We have an obligation to the Afghan allies and their families who aided us during 20 years of war. Cutting back on the number of visas available to them sends a message to the world: just because you stand by us doesn’t mean we’ll stand by you. https://t.co/l5UlJjUjv4
— Senator Chris Coons (@ChrisCoons) March 14, 2024
Not soon enough, not nearly as many as required… but still good news.
Breaking news: The White House and congressional leaders have agreed to grant 12,000 Special Immigrant Visas for Afghan nationals who assisted the United States, according to six sources.
The provision is tucked into the State Department and Foreign Operations funding bill
— Max Cohen (@maxpcohen) March 19, 2024
Per the Associated Press, “Senators warn more visas are urgently needed for Afghans who aided the US in the war”:
… In a letter obtained by The Associated Press, more than a dozen Republican and Democratic senators said Congress needs to raise the limit on the number of special immigrant visas the U.S. can process for Afghans. They said an additional 20,000 are needed before the end of the fiscal year in September.
“This critical program has already saved the lives of thousands of Afghans who served with bravery and honor alongside United States troops and diplomats in support of the mission in Afghanistan,” the lawmakers, led by Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, a New Hampshire Democrat, wrote in the letter to Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. “We must now uphold our commitment to these individuals and ensure that those qualified applicants are able to find safety in the United States.”
The Biden administration has also called on Congress to act swiftly. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters [last] Thursday that “even though our war in Afghanistan ended, our commitment to Afghans and our commitment to those who helped us in that war has not ended.” …
The special immigrant visa, or SIV, program allows eligible Afghans who helped Americans despite great personal risk to themselves and their loved ones to apply for entry into America with their families. Eligible Afghans include interpreters for the U.S. military as well as individuals integral to the American embassy in Kabul.
While the program has existed since 2009, the number of applicants skyrocketed after the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021. With the Taliban now back in power, advocates say Afghans who helped the U.S. are often living in hiding and facing torture and death if they’re found.
Shaheen and her fellow Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware have been focused on this issue since the withdrawal, working closely with advocates — so far with no success — to tailor legislation to the varying needs of allies. In a statement to the AP, Coons pointed to the urgency of the issue, saying that “every day that passes without Congress taking action, we risk the lives of Afghan partners who deserve our thanks.”…
This is good news.
Why did it take this long? Why only 12,000? It has overwhelming public support, so who is blocking it from being more? I’m guessing Mike Lee and Rand Paul, but I am willing to hate more assholes if some reporter will just name names.
That is WONDERFUL news! 👏🏻👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻
Do not tell me that cutting back on Afghan supporters’ visas was a Biden idea, because I was not born yesterday and I was born into a Republican family.
Somebody ( RW) tied up funding.
Very good news.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I would assume such Afghans are still in Afghanistan and if so, are they alive? I would have assumed the retribution by the Taliban wouldn’t have been nice as referred to in the piece. And now, if Afghans there trying to hide their previous association with the infidel are expected to come out of the woodwork?
We don’t even have an open embassy there.
This is obviously good news and something we shoulda done a while back but man, the proverbial devil is in the details on making this come to fruition.
@Shalimar: Celebrate the positive! Sheesh
12,000 is hopefully the beginning – not the end.
VERY good news!
Now that their impeachment BS has failed, look to the GOP to try and resurrect complaints about Biden getting us out of that forever war (instead of just…helping…by raising the # of visas)
Senator Shaheen did a solid. She was considered the most vulnerable senator last cycle, but Sununu didn’t run and the Republicans put up a wack job instead. Glad we will have her for a while longer.
@Jackie: I am happy for the 12,000, but that line about needing an estimated 20,000 more in the next 6 months really bothers me. Because this is clearly the compromise to get something done. I really don’t think there will be more.
OT but a good overall reminder (and well worth putting in your RWNJ relatives’ faces, hint hint): if you want to know what trumpov would do in a 2nd term…just listen to what he’s saying:
*this has not received nearly the attention it should…we’re talking about an American president having an American general (excuse me, General) executed for being more loyal to the Constitution than to trumpov.
No more double standards for trumpov’s violent rhetoric!
Omnes Omnibus
@Shalimar: Maybe no more under this Congress. What about the next?
@Jeffro: It’s already began 😡
Just the first paragraph of what we can expect to read/hear for X number of days.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Many of them got out with their families, to Iran, Kazakhistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, etc, and are basically stranded in refugee camps.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Ah, okay. Hopefully this will expedite their entry.
@Jeffro: Yeah, those appallingly hypocritical, craven, lying attacks on Biden for carrying through the lovely parting gift bigly deal tffg had made before leaving office.
Bill Arnold
That deal was also a quid pro quo deal, for Trump’s perceived political gain – no attacks on American forces in Afghanistan during the 2020 election cycle, in return for withdrawal of US forces.
A withdrawal which Trump boasted about Spring 2021; he bragged about tying the hands of his successor.
Ohio Mom
There is one Afghani resturant in Cincinnati. It is in a strip mall in an far off (to us) exurb, and when we asked the proprietor how he came to live in Cincinnati, he gave a roundabout answer that suggested he had helped American soldiers.
It’s good food and reasonably priced. I’m not sure it’s the best neighborhood for him, there weren’t a lot of other customers the two night we were there. But he’s made it this far…
@NotMax: 🤞🏻🤞🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Dan B
I’d hope that LGBT+ Afghans could get Visas. There are stories of what the Taliban did. And it wouldn’t be safe for them in Refugee camps. I believe that there is a group in Canada working to get them to safety.
Nukular Biskits
Indeed. We owe those Afghans who assisted us a huge debt of gratitude and this is the least we could do.
Good question. The AP piece doesn’t say. I did a quick check on my Congresscritters to see if they had anything to say one way or another but they’re mum.
@Omnes Omnibus: That is my understanding of the story, though I don’t see it noted explicitly. The new fiscal year starting in October brings a new quota, and new opportunity to increase it to finally cover everyone. It isn’t hopeless, but Democrats have to win because Republicans cannot be trusted to do anything positive.
Happy Peter Navarro Reports to Federal Prison Day to all who celebrate. I’ve requested a postage stamp be issued to commemorate.
It’s an interesting feeling for someone you know personally to go to prison and to be elated by that news, but that’s where I am. I hope his prison stay is free from abuse, and yet still be as miserable as possible.
@NotMax: Jesus, how committed to the cause do you have to be to face a decade in prison to avoid a very small, free shot.
@Martin: Does he still have tenure?
@Dan B:
There are links.
I’m trying to pace myself – good chance of a LOT of champagne evenings ahead this year – but I did have a second glass of wine this evening with dinner! ;)
There will be so very many new holidays on the calendar by the time we’re done here, peeps. It’s exciting to *hic* think about!
@schrodingers_cat: He’s emeritus, so no. He did try and come back to teach a summer class (bypasses the typical hiring process) after they lost the election and someone who will remain nameless made sure that everyone who would be outraged by that was notified. That idea lasted about 3 days before enough pressure was applied for it to be cancelled.
Omnes Omnibus
@Shalimar: Add it to the fucking list of reasons that we need to win.
@HumboldtBlue: pedal to the metal, Senate! confirm your brains out!!
@Nukular Biskits:
I would assume the man who currently tells GOP members of congress how to vote. He also did some pot/kettle/black in relation to the Australian ambassador
Rudd is not my favorite politician but he is highly educated and intelligent. He’s also a micro manager which was his downfall in Australia.
@Martin: Thank you nameless person! Was Navarro always such a crackpot?
Miss Bianca
@HumboldtBlue: Woot!
@Bill Arnold:
to which I can only add, I hope that Biden/Harris 2024 is ready to respond with (and only with) the clip of trumpov bragging about tying Biden’s hands with the withdrawal.
I know the snooze media will belabor and ‘both sides’ it all, and of course the lying Republicans will lie endlessly, but if even a fraction of the country hears the real truth, it’ll help.
99% of Americans have no idea of the truth about any of it, I’m sure.
@HumboldtBlue: 👍🏻
Pete Downunder
@TS: Rudd was always a controversial figure as PM (twice) in Labor governments. He is fluent in Mandarin and definitely smart but has a personal style which annoyed almost everyone who worked with him. He loathes Trump.
178. Veronica Escobar
179. Sharice Davids
180. Mary Sattler Peltola
181. Dean Phillips
182. Katie Porter
If you took Traveler’s advice and wrote your reps about signing discharge petition 9, be advised that these reps signed today. Thanks for the nudge Traveler
Full list of signers here.
@HumboldtBlue: @Jeffro: (Soon-to-be) Judge Berner will be an excellent addition to the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals!
Now I wish we could get to 13 Justices (to match the number of circuits). Two to be appointed by the President elected on 5 November 2024, and another two to be appointed by the President elected on 7 November 2028.
@Martin: We’re celebrating the Equinox, but an extra toast or two is lagniappe!
@Jeffro: Yes! I remember that! “Let’s leave it for the next guy.”
(Which could also be used as evidence in the Elections Interference trial that TIFG KNEW he’d lost the election!)
@rekoob: 110% on expanding to 13 Justices!
Here’s hoping that in Biden II (Ice Cream Boogaloo), we get an expanded SCOTUS, an expanded House, and several more states!
NYT just called OH Rep Senate primary for the Trumpist crazy.
i think that counts as good. Iirc Brown does.
Trump endorsed Moreno won primary in Ohio. ETA: I’m curious to see which Rethug won primary in OH#2. 11 candidates ran. One of them would not be bad at all (the son of the doctor who invented the Heimlich maneuver).
West of the Rockies
You know that vile dude? I bet he’s a hoot at parties. //
Another Scott
Fight for 15!!
Meanwhile, … RFERL.org:
I’m shocked, shocked.
Ohio Mom
@Kathleen: Yeah, Pete Heimlich is a proud Never Trumper. Would I have asked for a Republican ballot to support him if I was still in the second district? I am glad I never had to wrestle with that question.
Kayla Rudbek
@AlaskaReader: thanks for the list, and I should go thank my representative for signing.
@Kathleen: Sorry, if they haven’t renounced their Party by now they have no redeeming value at all, …none.
@bbleh: I know the theory that Moreno will be easiest to beat, and I guess Democrats were pushing him for this reason. I kinda hate that theory, though, because didn’t we think Trump was the easiest to beat in 2016? We could end up with Moreno winning! I know state politics are different, the electoral college, etc and Sherrod is very popular, but I still don’t like it.
@Ohio Mom: Isn’t it Phil and not Pete who ran?
Jeff Bezo’s ex-wife was in the news today in Chicago. She gave 35 million to various local groups. The article did casually mention it was part of the 640 million* she was handing out. Pocket change to real billionaires not so for you know who.
* she has given away 16.5 billion
Harrison Wesley
The Goon Squad I find here in FL is a high-octane local beer sold in Publix. The MS Goon Squad is a rather different creature, and sounds like it’s about to have a long-overdue encounter with Consequences.
I see TIFG won in FL. I’m waiting to see if Haley got more votes than Pudd’n Boots – assuming they were still on the ballot. I’m hoping Nikki got more 😁
Nominated! (I really hope it isn’t too long for a rotating tag because LOL!)
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Jackie: your wish is granted
[WaPo gift link]
@Eunicecycle: point taken, but I think there’s a world of difference in this case, including that many (including Brown iirc) think Moreno is most likely to alienate non-MAGA voters and that Dems were indeed complacent in 2016 but definitely are NOT so now.
@Delk: a nonprofit in my area received a grant from the former Mrs. Bezos. The organization got a call one day from her staff, and the executive director thought it was a joke!
@bbleh: oh I am very hopeful about the outcome but I never want to feel again like I felt that fateful November 2016 day.
@Eunicecycle: lol indeed, but I think there are tens of millions of Dems who feel exactly the same way, and fear is a great motivator.
@AlaskaReader: Thanks for the list and for keeping that topic in the comments! I had called my Rep. a month or so ago, happy to see him on there. And Tom Suozzi signed on the first day, too, HAH!
I forget how many signers they need in total, is it 216?
Added details for clarity.
@Harrison Wesley: I was assured by Chief Justice Roberts that we no longer live in a racist world – was he wrong?
@Lyrebird: I think it’s 218 but I’m no expert.
Link PDF
I’ll continue drinking my beer to that!
Harrison Wesley
@cain: Now, that’s not fair – you’re taking him literally. And might be thinking of some “woke” definition of “racism.” It’s these sorts of terrible verbal injuries that FL’s Puddinghands of the White Boots seeks to prevent, so that impressionable white school children don’t have their feelings hurt.
Fake Irishman
@Jeffro: at least two more district court judges this week, maybe as many as four. (Two would be in Texas)
Biden has gotten 41 appeals court judges through. That’s not as many as Trump, but solid for this point in a presidency.
@Mr. Bemused Senior: YAY! 😂
Haley beat Pudd’n Boots by 10 pts!😂🤣😂
Fake Irishman
we could probably flip 2-3 appeals courts too, and take some of the crazy out of the fifth and eighth circuits.
Just spent about 24 hours travelling with my son to Taiwan to catch up with my wife & her side of the family for a couple weeks, so I get the UTC+8 Balloon Juice experience rather than my traditional UTC-8 one (yes, I know, but PDT is an abomination). I’m sure I’ll have lots of spare time to enjoy Failure To Post Bond Day next week…
By the way, has anyone seen this tweet? I suppose could be an AI Hoacks Which Hunt, but it looks a lot like TFG caught on a hot mic praising his BFF Kim Jong-Un:
Or develop empathy, but I’m sure that’s just an unfortunate oversight… 😵
@Ohio Mom: I thought about that too!