Outside of Dearborn, Michigan, things look good for @JoeBiden. Spoke to over a dozen Democrats in Detroit, who have all voted for him.
Suzy Villarreal, 63, self-employed, voted for Joe at the Maybury Elementary School in Detroit.
"The alternative is a nutcase, who is trying to… pic.twitter.com/f2dgZWBc3d
— Nandita Bose (@nanditab1) February 27, 2024
Suzy Villarreal, 63, self-employed, voted for Joe at the Maybury Elementary School in Detroit.
“The alternative is a nutcase, who is trying to take our rights away. I don’t like the idea of the government making choices for women.
I have a granddaughter and I’m really worried about her future and her ability to make her own decisions about her body.”
“I get what’s happening in Dearborn and I’d be pissed too but now is not the time for a protest vote.
It’s just going to hurt Biden and get the other guy elected. We can’t let that happen.”
I haven’t lived there in a while but I think I know Michigan pretty well. Since a week or so after she arrived in 1996 Amy has known it far better than me. Read what she has to say https://t.co/PxHhuH5fen
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) February 27, 2024
2) Michigan doesn’t have party registration so it’s difficult to tell which party a voter has pulled a ballot for (challenging on trying to get turnout for each party)
3) This is the first time that Michigan has had a presidential primary this early and only the secind time it’s been an actual primary and not a caucus or “firehouse primary”
4) Fifteen percent is the threshhold for delegate allocation statewide and for individual Congressional District national delegate allocation
5) Which means less than 15% does not translate to delegates to the Democratic Convention, which is how nominees for president are chosen
6) And no, I have no idea what’s going to happen, wouldn’t trust “exit polls” (like ever, not just today) and polls are open until 8 pm.
7) Note on when polls close: There are four counties in Michigan that are on Central time (those are on in the Upper Pennisula on the Wisconsin border) and that’s why some new organizations say that polls close at 9 pm. They don’t, it just takes into account those counties.
8) Here’s hoping the headlines haven’t already been written that whatever happens in Michigan today will show Trump’s strength and Biden’s weakness, but I’m not optimistic.
Seriously:Thank you, Captain Obvious…
One of the ways the media is biased to the left in a way that is unhelpful to Democrats is that there is an unseemly obsession with boosting leftist criticisms of Dems https://t.co/8hTNaAoaRy
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) February 27, 2024
Reuters found its perfect header photo — a woman in a burqa standing three steps behind a burly, bearded dude. “‘Uncommitted’ voters angry over Gaza test Biden’s support in Michigan”:
President Joe Biden’s support for Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza was being put to the test on Tuesday in Michigan, home to a large Arab American constituency where Democratic voters were urged to mark their primary ballots as “uncommitted” in protest…
Six voters Reuters interviewed at a polling place on Tuesday in Dearborn – a liberal city that is the epicenter of the pushback against Biden’s Israel strategy – said they were voting uncommitted. Another said he was voting for Trump.
But in Detroit, Michigan’s largest city, most Democrats interviewed said they would stick with Biden despite misgivings about his Israel policy, because of their dislike for Trump or Republican policies on abortion rights…
Michigan turnout for Trump rival Nikki Haley, who won nearly 40% of Republican votes in her home state of South Carolina on Saturday, could offer signs about the number of Republicans who harbor doubts about a second four-year Trump term.Michigan’s Republican Party, beset by internal turmoil, will allocate some delegates to the party’s July convention based on Tuesday’s primary results.
Rival factions are holding dueling party meetings on Saturday that will award the bulk of the delegates. It was unclear, however, which results will be official, although Trump was expected to handily win both sets of Saturday’s votes.
Opinion polls show Trump holding an average statewide lead of nearly 57 percentage points over Haley, according to the poll tracking website FiveThirtyEight.
Still, the results in Michigan will be watched to see how much Trump struggles to attract large numbers of moderates and traditional Republicans, voters he will likely need to win back the White House in November…
Some context — in 2012, more than 20,000 Michigan Dems voted “uncommitted” instead of for Obama. Given that, the real number for Listen to Michigan to hit to show an impact is more than 30,000 people voting “uncommitted” — not 10,000. (And really, probably closer to 40K) https://t.co/A9z0WLAovs
— Ray Wert (@raywert) February 26, 2024
Also noteworthy: the organizers have said their goal was 10K uncommitted votes. If uncommitted is over 20K they’ll claim victory by doubling their target when reality is the total is usually 20K simply bc it’s a leap year. https://t.co/2g2kYmpKw8
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) February 27, 2024
There will be spinning:
Going to be hearing from a number of elected officials and activists at an uncommitted event tonight including former congressman Andy Levin, Rep. Abe Aiyash (D-Hamtramck) and Detroit Council member Gabriela Santiago-Romero. pic.twitter.com/qaFHTOqFJG
— Sam Robinson (@samueljrob) February 27, 2024
Question – why was Obama not on the 08 primary ballot? I probably knew that once upon a time, but I don’t recall.
Comment – last time I was in Michigan was probably 10 ish years ago when I worked a shift at the Walgreens in Marinette, WI for a few days. Far enough from my home that they put me up in a cheap hotel and covered 1 meal a day (no alcohol allowed). Went to Menominee, MI, across the bridge, for dinner one night and got a glass of wine on a separate check. 😂 Good food, but I was glad to get back to my own bed a few days later…
Go Biden!
Roommate and I put on The Fifth Element in lieu of the Michigan primaries.
People on the IMDb message boards used to rag on the idea of “why would a profit-driven capitalist take money to help the Ultimate Evil destroy the world? Money that they won’t be able to spend because the money, the world, and them will all be gone? Doesn’t make any sense!” It makes perfect sense. Either he’s doing it for the lolz or he really is that dumb. Either way, tell me with a straight face that you can’t picture Elon Musk doing that.
(Unrelatedly, also my favorite Gary Oldman role).
I just can’t get too excited about Dem primary results in ONE state in February when (1) short of medical disaster there’s no doubt about the nominee and (2) there’s an issue that is both VERY important to an important segment of the Dem coalition in that state and evolving VERY rapidly. The issue is indeed very important in its own right — in fact, Biden himself is seized of it, and correctly so — but as regards the nomination and election (which is, ah, more than seven months away), it’s just the media selling clicks.
Isn’t one of the “Gaza Protest” vote org’s “leader” a Republican Palestinian who voted for TIFG, ran for office as a Republican, is still registered as a Republican, and is now pretending to be a “Democrat who’s Party Left Him”?,
@Chris: you might ask them to look up the ceteris paribus fallacy. The belief that the small change that you make will not affect the larger world, that is to say, everything else will stay the same. Except, you’ll get the extra money from the thing that you did.
Anne Laurie
At least one! But I covered that yesterday, and wanted to get the newest information out — as I said, There will be spinning…
Dorothy A. Winsor
We’re getting some wild weather, starting with tornado warnings. It was 70 this afternoon. The temp is dropping and we’ll have snow by morning.
I’ll be checking Electoral-Vote.com tomorrow AM for a summary of Michigan’s results. They usually put up their daily blog post ~ 9 AM Eastern Time… and they’re usually the most reasonable and non-panicked bloggers around. (Unless blogger V is writing; he’s more of a pessimist than blogger Z.)
@Anne Laurie:
Knew I saw it somewhere authoritative, thank you.
@Chris: the Broken Window Fallacy, “now a real killer …”, etc.
Today, of course, he’d be a Senator. Or Peter Thiel.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I think that weather is headed our way in Ohio!
It was something to do with the scheduling conflicting with DNC rules at the time, so the primary was ruled to be nonbinding or something like that. Clinton stayed on the ballot and of course won; some of her more fanatical supporters tried later on to argue that the Michigan vote (and I think one other state) “proved” that she was really the winner of the primaries. To be clear, then-Senator Clinton herself wasn’t making these arguments, it was the “PUMA” crowd.
(It’s been a while. Details are fuzzy in my mind. Take with all due grains of salt)
@dmsilev: appreciate it. Thanks!
Gin & Tonic
@Dorothy A. Winsor: It was mid-50’s here today, and sunny, which made it a perfect day to go to the beach. So we did.
Citizen Alan
One of the most fascinating things to me about The Fifth Element is that I can’t recall another film in which the main hero and the primary villain (the Great Evil was just a big ball of energy, after all) were almost completely unaware of each other. Dallas and Zorg never had any scenes together, Dallas went the whole movie without any idea who Zorg was, and Zorg, IIRC, knew nothing about Dallas except his name and the fact that he had won a free ticket to the star liner. Dallas played no role in Zorg’s death (he was killed by an angry, dying tertiary villain who was trying unsuccessfully to take out Dallas), and Dallas seemingly had no idea whose ship he was stealing to escape the doomed space liner. Really a strange and whimsical relationship.
I have no idea how any amount of uncommitted votes could be a “victory,” but since it’s a primary I am not that concerned about any protest vote.
To add to the muddle, a Michigan judge tells QAnon idiot she’s no longer in charge of the Michigan GQP party:
It’s such an important primary, DailyKos Elections doesn’t even have a LiveBlog going. Watch what people do !
@Jackie: “Come on, you Wolverines!”
@Dorothy A. Winsor: That was one impressive storm. And now, the freeze. It’ll be 26 when we get up, they tell me.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Radio news just made it sound like the Muslim communities in Michigan are taking a stand against Biden, making it sound like TFG is going to get their votes.
I won’t point out how stupid that is if they are actually voting that way. I’m sure that TFG is really going to care about them when he’s President…lol
I remember LGM doing a post on some theorist of capitalism or other, can’t remember who (think it was one of Loomis’ obituaries). But halfway through they describe the theory that made him famous, and I’m like “holy shit, that’s Zorg. That’s the bad guy from that zany science fiction movie I loved as a kid. We really are ruled by supervillains, aren’t we?”
@dmsilev: You remember the drama the way I do, and the other state was Florida.
I don’t remember quite well whether Hillary herself was trying to count FL & MI, too. Let’s be honest, she tried to win in any way that she could including some really far-fetched superdelegates rebelion. (Like Obama would win more delegates in the primaries and caucuses and then she would run the score with the super delegates and she would be the nominee. Pretty wild lol.
Yep, she tried to seat those delegates that she “won” in MI and FL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Michigan_Democratic_presidential_primary#:~:text=Clinton%20%5Bsays%5D%20that%20the%20Michigan,should%20re%2Ddo%20the%20primaries.
@Citizen Alan:
Yeah, I noticed that. Apparently they were supposed to meet on the cruise starship in the original script, but then it got changed. This works better, if only because it’s so unusual in this kind of film.
AP just called the R primary for TFG, with 8% of the votes in.
@Chris: musta been a Libertarian 🤣
Question: MSNBC is showing 117 delegates for Dems, but 16 delegates for GQP. Is that a typo? Or why the big difference?
If truth in advertising was a criterion the R ballot choices would be:
Should Be Committed
Typo. Michigan sends 55 delegates to the GOP convention
Omnes Omnibus
Unrelated to MI: Why the fuck do the weirdos in the GOP care so much about Biden getting an ice cream cone? They say it isn’t manly. Like they would even know what manly is.
@Omnes Omnibus: They’ve got to say something negative, and they really don’t have much to work with.
Ah, Matty Y., wrong as ever. Ballooning out leftie criticism of the Democratic candidate isn’t a predisposition to the left, it’s a convenient excuse for the fascist press to bag on the Democrats.
@Omnes Omnibus:
because they jealous, they wanted an ice cream cone too.
Detroit Free-Press declaring Biden winner. Surprise, surprise. Currently just under 80 % for Joe, about 15% in.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Omnes Omnibus: Their ice cream freak out is consistent with their need to regulate everything everyone does.
Honestly, ice cream.
@Omnes Omnibus: Please remember that the International Communist Conspiracy to Sap and Impurify Our Precious Bodily Fluids included children’s ice cream. It’s all connected, man.
Thing is because of the R party schism in Michigan there will be two competing conventions on Saturday, each claiming legitimacy.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Omnes Omnibus: children’s ice cream, Mandrake!
Is communism still bad? I can’t keep track.
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Did they forget about the Muslim ban already ?
We do need to give Israel the middle finger though.
citizen dave
@Omnes Omnibus: Among hundreds of facts of this absurd era of the Orange Man and our nation, the comeback is to ask them why they idolize a man who uses pancake ORANGE makeup, every day of his life.
Will wonders never cease — it looks like “Judge” Cannon just made a couple of rulings against TFG.
the headlines from our snooze media re: Michigan are already ridiculous
The actual vote percentages, you ask?
Biden 79%, all others (including the blessed ‘uncommitted’) 16%
Trump 66%, Haley 30%
tell me who’s the stronger candidate going into this election, hmmm?
Wow, currently storming northside Chicago.
@Chris: yes but the progressives are the new commies. Not Russians who are now a Christian nation.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
They always try to make a mountain out of a
mole hilltan suitJay
fluoridation, which isn’t a flavour of icecream.
@Omnes Omnibus: Stupid but not surprising. Conservatives have been weird about Dems and food forever. Obama and his mustard, Biden and his ice cream cones. Apparently the conservative manly meal is the DJT special: burnt steak with ketchup and at least two scoops more ice cream than anyone else in a BOWL.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: they hate sex, beer, drag shows, modern medicine, books, Disney, Hollywood, most Americans, tacos and dogs. Did I miss anything?
@Delk: Constant rumbling and lightning on the South Side as well. It’s a big storm.
I’m tempted sometimes to pretend that I’m a “principled conservative whose party left him” and write me some op-eds and letters to the editor. Or hell, even just run for president (since apparently if I do that, I can’t be arrested for anything, ever).
The funny thing is, I could make the case for principled conservative positions on a host of issues – dealing with climate change, immigration, balancing the budget on the backs of the rich – with a straight face.
But then there’s the problem of no one in the a) GOP or b) the media giving a shit, so hmmm, I think I’ll just read a book.
Yeah, but North Korea never did that communism to Christianity jump and Trump assures me that he and Little Rocket Man are BFFs nevertheless.
At least for the moment, per CNN, Trump’s broken the 60% barrier, with about 66% of the GOP vote so far.
Biden’s got ~80% of the Dem vote so far, with Dean Phillips running about a mile behind ‘uncommitted.’
I was about to comment in Cole’s post but it disappeared. I guess there was big footage going on. But he has some righteous rantage in his post for tonight, so stay tuned. 😊
Sterling Hayden, the actor who played Brig. Gen. Jack Ripper, was in the OSS during WW 2 and fought alongside Communist partisans in Yugoslavia. He was given the Order of Merit by Tito. He was so impressed by the Communists he joined after the war. During the McCarthy Era the FBI told him to denounce the CPUSA and name names or he would go to jail and lose custody of his children. He kowtowed. Later he would write, I don’t think you have the foggiest notion of the contempt I have had for myself since the day I did that thing” in his autobiography.
@Anoniminous: Ok, but why are the proportions still so different between D and R?
Splitting Image
The Super Bowl.
If more liberals embraced the Bible, they’d hate that too.
“President Biden confronted his most significant challenge in Michigan…Donald J. Trump…coasted to victory.”
Oy vey
She desperately wants to hold on to the case, so that she can continue allowing delay after delay for trumpov (and eventually, throwing it out)
If it goes to another judge/court, it’s out of her hands.
IIRC the Michigan and Florida delegates got tossed due to primary scheduling by the DNC.
I find myself moderately curious whether the event in Sam Robinson’s tweet managed to keep to their timetable.
Just kidding, there’s no way they kept everyone to two- and three-minute speeches. I’m really wondering which of the speakers went over by the largest percentage.
My Unny valentine
Sweet Unny valentine
Yes, of course you did, but it’s not your fault. The list is a LOT longer than that, no way one person could keep track of it all.
VFX Lurker
I figured that was going to happen. It doesn’t matter why any of these voters voted “uncommitted” — the folks who report the news will spin it in favor of the orange criminal.
@BlueGuitarist: this is exactly how they’re spinning it and it’s just fucking ridiculous.
“retread former POTUS essentially running as an incumbent, against a challenger with no real hope of winning, still only pulling 2/3 of the GOP vote…MAGNIFICENT!”
how about asking “WHY?”, snooze media? WHY is it that trumpov isn’t pulling HUGE, dare I say Biden-esque numbers with the GOP faithful? What are the challenges there? What does it mean for November? And most of all…could it get worse for trumpov?
@Omnes Omnibus: I saw that. People were quick to show TIFG publicly eating a popsicle and the sainted Reagan eating an ice cream cone.
Faux ain’t got nutt’n else…🤷🏼♀️
Have to forgive a guy who knuckled under to the threat of losing custody of his kids. I’d do the same for mine.
Mr. Potatohead, Mister Rogers … the bleat goes on.
Bill Arnold
Gen. Ripper: Mandrake, do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk… ice cream. Ice cream, Mandrake, children’s ice cream.
It is well known in some circles that fluoridation of the water supplies is a mass attack on human third eyes.
Enjoy this quy, on a golden throne:
Fluoride, Third Eye and the Conspiracy Against Humanity (Youtube, Jul 4, 2016, 8:00)
@Anoniminous: Kowtowed. . . that’s easy for you to say.
@lowtechcyclist: I’d love to make a list of everything Republicans are against Jfc- they suck
Idk either, but they’re losing votes in the dairy state, I’d think.
Related, I’m going to see if I have any Culver’s in the freezer to celebrate tonight’s Bucks beatdown. (The Hornets have 41 points in 42 minutes of basketball.)
AP has Marianne Williamson ahead of Dean Phillips right now. Will Phillips get a clue?
Phillips 2.7%
Williamson 2.8%
@Chris: Yeah, communism is still bad, it’s the KGB / Stasi end of things which is the new good.
Each National Party HQ decides how and how many delegates are awarded and when. I don’t know why Michigan has 55 this year.
@NotMax: Ahhh! Thank you!
Now I can focus on despite uncommitted numbers being higher than I like, Biden’s (so far ✊🏼 on wood) beating TIFG – thanks to Nikki! 😁
from the tweet thread AL posted up top
8) Here’s hoping the headlines haven’t already been written that whatever happens in Michigan today will show Trump’s strength and Biden’s weakness, but I’m not optimistic.
You’’re right.
They are sticking with their prewritten narrative though it looks ridiculous.
I don’t blame him at all at all.
@lowtechcyclist: I’m seeing historic analysis that “uncommitted” averages 20,000 votes in Dem Michigan primaries, so Biden is doing fine.
@smith: I saw that! We’ll know if they’re big enough decisions to cause TIFG to rage against her by tomorrow!🤞🏻
VFX Lurker
Anne Laurie called it: There will be spinning…
Harrison Wesley
@Omnes Omnibus: Maybe they go DeSantis and scoop it up with their fingers. Who knows?
@Scout211: Wow, that’s just sad.
Villago Delenda Est
Matty Y has been a waste of skin for some time now.
@Jeffro: I’m celebrating quietly; awaiting final tallies before I get loud and rowdy!
I want Biden to beat TIFG AND Haley to beat the Dems Uncommitted.
I think the R uncommitted is beating Dean Phillips 😂
@WaterGirl: I think he has now surged ahead of her. 2.8% to 2.7%
@smith: what? where? not on any search i can do.
Feel the Philmentum!
dr. luba
@Mousebumples: Michigan wanted to be one of the first states to vote, rather than be much later in they cycle, where the primary didn’t matter.
DNC said no. Michigan held the primary anyways. Obama stayed off the ballot, like Biden did in NH th1s year.
dr. luba
@Scout211: In my precinct, Williamson got 6 votes, and Phillips none.
@catclub: Cited on Mueller She Wrote, here and here (Nitter links)
@VFX Lurker: isn’t it amazing that no one in the snooze media seems to be able to find Biden voters?
like, EVER?
It would be an all-time stunt for Biden/Harris to put some of their voters on a bus, send the bus to an Ohio diner, and then have footage of all of them looking around from their booths asking “well…where’s MY New York Times interview?”
Totally serious here. DO IT, Dark Brandon!!
@catclub: RawStory is where I saw it. They linked to The Guardian.
I said something similar in 2016. You would never have known from the media coverage that the biggest voter bloc in the primary was Hillary Clinton supporters. Bigger than Sanders, bigger than Trump, bigger even that all the Never Trumps IIRC.
that’s actually excellent…peace be with the Williamson voters, LOL
Miss Bianca
@Jeffro: lol, and get DougJ to provide the “in this Ohio diner…” color commentary!
El Muneco
@Citizen Alan: Just last week, WhatCulture did a stream on “Villains and Heroes who never met”. Some more obscure flicks and stretches to fit the category, but also in addition to “Fifth Element”,
Warren Senders
He wound up taking his kids traveling around the world for a couple of years on a schooner. I know his daughter; apparently it was a pretty amazing upbringing!
@Chris: “You’re a monster, Zorg.”
“I know.”
@Jackie: I hate to say it but Hoekstra isn’t much better than Karamo.
Captain C
@Bill Arnold: I have a friend who’s been sucked into that guy’s orbit. He seems creepy, the more you read about him.
@sab: Do you really hate to say it? Magic 8 ball says probably not.
@Warren Senders:
He was a real war hero. The fighting in Yugoslavia was vicious, nasty, and bloody, much much worse than the fighting in the 1990s. No quarter given by any side.
Oh, no question that he’ll care. The question is whether he will express that by deporting them (and to where), or will he just set up concentration camps to dump them in?
Shhhhhh…don’t tell Cacti. They’ll be heartbroken.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: We had an interesting discussion about that in an earlier thread.
Useful idiot is an idiot.
@Subsole: I kinda think Cacti is an “it”, not a “they”, just linguistically, even if cacti is plural.
We certainly need to give the Israeli right the middle finger.
The bitter irony about the Great Palestinian Nose-Cutting is that most Dems have been eager to chuck Bibi, ever since he started pissing on Obama. We’d probably be pretty damn sympathetic to them, if they hadn’t decided to stand up and loudly proclaim they were willing to fuck everyone over – including their own children – on the altar of their spite.
They can’t even deign to address our worries that their strategy would do that. So far as I know, none have. We have to address their grievances, everyone else can get fucked.
Point that out and you get glib bullshit, snark, and insults.
@Delk: Stay safe.
They really, really hate themselves. They just don’t realize it.
I’m sort of half watching MSNBC’s primary coverage, and Steve Kornacki tossed off a line about Dearborn’s “large Muslim population” and the threat to Biden of the “undecided” votes. I realized I hadn’t seen any actual demographic numbers and decided to do a little quick research. Wikipedia article on Wayne County.
Wayne County has a population of about 1.8 million. Dearborn’s population is about 110,000. No information on religion in the Wikipedia Dearborn article, but the Wayne County article says the county at large has “an estimated 67,775 Muslims with 38 congregations.” Later the article says, “Altogether, 43.3% of the population was claimed as members by religious congregations, although members of historically African-American denominations were underrepresented due to incomplete information.” So maybe roughly double the number of Muslims to include the unrepresented people? That gives you 135,000-155,000 Muslims in the whole county, or about 8% of the population.
I’m not trying to minimize the dissatisfaction of the protest voters, and I’m not saying they’re all Muslims, but I sort of feel like this could be another case where the media has been overemphasizing the threat to Biden. I guess we’ll see as the rest of the results come in.
. . . And now Kornacki at the big board is saying that in Dearborn “undecided” is at 56% vs. 41% for Biden. I didn’t catch what percentage of the total vote is in. But we’re talking about small numbers overall.
“…Not really.”
@Subsole: “Are you classified as human?”
“Negative. I am a meat popsicle.”
“Smooooooke yooooooouuuuuuu!!!!”
“Wrong answer.”
God, the comedic timing in that movie was just immaculate.
Also the constant refrain of people inflating what they just did.
“We bagged the guy. Wasn’t easy, but we got ’em.”
And of course, who could forget
@Subsole: Agreed. And we hardly got into the Chris Tucker lines.
Why I always get the broke one? lol
Citizen Alan
@moonbat: Literally the only thing I’ve ever liked Chris Tucker in. If he’d had any sense, Tucker would have pushed for a sequel that focused on Ruby Rhod.
@Citizen Alan:
Maybe you’d like Chris Tucker in a dramatic role. He was quite good in the Hughes brothers’ Dead Presidents (1995).
The WWII fighting set the stage for the nineties fighting (not that it started in WWII either).
The Serbians basically did a 1.0 run of what Putin’s doing in the Ukraine today, what with “they were the Nazis a couple generations ago, therefore it’s OK that we’re the Nazis now, and also we’re just going to keep calling them Nazis as we ethnically cleanse them.”
Miss Bianca
@Warren Senders: There was some talk of getting Sterling Hayden to play Captain Quint in Jaws…now that would have been interesting!