#DropOutDean isn’t happy everyone is reminding him to drop out today 😂 pic.twitter.com/JNSB3VP7qy
— Qondi (@QondiNtini) March 5, 2024
I just discovered the Has Dean Dropped Out? website… y’all gotta click on the Angry at this page and want to show your support for Dean? Click here: http://www.presidentdeanphillips.com button…
"Uncommitted" is currently beating Dean Phillips in Iowa right now. pic.twitter.com/9XZjZQnoEX
— Chris Strider (@stridinstrider) March 5, 2024
Sometimes Twitter trends are accurate
Everyone wants #DropOutDean to drop out
People are voting for #BidenHarris2024 on Super Tuesday
We are hype about the #StateOfTheUnion address pic.twitter.com/HUs8edhdeJ
— Qondi (@QondiNtini) March 5, 2024
Nope, Dean, we’re not gonna beg…
To my affectionate haters: my wife, Annalise, has always found I respond better to honey than vinegar when she asks me to drop something. Just sayin…
Be a voter today, everyone! 🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/OwF4awqjE0
— Dean Phillips (@deanbphillips) March 5, 2024
Last week, after the Michigan Primary, the Atlantic‘s John Hendrickson:
… Almost one year ago exactly, my colleague Mark Leibovich wrote a controversial essay titled “The Case for a Primary Challenge to Joe Biden.” And last fall, Leibovich spent 90 minutes in a van with Phillips, trying to get inside his head. Today, I asked Leibovich what he thought Phillips was still doing in the race. “Beats the hell out of me,” he said…
After today’s #SuperTuesday primary elections, I assume @deanbphillips will keep his word and not only endorse President Biden but also campaign for him vigorously. After all, he said in November that “the goal is to maximize the odds of beating Trump.”#DropOutDean pic.twitter.com/OSrECghWWw
— Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) March 5, 2024
Where will his
12% go?schrodingers_cat
@Baud: To Biden, hopefully. By the time I went to vote this afternoon, the bake sale at the polling place was over. So sad.
More to the point, what will they have left to write about?!? There’s almost eight months until the election. And unless some deus ex machina takes pity upon the poor suffering media scribblers, nothing much is gonna change. It’s gonna be Biden vs. Trump. Most people won’t be paying any attention. The polls will waggle around 50-50, maybe a few points up or a few down, but all within the margin of error and none of them adding ANY information. What are they gonna do?
If there is any reason to focus on donating, volunteering, organizing, all that good useful productive stuff, surely one is just to avoid the churning whirlpool of speculative nothingness that is political coverage today and likely will be until September.
Math Guy
Since MN has an open primary (you pick which party’s ballot you want), I voted for Nikki today. I want to see her in the race being a thorn in trump’s psyche as long as possible. Disclaimer: This does not violate my “I will never vote for a Republican again as long as I live” oath since that only applies to races for elected office rather than a party primary. Anyway, that is my textualist interpretation of the oath and I’m sticking with it.
Biden is old?????????
Harris is inexperienced????????
Uncommitted is polling 2nd so Biden should dump Harris and slide Uncommitted into the VP slot?????????
A unity ticket of Biden/Haley??????????
Chris Johnson
Just back from the Vermont primary, with ten minutes to spare.
I not only got to vote for Joe Biden and run up that score, but I got to vote against Dean Philips and Cenk Uygur at the SAME TIME :D
I also have never lost to Donald Trump in any poll. But that doesn’t qualify me to be President.
Leave your fatuous observations behind, Dean, and just go away.
In the old days, people said we needed open primaries to attract more voters. I recall that hearing the news that Republicans have closed off a lot of their primaries, or moved to caucuses.
Wapo Headline – very large print
Trump expected to widen lead over Haley
Then underneath in very small print
Biden poised to dominate on the Democratic side
Biden is still old, and there is still a greasy spoon in Athens, OH.
I wish I were joking.
The media could run some stories and do some interviews with John Kelly, Mathis, John Bolton, and all the other Trump appointees and staffers who have gone on record stating that electing Donald Trump will doom us all.
That is so fuck balls bonkers. I’ve never seen prior Cabinet Secretaries and staffers give that warning about their former boss.
Yeah, some guys might complain a President will lash out at a staffer who doesn’t have their facts straight, or maybe micromanages a bit much, or thinks he spent too much on ‘x’ instead of ‘y’… you know typical complaints about a boss, even a good boss.
But declaring re-electing the president they served under will end America? That’s so goddam mind bogglingly unprecedented.
I think with Trump, being an absolutely relentlessly shitty human, he casts a shit storm so big people get engulfed in it and start assuming it’s their normal surroundings. There’s no beginning or end. It’s just shit everywhere.
And there are a fuckton of people determined to make sure no one can even try to clear away the shit, Cannon, the Sinister SCOTUS Six, every Republican in Congress, and every damn Republican voter.
Dean, your wife asks you to drop stuff? What does that even mean?
Bankruptcies, civil suits, and criminal trials, perhaps?
Captain C
Filled with salt-of-the-earth normal people who are totally not the local gentry/Chamber of Commerce types and certainly not the local Republican Party Committee.
@Chris Johnson:
How da fuq is Cenk on a presidential primary ballot? He wasn’t born in the USA. Neither of his parents were American citizens when he was born.
There’s way the fuck too much expected of candidates to self regulate and follow unwritten rules. We need to make it clear who’s eligible to be on a presidential primary ballot, and who should not.
@Baud: In MA if you are not registered with either party and you are registered voter you can ask for either an R or a D ballot. I know some uncommitted voters taking the R ballot to vote for Haley. Then switch back to Biden in the general election.
Simple, they’ll write about a) Trump’s court cases, and how badly they are going (for him, please God), b) Trump’s increasingly manifest mental deterioration, and c) “Republicans in disarray!” as manifest in a plethora of House GOP insanities.
What else is there? Besides dull stuff about how well the economy is doing.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
I will say, if a candidate emerged who was a better choice than Biden and was enough so that losing the incumbency advantage was worth it, I would have happily voted for and boosted that person.
The two people who ran, god help them, didn’t make it anywhere close to the first criterion, the second was never a consideration. One of those candidates might, at least, be good to sit with for a polite chat and the other, an impolite chat.
I hate fighting autocorrect about a lowercase ‘g’ on god.
@Ken: I expect to be riveted to the question of Trump’s running mate.
Yes folks, that’s snark.
@RSA: I was struck by that careful phrasing, which could equally well mean there are no polls which have asked voters to choose between Phillips and Trump.
Yeah, and is the young woman in the photo his wife? And I don’t know how “affectionate haters” and “my wife” go together and I don’t want to! Mr Dean Whatsit Phillips, will you please go now?
Two hours till we see how few Minnesotans want Dean.
I did my part, early voting this past Saturday.
karen marie
Dean Phillips (54 years old) is old enough to be his wife’s father. She’s
2939. I googled their ages because in the tweet, she looks to be about 18.No matter how you look at him, Dean Phillips is gross.
edit: She is 39, not 29.
@Jay: @TS: @grumbles: @topclimber: these I think are and will be typical
@gene108: @Ken: @wjca: from your keyboards to the FSM’s galactic monitor! but not gonna hold my breath
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@eclare: Dean, your wife asks you to drop stuff? What does that even mean?
Drop arguments, mainly, I imagine; disagreements. He’s saying he’s stubborn and attempting to be cute about people at least approaching him nicely about it.
They’re feeling the heat. As long as it’s not death threats, good.
Just saying Dean. You may get more honey spread your way if you sit on an anthill.
@Math Guy: I’m waiting to see how Nikki does tonight, and based on that, if she stays in the race. WA’s presidential primary is next Tues and I’m sorely tempted to give her my vote to stick it to my MAGA red county. Biden will win handily regardless.
Funny, but over the last few months, I rarely see any TIFG banners/flags etc. Makes me wonder if his indictments are actually having an effect 🤔
karen marie
@eclare: Maybe he wants her to have a baby with him. If you’ve seen a photo of his two daughters with his first wife, you’ll understand why she might have declined.
I hope President Biden ensures that the Russian puppet receives NO intelligence briefings of any kind.
(Maybe he can hold a presser about it, and note that “the last time this clown had our nation’s secrets, he took off with them, stashed them at his golf club, lied about having them, refused to give them back, and is now facing felony charges as a result”)
Just because the GOP is fucked up doesn’t mean the whole country needs its security jeopardized.
@karen marie: I pray that after tonight we’ll never have to hear about this guy again. Bleh.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Also to add, if a better candidate existed, they would have been weighing their likelihood, the damage of a primary, and their intraparty esteem and then determined this is not the year to run.
Ohio Mom
@Captain C: Athens, Ohio? It’s a little college town nestled inbetween forested hills, far from anything else. Not even too many farms nearby, and I would guess that the diners have a lot of college folk among their patrons.
There’s lots better choices of small Ohio towns that are reliably Red.
ETA: And towns that are less of a slog to get in and out of. No interstate goes near Athens.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
That was my thinking precisely.
The political media are just gossip mongers. There’s not much gossip in those cases.
Trump’s trials are boring. Plus, most are not televised. What’s the hook to lure people in, other than explaining what all the motions, rebuttals, court rulings, etc. are about?
There’s a no shock value in finding out Trump’s corrupt, probably did some criminal things, etc. That’s baked in already.
With OJ there was real shock value that a then beloved celebrity was charged with a double homicide. Plus, the police chasing his white Ford Bronco was caught live as it was happening to really get people’s attention.
There’s just nothing for the media to cover other than carefully watching Joe Biden for signs of dementia or hype whatever poll they commissioned and treat it as actual news.
It’s a Trump vs. Biden rematch. There’s no history making firsts like in 2008, when Democrats would either nominate the first black man as a party’s candidate or the first woman. There’s not even the kind of normal primary sorting, like in 2012 or 2004, to see who might emerge as the oppositions candidate to the incumbent.
And what reporter could even manage to get a book deal covering either of these campaigns? People already know both candidates well.
Probably a mistake. Just don’t give him the same briefings. The opportunity to pass some disinformation should not be tossed away.
You know when someone keeps trying to make a point and you don’t agree but you want to stop the argument? And then the annoying person just won’t stop talking?
He says she uses honey. So it must go like this:
”Honey. . . just fucking drop it!
@Chris Johnson:
How is he on a ballot? He was born in Istanbul and is ineligible for the presidency, he’s a naturalized citizen, isn’t he?
I think it’s going to be a real surprise. Someone who has some experience somewhere about something, and who won’t object should Trump send an angry mob to murder him for failing to obey Trump’s orders.
Chris Johnson
Shit you not, Cenk was on the ballot. Wish I could have voted against him twice :)
@schrodingers_cat: I feel seen.
@Jeffro: Trump will be briefed, but I think he’ll get the bare minimum with no sensitive info.
If Trump gripes about it, so much the better. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby will be glad to discuss Trump’s many security lapses and distribute the long list of them.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
November may yet provide you that opportunity 😏😄😂🤣🤣🤣
Bill Arnold
Does Dementia Don really have some form of rapidly progressing dementia?
I’m watching a bit of the primary coverage, and it occurs to me that if a challenger to Joe was doing as well as Haley is doing against TFG the media would have declared the Biden campaign DOA.
But okay whatever. Horserace.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Huh, I didn’t vote today. Been a while since I could say that on primary day.
@Chris Johnson:
Wait, wait, just hold on a half a second there, okay? Cenk Uygur is officially allowed to be on a Presidential nominating ballot? How?
Edit: Or what gene108 @ 15 said.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
Any particular reason?
@Chris Johnson: Cenk isn’t on my ballot (WA,) only Joe, Phillips and Williamson. BUT Christie, Pudd’n Boots, Vivek are on the GQP side, along with TIFG and Haley.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Baud: I didn’t care enough to notice we were voting. Now I know how the other side lives. Feels good.
Cheryl from Maryland
CNN is predicting the MAGAt loon in NC will be the GQP candidate for Governor.
@Chris Johnson:
Apparently cenk is on the ballot in MN, OK, TX, and VT, but other states excluded him from the ballot.
Does anyone around know how this inconsistency across states relates to scotus 14 amendment insurrectionist disqualification decision?
Is it that states can do whatever they want about natural born citizen but different rules for trump?
@gene108: “I’m gonna dance with the one that brung me!…or hung me., I don’t care.”
@Cheryl from Maryland:
Hopefully that helps Biden.
Sister Golden Bear
The only reason Dean isn’t losing to Trump in any poll is that he’s so irrelevant that pollsters aren’t asking about Dean-Trump match up.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Sister Golden Bear: Perhaps there was one poll, I’d guess about a year ago. Maybe they polled the question.
Still not relevent.
A slightly different topic – it seems AIPAC is going after Democrats on Israel support – AIPAC opened up against Dave Min, who is running for Katie Porter’s seat.
Secondly, another great article about Netanyahu and him destroying Israel:
I’ve been wondering about that as well. Of course, we’ve known for years that TIFG can’t comprehend any briefings that aren’t set in 24-pt. type with lots of pictures and his name writ large on every page, so if they give him the same briefings they give Biden, we’re probably okay.
Cheryl from Maryland
@Baud: And North Carolina, by helping all the Democrats.
la caterina
@SiubhanDuinne: Trump has never gotten briefings from the Biden administration due to security risks. That was reported very early on.
It’s a missed opportunity. If someone had sued** a state to keep him off the ballot, the case could have gotten a Supreme Court ruling on states applying the US Constitution’s requirements for office. In a case that didn’t involve Trump. Which might have gotten a ruling based on the law.
Which ruling could then have been merely applied to Trump. The Supremes could (and like as not would) have found a way to give Trump special treatment. But it would have been more blatant, and not unanimous.
EDT ** The reason to have a citizen sue, rather than a state ruling, is so the state can appeal (which he apparently didn’t.)
Go home, Dean. Your wife is calling you. (We used to say that as kids except it was your mother’s calling you.)
Dan B
@Cheryl from Maryland: Whee! This guy calls LGBT+ people maggots. My neice in NC must be horrified. Her brother is gay. He and his partner are moving to central Oregon, Redmond, soon. At least it’s not the south. I say ironically.
SCOTUS has ruled that insurrectionists may run for President, absent a specific law passed by Congress saying they can’t.
One wonders if any enterprising foreign-born oligarchs (*cough*Musk*cough*) are thinking SCOTUS can do likewise to the limitations spelled out elsewhere. A foreign-born citizen – or hell, not even a citizen! – may run for President of the US, absent a specific law passed by Congress saying they can’t.
Ditto terms limitations and age requirements.
So Phillips won’t crash Democracy, but only if we’re all sweet enough to him? He’s an argument for 100% tax on billionaires
@karen marie: I’ve seen a photo of his daughters, exactly what are you implying?
Doc Sardonic
@cain: AIPAC going after Democrats….Je suis choqué, surpris même
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Which of course is code for “Harris has a vagina” and “Harris has a melanin problem”
Maybe the KKKlanned Parenthood Moms learned a lesson? 60 Minutes pushed back.
@la caterina:
Right, I know that. But do the rules change once he’s the official GOP nominee?
ETA: to clarify, I think there’s a tradition of the sitting POTUS offering security briefings to living ex-Presidents, but it’s at their discretion. Biden chose not to, in TFG’s case, and rightly so. But he may not have that choice once the nom is locked up. I don’t know, I’m asking.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@karen marie:
Trophy wife. His oldest daughter is just 2 years younger than Trophy wife.
Yup, gross person.
@karen marie: The rule I always heard is the minimum age for not creepy is half of your age plus 7. So, in positive news, Mrs. Phillips will age into being age-appropriate just in time to change his Depends.
There are several House Democrats AIPAC wants to target and primary because they’re critical of Israel. House Democratic leadership endorsed Rep. Summer Lee, for example, despite AIPAC wanting to replace her as the Dem candidate in her district.
@Jeffro: I hope Trump’s intelligence briefings consist of weekly lectures about all the stupid shit he said that week that damaged national security.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: he’s dumb enough to believe that a 29 year old married a 55 year old billionaire because she thinks he’s cuter and more fun than the 29 year old guys she meets. She would totally have married him even if he was an insurance salesman, because she loves him. He also thinks he’s smart enough to negotiate with Russia.
Interesting match-up for NC governor: Democrat Attorney General Josh Stein, and the Republican for Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson. Robinson is reportedly a real Trump fruit bat but is black. Stein is white and that’s all I know of him. All kinds of interesting dynamics in this contest. Examples: Will Republicans vote for a black man? Will some Blacks reject Stein for Robinson because he is black?
@gene108: “There’s just nothing for the media to cover”
Trump will unleash measles on this country because Covid wasn’t enough? Isn’t that something to cover?
He’ll impose martial law on day one and wreak havoc. I don’t think that’s been unpacked with even 10% of the effort put into why Biden is ‘unpopular’.
And so on.
No, the press finds doing work boring, so they just… don’t.
Why does Dean not know how to pose?
I don’t think there’s any hard or fast rule about how the transition is supposed go. Trump refused a do pretty much anything outgoing presidents do to ensure a smooth transition to the incoming president.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@Dan B: At least we have real legal protections for a variety of human rights here in Oregon, which apply even in the sticks. Oregon may be a real improvement, even if it’s Redmond.
@Jeffro: “Mr. Trump, here’s your morning dailies. We want to let you know of a severe vibranium shortage in Wakanda. Also, there is a coronation ceremony in Narnia this week, after which Vice President Harris will make a diplomatic trip to the Island of Conclusions. She, of course, will be jumping there.”
@Anoniminous: I’m extremely white but I don’t think most Black people are that stupid. (There will certainly be some; they’re human, after all.) I can’t say how many white Republicans still won’t vote for a MAGAt Black man. But the consensus was that he was the weakest R candidate for the general. We’ll just have to see.
Dan B
@TBone: Pelley was great at pushing with the right level of irritation to get answers from Moms for Liberty. Their agenda seems to be to push young LGBT+ people into the closet and intimidate all supportive staff and teachers. It’s great that it’s getting noticed.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Ugh ugh ugh. To each his own, and all, but that’s really pretty creepy. Like, Trumpian levels of creepitude.
Biden is winning in the 80 to 90 percentiles.
Day-am. In 55+ years of politics I’ve never seen those kinds of margins.
The political media in this country are glorified gossip columnists. They don’t think explaining facts to voters is their job. They think it’s reporting who’s in and who’s out.
@Jay: How about Haley as VP on both tickets?
Dan B
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon: Redmond is gentrifying because Bend has become expensive. That’s fortunate. My nephew’s partner is Persian. I hope he doesn’t have trouble. His mother, my brother’s ex, loves a black man who doesn’t visit her in either city.
From my understanding, ex-presidents get clearances so the current president can have the benefit of their experience. I don’t think they get regular briefings, they just keep a clearance to they can be read in as necessary. And obviously, no one should want the “benefit” of TFG’s experience.
I suspect pre-election briefings are by discretion and not required, but I don’t know for sure.
Robinson is the current Lt. Governor. He’s already won a statewide race. I figure the people who voted him in as Lt. Governor will vote for him for governor.
Per Faux News, cash strapped TIFG isn’t having an open bar at MAL at tonight’s Election Watch party 😂 But soda and water are available.🤣
@Eyeroller: For the record I don’t think Blacks folks are that stupid either. Growing up in the deep South during Jim Crow I do think some R whites won’t vote for Robinson because he is black.
(I’m white)
There’s a strange Southern White dynamic where whites can accept a Black Man in a position of power, not that a LT.Gov. has all that much power really, as long as he is subordinate to a white man.
So has Stein.
Dan B
@Jackie: What a horrid pair of racists, and many other “ists”.
@karen marie: She don’t remember the Queen of Soul
@Baud: Yes, it’s a bit weird that both Robinson and Stein won. I wonder whether Robinson benefited from people not voting downballot, but Stein’s race was perhaps even more likely to undervote? I just don’t know. But it will be an interesting matchup.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
People with commitment issues are the ones obviously voting for “Uncommitted”
I was very pleased to vote against Dean Phillips in Virginia today, and also very pleased to vote for Joe Biden.
One of the Dem voters at my polling place confided she voted for Haley in the Republican primary, because she enjoyed the idea of getting to view against Trump twice. 🙂
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Ice cream Dean having a meltdown
VFX Lurker
Wishing them a trouble-free move, plus safety and happiness in their new home.
Wishing your niece better government in North Carolina.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
Is he on the TV or are you talking about the results?
@Anoniminous: You’ve never seen them because before this year the press never bothered to make “reporting” out of the numbers for a seated president who’s running funadmentally unopposed.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Where are all these Democrats they’re always talking to who don’t want Biden?
My guess? In their own newsrooms.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I feel like we’re all passing the time pretending the presidential primaries are “news” when we’re not learning much new.
@Dan B: Agreed! I come from a long line of teachers, so these issues are especially galling for me.
@Eyeroller: Robinson is a Holocaust denier, while Stein is Jewish.
@Geminid: hmmm
”Bare minimum briefing, March 24th, 2024:
Putin: still bad
Xi: still bad
NATO: still good”
I like it!
I also hope trumpov’s briefing for April 1st is worthy of the day/occasion 🤣
I’ll see your 100% and raise you another 20% 😉
Iowa (unofficial) results: Out of 12,207 votes cast, Biden got 11,083; Phillips got
his expected 12% or 1,464 votes362 votes; Williamson got 268. Uncommitted came in second, with 480.I don’t know that I’d bother to vote if I couldn’t even manage to express a preference.
In Iowa, 90%.
Okay, found it, security briefings are definitely at the discretion of the White House:
A few things: I notice that Steve Garvey has been trying to wedge baseball metaphors into his campaign speeches, which comes off as awkward!, and Nikki Haley has been doing the accordion hands bit, but she’s using a concertina instead. Plus she’s not trying to stand like DJT, so she’s got posture on her side. That is all and yer welcome. ;)
@Jackie: he’s saving it all up for Victor Orban’s visit to Mar-A-Lardass this week.
@Redshift: good for you re: the Biden vote 🙌
Just this once, I selected the um er other party’s ballot (like your Dem confidant) and it felt soooo good. Keep going, Nikki!
You make a good point.
Haley is winning in Vermont and seems to be getting a consistent 20-30% of the Republican vote across the country today.
Seems like there are a lot of Republicans who really don’t like Trump. My guess is that’s why No Labels and Sinema crashed and burned – because polling was showing third candidates likely to take from Trump and not Biden
@different-church-lady: Yes, it’s good to see the narrative that voters want “someone else” be solidly disproven when they have a chance to vote on it, but the percentage isn’t really surprising. The only reason we’re having primaries is because we have a couple of no-names on the ballot.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Baud: Just his snide tweet at the beginning of the post
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon: Anti-Black racism is definitely a problem in most Oregon communities.
It’s the thing that makes me question living here more than anything else. I’m trying to make my corner of the state more welcoming, and I see some progress measured by seeing more Black faces out and about every year.
But so many people are just fucking racist. Fuck racism.
@Ohio Mom:
I vote Poland, OH.
@Jeffro: yeah, the only reason I’ve never voted in the other side is that I couldn’t bear to be on Republican mailing lists. Your vote is secret, but since we have open primaries, which primary you voted in is not, and parties and candidates can use that to guess what your affiliation is.
@Redshift: That is good news!
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
She’s 39, not 29.
She’s also a graduate of Dalton Prep School and Brown University who married a man with more than $100,000,000 in inherited wealth. Dean is her first husband, and she has no children.
I think it’s not hard to look 29 when you’ve been rolling in dough all your life, especially if you haven’t raised any kids.
We’d still be having primaries, but they wouldn’t bother reporting the results.
I predict the new horseshit narrative will be, “There’s more primary turnout for Trump than Biden.”
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@hitchhiker: I guess you can’t believe everything you read (on Balloon Juice)
Uncle Cosmo
When in the last 55+ years have you seen a Presidential primary with only one serious candidate on the ballot? An incumbent to boot? C’mon, man!
You can book it!
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Their preference was for none of the three.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@stinger: Biden was a slam dunk to sweep Iowa after he scored the Caitlin Clark endorsement
Dean may be losing to uncommitted and Williamson everywhere, but he’ll always have Cimarron County Oklahoma.
11 – 6
@karen marie: you googled their ages, but you misread whatever you found, and now this whole thread is full of people who assumed you got it right.
How many delegates does Cimarron County have?
92% for Trump in 2020
@Jackie: Biden should make it clear that the US government will be reviewing its contracts with all Musk entities
@Baud: “Even in the smallest counties, there’s no enthusiasm for Joe Biden” — PRINT IT!
@Eyeroller: Kentucky’s race for Governor last year also featured a white Democrat running against a Black Republican. I expect Andy Beshear’s opponent, Daniel Cameron lost a lot of votes because of his race.
That dynamic will be present in North Carolina, but it could be canceled out by another kind of racism because Josh Stein is Jewish. There are many ways Robinson’s supporters can invoke anti-Semitism and they will probably try them all.
@Redshift: That’s AWESOME NEWS! TIFG will be throwing hissy fits haha!
The “tell” will be if his MAGA pals in congress whisper classified/top secret sweet nuthings in his ear.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@JWR: Notice how none of Garvey’s former teammates have gone to bat for his candidacy.
He’s no Dusty Baker, that’s for sure. Not even Jay Johnstone.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: I was thinking voters could write in a name, but no — you’re right.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: I see what you did there — and I like it!
Of the current top four articles on RawStory, two include the description of “cash-strapped Trump!” One related to no free booze, and the re TIFG going hat in hand begging Musk for 💰💰 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Uncle Cosmo
For a blog that seems to pride itself on its intelligence and sophistication, the clientele gets stuff wrong a distressing percentage of the time. What’s even more distressing is that them as post bad information so rarely get fact-checked, and when they do get called on it, almost never admit they were wrong.
FTR I would not trust “karen marie” as a source for anything without independent confirmation.
Thread yesterday from Priess on the subject.
@Redshift: I hear you and I look forward to answering many GOP pollsters’ questions in the months and years ahead 😁
Btw sometime knucklehead Matt Bai has a really good piece up on the WaPo website at the moment, and I hope our front-pagers make some hay of it in the morning! 😀
@Betty: Even his mother doesn’t want him.
Matt McIrvin
@Anoniminous: Isn’t this pretty typical in primaries with an incumbent President running? Usually there’s no meaningful opposition. If there’s opposition that makes real headway it’s a sign of big trouble.
Matt McIrvin
@Uncle Cosmo: They usually happen, they’re just footnotes in the news at best. I vote in them mostly to make sure my registration is still active and because it’s politically useful to show support.
I would like to ask the people who dislike Harris if Biden should pick Hillary Clinton to run with.
@Jeffro: I read that and agree! In case it isn’t covered by a front pager, here’s the gift link: https://wapo.st/3T7n1BO
Only Trump can do Trump crazy and benefit from it.
I guess he did not come up with the right pitch.
@Uncle Cosmo: …kind of sort of adjacent to that thought .
@bbleh: wow did you ever just curse things.
“It’s just going to be boring with nothing much changing from now to november.”
I’m saving this one.
@BlueGuitarist: Florida has rules for qualifying for a ballot, signatures from all counties, etc. Also deadlines. For the general, parties that got a certain percent in the last election. I think the parties set the rules for primaries within state rules. And it is the state parties not the national…so I imagine it would vary a bit drom state to state. I don’t think the supreme courts ruling impacts that because it’s been going on forever. It just means Cenks backers couldn’t get him on very many ballots. This does mean it’s impossible for him to win. I wonder what his backers think this will accomplish? I don’t even see this as causing disarray . It’s statistical noise. Ballot mistakes could get more votes.
@catclub: There’s a lot of evidence to dispute that claim
@karen marie: You are off by ten years. She is 39.
@prostratedragon: I read that thread and nowhere did I see that the choice of whether to give briefings to candidate Trump will be up to President Biden.
Did I miss something?
Paul in KY
@Math Guy: You good.
Paul in KY
@eclare: His Tinder account…
Paul in KY
@TBone: They couldn’t even respond with ‘Liberal Commie Socialism!’ or some such twaddle.