Update: Let’s simply this. Zoom tonight. Zoom on Christmas Day. Zoom on New Year’s Eve.
All starting at 7 pm, ending at 9 pm. (Unless we are having too much fun.)
Send me an email message if you want the zoom links.
All times Eastern, aka blog time.
Hey everybody,
Usually Cole calls me up and says “I’d like us to have a zoom for Thanksgiving” [insert other occasions here] but he is so busy planning the Road Trip of All Road Trips that he must have forgotten.
As had I!
I am home for the holidays with my sweet Mr. Bear (who does seem as if he is turning a corner) and I had my “Christmas” last night, so I can do this if other folks are interested. Added: New Years Eve suggested by NotMax, that is an option, also.
So chime in below if you would be up for a zoom at some point in the evening today (Christmas Eve) and/or tomorrow (Christmas Day). If there are 10 or more people interested, we can figure out the details and make it happen.
Here’s my tree (and Tucker!) from 2020.
I miss Tucker so much, but it was nice to see him in this picture!
Open thread.
Tucker had a prodigous tail. Observation, not complaint.
Ok, complaint, too.
Excellent tree, however. Your cat is well behaved.
Tucker had a prodigious tail. Observation, not complaint.
Ok, complaint, too.
Excellent tree, however. Your cat is well behaved.
ETA: So that is what happens when edit is not used. Good to know.
Nukular Biskits
I’m interested … but never have participated in one before.
Michael Bersin
Just posted the annual photo retrospective at Show Me Progress:
The Year in Pictures – 2023
My little white tree is up and lit with flamingo lights. I hung a bow and bells on the bookshelf gargoyle, and even Buddha got Christmas tree. I am in til Tuesday and quite content with that.
Ill pass on Zoom, but I know you all will have a good time with it.
Sounds fine. But maybe would draw more in on New Year’s Eve?
Michael Bersin
Ah. Incompetent typing = moderation. My bad.
@Michael Bersin:
Your comment went into moderation because you were missing the S in your nym. I fixed it for this one and freed you from moderation, but you’ll need to fix it on your end and post another comment with the S in your nym, and then you’ll be all good
edit: I see that you had caught that already!
Michael Bersin
Let me try that again.
The Year in Pictures – 2023
Michael Bersin
Thank you. My bad. My apologies.
Happy holidays, everyone!
I’m at my parents for Christmas Eve, and my sister is putting together my grandma’s roast veggie recipe. I know Tamara had the recipe open thread already, but I missed that one, so I’ll toss it in this open thread instead.
@Dangerman: Tucker’s tail was amazing.
When he was little, and for several months, maybe until he was nearly a year or more, his tail hair was reddish gold, tightly woven like herringbone! So gorgeous!
Then one day it unfolded! I missed the herringbone, but it was lovely in a different way, and still that reddish gold.
My sweet boy.
I was taking stock of everything I have colored and drawn this last year. It averages to about one piece a week. Is that a good average? IDK. I am trying to complete my WIPs (works in progress). I won’t get to them all but I am trying to finish the ones that are almost done.
@Mousebumples: Sounds interesting!
Best roasted veggies I have ever had were on Christmas at my niece’s house. Her husband roasted brussel sprouts (split in half) and chunks of butternut squash.
I was skeptical as he was cutting everything up, but it was amazing.
The last WIP I uploaded from Karlzon’s Daydreams.
@schrodingers_cat: One piece a week sounds pretty good to me. If only I could learn one song a week … or a month.
I am open to a Christmas day zoom in the evening. My family is brunching for Christmas
@frosty: Thanks. That’s the average. And I have as many WIPs as completed pieces
About 10 pieces that I drew and colored. I would like to draw more in the new year. I am getting white calligraphy ink, Sumi ink and an India ink that you can use with a fountain pen. Also want to do some brush lettering this new year.
@Nukular Biskits: @PaulWartenberg:
That’s 3 so far!
Scamp Dog
I’m up for a Zoom meeting. I will be having a low-key holiday, with my Mom who’s in a rehab facility after falling and breaking some bones in October.
Tomorrow I’ll make a Christmas meal for us, and the get ready to fly back to Denver on the 26th.
My company is arriving this afternoon so I won’t be available. But maybe give some thought to a NYE or New Years zoom. New Year’s Day tends to be a bit dull for the non parade and football enthusiasts.
zhena gogolia
@Mousebumples: I think you mean “next 4 ingredients” if the walnuts aren’t going too. (You already mentioned the olive oil.)
Looks delicious!
Spending my Christmas Eve redoing my budget for the end of the year/new year. thx to the attempted car theft I have to reorganize my finances to pay for th unexpected cost of repair and rentals etc. So spending the day budgeting and watching YT videos on moving to SF bay area.
Long story short, last Wed night someone apparently tried to steal my car from my apartment parking lot. I discovered it the Thursday morning leaving my apartment for work. Saw glass on the ground, realized it was from my car, got into the car to see if anything was stolen (nothing by the way, not even the brand new pair of COACH loafers I had in a brown shipping box on the back seat, or the $20 worth of coin change I had in the middle console). Nothing stolen, but the entire steering column minus the wheel is totally fuq’ed up from the thiefs attempt to steal it.
The car is old and paid for, and I just this year decided to just pay for liablity since I rarely drive it other than to work, and (knocks on wood) I’ve never been in a fender bender in the car in the 10 years I’ve owned it. No comprehensive coverage means…you guessed it…I have to come out of pocket to get the damn car repaired and pay for a rental to get to/from work and other places while the car is being repaired.
Sigh…of course I am greatful that I have the resources to pay for all this, but I am understandably so damn pissed.
zhena gogolia
New Year’s Eve might work for me.
Oh @Watergirl… I decided that I’m am going to give my notice to the current job that I’m leaving at the end of January instead of 2 week before my actual move liked I planned.
Yeah, I’m gonna take the entire month of February to give myself the extra time I need to move instead of trying to race against a clock.
I was really only going to give a 2 weeks notice, but the lab is losing 4 people on 12/31 and so the schedule is going to be very tight for them in January, but especially in February.
This attempted car theft is the straw that broke this camel’s back I guess. I need the break sooner rather than rushing for later. Besides I figured letting the boss know next week about my end date makes it easier for her to tell the big bosses, to get her some people STAT instead of in April like previously planned. Also too, we lost 4 people and I’m the Lead Tech (so next in line of “leadership” under the Supe) so they ain’t gonna try to fire me before February anyway…they ain’t got no other folks left really.
@Scamp Dog: Just want to be sure I am guessing correctly… you’re in for Christmas Eve, not Christmas day?
@zhena gogolia: No, it’s 5, omitting the oil. You have to take your thyme with it…
@lamh36: So sorry to hear all of that. I bet the repairs will cost more than we might guess!
Good for you! You’ll be less stressed and it’s always good to have some extra time in between so you can mentally and emotionally shift gears.
@zhena gogolia: I think salt and pepper maybe counted as 2 ingredients? 🤷♀️ Just copying from my recipe book, lol.
@Timill: haha, appreciate the thymely joke. 😉
Oh that is awful, my sympathies. I hope it can be repaired quickly. Car thefts and break-ins are way up here in Memphis. I bought a Club a few months ago.
@Michael Bersin: Those are some nice pics. Lucas Kunce seems like a good guy. I’m curious: what are your impressions?
That sounds wonderful! Carrots and cauliflower are two of my favourite vegetables anyway, and I’ve already vowed to eat more fruits and veggies in 2024, so I’ll try this soon!
@lamh36: I’m sorry. I’m going thru some car repairs myself. Cars are an expensive curse.
Ooh, I’m going to try that one, too!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@lamh36: That’s terrible. Anything like that feels so invasive.
Scamp Dog
@WaterGirl: Both, actually. Mom is sleeping constantly now, and I’m kinda bored.
Come to think of it, I will be driving to Mom’s house tomorrow, and then having a friend drive me back to Traverse City for my flight Tuesday. So tonight’s probably the best choice.
@WaterGirl: Got sidetracked by the yummy-sounding veg recipes and completely forgot to say what I originally came here to say!! Yes, I’d be happy to participate in a Jackalzoom, tonight, tomorrow, and/or NYEve/NYDay. (Can you tell I lead a scintillating social life these days?)
I’m good for either as long as it’s not in the afternoon
I’m so sorry. It’s a sickening feeling of violation and vulnerability. All wonderful, though, on the job and moving front. I really love the way you take charge of your own life!
First things first, let’s talk about a zoom tonight.
5-7 blog time?
6-8 blog time?
7-9 blog time?
There is a Medium Cool at 7 pm, which may or may not make a difference to anyone.
@WaterGirl: The later ones work better for me, what’s the Medium Cool tonight?
@kalakal: You asked waht the Medium Cool topic is tonight:
@WaterGirl: ugh…at least $1000…sigh.
Again, i’m glad I have the resources but still it being unexpected has the most harm
@eclare: I think the repair time depends on how long it takes to get the part thx to the holiday and getting the point in.
I was able to reserve my rental at least thru the new year.
Also, my sisters current BF is a mechanic, so I expect I’ll be paying a bit less than I would have if I had to go to a “non-related” shop
Def! The car itself if completely paid for, and I was going to trade it in earlier this past year, but changed my mind about it.
I bet a newer model would be much more expesive maybe?
@Dorothy A. Winsor: That part.
I was telling my sister I’d rather the damn car had at least been stolen, cause it feels worse having to see the damn car each day until the repair man picked it up.
I’ve always been trying to leave for Cali, but the past year and a half or so with all the family I’ve lost unexpectedly, I just really want to seize opportunity when I can because we truly are not promised a long life, so try to live the life you want to if you can…
zhena gogolia
@Mousebumples: Oh, okay. I was adding the walnuts the first time I read it!
Another Scott
@lamh36: I’m sorry you’re going through that.
My mom had her car broken into and successfully stolen once. The car was old and worn out and on its last legs, had something like 250,000 miles on it, but she needed it to get around.
The cops found it a few days later, after the “kids” were done joy-riding in it, and returned it to her. Like yours, the steering column was destroyed. She had a friend that was able to replace the column and get it driveable again, but it was a big hassle and the feeling of violation doesn’t really go away. :-(
I hope you’re able to get through this as quickly and painlessly as possible. Hang in there, and best of luck with the move and new adventures in California!
I wasn’t able to avoid that damn Last Christmas song this year. :(
@mrmoshpotato: Oh man, that’s rough.
It could be worse though. The oldies station I listen to played “Snoopie’s Christmas.” I didn’t change the channel quick enough and got sucked in. Good thing the Red Baron was feeling the Christmas spirit!
I’m busy with cooking and family tonight and tomorrow, but I second NotMax’ interest in a NYE Zoom.
I’m up for a Zoom tomorrow, or NYE or New Year’s Day.
Tonight we are going over to my father in law’s for a makeshift Christmas Eve. He has Alzheimer’s, and we’re bringing takeout food.
Tomorrow we will do our Jewish Christmas by going to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. Otherwise I will be putting together a thousand piece jigsaw puzzle with my daughter and would welcome a reason to bow out for a while!
@lamh36: My sympathies. Back in the day in England there was a thing for nicking car stereos. Smash window, wreck dashboard and leave you with the bill.
I almost preferred the twocers (Taking Without Consent aka joyriders) they would usually leave a burnt out wreck so the insurance was easy.
I’m sorry this has happened to you. it’s very unsettling. an invasion of your personal space
@lamh36: Wow, that’s a boatload of $$. Plus the hassle! Are you having to pay for the rental car, too?
@lamh36: Sorry to hear about all your car troubles – especially dropping the collision/comprehensive.
I did the same on our 23-year old Miata because it wasn’t worth much, and then it got totaled. I was out $450 in towing and storage charges. I got it towed home then my brother came for a visit with his toolbox and we spent a weekend parting it out. I sold enough pieces to cover the $450 with a little to spare. But I learned my lesson, I’ll keep that coverage on every car from now on.
Michael Bersin
Lucas Kunce is a good person. Far superior to Josh Hawley (r), the third senator from Virginia.
Nukular Biskits
I assume that’s Eastern time?
@Nukular Biskits: Will answer for WaterGirl: yes, blog time is Eastern time. (I’m always subtracting 3 hours for here in CA!)
@Michael Bersin:
Hey, no blaming Hawley on Virginia! Virginians had nothing to do with putting his sorry ass in the Senate.
zhena gogolia
Just made pecan pie. I can never keep the crust from falling apart. But it tastes good.
Doc Sardonic
Ya’ll need a trunk monkey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFqr3_frh3Q
Every one have a very Merry Christmas.
@schrodingers_cat: Do you ever attend the Zoom meetings? I so enjoyed seeing your work, and miss it since leaving the bird site. If you join Zoom, might you be willing to show some of it that way?
I can extremely likely do a xmas afternoon/evening zoom. NewYears I have no idea of at this time. The benefit of not having any family left breathing nor of any relatives within reasonable transit times as yesterday I drove RT 100 miles to see a friend of half a century and his wife. Lovely dinner, good friends…
because we truly are not promised a long life, so try to live the life you want to if you can…
THIS. You get one chance. It may be a short or long life, there will be bumps along the way, you may/likely not have get everything you want, but there is also the enjoyment of the good/great parts that life gives you if you met it halfway and understand that every day is just another day in the concept of actual living. Time doesn’t care if you are rich/poor, happy/sad, straight or gay, married/single, hated/loved, healthy or not, time does not actually give a rats ass about you or me. Time is what you make of it, how you use it, how you don’t. Time is that thing that can bite you in the butt or that you can waste if you want. Time is one of the few things we all have but all in different amounts, and time is that thing that we waste and that we cherish, often concurrently.
Did someone say
Bad linky Fix.
Did someone say time?
@LiminalOwl: Thanks, I appreciate your kind words. I wasn’t planning on Zoom tonight, let me think about New Years and figure out how to share my work. We will also need WG’s approval.
She brings the receipts on Dolt45 and his intentions 👏
strange visitor (from another planet)
my holiday has been a mess. i’m home alone while ms visitor is upstate visiting her family. ‘im waiting on a food delivery and am not feeling well but i’d be down for the zoom.