Here’s a Capitol CCTV mashup worth watching.
— Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) November 18, 2023
#SpeakerForTheMoment Johnson needed something to distract the MAGAts over the upcoming holiday weekend, while they have too much time to brood over how Black Friday pre-dawn sales squatting just isn’t fun any more, and also the goddamned liberals are still corrupting the education of everyone at the big family dinner under the age of 35.
So he arranged for the dump of a claimed first tranche of carefully selected video from the Jan6 Capitol invasion, to keep the true believers busy hunched over their phones, obsessively scrolling and screen-shotting BREAKING NEWS that will DESTROY the LIE that a bunch of cultists hopped up on cortisol and the words of their Dear Leader vandalized the seat of our national government. Hi, Mom!
BREAKING: Speaker Mike says that telling terrorists how to hunt down his colleagues better than the last time will build trust.
Why is Speakerjohnson helping terrorists hunt down members of Congress?
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) November 18, 2023
The extreme right is trying to reframe the events of January 6, 2021. A day when the nation we served to defend was attacked from within. All who took part in the egregious acts of that day MUST be held accountable.
— VoteVets (@votevets) November 18, 2023
The reason they hadn't released the complete Jan 6 footage is that it contains a wealth of security details that could help future insurrectionists plan a more successful attack.
Coincidentally, that's also why Mike Johnson *did* release it.
— AuTomnal Hilton (@TVHilton) November 18, 2023
The House will blur out Jan. 6 video to prevent retaliation against those who stormed the House.
— Brad Heath (@bradheath) November 17, 2023
It's already failed since people were wearing clothes and hats and filmed themselves elsewhere. Wear matching uniforms next time guys. Something brown or maybe white.
— zeddy (@Zeddary) November 18, 2023
Mike Lee (… roy Jenkins!), at it again:
Senator Mike Lee and other Republican elected officials are posting this still image of a man who has since been convicted in a court of law for his crimes that day, claiming he’s holding a badge in his hand and that it’s evidence J6 was an inside job.
Zoom in. It’s a vape.
— Heath Mayo (@HeathMayo) November 19, 2023
Fucking Senator CSI ova here
— B-21 Mothra (@TonyMoonbeam) November 19, 2023
Remember how nervous Mike Lee was about investigators accessing phone metadata from Jan 6?
— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) November 20, 2023
No way it all gets released as they say because before the weekend is out the sedition hunters are gonna easily put names and fresh crimes to blurred faces.
— zeddy (@Zeddary) November 17, 2023
Reminder: when people say the J6ers were “peaceful”, what they mean is they were *white*.
— AuTomnal Hilton (@TVHilton) November 19, 2023
These guys are already in jail, but I’m sure they’re looking forward to their comrades in arms joining them…
“Jan. 6 will be a day in infamy.” — Joe Biggs in a selfie video presented as evidence in the Proud Boys seditious conspiracy trial this week.
— Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) January 21, 2023
West of the Cascades
List of all the Capitol breach prosecutions – I think there’s been one acquittal so far among about 1100 who have faced prosecution:
ETA: As of July 6, 2023 …
Arrests made: More than 1,069 defendants have been charged in nearly all 50 states and the District of Columbia. (This includes those charged in both District and Superior Court).
Criminal charges:
Approximately 350 defendants have been charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers or employees, including approximately 110 individuals who have been charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer.
Approximately 140 police officers were assaulted Jan. 6 at the Capitol, including about 80 from the U.S. Capitol Police and about 60 from the Metropolitan Police Department.
Approximately 11 individuals have been arrested on a series of charges that relate to assaulting a member of the media, or destroying their equipment, on Jan. 6.
Approximately 935 defendants have been charged with entering or remaining in a restricted federal building or grounds. Of those, 103 defendants have been charged with entering a restricted area with a dangerous or deadly weapon.
Approximately 61 defendants have been charged with destruction of government property, and approximately 49 defendants have been charged with theft of government property.
More than 310 defendants have been charged with corruptly obstructing, influencing, or impeding an official proceeding, or attempting to do so.
Approximately 55 defendants have been charged with conspiracy, either: (a) conspiracy to obstruct a congressional proceeding, (b) conspiracy to obstruct law enforcement during a civil disorder, (c) conspiracy to injure an officer, or (d) some combination of the three.
Approximately 594 individuals have pleaded guilty to a variety of federal charges, many of whom faced or will face incarceration at sentencing.
Approximately 160 have pleaded guilty to felonies. Another 434 have pleaded guilty to misdemeanors.
A total of 68 of those who have pleaded guilty to felonies have pleaded to federal charges of assaulting law enforcement officers. Approximately 36 additional defendants have pleaded guilty to feloniously obstructing, impeding, or interfering with a law enforcement officer during a civil disorder. Of these 104 defendants, 76 have now been sentenced to prison terms of up to 150 months.
Four of those who have pleaded guilty to felonies have pleaded guilty to the federal charge of seditious conspiracy.
98 individuals have been found guilty at contested trials, including 3 who were found guilty in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Another 24 individuals have been convicted following an agreed-upon set of facts. 51 of these 122 defendants were found guilty of assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers and/or obstructing officers during a civil disorder, which are felony offenses, including one who has been sentenced to more than 14 years in prison.
Approximately 561 federal defendants have had their cases adjudicated and received sentences for their criminal activity on Jan. 6. Approximately 335 have been sentenced to periods of incarceration. Approximately 119 defendants have been sentenced to a period of home detention, including approximately 19 who also were sentenced to a period of incarceration.
Dorothy A. Winsor
It’s hard to believe Johnson thinks showing those tapes will work in the Rs’ favor. They’re terrifying. I do take the point that they provide information for future traitors.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
Release their faces! They need FREEDOM from being blurred out!
I’d like to thank Speaker Johnson for keeping J6 front and center in American voters’ minds heading into next year’s presidential election.
He really couldn’t make a better argument for Joe Biden’s re-election.
Despite my mobility issues, high winds and no fish I’m trying to make the best of this trip Then this dude comes along and babbles for an hour. He learned that I was a vet so he went and got his brother and he talked just as much. My wife got up and walked away but I couldn’t hear what was said. Then this fucking clown tells me he went to work on a house and his wife told him he should leave his Trump hat at home. “Twenty years in the military and he doesn’t like Trump.” I told him I thought Trump was a fucking Nazi and I don’t come down here to talk about this shit! He was truly stunned.
Anne Laurie
Hand to Murphy, I really doubt Johnson cares about the Republican party. From the stories I’ve read since his ascension*, Mike Johnson has made a career of leapfrogging up the ladder on the corpses of his former employers and ‘friends’. He is loyal to Mike Johnson, probably his wife, maybe his current donors — as long as nobody makes a better offer.
Thing to keep in mind at all times — and I’m sure Hakeem Jeffries, for instance, knows this — is that Johnson may be a smarmy Christianist grifter, but he’s not dumb and he ain’t ‘well-meaning’. The bland affect is an act, like a preying mantis disguised as a dead leaf.
*(Yes, I have multiple posts in draft, but there’s so much news… )
@Raven: Lol good for you! I have an open demeanor and the look that encourages the Nazi-adjacent to sit down next to me at a bar and start in on the Catechism of Grievances. If I’m in a good mood, I sometimes try to go all Socratic on them and just ask questions that get at the falsity or the illogic or — occasionally, delicately — the bigotry, and if not sometimes I’ll maintain my nice open demeanor and at some point start through a litany of relevant facts and conclusions regarding treason and subversion and lies and bigotry and whatnot, carefully avoiding the word “you” but making it perfectly clear that they are included. Either way it kinda shuts them up, which of course is the point.
@Raven: Well done you! I hope conditions improve and you hook a couple of big ones before you head back home.
Massive respect AL! Thanks for all your work.
I am a simple lay person and am wondering if now that a Colorado judge has found that Trump has committed insurrection if 18 U.S. Code § 2383 (Insurrection & Rebellion) might be handy? There are so many felony indictments that I lose track but is this already happening.
Now, back to discussing the peaceful tourists that apparently were all FBI agents riding the ghost buses.
And as to Speaker Johnson — 🙄 — it of course does not matter that what he’s doing does not have any probative value, will not change a single mind, and will not help either side in any way. He’s just doing something — anything, “gawd anything!!! “– to try to satiate the meatheads for another day or two while he keeps spinning his little webs.
Kinda tough trying to “lead” a party that’s little more than a bunch of anger junkies jonesing for their next hit of validation. Alas for him …
Gin & Tonic
@Raven: Great!
Hope the fish come back.
The post triggered me!
That last picture in the post just screams Y’all Qaeda gathered around their imam.
What @satby said.
Gin & Tonic
I, on the other had, have a demeanor that apparently says “don’t fucking talk to me.” I’ve had more than one person tell me I have a preternatural skill at killing a conversation.
While you’re deep diving into our new Speaker,
Please don’t forget his ties to the folks who want to have a Constitutional Convention.
Blurring out the faces of insurrectionists…
phuck outta here.
Betty Cracker
@Raven: I’m glad you told those assholes whut-fer!
@bbleh: As a Saltine American living in Trump country, I get these opportunities too. Pre-Shitgibbon era, I used to try to change the subject. But now it’s an obligation and a pleasure to disabuse unwanted interlocutors of unfounded assumptions about where my sympathies lie. How dare they assume I’m one of them?
@Raven: Good on you for saying that! I hope the rest of your trip improves with no more such encounters.
OT: I’m about 3/4 thru You Don’t Belong Here (believe it was you who talked about this book, so thanks-it is a very compelling read!)
@Betty Cracker: What is a Saltine American? The St Andrews Cross? Or Crackers?
One of these days I’ll hear an explanation (ETA: that makes some sort of sense to me) of why people, both for and against it, think an Article V convention would be a BFD.
Why it isn’t: all it does is bypass Congress. While that’s certainly nontrivial – when is the last time a proposed Constitutional amendment made it through Congress? – an amendment that was passed by either Congress or such a convention would still have to be ratified by the legislatures of 38 states in order to become part of the Constitution.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Omnes Omnibus
@sab: The St Andrew’s cross is a saltire not a saltine.
Can’t wait til they accidentally release video of MTG guiding the mob to AOC’s office.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Betty Cracker: SALTINE LIFE!
Sorry. Couldn’t resist.
They don’t know their people! Trumpists are huge vapers. They all use the big ones too like in that photo so they can blow big clouds of smoke. Lauren Boebert! Duh.
Ok… But what about Trump trash?
And, seriously, is that Insurrection footage supposed to put these traitorous piles of shit in a good light?
@Omnes Omnibus: Thank you. That does explain a lot, including my IQ score.
Splitting Image
If the lying sack of shit believed that, he’d be pro-choice.
Oh goody. Vape Boy is from Chicago. (Click the Sun Times link.) Hope he enjoys his time in prison. POS.
Hot dog.I got off cooking tonight. Intended a taco casserole tonight but life intruded and it didn’t happen. Husband said ” let’s buy a lasagna!” but that source was not open, so tomorrow.
But everyone is behaving badly because not fed.
Husband might be eating hot dogs and beans. That is my suggestion.
thx to everyone who gave me some advice about Bay area housing in the last thread.
I tried to make sure I responded with a thx to each of you. I appreciate it!
@Gin & Tonic: see, I TOLD you you might be getting little more than you thought with those stainless-steel dental implants!
@Betty Cracker: I will confess to a little guilty pleasure when it finally hits. Dude whut, I thought you were a cop or something … like one of OUR cops …
25-20 American.
Saltire is the heraldic term, I believe, for St. Andrew’s cross
Edit: * shakes fist at Omnes
Speaker Johnson and Mike Lee are just trying to rewrite history. They know most of us won’t believe them (fall for it). We aren’t their audience. Fox & other right wing news sites are. They just want to get them all repeating it so it becomes true because ‘some people are saying’.
@lamh36: Let us know sort of near where you turn up.
@Anne Laurie: You put in a lot of work every day to keep this place going. Thanks for all that you do. It’s much appreciated.
@kindness: just like they repeated over and over that there was no Russian interference even though the campaign manager went to jail for it. They all steadfastly believe that the Russia stuff was a hoax.
Ben Cisco
@Raven: Well done!
Betty Cracker
@Kay: OMG, so true! 😂 There must be Democrats who vape, but every single one I know is on the Trump train!
Another round of free COVID test kits via USPS starts today.
Citizen Alan
@lowtechcyclist: My objection to a Constitutional Convention is this: While it probably won’t achieve anything of any importance whatsoever, it is far more likely to have very bad results than any good results. To give but one example:
Option 1: A modification to the 1st Amendment that clarifies that corporations are not people and that political donations are not protected speech.
Option 2: The abolition of birthright citizenship.
Which of those two do you really think can get closer to 38 state legislatures approving in the current political climate.
Li-Li D
@NotMax: Thank you for letting us know about the additional tests.
Bill Arnold
Thanks, ordered.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Johnson knows what will happen, I think. It’s mostly there so that Fox and the various Rs can say this proves Feds and Dems were framing patriotic republicans, and they know that the rightwing media and voters will consume it as an absolute truth… and that some low-info voters will be conned into believing it.
Cracker. Or what Roy Blount Jr. used to call a “Crackro-American.” But I like Betty Cracker’s Saltine American better.
@Citizen Alan:
Wait, are we talking about horseshoes, hand grenades, or a Constitutional amendment?
Bill Arnold
This is also Dogma on the horseshoe left.
It is, as you note, false. Trump and the Trump campaign (and at least one allied ratfucker) were involved in 2016 with Russians, even with Russian intelligence/influence operators and associates.
Bill Arnold
@Citizen Alan:
zhena gogolia
@Raven: Hahaha! I wish we had video of that.
Here’s a good explainer, which you probably don’t need but I did, about the Constitutional Convention movement, from Business Insider in July, 2022. It doesn’t outright say that this is an idea dreamed up by evil people and sold to nutcases, but they quote enough stupid people to make it obvious.
Chief Oshkosh
@NotMax: Thanks! I just ordered more tests.
@RSA: This is just the new car to chase. Even if given the opportunity, they won’t get around to actually drafting a constitution because a constitutional convention is still a democratic process. They know it would never be ratified if it had all their wet dreams included or, even if they could finagle that, California and bunch of other states would just say “sorry, we’re outta here.” It’s vaporware, just like the 2020 GOP platform. They’ll just want to cause turmoil, install Trump or some other strongman and declare Marshall Law. That’s the only way they can get what they want.
@NotMax: Thank you! Ordered.
I got bored watching the video. It just looks like a normal tourist day at the Capitol building. Just a bunch of quiet, polite tourists wandering casually through the building (and outside) taking in the sights. The times I’ve visited the Capitol, the scene has been no different. Yeah, and there was always some guy running around with bison horns and a painted face. He looked absolutely normal.
(How stupid do the wingnuts think people are? Obviously, very, very stupid. I frequently comment on the lameness of our electorate, but if someone is stupid enough to believe that they are looking at a typical tourist day, they must be too stupid to live independently. On second thought, there are lots of Americans who are either that stupid or who will never watch the videos of that day and thus they can be led to believe there was nothing out of the ordinary. And that is just another form of stupidity.)
@West of the Cascades:
Yeah, like they keep telling people — just another normal tourist day at the Capitol building.
Link to Digby’s blog regarding a discussion how former Trump enablers don’t understand why people don’t reject TFG, while also noting the risk-hesitancy of speaking out.:
That really is Nazi-style shit. That really is, “I didn’t speak up for the Jews, because I am not Jewish,” and, yes, I am being mildly hyperbolic to make it the third statement, but, given the risks we’ve already seen, I insist it is only mild hyperbole:
The fact of the matter is, what we need for people to stop supporting Trump is for people to confess, “look, we were always lying about him, the liberals were right, you don’t make a man who ‘negotiates’ by making construction workers sue him for final payment – you don’t make a man who’s so fundamentally at odds with the rule of law, abusing the courts in that manner, you don’t make such a dishonest man, your chief executive. Everyone knew that, and then, dear GOD, his election campaign TOOK A MEETING WITH RUSSIA, one that screamed ‘call the FBI, moron!!’ in a tone only patriots can hear. We’re sorry, we lied, we shouldn’t have, and all that stuff we said was partisan BS? Yeah, lying about that too – the Dems have Trump cold, on toast, with an effervescent beverage served on the side.”
Ordered mine today 😊
Yeah, seeing the violence again is very disturbing. It’s hard for me to watch.
Good that you confronted the guy. He needs to hear that not all veterans are Trump fans.
People who won’t shut up or leave are the worst. Sounds like you got your point across!
ETA: Sorry to hear about the winds and no fish. Sometimes you just have to enjoy the location and scenery.
I gotta assume this is part of a bigger plan to succeed on January 6, 2025, where they failed in January 6, 2021.
There’s not nearly enough prosecutions or arrests made to deter people from trying this again. There were 10k people in the Capitol and 1k arrests.
The vast majority of insurrectionists got away with their crimes. Both Trump and Mike Johnson know this.
Johnson also knows Biden’s DOJ and Federal DOJ don’t have the nerve to indict members of Congress for whatever they might have done in conjunction with the J6 insurrection.
With or without Trump, it’s only a matter of time before they try another insurrection.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Speaker Johnson, like all Republicans is an idiot. His audience is made up of idiots for whom reality is what they want it to be.
If I lived in the same kind of fantasy world they live in, the U.S. would have an amazing single payer, universal health care system, there would be no racism, sexism, or bias and hatred against the LGBTQ+ community. We’d have begun the fast-paced transition to renewal energy sources many years ago and the research budget for removing carbon from the atmosphere would be huge. Further, there would be no Republican Party at all. The second major, but definitely minority party would be sincerely conservative and be willing to compromise on issues without maintaining mule-like stubbornness about policies that clearly don’t work and hurt more people than they help. Their main role would be holding Democrats feet to the fire if that party got too hypocritical or abused its power. Relations between the two parties would be cordial, because both would be committed to honesty and good government. Tax cuts for the rich would be never be considered. And that is just the start.
Here in reality, things look a little different.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@TriassicSands: I’d vote for you!
@Hoodie: Good one-paragraph summary.
@Betty Cracker: I am a chain vaper, and very Democratic.
@Baud: Seconded
@Citizen Alan:
The one where Part A requires the government to buy every man, woman, and child an AR-15 and 10,000 rounds of ammunition.
Part B: Everyone is required to carry a firearm with them at all times, including in the home and even in the shower.
With stupidity the sky is the limit.
Seriously, the one amendment the Right would go after first is the 1st Amendment. The update would make this a CHRISTIAN NATION and allow any CHRISTIAN TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ANYONE FOR ANYTHING BASED ON THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. The separation of Church and State would officially be history, rather than having a slow death at the hands of the SCOTUS SIX.
If the Right wing, as it exists in the U.S. today is ever allowed to get its hands on the Constitution, it would be unrecognizable when they were finished, as would be the country if the changes were ratified by enough states. As things stand today, I don’t think they could get nearly enough states onboard to enact the changes. Such a convention would be a waste of time. The changes the Left wants to make wouldn’t survive, nor would the changes the Right was after.
This is just one more fever dream of the wingnuts who want to erase all of the progress that has been made since the late 18th century and “fix the oversights” made by the Framers.
Another Scott
Meanwhile, for the gearheads…
(Emphasis added.)
The story includes a short video illustrating the squeaky front suspension, what causes it, and an aftermarket A-arm to solve the problem.
Friends don’t let friends drive a 3!!
Thanks. Just placed an order.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Sadly, I’d have to bring about the extinction of the entire human race first in order to ensure my election. I couldn’t risk any chance of defeat. I learned that from a famous American president in the early years of the 21st century. By all accounts he was our greatest president ever. I think the word is “perfect” like all of his phone calls.
Shame on you, CaseyL, you are hereby excommunicated from the Democratic Party. We, the “woke elite” cannot tolerate impurity in our midst. But if you promise to pretend you are sorry about being a chain-vaper, we will forgive you (cuz we need every damn vote).
My experience is roughly the same as Betty’s, but just because the people I know who vape are Trumpists, doesn’t mean that is a rule. Besides, we’re a big tent party, unlike the “pup tent party” of the Right.
My closest blood relative and one of my very best friends both smoke cigarettes and while I don’t like the habit (understatement), I won’t shun them. And they are both absolute Democratic voters.
We’ll just consider you a member of the Vaping Wing of the Democratic Party. Vape and Vote!!! Vaping Voters for Victory.
Thanks for the info.
Tony G
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I think that this is the real purpose of this nonsense. Like the coach reviewing a videotape of the big game, so that the team can do better next time.
On Friday, November 17th, the mean global temperature breached 2 degrees Celsius above the 1850-1900 fifty-year baseline for the first time in recorded history.
@NotMax: Thanks!
Yeah, I think there are two paths for such a convention.
One is to play it straight, to operate within the confines of Article V, which means they have to send their proposed amendments to the states, where they might get a lot of states signing on, but nowhere near 38.
The other is to claim they’ve rewritten the Constitution from scratch – that they’ve come up with a whole new Constitution, which is operative either immediately, or as soon as a certain number of states sign on. Or that the new nation consists of those states that ratify the new Constitution. I think something like this is what Santorum probably had in mind.
Nice try, but the pre-existing U.S. of A. is still quite here, with its existing Constitution intact, and can say, ‘cute game, but it doesn’t work that way in grownup-land.’
Or it could just call their bluff, point towards the door, and say, ‘any state that ratifies this Constitution is leaving the Union. Nice knowing you.’ And the next month when the Social Security checks don’t arrive and Medicare and Medicaid vanish, and Federal money for highway projects and a bunch of other things goes away, the legislatures of those states get lynched.
States that left realize their mistake and ask to be allowed back in, get re-admitted as territories with no votes in Congress, the states that stayed pass a bunch of Constitutional amendments before any of the states that left regain statehood, and when they do, the Dakotas are re-admitted as a single state, ditto Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana, ditto Alabama and Mississippi, ditto Louisiana and Arkansas. But while they’re gone, D.C. and Puerto Rico get admitted as states.
@SomeRandomGuy: Thanks for that link!
I wish those who don’t like TIFG would not vote for him simply because there’s an R behind his name and not vote for anyone for president if they can’t vote for a D.
@TriassicSands: You’re welcome, but NotMax gets the credit.😊
Mike in Pasadena
@NotMax: Thanks for the link. I tried to order, but the green arrow at the step “place order now” just circles endlessly. I’ll try again tomorrow.
Mike in Pasadena
@lowtechcyclist: I like the fantasy in the last two paragraphs. Yes to all of that.
@lowtechcyclist: Great ideas. Wish we had a way to help you implement them.
Geminidsecession and
@lowtechcyclist: Yes, what could go wrong?
Actually, I think a lot could go wrong, in the broader political process before, during, and after the Convention, and in the Convention itself. With all due respect, you seem to be looking at this like a game of chess. It will more likely be like a combination of rugby and hockey with a cricket match at halftime, that plays out over half a decade in a polarized nation.
And for what? The possibility of a reorganization of the Senate following secession of 1/3 of the states.
Well, Fatfinger strikes again. Maybe the comment I posted a few minutes ago will escape moderation anyway.
Actually, I kind of like my new Nym.
Paul in KY
@SomeRandomGuy: A lot of these shitheels are just constitutionally incapable of saying “We were fucking wrong and the other side was right.”
Craven scum they are.
Paul in KY
@Jackie: Thank you for that link!
Paul in KY
@Raven: Wish I’d been there for that! Good on ya!
Paul in KY
@TriassicSands: That’s the alternate universe where VP Gore was elected in 2000. Pretty nice place, I hear…