror?
@Jay: My husband had a weird goatee that looked Magaish. I let him do his own facial hair and beard. He should decide that stuff on his own face.
He thinks the goatee, although attractive, looks Maga. I agree. So mustache but not the weird goatee.
Sister Golden Bear
@lowtechcyclist: My nym was also a play on the song; and you’re partially right, my natural hair color is blonde — although these days probably with a bit of gray. But I haven’t seen my natural color in years.
@Suzanne: And me Irish and British end up with face makeup that is too olive.
People are diverse.
Why cant we look like we look,?
Sister Golden Bear
@Alison Rose: I got Mom’s body (and her allergies) except for her dark curly. She had the body of her mother, who had the same body as my Jewish great-grandfather. The resemblances in family photos are quite striking. If I wore a dark curly wig and dark contacts, I’d look very similar to Mom when she was my age.
@Sister Golden Bear: The red dye is exceptionally natural. Good look. I thought it was natuaral, so I will say it is or should be your natural color.
Sister Golden Bear
@sab: Yes it should be. I’ll pass on your compliment to my colorist.
Hkedi [Kang T.Q.]
@Hoppie: My Hkedi name started as “Hirak”, a character I made from a role playing game back in the mid-90’s and decided it would be my online name. That changed in the early 00’s when “Hirak” became the name of a B-grade villain on Stargate SG-1, and I couldn’t get it easily for whatever site I was signing into. So it changed to Hkedi.
the Kang T.Q. part is spot on, after a particularly blasted night on Balloon Juice when appended nicknames were all the fashion that month.
my goatee is closely trimmed. The mustache part is trimmed to a #1, the beard part is trimmed to a #2, mostly for the benefits of the soul patch. The edge part is trimmed tight enough to fit under a mask.
In the US I would look MAGAt, Carharts, T shirt, baseball cap, (not a trucker cap), but here I just look like a worker, logo free.
It also helps that I always wear a mask in public.
@🐾BillinGlendaleCA: In my part of Seattle, the viewing was good when the clouds cleared out, on and off.
A bunch of us stood in the parking lot watching, because there were a myriad “sun shadows” on the ground mimicking the eclipse. The parking lot was dappled with crescent suns!
The ambient light was also a little weird: not “golden hour” amber, but variable. Our complex has, and is also surrounded by, some huge trees, and it was fascinating to see how some of them were bright-lit and others not. It made for an exaggerated 3D effect.
@🐾BillinGlendaleCA: 100% cloud cover here so didn’t even bother to investigate feasibility. We need the rain.
Told the tale here in the past of the time, in the 1970s, when was hanging out in the bar area of the Metropolitan Opera during intermission and was approached by a gaggle of young ladies who shyly asked for an autograph, convinced (according to them) I was an actor on a favorite soap. An actor whose name had never heard of.
Could tell they didn’t entirely believe my denials.
Another time (1960s?) a friend had cut out a newspaper picture of a player for the New York Mets and mailed it to me. Not a baseball fan then nor now, but it was like looking into a mirror. Tres spooky.
@evap: When in high school, my aunts thought I looked like Princess Caroline, and the coloring is right. I was also told by a very drunk person that I looked like Isabel Adjani and I can say definitively that her judgment was affected by alcohol. Creep I was with called me Isabel all night.
Gin & Tonic
@sab: When I tell people I’m Ukrainian, they say “you don’t look it” – expecting Scandinavian/Slavic, I guess. So I ask “what happened there in the mid 13th Century?”
Dan B
@WaterGirl: Ive been cooking pork to medium well ever since the government declared that there was no trichinosis in the US. I’ve also taken to salting the meat an hour before cooking. It’s delicious and the texture is excellent
Often I’ll add Gochuchang.
@Almost Retired
Could be worse. Could be Abe Vigoda.
Ohio Mom
@Alison Rose: Me too. The photos of fellow Juicers are always a surprise, and never what I imagined.
@Hkedi [Kang T.Q.]: Well, .500 is batting pretty well, I guess. Thanks!
I must look like a generic older white guy. Every so often someone will ask me if I went to X University or worked at Y Company, and of course I never went near X U and haven’t a clue what Y Company is.
@Dan B: Yep, salting in advance helps with texture, but so does rubbing in brown sugar, in small doses, which is especially good for pork if you are serving with fruit or sweet potatoes.
@Gin & Tonic:
No snark, what is Ukrainian supposed to look like? And how do these people know it?
It’s perplexing to me.
I’m usually told I look like Paul Newman…as he looks now.
zhena gogolia
@eclare: The cliche is blonde with rosy cheeks.
@zhena gogolia:
I thought that was British, eg, English rose.
@zhena gogolia
Wearing a babushka?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Warning: Potential for Schadenfreude overdose. Indulge at your own risk.
A couple of delicious legal commentaries I just watched.
Some shady deal The Former Guy was putting together to sell Truth Social to a company he owns has fallen through. Investors pulling out. As I understand it, this deal has been dragging on for months because the SEC thought it stunk, and that’s why the investors finally got cold feet.
Giuliani gets slapped by judge in Ruby Freeman – Shaye Moss defamation case, due to completely ignoring court orders about revealing his finances. Jury will be instructed to assume the worst about everything, and also to kick him in the balls.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Yay! I want those women to take Giuliani for every penny. Their testimony was heartbreaking.
The dye is cast, so to speak.
@eclare: Let’s hope he has some pennies for them to take.
@Gin & Tonic: All the Ukrainian Americans or Ukrainian Canadians I know are slightly dark. Not Scandinavian intense blue eyes. Brown or hazel eyes and light brown hair.
Pink Tie
I always got Elisabeth Shue, who is a lot WASPier than me but I’ll take it!
Today (in Houston) we saw the eclipse during an open house at the school where I teach music, and very considerately the school put out a basket of eclipse glasses near the front door for anyone to take. It wasn’t a total eclipse here, but I did sit down and play the Bonnie Tyler song on guitar :) I was outdoors in the playground for nearly the whole time, and found the shadows from the trees much more enchanting than the eclipse itself!
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Alison Rose: that’s EXACTLY what I thought too! I was shocked when I saw a red head. WG must think I’m pathetic, when actually I’m a Northern Californian who went to Cal also.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Alison Rose: when i was working as a computer person, I got confused all the time with the other woman in the IT department. We were both women, programmers, and wore glasses. Otherwise totally different. She was tall, skinny, with straight hair, and I’m none of those things.
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan): I don’t think you’re pathetic! I’m the one who didn’t catch any of the California references!
@Alison Rose: Me too. Don’t know why I was so surprised at how literal the “Golden ” is.
@sab: Yeah I do have brown eyes!
@Geminid: I will take that as a compliment, thanks!
Did the Florida peeps figure out a Meetup? I do plan on being in Gainesville FL on November 7th if a lunch or dinner gathering could be figured out.
I shaved off my goatee some years back because I thought I had resting MAGA face. Kept the mustache.