In essence, this makes it easy to figure out what they’re up to. They’re telling us, almost every time! You just have to be able to see them upside down and backwards.
I’m starting to think MTG has a space laser.
@Baud: that’s a reflection from Dark Brandon’s laser focus. Oops. Deflection. She should just defect and get it over with .
And I’ll bet the cops didn’t drag that Rethug guy down to the police station in handcuffs, even.
Fuck all these racists.
Hmmmm. I wonder what the difference is between those two people. I’m sure it’s right in front of me, but I just don’t quite see it. IOKIYAR indeed.
Melancholy Jaques
Did Crystal Mason actually do time or was she released while her appeal was pending?
@Melancholy Jaques: Even if she didn’t spend a day in jail, she certainly got punished with court time and celebrity status for following the law.
@Melancholy Jaques: I think she spent some months back in prison pending her appeal.
hells littlest angel
The poor guy got sentenced to 45 years in prison, right?
Carlo Graziani
The trouble is that the one traditional consensus that unites the Republican party—officials and knucklehead voters—is that when a Black person votes, that is voter fraud. More Black voting means more voter fraud. It’s a simple syllogism, for which no evidentiary basis is needed, and against which no evidence to the contrary can prevail.
The poor guy got sentenced to 45 years in prison, right?
Actually, he was, but had it reduced to zero for “good behavior,” time served, and “being non-woke.” Plus he got an apology from the court.
Of course, the interesting — but not surprising — thing is that he became a grand poobah in the Rethug hierarchy after his conviction for felony forgery.
After Mason was arrested in 2017, she lost her job at a bank. She was also sent back to federal prison for several months for being arrested while on probation for a federal crime. During that time, she almost lost her home to foreclosure
It’s more than just the accusations being confessions. The accusations are there to excuse their behavior beyond its own distracting whataboutism. Democrats stuff ballot boxes on false registrations all the time, allegedly, and so shall I. They’ve gone sonfar convincing the stupid among them that it’s happening and it works
Republicans, having fully normalized toxicity in all its forms with no consequences, have now moved onto criminality.
How many state vice chairs are felons still on probation in the Democratic Party. I’m guessing zero since it would be national “news” “demonstrating” that Democrats are “soft on crime”.
@smith: I adore her. Link is not working for me (privacy browser issue, mebbe?). ETA: Never mind, I got there.
Process crime. Clearly, if they’re in the middle of a process, it’s very likely a criminal one. I mean, they work at it: they’re not flash in the pan, one and done criminals. They’re enterprising criminals.
I saw that the vice chairman had voted like 9x illegally the other day, but hadn’t seen the news about Mrs Mason. Hopefully it’s expunged from her record. Ofc we all knew it was fucked up, and I’m glad MSNBC reported on it as much they did over the years.
In 2022, she said in a statement that her life “has been upended for what was, at worst, an innocent misunderstanding.”
Yeah, that’s the thing. There was absolutely no reason to put her back behind bars. AFAIK there was no indication that she was or would become either violent or a flight risk. And they didn’t give her a scrap of the benefit of the doubt — didn’t (again, AFAIK) seek clarity from the parole officer who gave her misleading information in the first place. I was incandescent about this whole story when it first broke years ago, and I’m furious now that it’s taken so long to clear her name. Grrrrr.
the people who told her to vote and then reported her should be sent to jail.
like what’s the restitution for this? We also talk about how it’s going to take an equally long time to unfuck it as it took to do it. 250+ years to undue this? I just…
I’m not sure restitution flows down power dynamics, only across and up.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@SiubhanDuinne: There was absolutely no reason to put her back behind bars.
To them, there was. It’s called the chilling effect.
A person of authority should get extra hard sentence since he was in a trusted position and for him to be voting illegally. I mean he definitely should be convicted and his jail sentence should be at least 5 years.
Also, this is kind of interesting on the Gaza front. I did not know that the PA had a program that pays people if they get hurt or killed while attacking Israelis.
The accusations aren’t just confessions, they’re prior justification for future crimes. In the last several election cycles, with all the big name Republicans making public statements about all the dead people voting in Democratic districts, you wind up with these drunk on the Koolaid small fry who wind up voting on behalf of their dead wife or mother because “THEY do it” so it was up to them to even the odds.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@JoyceH: you wind up with these drunk on the Koolaid small fry who wind up voting on behalf of their dead wife or mother because “THEY do it” so it was up to them to even the odds.
Make sure to change into a new fake mustache between voting as your wife then mother…
O/T, just saw that Louis Gossett Jr has died at 87. What a really great actor he was. Don’t know much about his personal life, but he always seemed like a person I would like to know. RIP, and condolences to his loved ones and legions of admirers
@SiubhanDuinne: There was absolutely no reason to put her back behind bars.
Actually, there was. If you get convicted of another crime while on parole, you go back to jail. Period.
You may think that’s a terrible law. (I don’t necessarily disagree. At least in some cases.) If so, work to get it changed. But don’t fault the people who are merely following the kaw.
@wjca: Yes, there is discretion on the part of the parole officer. He or she could have held off on violating her parole but once she was convicted on the voting charge, especially if it was a felony, then they would have to file the violation. However, the parole officer could have recommended to the court NOT to send her back to prison, so he/she had some discretion left to them in their recommendation. I don’t know if the judge has any room to maneuver though. It depends on the jurisdiction I think.
@SiubhanDuinne: She also cast a provisional ballot, so she was absolutely charged for voting while Black.
@sdhays: The voting charges are from 2008 to 2010, which seems like before he was Vice Chairman.
It also seems weird to be convicting him now for voting 14-16 years ago. Seems weird pretty much sums up this story.
@sdhays: The voting was in 2008-2010, which is probably before he got the Vice Chairman job, and definitely way before other voting crimes that are being prosecuted in 2024.
Georgia is strange.
“After Mason was arrested in 2017, she lost her job at a bank. She was also sent back to federal prison for several months for being arrested while on probation for a federal crime. During that time, she almost lost her home to foreclosure.” The Guardian
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In essence, this makes it easy to figure out what they’re up to. They’re telling us, almost every time! You just have to be able to see them upside down and backwards.
I’m starting to think MTG has a space laser.
@Baud: that’s a reflection from Dark Brandon’s laser focus. Oops. Deflection. She should just defect and get it over with .
And I’ll bet the cops didn’t drag that Rethug guy down to the police station in handcuffs, even.
Fuck all these racists.
Hmmmm. I wonder what the difference is between those two people. I’m sure it’s right in front of me, but I just don’t quite see it. IOKIYAR indeed.
Melancholy Jaques
Did Crystal Mason actually do time or was she released while her appeal was pending?
@Melancholy Jaques: Even if she didn’t spend a day in jail, she certainly got punished with court time and celebrity status for following the law.
@Melancholy Jaques: I think she spent some months back in prison pending her appeal.
hells littlest angel
The poor guy got sentenced to 45 years in prison, right?
Carlo Graziani
The trouble is that the one traditional consensus that unites the Republican party—officials and knucklehead voters—is that when a Black person votes, that is voter fraud. More Black voting means more voter fraud. It’s a simple syllogism, for which no evidentiary basis is needed, and against which no evidence to the contrary can prevail.
@Melancholy Jaques: Good question. I googled and can’t find info.
@hells littlest angel:
Actually, he was, but had it reduced to zero for “good behavior,” time served, and “being non-woke.” Plus he got an apology from the court.
Of course, the interesting — but not surprising — thing is that he became a grand poobah in the Rethug hierarchy after his conviction for felony forgery.
@SFAW: Process crime.
OT, but in honor of the day:
Mrs. Betty Bowers@BettyBowers
Trump supporters keep saying Donald is just like Jesus. Today would be the best day ever to prove it.
Well, yeah, of course.
If TFG made good on his “promise” to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue, his cult would claim that was a “process crime,” too.
MSNBC has the info, somewhat.
It’s even more disgusting that a Texas court is letting Ken Paxton off the hook with community service and a fine. Where is the justice?
@SFAW: The bullet was only following the order it got from the gun. The finger pulling the trigger will be a holy relic.
@Baud: The Guardian has this:
@Melancholy Jaques: @Baud:
I read earlier that she did spend time in prison. Because she was arrested while she was on parole, she was sent back to prison.
I believe it was for a period of months for that. It may have been longer than that, I’m not sure, but she was in prison for this.
@Betty: But… rumor is, that he’s White.
@Lavocat: I’m sure you can’t. We don’t see color, right? #republican
@smith: Thanks.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
It’s more than just the accusations being confessions. The accusations are there to excuse their behavior beyond its own distracting whataboutism. Democrats stuff ballot boxes on false registrations all the time, allegedly, and so shall I. They’ve gone sonfar convincing the stupid among them that it’s happening and it works
Republicans, having fully normalized toxicity in all its forms with no consequences, have now moved onto criminality.
How many state vice chairs are felons still on probation in the Democratic Party. I’m guessing zero since it would be national “news” “demonstrating” that Democrats are “soft on crime”.
@Baud: asked and answered above, so deleted mine.
@smith: I adore her. Link is not working for me (privacy browser issue, mebbe?). ETA: Never mind, I got there.
Process crime. Clearly, if they’re in the middle of a process, it’s very likely a criminal one. I mean, they work at it: they’re not flash in the pan, one and done criminals. They’re enterprising criminals.
@Melancholy Jaques: She did a couple months before release from jail.
I saw that the vice chairman had voted like 9x illegally the other day, but hadn’t seen the news about Mrs Mason. Hopefully it’s expunged from her record. Ofc we all knew it was fucked up, and I’m glad MSNBC reported on it as much they did over the years.
@Melancholy Jaques:
What an absolute Rethuglican pile of shit.
Yeah, that’s the thing. There was absolutely no reason to put her back behind bars. AFAIK there was no indication that she was or would become either violent or a flight risk. And they didn’t give her a scrap of the benefit of the doubt — didn’t (again, AFAIK) seek clarity from the parole officer who gave her misleading information in the first place. I was incandescent about this whole story when it first broke years ago, and I’m furious now that it’s taken so long to clear her name. Grrrrr.
the people who told her to vote and then reported her should be sent to jail.
like what’s the restitution for this? We also talk about how it’s going to take an equally long time to unfuck it as it took to do it. 250+ years to undue this? I just…
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
I’m not sure restitution flows down power dynamics, only across and up.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
To them, there was. It’s called the chilling effect.
A person of authority should get extra hard sentence since he was in a trusted position and for him to be voting illegally. I mean he definitely should be convicted and his jail sentence should be at least 5 years.
Also, this is kind of interesting on the Gaza front. I did not know that the PA had a program that pays people if they get hurt or killed while attacking Israelis.
The accusations aren’t just confessions, they’re prior justification for future crimes. In the last several election cycles, with all the big name Republicans making public statements about all the dead people voting in Democratic districts, you wind up with these drunk on the Koolaid small fry who wind up voting on behalf of their dead wife or mother because “THEY do it” so it was up to them to even the odds.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Make sure to change into a new fake mustache between voting as your wife then mother…
Steve in the ATL
Appropriate musical accompaniment
O/T, just saw that Louis Gossett Jr has died at 87. What a really great actor he was. Don’t know much about his personal life, but he always seemed like a person I would like to know. RIP, and condolences to his loved ones and legions of admirers
Actually, there was. If you get convicted of another crime while on parole, you go back to jail. Period.
You may think that’s a terrible law. (I don’t necessarily disagree. At least in some cases.) If so, work to get it changed. But don’t fault the people who are merely following the kaw.
Melancholy Jaques
Appreciate everyone doing my research for me.
I was curious because I felt she might be entitled to some compensation, but probably not in a place like Texas.
Her story should be a short educational ad about Republicans’ claims of voter fraud.
Melancholy Jaques
Are you suggesting there is no discretion in such cases?
Ms. Deranged in AZ
@Melancholy Jaques:
@wjca: Yes, there is discretion on the part of the parole officer. He or she could have held off on violating her parole but once she was convicted on the voting charge, especially if it was a felony, then they would have to file the violation. However, the parole officer could have recommended to the court NOT to send her back to prison, so he/she had some discretion left to them in their recommendation. I don’t know if the judge has any room to maneuver though. It depends on the jurisdiction I think.
@Carlo Graziani:
This. It’s not even projection, though they occasionally use it to justify their cheating.
When they see a black person vote, they know in their heart that must be cheating. After that they only need to imagine a justification.
Sister Golden Bear
@SiubhanDuinne: She also cast a provisional ballot, so she was absolutely charged for voting while Black.
@sdhays: The voting charges are from 2008 to 2010, which seems like before he was Vice Chairman.
It also seems weird to be convicting him now for voting 14-16 years ago.
Seems weird pretty much sums up this story.
@sdhays: The voting was in 2008-2010, which is probably before he got the Vice Chairman job, and definitely way before other voting crimes that are being prosecuted in 2024.
Georgia is strange.
“After Mason was arrested in 2017, she lost her job at a bank. She was also sent back to federal prison for several months for being arrested while on probation for a federal crime. During that time, she almost lost her home to foreclosure.” The Guardian