I am tired and cranky and that is all you are gonna get out of me.
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by John Cole| 58 Comments
This post is in: John Cole Presents "Stories from the Road", John Cole Presents "This Fucking Old House"
I am tired and cranky and that is all you are gonna get out of me.
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Alison Rose
Mountain-time Cole, lives!
One time zone to the left we’re staring at the season’s biggest storm, arriving Wednesday and placing a chunk of the state on flood watch status. Because it’s tropical, the double-whammy of rain+snowmelt will be in play. Check your seat cushion bottoms–there’s a flotation device plus some expired pretzels.
i take it dinner didn’t turn out well, and take out hasn’t arrived?
Ivan X
Me three. I’m also tired and cranky.
@Alison Rose: Me too. I blame the 49ers. j/k!
Alison Rose
@Jackie: bang bang niner gang or whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nukular Biskits
Not much to add to that from me.
Another HUGE reason to keep Biden in the WH that we haven’t even discussed much this Election Cycle: the SCOTUS. Someone else is tired😢
Ohio Mom
Today started promisingly — two small problems solved before ten, what a way to begin the week! — and then, a series of disappointments and irritations, and a couple of potential worries appeared.
Oh well, there’s always tomorrow.
Well John, I think you might want to wallow in a satisfied glow that your website and Anne Laurie’s post gave a terrific start to a brand new soon to be spay/neuter rescue in Georgia.
They hiked their goal and have almost made it to their stretch goal, and they’ll be able to cover a lot of spays and neuters, supplies, cat food, and registration fees for their new organization. Which this website has done before many times for many rescues. Remember that when you get tired and cranky. You’ll still probably be cranky, but maybe a little less?
Ohio Mom
@Jackie: If we keep Biden but lose the Senate, it’s over as far as the Court goes.
I’m getting flashbacks to RBG not retiring soon enough.
Anonymous At Work
Re-asking from earlier: Has Trump waived his right to ask for a recusal from Judge Kaplan after waiting until 2 trials were concluded to point out that 30+ years ago, he and Carroll’s lawyer spent 2 years together at the same law firm?
@Anonymous At Work: IIRC, that came up during the trial, they asked the judge to recuse and he denied it. Same law firm 30 years ago isn’t really a viable claim of conflict.
@Jackie: from The 19th News today:
@Ohio Mom: I am, too. I wonder if Justice Sotomayor has discussed this with President Biden. Surely, she wouldn’t give this statement publicly, without his knowledge?
@Scout211: 👏🏻👏🏻
@Jackie: Someone over at LGM has been saying for a while that Sotomayor should retire during Biden’s administration due to her age and diabetes.
I stepped out of a sandwich shop and saw a nearby medium sized group of pro-Palestinian protesters shouting their slogans and carrying a big “Ceasefire Now” sign. They had small signs asking people to honk their car horns, and were getting a fair response. Some in their group were also making a note of calling for the release of all hostages.
Many pedestrians just went about their business. I thought at first that one guy walking nearby was asking me a question. He was just muttering some very hostile comments about the protesters. I declined to engage him.
@Ohio Mom: Well actually, if we keep Biden we might lose the Senate for 2 years but get it back in 2026 with Biden as president. So while losing the Senate is not to be wished for (why I have an autopayment set to Tester every month) it won’t be quite hopeless if we do.
@Suzanne: I wholeheartedly agree! She sounds like she needs a nudge. Maybe openly admitting her weariness and frustration is the first step.
The Buttercream Dream is cranky and tired as well. Tired of the maga bullshit.
Are you willing to gamble 1) if we lose the Senate in ‘24 we’ll regain it in ‘26?
2) that Sotomayor will be able to hold on another two years IF we regain the Senate?
3) That McConnell would “allow” Biden to seat a new justice during an election year?
I don’t!
@Jackie: I fuckin luv her so much for what she said. Never give in! Be it in matters large or small, never, ever, EVER! Her statements were not made in defeat, IMO. They were made by a fighter who, of course, gets tired. But she doesn’t quit.
The only thing that we can do is to stay politically active and support Democratic Party candidates.
But the point is valid that losing the Senate in 2024 does not mean that 2026 would not matter.
@HumboldtBlue: thank you
Sister Golden Bear
So say we all.
On the plus side, getting the procedure tomorrow that should take care of the severe pinched nerve pain I’m been having.
@TBone: Neither did RBG. Sotomayor’s health is a HUGE factor, combined with her age. Diabetes is not to be underestimated.
Sotomayor IS a fighter, as was Ginsburg, but in the end, cancer didn’t care.
I’m that way all the time these days.
Is this what getting older means?
“Walking away” is something liberal Supreme Court justices need to get much better at if we want to prevent another RBG debacle.
It’s already clear that we’re never getting another justice confirmed unless both the Senate and the White House are in Democratic hands. Now picture how long we can conceivably go without that alignment – like a decade easy. Now think of how fast health can change after a certain age…
@satby: Thank you for that, satby! I’m flat broke and didn’t click, but I am so glad. So I can’t speak for JC and I can’t even take any credit, but the news lifted me up.
I saw that y’all were going to get rivers of rain. I hope you have your ark built.
@Jackie: I wish we’d see this kind of agitation around getting rid of the much older men on the court, instead of always going after the women allies we have on the court.
If I let health concerns and others’ opinions of same dictate my decisions, I’d literally be living in a cardboard box in a gutter. Fear-based decision making drives me nuts. Sometimes ya just gotta do like Liz and get on with it.
“You just do it. You force yourself to get up. You force yourself to put one foot before the other, and God damn it, you refuse to let it get to you. You fight. You cry. You curse. Then you go about the business of living. That’s how I’ve done it. There’s no other way.”
@satby: Thomas will never retire. He can’t afford to live in his accustomed lifestyle without his “benefits.” Alito, ditto.
@satby: bingo
@Sister Golden Bear:
I hope it works! Fingers and paws crossed for you.
All three of the liberals on the court are women. Breyer was the one who got by far the most pressure for this after 2020 when he was still on the court, and correctly so (given his age).
It’s not even that. They like the power, the status, the attention. The feeling of being In The Room Where It Happens. They can’t give that up.
What was her saying, ” now is the time for guts”?
@satby: Like who? Breyer’s gone, and Sotomayor is now the eldest of the liberals (all women) on the Court.
Thomas and Alito are the only Justices older than Sotomayor, and I don’t think either will retire to please Biden…
@eclare: I’m not sure about that one, but this is a good one too:
” I call upon you to draw from the depths of your being – to prove that we are a human race, to prove that our love outweighs our need to hate, that our compassion is more compelling than our need to blame.”
And yes, that bitch had guts! I can say that because I am one too. A therapist once told me to be sure to keep my inner bitch alive. Only time I got what I paid for in a session.
It’s not up to me to decide, but this could be the answer to one of the biggest questions about the universe.
That was on an episode of Sex and the City. It stuck with me.
That’s what I meant by “benefits.” Plus all the gifted traveling, etc. Once retired, it’s ALL GONE. I don’t even think TIFG could negotiate with them.
@Jackie: I can only control certain things, and one of them is whom I support. So I think we need to keep supporting Biden whatever might happen in the senate. I’m counseling that we not see the potential loss of the Senate as meaning it is all over. Keeping Biden in office whatever happens in the Senate is still worth doing.
@eclare: now IS that time! ❤️ I must missed that episode. I thought I’d seen every one, dang.
The fact we don’t appoint anyone under the age of 40, and force them to retire at 40, is fucking malfeasance. Anything over 40 risks dying.
@Timill: My point is that it’s always on the women to move aside from their lifetime appointments. It was a lopsided court before RBG died, and it still is.
We need to reform the court legislatively because that’s the problem, not scapegoat the women because we’re worried.
@Leto: too subtle.
@mvr: all we can do is put in the work and show up when asked….
My own feelings are that the GOP/Media message machine are showing signs of fatigue… so I don’t see that its a forgone conclusion that we’ll “lose” the Senate, no guarantees mind you. When we look at what is stirring elsewhere across the nation with the doubling down on the attempted re-chatteling of women and the non-personing of people who are trans or of a non-cis orientation. I think that the nation that has been accepting of this to the point where we see non-cis characters in Hallmark movies appears to indicate that we’ve passed a tipping point…
Other things that give me hope, the GOP is mismanaging their money covering Trump ass and all of his MAGA allies apparently are spending their money defending themselves from lawsuits and are unable to make a connection with the Country Club types that have been forever their golden goose because they are bad for business.
so the warchests are not as full, Trump will be in the headlines over the next few months in court for all of his alleged law-breaking and the GOP House hangs by a thread and won’t get shit done and apparently do not have the nads to challenge 45, which is patently obvious no matter how its spun.
the Texas border bullshit may very well drive yet more people away as husbands and wives, moms and dads are sitting in Texas in support of what? allowing moms and kids to drown in a river?
when coupled with a healthier economy, more green initiatives, more infrastructure, more jobs, less debt… those things matter. Dictator vs Democracy? Yeah, that will be an issue too?
granted, its quite some time before November, but there’s plenty of ammunition, passion and determination on our side and after watching the trends of the last elections, I think we’re getting thru and breaking their grip.
just my humble opinion, cautiously optimistic.
@satby: Sorry, thought I was threading the needle there. I promise to do better next time.
@piratedan: Yes, I agree with all of that. I was meaning to counsel hope not despair. And part of it was saying that there would be hope even if we lost the Senate for two years – not that we are sure to do that. We’re not sure to do that. And I think if we do lose it we will probably get it back within two years so long as we keep the White House.
It all comes down to which states have senators up for election when. This time around, West Virginia (Manchin’s seat) is almost certainly gone. Montana (Tester’s seat) is dicey (although holding it is certainly possible). But, lose both, plus any of several other chancy ones (for example Georgia), and the D majority is gone.
The thing is, in 2026 the only realistic pick up opportunity is North Carolina. So, absent a blue wave (unlikely in an off year for the incumbant President’s party), a recovery of the Senate seems doubtful.
Could we get a blue wave, either this year or in 2026, and pick up a bunch of what currently appear to be safe Republican Senate seats? Sure. Especially if there happers to be a state abortion issue on the ballot in some of them. And certainly the Republicans look to be giving party self-destruction their best shot in several states. But even in the best case, it’s going to be a hard slog.
@wjca: granted, but Abortion is no longer a “state” issue it’s a national one as repeated examples at the state level have shown that the GOP is turning women’s health care into the new fugitive slave act. So Dobbs is a national issue and the trend that we’ve been witnessing is that it’s almost all blue (even in red state referendums). I think that people agree that choice should be a right and the GOP insistence that it isn’t is going to change the political landscape in this country.
Red states have been restricting reproductive rights for some time. The current Supreme Court has prevented the federal government from interfering with states. This situation will continue with the current make-up of the court. The lawyers among us may have good explanations of options that may be available on the federal level.
If the GOP gains federal power of the presidency and Congress, they will let the red states continue making women’s lives hell and pass federal legislation to try to make other states conform to the model of some of the states.
@TBone: She is not must 70. She has diabetes, type 1, I believe. She is potentially risking another seat.
I’ll take “Days That End in ‘Y'” for $500, Alex.
Agreed. BUT, what we have seen is that having a state-focused abortion issue on the ballot (whether as an initiative/referendum or as a state constitutional amendment) is what really a) turns out the (mostly liberal) voters who otherwise tend not to show up, and b) gets the attention of otherwise “lean GOP” voters that maybe they want to lean the other way. That combination is what it will take to see a blue wave.