As you saw in It’s Up To Us Now, As it Always Was: First Stop, Montana we’re trying to get to $45,000 in the thermometer for Four Directions Montana, where the Native vote is more than the margin of victory in past elections.
Another $3,000 will get us to We met our $80,000 goal!
Luckily, we have a new $1,000 Angel match! Matching up to $25 per person and matching resets with a new angel match. In order to be matched, add your donation amount in the comments.
Reminder: Four Directions Quilt Raffle is still ongoing. Raffle tickets $25 each – donate through the thermometer, and send email to WaterGirl for the raffle tickets. Here’s the quilt, in case you missed the earlier posts.
If you want raffle tickets with these donations that are being matched in the thread, please send me an email message, thanks!
When we hit $45,000 in the thermometer, that will be $80,000 for the Native vote in Montana. $45k in the thermometer, a $5k Angel check, plus the $30k external match that we met before Thanksgiving.
We did it! BJ peeps are amazing! Well done, everyone!
$80k will go a long way in Montana!
Reminder – this really is an open thread!
Speaking of Democrats who are not helping – cough :: Sinema :: cough – here’s some news about Menendez.
More good news!
I wish I could chip in but the roof rot (the squirrels found it first) is gonna be expensive and the homeowners insurance, taxes, and several other big checks I had to write this month are preventing further monetary distribution at this time. Next month!
I love this idea:
@WaterGirl: ❤️🔥
@TBone: No one should ever feel like they need to donate to anything here, whether it’s for the website, or Ukraine, political fundraising, whatever.
People give when they can and what they can. No obligation.
He has no shame. He will never resign.
He must be beaten in a Democratic Party Primary.
It’s a good thing we know that the judiciary isn’t political.
@WaterGirl: thanks! I never feel obliged, I like to contribute as part of the community. Just like I hire and buy local for economic stimulus. I like it here, so it’s a pleasure to chip in when able.
@WaterGirl: I’m censoring myself today. Too much yelling at clouds already! Voice is getting raw😆😭 from telling anyone who will listen (I was home alone today) where to go. So it was me versus some jagoff pundits. I won 😆
@WaterGirl: this fuckin guy. JFTDC.
Maybe we should add Andy Kim to our list if he makes it through his primary.
@WaterGirl: swoon
@WaterGirl: right on. Weissmann is taking all this personally and I’m here for it.
Put me down for $35
OT: TCM, in the run up to the Oscars on Sunday, has been showing Oscar winners in various categories for the past month. A lot of really good films, though some do really show their age in various manners. My dvr has a nice little collection that I’m slowly working though.
@Leto: I’ve been living on it, like the air.
This, also too
General Grant Grant just made.
Do I get two shots at the raffle?
Rainer Maria Rilke
@topclimber: Yes, that gets you 2 raffle tickets. Please send me an email message so I can get you on the list.
la caterina
In for a Benjamin. Go Four Directions!!
Diesel Kitty
In for $100.
Orange is the New Red
I reported earlier that I had donated $25. That was apparently a lie, I screwed something up and it didn’t go through. Just tried it again, with success this time.
I donated $25
I donated $25.
Thank you for reminding us of this! Our financial support of Four Directions could keep the US Senate in Democratic hands, by providing a Native-vote-driven win for Jon Tester.
…And in the time it took me to type that, the thermometer jumped $600!
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: Made me look…
Could be good! Maybe!
Thanks for all you do, WG.
Thanks for all the donors and matchers and angels.
I threw in $50. No raffle tickets, please: we are doing the “Swedish death cleaning” routine here. (Not as morbid as it sounds. It’s just the realization that “nobody wants your stuff, so get rid of it now.” It’s actually pretty cathartic! But as a gay couple in our 70s, our nieces and nephews DO covet some of our stuff!!)
Just donated $50, would love two raffle tickets. Sent you an email, WG.
I’m in for $50. Go, Four Directions!
@Orange is the New Red: You know the difference between a computer person and a used card salesman?
The used car guy knows when he’s lying. :-)
In any case, thanks for noticing, and for trying again.
@Sharon: Welcome, and thank you!
Anyone who is donating – send me email if you want raffle tickets for your donations.
@Sharon: Now that I have approved your first comment, future comments will show up for everyone right away.
@H.E.Wolf: wow, that’s exciting!
@LifeInTheBonusRound: Love your story. And thank you!
@rikyrah: I told my (70 yr-old) husband that if a decades-younger hot, busty blonde starts paying lots of attention to him, it’s not because of his looks or charm.
@WaterGirl: So it’s official?! Sweden has full NATO membership?
Not sure about the fine print. ratified vs. deposited instruments of ratification???
Reverse tool order
Donated $40
[Admin note: used a new email]
Oh gosh, I see that we broke $43,000.
Just $2,000 left and we will have gotten $80,000 for Montana Four Directions.
Go us!
@Reverse tool order: Okay, first comment with new email approved, so you are good to go there!
Thanks for the donation! Send me email if you also want raffle tickets with that donation.
If someone has already posted this, I missed it: Pew Research is throwing major shade at that poll result from a couple months ago that made a lot of headlines like “20% of young Americans don’t believe the Holocaust happened.” I know at the time I was skeptical of whether that was a solid poll, both because I didn’t want to believe that was a real statistic, and because I couldn’t find any mention of the methodology or further details in any of the coverage. Not a huge surprise: that’s because the methodology was garbage. According to this piece, it was an online opt-in poll, just the kind of thing you would expect to attract swarms of assholes and trolls with Bold Opinions on this subject… and the same poll also claimed to show that 48% of young adults were anti-abortion.
What I’m still wondering is— besides the stupidity of so many reporters repeating this uncritically without looking for more information— where is that information? The Economist article that put out the Holocaust denial statistic didn’t provide a link to a fuller description of the poll, at all. Nothing about how it was done, nothing about other questions on abortion or anything else. And neither did any other article I could find. Oddly even the Pew article above, which clearly is based on having read the details, doesn’t seem to provide a link to those details unless I’ve missed it. Since the survey was done for the Economist by YouGov, I tried looking on the YouGov site but it’s such a mess that I have no idea what is or isn’t there.
Anyway, just in case you were wondering whether 20% of young Americans are really Holocaust deniers, I think it’s safe to say that if anyone has any idea of the actual answer it’s not the Economist.
@Hob: That’s really interesting and useful.
Anyone who is quoting an “opt in” poll as a real poll with valuable information is full of it.
If anyone saw the previous thread with the asshole misogynist voter saying he would never vote for a woman, those comments have now landed on TMZ (no judgment, I love celebrity gossip). Those comments are going to go viral. I am here for it.
Uncle Cosmo
@WaterGirl: I conjecture that the “instruments of ratification” to be deposited (at NATO HQ one presumes) are copies of the ratification documents signed by the appropriate national officials. Hungary’s documents have been signed but probably had not yet reached Brussels to be officially logged in when that blurb was sent out.
Just FTR I personally am not happy about Hungary’s continued presence in NATO. I guess it’s better to have the camel inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in, but I hope the rest of the alliance is keeping sensitive information well clear of the descendants of Attila the Hun so long as they’re best buds with Vova the Murderer.
So much judgement.
Now this is hilarious!
Different when it’s Republican voters getting purged, ain’t it! 🎻
@Uncle Cosmo: So Sweden will be official once their ratification is approved/signed by Brussels?
Thanks for the additional info!😊
“I can’t believe we purged voters fairly.” /Texas GOP
In for $50! Let’s go, BJ for Four Directions!
@kitfoxer: Send me email if you also want the raffle tickets.
In for $25. It may have been explained somewhere else but how did someone give 42 cents?
Thanks to our new angel! Threw another $25 in.
Uncle Cosmo
Anyone who quotes any so-called poll intended for public consumption is full of it – the reported results will (with 99.9% probability) be cherrypicked for sensationalism in the interests of generating clicks and/or outrage, and the methodology will be concealed so no one can prove whose thumbs are on the scale and how hard they’re pushing down,
There are honest surveys aiming to determine (within margins of error) the actual state of opinion, but they’re being done for campaign organizations and held at a top-secret-need-to-know level – none of us will ever see them until long after the fact.
Slightly o/t: I mentioned in a prior thread that I have (somewhere) a copy of poll results for a Baltimore City mayoral primary taken by a reputable national opinion survey firm >50 years ago. The poll was taken specifically for internal use by the campaign that commissioned and paid for it, but in the “terms & conditions” the pollsters specified that if any result from the poll was made public by the campaign, the survey firm reserved the right to release to the public the entire poll, including everything short of identifying the actual respondents – sample selection, classification of respondents by various characteristics, text and order of questions, and results both raw and crosstabulated umpteen different ways. The firm jealously guarded their reputation as producers of high-quality survey work, and they were not about to let any customer cherrypick the results for its own purposes without demonstrating that they had done everything by the book. Sic transit gloria mundi and all that.
In for $25
Sister Golden Bear
@WaterGirl: In particular indict Ginni.
@Sister Golden Bear: I am all in favor of that.
randal sexton
I’m in for 50
Tom Levenson
Dropped another $25
In for $50 to Four Directions, and also sent $50 directly to Tester’s campaign.
@Uncle Cosmo:
Oh, bullshit. Most public polls (not all, but most) are done by pollsters who care about the quality of their work.
Now when a news or political org commissions such a poll, sure, they’re going to report on it in the way that they want, and quite often that’s going to be far from honest. If you just read the story in the paper, it might be 99.44% pure bullshit.
But the crosstabs are still the crosstabs, and like this NYT/Siena poll, people were able to look at them and see what the problems were that the FTFNYT should have seen, and if honest (a galactic-sized IF), caused them to condition their conclusions appropriately.
If things were as you say, the FTFNYT would have erased that finding that 12% of Dem primary voters were voting for DropOutDean, or would have told Siena to ‘clean it up’ for them. And similarly with other crosstabs that undermined everything the FTFNYT was saying about it. We’d have never had the opportunity to see them.
So I just did $25; am I automatically entered in the raffle?
@columbusqueen: You need to send me email for the raffle, and include your nym.
We hit $45,000 in the thermometer, so that’s $80,000 for the Native vote in Montana. $45k in the thermometer, a $5k Angel check, plus the $30k external match that we met before Thanksgiving.
We did it! BJ peeps are amazing! Well done, everyone!
$80k will go a long way in Montana!
Raffle tickets will be available until midnight on Wednesday, but technically we’ll count anything that’s in my mailbox by the time I get up on Thursday morning. :-)
Nancy $100.00 for a match.
Needs more dogs
I donated $50
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: Great job, WG and everyone. Amazing!
Thanks very much for the continued inspriation, Quiltingfool!!
I just donated another $25.