As Twitter is an ever increasing dumpster fire, people have migrated to multiple life boats. I’m over at Blue Sky as along with a good cluster of Jackals.
I have four invites if anyone needs them
E-mail me at firstname-lastname AT this website’s address and I’ll send them to you.
What’s your nym at BlueSky? And thank you for migrating, we really all need to leave Xitter.
Just sent a request. If you don’t get it, please let me know. I am not sure that the email I use is the one connected with my nym.
I just emailed you five more codes to share
Alison Rose
I wonder if we could do a FP post with everyone’s handles? Meaning FPers and commenters. We’ve had multiple threads where people have mentioned their handles but it would be great to have them all in one place. So like, we could either comment here or email you or WG or someone with our handle and then they could be compiled in a post? Don’t wanna create a lot of work for someone but if that’s feasible, it would be helpful.
Anyway, I’m alisonrose over there and I also have invites.
@Alison Rose: A google doc or something might work? I’ve been thinking the same thing.
Alison Rose
@narya: Ooh, yeah, Google Doc would be a great idea.
I have a handful of invites just sitting there, so I can forward to you if you run out. (Also, changed my “website” on this post to my bluesky profile if anyone wants to follow).
When is Blue Sky going to be visible to outsiders? On Mastadon I read that Threads is testing whatever they have to do to make their accounts followable from Mastodon servers and vice versa. I don’t know the technical language to describe this. When is Blue Sky going to the same?
David Anderson
@Barbara: just sent you one!
Welcome to the life raft
Alison Rose
Okay, I made a quick Google Sheet, but I’m not positive if I did the settings right so that anyone can view and add to it. If someone wants to try it out and let me know?
@Alison Rose: I was able to access the spreadsheet and entered my info, was unsure about saving it tho…
I’m at Blue Sky, too, under my pen name:
I may also have some invites, unless I sent them to AL to give away, I’ll have to double-check. But hit me up if you need one and I’ll track one down.
Daoud bin Daoud
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
Confirming: the email address format is firstnamedashlastname? Not firstnamelastname?
dr. luba
Anne Laurie also has Bluesky codes…mine. 5 apparently still available.
Alison Rose
@piratedan: It’s there! It automatically saves when changes are made. Cool, maybe I’ll drop a link to it in other open threads.
Miss Bianca
@Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq): Ha ha, you kept that as your nym, I love it! A glass of wine with you, sir!
As to Bluesky, is that where everyone is migrating now? I do have a Twitter account, which I hardly ever access, and I do follow some BJ peeps there – in fact, that’s why I got it, in addition to the laughable notion that a local journalist would ever need it – but I’ve been waiting for it to go public, as it were.
Maybe I need to rethink that idea…
I sent you 2 more codes to hand out. I sent them to Betty a few days ago. This seems like a good thread for them.
Jay Graber, CEO of Bluesky, is my niece. Her middle name is the Chinese word translated to English as Bluesky.
@Alison Rose: worked for me.
Just emailed three codes for David to add to his larder.
eta: Uhoh, didn’t see that I maybe needed a dash between David’s first and last names.
@Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq):
@WaterGirl: Thx.
Correcting and resending.
@David Anderson: Thanks so much. I successfully joined. I can see why it’s popular — it works just like Twitter.
Tenar Arha
1) Hi, I’m datenar on bsky dot social or DaTenar on mastodon dot coffee
2) @Timill did you ever get that invite code I sent you? Your email bounced & it’s currently showing as unused. (I can get Water Girl to send it to you, like I did the others)
3) @David Anderson: do you want some more invite codes? Bc I got 2 or 3 extra right now
Added mine as well!
I’ve been adding BJers to a list I have on Bluesky. I can share that via Bluesky. I do need to update it from this post first. I included Cheryl Rolfer & Imani Gandy as BJ Emeritus.
Tenar Arha
@BeautifulPlumage: Oh that’s very cool. I haven’t set those up yet.. LMK list name &/or your nym?
ETA typo
I have 3 invites as well. If you want one email me john.m.harrold _at_ gmail dot com
Mike E
@jmh: I sent you a request
David Fud
I would like one and will work through comments one at a time so I don´t get a double invite.
David Anderson
@Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq): dash
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’m dorothywinsor on BlueSky
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
Is former front pager DougJ posting or cross posting his “NY Times Pitchbot” at Bluesky or anywhere but Xitter? That account is pretty much the only reason I was on Xitter but I deleted the app from my phone although I find the posts hilarious it wasn’t enough to keep me going there.
This is my profile. For some reason I’m not seeing any of you to follow. :(
I have five Bluesky invites, every time someone asks to have one I try sending it but it never gets used, so I’m thinking people are getting them before I can reply back. :(
@PaulWartenberg: Just followed you, I am
I have a couple of invite codes, email tom at tombrandt dot net if you’d like one.
@Tenar Arha: I’ll see how to set it so I can share after I update it…still new to all this. I have your Bluesky handle from above.
@Tenar Arha: I did not – GoDaddy decided to drop some of my mail on the floor, and then FLDOE decided we should change our systems on the 21st (College is closed from EOB on the 20th).
It’s all fun here…
And we got given a free kitten. One $2800 vet ER bill later..
[edit: that was with the U of Tennessee – commercial would have been double.]
I have a Feed* called Balloon Juice Jackals. Click on Feeds — or # — and search for it.
*Feeds are the equivalent of Xitter Lists. Mine is hosted at BlueSkyFeeds, and hopefully shows 3 days of posts from all the Jackals I’ve identified. I’ve bookmarked Alison Rose’s spreadsheet, so I’ll try to keep the feed up to date.
I’m dattaxpony on Bluesky. I went with that nym because it’s the one most of my friends outside y’all know me as, and unless something radical happens it’s staying like that.
@What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?: DougJ isn’t on Bluesky at the moment but Nitter is your friend:
I have 5 codes if you email me at jsmarkowitz at gmail
Ben Cisco
My profile –
I usually email codes back to the front pagers.
Matt McIrvin
@dc: yes, and there’s a lot of angst about it, with some people basically thinking of the coming of Threads federation as doomsday for Mastodon.
Doug R
I finally got an email invite from Bluesky-let me know when Homers are allowed to read without signing in.
@Matt McIrvin: Instances that don’t want to have anything to do with Threads can just block it. I personally think it’s a good thing, so people on Mastodon who want to keep up with accounts that are on Threads and hopefully Blue Sky too can do so without having to have accounts everywhere.
Hi! I missed the earlier discussion on here about BlueSky. I added my nym to the spreadsheet and I have some codes (4) available. Are we sending them somewhere to be distributed?
The true alternative is Mastodon. You’re just helping another pro fascist, anti vax, rfk supporting billionaire get richer by moving to bluesky. How is he any better than musk?
@MomDoc: Might people list their available codes on the spreadsheet? When someone uses a code, they should delete it, rather than copy it, so the list would stay up to date.
FlyingToaster (Tablet)
@Ron: Jack Dorsey walked out when the Bluesky team told him he was wrong. He still sits on the board, but they meet once quarterly. So who are you referring to, exactly?
Oh, right, you’re a troll. Never mind.
FlyingToaster (Tablet)
@stinger: NOOOOO.
please do not post codes publicly. That’s how the scam artists get in.
@dc: Bluesky was planning to make everything readable without an account this month, but I think they ran into a snag. Theoretically it should be soon, though.
As far as federating (which is what you’re talking about with Threads and Mastodon), Bluesky uses a different protocol. I think theirs is called AT and the other is ActivityPub? I don’t know a ton about it. AT is still under development. I’m guessing there will be some way to bridge between AT and ActivityPub servers, but I’d guess not for a while.
@FlyingToaster (Tablet): Okay. I didn’t know how public the spreadsheet was.
Just pick someone that everyone wants to follow: Cole or a front pager, and everyone follow them. That’s how I find other jackals. Just scroll down betty crackers list and if all put “jackal” in their profile, you can find and follow them right there.