Truly a great night for Dems, but some local losses are hitting hard, so condolences to anyone whose school boards were taken over by Moms for AGAINST Liberty, and had other losses.
I am headed for bed, really pulling for the other candidate we supported – Kimberly Pope Adams. That’s Good Kim. It’s so close they have said they can’t possibly call it tonight, so I’m headed for bed.
Congratulations to everyone everywhere who worked for this, donated to this, wrote postcards or letters for this, called all their peeps and made sure they voted.
What was stake?
VA – control of the VA House, control of the VA Senate, hopefully stopping Youngkin’s agenda in its tracks
I’ve seen enough: Democrats win control of the Virginia House of Delegates, flipping the GOP majority and giving them control of both chambers.
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) November 8, 2023
OH – Issue 1 and the right to self-determination for women
OH – Legalize Marijuana
PA – Supreme Court seat
KY – Governor Andy Beshear, the best thing KY has going for it, hopefully keeping his seat
RI – open US House seat (democratic seat previously held by David Cicilline’s seat)
Gabe Amo has won the #RI01 special election!
MS – Governor of Mississippi, Elvis Presley’s cousin just might have a shot against the awful incumbent
Still a slim chance, I think. Very slim, but still possible.
Open thread.
Alison Rose
A good night indeed! Just saw this comment on an MSNBC video about Issue 1:
YY_Sima Qian
Over encouraging! IIRC, Dems being on the electoral back foot started w/ Rs winning state houses, then governorships, from 2010. Ds winning governorships in then “Red” states presaged the massive national losses Rs would suffer in 2006 & 2008. Let’s hope Ds doing the same again presages another incipient turn in US political dynamics.
We are rolling back the tide.
Alison Rose
Ooh, also love this from Rep Shontel Brown in Ohio, talking about Biden’s polling against TIFG:
Almost Retired
I’m thrilled that our candidate Michael won and may have been the win that tipped the balance. I hope to wake up to good news on the Good Kim tomorrow. Love BJ’s contribution to this fabulous result!
The best name for those vile people is Moms for Lebensraum
Re: choice: “Hey, Republicans! Keep fucken that chicken!”
Citizen Alan
@JCJ: They wouldn’t know what that word meant. I just call’em Moms for Hitler. Every single one of them would have loved living in Nazi Germany at least up to 1939 or so.
I think Presley’s best chance is if Reeves doesn’t get to 50.1 once all the votes are counted. Then it’s an automatic runoff. It’s slim, but I’m going to bed with that thought.Nevermind, he conceded.HumboldtBlue
Got-damn, that’s an accurate kick in the mons pubis right there, or as was described by an irate sorority sister some years ago, a “cunt punt.”
@TaMara: Damn, sorry to hear that.
It appears I used a banned word and am in moderation.
I used it innocently.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Citizen Alan:
They probably watched Man in the High Castle and wished they lived in the American Reich, a bizarre version of Mad Men seen through a Nazi lens
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Damn, that sucks
I voted for McCaffery for PA supreme court, though very unhappily. He says “U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts represents his judicial philosophy”. She favors Scalia. It’s irritating that the best we can get is vile republican vs republican lite.
Splitting Image
@Citizen Alan:
“Don’t be stupid, be a smartie! Come and join Moms for Liberty!”
Sanders-Townsend: I think a lot of people owe Joe Biden an apology today
Chetan Murthy
@HumboldtBlue: Symone Sanders! She’s great! [always was]
pacem appellant
School board election is next year for us, but we’re already fundraising and canvasing for our awesome local candidate. My sister already had to fight off MAGAts in her district. We’re trying to head them off before they get a toehold in our community.
Mai Naem mobile
I can’t believe Mississippee voted for the turd Reeves. Seriously these people are stoopid.
Rose Weiss
@Mai Naem mobile: He’s a good ole boy. White MS voters go for that act. Also there’s a lot of voter suppression tactics in MS keeping Black and younger people from voting.
@Mai Naem mobile: I think more are simply disenfranchised. I would not be shocked if there’s a whole lot of potential voters that have been saddled with some bullshit charges and had their votes taken away or been made to jump thru logistical hoops to get registered and having those being marked as provisional etc etc etc… I fully expect that there is a LOT of shit going down in Mississippi that keeps the state in GOP hands.
@Rose Weiss:
And didn’t they run out of voting forms in the major democratic areas?
@Alison Rose: Somebody out there stealing my schtick* I see! Well I won’t stand for it! Fisticuffs I say! Marquis of Queensbury rules!
*Actually I think Obama said that first.
Mai Naem mobile
Mai Naem mobile
@Rose Weiss:
I know there’s voter suppression but Reeves is such a crook and incompetent on top that you would think Presley may have been able to pull it off.
@Mai Naem mobile
Reticence about voting for someone named Brandon?
steve g
“Joe Biden’s party has had a very strong year at the ballot box. Whether it extends to the president in 2024 is another matter.”
Cheerful, upbeat, what’s not to like about that? I’m sure all the other news outfits will be expressing similar sentiments.
Aussie Sheila
Just tuned in to US election results. Very good all round. What strikes me, from half way across the world, is the importance of fielding candidate and waging fierce grass roots campaigns in every district/electorate, no matter how hard it may be to win.
Where I come from, the Australian Labor Party fields candidates in every electorate. As they should. In many electorates the candidate will likely not win. But you have to show what you are about and your values everywhere.
Thats how you win in state wide elections and elections like Senate elections, where 1 or 2 % of the vote makes a difference.
Well done Dems. especially in Ohio. Just well done.!
Tony Jay
Congratulations, Democrats of America. Turns out the News Media’s promised clouds and shadows have turned into blue skies after all.
Aussie Sheila
@steve g: Why would any political campaign listen to Politico. Just run to win. If you win, excellent. But even if you don’t, just running raises the flag. Eff Politico. Why would any serious activist take any notice of that rag?
What’s striking is for decades we had the notorious Red Shift, where polling consistently undercounted Republicans.
Now we have the opposite happening, for at least three electoral cycles. Nobody’s calling it Blue Shift just yet …
I have been totally away from my phone and computer, and away from all media today.
It is good to see the favorable results in many elections today. Especially Ohio.
I like this. The polling on this and some of the negative punditry is really annoying. It’s especially annoying that negative pundits assume that almost any generic pair of Democrats would be better than Biden and Harris.
Tony Jay
@JCJ: Ku Klux Karens
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
Next up, a five part series where the NYT visits small town diners across America to meet with county GOP party reps to discuss if women are actual people.
Aussie Sheila
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: Of course it was unexpected for NYT readers and pundits. Why should any Dem care? Major big city news media is always pro conservative, while lending a libertarian gloss to their schlock by being pro reproductive rights, or being mildly critical of racist Republicans. Same where I live.
Get over it. The big city media outlets and their offshoots are ‘fiscally conservative and socially liberal ‘. Which encompasses the big donors to right wing parties. And no one else.
The left needs to scrap at the grass roots level in the community and at the workplace. And win in the scraps.
Ohio here. I am mostly very happy. Somewhat disappointed in school board. 3 openings. My number 1 won. My 2 and 3 lost. My fourth choice won (but I did the sample ballot thing beside one of her supporters who is pretty obviously a Mom’s for Lebensraum, which freaked me out). The third place winner came out of left field. She wants the job, has run every year since forever, her family is stellar for generations back in the AA community. My only skepticism is her kid went to parochiol school, not public school.
ETA Also too very happy our disabilities support levy passed again. We always assume those levies will pass, and mostly they do, but if they don’t it is catastrophic. So do not ever vote no on those as some sort of social protest.
A good night! We worked really hard for Issue 1 so I was pleased it passed. I’m off to Texas for a trip w/my husband – he has to go to Houston but then we’re going on to Padre Island national seashore for a vaca.
Enjoy your vacation! Hope you have great weather.
Congrats, Kay!
To answer Kent’s question from last night about Ohio voters:
1. Anti choice/pro pot are rural folk who grow pot for money but think no one should try not to have babies.
2. Pro choice/anti pot are suburban parents (especially moms) who don’t want their daughters forced to have babies but hate the thought of the kids getting high.
@Kay: “Winter is coming” so you are off to Texas. That is so Michigander.
@Mai Naem mobile: The predominantly black voting districts in MS kept running out of ballots. They kept the polls open an hour later because of that. Absentee ballots have to be notarized. People have to jump through all sorts of hoops to vote. That’s how the feudal lords stay in control.
since the legislation is supposed to regulate underage usage, this is an especially rude take on those who voted against the pot bill. BTW OH suburban white kids are already getting high – their getting their pot from grandma. There were a lot of good reasons to vote against that issue the way it was written. And no matter what is in it, the Republican AG is still going to follow Fed regulations when it comes to prosecuting on trafficking – and you can bet they will look the other way except for those ‘urban’ pot farms. And I’ll bet the local sheriffs on the take aren’t going to be happy when the local militias and Nazi’s don’t have to pay their protection money anymore. This is an economic disaster waiting to happen in rural Ohio. It’s going to make the Oxy bankruptcies look like small potatoes.
enjoy your vacation, Kay :)