Cole, if you aren’t the person who wrote this book, perhaps you would like a copy? One of our *BJ peeps brought this to my attention, and if you’d like a copy, just say the word!
*Liminal Owl
We hope the trip is going splendidly, but if not, perhaps hookers and blow would help? (Sorry, Joelle!)
Open thread.
dr. bloor
Laugh if you like, it’s Pepin’s Tour de Force.
@dr. bloor: Do say more!
Anonymous at Work
David Anderson needs to weigh in.
Youtube reading of said book
Merry Christmas
Well this is just appalling! I have alerted the founder of Moms For Liberty and … oh … she’s busy …
@Dman: Awesome!
That’s funny!
This You Tube tells the back story and the narrator in the video says the author is a local man from “Fort St. John.”
ETA: British Columbia?
ETA2: It was meant as a parody book only for friends but then ended up going viral.
Hahaha…BTW I think the Odyssey starts tomorrow.
Richard Mayhew talked about hookers and blow a lot more than John to the best of my recollection. Since he dropped the pseudonym it seems to be a bit less prevalent.
@wmd: In the earlier days, Cole talked more about hookers and blow more frequently.
I guess that’s what happens when you get older and quit drinking?
@Dman: Oh, that’s gonna be a good watch.
@mrmoshpotato: It was fun.
Mustard and blow?
Priorities. :)
Shouldn’t book two in the series be called Anthrax and Tire Rims, A Very Special Christmas Feast?
I’ll let myself out . . .
@mrmoshpotato: A new family tradition.
I’ll recommend this to my wife’s book club.
@Scout211: We need someone to mock that up.
Growing up in timber country a “hooker” was the guy that set choker cables around logs so they could be “yarded to the landing” ie pulled to the road. Imaging my surprise when found out the other meaning.
Flew from Philadelphia to San Diego today for my cousin’s daughter’s wedding Wednesday. Hadn’t flown since 2019.
Sweet Jesus, I totally forgot what an unpleasant experience flying is these days.
It was exhausting.
Villago Delenda Est
@Kelly: The origin of “Hooker” for a sex worker is said to be after a General Joseph Hooker during the American Civil War…they followed the soldiers around.
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: Make the next Artists In Our Midst post a contest between all of our artistic jackals to make the cover art.
@Alison Rose: Ooh, great idea!
zhena gogolia
I hate this moment when the hors d’oeuvres are all out and you’re just waiting for the guests. (half an hour before they’re due)
@zhena gogolia:
You want to be ready for any early arrivers, but then they all come late.
zhena gogolia
@Steeplejack: it’s only three guests but you’d never know it the way we’re acting
@zhena gogolia:
Getting back in the groove after the pandemic.
It’s a tad better if you aren’t flying on one of the busiest times of the year, when everyone wants to be where they are going – yesterday.
I used to fly 8-9 months of the year, all around the country. OK I’ll tell the story. I worked in professional sports and often would have to take the back gate (what the participants and their crews paid to get into the facility and participate) back to the office. Once, flying out of SanFran, (before TSA) checked in, got my carry on looked at and went to the gate and boarded the plane. About 10 minutes later the announcement was made that one of the bag checkers thought that they had seen a knife in a bag. So everyone had to take their carry on back outside the bag check and go through scanners and bag check again. This had been on of our most popular events so I had about $35,000 cash in my carry on. Xray goes fine. Hand check the woman looking in my bag YELLS OUT – “FULL OF CASH!” I told her to shut up, the supervisor ran over and told her to shut up, but of course she yelled it out again. Every single person in that wing of the SF airport knew my bag was full of cash. I had to sit for a 5 hr flight with my bag between my legs and I could not catch a nap.
Alison Rose
@Ruckus: Lowkey hope that woman got fired.
zhena gogolia
@Steeplejack: yeah although we were never very far into the groove
@zhena gogolia:
😹 Sometimes it feels like an effort just getting back to “normal,” whatever that is now.
The best 90 seconds of my day.
@OzarkHillbilly: 👍
Merry Christmas, you old fart.
Alison Rose
@OzarkHillbilly: Wowza. Amazing :)
@OzarkHillbilly: That was so beautiful it made me a wee bit weepy.
Hookers and blow are always great fun until you start to have blood pressure problems.
I’m all for legalizing prostitution and sex work in general as it’s not going anywhere and sex workers should have protection and not be afraid of the law.
I’m not 100% on legalizing cocaine as legal weed, mushrooms, and DMT has resulted in the (utterly predictable) entire blocks stinking of weed smoke and pot shops everywhere. While I’m a fan of this and enjoy it (why yes, there is a weed shop next to Georgetown Cupcake, what genius idea, don’t mind if I have some of both!) I’ve heard from friends with kids that like vaping it’s out of control now. Not that banning it will stop kids from getting it either. It’s a fucking plant and a fungus! I don’t think bags of blow selected for strength rating is the way to go as I know where that will end.
That said blow is still all over the place and you can find it most bars, restaurants, clubs, law firms, hedge funds, consulting firms, and non profits without much effort. I hear it’s popular in congress as well! So we are mostly pretending that the nation isn’t up to it’s eyeballs in cocaine and nobody really cares. Because it’s a silly thing to care about.
I’m all out of sync. It feels like it is, or should be, Sunday night.
So, we’re looking at a book, set during the Civil War, about how Christmas was saved by General Hooker (and/or his associate prostitutes) and the Army bag pipes? Sounds entirely reasonable.
EDT And, except for the detail of Hooker being a Union general rather than a Confederate, right in the MAGA-world wheelhouse.
Sister Golden Bear
“You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.”
In other news, woke with a nasty cold this morning. Bah humbug.
YY_Sima Qian
Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates!
@WaterGirl: Blow was so you could drink more.
Merry Christmas, Cole🌞⛄🌲🎅🏾🤶🏾🕊🤗
chrome agnomen
I think George Santos has indicated he wrote this one as a follow-up to Lord of the Rings.