Trump voter tells NBC that a woman won’t make a good president because she “has no balls to scratch.”
— Acyn (@Acyn) March 5, 2024
That was just the tip of the idiocy I heard while running errands today.
Feel free to post other fun comments you’ve heard from the exit interviews. I’ll try and find video of the woman screaming “Trump” over and over and over.
I need chocolate.
This is an open thread
Yet they oppose trans women. Sheesh.
Based on Stormy Daniel’s’ after-“action” reports, Trump is no great shakes in that department either. So, maybe he’s just projecting? I try to be amused
Welp, at least he’s up front about his misogyny instead of trying to cloak it in bullshit rationalizations.
He seems nice. //
That interview was apparently was not an ironic statement of how women are viewed by some males.
I hope that guy being interviewed has no children and no siblings who might have children. Ugh.
Biden Superfans > Trump Superfans
(Formula also works for Onlyfans)
Quaker in a Basement
Who knew that this was such an important aspect of leading the free world
Personally, I excel in this critical leadership attribute. The dermatologist puts it down as eczema, but nevermind. Vote for me!
John Revolta
Graham, NC
Hey, look everybody! It’s a…………… Graham cracker!
(Oh, come on. Somebody had to say it!)
@Quaker in a Basement:
So, are we supposed to take someone’s word for this attribute?
The sad thing is, of course, that this guy’s views are far from unique.
How the fuck do people like this even manage to put their shoes on properly?
I just read a very satisfying opinion piece at Salon.
A few snippets:
. . .
. . .
This opinion piece reads like a compilation of balloon-juice comments. It’s not just us, other journalists are watching the FYNYT fly off the rails. Or may sink into the depths of hell.
Sometimes I cut and paste certain USA political things to family and friends in Canada and also France. Because people are more pithy and direct than I am usually.
For example, one of them wanted to know why Republicans were sometimes called the GOP. Cut and paste did the trick. Plus some verbiage.
Electoral College. Very briefly, broad cutting, pasting, verbiage.
This Trump voter? I can’t even. I need to walk away right now.
What a sad sack.
“All a woman’s good for, in my book, is havin’ babies and takin’ care of the house.”
Well, give him this, he’s got the Kinder and Küche parts down pat.
zhena gogolia
@Scout211: And I used to see his name in the NYT opinion pages himself.
I just poured milk into the Hershey syrup bottle (full disclosure, it was almost empty) and drank it. I’m not going to make it to Nov
Splitting Image
Three times is enemy action.
Because they want Trump to win. SATSQ
Lucian Truscott IV has got to be the grandson of Lucian Truscott II, who was a general in WW2, he’s gotta be.
Anonymous At Work
@WaterGirl: Nah, the type who, if he had children, they don’t visit for reasons he can’t figure, even when told.
pun intended.
I was reminded today, that with both Sinema and Manchin gone, coupled with McConnell stepping down as Leader, the filibuster is almost guaranteed to be done away with.
GREAT for us if we can hold the Senate, but HORRIBLE for us if the GQP captures the Senate.
More wordy than “The NYT is garbage” but perhaps more persuasive too.
Anonymous At Work
@Scout211: Simple. The Washington Post got a President to resign before being impeached and they are “second-rate” to the NYT. So, until the NYT brings down a sitting President, the NYT has an axe to grind.
Raoul Paste
@TaMara: I hope the chocolate concentration was sufficient
@Raoul Paste: It was, but I also have chocolate-covered almonds on the Costco shopping list. Just in case the stupidity floods in throughout the evening
zhena gogolia
@HumboldtBlue: Yes, he is.
I wish. Even with DiFi gone, there will be somebody else who wants to uphold the traditions of the senate. That ‘almost’ is doing a whole lotta work.
That’s good to read, hopefully it catches on.
Yes. West Point grad.
West of the Rockies
I’m always stunned how people–especially white dudes of a certain age–just stand there all pudgy and pissed and sure of themselves, spouting horse shit and demanding to be treated with deference.
Just the common clay of the New World…
Yum! I have some Lindt white chocolate truffles behind the “break if an emergency” glass. And I went to the liquor store today, so I’m set.
Watching an old episode of The French Chef. It’s Julia chopping onions for onion soup. I’m chopping onions for fried rice. Oops! I cut the Dickens out of my finger 😅😭 and blood starts spurting like I’m Dan Akroyd doing Julia on SNL. What are the odds? I’m ok, it’s wrapped up tight unlike me.
I can’t even with the cult today either.
@catclub: Gallegos and Allred support eliminating the filibuster – should both win their elections. I don’t know of any other Dem senators who would vote against it. Manchin and Sinema were the holdouts we were aware of, anyway.🤷🏼♀️
@Scout211: And by someone named Lucian Truscott IV, no less. Will wonders never cease.
Yours is exactly the sort of enterprising, “make a way out of no way” brilliance that I, for one, am willing to follow all the way to our blue victories in Nov. :)
These people are such goddamn idiotic losers that I’m almost tempted to hope for a targeted measles outbreak amongst them.
I thought I read that Kaine was hiding behind Manchin and Sinema? But maybe he would not want to be the one voting against elimination.
this made me laugh so hard.
You can make it. You can make it.
Hey Tamara, I saw this in yesterday morning’s Politico Playbook:
Should be good.
I don’t even need for it to actually go away all the way.
But, yeah, if we keep the Senate, that muthaphucka has got to do when it comes to
Are your knives sharp? A major cause of kitchen knife accidents are dull knives and backseat cooks.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@SiubhanDuinne: Who says they do?
Support my FIL or get out of the party!
May their donations continue to shrivel up.
THEN, he’s going to have to put on his big boy drawers and inform the good folks of Virginia why Voting Rights and Body Autonomy are less important than a muthaphuckin’ rule in the Senate.
He’s gonna have to say it with his entire chest.
Captain C
Regarding ball scratching vis a vis the Presidency:
First, unless the nuclear button or some other such important thing is located in that area of the President’s anatomy, and scratching them is what sets the nukes (or whatever) off, I fail to see how scratching balls is a necessary skill set for any leadership role, or for anything except relieving itchy balls.
Second, I’m reminded of this scene from Just One of the Guys.
@rikyrah: Exactly!
this is why I want Haley to stay in….the piggy bank will be justoutoftheirreach
@Jay: I bought a set of pretty expensive knives with built-in sharpener. I’m a semi advanced chef, usually very good about curling fingers under and away but my thumb was stubborn today (arthritis sucks).
I’m trying to fit in somewhere today, so here’s a post of more cult nitwits for our viewing pleasure. Taking a short break while I coagulate.
ETA hubby knows how to stay out of the way and does all of the cleanup AFTER I’ve wielded The Knife!
@TaMara: If you like dark chocolate, Tillamook has a new series of dark chocolate ice creams.
Betty Cracker
@eclare: I read the same of Coons, but my guess is they could be persuaded. Both seem like reasonable men, not showboating fart-huffers like Manchin and Sinema.
One of the chief arguments against getting rid of the filibuster is that laws would whipsaw back and forth, depending on which party held the chamber. Bring it on, I say. Let people directly and quickly experience the consequences of their votes. I’m confident that won’t be good for Republicans.
If he’s Christian, and I’m sure he is, than objecting to what he says is 100% anti Christian bigotry.
The Bible not only agrees with him God commands us to live this way. And not just Old Testament God it’s in the New Testament and Jesus himself says women are under men and need to submit.
So since you all want Christianity to remain and don’t like anti Christian bigotry you have ground to stand on criticizing this at all. Jesus said this is how things must be done. It’s not negotiable if you want to follow Christ.
Captain C
Because the people who run it are and have been pro-Nazi shits for at least a century, and want to push whatever shit pro-TiFG narrative they think will get them their tax breaks and make all us lesser people suffer.
Remember, this is the paper which will publish a brilliant and well-researched four-page, multiple byline story on page B23 about how corrupt TiFG’s company is, and then have a bunch of anti-Democratic (and democratic) BS on the front page above the fold, with the headline, “Latest FTFNYT Poll Shows People Distrust Biden Much More Than Trump” with a subhead, “Surely it has nothing to do with our own
falsely humpingcoverage of the issue”Fake Irishman
Warner from Virginia is a likely holdout. Kaine perhaps less so. Angus King from Maine. Might want to check in with some one like Tester. Coons from Delaware would also be hesitant. Carper is retiring
I do get the hesitancy to eliminate it, but it has been used asymmetrically against the Dems and protects the GOP from themselves when they are in power.
(imagine in 2010what the ACA would have looked like without a filibuster; we also would have gotten the Dream Act, some sort of solid version of a climate bill, a stronger Dodd-Frank, no extension of the Bush tax cuts for wealthy folks, probably a good-sized transportation bill and we would have filled judicial vacancies a lot more quickly.)
If I was adept at creating memes I would tweet @ Lucian a picture of John McClane sweaty and bleeding from the 22nd floor of Nakatomi Tower screaming down below: “Welcome To The Party pal!” after dumping the body of a dead terrorist on top of his police car.
@zeecube: dang it, that bathing suit is gonna be tight this year!
going to look it up at my favorite stores.
@eclare: Kaine, King, Warner, Coons, Tester, Bennett, Durbin, Schumer, maybe Hassan, Rosen and Shaheen too- there are plenty of potential miscreants if you want to look at it that way.
Filibuster carve-outs for specific types of legislation could be a different story. But we have to win a majority first, and then have a 50 votes for a bill before I start worrying about hesitant Senators.
Captain C
@Anonymous At Work:
They had such an easy target from 2017-21. It’s almost like they deliberately ignored the opportunity.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I’d be curious. We’re hell bent on the Electricity Uber Alles front here and when people question where that power is coming from, we get a lot of crickets chirping.
CO has reduced coal as a source. Our local, shithead, quasi-monopoly utility, Xcel, actually has less reliance on coal than the overall numbers for the state. And their increase in wind power as a source has also been significant.
You’d think that’s good…ahbut…Xcel fights tooth and nail any opening of residential solar. In fact, Xcel’s solar sources have not increased in 7 years.
Why? In part because they have successfully stopped any opening up of residential solar. They claim “the grid is saturated” wtf that means. What it means is that they make damn sure residences are very limited as to how much capacity then can put up even if the residence has the ability to construct more.
Xcel sees residential solar as cutting into their profit because they won’t own the generating source.
I’d like to see Granholm come out here and lay that all out instead of what’s likely to be another source that only Xcel (or any other utility) will totally control.
In other more positive news, my stickers came today, much larger than I anticipated. Really like them.
@West of the Rockies:
Trump made it okay for them to blab whatever is swimming the goop contained in their skulls.
And by gawd, they’ve got a lot to let out after decades of bottling it in there.
Take it to the bank: stupidity is guaranteed
comrade scotts agenda of rage
There’s a sketchy as all gitout cheap gas station in Lakewood that has a ton of those MAGAt Biden stickers pointing at the gas price.
It could use some of what you just got.
@Captain C:
“Fact-check him.”
“Too obvious, and too hurrrrrrrd!”
Fake Irishman
@Betty Cracker:
That’s my take too. Kaine and Coons actually put their heads down and do the freaking work in a collegial fashion without the need to glorify themselves.
Warner is a bit more precious, but still is results oriented, he played the key role in getting Manchin and Sinema on board with IRA at a really delicate moment, much to the fortune of my kids’ futures.
@TBone: if it starts to happen often, they make “filleting gloves”.
Basically grippy, (for handling fish) composite armour gloves to protect against knife cuts.
They are pretty cheap, washable, and are often sold with a filleting knife.
I have several diamond sharpening stones, different grits). I whet the blade on a knife before every use. Even T, who did not believe in sharp or good quality knives, now does it. One of my filleting knives, ( I have several) came with a self sharpener. I was not impressed with the results.
so cute
Cheryl from Maryland
@Scout211: I read Truscott regularly. A descendant of Thomas and Martha Jefferson, he appeared in the late 1980s at the yearly family reunion at Monticello with every living descendent of Sally Hemings he could find and convince to come. He’s still working to get Sally’s descendants to be equals with Martha’s for the Jefferson family Association, which runs the family burial ground. He’s been heavily involved with getting Monticello itself to interpret the history of the Hemings family and others owned by Jefferson as part of the presentation of the house, including the addition of Ms. Hemings’ room just off Thomas’ bed chamber.
Why wouldn’t there be a “tip of idiocy” from a bunch of dicks? What else do you expect from the ReThugs.
@HumboldtBlue: He is.
@Betty Cracker:
I am all for beating people over their heads with “elections have consequences.” Bring.It.On.
Fake Irishman
Schumer will be like Reid: he’ll wait until his caucus is ready to jump and then he will pounce ruthlessly.
Agreed on some carve outs. Several of those Senators voted to go nuclear on appointments in 2013.
How difficult is it to identify and interview the NYT editors? Or the publisher?
@Timill: they definitely speak a version of ‘Authentic Frontier Gibberish.’
I voted today!
@eversor: I know you are a troll, but Jesus himself never said a single word about women being subservient to men. And his behavior with Mary Magdalene and other women in the Bible showed he viewed women with respect and love. The main person who spouted that nonsense was Paul of Taursas, who obviously had an axe to grind.
@TaMara: super cool! I love that!
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: That sounds like a problem for the Colorado legislature, and I doubt Granholm will address it. She may emphasize ways the federal government makes it possible to do better, but it’s up to Coloradans to change this, it seems to me.
Granholm will probably speak about Infrastructure and IRA bill projects that are breaking ground and hiring workers, or providing tax credits.
Granholm might also talk about the partnership berween the DOE and Colorado’s school of minerals and mines to develop ways of finding and recovering geologic hydrogen. That seems to be a hot topic right now.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Anonymous At Work: If I were a betting woman, I’d say twice divorced and bitter because they left him.
Saw their wedding vows and Eric’s was, “Sure, honey.”
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Yeah, I get that it’s not in Granholm’s wheelhouse, I just wanted a pivot point to rail against the influence our monopoly utility company has over the state legislature.
Another annoying aspect of this is the fact that said legislature makes the usual noises about requiring residential solar on new builds at some point. How’s that gonna play out against the intransigence of the utility company?
And, at least for a while, lots of new builds making up the sprawling megalopolis that is The Front Range, came “solar ready”. My friend has one in some sprawling development in Erie. He would have plopped solar on there in a nanosecond but was told repeatedly (he tried repeatedly) that he could only install so much, basically not more than 75% of his expected electricity needs.
He basically said “fuck that shit” because the idea was to dump that kind of money into a system, get 100% from it, then not have such a long payback. It’s a reason why nobody in his development has installed solar. If the system were more reasonable, all of them would have (he’s on the HOA).
We put solar on our 1905 place and because of layout constraints, only get about 35% overall. We did it in part to sharpen our tree-hugging bona fides but most people wouldn’t have done that.
Most residents when asked, would like more solar options, particularly as the price has come down and the tax credits are still there. It gives our feckless legislature some cover as they can point to all the things they do to “make solar easier” while pretending the regulatory capture Xcel has in truly “making solar easier” doesn’t exist.
@Jay: 💙 the glove is a very good idea! The built-in sharpener thingy sucks and I’m not good with a sharpie (ha ha) stone. Thanks!
Peke Daddy
Like he could find his with the Hubble Space Telescope.
@TaMara: You’ll make it.
If you start using a syringe to pull out the last of the chocolate, and mainline it, let us know and we’ll do an intervention.
Intervention?! I think we should start a club! Chocolate Syrup Mainliners Extraordinaire.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: I’ve seen New Mexico residents make similar complaints. And the conflict between Virginia citizens and the aptly-named “Dominion Energy” plays out in every General Assembly session.
I tend to concentrate on advances in technology. It’s much more fun!
Miss Bianca
So, if I understand it correctly, this Trump voter thinks that the most salient part of being POTUS is…being able and willing to scratch your balls?
Even for Trump supporters, the stoopid there is something else.
@eversor: I know I will regret this but you have a St. Paul problem.The Jesus of the gospels often included women as participants in his ministry, praising them by name. St. Paul was the one spouting rules and regulations, though he did have the central insight that without love a Christian’s profession of faith is like a cymbal clanging (i.e. not a good thing).
Check it out.
ETA what Bella Pea said.
Just came back from voting for Joe Biden and myself. Relaxing with a hot cup of tea
Will Haley win any other primaries? Does she have a chance In Va.
@Miss Bianca: True leadership is to be able and willing to scratch one’s balls, but not do it in public.
@HumboldtBlue: he is
@Scout211: It’s because the NYTs is complicit.
@schrodingers_cat: Virginia should be a good state for Haley, but I will be surprised if she wins.
Then again, Trump held a rally in Richmond Saturday night, and that likely meant at least 10,000 more votes for Haley.
@HumboldtBlue: yes. Father retired as a colonel after serving in Korea and Vietnam.
@eversor: You’re kinda weird, ya know?
@TBone: Find the one where she does asparagus. It’s funny as hell.
Bill Arnold
Thanks. My version of that reply was a bit too snarky to post. Paul (also Ephesians) also advocated for master/slave (not sexual) relationships; this was used to justify chattel slavery in the USA. (That commenter sucks at deicide. If they ask nicely, I’ll give some tips.)
People should distinguish between religious supremacists, in this case Christian Supremacists (in Israel, Jewish Supremacists, Islam is [worse], etc), and the large parts of the mainstream that are willing to coexist.
@TaMara: Love that!
Magnets? Or adhesive?
Diamond stones are really easy to use.
Basically, get your blade angle right, flatter for razor blade sharpness on cutting knives, steeper for chopping knives.
With the stone on the counter, (they have rubber feet) or held in the hand, (with no fingers sticking up), you slide the blade forward while drawing the blade from hilt to tip.
3 times on one side, 3 times on the other side, then 2 each side, then one each side. With practice, takes less than 20 seconds. If you do it every time you go to use a knife, you never have to do the hard honing of restoring a badly damaged edge.
Diamond stones can be used dry, so no muss, no fuss. Easy peasy. They also create a really nice, fine edge. When we were down visiting friends in Arizona, B had me sharpen all her knives with a fancy, smanchy electric knife sharpener. To get a semi sharp blade, man it took a lot of steel off the blades. So after doing that sharpening, I went to the local hardware store and bought B a medium diamond stone.
I showed her all the metal that had been ground off. Took one of the freshly sharpened blades, and cut a slice off a very ripe beefsteak tomato in front of B. It cut a 1/4 inch slice, sort of okay. Then I showed her how to use the stone, wiped the stone with a paper towel so she could see how little steel was removed, then proceeded to cut perfect paper thin slices off the tomato.
Now she uses the stone every time.
@H.E.Wolf: I guess I can go either way on that. :-)
@Miss Bianca: Not literally. HIs issue seems to be that you need to have balls to scratch – no balls, no position of power or influence.
Did you listen to him? I can’t believe anyone would say that stuff out loud and on camera? Women need to be cleaning house and taking care of kids. That’s all they are good for.
won’t tennis balls do in a pinch? They are fuzzy.
Peke Daddy
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Bidirectional tariffs between utilities and rooftop solar exist now, it’s entirely possible to constantly arbitrate the cost to either side do both sides can be fairly paid. It’s even possible to sell power from consumer/producer to consumer/ producer, it’s being done in Netherlands. Utilities can risk people going off grid if they aren’t being treated fairly, with Combined Heat and Power all their needs could be met in a distributed system. They will pull out all the subsidy and regulatory stops for business as usual. Problem is, business as usual is being nibbled to death.
karen marie
@WaterGirl: Well, at the end he does concede that it would be okay for her to be VP, because Trump would guide her. I hope someone sprinkles something unpleasant in his next sandwich.
@karen marie: Women as children and breeders.
We now live in a time where people feel free to utter that out loud. In public. On camera.
Citizen Alan
@BellaPea: Catholicism is the victory of Peter’s Christianity over Paul’s. Protestantism is the victory of Paul’s Christianity over Peter’s. Fundamentalism is the victory of Paul’s Christianity over Christ’s.
Remember everyone: Joe Biden is old.
But he has balls.
@different-church-lady: I will look that up! The fried rice was so good, almost worth the mishap today so all in all it’s a happy ending. I adore Julia, especially her activities in WWII. I also like the movie Julie and Julia.
“She was active in college clubs like the Grass Cops, which kept students off the school’s precious lawn.”
Is it November yet with a Biden/Harris victory, or has the orange shitstain keeled over yet?
No, not yet on both?
Gonna be a long rest of the year…
Dan B
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Seattle’s electric utility is municipally owned. 95% carbon free and working to get rid of the 5% from Montana. There’s a program to put solar on homes and businesses in “cloudy” Seattle. They want more clean energy and local rooftops is available. Grid issues are handled by planning not whining.
My neice lives in North Carolina and you can’t have PV panels visible from the street.
@schrodingers_cat: I doubt Haley will win VA, but she’s definitely received 3 more votes in central VA than anyone on her team expected. 😁
@eversor: I’m feeding the troll, but Jesus never ever said anything like that. He was quite the advocate for women. You’re confusing Paul with Jesus. In the same book, Paul says slaves should obey their masters, a verse Southern Baptists used to justify slavery and why they advocated for a “literal” interpretation of the Bible.
Coming in April…
Yes, but they are wrinkly and not itchy.
Not like Trump’s, which are big and brass and very scratchy.
@Peke Daddy: Adoption of in-home batteries will affect this dynamic, but I’m not sure how.
@TaMara: LOL.
That so needs to be in the tag rotation but it may be too long.
Hell, I’m nominating it anyway.
@catclub: @Jackie: I thought Angus King and iirc Bob Casey were holdouts too.
@Scout211: I just realized: the NYTs isn’t repeating their mistake from 2016 — they’re repeating their mistake from the 1930s.
Anonymous at Work
@Dan B: Seattle has 18 hours of sunlight during spring and summer months. One hour or so for rest of year, though.
@Timill: cool, thanks! I’ll be watching for it.
@Jay: I have a stone and your instructions have inspired me to practice! Thanks again.
@Bill Arnold: The alwaysangry guy claims to have read the New Testament and says it’s what Jesus demands. I don’t believe he has done so, or if he did read it, he didn’t understand or distinguish Jesus from Paul and the other early Church leaders. Also it is not clear that Paul wrote all of the Letters attributed to him. The consensus among scholars seems to be that he wrote 7 of the 13 (or about half) of the Letters.
The thing about women in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 (women shall be silent in church etc.) is widely believed by biblical scholars to have been inserted later. Even if it was dictated by Paul, it is contradictory to some other passages in the Pauline letters.
So alwaysangry guy just parrots the Evangelical interpretation without looking into actual Biblical scholarship. No surprise there.
Plus yanno Paul wasn’t actually Jesus. That fact seems to be a problem for a lot of Christianity. In some ways we should perhaps call a lot of the sects Paulianity.
The (or at least a) solution is to combine solar panels with batteries. The utility can’t plead “grid limits” because you aren’t on the grid.
@WaterGirl: Did you catch he corrected the reporter to “females”, not women. So, definitely livestock that cleans his house.
How the fuck do people like this even manage to put their shoes on properly?
How do you know that they do?
@Glidwrith: Yes, that made it even more offensive. Certainly not full human beings.
Paul in KY
@Baud: Ha! They should have asked the POS that.
Paul in KY
@Splitting Image: The Times (IMO) wants TFG to win as they see that as good for Likud Israel.
Paul in KY
@TaMara: Like em! Gonna get me one.
Paul in KY
@Jay: I just try to remind myself “the effing knife is very sharp. Be careful!!!”
Paul in KY
@BellaPea: Paul of Tarsus was the worst thing to happen to Christianity, IMO.
Paul in KY
@Miss Bianca: He’s saying that in his goober mind, only men should apply for job of POTUS.