.@chefjoseandres and his team are nothing short of heroes for humanity – not only conquering hunger but spreading hope.
That is why it was my privilege to join @rosadelauro and @RepMcGovern in nominating Chef Andrés and @WCKitchen for the Nobel Peace Prize.
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) January 31, 2024
Read our full letter urging the Norwegian Nobel Committee to recognize Chef Andrés and World Central Kitchen’s quick, extensive and life-saving responses to recent emergencies around the globe with the Nobel Peace Prize:https://t.co/KL6eXvOmrT
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) January 31, 2024
Readership capture:
Dear Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee:
It is with the utmost respect for the Norwegian Nobel Committee that we write to nominate José Andrés and World Central Kitchen for the Nobel Peace Prize. Chef Andrés and his team are nothing short of heroes for humanity – not only conquering hunger but spreading hope.
When a devastating earthquake struck Haiti in 2010, Chef Andrés launched World Central Kitchen with a simple yet powerful vision: that food can be a force for good. His innovative model – providing local dishes with local ingredients prepared by local people – has proven nimble and effective. Responding to natural disasters, humanitarian crises and war zones without hesitation, Chef Andrés and his team have served more than 350 million meals worldwide.
During many dark and difficult moments, the impact of Chef Andrés and World Central Kitchen has been extraordinary. All are in awe of how, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Chef Andrés quickly marshaled the effort to provide 40 million meals to feed the hungry across the world. We in Congress saw firsthand how respectful he is of the people he serves, when he came to the U.S. Capitol to feed the National Guard after the January 6th insurrection. During Russia’s barbaric invasion of Ukraine, World Central Kitchen set up shop in Kyiv to distribute hot meals and grocery kits. Amid violence and chaos in Gaza, he distributed food and aid to displaced Palestinians.
José Andrés and World Central Kitchen are a generational global phenomenon, with a desire to help those in need that is as saintly as it is insatiable. They do not accept obstacles between their meals and those who need them. Chef Andrés gets his own boots on the ground, even in the most harrowing places, because the need is there. And he believes in building “longer tables,” with enough good food for all.
For his selfless personal commitment to feeding the hungry and launching World Central Kitchen, we believe José Andrés is most deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize and we are honored to nominate him.
Thank you for your consideration.
Alison Rose
WOOHOO! I wholly concur.
Better someone doing good, than a politician mouthing platitudes.
Good choice.
Oh my FSM, this is fantastic.
If you have ever wanted to see how beautiful disaster relief architecture can be, may I introduce you to the work of Shigeru Ban.
Hear, hear!!
Def a great choice!
Yeah, a man who employed a staff rapist. Hurray! Is there anything liberalism cannot do!
@Suzanne: These are wonderful. They must really lift the spirits of the people who need them.
Just a reminder to everyone that instead of letting someone derail this thread (which is their intention), the PIE button is yummy.
Evening BJ!
One more day of work on Friday and my time as a hospital med tech comes to a close. Might be forever, might be just for now…who knows, but it’s def the end of my time in the laboraroty for now. I’ll still be working “for the lab” but not as a bench tech handling and interpreting patient samples. My new lab life will be in regulation and policy. It’s new and different, but a perfect fit for using my 20+yrs of practical lab experience and the things I learned for my HCM Masters.
I’m excited. Come on Friday!!!I
@lamh36: Yay! and it’s good to “see” you.
Old School
So Trump may not have this year’s prize locked up?
Way to exercise thread leadership.
Alison Rose
@TaMara: Merci, madame.
Alison Rose
@Old School: It does seem unfair. I mean, feeding millions of people and tossing a few dozen a roll of paper towels is basically the same thing.
@TaMara: 👍🏻👍🏻
It would be awesome if Chef Andrés won!
@lamh36: Congratulations!
A lifelong friend of mine made that switch a few years ago, and has been thrilled with it. I hope you have the same experience!
@prostratedragon: Shigeru Ban is inspirational to me. His work is so creative and beautiful, and shining such a light in dark places.
I got to see him speak about 15 years ago. Then he won the Pritzker Prize and became an even bigger deal. LOL.
@eversor: Lighten up Francis
Chef Jose Andre’s recipie.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Wonderful nomination.
@lamh36: Congratulations!! You worked hard for this.
Well deserved nomination. If anyone deserves a Nobel, Chef Jose Andres does.
@lamh36: Congratulations on one door closing and another opening!
Anonymous At Work
If I had the ability to nominate or vote, Jose Andres would have gotten one or both years ago.
All the accolades to Chef Andrés et al!
@lamh36: Congratulations!
@TaMara: Hey!!
Yes…you’ll catch me on my other socials much more, but I’ve been trying to pick back up on my BJ commenting.
OT question to ponder for fellow BJers.
Does anyone else feel estranged from the tradition they grew up in because of how extremists have now appropriated that tradition and are making political hay out of it? Or is it just me.
Old School
@Alison Rose: Trump is nominated this year for bringing peace to the Middle East.
@Baud: Thx…it’s bittersweet a bit cause Micro is and will always be my first lab love, so working outside of Micro will be so different.
But also, SF has been my dream city, and IYKYK, I’ve been dreaming of the bay area for decades…so the selling point is high for the location alone!
I am as excited about living in the bay area as I am the job!
Alison Rose
@Old School: I just snorted so hard I almost blew a hole in my septum.
@Suzanne: I have a former coworker, now good friend, who about 10 years ago left the lab to work in lab biotech rep/vendor and she’s not the regional manager for her region and she loves it.
I have another friend who left the lab, but not the hospital and has been working in hosptial Infection Control
Fake Irishman
I believe you’re in Houston now, right? If so, happy trails from your fellow residents of America’s armpit. If not, general good luck!
hells littlest angel
Decent human beings nominate deserving heroes for the Nobel Peace Prize. Republicans nominate Trump.
@Suzanne: Shigeru Ban is indeed an inspiration for design fans. He also deserves a Nobel nod.
I just saw the prettiest plate of cookies! They looked YUMMY!
Alison Rose
@schrodingers_cat: Not at all, I still allow myself to enjoy aimless truck convoys heading nowhere like I always did.
Thx…it’s all come full circle really. I literally had accepted a fed job in SF but the money wasn’t right and my mind wasn’t willing to leave at the time (I do wonder if that was the right choice, but ya can’t change the past so…).
To think, this new position, I had applied for before and I wasn’t even referred for the position just 3 years earlier.
@Alison Rose: I was thinking about religious tradition in particular. In my case the BJP government’s ongoing use of religion to further their political agenda.
@schrodingers_cat: Yes. I also recognize there were problems in that tradition that allowed them to exploit it in that way. But every faith/community/ethnicity has problems.
What an amazing choice. A hot meal can mean so much.
@frosty: yes. I’m both excited and scared, but more excited!!
@schrodingers_cat: Sure. I grew up in a Southern Baptist family (many preachers in my family). As a teen in the 1970s, I noticed the shift to the “Fundamentalists” (Falwell, et alia), and preferred hanging out with the choir at the Episcopal church where my mom was the (paid) Alto soloist.
Even though it has been my family’s church for nearly a century, I’m not crazy about the Baptist church, even though I like many aspects of low-church/congregational settings.
One advantage of being a Protestant is that you can be a free agent and venue shop. I tend to find a nice mix of the choral tradition in the Episcopal and Presbyterian churches, but that’s because my ancestry is chiefly British.
@Barbara: thx
@Fake Irishman: Hey…nope. I moved back home from Houston 2 years ago. The job in Houston wasn’t for me and I was allowed to transfer back to my old job in NOLA.
So I’m going from NOLA to SF this time, for a federal job this time tho. Good thing is once I am in the fed job system, if transfer is on my mind, it’s easier inside the system than out, but my hope is to love the new job and maybe be able to actually retire in about 20 or so more years.
@Jay: Key Lime is my FAVORITE!
@schrodingers_cat: No. I come from a long history with the Texas Democratic party. My father was involved with LBJ’s early political career (I know, Raven. Obligatory fuck LBJ) South Texas was a Democratic stronghold back then.
I can’t imagine the pain of having your early fond memories affected by the current actions of the political leaders in India. I so appreciate your information on all of this, since I would be totally ignorant of its importance without your input. Our news media has certainly fallen down on the job of educating us on other countries.
@rekoob: Thank for your perspective, I appreciate it.
@eclare: What I love most about him is he goes out of his way to make the hot meals foods those in need are familiar with and that bring them comfort and uses local chefs whenever possible.
Nix Besser (fmr. steppy)
@TaMara: Done and done.
@schrodingers_cat: I was raised as an Ethical Humanist. Spent just about every sunday till I was 16 or 17 at the ethical society sunday school learning about stuff like situational ethics, maslow’s pyramid, and sex ed (in 7th grade–this was back in the day when it wasn’t really taught in public schools much). As far as I know, no one has bothered to hijack ethical humanism (not sure it would even be possible considering one of our mottos is deed not creed) for political gain or nefarious purposes. I haven’t gone to a Sunday gathering in a good long while but still would consider myself part of the club.
Fun fact: Robert Oppenheimer attended the ethical culture school in NYC. He was the valedictorian of his class, natch
Edited to add: more power to Chef Andres. it would be really cool for him to win. not a lot more basic than feeding people who are hungry. think there is a dude in the bible who does that from time to time.
Nix Besser (fmr. steppy)
I’ve expected Chef Andres to win the Prize for quite a while. I am very glad to see the Speaker Emerita and her distinguished colleagues nominate him.
Alison Rose
@schrodingers_cat: I figured. Well…I mean, according to some people, as a Jew I *should* be having all kinds of discordant emotions regarding the practice of my religion right now.
Those people are called assholes.
If you grew up in a religious tradition that means something to you, that is yours no matter what, and no one can take it from you, nor should they try or demand.
zhena gogolia
@lamh36: Congratulations!
zhena gogolia
OT, I had my first Amazon Prime commercial last night, during Northern Exposure. I hate it.
I don’t think Pelosi has any power to nominate anyone for Nobel, any more than I do? She is lobbying? Maybe recommending?
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodingers_cat: Not exactly on point, but my great grandfather, a Swedish immigrant, chose to become a US citizen in 1940 (after living here for over 30 years) when one of his cousins’ children was elected to a regional government position on the Swedish Nazi ticket. Getting his US citizenship was a way of repudiating his Nazi relative.
Just want to note nominated by my congress critter Jim McGovern. He’s a really great guy.
Alison Rose
@bookworm1398: The first listed group of “qualified nominators”:
@marcopolo: interesting. Do ethical humanists still meet on Sunday where you are?
Chef Andres also has a new coobook out.
yay! ICYMI in an older thread we should use your arrival on the Best Coast to arrange a meetup! Let us know when you’re settled enough. :)
ETA: may have missed something, you’re not coming to SF? :confused dog:
No one deserves it more than Chef Andres and WCK.
@Old School: I’m sure it was a tough choice between that and his wildly successful denuclearizing of the Korean Peninsula.
@Alison Rose: Its more a cultural thing than a religious thing for me. But yes. I agree it is important to not let the haters appropriate it.
@Omnes Omnibus: Good on your gggpa
Yes everyone in my family knows where I stand regarding the charlatans and hatemongers currently in power in India.
@zhena gogolia
Not at all pleased by the whole thing either but (for the present) 3 clams a month (a dime a day) isn’t too onerous a premium.
This is in no way an endorsement of the new practices, simply acknowledging the reality of what is.
I thought he should have been nominated for this a long time ago. It’s a no-brainer.
Very well deserved. I hope they honor him and his crew members as they deserve.
#70 amended for clarity.
… isn’t too onerous a premium to remain ad-free.
@schrodingers_cat: No, I left it a long time ago because I couldn’t be a part of anything that treats women as second class people. Some liberals try to twist the Bible to say what it plainly doesn’t say, but I can’t do that. It says women are lesser, full stop.
Sure Lurkalot
@lamh36: To new beginnings, indeed! Congratulations, best of luck, enjoy your new city and job!
@HumboldtBlue: I should be ashamed of myself; I was sure you were linking to this cookbook.
@schrodingers_cat: Not a tradition, but I’m pissed that the Gadsden flag was appropriated by the Tea Party. It was one of my favorites because it was so quintessentially American. The rattlesnake, which is only in the New World, and “Don’t Tread On Me”, both a pushback and a warning. And it flies next to Trump flags now.
zhena gogolia
@NotMax: Yeah, I may break down and pay for it, although it pisses me off!
@PatrickG: Oh…sorry if confusing, but YES I’ll be moving to bay area late next month. I’m supposed to be coming for a quick housing scouting in about a week before the final move late February.
It’s gonna be a very hectic visit at first though, but once I’m able to get all settled in I’d 100% be down for a meet up.
I think the last meet up I had was ooh at least 5+yrs ago when I visited LA maybe???
@Sure Lurkalot: thx
@Alison Rose: 😆😆😆
Mike in NC
Very cool.
Uh oh, Donald must be getting worried. A new Quinnipiac Poll was just released.
Congrats! Your perspective from the bench will be so great for your new gig. Best wishes for the move!
PS good to see you here!
It’s definitely NOT just you.
I’ve had to watch as a bunch of radical reactionary, racist, misogynist assh*les appropriated “conservative”. To the point that almost nobody, of any political persuasion, has a clue what the term actually means.
Let me give an example: circa 1980 California adopted “domestic partnerships”. It was a well intentioned to give homosexual couples some kind of legal standing. By the middle ’80s it was obvious it wasn’t working as designed. For one thing, a substantial majority of domestic partnerships were straight couples who could have gotten married. But went for the option which gave them most of the benefits, without having to accept the responsibilities.
So I decided what was needed was a conservative solution. One which made the smallest change that would address the real problem. 1) Dump domestic partnerships. 2) Take the existing marriage law, where is said “A man and a woman may get married, provided…[a bunch of stuff about not being currently married, minimum ages, etc.]” and modify it to read “Two adults may get married, provided…” No big sweeping change, just a tweak** to solve a real problem. That’s what conservative means. To me.
** Admittedly, the law on divorce, especially as regards child custody, would take a bit more. On account of having some assumptions about gender roles built in at the time.
Ohio Mom
@schrodingers_cat: That’s me and liberal Judaism. Whatever need I have for community, pondering the big questions, enjoying the calming rhythms of weekly services, I can not stand to have so much energy spent on Israel (and this was before the current war).
One time someone asked me what I was looking for in a synagogue. I said, “A congregation that observes Rachel Corrie’s yartzeit” (anniversary of a death, marked with an prayer).
The questioner laughed and agreed I would never find a synagogue to join.
Now there is plenty of Jewish things I can do and enjoy without belonging anywhere. So I wouldn’t say I was estranged from the tradition but I am estranged from the organized community.
Ohio Mom
@marcopolo: Do you mean the Ethical Cultural Society? I knew members when I was growing up in NYC.
Sister Golden Bear
@lamh36: Congratulations and welcome to the Bay Area!
@Scout211: I fully expect Biden to beat TIFG in the Popular Vote.
We have to GOTV big time to make sure Biden beats TIFG via the EC by winning the Swing States: GA, PA, WI, MI, AZ, NV. (I’m forgetting one?)
Which, I’m sure you’re fully aware of. But any positive poll is fun to savor!😊
@lamh36: That’s great! I hope your new direction will be even greater!
Slightly OT – A, new to me, interpretation of the attraction the orange malice exerts to his followers:
It proposes that a wealth/power oriented value system becomes starts a “…. “values ratchet”. The values ratchet operates at the societal and the individual level: a strong set of extrinsic values often develops as a result of insecurity and unfulfilled needs. These extrinsic values then generate further insecurity and unfulfilled needs. …”
Especially knowing that it makes TIFG crazy.
@wjca: Yes! 😏😁
Dan B
@Suzanne: I was introduced to his work decades ago. He’s groundbreaking and a superb designer.
I thought this piece at Digby’s was good:
@Wormtown: Yay, Jim McGovern–my congressman too. Good man. That means you and I are practically neighbors!
Kayla Rudbek
@schrodingers_cat: yes, raised Roman Catholic over here
Matt McIrvin
@schrodingers_cat: I feel that way about scientific rationalism sometimes. But, honestly, the people misappropriating it for bad purposes were always there, I just wasn’t as fed up with them yet.
This man is my hero! Joyful and open-hearted giving where it is most needed. And his restaurants are pretty damn great, too.