Marching across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma with @VP Kamala Harris to commemorate 59 years since Bloody Sunday! #Selma59
— Rep. Terri A. Sewell (@RepTerriSewell) March 3, 2024
I’d save this for tomorrow morning — Good trouble! — but I suspect there will be much social-media discussion tonight. Not least because of Vice-President Harris’ speech!
On the anniversary of Bloody Sunday, President Biden and I continue to demand that the United States Congress pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.
In honor of all those who marched 59 years ago, we must continue to fight.
— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) March 3, 2024
Bloody Sunday marked a turning point in the Civil Rights Movement. 59 years ago, 600+ civil rights leaders and activists marched in spite of brutal attacks because they believed for democracy to work for all of us, it must include us all.
— Patti 💙 🇺🇦BidenHarris💙 (@olivier_patti) March 3, 2024
We’re marching from Brown Chapel to the Edmund Pettus Bridge to commemorate the 59th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, a pivotal moment in the fight for voting rights. Let us honor the sacrifices made by civil rights activists and recognize the work that must be done. #Selma59 ✊🏾
— Black Voters Matter Fund (@BlackVotersMtr) March 3, 2024
While commemorating the 59th anniversary of "Bloody Sunday" in Selma, Alabama, Vice Pres. Harris said the "immense scale of suffering" in Gaza demands a temporary cease-fire "for at least the next six weeks."
— ABC News (@ABC) March 3, 2024
Since the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act in 2013, Selma's legacy has been unraveled by pervasive racial discrimination in votingAs we remember Bloody Sunday let's urge Congress to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. #ProtectOurVotingRights
— Brenda💙46 – Build Back Better 🚗🚕🚙 (@kinley_brenda) March 3, 2024
We are crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge marching and singing 59 years after Bloody Sunday.
— Legal Defense Fund (@NAACP_LDF) March 3, 2024
Thinking of John Lewis today on this commemoration of Bloody Sunday.
Secretary Buttigieg shared memories of John Lewis at a recent event at MSU.
— Nerdy Pursuit (@nerdypursuit) March 3, 2024
On the 59th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday, I think about the pioneers for freedom like the great John Lewis who stood on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, looked hatred in the eyes, and decided to spend the rest of his life raising “good trouble” in the battle for love, justice, and…
— Jaime Harrison (@harrisonjaime) March 3, 2024
MSNBC was among the cablecasters who covered much of the March (and all of MVP’s speech) live this afternoon. I found it all extremely moving and inspiring. Thanks for front-paging the event, AL.
Villago Delenda Est
Naturally, the MSM is mostly ignoring this anniversary, because Kamala Harris is supposed to not be uppity like this.
@Villago Delenda Est:
No kidding. But I’ve gotta say, I think her speech today was among the best I’ve heard from her. Every word shimmered with her passion and commitment. This was no mere speechifying — it rang with truth and conviction. If she can keep delivering like this, I have no worries about November. (And yes, I do know that compelling oratory does not necessarily equate to solid policy.)
Mike in Pasadena
Been reading the Atlantic issue on the perils of a second Trump term as president. I can only bear to read two or three pages at a time, the consequences are so dire. Post cards and local participation in the Democratic party efforts to get out the vote are my protection against despair.
VFX Lurker
I read Book 1 of John Lewis’ deeply moving graphic novel trilogy, March. I still need to read Books 2 and 3. Powerful story.
Thanks AL!
Time to rename the bridge.
Since it’s an Open Thread, I see Haley managed to actually win a primary, in DC. Hopefully that will drive the Shiatgibbon further around the bend.
Until just now, I don’t believe I’d ever read anything about Edmund Pettus himself. He was an officer with the Confederate Army, Grand Dragon of the
localstate KKK, and a U.S. Senator from Alabama. He also, in keeping with the custom of the time, raped and impregnated one of the female slaves he owned; his great-great-granddaughter from this episode, Caroline Randall Williams, is a respected poet and professor at Vanderbilt.Mike in NC
@SiubhanDuinne: I’ve always wondered why they didn’t rename that damn bridge after a decent person. Because Alabama?
@VFX Lurker: it’s excellent. I donated a copy to a local library when it first came out, and I think I might do that again.
Make good trouble. (though I don’t know that a library donation is trouble, haha)
Related – I love the video of Rep Lewis accepting a National Book Award for that trilogy. So moving. Though definitely a tear jerker.
Edit (or subsequent comment) to come if/when I find that
Eta – read, my child, read.
@Geoduck: I posted this last thread, but I’m happy to gloat/celebrate twice!
“He reacted just as we’d expect: ALL CAPS denying he expected to win in the Swamp. Currently RawStory has great responses.
Let me add, he threatened DC GQP voters of being excluded from his second admission IF they refused to vote. His mistake was stating if they didn’t vote for HIM! 🤣😂”
Caroline Randall Williams favors renaming the bridge:
“We name things after honorable Americans to commemorate their legacies. That bridge is named after a treasonous American who cultivated and prospered from systems of degradation and oppression before and after the Civil War. We need to rename the bridge because we need to honor an American hero, a man who made that bridge a place worth remembering. John Lewis secured that bridge’s place on the right side of history. We are not a people that were made to cling to relics of the past at the cost of our hope for the future. Renaming the bridge in John Lewis’s honor would be a testament to the capacity for progress, the right-mindedness and striving toward freedom that are at the heart of what’s best about the American spirit.”
Chetan Murthy
@SiubhanDuinne: Who wrote a moving essay about what it means to be descended from that man. “Rape-Colored Skin”.
I agree with every word. Long overdue.
@Mike in NC:
Yup. Because Alabama, I have no doubt.
John Lewis dancing to “Happy” (< a minute)
@Chetan Murthy:
Thanks, I will find and read it.
@Mike in NC:
The infamy associated with the name of the bridge as the location of the Selma march against everything Pettis stood for is a huge part of the symbolic power of the defiant march across it 59 years ago. In that crucial respect, keeping the name is different than with whether monumnts in public squares named after Confederate generals deserve to be removed. Keeping the name “Pettis” on the bridge is no longer an honor to the man since the march, but a symbol of how the marchers repudiated him and what he stood for.
@Chetan Murthy:
yes! That’s the first line of her essay, title is “You Want a Confederate Monument? My Body Is a Confederate Monument” was in The NY Times June 2020 and there’s also video of her reading it on you tube
Starts at 3:50
You know how whenever cats do something even slightly awkward or embarrassing, they suddenly go all “I totally meant to do that” and then get busy washing their paws and faces for a while? That’s kind of what TFG reminds me of when he says shit like “I lost that primary (or forgot words or mixed up names) on purpose,” but without any of the cuteness or cleanliness of cats.
Many thanks!!
Hmm. Interesting argument. Thank you for being thought-provoking.
@SiubhanDuinne: I know EXACTLY what you mean!😂🤣😂
Very cute and funny with cats. TIFG not so much!😂
@cmorenc: Agree. No one remembers the person, only the bridge, and the symbolism attached to it, and to the name.
Yep. I laugh when my cat has that look after tripping and falling, etc. I don’t laugh when TIFG has that attitude.
Just saw that among all the other terrible promises, Trump has now promised if elected to strip public schools of funding if they require any vaccines:
That’ll lock up the RFKJr contingent for him, I guess.
@SiubhanDuinne: So ted states are about to become plague states? Because you know that nonsense ain’t stopping in Florida!
Villago Delenda Est
George Washington, despite being a slave owner, is “woke” according to modern reactionaries for requiring smallpox vaccinations in the Continental Army.
Heh. You joke, but it’s really quite terrifying. If I were a parent of young children, even making sure I and my own kids were vaccinated, I’d probably be in full-blown panic mode right about now.
Saw a photo earlier today — I don’t think it was here on BJ, but could be mistaken — a picture of a children’s polio ward pre-Salk. Rows and rows of fucking iron lungs. And these unprintable adjectival murderous lunatics want to bring back those days.
As rikyrah would say, smdh.
I remember how relieved my parents were when the Salk shots for children came out as I was hitting K. Of course, TFG is easily old enough to remember those days. Probably had at least a classmate or two who was affected.
My response would be #AreYouFuckingStupid????
@SiubhanDuinne: So our kids have no future in America under Trump, but did you know that Biden’s old?!!… I just cannot believe that America is about to commit suicide AGAIN WTFH?
@SiubhanDuinne: Here’s the text of her essay:
she notes that genetically she is more than half white, but the first acknowledged black ancestor is great great grandfather Edmund Pettis.
David 🏈 Mahomes! 🏈 Koch
VFX Lurker
Oh, what a beautiful two-minute clip. Rep. John Lewis speaking straight from the heart, and March artist Nate Powell tearing up screen right. Thank you for sharing that.
@VFX Lurker:
That was wonderful to watch, thank you.
Is there a summary of what the bill contains?
@Gretchen: Powerful. Thanks for sharing.
And I think you meant that the first acknowledged white ancestor.
@Chetan Murthy: Thank you. I had not seen that essay before.
And, since others beat me to the link and the YouTube one, here’s an MSNBC transcript and link to an interview with Caroline Randall Williams discussing the essay as well as reading.
@SiubhanDuinne: Small children do something like that too.
@David 🏈 Mahomes! 🏈 Koch: Isn’t it the history of college basketball? She beat all the men too.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Betty: Yes. She’s the top.