I’ve been half-assed monitoring the mainstream political media’s reaction to incontrovertible proof that the House GOP based its impeachment inquiry on a threadbare Russian disinformation campaign. In normal times, that would have been an earthshaking revelation, right? That one of the two viable political parties in the U.S. is using its constitutional powers to work the political will of a genocidal foreign dictator?
Of course, these are not normal times, and the latest score for Putin’s intelligence services isn’t a bit surprising to folks who’ve paid attention since Donald Trump descended that accursed escalator in 2015. We’ve watched from the cheap seats for damn near a decade now as a malignant foreign power manipulated that dope, coopted his morally and intellectually bankrupt party, and vaporized any objections to unconditional surrender with pitiful offerings of flattery and domestic political assistance.
But our high-minded elite political press is loathe to describe this reality in such stark terms. Maybe they fear if it’s as simple as telling folks what happened and explaining how it affects domestic and foreign policy, anyone could do their outrageously lucrative jobs. So, how are they coping? This snippet from a 2/22 piece by Susan Glasser, staff writer for The New Yorker, is a representative sample of the genre, IMO:
The Crazy Collapse of the House G.O.P.’s Impeachment Case Against Biden
“A Big Russian Intelligence Op” flops on Capitol Hill.…There is much still to unravel about how this came to be. In the government’s court papers this week, Smirnov emerges as an almost comically obvious liar, telling multiple versions of his Biden bribery story, while bragging about contacts with various foreign intelligence services. How is it possible that this guy was an F.B.I. informant for more than a decade?
That’s a good question, but it has a corollary: Why did the mainstream political media, including Glasser’s husband, chief NYT White House correspondent Peter Baker, treat the House GOP goat rodeo as if it were a serious inquiry rather than a 5-alarm scandal featuring members of congress serving as the unwitting dupes or active partners of a hostile foreign regime?
It’s not like the links between the GOP House committee’s recent accusations and prior attempts to smear Joe Biden by corrupt Trump operatives like Rudy Giuliani weren’t “comically obvious” all along. Same bullshit lies, same repeatedly discredited liars.
It looks like Glasser and other elite media figures plan to just integrate the latest revelation into the preexisting scandal without a moment’s self-reflection on the role they themselves played in the mess. It’s a Republican circus, you see, and they are merely reporting on the acts:
In the “perfect” phone call that Trump himself publicly released, he pushed Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelensky, to open an inquiry into Biden, referring to allegations that Biden had “stopped the prosecution” of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company that had paid Biden’s son to serve on its board, at a time when the then Vice-President was helping oversee U.S. policy toward Ukraine. This is the same conspiracy theory that Republicans have been pursuing in the current impeachment inquiry into Biden, all these years later. It did not matter to them when the charge was dismissed as unproved Russian disinformation back in 2019, and, I fear, it will not matter to them now that this latest iteration of the tale, with its own Moscow angle, has been discredited, too. The circus tent is not coming down; it has taken up permanent residence.
If only there were a class of expensively educated and highly influential people whose job it is to ferret out the truth and shout it from the rooftops. Regardless of how traitorous and corrupt the facts make one of the two major parties look. Maybe AI could figure this political reporting shit out?
BTW, “sufficient indicia of credibility” was Trump-appointed prosecutor Scott Brady’s excuse for passing Smirnov’s lies along to DOJ special counsel David Weiss, another Trump holdover who was put in charge of investigating Hunter Biden in August 2023. Glasser (and Baker, et al.) won’t say so, but it’s true — it’s time to clean house at the DOJ while there’s still a “sufficient indicia of credibility” left in the joint.
Open thread.
The MSM was ALL IN with pretending that the GOP had something.
” After all, they wouldn’t go into this Impeachment, if they really didn’t have anything.”
Because, they are desperate to BOTH SIDES everything.
And, even after ‘ STAR WITNESS’ upon ‘ STAR WITNESS’ fell apart, and their stories and testimonies were proven to be nonsense and bullshyt..
they kept at it.
These muthaphuckas didn’t have ONE PHUCKING CREDIBLE WITNESS.
And, instead of pointing that out, everytime they did a story on the GOP’s Impeachment proceedings against President Biden..
So…when it comes out…that their MAIN GUY…WHO THE GOP BET THE FARM ON..
WHY would we expect them to discontinue their professional malpractice?
I will say it again..
We are SO fortunate that Joe Biden is an honest man…
Because, we had to meander through all this nonsense and bullshyt (when the MSM was hoping..praying..ANYTHING would be revealed..)
to get to the ACTUAL TRUTH.
Bill K
People keep thinking that Republicans care about ‘evidence’. They don’t. This is not an attempt to punish wrong-doing. This is a smear campaign. It worked with the non-stop investigations of Hillary, so Republicans keep doing it. They know the press will abet them in this by constantly broadcasting these smears without requiring proof. The public then thinks “where there’s smoke…”. This is almost impossible to stop because the media have become a 24/7/365 rat race for clicks and likes.
Working on my first cup of coffee, I saw the headline to this piece and thought it said ‘Sufficient Indica’. Thought to myself, well it is Friday but it’s a little early to be enjoying the indica. Where is that 2nd cuppa joe?
Have a great weekend everyone.
Old School
From the transcript of the Hunter Biden deposition (PDF):
Explaining it WELL is not something just anyone can do. They can’t do it either. And if you explain it clearly, it sounds “biased,” as defined by people who have been screaming that everyone is biased against them, for money, for 50 years.
Also, let us NEVER forget that Peter Baker somehow found out before anyone else that Rudy Giuliani was heading to Ukraine to meet with Russian sources to get “evidence” of Hunter Biden-related corruption, and Baker’s take was “Oooo big bad-for-Biden revelations could be coming!” He scooped everyone on the fact of the meeting but he just couldn’t wrap his “unbiased” head around the fact that it made Republicans look bad.
I know it’s never going to happen, but my God, it would be nice if one of the questions this led to was “what the hell is going on at the FBI, and how much longer are we going to allow an out-of-control and thoroughly partisan militia with a long record of being a useful idiot at best and a willing collaborator at worst when it comes to organized crime, to be our primary security agency?”
Was that Peter Baker? I thought it was another NYT guy whose name I can’t recall.
@Old School:
Swalwell for the win of the week.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Vogel. Baker might have been involved too, but Vogel missed the scoop of a generation because he couldn’t wrap his mind around what was actually happening.
Anonymous At Work
Elite media reporters have no agency, or so they believe. They are superior to Schrodinger’s Cat: able to observe and report without affecting events. They stand ‘above the fray’ in all ways superiors to their lessers, who they secretly know could do their jobs easily.
That’s the underlying attitude at work here. “Sure, it’s all based on lies as I report, but I won’t stoop to change the narrative because then I would be admitting to having agency over how I report.”
Looks like a pretty strong showing at Navalny’s funeral today. Starts to feel a bit like Putin’s political vulnerabilities are stacking up.
Interesting to see whether and how Yulia Navalna takes position of leader of the opposition.
Looks like Hunter held his own:
Apparently, Hunter Biden was not just a traumatized ,druggy artist.
He has the kind of stellar resume one would expect from a Senator’s son. Including sitting on 17 Boards.
Some of his history he read into the record at his deposition.
This thread outlines it. Worth a read
West of the Rockies
Peter Baker is such a smug, humorless dweeb. I cannot stand his dreary countenance.
@geg6: They don’t just want to embarrass him; they want to break him, to push him back into drug use, to break his father, Joe Biden
They are ghouls.
André Treiber (@andrebttx) posted at 8:32 PM on Thu, Feb 29, 2024:
I genuinely believe this should be a viral national story. Google refused to come to the bargaining table after this team unanimously unionized. We bring a reso supporting the workers to council. The day the workers show up to testify on the reso, Google lays off the entire team.
Oh, that’s a given. I just love how he throws it right back in Gaetz’s face. “You, of all people around this table…” Hilarious.
@Chris: the only way law enforcement or intelligence agents find out stuff from the bad guys is to talk to two faced double dealing liars and then try to compare stories with verifiable facts. They don’t solve anything by only talking with honest angels. This makes their jobs hard. It also makes it hard for us to tell when they are actually crooks themselves or just fooled. There is no final solution to this issue, its always a work in progress. This is also why it can be good to have more than one agency checking things and giving us multiple sources as well as multiple ways for informants to provide info and whistleblowers to expose problems.
They had to call it at 7:02 pm
And, all of them…all over the MSM…
were SHOOK!
Cause they never saw it coming.
David Darmofal (@david_darmofal) posted at 6:25 PM on Thu, Feb 29, 2024:
Four years ago tonight, we voters of South Carolina saved American democracy by voting for @JoeBiden when it looked very likely that Trump was going to win a second term. Some photos from that victory party. https://t.co/Zn0CCvYKrA
Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) posted at 1:13 PM on Thu, Feb 29, 2024:
Sen. Tommy Tuberville says we must secure the border so that we can get God back in government: “You can’t do that when you have a million people every couple of months coming to this country that know nothing about God.”
Deacon Blues (@DeaconBlues0) posted at 8:51 PM on Thu, Feb 29, 2024:
Tuberville wouldn’t recognize Jesus if he knocked on his front door. I work with migrants. These are faithful people. Most are Catholic. Tuberville’s a White Nationalist who worships a god of hate.
Sure Lurkalot
The named hacks and their coterie are aided and abetted by the both sides veneer that forms the basis of 90% of their reporting. Because unfortunately, many normies I know think both sides reporting is the fairness doctrine reincarnate and pat themselves on the back for their open mindedness. As in “I like hearing both sides of an issue” to which the response is “to the extent that you can no longer discern fact from fiction?”
@Bupalos: It’s reasonably surprising that Dude hasn’t had a slip and fall near a high open window. So much waste of material and men (and women); someone somewhere has to give at least a bit of a shit on the material (people, not so much).
@Betty Cracker:
Yes, that’s him. thanks.
This this this.
It’s so obvious.
@Betty Cracker: Yes, Marcy Wheeler has Vogel in her sights as very biased.
Just wanted to see that again.
@Old School:
Any idea how long it takes to clear coffee from between all these keys?
Reddit has designated Hunter Dark Brandon, Jr.
@geg6: Short of working in teenage girls while parrying Gaetz’s personal attacks, I think he handled that just fine.
Matt McIrvin
@rikyrah: For all the work right-wing Catholics and evangelicals have done forging an alliance over the past 40-odd years, it’s a reminder that the latter still only regard the former as provisionally Christian. If they really managed to establish a theocracy together, they’d turn on each other and the holy wars would start up.
@Matt McIrvin:
We need to figure out how to sow those divisions now.
Steve in the ATL
@rikyrah: I spent the week sitting at a bargaining table in Shithole, Alabama, and would love to see some tech execs suffering the same way!
Tenar Arha
@West of the Rockies: I listen to the New Yorker’s Political Scene podcast to get a closer to normie report. (And bc I won’t give NYT even my clicks if I can help it). Anyway Susan Glasser reliably makes me yell at what she says, and now being reminded that she’s married to Baker, well let’s just say I’m not surprised she continues to piss me off with her takes.
Steve in the ATL
@rikyrah: and I’ll bet a decent percentage of them are named Jesus!
The media loves getting rolled by Republicans. Skepticism and common sense go out the window. Remember how they happily lapped up Barr’s misleading summary of the Mueller investigation.
@Matt McIrvin: I must confess that one of my Dark Evil Fantasies That We Shouldn’t Indulge Here On Balloon Juice is that one of the last things Sam Alito hears is the Evangelical Inquisitor hissing, “Renounce the Pope, and you will be strangled before the fire is lit!”
Since I’m confessing, my DEFTWSIHOBJ for Thomas is similar, except the words are “He’s got a white woman in there with him!” (A time machine and 1910s Alabama are also involved, though that part’s rapidly becoming unnecessary.)
@WaterGirl: and they want to turn this country into a “Christian Nation” – you act like that – I’m not sure I want to live in such a nation if the Devil is the primary deity of worship.
@Matt McIrvin: I’ve told my reich-wing Catlick relatives that as soon as they’re rid of me, their “allies” are coming for them next. For ALL these POSs, the very existence of “the other” is a threat.
Some good news this morning. Thank you, President Biden.
Nice move months before the SCOTUS decision, President Biden.
Miss Bianca
@Baud: Good.
Maybe too much to hope for that trigger-happy paranoids will now add to their list of woes, “suppose that dark-skinned
strangerbarbarian of my fantasies DOES come to my door and I “stand my ground”…and then get “25 YEARS TO LIFE?!””……but I’ll take what I can get in terms of justice.
The GOP was determined to mount a revenge impeachment campaign, and the Russian material was a convenient excuse. The Republicans wanted to impeach Obama for wearing a tan suit in the Oval Office.
Except for some financial news reporting, truth and accuracy in the news has always been the exception, not the rule. Many of the first newspapers were subscription services for merchants who needed to know what was happening in other market towns. The rest was gossip.
AI may be the nail in the coffin for political reporting. AI news will be mercilessly nonsensical, but highly entertaining.
Gin & Tonic
@Baud: Good.
(rant)I just wanna say, this having to take my hubby to the doctor all the time sucks, especially when they don’t do things they’re supposed to do. He needed to give a urine sample and get an X-ray; the lab people assured me they would do all of it. Well, they didn’t get him the X-ray, so his appointment took an hour longer than it was supposed to because we had to go back to radiology then wait for the X-ray. WHY CAN’T PEOPLE DO THEIR JOBS OR TELL YOU THE TRUTH???!!! I am so frustrated by this. I had a hell of a time getting him to the appointment to begin with. I’m in quite a mood today.(rant over)
The FBI has been doing far more than its share of fucking up on the organized crime front in the last hundred years. It was supposed to finally be over when public opinion and repeated kicks in the ass encouraged Hoover to start caring, and then when he finally kicked the bucket around the same time that the government started really taking the mob seriously. … But, at this point, the problem is back with a vengeance; it’s been close to a decade now and they’re still being led around by the nose by the Russian mob, which unlike last century’s, is actually an extension of a major U.S. enemy.
In between, toss in a few little additional screwups like the Whitey Bulger situation in Boston.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Effectively a life sentence since the perp is 66. Good.
Citizen Alan
@West of the Rockies: I will hate Peter Baker and his vile wife forever for being the primary drivers of the pernicious lie that Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan was some kind of disaster instead of one of the most successful military and humanitarian achievements of the last twenty five years or more. If Shitgibbon had still been President and the withdrawal gone half as well (which it wouldn’t have), the media would have talked about him like he was winston churchill.
This one is for Schrodinger’s Cat – https://twitter.com/TomCokeIsABlunt/status/1763385416919507445
ETA apparently the context is that there was some viral dance video that had the right wingers all up in arms. Apparently, the big crime is ghetto dancing to ghetto music. So misogyny and racism.
The fix with the Washington elite press is in and Republicans know it.
You know how I know that?
Its the butt hurt expressions that the Republicans get when the sheer weight of reality forces the press to report the facts rather than innuendo and “where there’s smoke”. They fully expect the press to run interference for them in spite of the fact that their star witness is now sitting in jail.
Mr. Bemused Senior
This! We are under constant attack from Russia, which has become a Mafia state. With nuclear weapons. Adam does not overstate the problem.
Old Man Shadow
We literally have fifth columnists in our legislative branch and our bureaucracy, but heaven forbid the media say that or treat them like that. That would be so partisan and uncouth and get them disinvited from all the right parties.
Citizen Alan
@Brachiator: I don’t know. AI still needs original content to crawl through and plagiarize from. I’m sure that you could tell an AI to write an article about hunter Biden that makes joe biden look bad. But wouldn’t the AI still need a lot of pre existing stories written by humans with the same agenda?
Steve in the ATL
Recommendation: do not become a labor lawyer
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
It will be. You just need a single actual reporter to record transcripts of speeches and press conferences. Then have AI summarize them. If the reporters are going to be doing investigations where they discover new information, there really isn’t much need.
New poll out for our Senate primary here in California from UC Berkeley Institute of Government studies.
This is hot news for the media and pundits, but IMHO, this poll is bunk. It does not accurately reflect likely Democratic voters*. I still believe that Schiff and Porter will be the two top candidates. My two cents, at least.
*What else is new. Democratic voters don’t seem to show up in these polls like Republican voters do. Hmmmm.
@rikyrah: the good news is they are such flaming assholes that it’s so transparent and Hunter pantses them every time
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony:
Watching the press react to AI and how it could take over their journalism is going to be an interesting change. They are all divas.
I wonder how their coverage of AI will get slanted since their own jobs could be on the line.
Speaking of “sufficient indicia of credibility”:
1) The FBI: An American diplomat and one-time U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia has admitted he was actually working as a Cuban spy the entire time. […] The FBI didn’t even begin investigating Rocha until 2022, more than 15 years after a Cuban defector told the CIA that Rocha was a spy. American spooks didn’t believe it at the time.
2) NYC’s Strong, Incorruptible, and Totally Competent Mayor Adams: Special Advisor to the Mayor and Director of Asian Affairs Winnie Greco (born Zheng Qirong) who became the most recent target of a federal sweep on Thursday has long-standing financial relationships with a foreign capital. […] [A] company she controlled had received funding from the official propaganda arm of the Chinese Communist Party’s Beijing committee.
@Citizen Alan:
I honestly am not sure. From some interviews I have seen, AI just needs content. The content could even be fictional. But even if you feed AI with factual information it might still “hallucinate” and generate misinformation.
And “hallucinate” is the term that tech writers use to describe AI erroneous or nonsensical content.
Thanks for introducing me to the term “goat rodeo”. Will have to work it into my lexicon.
Roberto el oso
@cain: my understanding is that AI cobbles together and regurgitates pre-existing material and so if that material is all the usual namby-pamby, both-sides stuff that reporters have been churning out forever, then it might be some years before anyone realizes that AI is running the show. Garbage-in, garbage-out.
Is there something in the story that indicates that Democrats are not accurately reflected?
In any event, I already mailed in my ballot. I preferred Porter, but voted for Schiff because I was worried that the competing Democrats would split the vote and help Garvey to win second place.
I don’t care for these open primaries.
@Citizen Alan: it needs articles but necessarily that specific kind of content. AI copies styles and then fills in its own content based on what it has been trained in eg world history, American politics etc.
Like how generative AI copies the styles of various artists.
No, not in the article. It’s actually a very detailed article with some very good analysis.
That was just my opinion based on recent elections (like the recall election) when Democrats over-performed compared to the polling numbers prior to the election.
And maybe a little of my wishful thinking thrown in.
As more and more AI content gets out there it becomes more likely that AI content gets generated off itself, especially if it prioritizes more recent content to hoover up. Lucky us.
@trollhattan: Admirable restraint on Hunter Biden’s part while being questioned by that toe-headed, alleged pedo.
Matt McIrvin
@Citizen Alan: I think today’s LLMs are sophisticated enough that all it would need is an idea of what a negative smear story is like, and some facts or allegations about the Bidens. (Assuming it didn’t have specific inhibitions telling it not to write stories like this, but one created for the purpose wouldn’t.)
The clowns in those rodeos are assclowns.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@cain: Honestly, I think this could be good for journalism. We don’t need people to summarize press conferences or legislation. AI can do that faster, cheaper, and well. We need investigative reporters. We need interviewers. Some editorials/opinions are also interesting. If the media focused its resources on investigations, and used AI to summarize publicly available information, we would get more useful, factual reporting.
Matt McIrvin
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: A lot of simple “wire service summary of basic information” articles are *already* automatically written, I think often by something much simpler than these recent AI systems.
Matt McIrvin
…Unfortunately, I think in the near term, the problem for journalism is going to be the same as the problem for anything else, especially if it’s venture-capitalist funded: when they encounter automation, if the people with the money have to choose between “free up human resources to do something more sophisticated requiring human judgment” and “free up human resources to be fired, improving the balance sheet for the next quarter”, they’ll choose option B.
The market has to clearly demand something better and communicate that to investors before they get it.
Now, now… you/’re not thinking like a *publisher*.
Glasser’s husband, chief NYT White House correspondent Peter Baker, provided paid political advertising *FOR FREE* to a bunch of dishonest toadies who could never have paid for the exposure provided.
Given that the witness said *exactly* what would buffer the Republicans accusations, what kind of complete effing MORON would fail to mention this in the first paragraph of the news article?
“In a surprising turnaround, Republicans claim a witness can corroborate the accusations they’d made silently against Joe Biden during Trump’s attempt to pressure Zelenskyy.
As you might remember, Trump was impeached over his so-called ‘perfect’ phone call, but Senate Republicans refused to hold any form of trial, and acquitted him without any fact finding. Now, an FBI informant insisted that the then-baseless accusations are, in fact, well founded. We have no word on whether the FBI considers the witness credible, but, since this is far too big to be a mere chance coincidence, we will press Congressional Republicans and the FBI for verification. Are the Republicans finally on to some corruption that affects Democrats, or are they about to fall flat on their ass again, because once again, THEY ARE LISTENING TO THEIR MORONIC PRESIDENT? We report, you decide!”
Flanking Opinion Piece 1: “This story is incredible – either amazing, or (more likely) not remotely credible.”
Flanking Opinion Piece 2, counterpoint: “I don’t believe in fairy stories, or faux scandals that suddenly grow a fairy rimjob in the form of a witness blowing smoke up political asses.”
Bill Arnold
@Bill K:
The public needs to be force-taught that sometimes: Where there’s smoke, there’s mirrors.
(New Yorker, February 9th, 1998, Victoria Roberts)
PAM Dirac
You could also work it into your music listening.
Think of ChatGPT4 as autocomplete/auto-correction on steroids. It knows nothing. It spews word salad at the speed of electrons by finding the most likely follow-on word given the previous 4 words in the string. So, yes, it could replace, e.g., David Brooks, and few would be the wiser. ;-)
This wins comment of the post or day.
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony:
I agree.
I don’t know if people know what a GAN is but it is a trained algorithm that goes head to head with another algorithm – the two fight and then the one algorithm that isn’t the GAN becomes more “moderate”.
So you basically teach a GAN with all the democratic, DEI, and all that other stuff, even Jesus/10 commandments and then run it against these other algorithms to make it more honest. IT learns from the conversation and then modifies itself.
I expect GAN style viruses invading AI algorithms to fuck them over. :-)
Bill Arnold
Seen (on twitter, IIRC): “Large language models give you information-shaped text, that can pass off as information. The text is not real information, except by accident.”
ETA the context is usually considerably more than the previous 4 words. Usually in excess of 1K tokens, where a token is a few characters.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Matt McIrvin: Yes, but AI can do fancier things than that. It can summarize an entire months worth of legislation. It can summarize floor debates and provide highlights. All of that, if directed at specific content (text of bills, transcripts, etc) will be very accurate. You could take all the reporting on Ukraine and have it provide timelines and an overview of the war effort. You could summarize the meeting notes and transcripts from city council meetings to get monthly updates of what the city is actually doing. These are things media content providers, especially pundits, do now. That does take effort. I’d rather that effort go to real investigative reporting.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@cain: LOL, maybe. Mostly GANs are useful because they are self correcting.
Paul in KY
@rikyrah: That needs to be made into commercials that air on Latino stations. Jist being their contempt and revulsion with Catholicism and the hard working men & women who are Catholic.
Villago Delenda Est
Glasser, her husband, and the rest of the “elite political media” need tumbrel rides.
Matt McIrvin
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: I am still super skeptical about reliability–the struggle with AI hallucinations is real, I’ve seen it; it seems to me that the best actual applications of this tech are in areas where somebody’s going to be vetting and verifying the information afterward (e.g. some coding applications)
It’s horrifically energy-inefficient too, but it does sound like people are working on that.
Paul in KY
@Steve in the ATL: If you’re near Greenville Alabama, there’s an awesome BBQ shack at exit 120. (Off I-65)
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony:
and it can deliver that summary in any number fun ways – including talking like a pirate, as a Shakespearean prose, a play in 5 parts etc.
We are doing all kinds of AI stuff at work now. It’s fascinating – but the generative AI is what is really taking off.
I am still not sure how revenue works though.
Paul in KY
@Ken: Those are pretty good DEFT…
@Chris: I always liked the Serpico story. Has the FBI ever had its own Frank Serpico?
@Bill Arnold:
OpenAI is a protected black box so outsiders don’t know how the statistic-probabilistic ‘first hack’ is qualified. We know it is qualified because we know OpenAI paid Kenyans a couple of bucks an hour to do it.
I wonder whether the projection of low voter turnout takes into account mail in and drop off ballots.
Anyway, I hope Democrats vote, every way they can.
Steve in the ATL
@Paul in KY: I was west of there, in Demopolis. Which I don’t recommend!
@Matt McIrvin:
I would pray for heavy casualties on both sides.
Bill Arnold
There are open models with similar performance. Anyway,
GPT-4 Technical Report (OpenAI, 19 Dec 2023, html)
At any rate, from elsewhere, the claim is that GPT-4 has a max context of 32K tokens (a token is a few characters), and GPT-4 turbo has a max context length of 128K tokens.