President Biden has given Democrats the template for victory, as election night 2023 showed which party is organized and has the message for success.
— PoliticusUSA (@politicususa) November 8, 2023
Dems feeling feisty tonight after key wins in KY, VA, OH, PA. Source close to Biden camp: “At some point, you’d think the beltway media would start paying more attention to how Americans are voting,” not “‘DC strategists’ and polls that have been proven wrong time and time again”
— Nancy Cordes (@nancycordes) November 8, 2023
A very tough night for many mainstream journalist and pundits. They will have to work all night long to turn this into the story of why it’s bad for Democrats.
— Norman Ornstein (@NormOrnstein) November 8, 2023
The American people’s feral rage at the foul betrayal of the Republicans they elected doing the thing they said they were going to do and had been openly working towards for decades continues unabated.
— Open Source Stupidity (OSSTU) Starfish (@IRHotTakes) November 8, 2023
Very rough night for the political media who are trying their absolute hardest to play activist and help Trump get re-elected.
— Centrism Fan Acct ?? (@Wilson__Valdez) November 8, 2023
Republicans: *losing elections nationwide over their extreme abortion bans*
Also, Republicans: *making the guy who personally dismantled Roe v. Wade their presidential nominee*
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) November 8, 2023
Democrats have won BOTH houses of the General Assembly
This is another victory for the protection of both our democracy and our most basic freedoms. It’s a function of fairer maps and a resounding rejection of the extremism of Virginia Republicans and their leadership
— Eric Holder (@EricHolder) November 8, 2023
Glenn Youngkin busily cancelling all those hotel rooms in New Hampshire.
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) November 8, 2023
— L. Louise Lucas (@SenLouiseLucas) November 8, 2023
“Tonight proved that voters see through Glenn Youngkin. He is Trump in a vest. He is a rubber stamp for the MAGA extremist agenda and that’s what voters rejected…
It’s safe to say Youngkin’s [presidential] campaign ended before it began tonight.”
— Kaivan Shroff (@KaivanShroff) November 8, 2023
One way to conceptualize the difference between the GOP and the Dems: for the former, "pussy" is the problem with "grab them in the pussy" and they genuinley don't understand that for Dems, the problem is with "grab."
— ???????????? Superfan (@notabanderite) November 8, 2023
Governor of Maryland (possibly some snark involved… ):
Tonight, the Commonwealth of Virginia made its voice heard.
They rejected the MAGA agenda in favor of leaders who will fight for their communities, protect abortion rights, fund public education, stand up for voting rights, and more.
Congratulations VA!
— Gov. Wes Moore (@iamwesmoore) November 8, 2023
Republicans in Kentucky spent $30 million on ads in a proxy campaign against Joe Biden….and lost big.
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) November 8, 2023
Cameron was a particularly enormous ghoul in the Breonna Taylor investigation and ran hard on transphobia, so enjoy this one boys, girls, and nb folks.
— the abbot of unreason (an archaeologist) (@merovingians) November 8, 2023
Beshear: Just just look at what we were up against. Five superpacs. My opponent's superpac, Mitch McConnell’s superpac. Rand Paul’s superpac. The club for growth, the Republican governors association… We beat them all at the same time
— Acyn (@Acyn) November 8, 2023
Exonerated “Central Park Five” member Yusef Salaam won a seat Tuesday on the New York City Council
— NBC New York (@NBCNewYork) November 8, 2023
I hope this result gives that orange shitstain a stroke.
— Anna Maltese ?? ?? ?? (@MalteseAnna) November 8, 2023
We in the Politico No-Spin Zone™ refuse to editorialize on whether Democrats winning constitutes a “win” for Democrats
— Gas Stove Prayer Warrior (@canderaid) November 8, 2023
You can bet somewhere across the great Republic tonight there is an op-ed page editor green-lighting that pitch.
— Ray Suarez (@RaySuarezNews) November 8, 2023
Good morning, y’all!
Pretty good night last night, huh?
I thought I was keeping an eye on the schoolboard but I got blindsided by the homophobic mothers.
Otherwise things went great this election.
ETA :School board: Our number one was a great choice. Two and three I am skeptical.
The Democrats worked hard, are open about their principles, and unified. We are offering a positive vision of the world based on fairness and helping others, not hate. Damn proud to be a Democrat this morning.
How will the pundits explain this!? As a voter on the ground it feels pretty organic. Supreme Court really misread us. That is a big part of their job and they entirely fucked it up.
Betty Cracker
The Issue 1 result in Ohio — wow! From The Columbus Dispatch:
That’s not just a win. It’s an ass kicking
ETA: A quote from Biden in the linked article:
Great selection of tweets, thanks AL! Especially like the one about voters being enraged after the people they elected start doing the things they promised to do.
I think it was Maya Angelou who said, when people tell you who they are believe them the first time.
I don’t think SCOTUS sees reading us as part of their job.
@Betty Cracker:
We would have lost if they had succeeded in raising the threshold for passage.
Tony Jay
But I repeat myself
Asparagus Aspersions
I was listening yesterday to Pod Save America, where they were expressing various levels of concern over the recent national polls showing Biden behind Trump. I took off my headphones feeling somewhat despairing. What a joy to wake up to these results this morning!
I remain astonished at people who are astonished that Dobbs continues to reverberate. People who seem to think that since Roe was repealed more than a year ago, everyone should be over it by now. As if women will suddenly stop noticing that the health care they need is no longer available.
Also, I take an unseemly amount of pleasure in imagining Youngkin’s mood this morning. You just know he’s been envisioning swooping in to save the GOP at some point, and I hope he has a long and unhappy day today.
Man, I wish I could set that headline with Yusef Salaam right next to TFG’s morning coffee.
It’s really nice to be a few points ahead in most races instead of a few points behind. Winning is better than losing, and the resulting difference in governance will be huge.
That said, very few of these wins the last 6 years have been overwhelming. It’s easy to get depressed by how many people continue to vote for malignant cancer. Doing the canpaign work and turning out Democrats is more important than ever next year.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Still, Ohioans beat back the effort to raise the threshold and overcame several other obstacles Repubs put in their path, e.g., anti-choice language, extra signatures requirement, etc. It’s a resounding victory in a state that hasn’t offered too many of those to Dems lately. I hope Sherrod Brown can use the issue to defeat whichever awful opponent the Ohio GOP horks up
ETA: I’m also pleased that Repub defeats on reproductive rights are going to land in the 2024 GOP presidential primary like a grenade. Trump is absurdly trying to cast himself as the moderate on the issue, even though he’s the one who put in the judges who overturned Roe. Good luck with that, assholes!
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
See this is why I find it hard to panic over polls like that NYT-Sienna one that shows Biden in trouble. The actual election results have been trending so hard towards the Democrats that it’s hard to put credence in a poll that says something contrary to that trend. Who cares what the polls say when all we do is win, win, win on election day?
Have to guard against complacency but things still seem to be trending strongly in the D direction. And this is all happening in off year elections with a D in the White House. That’s generally when the POTUS’s party does worst. So who are you going to believe, the polls or your lying eyes?
Awww, look at the glum newscasters at Newsmax, and an equally glum Ken Cuccinelli!
Matt McIrvin
My candidates mostly won locally, except for a couple of the at-large City Council seats. Haverhill has its first woman mayor (not a surprise).
Matt McIrvin
@What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?: Dave Wasserman’s theory to explain the special elections and such has been that the historic pattern has inverted and Democrats now do better in lower-turnout elections. I guess we’ll see. Of course what that would imply is that our organizing and GOTV are better.
@eclare: When I was in law school decades ago, conservative groups went to a lot of trouble to get cases with facts most in their favor up to SCOTUS so they could be used as vehicles for reversing liberal precedent. Rehnquist was the worst kind of scum, but he, Scalia, and the other conservatives were at least lawyers. They had respect for institutional consistency and legal processes.
The biggest difference with the Roberts court is that facts no longer matter. Reading and thinking no longer matter. Give Gorsuch a case like the high school football coach praying on the field with players, and he will change or ignore facts in the opinion to get the result he wants. And Gorsuch is arguably the most honorable of the six. It’s bullshit in, bullshit out now, with no legal reasoning necessary.
It’s so interesting to read the media descriptions from before the votes were counted
From WaPo
Followed by the results for Beshear 52.5% to 47.5%
Will the media ever say “David Cameron faces an uphill battle to defeat the current governor”
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Matt McIrvin: Dobbs is the Occam’s Razor explanation. And if TiFG is the nominee Biden can hang that around his neck all election long. Even if it’s someone else they’ll be anti abortion and swimming upstream.
I hope VA Dems spend their Youngkin checks on a nice celebration for themselves.
Oh yeah, the court is obviously political now. No consistency.
Hear hear!
🎶And a dick punch in Dump’s fascist face!🎶
Oh, GOP debate tonight. And then there were five.
Central Planning
Here in Monroe County, NY, the county executive (D) got re-elected. Last cycle he was the first D elected in 30 years.
The news had a clip from his opponent where he said everyone should be rooting for him to be successful and hating on him because he’s a different party isn’t good for the community. That pleasantly surprised me.
Fixed. (And yes, I know there aren’t just 5 bigoted bastards left in their POS party.)
I don’t see the point in feeling depressed about a win. More people are making a positive decision, and as you note, this means we must keep fighting for more victories.
@Matt McIrvin:
I don’t think that “historic patterns” represent anything meaningful or explains anything.
We are winning the war against MAGA nonsense when given a fair chance.
ETA. Isn’t the next GOP debate happening soon? The candidates need to explain why MAGA values are being rejected.
@Brachiator: GOP debate tonight, MSNBC moderating.
I think it’s NBC, not MSNBC.
Mustang Bobby
[Shameless self-promotion alert] Today marks the twentieth anniversary of my blog, Bark Bark Woof Woof. I have made many friends in that time, both real-life and virtual, but I cherish the ones I’ve made here at Balloon Juice very much. Thanks.
@Mustang Bobby:
Congratulations on the milestone. The cherishment works both ways.
@Mustang Bobby: Good on ya!
I am so glad that Cameron lost. I don’t understand how he can be a Trump lackey.
Marriage of convenience?
Tony Jay
@Baud: NBC would make more sense. I don’t get network television anymore, but i have been listening to MSNBC off and on in the last 15 hours and heard the ads for the debate.
Self hatred?
Mustang Bobby
So, they’re having the debate here in Miami, and Gatorface is having a rally in Hialeah, the Cubanized suburb.
I’m going to put the top down on the Mustang and drive to Mile 0 in Key West.
It’s simple. Americans don’t want what the Trump MAGA GOP are selling. They reject it.
Now, making the stakes clear and getting voters out (and unsuppressed) is another challenge. No guarantees on that. But the debate itself is won. It is clear.
@eclare: Agree! Anne Laurie does a great roundup. There’s an art to curating the news, as another online friend commented recently, and AL is a master.
If I were a better person, I’d hate myself more.
@Baud: He spouts the line that resonates with our MAGAt voters – whatever the line happens to be today….his treatment of the Brianna Taylor debacle showed his true colors, and everyone saw it. I doubt if even a cautionary word from Moscow Mitch would alter his course…
@OzarkHillbilly: Did you get my email?
And I hope the DOJ goes after the MS AG (I think that’s the top election official there) for the election shenanigans down in Hinds Co. hard.
@Tony Jay: Perfectly done. Have you tried ALL THE NEWS THAT MONEY CAN BUY yet?
The ad before I could access Wordle was for a Sirota book, Where Have the Democratic Voters Gone?
To the polls, asshole!
mali muso
This is excellent news to wake up to!!!! After the stresses of past election nights, I did my civic duty to vote here in VA and get my friends out as well but studiously avoiding watching or following any returns last night. What a relief that governor sweatervest got stomped.
I posted yesterday I felt optimistic and I’m even happier today. I had my fears for Beshear so am glad to be wrong.
Both the pundits and the GQP have an incredible blind spot over Dobbs which tells us just how misogynistic they are.
They. really. don’t. get. it.
The shine may be off the new and shiny object but I would not count Glenn Youngkin out, at least not for 2028. There will be a new dynamic in Richmond though. Because of the last split General Assembly, Youngkin never had to sign or veto contested legislation. Now Senator Lucas and the Democratic House Speaker will be passing good bills and daring the Governor to veto them.
In his 2021 election, Youngkin benefited from his lack of a record. That will not be the case when Younkin leaves office in January, 2026.
@Baud: Thank Dawg you aren’t a better person.
@raven: Not yet, I only check it 2 or 3 times a week. Or less. I’ll go look now.
@sab: We had a “stealth” one like that in 2021. He’s unmasked now, though.
@Baud: MO Republicans will redouble their efforts to raise ours after they see this result.
Tony Jay
Hah! Imagine how crazy it would be to live in a world where you get paid for writing this delusional rubbish.
Wait a minute…
@raven: Heh, one of 43 unread emails, I guess I hadn’t checked it since some time last week. Thanx for passing the article along, it’s a good read.
The censure of Rashida Tlaib was not any kind of winning it did exactly what the republicans intended , To find 22 Democrats who can always have their string jerked to get behind “OUR STRONGEST ALLIE” tm.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Soprano2: Yes. They will. Ugh.
I see that so rarely. Wow. And framed as a good thing. It’s always “The Party of Trump” about Republicans, and Biden is just some old guy weighing Democrats down.
Absolutely true. I remember when Limbaugh complained, seeming to think this was some kind of ‘gotcha’, that Democrats would tolerate any kind of sex if it was consensual. Yes. That’s the point. They really think consent is irrelevant and sexual morality is based on other issues.
Only because the quality of the GOP field is so poor, and isn’t going to get any better in the next four years. What’s his record going to be? Vetoing a bunch of bills that have broad support. Being unable to flip a couple of state legislature seats in an off-year that normally favors the party that’s not in the White House, so he should have had the wind at his back. Wearing a fleece vest. Being a white male (fail me upwards!) but they won’t exactly be in short supply in the GOP 2028 field. That’s going to be pretty much it, as far as I can see.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
The Ormstein tweet above:
Tony Jay’s parody aside, here’s the FTFNYT delivering the real thing.
@Baud: The debate is going to be funny. I wonder if the moderators, apparently including Hugh Hewitt – retch, will mention that Republicans lost all over just yesterday? Ha ha ha ha ha. I crack myself up.
Chief Oshkosh
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Yep. And fucking ABC GMA started every single story about a Dem win with the same line, and further, basically said that the only reason Dems had a good showing is because of the abortion issue.
Christ on a pogo stick, that’s like saying “the only reason Dems won was because they got more votes!”
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Oh, yeah, they definitely did not need all night. The “Winning is bad news for Democrats!” takes started immediately, even on MSNBC. Mostly it followed that pattern. They managed to find some polls saying Trump is more popular than Biden, and the Narrative will not be denied.
EDIT – We’re going to see a reverse Nixon in 2024. “How did Biden win? Nobody except me and everyone I know voted for him.”
Some of the good news out of Virginia: all three consevative Montgomery County school board candidates lost yesterday.
Montgomery County is west of Roanoke, has a population of 99,000, and its biggest towns are Christiansburg and Blacksburg, home of Virginia Tech.
Even the liberal HuffPo this am:
“Joe Biden is struggling but his party is thriving“
Just a reminder that Tangerine Palpatine, in 1989, called for the execution of the 15 year old child who today was elected to the New York City Council. There are innumerable examples of the low character of that smegbucket, but certain horrors stand out. Calling for the death penalty for children (whether innocent, as the Central Park 5 were, or guilty) is one of those horrors.
And Yusuf Salaam’s ability to put that trauma behind him and make a positive contribution to society is a telling contrast with TIFG’s septic tank of pathologies.
Our community managed to beat back a prolonged, sustained incursion by festering idiots funded by the 1776 bunch. Not only did they get sent home, the one newly-elected school board member was the subject of a quick & dirty hit piece on a national Faux news bit. She received the most votes of all six candidates.
Good Morning Everyone 😊😊😊
Betty Cracker
@Warblewarble: FWIW, I think the censure was bullshit too, even though I think Rep. Tlaib is channeling her perfectly understandable anguish about the situation in Gaza in wholly unreasonable and extremely counterproductive directions.
As of 7:43a Eastern, the vote count in District 57 of the Virginia House of Delegates shows:
David Owen (R) 14,095
Susanna Gibson (D) 14,985
No early/provisional votes counted yet, but that looks like a solid lead for Gibson.
And note that Trump paid his own money, a lot of money, to take out that full page ad calling for their death. At the time, there was no profit in it for him, economic or political, and he is a renowned miser.
That is how much he hates black people.
Reason number sixteen jillion to stop paying attention to these clickbaiting dingbats. If you’re looking for forecasts and supposition, watch The Weather Channel.
I’m hoping Representatives Gabe Amo (RI) and Gabe Vasquez (NM) start a Gabe Caucus. Amo is 36 and Vazquz is 39; there may be some more Gabes in their age cohort coming to Congress in the next few cycles..
Tim Ellis
What a great night! I will add this interesting piece from Philly – the Philly Council reserves two seats for the opposition party and because Philly is a Dem stronghold, Republicans have been relegated to those two seats for like 70 years.
But now the Republicans have lost, and both seats are held by Working Families Party reps (WFP is a “fusion” progressive party that works with Democrats but also works to shift the party). They explicitly celebrated “relegating the Republican party to the dustbin of history” which is very satisfying to me lol
Good morning.
@rekoob: A display of resiliance: Susanna Gibson took a licking, but kept on ticking!
@Tim Ellis:
I am fine with that. I’m all for more progressive politics as long as the actual result isn’t right wing successes. Hell, I’m delighted to finally see some non-crazy asshole far Left in this country.
Matt McIrvin
@What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?: Did Democrats and our issues outperform polling last night, though?
It looks to me like the vote on Ohio Issue 1 was well in line with the advance polling, maybe slightly underperformed. The polls on Beshear v. Cameron were all over the place–the ones where Cameron did best got publicity but it doesn’t look like the result was way out of line with the aggregate. Not sure about the others.
I guess one lesson may be just to not cherry-pick the polls that look scariest or most dramatic.
Thoroughly enjoying these comments, but the main post itself is just outstanding.
Every article about the Orange mobster should make a reference to this. Should have disqualified him as a serious candidate right off the escalator…
Tony Jay
OT – In a move shocking to absolutely nobody, those ever so brave hypocrites running the steaming pile of centre-right fluffery known colloquially as The (Fuck The Fucking) Guardian have shown the door to their brilliant political cartoonist of 40 years, Steve Bell, for
ruthlessly mocking the wrong bastardsbeing a bit too left-wing for the FTF Guardian’s crappy narrativebeing a horrible old antisemite.Bell was told by the rag’s editors that he couldn’t publish a cartoon depicting a boxing-glove wearing Bibi Netanyahu with a Gaza shaped pattern on his stomach and a scalpel in hand because it was obviously, they said, a reference to Shylock + Pound of Flesh and was therefore an antisemitic trope. Bell, who had to ask the editors to explain what the fuck they were talking about, put an image of the cartoon out on Twi-X, alongside the 1966 David Levine cartoon it was referencing that depicted Lyndon Johnson pointing at a Vietnam-shaped operation scar on his own body. You can tell it was referencing that famous image because it actually says so on the Netanyahu cartoon, but since absolutely nobody is allowed to question the editorial decisions of the FTF Guardian without reprisal, certainly not where bullshit accusations of antisemitism being weaponised to silence left-wing voices are concerned, Bell was fired.
Here’s an article showing both cartoons for anyone who’s interested. And may I just say, once again, Fuck The Fucking Guardian and everyone involved in that piece of shit corporate cleaning-house of a brochure for everything rotten in the state of centrist wankery. Being trampled to death by a stampede of one-legged stiletto models while writhing naked and bound in a field blanketed with nettles and rusty syringes would be too good for them. Fuck them, fuck their cowardice, fuck their bullshit business model, fuck their ill-thought-out collusion with the stalest nuts in the Likudnik propaganda turd, fuck absolutely everything about them.
Now, that said, its weekly Football cartoon is great.
Mostly good news here in PA! McCaffery won the Supreme Court seat. Innamorato won the Allegheny County Executive race.
@Matt McIrvin:
You need to be sent to media reeducation camp.
I do not understand how the bothsides media chorus fails to see that for once that’s a valid idea. Yes, Biden is unpopular, but so are the other guys, more even. The side that best navigates that reality wins and so far that’s been Biden’s side.
Something else that brought me happiness this morning: FYFNYT notes that nobody likes Viktor Orban and he’s lost a lot of influence in Europe by becoming a Putin ass-kisser.
@Geminid: worked as an observer at Monticello, Biscuit Run and Free Union yesterday. Despite a plethora of money, signs and noisy supporters, Meg Scalia Bryce lost by almost 10,000 votes to Alison Spillman.
I’m trying to think of another time where the president was “deeply unpopular” but the party’s candidates still did really well.
Bobby Thomson
Even Cameron lost. What a great night, and timely.
Today Show take – sure, Democrats won big, but Biden is old!
If “deeply unpopular” is defined as “polling about like Biden is”, then Obama at this time in 2011.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Asparagus Aspersions: Right. Dobbs isn’t a one-and-done event. Dobbs is ongoing in women’s lives.
Were Dems winning elections at that time? We had a pretty decent 2012, I recall.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Tim Ellis: Did anyone upthread mention that Philly also just elected their first woman mayor, Cherelle Parker?
I’ve been struggling to find results for our little corner of suburban Delaware County, which was mostly a bunch of local races not of much interest to the wider media.
It looks pretty much like a Democratic sweep. The Democratic county DA won his race. In a 6-person race for 3 seats on the county council, the 3 Dems won. In competitive judge races, the Dem won.
The only place where I see Republicans didn’t lose was in judge retention. We had five “nonpartison” retention questions, where the vote was whether the judge does or doesn’t stay on the court. From what I was reading, retention has always been pretty routine.
This year the local Democratic party identified the Republican judges (four out of five) and asked Dems to vote NO. Unfortunately that messaging went out very late and probably not widely enough. All were retained. But the NOs were around 40% nevertheless.
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: You see how they’re playing games with the efforts to get the abortion measures on the ballot? I think they want to delay it to keep it off the November 2024 ballot. That gives them another chance to restrict the referendum process before we get a chance to vote for abortion rights. I think it will take the courts to say “No, no more lawsuits over the exact same issue we’re already ruled on before, it ends now” to stop the nonsense.
@Chief Oshkosh:
As if that’s some triviality, rather than a fundamental issue of bodily autonomy that the two parties are on opposite sides of.
Fuck these fucking idiots.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Mustang Bobby: Twenty years is a long time to keep a blog going. Respect to you. And yes, BJ friends are to be treasured.
It reminds me of something I heard George Will say a long time ago: Dems only won because of minority voters.
“They’re only voting for you because you better represent their interests and concerns!” is really not the deep, wounding blow they’re going for.
@lowtechcyclist: It will be the “only” reason Dems win again in 2024. We should probably be glad that the opposition keeps minimizing what looks like the central issue in campaigns for a while. Enraging the bitchez to their core turns out not to be the hitmaker the GOPer strategists and their media fellow travelers contemplated.
I get all the news I need on the weather report…
@lowtechcyclist: That one took a second to register, Paul.
@Chief Oshkosh: It’s because they still think “women’s issues” don’t really count, and are still amazed to find that they actually do.
@rekoob: that was before rural Goochland came in. Susanna lost by about a thousand votes.
ETA 16,912-17,878
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
It’s kind of amazing how Republicans and a lot of men don’t understand this. Even if a national law got passed to protect the right of women to govern their own health care decisions, who would trust it? The Supreme Court has shown they’ll just do what they want. The fight is every day and ongoing.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
And from the WaPo
Can’t possibly leave off a qualifier.
@Honus: I think 2004 was the first year Albemarle County voted Democratic in a presidential election since the 1960s. It has trended steadily blue since; there are a lot of similar suburban areas nationwide that have progressed similarly.
But the big question this morning is: will “Czar Chasm” be Fluvanna County’s next Treasurer?
@Baud: Yep. Nice try Glenn. Time to retire your MAGA red vest.
Yep. “Yes, but…” is media staple when dealing with Dem success.
@Honus: Curses! Foiled by those doggone Goochlanders!
@Baud: They say that a lot, that if we only allowed white people to vote of course Republicans would win, as if that’s an option.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I think it’s also sinking in with voters that no matter how reasonable they try to sound — Youngkin’s 15 week “compromise” — Republicans can’t be trusted and will just keep tightening the wrench around women’s autonomy.
That would be amazing. The inability of Republicans to develop a bad reputation is astounding and frustrating.
Brit in Chicago
@Soprano2: Half-watching MNSBC last night I saw someone from an abortion rights organization say something like: “They (meaning men, pretty much) don’t know how angry we (meaning women) are.” I think she’s probably right, and I hope the anger doesn’t go away, and continues to be put to good use.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Baud: There are a lot of horror stories emerging not just about women being denied life-saving care when they are pregnant but women losing access to care if they might be pregnant. It’s scary and it’s infuriating to be seen first and foremost as a vessel for breeding.
I figured that would give people a pleasant earworm to start the day. :-)
It’s always amused me that there’s a Goochland County in Virginia. What’s a ‘gooch’ and why is that their land? (All I really know about it is that it’s off of I-64 between Richmond and C’ville. Been up and down that road more than a few times.)
@rekoob: I keep seeing headlines that Gibson has lost the race. Are those wrong?
And that is no compromise to most women. As a posted mentioned some threads back – women know what has happened with friends and family. I know of the saddest of terminations that happened 18-20 weeks – wanted by none – impacted by reality & also of miscarriages after 15 weeks.
One of the worst impacts of the GOP rules has to be making miscarriages illegal – an absolute nightmare for so many women & their doctors.
Because for most of the twentieth century, it was some sort of gotcha. For most of the lives of people like Limbaugh, God knows why, being a professional pervert who spent your whole life sniffing through everybody else’s bedrooms to make sure that every position they were having sex in was approved by the church was considered not just okay, but the very definition of morality, wholesomeness, and Family Values.
The fact that post-Boomer demographics, even outside of liberals, view these people for what they are is a reality they’re still having the hardest time adjusting to.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Yep. Woke up this morning to a Huffington Post email saying the same thing.
We already saw that in 2012.
“Everybody Knew” Romney was going to win, to the point that he hadn’t even written a concession speech.
Another Scott
@Yarrow: has Gibson losing by 966 votes.
It’s unfortunate. :-(
But it illustrates the importance for fighting for every seat. We won’t win them all, but maybe we’ll win enough.
And we did!!
@lowtechcyclist: Sir William Gooch was the Lieutenant Royal Governor of Virginia from 1727 to the late 1840s. His boss, Royal Governor Lord Albemarle, stayed in England and let Sir William do the work. Goochland County was originally settled by Huguenot refugees
I met a Bill Gooch once. He was a civil engineer doing soil analysis for a septic field. If I’d known then what I know now, I would have called him “Sir.”
@lowtechcyclist: Fie on Goochland County, named for an ancestor (so I’m told)!
Sir William Gooch, Bt.
I googled, I think you mean late 1740’s. Otherwise, wow, that is almost a Biblical age!
A note to the valkyries managing this almost-top-10,000 blog’s FTFWP back end: maybe the Twitter’s decided to add a tracker to their tweet widget? My long-standing EFF Privacy Badger extension on my Firefox browser replaced the Twitter widgets up top in the post with its own box with buttons offering access the Twitter widget if desired. The associated help stuff at the Electronic Frontier Foundation site says “Social media widgets (such as the Facebook Like button) often track your reading habits. Even if you don’t click them, the social media companies often see exactly which pages you’re seeing the widget on. When blocking social buttons and other potentially useful (video, audio, comments) widgets, Privacy Badger can replace them with click-to-activate placeholders. You will not be tracked by these replacements unless you explicitly choose to click them. Note that Privacy Badger will not replace social media widgets unless it has blocked the associated tracker.”
Anyway, I’ve never seen that before at BJ and figured it was worth a mention. Maybe it’s the first time we’re using that widget for tweets? I know tracking’s a thing and lotsa people don’t care, but I don’t like Musk.
@Betty Cracker:
I swear to God, the most nauseating thing about all Israel/Palestine discussions in the United States (I know you’re not the one saying this) is that only one side is allowed to process anguish in unreasonable and counterproductive directions. The other side must remain perfect camera-friendly righteous victims at all times otherwise it just proves they’re all terrorists/anti-Semites.
Tony Jay
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
He’s a busy little egg.
@sab: All four of my school board candidates lost. I suppose I should start attending the meetings to see what kind of fuckery the winners are going to be up to.
In more positive news, 2 of the 3 borough council winners were Democrats, which is a good result in this blood-red municipality.
Statewide and nationally, we did well, but the local results put a damper on my happiness.
@Geminid, @rekoob:
I knew a Ben Gooch, a computer security guy from Australia who was a drinking associate at my local public house, decamped these past two years for pastures greener in the Big Smoke (London). He mentioned visiting Goochland County and being treated like a dignitary.
I really hope so. I’ve been waiting my whole adult life for that to happen.
After George W. Bush saddled us with two Vietnam War sequels and the worst economy since the Great Depression in a mere eight years, it should have been impossible for Republicans to win a majority again for at least a decade.
The media has a lot to do with it. They’ve swallowed every Republican makeover in the teabagger vein and did everything they could to spread their narrative.
So do the Republican moles like Lieberman and Sinemanchin who spend the first year of any Democratic presidency bogging down everything they can as loudly and publicly as they can until whatever momentum came from the election has run aground and the narrative of “ugh, Washington is broken and [Democratic president] is just more of the same!” settles in.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Not to mention the lives of anyone who cares about the women in their lives!
Tim Ellis
WFP does it right imo; they are very aware of the reality of the situation and the stakes, so they only operate in places where they can do “fusion” voting – basically anywhere it’s a contest with the GOP, they endorse the Dem, so the Democrat appears on the ballot twice, once on the Dem line and once on the WFP line. WFP ballots count the same for electoral purposes, they’re just a way to show the progressive vote strength in that contest without splitting the vote.
They’ll nominate their own candidates in districts where it’s solid blue and no risk, or in places where it’s “at large” like Philly, since there’s no risk of vote split that way. It’s really a smart operation, they started in NY (where they have a counterpart on the right called the Constitution Party) and have spread to like 8 or 10 other states, always first organizing to make fusion voting possible. They’ll weigh in on the Dem primary too sometimes (they endorsed Warren in 2020).
Good night for the NY Times pitchbot.
Tim Ellis
Agreed. A significant portion of the grievance rage we see from the GOP (and a big driver of their rejection of democracy itself) is the deep-down realization that their ideas are no longer dominant, indeed are fast becoming reviled. They may not openly admit it, even to themselves, but in their heart of hearts they do know it and they hate it.
Someone has no doubt said this above, but just in case… Beshear is coming for Rand Paul.
Matt McIrvin
@Frankensteinbeck: Trump isn’t completely devoid of actual beliefs–he has a few bedrock ones he sticks to. One of those is racism.
(Another is a preoccupation with other countries “laughing at us” or “giving us a raw deal”, in particular that alliances with other democracies are some kind of sucker’s game.)
Matt McIrvin
@Chris: This is kind of what MisterDancer has been saying and what I’ve been saying. I don’t agree with people declaring that they will never vote for Biden over Israel/Palestine when any Republican is obviously worse even on that same issue, but I can understand their reaction to trauma and not get that mad about it in the moment. People are not emotionless utilitarian calculators. It’s a hard attitude to get to under the best of circumstances. And it does seem like some people get more allowance for that than others in the court of public opinion.
Mike in NC
We left Virginia 15 years ago, but I knew that this guy Youngkin was just another bag of shit like his predecessor George Allen, another creep who had eyes on the White House.
@Mike in NC: Foungkin’ Younkgin has been running for President ever since he was elected Governor. This election was a setback for him, but it won’t be the end. Now though, Youngkin will face a Democratic General Assembly and that will be challenge.
@Mustang Bobby:
Congratulations, Bobby! Melissa is a quality human being.
Never mind